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Anesthesia for Trauma

Saeid Safari M.D.,

Department of Anesthesiology, Iran University of Medical Sciences
Injury and Trauma

Leading cause of death between the ages of 1 and 45 in US.


The third leading cause of death overall.


The leading cause of years of life lost before the age of 75.


WHO: Leading cause of death worldwide for both men and women
from the age of 15 to 44 years
Anesthesiologists are involved in the care of
trauma patients:

Beginning with airway and resuscitation management in the
emergency department (ED) and proceeding through the operating
room (OR) to the intensive care unit (ICU).


Critical care and pain management specialists see trauma patients
as a large fraction of their practice.
Anesthesia for trauma patients is different
from routine OR practice.

Most urgent cases occur during off-hours, when the most experienced OR
and anesthesia personnel may not be available.


In small hospitals and military and humanitarian practice, austere
conditions may influence the resources available.


Patient information may be limited, and allergies, genetic abnormalities,
and previous surgeries may create sudden crises.


Patients are frequently intoxicated, with full stomachs and the potential for
cervical spine instability.
Anesthesia for trauma patients is different
from routine OR practice

Simple operations may become complicated, and specialty surgical and
anesthesia equipment may be required on short notice.


Patients often have multiple injuries requiring complex positioning,
multiple procedures, and the need to consider priorities in


Occult injuries, such as tension pneumothorax, can be manifested at
unexpected times.


In this Chapter:

Overview of important areas of trauma care for the anesthesiologist.


Initial approach to an injured patient, followed by discussions of
emergency airway management, fluid volume resuscitation, and care of
patients with central nervous system (CNS) injuries.


Orthopedic and reconstructive surgery patients


Postoperative and critical care issues for the trauma anesthesiologist.

Prioritizing Trauma Care


Emergency Airway Management


Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock


Trauma to the Central Nervous System


Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Trauma


Selected Patient Populations


Postoperative Care
Prioritizing Trauma Care
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

ATLS emphasizes the ABCDE mnemonic: airway, breathing,
circulation, disability, and exposure.


Verification of an open airway and acceptable respiratory
mechanics is of primary importance because hypoxia is the most
immediate threat to life.


Inability to oxygenate the patient will lead to permanent brain
injury and death within 5 to 10 minutes.


Trauma patients are at risk for airway obstruction and inadequate
respiration for the reasons listed in Box 72-1 .

Endotracheal intubation, whether performed in the prehospital
environment or in the ED, must be confirmed immediately by


Esophageal intubation or endotracheal tube dislodgement are
common and devastating if not promptly corrected.


Patients in cardiac arrest may have very low end-tidal CO2 values;
direct laryngoscopy should be performed if there is any question
about the location of the endotracheal tube.
Simplified assessment
and management of a
trauma patient.


CBC, complete blood count;


CT, computed tomography;


ECG, electrocardiogram;


ED, emergency department;


FAST, focused assessment by
sonography for trauma;


GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale
Causes of Obstructed Airway in A Trauma

Direct injury to the face, mandible, or neck


Hemorrhage in the nasopharynx, sinuses, mouth, or upper airway


Diminished consciousness secondary to traumatic brain injury,
intoxication, or analgesic medications


Aspiration of gastric contents or a foreign body (e.g., dentures)


Misapplication of an oral airway or endotracheal tube (esophageal
Causes of Inadequate Ventilation in A Trauma

Diminished respiratory drive secondary to traumatic brain injury,
shock, intoxication, hypothermia, or oversedation


Direct injury to the trachea or bronchi


Pneumothorax or hemothorax


Chest wall injury




Pulmonary contusion


Cervical spine injury


Bronchospasm secondary to inhalation of smoke or toxic gas

Shock is presumed to result from hemorrhage until proved otherwise.


Any surgical procedure to diagnose or control active hemorrhage is an
emergency case that must be brought to the OR as soon as possible.


In the OR, the trauma surgeon focuses on anatomic control of
hemorrhage, whereas the anesthesiologist is responsible for restoring
the patient's physiology.
Symptoms of Shock





Agitation or obtundation






Prolonged capillary refill


Diminished urine output


Narrowed pulse pressure
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Options for the
Management of Traumatic Hemorrhage
Site of Bleeding

Diagnostic Modalities

Treatment Options


Chest radiography
Thoracostomy tube output
Chest CT scan



Physical examination

Surgical ligation

Ultrasound examination (FAST)


Abdominal CT scan
Peritoneal lavage

CT scan


Long bones

Physical examination
Plain radiography

Fracture fixation

Physical examination

Direct pressure
Surgical ligation

Outside the body

Surgical ligation
Neurologic status

Neurologic status by calculation of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
score ; examination of the pupils for size, reactivity, and symmetry;
and determination of sensation and motor function in each of the


Significant abnormalities on the neurologic examination are an
indication for immediate cranial CT.

A majority of trauma patients with a diminished GCS score will have
nonoperative conditions, but for the few who require operative
evacuation of an epidural or subdural hematoma, timeliness of
treatment has a strong influence on outcome.


Patients with unstable spinal canal injuries and incomplete
neurologic deficits will also benefit from early surgical stabilization.
Glasgow Coma Scale Score
Eye-Opening Response
• 4 = Spontaneous

Motor Response

• 3 = To speech

• 6 = Follows commands

• 2 = To pain

• 5 = Localizes to painful stimuli

• 1 = None

• 4 = Withdraws from painful stimuli
Verbal Response

• 5 = Oriented to name
• 4 = Confused
• 3 = Inappropriate speech
• 2 = Incomprehensible sounds
• 1 = None

• 3 = Decorticate posturing
• 2 = Decerebrate posturing
• 1 = None
The final step in the primary survey

is Complete exposure of the patient and a head-to-toe search for
visible injuries or deformities, including deformities of bones or
joints, soft tissue bruising, and any breaks in the skin.


The anesthesiologist can assist in this procedure by support of the
head and neck, maintenance of the airway, and care in manipulating
the spine.
After the primary survey:

a more deliberate secondary examination is undertaken that
includes a thorough history and physical examination, diagnostic
studies, and subspecialty consultation.


Indications for urgent or emergency surgery may also arise during
the secondary survey.


The presence of a limb-threatening injury as a result of either
vascular compromise, compartment syndrome, or a severely
comminuted fracture is one such indication.
Although the ABCDE issues must be addressed
1.a pulseless extremity,
2.compartment syndrome,
4. massively fractured extremity

must go to the OR as soon as the patient is otherwise stable.
Surgical priorities in a trauma patient
Emergency Airway Management
Emergency Airway Management



Approach to Endotracheal Intubation


Prophylaxis Against Aspiration of Gastric Contents


Protection of the Cervical Spine




Anesthetics and Induction of Anesthesia


Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs


Adjuncts to Endotracheal Intubation


Oral Versus Nasotracheal Intubation


Facial and Pharyngeal Trauma
Emergency airway

Anesthesiologists (ASA) algorithm
for management of difficult airways
is a useful starting point for the
trauma anesthesiologist, whether
in the ED or the OR
Indications for intubation:

Cardiac or respiratory arrest


Respiratory insufficiency


Airway protection


The need for deep sedation or analgesia, up to and including general anesthesia


Transient hyperventilation of patients with space-occupying intracranial lesions
and evidence of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)


Delivery of a 100% fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2) to patients with carbon
monoxide poisoning


Facilitation of the diagnostic workup in uncooperative or intoxicated patients
Approach to Endotracheal Intubation

Monitoring standards for airway management in the ED as in the
OR, including:
• ECG, Blood pressure, Oximetry, Capnometry.


