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Lasers in Orthodontics
    Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Several decades ago: the laser was a DEATH RAY

    the ultimate weapon of


something you would

only find in a science

    fiction story
Today the laser is used :                   - in the scanners at the grocery store,

                                            - in compact disc players, and as

                   - a pointer for lecturer and above all
                   - in medical and dental field
‫أوائل حروف الكلمات‬

                         ‫االسم المختصر‬
                                                    Amplification by


                                                       Emission of

          )‫(تضخٌم الضوء بانبعاث اإلشعاع المحفز‬           Radiation

“is a mechanism for emitting light within the electromagnetic
radiation spectrum, via the process of stimulated emission”.
‫براعة فرٌدة‬                       ‫وإمكانات هائلة‬
           The Unique Versatility and           Vast Potential of Dental Lasers

                                                          ‫ٌتٌح إجراءات عدٌدة تعزز من نجاح العالج‬
                                ALLOWS many procedures

                                     that enhance

                             overall treatment success

       Thus, lasers have
       become an
       indispensable             ‫ال غنى عنه‬
       clinical tool in an
‫عتاد‬   armamentarium
History of Lasers
                    begins similarly to much of
                    modern physics, with Einstein
History of Lasers

       in 1964
   The Nobel Prize
      awarded to
Townes, Basor and Prokhovov

 for the development of the laser
History of Lasers

                                    Food and Drug Administration

       in 1964
   The Nobel Prize
      awarded to
Townes, Basor and Prokhovov

 for the development of the laser
Light is a form of electromagnetic energy = particle and a wave

       Ordinary light (lightbulb)                     Laser light
                                          monochromatic         ‫أحادي اللون‬
composed of many wavelengths              consists of a single wavelength

unfocused or incoherent                   Coherent       ‫متماسكة‬
                                          (identical in physical size, shape,
                                          and synchronicity)
Properties of LASERS

1. Coherent:               all waves are in certain phase relationship to each
                           other both in space and time

2. Mono- chromatic:        all waves are of same frequency and wavelength

3. Collimated:             all the emitted waves are PARALLEL and the beam
                           divergence is very low

4. Excellent               When a calcified tissue for eg. dentin is exposed to
concentration of           the laser of high energy density, the beam is
energy:                    concentrated at a particular point without
                           damaging the adjacent tissues even though a lot of
                           temperature is produced ie 800-900oC

5. Zero entropy

     Entropy= ‫أدق وصف لإلنتروبً أنها مقٌاس لعدم االنتظام‬
Typical Laser Oscillator
                                                                           energy SOURCE
A laser is composed of three principal parts:

             High reflecting rear mirror
                                                       Partially reflecting output coupler

                                optical cavity or RESONATOR

                 LASING MEDIUM             ‫مادة تولٌد اللٌزر‬

                                                       - Gas (CO2)
                                                       - Liquid (dye)
                                                       - Solid (Ho: YAG)
                                                       - Semiconductor (diode)

                                           The WAVELENGTH and other properties of the laser
In the case of dental lasers:
                                                                        Hollow Waveguide
the laser light is delivered from the laser to the target tissue via:
a fiber-optic cable, hollow waveguide, or articulated arm

                                                                            Articulated Arm
Laser Classification & Types
              laser devices are classified according to:
               their Potential To Cause Biological Damage, as follows:

Class 1   Safe under all reasonably        laser pointers and
          anticipated conditions of use    supermarket UPC

Class 2   - Emits light in the visible     laser printers and CD,
              light spectrum               DVD, and BD players
          -   It is presumed that the      and readers
              human blink reflex will be
              sufficient to prevent
              damaging exposure,
              although prolonged
              viewing may be dangerous
Class 3   - Produces light of such intensity that direct viewing   Dental Argon Curing
             of the beam can potentially cause serious harm.       Light
          - requires special training and eye protection

Class 4   - Produce high-powered light that is hazardous to        Nearly all medical and
             view at all times.                                    dental lasers fall into
          - Exposure to the eye or skin by both direct and         this category
             scattered laser beams of this intensity, even those
             produced by reflection from diffusing surfaces,
             must be avoided at all times

I. Based on wavelength

           With a wave length around 632mm
1. Soft    Soft lasers are lower power lasers. Eg: He
lasers     Ne, Gallium arsenide laser
           These are employed to relieve pain and
           promote healing eg. In Apthous ulcers

           Lasers with well known laser systems for
           possible surgical application are called as
           hard lasers. Eg: CO2, Nd: YAG, Argon,
           Er:YAG etc.
LASERS TYPES                         excimer ='excited dimer'

                                                      ‫ ومثار أي دٌمر مثار‬dimer ‫أختصار كلمتً دٌمر‬
 II. Base don the type of active / lasing medium used         ”‫والدٌمر ٌعنً "ثنائً الوحدات‬

193 nm         1. ArF excimer
248 nm         2. KrF excimer            ‫لٌزر إكسٌمر‬
308 nm         3. XeCl excimer

