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MySQL Kitchen
MySQL Conf & expo, Santa Clara, CA, USA
April 26th, 2007
• Clever SQL recipes for MySQL
• Tweaking SQL queries
• You know about MySQL
• Really unexpected results ?
• Solve every day problems
• Can be solved in more than one way
• Functionnality over speed
• Speed over functionnality
• May be solved from programming
Who's talking
• Damien Séguy
• editor
• MySQL Guild member
• Expert consulting with
Scene : PHP statistics
• Applied to PHP Statistics schema
• Distributed system to track PHP
• Yes, data are real, recent and fun
• Available as download with the slides
Don't wait till the end
• Tricks are like good jokes
• Feel free to answer
• Feel free to ask questions
Funky sorting
• Given that both query and result are right :
• What sorts of sort is that?
mysql> SELECT id, rank FROM mce_1
| id | rank |
| 1 | first |
| 2 | second |
| 3 | third |
| 4 | fourth |
Funky sorting
• Enum is both a string and a number
• Internally used as an integer
• Compact storage, over 65000 values
• Displayed as string
mysql> CREATE TABLE `mce_1` (
`id` tinyint(11) NOT NULL,
`rank` enum('first','second','third','fourth'),
Storing IP addresses
mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('');
| INET_ATON('') |
| 3582473245 |
mysql> SELECT INET_NTOA(3582473245);
| INET_NTOA(3582473245) |
| |
(bbb*65536 )+
(ccc*256 )+
Storing IP addresses
✦ Use INT UNSIGNED to store IP addresses
✦ Storage : 4 bytes / 15 chars (Unicode!)
✦ half-works with IP v6
✦ Efficient search with logical operators
✦ WHERE ip & INET_NTOA('') =
Other manipulations
✦ Works with any number of parts
✦ Don't go over 255 and don't come back
✦ Use it to compare versions
✦ just like version_compare() in PHP
✦ Use it to structure keys
✦ Beware of always-signed plat-forms
Other manipulations
mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('');
| INET_ATON('') |
| 144964032628459529 |
mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('5.0.27') >
| INET_ATON('5.0.27') > INET_ATON('5.2.3') |
| 0 |
• Not continuous
• Delete, insert, updates are allowed
• Not starting at 0
• Not incrementing + 1
• auto_increment_increment
• auto_increment_offset
• Not Unique
• Indexed is suffisant
• Primary key is the practice
Multi auto_increment
mysql> CREATE TABLE `mau` (
`idT` CHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `idT` , `idN` )
mysql> INSERT INTO `mau` (idT)
VALUES ('a'), ('a');
mysql> INSERT INTO `mau` (idT)
VALUES('b'), ('c');
mysql> INSERT INTO `mau` (idT)
VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c');
mysql> SELECT * FROM mau;
| idT | idN |
| a | 1 |
| a | 2 |
| b | 1 |
| c | 1 |
| a | 3 |
| b | 2 |
| c | 2 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Multi auto_increment
mysql> CREATE TABLE `mau_partition` (
`server` ENUM('a','b','c'),
PRIMARY KEY ( `idT` , `idN` )
) ENGINE=MYISAM; mysql> SELECT *, inet_ntoa(pow
(2,24) * server + idN) AS id
FROM mau_partition;
| server | idN | id |
| a | 1 | |
| a | 2 | |
| a | 3 | |
| b | 1 | |
| b | 2 | |
| c | 1 | |
| c | 2 | |
• Partition data
• One central table
generating id
• Keep IP notation
• DayDream?
An integer table
• Always useful table
• Generate random values
• Check for missing values
• Use it as internal loops
An integer table
mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE integers;
| CREATE TABLE `integers` ( |
| `i` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO integers
VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
An integer table
mysql> SELECT 10 * d.i + u.i
FROM integers u
CROSS JOIN integers d;
| 10 * d.i + u.i |
| 0 |
| 1 |
// ..................