Appropriate equipment, including:

an oxygen source, bag-valve-mask ventilating system,
mechanical ventilator, suction, and a selection of laryngoscope
blades, endotracheal tubes, and devices for managing difficult
Approach to Endotracheal Intubation

Use of neuromuscular blocking drugs and potent anesthetics
outside the OR will be Safe!!!


Allow the best intubating conditions on the first approach to the
patient's airway, which is advantageous in an uncooperative,
hypoxic, or aspirating patient.
Prophylaxis Against Aspiration of Gastric

A trauma patient is always considered to have a full stomach and to be
at risk for aspiration during induction of anesthesia.








continuously during emergency airway.


Increase in oxygen consumption in trauma patients necessitates
preoxygenation whenever possible, and because preoxygenation may
be difficult in a trauma patient rapid desaturation is a possibility.
Protection of the Cervical Spine

Emergency awake fiberoptic intubation, though requiring less
manipulation of the neck, is generally very difficult because of
airway secretions and hemorrhage, rapid desaturation, and lack of
patient cooperation and is best reserved for cooperative patients
with known cervical instability under controlled conditions.


Indirect video laryngoscopy with systems such as the Bullard
laryngoscope or GlideScope offer the potential to enjoy the best of
both worlds: an anesthetized patient and minimal cervical motion

Three providers are required to ventilate the patient, hold cricoid
pressure, and provide in-line cervical stabilization;


A fourth provider to administer anesthetic medications allows the
intubating physician to maintain uninterrupted focus on the
patient's airway.


Additional assistance may be required to restrain a patient who is
combative as a result of intoxication or TBI.
Anesthetics and Induction of Anesthesia

Any intravenous anesthetic administered to a trauma patient in
hemorrhagic shock may potentiate profound hypotension and even
cardiac arrest as a result of inhibition of circulating catecholamines


• Although its inhibition of catecholamine release may still
produce profound hypotension.


• it is a CNS stimulant. However, it is also a direct myocardial
Down To None

The dose of anesthetic must be decreased in the presence of
hemorrhage, down to none at all in patients with life-threatening
Inhibition of memory formation

Administration of 0.2 mg of scopolamine (a tertiary ammonium
vagolytic) has been advocated to inhibit memory formation in the
absence of anesthetic drugs in this situation, but it may interfere
with subsequent neurologic examination because of its long halflife.


Small doses of midazolam will reduce the incidence of patient
awareness but can also contribute to hypotension.
Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs

Succinylcholine remains the neuromuscular blocker with fastest
onset—less than 1 minute—and shortest duration of action—5 to
10 minutes.


Alternatives to succinylcholine include rocuronium (0.9 to 1.2
mg/kg) and vecuronium (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg).





neuromuscular blockage




There will always be specific situations in which maintaining
spontaneous ventilation during intubation is the preferred manner
in which to proceed.


If patients are able to maintain their airway temporarily but have
clear indications for an artificial airway (e.g., penetrating trauma to
the trachea), slow induction with ketamine or inhaled sevoflurane
through cricoid pressure will enable placement of an endotracheal
tube without compromising patient safety.
Adjuncts to Endotracheal Intubation

The gum elastic bougie, or intubating stylet


The esophageal Combitube


The laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
Oral Versus Nasotracheal Intubation

In general, oral intubation is preferable to nasal intubation in the
emergency setting because of the risk of injury to the brain from
nasal instrumentation in the presence of a basilar skull or
cribriform plate fracture.


Change to an oral tube with a larger internal diameter can occur
once the patient's condition has stabilized.
Facial and Pharyngeal Trauma

In general, both maxillary and mandibular fractures will make
ventilation by mask more difficult.


Whereas mandibular fractures will make endotracheal intubation
Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock
Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock

Resuscitation refers to restoration of normal physiology after injury.


Resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock refers specifically to restoration
of normal circulating blood volume, normal vascular tone, and normal
tissue perfusion.


Resuscitation begins immediately after injury, via the patient's own
compensatory mechanisms, and continues through the prehospital, ED,
OR, and ICU phases of care.
The “shock cascade.”
Ischemia of any given region of the body will trigger an inflammatory
response that will have an impact on nonischemic organs even after
adequate systemic perfusion has been restored
Specific organ systems respond to traumatic
shock in specific ways

Central nervous system


Kidney and adrenal glands










Skeletal muscle


Early, while active bleeding is still ongoing
Late, once all hemorrhage has been controlled

Early resuscitation is much more complex because the risks associated
with aggressive volume replacement, including the potential for
exacerbating hemorrhage and thus prolonging the crisis, must be
weighed against the risk of hypoperfusion and ischemia.


Managing late resuscitation is driven by end-point targets and consists
of giving enough fluid to maximize oxygen delivery.
Risks Associated with Aggressive Volume
Replacement during Early Resuscitation

Increased blood pressure


Decreased blood viscosity


Decreased hematocrit


Decreased clotting factor concentration


Greater transfusion requirement


Disruption of electrolyte balance


Direct immune suppression


Premature reperfusion


Increased risk for hypothermia
Goals and Algorithm emphasis on

Rapid diagnosis and control of ongoing hemorrhage; to restore
vascular volume


Moving the patient from a vasoconstricted state to a vasodilated
one while facilitating hemostasis by maintenance of lower than
normal blood pressure.
Goals for Early Resuscitation

Maintain systolic blood pressure at 80 to 100 mm Hg


Maintain hematocrit at 25% to 30%


Maintain the prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time in normal


Maintain the platelet count at greater than 50,000 per high-power field


Maintain normal serum ionized calcium


Maintain core temperature higher than 35°C


Maintain function of the pulse oximeter


Prevent an increase in serum lactate


Prevent acidosis from worsening


Achieve adequate anesthesia and analgesia
Algorithm for
of early
Elective Deliberate Hypotension and Emergency
Trauma Cases



Intravascular volume





Probably hypothermic

Capillary beds



Level of general anesthesia Deep

Usually light

Preexisting mental status


May be impaired

Coexisting injuries


May be significant

Comorbid conditions

Known and managed

deliberate hypotensive resuscitation have
avoided to:

Populations perceived to be at greater risk for ischemic
complications, including:

Patients with known ischemic coronary disease,


Elderly patients,


Those with injuries to the brain or spinal cord
Resuscitation Fluids

Isotonic crystalloids
• (normal saline, lactated Ringer's solution [LR], Plasma-Lyte A)


Hypertonic saline solutions,
• (with or without the addition of polymerized dextran (HS or HSD),


Colloids, including starch solutions and albumin


Red blood cells


Plasma (FFP, TFP)


(1 : 1 : 1)

When the patient is in shock, however, and blood loss is likely to be
substantial, platelets should be empirically administered in
proportion to RBCs and plasma (1: 1 : 1).

Platelets, RBCs, Plasma (1 :1 : 1)
Late Resuscitation

Late resuscitation begins once bleeding is definitively controlled by
surgery, angiography, or the passage of time.


The practitioner's goal at this time is to restore normal perfusion to
all organ systems while continuing to support vital functions
Late Resuscitation

The adequacy of resuscitation should not be judged by the
presence of normal vital signs, but by normalization of organ and
tissue perfusion.


The role of the anesthesiologist-intensivist is to recognize the
presence of ongoing shock after traumatic hemorrhage and to
resuscitate the patient with the appropriate fluid, in the appropriate
amount, at the appropriate time.
Goals of Late Resuscitation

Maintain systolic blood pressure higher than 100 mm Hg


Maintain hematocrit above individual transfusion threshold


Normalize coagulation status


Normalize electrolyte balance


Normalize body temperature


Restore normal urine output


Maximize cardiac output by invasive or noninvasive measurement


Reverse systemic acidosis


Document decrease in lactate to normal range
Algorithm for the
management of
late hemorrhagic
Occult hypoperfusion syndrome

is common in postoperative trauma patients, particularly
young ones.