351- 528 nm    4. Argon ion

(KTiOPO4)      5. KTP     Potassium titanyl phosphate
694.3 nm        6. Ruby          ‫ٌاقوت‬
1064 nm        7. Nd: YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet
               8. HO: YAG
               9. YSGG
               10. Er: YAG        Erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet

               11. CO2
Laser Interaction with Biologic Tissues
LASER can have four different interactions with a target tissue

                                                             ،‫انتقال لطاقة اللٌزر مباشرة من خالل األنسجة‬
 - weakening of energy                                              ‫بدون أي تأثٌر على النسٌج المستهدف‬

                           Laser Effects on Tissue

- Possible undesirable transfer of

  heat to adjacent nontarget tissue

                                                                          ‫إعادة توجٌه الشعاع قبالة سطح‬
                                                                     ‫األنسجة، بدون أي تأثٌر على النسٌج‬
     the interaction that is of primary interest                                             ‫المستهدف‬
Absorption requires:

                   an absorber of light, termed a chromophore   ‫حامل اللون‬

 The primary chromophores in intraoral soft tissue are:
               - Melanin
               - Hemoglobin
               - Water

           1. Thermal effects:

          2. Mechanical effects:

           3. Chemical effects:
1. Thermal effects:

The best known laser effect in dentistry is the thermal vaporization of tissue
by absorbing laser light i.e. the laser energy is converted into thermal energy
or heat that destroys the tissues

Tissue Temperature (° C )      Observed effect

                               Denaturation occurs ‫تمسخ‬
45° – 60°      →
                               Coagulation and necrosis
>60°           →
                               Water inside tissue Vaporizes
100° C         →
                               Carbonization and later Phyrolysis with
300° C         →
                               Vaporization of bulky tissues
Laser Selection for Orthodontic Applications
Selection of the most appropriate laser for orthodontic applications is
                    ideally determined by examining Four Important Factors:

             - Procedure Specificity

‫ - سهولة التشغٌل‬Ease of Operation

 ‫ - القابلٌة للنقل‬Portability

             - Cost
Many laser systems are available today           ‫اختٌار اللٌزر لتطبٌقات تقوٌم األسنان‬

                 each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks

                The most common lasers used in dentistry today are the :

- CO2 laser

- Nd:YAG laser

- Erbium lasers (Er:YAG and

  Er,Cr:YSGG)                        - Each produces:- a different WAVELENGTH of light

- Diode laser                        - Generically named for the Active Medium

                                         contained within the device
CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers

- Not Ideally suited for orthodontic applications

                        Hampered by:


                        -     large size

                        - HIGH COST
                        Erbium lasers        ً‫أحد عناصر الالنثٌنٌدات الفلزٌة األرضٌة النادرة ولونه فض‬

- extremely Popular in Dentistry today and

- hold the singular distinction of being:

                    Able to Perform both

              Hard and Soft Tissue Procedures

                                                                  Coast= 15000 $
seems most IDEAL for incorporation into the
‫لٌزر اشباه الموصالت‬        Diode laser
                                                   orthodontic specialty practice

          A laser diode is a laser where the active medium is a semiconductor
                      similar to that found in a light-emitting diode
The Diode Laser

a The Active Medium      A Solid-state Semiconductor, made of:
                          Aluminum, Gallium, Arsenide, and Occasionally Indium

aWavelengths             810 nm to 980 nm
                          Fall at The Beginning of the Near-infrared Electromagnetic
                          Spectrum and are Invisible to the Human Eye
The Diode Laser

     Deliver laser energy        - Fiber-optic cable or
a   FIBEROPTICALLY, either by: - Disposable fiberoptic tip

a   Absorbed Primarily by:      Tissue Pigment (Melanin) and Hemoglobin

     Poorly Absorbed by:         Ablation Procedures Can Safely be Performed
a   Tooth Structure and Metal   in Close Proximity to:
                                 - Enamel, Orthodontic Appliances, and
                                 -   Temporary Anchorage Devices

a   Excellent soft tissue       indicated for :incising, excising, and
     surgical lasers             coagulating gingiva and mucosa
Laser Safety

Protective Eyewear

Protection of Nontarget Tissue

Protection of infection
While most dental lasers are relatively simple to use

     Certain Precautions should be taken to ensure
           their safe and effective operation
Only authorized persons who have received training in the proper operation

                      of the laser equipment shall work with such equipment

Laser HAZARDS may be listed as follows:

• Optical

• Nontarget oral tissue

• Skin

• Chemical

• Fire

• Other collective hazards
• Of extreme importance is the use of:

               Protective Eyewear
by ANYONE in the vicinity of the laser while it is
in use:                  ‫قُرب‬

      - the doctor,
      - chairside assistants,
      - the patient, and
      - any observers such as family or friends
It is CRITICAL that all Protective Eyewear worn is                   Wavelength-Specific


- Sunglasses or
- Safety glasses designed for use with
  visible dental curing lights are:

                                            - INEFFECTIVE at protecting the eye from
                                               potentially irreversible damage as a result of
                                               exposure to dental laser light
Accidental Exposure of Nontarget Tissue Can be Prevented by:

Limiting access to the surgical   Attention is Required to focus the beam onto the target
environment                       tissue and avoid accidently damaging adjacent tissues