Characterized by a normal blood pressure maintained by:

Intravascular volume is low,


Cardiac output is low,


Systemic vasoconstriction;

Organ system ischemia persists.

The patient will be at high risk for MOSF if the hypoperfusion is
not promptly corrected.
Modalities for Assessment of Systemic


Vital signs

Will not indicate occult hypoperfusion

Urine output

May be confounded by intoxication, diuretic therapy, circadian
variation, or renal injury

Systemic acid-base status

Confounded by respiratory status

Lactate clearance

Requires time to obtain laboratory result

Cardiac output

Requires placement of a pulmonary artery catheter or use of
noninvasive technology

Mixed venous oxygenation

Difficult to obtain, but a very accurate marker

Gastric tonometry

Requires time to equilibrate, subject to artifact

Tissue oxygenation

Emerging technology, appears beneficial

Stroke volume variation

Emerging technology, requires an arterial line

Acoustic blood flow

Investigational technology, unproven
Trauma to the Central Nervous System

CNS trauma accounts for almost half of all trauma deaths examined
post mortem in population-based analyses or after trauma center


As with hemorrhagic shock, CNS trauma consists of both the
primary injury, in which tissue is disrupted by mechanical force,
and a secondary response, in which the body's reaction to the injury
plays an important role.
Traumatic Brain Injury and Prognosis

Mild TBI (GCS score of 13 to 15)


Moderate TBI (GCS score of 9 to 12)


Severe TBI (GCS score of 8 or less)
Clinical pathway for the management of
severe traumatic brain injury

The goal of therapy is to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure
above 60 mm Hg by support of the circulation and control of
intracranial pressure.


Progressively more intensive therapies are added until this goal is

A single episode of hypoxemia (Pao2 <60 mm Hg) occurring in a
patient with severe TBI is associated with nearly a doubling of


Hypotension together with hypoxia is associated with a threefold
increase in mortality.

With adequate volume resuscitation, PEEP does not increase ICP or
lower cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and may actually decrease
ICP as a result of improved cerebral oxygenation.


Hyperventilation therapy (e.g., at a Paco2 of 25 mm Hg), long a
mainstay in the management of patients with TBI, is no longer
recommended as a prophylactic treatment
Severe TBI and Goals of Treatment

Paco2 between 30 and 35 mm Hg,


Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg should be avoided,


Greater than 70 mm Hg MAP until ICP monitoring is instituted and CPP
can be directly targeted


Hematocrit at greater than 30%.


CPP with a currently recommended goal range of 50 to 70 mm Hg


Hypertonic saline solutions are optimal for fluid replacement.


Patients with severe TBI who are hypothermic on admission not
undergo active rewarming.
Multiple Compartment Syndrome

Decompressive Craniectomy


Decompressive Laparotomy


Decompressive Celiotomy
Multiple Compartment Syndrome

Fluid therapy or acute lung injury (or both) may increase intraabdominal pressure and intrathoracic pressure, thereby increasing ICP.


Further fluid administration to support cerebral perfusion or increasing
ventilatory support to treat acute lung injury further exacerbates this


This can create a cycle that ultimately produces multiple compartment
syndrome and necessitates opening of the abdomen, even in the
absence of primary abdominal trauma. Isolated TBI can thus become a
multisystem disease.
Hypothermia and Hyperventilation

Like hyperventilation therapy, there has been a progressive change
in the use of hypothermia to treat severe TBI.


Leading to the recommendation that patients with severe TBI who
are hypothermic on admission not undergo active rewarming.
Management of Intracranial Pressure in the
Operating Room

All therapies should be continued throughout the perioperative period:
• Positional therapy (when possible),
• Aggressive hemodynamic monitoring and resuscitation,
• Osmotic agents (with attention to maintaining euvolemia),
• Deep levels of analgesia and sedation.





concentrations of volatile anesthetics.




Spinal Cord Injury

Most spinal injuries are found in the lower cervical spine, just above
the thorax, or in the upper lumbar region, just below the thorax.


SCI at midthoracic levels is less common because of the rotational
stabilization provided by the rib cage and intercostal musculature


SCIWORA (spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality)
Spinal Cord Injury

Cervical spine injuries causing quadriplegia are accompanied by
significant hypotension because of inappropriate vasodilatation and
loss of cardiac inotropy (neurogenic shock).


Functioning of the lower cord will gradually return, along with
restoration of normal vascular tone.
Mechanisms of spinal cord injury
Glucocorticoid Steroid in SCI

Evaluation of the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) is often followed
by a glucocorticoid steroid bolus in patients with blunt SCI and
complete or partial deficit.


A bolus dose of 30 mg/kg of methylprednisolone, followed by a
maintenance infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hr, is given if the patient is less than
8 hours removed from the time of injury.


This infusion is continued for 24 hours if started within 3 hours of
injury and for 48 hours if started 3 to 8 hours after injury.
Intubation and Ventilatory Support

Early intubation is almost universally required for patients with
cervical spine fracture and quadriplegia.


Ventilatory support is absolutely required for patients with a deficit
above C4 because they will lack diaphragmatic function.


Patients with levels from C6 to C7 may still need support because of
lost chest wall innervation, paradoxical respiratory motion, and an
inability to clear secretions.
Early intubation

Early intubation is recommended and can often be accomplished by
awake fiberoptic bronchoscopy or use of the GlideScope before hypoxia
renders the patient anxious and uncooperative.


Spontaneous ventilation and extubation are possible after surgical
stabilization and resolution of neurogenic shock,


Although pneumonia is a common and recurrent complication that
frequently necessitates tracheostomy to facilitate pulmonary toilet.
Intraoperative Management of Spinal Cord

Direct laryngoscopy with in-line stabilization is appropriate in the
emergency setting and in unconscious, combative, or hypoxemic
patients when the status of the spine is not known.


In the OR, an awake, alert, and cooperative patient can be intubated
by indirect laryngoscopy:


Blind nasal intubation, transillumination with a lighted stylet, and
use of an intubating LMA, GlideScope or Bullard laryngoscope,
Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Trauma
Regional Anesthesia for Trauma Patients



Allows continued assessment of
mental status


Peripheral nerve function difficult
to assess


Increased vascular flow


Patient refusal common


Avoidance of airway


Requirement for sedation


Improved postoperative mental


Hemodynamic instability with


Decreased blood loss


Longer time to achieve anesthesia


Decreased incidence of deep venous


Not suitable for multiple body


Improved postoperative analgesia



Better pulmonary toilet

May wear off before procedure(s)


Earlier mobilization
General Anesthesia for Trauma Patients



Speed of onset



Duration—can be maintained as
long as needed

Impairment of global neurologic


Allows multiple procedures for
multiple injuries

Requirement for airway


Hemodynamic management more


Increased potential for


Greater patient acceptance


Allows positive-pressure
Fat Embolism Syndrome (FES)

Signs include hypoxia, tachycardia, mental status changes, and a
petechial rash on the upper portions of the body, including the
axillae, upper arms and shoulders, chest, neck, and conjunctivae.


FES should be considered whenever the alveolar-arterial oxygen
gradient deteriorates in conjunction with decreased pulmonary
compliance and CNS deterioration.
Fat Embolism Syndrome (FES)

Diagnosis in the OR is largely based on the clinical findings after
ruling out other causes of hypoxemia.


Fat globules in urine are nondiagnostic.


Lung infiltrates seen on chest radiography confirm the presence of
lung injury and the need for appropriate ventilatory management
with oxygen, higher PEEP, and possible longer-term mechanical
ventilatory support.
Fat Embolism Syndrome Treatment in OR

Treatment includes early recognition, administration of oxygen, and
judicious fluid management.


A change in the orthopedic procedure may be indicated, such as
converting intramedullary nailing of the femur to external fixation.
Acute Compartment Syndrome of The

“condition in which increased pressure within a limited space
compromises the circulation and function of the tissues within that


The most common fractures associated with the development of
compartment syndrome are those of the tibial shaft (40%) and
forearm (18%).
Risk Factors for The Development of
Compartment Syndrome



Fractures and operative repair

Use of pneumatic antishock


Intraosseous fluid replacement
in an infant/child




Extravasation from venous or
arterial puncture sites


Reperfusion injury





Casts and circular dressings



Ischemia from arterial and venous



Soft Tissue

Crush injury




Prolonged compression in an
immobile state





Acute exertion

“Five P” in Compartment Syndrome

The classic hallmarks of compartment syndrome have been
described as pulselessness, pallor, paralysis, paresthesia, and pain
—the “five P's


Fasciotomy and its indications
Crush syndrome

General manifestation of crush injury caused by continuous prolonged
pressure on one or more extremities


The most critical treatment consists of crystalloid fluid resuscitation; a
total-body fluid deficit of 15 L may occur in severe rhabdomyolysis.


Osmotic diuresis with mannitol and alkalinization of urine with sodium
bicarbonate to prevent precipitation of myoglobin in the renal tubules
are controversial.
Amputation and Anesthetic Management

Anesthetic management is notable for the strong emotional overlay
that accompanies this operation.


Although regional anesthesia is physiologically appropriate and has
been shown to limit the subsequent development of phantom limb
pain, very few patients will be accepting.


General anesthesia is usually required, although combining it with
epidural analgesia may confer the benefits of both techniques.
Other Traumatic Injuries
Other Traumatic Injuries

Head and Neck Surgery


Chest Injuries:

Traumatic Aortic Injury (TAI)


Rib Fractures



Cardiac Injury

Abdominal Injury

Thoracostomy is uncommon but becomes necessary when:

There is evidence of mediastinal injury,


Chest tube output exceeds 1500 mL in the first hours after


Tracheal or bronchial injury and


Massive air leak are apparent,


Patient is hemodynamically unstable with evident thoracic

Many patients with blunt thoracic injury have bilateral pulmonary
contusions and will require increased Fio2 and high levels of PEEP
to maintain adequate oxygenation, even when both lungs are


Although double-lumen endotracheal intubation is desirable during
urgent thoracotomy, this should not be the initial approach.
Tracheobronchial Injury

Blunt trauma most commonly results in an injury to the
tracheobronchial tree within 2.5 cm of the carina and may initially
be unrecognized.


The presence of subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum,
pneumopericardium, or pneumoperitoneum, without apparent
cause, should alert the practitioner to possible tracheobronchial

Traumatic Aortic Injury:
• Treatment is similar to that in patients with uncomplicated type
B aortic dissection and consists of β-blockade to minimize the
cardiac rate-pressure product


Rib Fractures


Self healing, Therapy is directed at minimizing pulmonary
complications secondary to these fractures, such as pain, splinting,
atelectasis, hypoxemia, and pneumonia.
Cardiac Injury

If the patient is hemodynamically stable and the ECG does not
demonstrate conduction disturbances or tachyarrhythmias, blunt
cardiac injury can be safely excluded.


If either a new tachyarrhythmia or conduction disturbance
subsequently develops or the patient has unexplained hypotension,
other causes (hypovolemia, renal failure) should be ruled out first.
Cardiac Injury

If the workup is negative, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) should
be performed.


Right ventricular dysfunction resulting in hypotension may be
overlooked while more common causes of hypotension in the trauma
patient are being evaluated.


TEE is superior to TTE in obese patients or those with injuries to the
chest wall that make it difficult to obtain adequate acoustic windows,
but it will generally require intubation and deep sedation to perform.


Once diagnosed, blunt cardiac injury should be managed as ischemic
cardiac injury,
Selected Patient Populations
Selected Patient Populations

Trauma and Pregnancy


Elderly Trauma Patients


Jehovah's Witness Patients
Trauma and Pregnancy

High risk for spontaneous abortion, preterm labor, or premature
delivery, depending on the location and magnitude of the mother's


The best treatment of the developing fetus consists of rapid and
complete resuscitation of the mother.


Preterm labor should be treated with β-agonist agents or magnesium at
the direction of the obstetrician; delivery should be delayed as long as
the fetus is not an unacceptable metabolic stress on the mother.
Trauma and Pregnancy

Delivery by cesarean section is indicated if:
• Mother is in extremis,
• Uterus itself is hemorrhaging,
• Gravid uterus is impairing surgical control of abdominal or
pelvic hemorrhage


The Kleihauer-Betke blood test in O- mothers
Postoperative Care
Postoperative Care

Emergence and Tracheal Extubation


Acute Pain Management
Criteria for OR or PACU Extubation of Trauma

Mental Status


Respiratory Mechanics
• Adequate tidal volume and
respiratory rate

• Resolution of intoxication
• Able to follow commands

• Normal motor strength

• Noncombative

• Required Fio2 less than 0.50

• Pain adequately controlled


Airway Anatomy and Reflexes
• Appropriate cough and gag
• Ability to protect the airway
from aspiration
• No excessive airway edema or

Systemic Stability
• Adequately resuscitated (see
• Small likelihood of urgent
return to the operating room
• Normothermic, without signs
of sepsis
Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain arises when there is direct injury to a major sensory
nerve and is common after spinal cord trauma, traumatic amputations,
and major crush injuries.


Neuropathic pain is characterized by burning, intermittent electrical
shocks, and dysesthesia in the affected dermatomal distribution.


It is important to identify neuropathic pain because it responds poorly
to the analgesics used for somatic pain.
Therapy For Neuropathic Pain

First-line therapy for neuropathic pain has been revolutionized by
the widespread use of gabapentin, an antiepileptic drug with very
strong specificity for this problem.


Gabapentin therapy is typically initiated at a dose of 200 mg three
times daily, with daily titration upward to a maximum of 2 to 3


If neuropathic pain persists, selective regional anesthesia or
analgesia may be indicated in an effort to “break the cycle” of spinal
cord receptor recruitment.

Trauma touches all ages and classes of patients, from young and
vigorous to elderly and frail.


Because of its great prevalence, practicing anesthesiologists will
encounter trauma patients throughout their careers.


Increased public recognition of the consequences of injury has sparked
interest in trauma research and education, with the result that
diagnostic and therapeutic techniques have evolved rapidly in recent


The anesthesiologist, as a perioperative physician, is in the ideal
position to understand and apply these new techniques.
Thanks for your kind Attention!