Minimizing reflective surfaces    - Glass mirrors should not be used because they absorb
                                     heat from the laser energy and may shatter.
                                  - Stainless steel or Rhodium mirrors may be used
                                     safely, providing measures are taken to minimize
                                     possible unwanted reflection
                                  - Dull, Nonreflective, or matte-finished instruments
                                     should be employed
                                  - Surfaces that minimize specular reflections, including
                                     exposed watches and jewelry

Ensuring that the laser is in good working order with all manufactured safeguards in place

Parallel monitoring of the adjacent tissues by all dental staff present at the time of
treatment is to be ensured
To prevent possible exposure to infectious pathogens:

 - High-volume suction should be used to
    evacuate any vapor plume created during
    tissue ablation, and
 - Normal infection protocols should be

      Requirements and recommendations for laser safety

- Use of protective eyewear by anyone in the vicinity of the laser

- Limit access to the surgical environment

- Minimize reflective surfaces

- Ensure that the laser is in good working order

- Ensure all manufacturer safeguards are in place

- Use of high-volume suction

- Follow normal infection control protocols

- Designated staff member as Laser Safety Officer

- Staff training
Diode Laser Setup

Fiber Preparation                       Basic Power Settings
Fiber Preparation

               The diode laser transmits laser light from the laser to the target tissue via

                                                                             a fiber-optic cable

    disposable fiber-optic tip


‫سهل التفتٌت‬
         ْ َ
                                                     a 400-micron optical fiber is recommended,
                                                     as smaller diameter fibers tend to be more
    In the case of a fiber-optic cable
                                                     friable and breakable
Fiber Preparation   ‫ٌجب إزالة جزء كاف من الكسوة الخارجٌة الواقٌة‬

   Prior to use

- A sufficient portion of protective
   outer cladding must be removed

an appropriately sized Stripping Device
in order to expose the inner glass fiber

The amount of outer cladding removed is determined by:
   supplied with the laser,
such that any exposed fiber is
completely contained within the

- The fiber is inserted into the handpiece, and

- a disposable plastic tip is fitted over the fiber

   tip and placed on the end of the handpiece,

   leaving approximately 3 mm of fiber exposed

Before each patient use:

- 2-3 mm is cut off the end of the fiber with
ceramic scissors or a cleaving stone in order
to avoid cross-contamination
The fiber tip is then “INITIATED” by placing some form of
       PIGMENT on the end of the fiber in order to create a hyper-focus
       of usable laser energy at the tip

One of the most effective ways
to deposit pigment on the tip is:

                       to lightly tap the end of the fiber onto a sheet
                       of articulating film while the laser is activated

                    uninitiated tip will fail to focus enough energy
                    at the end of the fiber to adequately ablate
Basic Power Settings
the Academy of Laser Dentistry recommends:
                        using the Least Amount of Power

            To prevent collateral thermal damage to adjacent tissue:

Power Settings       Procedure

1.2 watts            For most soft tissue ablation       Result in excellent tissue
                                                         removal with minimal
                     procedures°                →
                                                         thermal degeneration of
1.4 watts            Areas of denser tissue, such as     adjacent tissue
                     the palate and the fibrous tissue
                     distal to the lower second molars

1.6 watts            Frenectomy
Surgical Procedure

Adequate soft tissue anesthesia required for laser-assisted tissue removal

    Application of a compounded Topical Anesthetic Gel such as:              In most cases

                              Profound PET (prilocaine 10%, lidocaine 10%,
                                            tetracaine 4%, and
                                            phenylephrine 2%)

                                                   3 – 4 minutes

                                                                   Produces profound
                                                                   anesthesia in a relatively
  Denser Tissue                                                    short amount of time

      - Distal of an erupting lower second molar
                                                        injection of local anesthetic solution
       - Palate
Surgical Procedure

The operator activates the laser with a foot pedal and gently moves the
tip of the fiber across the target tissue in a lightcontact mode
Surgical Procedure

- Careful attention must be paid
to the interaction of the laser
energy with the target tissue

                                   Leaving the fiber tip in one spot too long will result in:
                                   - CARBONIZATION and
                                   - unnecessary collateral damage,

                                  While moving the tip too quickly will result in:
                                  - an insufficient absorption of energy to produce ablation
Surgical Procedure
During the procedure,
it is imperative that high-volume aspiration is used to:
- Evacuate vapor plume and objectionable odors at the
site of ablation

Once satisfactory tissue removal has been
- any remnants of slightly carbonized
   tissue remaining at the surgical
   margins are removed with light
   pressure using a micro-applicator
   brush soaked in
                                       3% hydrogen peroxide solution
Clinical Applications
Clinical Applications in ORTHODONTICS

                                    Specific procedures include :
Exposure of Unerupted and Partially Erupted Teeth
Exposure of Unerupted and Partially Erupted Teeth

           Lengthy orthodontic treatment times are often the result of:

                     - Delayed eruption of teeth

                     - compromised Bracket Positioning due to gingival
Exposure of Unerupted and Partially Erupted Teeth