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Anesthesia for Trauma

  • 1. Anesthesia for Trauma Saeid Safari M.D., Department of Anesthesiology, Iran University of Medical Sciences
  • 3. Injury and Trauma • Leading cause of death between the ages of 1 and 45 in US. • The third leading cause of death overall. • The leading cause of years of life lost before the age of 75. • WHO: Leading cause of death worldwide for both men and women from the age of 15 to 44 years
  • 4. Anesthesiologists are involved in the care of trauma patients: • Beginning with airway and resuscitation management in the emergency department (ED) and proceeding through the operating room (OR) to the intensive care unit (ICU). • Critical care and pain management specialists see trauma patients as a large fraction of their practice.
  • 5. Anesthesia for trauma patients is different from routine OR practice. • Most urgent cases occur during off-hours, when the most experienced OR and anesthesia personnel may not be available. • In small hospitals and military and humanitarian practice, austere conditions may influence the resources available. • Patient information may be limited, and allergies, genetic abnormalities, and previous surgeries may create sudden crises. • Patients are frequently intoxicated, with full stomachs and the potential for cervical spine instability.
  • 6. Anesthesia for trauma patients is different from routine OR practice • Simple operations may become complicated, and specialty surgical and anesthesia equipment may be required on short notice. • Patients often have multiple injuries requiring complex positioning, multiple procedures, and the need to consider priorities in management. • Occult injuries, such as tension pneumothorax, can be manifested at unexpected times. • .
  • 7. In this Chapter: • Overview of important areas of trauma care for the anesthesiologist. • Initial approach to an injured patient, followed by discussions of emergency airway management, fluid volume resuscitation, and care of patients with central nervous system (CNS) injuries. • Orthopedic and reconstructive surgery patients • Postoperative and critical care issues for the trauma anesthesiologist.
  • 8. Content • Prioritizing Trauma Care • Emergency Airway Management • Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock • Trauma to the Central Nervous System • Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Trauma • Selected Patient Populations • Postoperative Care
  • 10. Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) • ATLS emphasizes the ABCDE mnemonic: airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure. • Verification of an open airway and acceptable respiratory mechanics is of primary importance because hypoxia is the most immediate threat to life. • Inability to oxygenate the patient will lead to permanent brain injury and death within 5 to 10 minutes. • Trauma patients are at risk for airway obstruction and inadequate respiration for the reasons listed in Box 72-1 .
  • 11. • Endotracheal intubation, whether performed in the prehospital environment or in the ED, must be confirmed immediately by capnometry. • Esophageal intubation or endotracheal tube dislodgement are common and devastating if not promptly corrected. • Patients in cardiac arrest may have very low end-tidal CO2 values; direct laryngoscopy should be performed if there is any question about the location of the endotracheal tube.
  • 12. Simplified assessment and management of a trauma patient. • CBC, complete blood count; • CT, computed tomography; • ECG, electrocardiogram; • ED, emergency department; • FAST, focused assessment by sonography for trauma; • GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale
  • 13. Causes of Obstructed Airway in A Trauma Patient • Direct injury to the face, mandible, or neck • Hemorrhage in the nasopharynx, sinuses, mouth, or upper airway • Diminished consciousness secondary to traumatic brain injury, intoxication, or analgesic medications • Aspiration of gastric contents or a foreign body (e.g., dentures) • Misapplication of an oral airway or endotracheal tube (esophageal intubation)
  • 14. Causes of Inadequate Ventilation in A Trauma Patient • Diminished respiratory drive secondary to traumatic brain injury, shock, intoxication, hypothermia, or oversedation • Direct injury to the trachea or bronchi • Pneumothorax or hemothorax • Chest wall injury • Aspiration • Pulmonary contusion • Cervical spine injury • Bronchospasm secondary to inhalation of smoke or toxic gas
  • 15. Hemorrhage • Shock is presumed to result from hemorrhage until proved otherwise. • Any surgical procedure to diagnose or control active hemorrhage is an emergency case that must be brought to the OR as soon as possible. • In the OR, the trauma surgeon focuses on anatomic control of hemorrhage, whereas the anesthesiologist is responsible for restoring the patient's physiology.
  • 16. Symptoms of Shock • Pallor • Diaphoresis • Agitation or obtundation • Hypotension • Tachycardia • Prolonged capillary refill • Diminished urine output • Narrowed pulse pressure
  • 17. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Options for the Management of Traumatic Hemorrhage Site of Bleeding Diagnostic Modalities Treatment Options Chest Chest radiography Thoracostomy tube output Chest CT scan Observation Surgery Abdomen Physical examination Surgical ligation Ultrasound examination (FAST) Angiography Observation Abdominal CT scan Peritoneal lavage Retroperitoneum CT scan Angiography Angiography Long bones Physical examination Plain radiography Fracture fixation Physical examination Direct pressure Surgical ligation Outside the body Surgical ligation
  • 18. Neurologic status • Neurologic status by calculation of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score ; examination of the pupils for size, reactivity, and symmetry; and determination of sensation and motor function in each of the extremities. • Significant abnormalities on the neurologic examination are an indication for immediate cranial CT.
  • 19. • A majority of trauma patients with a diminished GCS score will have nonoperative conditions, but for the few who require operative evacuation of an epidural or subdural hematoma, timeliness of treatment has a strong influence on outcome. • Patients with unstable spinal canal injuries and incomplete neurologic deficits will also benefit from early surgical stabilization.
  • 20. Glasgow Coma Scale Score Eye-Opening Response • 4 = Spontaneous Motor Response • 3 = To speech • 6 = Follows commands • 2 = To pain • 5 = Localizes to painful stimuli • 1 = None • 4 = Withdraws from painful stimuli Verbal Response • 5 = Oriented to name • 4 = Confused • 3 = Inappropriate speech • 2 = Incomprehensible sounds • 1 = None • 3 = Decorticate posturing • 2 = Decerebrate posturing • 1 = None
  • 21. The final step in the primary survey • is Complete exposure of the patient and a head-to-toe search for visible injuries or deformities, including deformities of bones or joints, soft tissue bruising, and any breaks in the skin. • The anesthesiologist can assist in this procedure by support of the head and neck, maintenance of the airway, and care in manipulating the spine.
  • 22. After the primary survey: • a more deliberate secondary examination is undertaken that includes a thorough history and physical examination, diagnostic studies, and subspecialty consultation. • Indications for urgent or emergency surgery may also arise during the secondary survey. • The presence of a limb-threatening injury as a result of either vascular compromise, compartment syndrome, or a severely comminuted fracture is one such indication.
  • 23. Although the ABCDE issues must be addressed first: 1.a pulseless extremity, 2.compartment syndrome, 3.near-amputation, 4. massively fractured extremity must go to the OR as soon as the patient is otherwise stable.
  • 24. Surgical priorities in a trauma patient
  • 26. Emergency Airway Management • Indications • Approach to Endotracheal Intubation • Prophylaxis Against Aspiration of Gastric Contents • Protection of the Cervical Spine • Personnel • Anesthetics and Induction of Anesthesia • Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs • Adjuncts to Endotracheal Intubation • Oral Versus Nasotracheal Intubation • Facial and Pharyngeal Trauma
  • 27. Emergency airway management algorithm The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) algorithm for management of difficult airways is a useful starting point for the trauma anesthesiologist, whether in the ED or the OR
  • 28. Indications for intubation: • Cardiac or respiratory arrest • Respiratory insufficiency • Airway protection • The need for deep sedation or analgesia, up to and including general anesthesia • Transient hyperventilation of patients with space-occupying intracranial lesions and evidence of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) • Delivery of a 100% fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2) to patients with carbon monoxide poisoning • Facilitation of the diagnostic workup in uncooperative or intoxicated patients
  • 29. Approach to Endotracheal Intubation • Monitoring standards for airway management in the ED as in the OR, including: • ECG, Blood pressure, Oximetry, Capnometry. • Appropriate equipment, including: • an oxygen source, bag-valve-mask ventilating system, mechanical ventilator, suction, and a selection of laryngoscope blades, endotracheal tubes, and devices for managing difficult intubations,.
  • 30. Approach to Endotracheal Intubation • Use of neuromuscular blocking drugs and potent anesthetics outside the OR will be Safe!!! • Allow the best intubating conditions on the first approach to the patient's airway, which is advantageous in an uncooperative, hypoxic, or aspirating patient.
  • 31. Prophylaxis Against Aspiration of Gastric Contents • A trauma patient is always considered to have a full stomach and to be at risk for aspiration during induction of anesthesia. • Cricoid pressure—the Sellick maneuver—should be applied continuously during emergency airway. • Increase in oxygen consumption in trauma patients necessitates preoxygenation whenever possible, and because preoxygenation may be difficult in a trauma patient rapid desaturation is a possibility.
  • 32. Protection of the Cervical Spine • Emergency awake fiberoptic intubation, though requiring less manipulation of the neck, is generally very difficult because of airway secretions and hemorrhage, rapid desaturation, and lack of patient cooperation and is best reserved for cooperative patients with known cervical instability under controlled conditions. • Indirect video laryngoscopy with systems such as the Bullard laryngoscope or GlideScope offer the potential to enjoy the best of both worlds: an anesthetized patient and minimal cervical motion
  • 33. Personnel • Three providers are required to ventilate the patient, hold cricoid pressure, and provide in-line cervical stabilization; • A fourth provider to administer anesthetic medications allows the intubating physician to maintain uninterrupted focus on the patient's airway. • Additional assistance may be required to restrain a patient who is combative as a result of intoxication or TBI.
  • 34.
  • 35. Anesthetics and Induction of Anesthesia • Any intravenous anesthetic administered to a trauma patient in hemorrhagic shock may potentiate profound hypotension and even cardiac arrest as a result of inhibition of circulating catecholamines • Etomidate • Although its inhibition of catecholamine release may still produce profound hypotension. • Ketamine • it is a CNS stimulant. However, it is also a direct myocardial depressant.
  • 36. Down To None • The dose of anesthetic must be decreased in the presence of hemorrhage, down to none at all in patients with life-threatening hypovolemia.
  • 37. Inhibition of memory formation • Administration of 0.2 mg of scopolamine (a tertiary ammonium vagolytic) has been advocated to inhibit memory formation in the absence of anesthetic drugs in this situation, but it may interfere with subsequent neurologic examination because of its long halflife. • Small doses of midazolam will reduce the incidence of patient awareness but can also contribute to hypotension.
  • 38. Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs • Succinylcholine remains the neuromuscular blocker with fastest onset—less than 1 minute—and shortest duration of action—5 to 10 minutes. • Alternatives to succinylcholine include rocuronium (0.9 to 1.2 mg/kg) and vecuronium (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg). • Sugammadex as an neuromuscular blockage antagonist of rocuronium-induced
  • 39. • There will always be specific situations in which maintaining spontaneous ventilation during intubation is the preferred manner in which to proceed. • If patients are able to maintain their airway temporarily but have clear indications for an artificial airway (e.g., penetrating trauma to the trachea), slow induction with ketamine or inhaled sevoflurane through cricoid pressure will enable placement of an endotracheal tube without compromising patient safety.
  • 40. Adjuncts to Endotracheal Intubation • The gum elastic bougie, or intubating stylet • The esophageal Combitube • The laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
  • 41. Oral Versus Nasotracheal Intubation • In general, oral intubation is preferable to nasal intubation in the emergency setting because of the risk of injury to the brain from nasal instrumentation in the presence of a basilar skull or cribriform plate fracture. • Change to an oral tube with a larger internal diameter can occur once the patient's condition has stabilized.
  • 42. Facial and Pharyngeal Trauma • In general, both maxillary and mandibular fractures will make ventilation by mask more difficult. • Whereas mandibular fractures will make endotracheal intubation easier.
  • 44. Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock • Resuscitation refers to restoration of normal physiology after injury. • Resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock refers specifically to restoration of normal circulating blood volume, normal vascular tone, and normal tissue perfusion. • Resuscitation begins immediately after injury, via the patient's own compensatory mechanisms, and continues through the prehospital, ED, OR, and ICU phases of care.
  • 45. The “shock cascade.” Ischemia of any given region of the body will trigger an inflammatory response that will have an impact on nonischemic organs even after adequate systemic perfusion has been restored
  • 46. Specific organ systems respond to traumatic shock in specific ways • Central nervous system • Kidney and adrenal glands • Heart • Lung • Gut • liver • Skeletal muscle
  • 47. Resuscitation • • • Early, while active bleeding is still ongoing Late, once all hemorrhage has been controlled Early resuscitation is much more complex because the risks associated with aggressive volume replacement, including the potential for exacerbating hemorrhage and thus prolonging the crisis, must be weighed against the risk of hypoperfusion and ischemia. • Managing late resuscitation is driven by end-point targets and consists of giving enough fluid to maximize oxygen delivery.
  • 48. Risks Associated with Aggressive Volume Replacement during Early Resuscitation • Increased blood pressure • Decreased blood viscosity • Decreased hematocrit • Decreased clotting factor concentration • Greater transfusion requirement • Disruption of electrolyte balance • Direct immune suppression • Premature reperfusion • Increased risk for hypothermia
  • 49. Goals and Algorithm emphasis on • Rapid diagnosis and control of ongoing hemorrhage; to restore vascular volume • Moving the patient from a vasoconstricted state to a vasodilated one while facilitating hemostasis by maintenance of lower than normal blood pressure.
  • 50. Goals for Early Resuscitation • Maintain systolic blood pressure at 80 to 100 mm Hg • Maintain hematocrit at 25% to 30% • Maintain the prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time in normal ranges • Maintain the platelet count at greater than 50,000 per high-power field • Maintain normal serum ionized calcium • Maintain core temperature higher than 35°C • Maintain function of the pulse oximeter • Prevent an increase in serum lactate • Prevent acidosis from worsening • Achieve adequate anesthesia and analgesia
  • 52. Elective Deliberate Hypotension and Emergency Trauma Cases Aspect Elective Trauma Intravascular volume Euvolemic Hypovolemic Temperature Normal Probably hypothermic Capillary beds Dilated Constricted Level of general anesthesia Deep Usually light Preexisting mental status Normal May be impaired Coexisting injuries None May be significant Comorbid conditions Known and managed Unknown
  • 53. deliberate hypotensive resuscitation have avoided to: • Populations perceived to be at greater risk for ischemic complications, including: 1. Patients with known ischemic coronary disease, 2. Elderly patients, 3. Those with injuries to the brain or spinal cord
  • 54. Resuscitation Fluids • Isotonic crystalloids • (normal saline, lactated Ringer's solution [LR], Plasma-Lyte A) • Hypertonic saline solutions, • (with or without the addition of polymerized dextran (HS or HSD), • Colloids, including starch solutions and albumin • Red blood cells • Plasma (FFP, TFP) • Platelet
  • 55. (1 : 1 : 1) • When the patient is in shock, however, and blood loss is likely to be substantial, platelets should be empirically administered in proportion to RBCs and plasma (1: 1 : 1).   Platelets, RBCs, Plasma (1 :1 : 1)  
  • 56. Late Resuscitation • Late resuscitation begins once bleeding is definitively controlled by surgery, angiography, or the passage of time. • The practitioner's goal at this time is to restore normal perfusion to all organ systems while continuing to support vital functions
  • 57. Late Resuscitation • The adequacy of resuscitation should not be judged by the presence of normal vital signs, but by normalization of organ and tissue perfusion. • The role of the anesthesiologist-intensivist is to recognize the presence of ongoing shock after traumatic hemorrhage and to resuscitate the patient with the appropriate fluid, in the appropriate amount, at the appropriate time.