                                             Using the diode laser

                                             both unerupted and partially erupted teeth
                                             can be :
                                             - exposed for bonding, and
                                             - tissue interfering with ideal bracket
                                                placement can be removed
Canine exposure

Canine exposure in labial sulcus

Canine exposure on palatal aspect
Canine exposure in labial sulcus

Labially erupting canines are: Common Malocclusion

   Conventional exposure

              with scalpel based method leads to:

- Extensive bleeding and
- the field of operation requires special hydrophilic
   moisture insensitive primers to bond orthodontic
The use of a 810 nm diode laser ensures:

- Easy exposure with Minimal Bleeding and

- least patient discomfort

          The Clear Bloodless Field ensures
               Fast Predictable Bonding

   Enabling fast correction of malocclusion
Canine exposure on palatal aspect

Palatally impacted canines are Difficult Situation requiring:

 - surgical raising of

      an extensive

  - Sutures at the end and

  - an extensive postoperative
     discomfort and swelling
Diode laser allows:

     - exposure without any extensive flap
     - generally no sutures are required
        after the procedure

    - The patient experiences minimal pain or discomfort

       - In addition, a Bloodless Field

          ensures instant bonding of

          orthodontic attachment
A high or thick labial frenum is often of concern
when the attachment:
- Causes a midline diastema or
- Exerts a traumatic force on the marginal

    Laser permit :
    PAINLESS excision of frena, without
    - Bleeding,
    - Sutures,
    - Surgical packing, or
    - Special postoperative care

    Typical power settings:
    1.4 to 1.6 watts in continuous wave mode
Frenectomy for midline diastema correction

It is an accepted Contemporary View that:

- Midline Diastema first should be Corrected with orthodontics and THEN
-   Frenectomy so that
                                       Scarring that results after conventional scalpel
                                       based frenectomy doesn’t interfere with tooth
With a diode laser:

       Frenectomy can be done


BEFORE complete closure          AFTER

  Healing of laser wound                 doesn’t involve any scarring
Miscellaneous Tissue Removal
Removal of Odontome

in maxillary anterior region preventing eruption of permanent incisor
Replacing the need for aTissue Punch when placing MINISCREWS in unattached gingiva
Aesthetic Gingival Recontouring
Orthodontic fixed appliances                    good oral hygiene maintenance

              In many cases we notice Gingival Hyperplasia
The gingival margins of the upper central incisors

and upper cuspids should be:

- approximately level with each other and

- slightly superior to the gingival margins of the

   upper lateral incisors

With: Uneven Gingival Contours causing some
teeth to:
appear too short and others to appear too long
Such enlargement

further impedes good hygiene and is commonly associated with bleeding
Gingival aesthetics play

            A VITAL ROLE in the appearance of a finished orthodontic case

- Excessive gingival display                              - significantly diminish the
- Uneven gingival contours, and                              aesthetic value of even the
- Disproportionate crown heights and widths                  most perfectly aligned
Diode laser can be used effectively in such situations

Removal of Inflamed and Hypertrophic Tissue
assisted salvaging of orthodontic microimplant
           ‫إنقاذ‬                                 inflammation of tissue around the implant
  A diode laser was used at 0.5 W to:
  - decontaminate and allow healing of tissue around microimplant
  The implant survived and served its orthodontic purpose
Laser-assisted circumferential supracrestalmfibrotomy/ LACSF/ pericision

Control of Tooth Rotation correction in orthodontics from relapse is always a challenge

Permanent lingual bonded retention is essential

    It is also suggested to do

   Circumferential Supracrestal Fibrotomy


 Elastic Fibres to reorganize favorably without
           causing relapse of correction

 Conventional scalpel-assisted CSF

          - associated with bleeding and
          - requires infiltration anaesthesia.
A diode laser can also be used as Low Level Therapy

         during Orthodontic Tooth Movement

               especially    during

  a situation where
Heavy Orthopedic Forces
   are applied as in

               Rapid Maxillary Expansion
                                     ‫ضرورة دراج اللٌزر فً الممارسة الروتٌنٌة لتقوٌم‬

          The incorporation of lasers in routine orthodontic
                      practice is the order of the day

   The practices that embrace this technology will surely flourish

          ‫الممارسات التً تبنً هذه التكنولوجٌا ســــــــوف تزدهر بالتأكٌد‬
Lasers in Orthodontics - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

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Critical evaluation of dental indices
Critical evaluation of dental indicesCritical evaluation of dental indices
Critical evaluation of dental indices
Epidemiology of Malocclusion Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
Epidemiology of Malocclusion  Dr.Nabil Al-ZubairEpidemiology of Malocclusion  Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
Epidemiology of Malocclusion Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
Epidemiology of malocclusion
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Epidemiology of malocclusion
Action and reaction _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
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Action and reaction _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