  • 58. Goals of Late Resuscitation • Maintain systolic blood pressure higher than 100 mm Hg • Maintain hematocrit above individual transfusion threshold • Normalize coagulation status • Normalize electrolyte balance • Normalize body temperature • Restore normal urine output • Maximize cardiac output by invasive or noninvasive measurement • Reverse systemic acidosis • Document decrease in lactate to normal range
  • 59. Algorithm for the management of late hemorrhagic shock
  • 60. Occult hypoperfusion syndrome • is common in postoperative trauma patients, particularly young ones. • Characterized by a normal blood pressure maintained by: • • Intravascular volume is low, • Cardiac output is low, • • Systemic vasoconstriction; Organ system ischemia persists. The patient will be at high risk for MOSF if the hypoperfusion is not promptly corrected.
  • 61. Modalities for Assessment of Systemic Perfusion Technique Shortcomings Vital signs Will not indicate occult hypoperfusion Urine output May be confounded by intoxication, diuretic therapy, circadian variation, or renal injury Systemic acid-base status Confounded by respiratory status Lactate clearance Requires time to obtain laboratory result Cardiac output Requires placement of a pulmonary artery catheter or use of noninvasive technology Mixed venous oxygenation Difficult to obtain, but a very accurate marker Gastric tonometry Requires time to equilibrate, subject to artifact Tissue oxygenation Emerging technology, appears beneficial Stroke volume variation Emerging technology, requires an arterial line Acoustic blood flow Investigational technology, unproven
  • 62. Trauma to the Central Nervous System
  • 63. • CNS trauma accounts for almost half of all trauma deaths examined post mortem in population-based analyses or after trauma center admission. • As with hemorrhagic shock, CNS trauma consists of both the primary injury, in which tissue is disrupted by mechanical force, and a secondary response, in which the body's reaction to the injury plays an important role.
  • 64. Traumatic Brain Injury and Prognosis • Mild TBI (GCS score of 13 to 15) • Moderate TBI (GCS score of 9 to 12) • Severe TBI (GCS score of 8 or less)
  • 65. Clinical pathway for the management of severe traumatic brain injury • The goal of therapy is to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure above 60 mm Hg by support of the circulation and control of intracranial pressure. • Progressively more intensive therapies are added until this goal is achieved.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. • A single episode of hypoxemia (Pao2 <60 mm Hg) occurring in a patient with severe TBI is associated with nearly a doubling of mortality. • Hypotension together with hypoxia is associated with a threefold increase in mortality.
  • 69. • With adequate volume resuscitation, PEEP does not increase ICP or lower cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and may actually decrease ICP as a result of improved cerebral oxygenation. • Hyperventilation therapy (e.g., at a Paco2 of 25 mm Hg), long a mainstay in the management of patients with TBI, is no longer recommended as a prophylactic treatment
  • 70. Severe TBI and Goals of Treatment • Paco2 between 30 and 35 mm Hg, • Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg should be avoided, • Greater than 70 mm Hg MAP until ICP monitoring is instituted and CPP can be directly targeted • Hematocrit at greater than 30%. • CPP with a currently recommended goal range of 50 to 70 mm Hg • Hypertonic saline solutions are optimal for fluid replacement. • Patients with severe TBI who are hypothermic on admission not undergo active rewarming.
  • 71. Multiple Compartment Syndrome • Decompressive Craniectomy • Decompressive Laparotomy • Decompressive Celiotomy
  • 72. Multiple Compartment Syndrome • Fluid therapy or acute lung injury (or both) may increase intraabdominal pressure and intrathoracic pressure, thereby increasing ICP. • Further fluid administration to support cerebral perfusion or increasing ventilatory support to treat acute lung injury further exacerbates this problem. • This can create a cycle that ultimately produces multiple compartment syndrome and necessitates opening of the abdomen, even in the absence of primary abdominal trauma. Isolated TBI can thus become a multisystem disease.
  • 73. Hypothermia and Hyperventilation recommendations • Like hyperventilation therapy, there has been a progressive change in the use of hypothermia to treat severe TBI. • Leading to the recommendation that patients with severe TBI who are hypothermic on admission not undergo active rewarming.
  • 74. Management of Intracranial Pressure in the Operating Room • All therapies should be continued throughout the perioperative period: • Positional therapy (when possible), • Aggressive hemodynamic monitoring and resuscitation, • Osmotic agents (with attention to maintaining euvolemia), • Deep levels of analgesia and sedation. • Appropriate anesthetic choices concentrations of volatile anesthetics. include narcotics and low
  • 75. Spinal Cord Injury • Most spinal injuries are found in the lower cervical spine, just above the thorax, or in the upper lumbar region, just below the thorax. • SCI at midthoracic levels is less common because of the rotational stabilization provided by the rib cage and intercostal musculature • SCIWORA (spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality)
  • 76. Spinal Cord Injury • Cervical spine injuries causing quadriplegia are accompanied by significant hypotension because of inappropriate vasodilatation and loss of cardiac inotropy (neurogenic shock). • Functioning of the lower cord will gradually return, along with restoration of normal vascular tone.
  • 77. Mechanisms of spinal cord injury
  • 78. Glucocorticoid Steroid in SCI • Evaluation of the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) is often followed by a glucocorticoid steroid bolus in patients with blunt SCI and complete or partial deficit. • A bolus dose of 30 mg/kg of methylprednisolone, followed by a maintenance infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hr, is given if the patient is less than 8 hours removed from the time of injury. • This infusion is continued for 24 hours if started within 3 hours of injury and for 48 hours if started 3 to 8 hours after injury.
  • 79. Intubation and Ventilatory Support • Early intubation is almost universally required for patients with cervical spine fracture and quadriplegia. • Ventilatory support is absolutely required for patients with a deficit above C4 because they will lack diaphragmatic function. • • Patients with levels from C6 to C7 may still need support because of lost chest wall innervation, paradoxical respiratory motion, and an inability to clear secretions.
  • 80. Early intubation • Early intubation is recommended and can often be accomplished by awake fiberoptic bronchoscopy or use of the GlideScope before hypoxia renders the patient anxious and uncooperative. • Spontaneous ventilation and extubation are possible after surgical stabilization and resolution of neurogenic shock, • Although pneumonia is a common and recurrent complication that frequently necessitates tracheostomy to facilitate pulmonary toilet.
  • 81. Intraoperative Management of Spinal Cord Injury • Direct laryngoscopy with in-line stabilization is appropriate in the emergency setting and in unconscious, combative, or hypoxemic patients when the status of the spine is not known. • In the OR, an awake, alert, and cooperative patient can be intubated by indirect laryngoscopy: • Blind nasal intubation, transillumination with a lighted stylet, and use of an intubating LMA, GlideScope or Bullard laryngoscope,
  • 82. Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Trauma
  • 83. Regional Anesthesia for Trauma Patients Advantages Disadvantages • Allows continued assessment of mental status • Peripheral nerve function difficult to assess • Increased vascular flow • Patient refusal common • Avoidance of airway instrumentation • Requirement for sedation • Improved postoperative mental status • Hemodynamic instability with placement • Decreased blood loss • Longer time to achieve anesthesia • Decreased incidence of deep venous thrombosis • Not suitable for multiple body regions • Improved postoperative analgesia • • Better pulmonary toilet May wear off before procedure(s) conclude • Earlier mobilization
  • 84. General Anesthesia for Trauma Patients Advantages Disadvantages • Speed of onset • • Duration—can be maintained as long as needed Impairment of global neurologic examination • Allows multiple procedures for multiple injuries Requirement for airway instrumentation • Hemodynamic management more complex • Increased potential for barotrauma • • Greater patient acceptance • Allows positive-pressure ventilation
  • 85. Fat Embolism Syndrome (FES) • Signs include hypoxia, tachycardia, mental status changes, and a petechial rash on the upper portions of the body, including the axillae, upper arms and shoulders, chest, neck, and conjunctivae. • FES should be considered whenever the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient deteriorates in conjunction with decreased pulmonary compliance and CNS deterioration.