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Plus de Nabil Al-Zubair

Oral Habits _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
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Oral Habits _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Materials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Materials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairMaterials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Materials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Postnatal growth of the skull and jaws _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Postnatal growth of the skull and jaws _  Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairPostnatal growth of the skull and jaws _  Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Postnatal growth of the skull and jaws _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Class III Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
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Class III Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Etiology of Malocclusion_ Genral Factors Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
Etiology of Malocclusion_  Genral Factors   Dr.Nabil Al-ZubairEtiology of Malocclusion_  Genral Factors   Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
Etiology of Malocclusion_ Genral Factors Dr.Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Classification of Occlusion and Malocclusion Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Classification of Occlusion and Malocclusion   Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairClassification of Occlusion and Malocclusion   Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Classification of Occlusion and Malocclusion Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Management of Open Bite - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Open Bite  - Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairManagement of Open Bite  - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Open Bite - Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Class I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairClass I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Development of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Development of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairDevelopment of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Development of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Management of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairManagement of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairNabil Al-Zubair
Local Factors_Etiology of Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Local Factors_Etiology of Malocclusion  - Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairLocal Factors_Etiology of Malocclusion  - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
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Plus de Nabil Al-Zubair (11)

Oral Habits _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Oral Habits _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairOral Habits _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Oral Habits _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Materials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Materials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairMaterials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Materials used in Orthodontics _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Postnatal growth of the skull and jaws _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Postnatal growth of the skull and jaws _  Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairPostnatal growth of the skull and jaws _  Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Postnatal growth of the skull and jaws _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class III Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class III Malocclusion -  Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairClass III Malocclusion -  Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class III Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Etiology of Malocclusion_ Genral Factors Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
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Etiology of Malocclusion_ Genral Factors Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair
Classification of Occlusion and Malocclusion Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Classification of Occlusion and Malocclusion   Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairClassification of Occlusion and Malocclusion   Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Classification of Occlusion and Malocclusion Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Open Bite - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Open Bite  - Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairManagement of Open Bite  - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Open Bite - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairClass I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Class I Malocclusion_ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Development of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Development of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairDevelopment of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Development of Dentition and Occlusion _Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-ZubairManagement of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Management of Deep Bite _ Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
Local Factors_Etiology of Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
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Local Factors_Etiology of Malocclusion - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair


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Lasers in Orthodontics - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

  • 1. Lasers in Orthodontics Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
  • 2. Several decades ago: the laser was a DEATH RAY the ultimate weapon of destruction something you would only find in a science fiction story
  • 3. Today the laser is used : - in the scanners at the grocery store, - in compact disc players, and as - a pointer for lecturer and above all - in medical and dental field
  • 4. ‫أوائل حروف الكلمات‬ Light ‫االسم المختصر‬ Acronym Amplification by for Stimulated Emission of )‫(تضخٌم الضوء بانبعاث اإلشعاع المحفز‬ Radiation “is a mechanism for emitting light within the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, via the process of stimulated emission”.
  • 5. ‫براعة فرٌدة‬ ‫وإمكانات هائلة‬ The Unique Versatility and Vast Potential of Dental Lasers ‫ٌتٌح إجراءات عدٌدة تعزز من نجاح العالج‬ ALLOWS many procedures that enhance overall treatment success Thus, lasers have become an indispensable ‫ال غنى عنه‬ clinical tool in an orthodontist’s ‫عتاد‬ armamentarium
  • 6. History of Lasers begins similarly to much of modern physics, with Einstein
  • 7. History of Lasers in 1964 The Nobel Prize awarded to Townes, Basor and Prokhovov for the development of the laser
  • 8. History of Lasers Food and Drug Administration in 1964 The Nobel Prize awarded to Townes, Basor and Prokhovov for the development of the laser
  • 9.
  • 10. Light is a form of electromagnetic energy = particle and a wave Ordinary light (lightbulb) Laser light monochromatic ‫أحادي اللون‬ composed of many wavelengths consists of a single wavelength unfocused or incoherent Coherent ‫متماسكة‬ (identical in physical size, shape, and synchronicity)
  • 11. Properties of LASERS 1. Coherent: all waves are in certain phase relationship to each other both in space and time 2. Mono- chromatic: all waves are of same frequency and wavelength 3. Collimated: all the emitted waves are PARALLEL and the beam divergence is very low 4. Excellent When a calcified tissue for eg. dentin is exposed to concentration of the laser of high energy density, the beam is energy: concentrated at a particular point without damaging the adjacent tissues even though a lot of temperature is produced ie 800-900oC 5. Zero entropy Entropy= ‫أدق وصف لإلنتروبً أنها مقٌاس لعدم االنتظام‬
  • 12. Typical Laser Oscillator energy SOURCE A laser is composed of three principal parts: High reflecting rear mirror Partially reflecting output coupler optical cavity or RESONATOR LASING MEDIUM ‫مادة تولٌد اللٌزر‬ - Gas (CO2) - Liquid (dye) - Solid (Ho: YAG) - Semiconductor (diode) Determine The WAVELENGTH and other properties of the laser
  • 13. In the case of dental lasers: Hollow Waveguide the laser light is delivered from the laser to the target tissue via: a fiber-optic cable, hollow waveguide, or articulated arm Articulated Arm
  • 15. Classification laser devices are classified according to: their Potential To Cause Biological Damage, as follows: Class 1 Safe under all reasonably laser pointers and anticipated conditions of use supermarket UPC scanners Class 2 - Emits light in the visible laser printers and CD, light spectrum DVD, and BD players - It is presumed that the and readers human blink reflex will be sufficient to prevent damaging exposure, although prolonged viewing may be dangerous
  • 16. Class 3 - Produces light of such intensity that direct viewing Dental Argon Curing of the beam can potentially cause serious harm. Light - requires special training and eye protection Class 4 - Produce high-powered light that is hazardous to Nearly all medical and view at all times. dental lasers fall into - Exposure to the eye or skin by both direct and this category scattered laser beams of this intensity, even those produced by reflection from diffusing surfaces, must be avoided at all times
  • 18. LASERS TYPES I. Based on wavelength With a wave length around 632mm 1. Soft Soft lasers are lower power lasers. Eg: He lasers Ne, Gallium arsenide laser These are employed to relieve pain and promote healing eg. In Apthous ulcers Lasers with well known laser systems for 2.Hard possible surgical application are called as lasers hard lasers. Eg: CO2, Nd: YAG, Argon, Er:YAG etc.
  • 19. LASERS TYPES excimer ='excited dimer' ‫ ومثار أي دٌمر مثار‬dimer ‫أختصار كلمتً دٌمر‬ II. Base don the type of active / lasing medium used ”‫والدٌمر ٌعنً "ثنائً الوحدات‬ 193 nm 1. ArF excimer 248 nm 2. KrF excimer ‫لٌزر إكسٌمر‬ 308 nm 3. XeCl excimer 351- 528 nm 4. Argon ion (KTiOPO4) 5. KTP Potassium titanyl phosphate 694.3 nm 6. Ruby ‫ٌاقوت‬ 1064 nm 7. Nd: YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 8. HO: YAG 9. YSGG 10. Er: YAG Erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet 11. CO2
  • 20. Laser Interaction with Biologic Tissues
  • 21. LASER can have four different interactions with a target tissue ،‫انتقال لطاقة اللٌزر مباشرة من خالل األنسجة‬ - weakening of energy ‫بدون أي تأثٌر على النسٌج المستهدف‬ ‫نثر‬ Laser Effects on Tissue ‫انتقال‬ - Possible undesirable transfer of heat to adjacent nontarget tissue ‫انعكاس‬ ‫امتصاص‬ ‫إعادة توجٌه الشعاع قبالة سطح‬ ‫األنسجة، بدون أي تأثٌر على النسٌج‬ the interaction that is of primary interest ‫المستهدف‬
  • 22. Absorption requires: an absorber of light, termed a chromophore ‫حامل اللون‬ The primary chromophores in intraoral soft tissue are: - Melanin - Hemoglobin - Water
  • 23. LASER EFFECTS 1. Thermal effects: 2. Mechanical effects: 3. Chemical effects:
  • 24. 1. Thermal effects: The best known laser effect in dentistry is the thermal vaporization of tissue by absorbing laser light i.e. the laser energy is converted into thermal energy or heat that destroys the tissues Tissue Temperature (° C ) Observed effect Denaturation occurs ‫تمسخ‬ 45° – 60° → Coagulation and necrosis >60° → Water inside tissue Vaporizes 100° C → Carbonization and later Phyrolysis with 300° C → Vaporization of bulky tissues
  • 25. Laser Selection for Orthodontic Applications
  • 26. Selection of the most appropriate laser for orthodontic applications is ideally determined by examining Four Important Factors: - Procedure Specificity ‫ - سهولة التشغٌل‬Ease of Operation ‫ - القابلٌة للنقل‬Portability - Cost