  • 86. Fat Embolism Syndrome (FES) • Diagnosis in the OR is largely based on the clinical findings after ruling out other causes of hypoxemia. • Fat globules in urine are nondiagnostic. • Lung infiltrates seen on chest radiography confirm the presence of lung injury and the need for appropriate ventilatory management with oxygen, higher PEEP, and possible longer-term mechanical ventilatory support.
  • 87. Fat Embolism Syndrome Treatment in OR • Treatment includes early recognition, administration of oxygen, and judicious fluid management. • A change in the orthopedic procedure may be indicated, such as converting intramedullary nailing of the femur to external fixation.
  • 88. Acute Compartment Syndrome of The Extremities • “condition in which increased pressure within a limited space compromises the circulation and function of the tissues within that space.” • The most common fractures associated with the development of compartment syndrome are those of the tibial shaft (40%) and forearm (18%).
  • 89. Risk Factors for The Development of Compartment Syndrome • • Orthopedic • Fractures and operative repair Iatrogenic Use of pneumatic antishock garments • Intraosseous fluid replacement in an infant/child • Pulsatile lavage extravasation • Extravasation from venous or arterial puncture sites Vascular • Reperfusion injury • Hemorrhage formation • • Casts and circular dressings • • • Ischemia from arterial and venous injuries with hematoma Soft Tissue • Crush injury • Burns • Prolonged compression in an immobile state • Miscellaneous • Snakebite • Acute exertion with
  • 90. “Five P” in Compartment Syndrome • The classic hallmarks of compartment syndrome have been described as pulselessness, pallor, paralysis, paresthesia, and pain —the “five P's • Fasciotomy and its indications
  • 91. Crush syndrome • General manifestation of crush injury caused by continuous prolonged pressure on one or more extremities • The most critical treatment consists of crystalloid fluid resuscitation; a total-body fluid deficit of 15 L may occur in severe rhabdomyolysis. • Osmotic diuresis with mannitol and alkalinization of urine with sodium bicarbonate to prevent precipitation of myoglobin in the renal tubules are controversial.
  • 92. Amputation and Anesthetic Management • Anesthetic management is notable for the strong emotional overlay that accompanies this operation. • Although regional anesthesia is physiologically appropriate and has been shown to limit the subsequent development of phantom limb pain, very few patients will be accepting. • General anesthesia is usually required, although combining it with epidural analgesia may confer the benefits of both techniques.
  • 94. Other Traumatic Injuries • Head and Neck Surgery • Chest Injuries: 1. 2. Traumatic Aortic Injury (TAI) 3. Rib Fractures 4. • Pulmonary Cardiac Injury Abdominal Injury
  • 95. Thoracostomy • Thoracostomy is uncommon but becomes necessary when: 1. There is evidence of mediastinal injury, 2. Chest tube output exceeds 1500 mL in the first hours after injury, 3. Tracheal or bronchial injury and 4. Massive air leak are apparent, 5. Patient is hemodynamically unstable with evident thoracic pathology
  • 96. • Many patients with blunt thoracic injury have bilateral pulmonary contusions and will require increased Fio2 and high levels of PEEP to maintain adequate oxygenation, even when both lungs are ventilated. • Although double-lumen endotracheal intubation is desirable during urgent thoracotomy, this should not be the initial approach.
  • 97. Tracheobronchial Injury • Blunt trauma most commonly results in an injury to the tracheobronchial tree within 2.5 cm of the carina and may initially be unrecognized. • The presence of subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, or pneumoperitoneum, without apparent cause, should alert the practitioner to possible tracheobronchial injury.
  • 98. • Traumatic Aortic Injury: • Treatment is similar to that in patients with uncomplicated type B aortic dissection and consists of β-blockade to minimize the cardiac rate-pressure product • Rib Fractures • Self healing, Therapy is directed at minimizing pulmonary complications secondary to these fractures, such as pain, splinting, atelectasis, hypoxemia, and pneumonia.
  • 99. Cardiac Injury • If the patient is hemodynamically stable and the ECG does not demonstrate conduction disturbances or tachyarrhythmias, blunt cardiac injury can be safely excluded. • If either a new tachyarrhythmia or conduction disturbance subsequently develops or the patient has unexplained hypotension, other causes (hypovolemia, renal failure) should be ruled out first.
  • 100. Cardiac Injury • If the workup is negative, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) should be performed. • Right ventricular dysfunction resulting in hypotension may be overlooked while more common causes of hypotension in the trauma patient are being evaluated. • TEE is superior to TTE in obese patients or those with injuries to the chest wall that make it difficult to obtain adequate acoustic windows, but it will generally require intubation and deep sedation to perform. • Once diagnosed, blunt cardiac injury should be managed as ischemic cardiac injury,
  • 102. Selected Patient Populations • Trauma and Pregnancy • Elderly Trauma Patients • Jehovah's Witness Patients
  • 103. Trauma and Pregnancy • High risk for spontaneous abortion, preterm labor, or premature delivery, depending on the location and magnitude of the mother's injury. • The best treatment of the developing fetus consists of rapid and complete resuscitation of the mother. • Preterm labor should be treated with β-agonist agents or magnesium at the direction of the obstetrician; delivery should be delayed as long as the fetus is not an unacceptable metabolic stress on the mother.
  • 104. Trauma and Pregnancy • Delivery by cesarean section is indicated if: • Mother is in extremis, • Uterus itself is hemorrhaging, • Gravid uterus is impairing surgical control of abdominal or pelvic hemorrhage • The Kleihauer-Betke blood test in O- mothers
  • 106. Postoperative Care • Emergence and Tracheal Extubation • Acute Pain Management
  • 107. Criteria for OR or PACU Extubation of Trauma Patients • Mental Status • Respiratory Mechanics • Adequate tidal volume and respiratory rate • Resolution of intoxication • Able to follow commands • Normal motor strength • Noncombative • Required Fio2 less than 0.50 • Pain adequately controlled • • Airway Anatomy and Reflexes • Appropriate cough and gag • Ability to protect the airway from aspiration • No excessive airway edema or instability Systemic Stability • Adequately resuscitated (see above) • Small likelihood of urgent return to the operating room • Normothermic, without signs of sepsis
  • 108. Neuropathic Pain • Neuropathic pain arises when there is direct injury to a major sensory nerve and is common after spinal cord trauma, traumatic amputations, and major crush injuries. • Neuropathic pain is characterized by burning, intermittent electrical shocks, and dysesthesia in the affected dermatomal distribution. • It is important to identify neuropathic pain because it responds poorly to the analgesics used for somatic pain.
  • 109. Therapy For Neuropathic Pain • First-line therapy for neuropathic pain has been revolutionized by the widespread use of gabapentin, an antiepileptic drug with very strong specificity for this problem. • Gabapentin therapy is typically initiated at a dose of 200 mg three times daily, with daily titration upward to a maximum of 2 to 3 g/day. • If neuropathic pain persists, selective regional anesthesia or analgesia may be indicated in an effort to “break the cycle” of spinal cord receptor recruitment.
  • 110. Summary • Trauma touches all ages and classes of patients, from young and vigorous to elderly and frail. • Because of its great prevalence, practicing anesthesiologists will encounter trauma patients throughout their careers. • Increased public recognition of the consequences of injury has sparked interest in trauma research and education, with the result that diagnostic and therapeutic techniques have evolved rapidly in recent years. • The anesthesiologist, as a perioperative physician, is in the ideal position to understand and apply these new techniques.
  • 111. Thanks for your kind Attention!

Editor's Notes

  1. Miller 2010, chapter 72
  2. ATLS emphasizes the ABCDE mnemonic: airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure. Verification of an open airway and acceptable respiratory mechanics is of primary importance because hypoxia is the most immediate threat to life. Inability to oxygenate the patient will lead to permanent brain injury and death within 5 to 10 minutes. Trauma patients are at risk for airway obstruction and inadequate respiration for the reasons listed in Box 72-1 . Endotracheal intubation, whether performed in the prehospital environment or in the ED, must be confirmed immediately by capnometry. Esophageal intubation or endotracheal tube dislodgement are common and devastating if not promptly corrected. Patients in cardiac arrest may have very low end-tidal CO2 values; direct laryngoscopy should be performed if there is any question about the location of the endotracheal tube (see also Chapter 50 ).
  3. Walking again after spinal cord injury