  • 27. Many laser systems are available today ‫اختٌار اللٌزر لتطبٌقات تقوٌم األسنان‬ each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks The most common lasers used in dentistry today are the : - CO2 laser - Nd:YAG laser - Erbium lasers (Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG) - Each produces:- a different WAVELENGTH of light - Diode laser - Generically named for the Active Medium contained within the device
  • 28. CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers - Not Ideally suited for orthodontic applications Hampered by: their - large size - HIGH COST
  • 29. ‫اإلربٌوم‬ Erbium lasers ً‫أحد عناصر الالنثٌنٌدات الفلزٌة األرضٌة النادرة ولونه فض‬ - extremely Popular in Dentistry today and - hold the singular distinction of being: Able to Perform both Hard and Soft Tissue Procedures Coast= 15000 $
  • 30. seems most IDEAL for incorporation into the ‫لٌزر اشباه الموصالت‬ Diode laser orthodontic specialty practice A laser diode is a laser where the active medium is a semiconductor similar to that found in a light-emitting diode
  • 31. The Diode Laser a The Active Medium A Solid-state Semiconductor, made of: Aluminum, Gallium, Arsenide, and Occasionally Indium aWavelengths 810 nm to 980 nm Fall at The Beginning of the Near-infrared Electromagnetic Spectrum and are Invisible to the Human Eye
  • 32. The Diode Laser Deliver laser energy - Fiber-optic cable or a FIBEROPTICALLY, either by: - Disposable fiberoptic tip a Absorbed Primarily by: Tissue Pigment (Melanin) and Hemoglobin Poorly Absorbed by: Ablation Procedures Can Safely be Performed a Tooth Structure and Metal in Close Proximity to: - Enamel, Orthodontic Appliances, and - Temporary Anchorage Devices a Excellent soft tissue indicated for :incising, excising, and surgical lasers coagulating gingiva and mucosa
  • 33. Laser Safety Protective Eyewear Protection of Nontarget Tissue Protection of infection
  • 34. While most dental lasers are relatively simple to use Certain Precautions should be taken to ensure their safe and effective operation
  • 35. Only authorized persons who have received training in the proper operation of the laser equipment shall work with such equipment Laser HAZARDS may be listed as follows: • Optical • Nontarget oral tissue • Skin • Chemical • Fire • Other collective hazards
  • 36. • Of extreme importance is the use of: Protective Eyewear by ANYONE in the vicinity of the laser while it is in use: ‫قُرب‬ - the doctor, - chairside assistants, - the patient, and - any observers such as family or friends
  • 37. It is CRITICAL that all Protective Eyewear worn is Wavelength-Specific Consequently, - Sunglasses or - Safety glasses designed for use with visible dental curing lights are: - INEFFECTIVE at protecting the eye from potentially irreversible damage as a result of exposure to dental laser light
  • 38. Accidental Exposure of Nontarget Tissue Can be Prevented by: Limiting access to the surgical Attention is Required to focus the beam onto the target environment tissue and avoid accidently damaging adjacent tissues Minimizing reflective surfaces - Glass mirrors should not be used because they absorb heat from the laser energy and may shatter. - Stainless steel or Rhodium mirrors may be used safely, providing measures are taken to minimize possible unwanted reflection - Dull, Nonreflective, or matte-finished instruments should be employed - Surfaces that minimize specular reflections, including exposed watches and jewelry Ensuring that the laser is in good working order with all manufactured safeguards in place Parallel monitoring of the adjacent tissues by all dental staff present at the time of treatment is to be ensured
  • 39. To prevent possible exposure to infectious pathogens: - High-volume suction should be used to evacuate any vapor plume created during tissue ablation, and - Normal infection protocols should be followed
  • 40. CONTROL MEASURES Requirements and recommendations for laser safety - Use of protective eyewear by anyone in the vicinity of the laser - Limit access to the surgical environment - Minimize reflective surfaces - Ensure that the laser is in good working order - Ensure all manufacturer safeguards are in place - Use of high-volume suction - Follow normal infection control protocols - Designated staff member as Laser Safety Officer - Staff training
  • 41. Diode Laser Setup Fiber Preparation Basic Power Settings
  • 42. Fiber Preparation The diode laser transmits laser light from the laser to the target tissue via or a fiber-optic cable disposable fiber-optic tip 400-micron ‫سهل التفتٌت‬ ْ َ a 400-micron optical fiber is recommended, as smaller diameter fibers tend to be more In the case of a fiber-optic cable friable and breakable
  • 43. Fiber Preparation ‫ٌجب إزالة جزء كاف من الكسوة الخارجٌة الواقٌة‬ Prior to use - A sufficient portion of protective outer cladding must be removed with: an appropriately sized Stripping Device in order to expose the inner glass fiber The amount of outer cladding removed is determined by: - the LENGTH of the HANDPIECE supplied with the laser, such that any exposed fiber is completely contained within the handpiece
  • 44. Then - The fiber is inserted into the handpiece, and - a disposable plastic tip is fitted over the fiber tip and placed on the end of the handpiece, leaving approximately 3 mm of fiber exposed Before each patient use: - 2-3 mm is cut off the end of the fiber with ceramic scissors or a cleaving stone in order to avoid cross-contamination
  • 45. The fiber tip is then “INITIATED” by placing some form of PIGMENT on the end of the fiber in order to create a hyper-focus of usable laser energy at the tip One of the most effective ways to deposit pigment on the tip is: to lightly tap the end of the fiber onto a sheet of articulating film while the laser is activated uninitiated tip will fail to focus enough energy at the end of the fiber to adequately ablate tissue
  • 47. the Academy of Laser Dentistry recommends: using the Least Amount of Power To prevent collateral thermal damage to adjacent tissue: Power Settings Procedure 1.2 watts For most soft tissue ablation Result in excellent tissue removal with minimal procedures° → thermal degeneration of 1.4 watts Areas of denser tissue, such as adjacent tissue the palate and the fibrous tissue distal to the lower second molars 1.6 watts Frenectomy
  • 48. Surgical Procedure Anesthesia
  • 49. Adequate soft tissue anesthesia required for laser-assisted tissue removal Anesthesia Application of a compounded Topical Anesthetic Gel such as: In most cases Profound PET (prilocaine 10%, lidocaine 10%, tetracaine 4%, and phenylephrine 2%) 3 – 4 minutes Produces profound anesthesia in a relatively Denser Tissue short amount of time - Distal of an erupting lower second molar injection of local anesthetic solution - Palate
  • 50. Surgical Procedure The operator activates the laser with a foot pedal and gently moves the tip of the fiber across the target tissue in a lightcontact mode
  • 51. Surgical Procedure - Careful attention must be paid to the interaction of the laser energy with the target tissue Leaving the fiber tip in one spot too long will result in: - CARBONIZATION and - unnecessary collateral damage, While moving the tip too quickly will result in: - an insufficient absorption of energy to produce ablation
  • 52. Surgical Procedure During the procedure, it is imperative that high-volume aspiration is used to: - Evacuate vapor plume and objectionable odors at the site of ablation Once satisfactory tissue removal has been achieved: - any remnants of slightly carbonized tissue remaining at the surgical margins are removed with light pressure using a micro-applicator brush soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 54. Clinical Applications in ORTHODONTICS Specific procedures include :
  • 55. Exposure of Unerupted and Partially Erupted Teeth
  • 56. Exposure of Unerupted and Partially Erupted Teeth Lengthy orthodontic treatment times are often the result of: - Delayed eruption of teeth - compromised Bracket Positioning due to gingival interference
  • 57. Exposure of Unerupted and Partially Erupted Teeth Using the diode laser both unerupted and partially erupted teeth can be : - exposed for bonding, and - tissue interfering with ideal bracket placement can be removed
  • 58. Canine exposure Canine exposure in labial sulcus Canine exposure on palatal aspect
  • 59. Canine exposure in labial sulcus Labially erupting canines are: Common Malocclusion Conventional exposure with scalpel based method leads to: - Extensive bleeding and - the field of operation requires special hydrophilic moisture insensitive primers to bond orthodontic attachments
  • 60. The use of a 810 nm diode laser ensures: - Easy exposure with Minimal Bleeding and - least patient discomfort The Clear Bloodless Field ensures Fast Predictable Bonding Enabling fast correction of malocclusion
  • 61. Canine exposure on palatal aspect Palatally impacted canines are Difficult Situation requiring: - surgical raising of an extensive MUCOPERIOSTEAL FLAP - Sutures at the end and - an extensive postoperative discomfort and swelling
  • 62. Diode laser allows: - exposure without any extensive flap and - generally no sutures are required after the procedure - The patient experiences minimal pain or discomfort - In addition, a Bloodless Field ensures instant bonding of orthodontic attachment
  • 64. A high or thick labial frenum is often of concern when the attachment: - Causes a midline diastema or - Exerts a traumatic force on the marginal gingiva Laser permit : PAINLESS excision of frena, without - Bleeding, - Sutures, - Surgical packing, or - Special postoperative care Typical power settings: 1.4 to 1.6 watts in continuous wave mode
  • 65. Frenectomy for midline diastema correction It is an accepted Contemporary View that: - Midline Diastema first should be Corrected with orthodontics and THEN - Frenectomy so that Scarring that results after conventional scalpel based frenectomy doesn’t interfere with tooth movement
  • 66. With a diode laser: Frenectomy can be done or BEFORE complete closure AFTER Healing of laser wound doesn’t involve any scarring
  • 68. Removal of Odontome in maxillary anterior region preventing eruption of permanent incisor
  • 69.
  • 70. Replacing the need for aTissue Punch when placing MINISCREWS in unattached gingiva
  • 72. Orthodontic fixed appliances good oral hygiene maintenance In many cases we notice Gingival Hyperplasia
  • 73. The gingival margins of the upper central incisors and upper cuspids should be: - approximately level with each other and - slightly superior to the gingival margins of the upper lateral incisors With: Uneven Gingival Contours causing some teeth to: appear too short and others to appear too long
  • 74. Such enlargement further impedes good hygiene and is commonly associated with bleeding
  • 75. Gingival aesthetics play A VITAL ROLE in the appearance of a finished orthodontic case - Excessive gingival display - significantly diminish the - Uneven gingival contours, and aesthetic value of even the - Disproportionate crown heights and widths most perfectly aligned teeth
  • 76. Diode laser can be used effectively in such situations Gingivoplasty
  • 77. Removal of Inflamed and Hypertrophic Tissue
  • 78. assisted salvaging of orthodontic microimplant ‫إنقاذ‬ inflammation of tissue around the implant A diode laser was used at 0.5 W to: - decontaminate and allow healing of tissue around microimplant The implant survived and served its orthodontic purpose
  • 79. Laser-assisted circumferential supracrestalmfibrotomy/ LACSF/ pericision Control of Tooth Rotation correction in orthodontics from relapse is always a challenge Permanent lingual bonded retention is essential It is also suggested to do Circumferential Supracrestal Fibrotomy Allow Elastic Fibres to reorganize favorably without causing relapse of correction Conventional scalpel-assisted CSF - associated with bleeding and - requires infiltration anaesthesia.
  • 80. A diode laser can also be used as Low Level Therapy during Orthodontic Tooth Movement especially during a situation where Heavy Orthopedic Forces are applied as in Rapid Maxillary Expansion
  • 81. Finally ‫ضرورة دراج اللٌزر فً الممارسة الروتٌنٌة لتقوٌم‬ ‫األسنان‬ The incorporation of lasers in routine orthodontic practice is the order of the day The practices that embrace this technology will surely flourish ‫الممارسات التً تبنً هذه التكنولوجٌا ســــــــوف تزدهر بالتأكٌد‬