| 98 |
| 99 |
100 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Missing values
mysql> SELECT i AS missing
FROM integers
LEFT JOIN mce_with_holes
ON integers.i =
| id |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 4 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 9 |
| missing |
| 0 |
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 8 |
Missing values
mysql> SELECT
DATE_FORMAT(NOW()- interval i MONTH,'%m-%Y') p2,
IFNULL( LEFT(period, 7), 'Missing') period
FROM integers LEFT JOIN EvolutionByCountry
ON period =
DATE_FORMAT( now() - interval i MONTH, '%Y-%m-01')
AND tag = 'mv'
| 08-2006 | Missing |
| 09-2006 | 2006-09 |
| 10-2006 | Missing |
| 11-2006 | Missing |
| 12-2006 | Missing |
| 01-2007 | 2007-01 |
| 02-2007 | 2007-02 |
| 03-2007 | 2007-03 |
| 04-2007 | Missing |
| 19 | h |
| 20 | g |
| 21 | f |
| 22 | e |
| 23 | d |
| 24 | c |
| 25 | b |
| 26 | a |
Internal loops
mysql> SELECT rand() FROM integers WHERE i < 5;
mysql> SELECT d.i * 10 + u.i AS counter,
-1 * (d.i * 10 + u.i), 1) AS letter
FROM integers u, integers d
WHERE d.i * 10 + u.i BETWEEN 1 AND 26;
| i | ideogramm |
| 0 | 我 |
| 1 | 戒 |
| 2 | 戓 |
| 3 | 戔 |
| 4 | 戕 |
| 5 | 或 |
Internal loops
mysql> SELECT
CHAR(15108241 + i) AS ideogramm
FROM integers u WHERE i < 6;
Random values
mysql> SELECT group_concat(char(rand() * 25 + 97)
SEPARATOR '' ) AS word
FROM integers AS l
JOIN integers AS w
WHERE l.i < rand() * 9 + 1
| word |
| wwafq |
| zblhr |
| dxir |
| frh |
| yjzv |
| rrwg |
• Concat() and concat_ws() :
now for groups
• Concatenate strings within GROUP BY
• Limited to 1kb by default
• Change group_concat_max_len
Grouping strings
mysql> SELECT,
SEPARATOR ', ') subregions
FROM region JOIN region AS region2
ON =
| name | subregions |
| California | Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Clara |
| Canada | British Colombia, Québec |
| USA | California |
Second last of mohican
mysql> SELECT period,
MAX(percentage) as first,
MID(group_concat(format(percentage, 5) order by
percentage desc separator ',' ), 10, 8) AS second,
MID(group_concat(format(percentage, 5) order by
percentage desc separator ',' ), 19,
locate(',', group_concat(format(percentage, 5)
order by percentage desc separator ',' ) ,20) - 19)
AS third
FROM VersionEvolution GROUP BY period;
| period | first | second | third |
| 2005-10-01 | 26.443662847 | 19.78355 | 9.21313 |
| 2005-11-01 | 24.351049557 | 18.89599 | 8.72828 |
| uid | key | val |
| 1 | name | Smith |
| 1 | age | 22 |
| 1 | iq | 100 |
| 2 | name | John |
| 2 | age | 33 |
| 3 | name | Doe |
| uid | name | age | others |
| 1 | Smith | 22 | iq:100; |
| 2 | John | 33 | |
| 3 | Doe | | |
mysql> SELECT uid,
group_concat(if(`key` = 'name',val, '')
SEPARATOR '' ) as name,
group_concat(if(`key` = 'age',val, '')
SEPARATOR '' ) as age,
group_concat(if(`key` != 'age' AND
`key` != 'name',
concat(`key`,':',val,';'), '')
SEPARATOR '' ) as others
FROM table
| uid | name | age | others |
| 1 | Smith | 22 | iq:100; |
| 2 | John | 33 | |
| 3 | Doe | | |
Separating columns
mysql> SELECT SUBSTR(col, 2 * i + 1 , 1) as v
FROM mce_col
JOIN integers
ON 2 * i + 1 <= length(col);
| col |
| a,b,c |
| e,a |
| c,d,e,f |
| v |
| a |
| e |
| c |
| b |
| a |
| d |
| c |
| e |
| f |
Separating columns
mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE mce_col_sep;
| CREATE TABLE `mce_col_sep`( |
| `col` SET('a','b','c','d','e','f') |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO mce_col_sep
SELECT id, col FROM mce_col;
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
"CREATE TABLE `mce_col_sep` (n `col` SET('",
"')n) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1")
AS `Create statement`
DISTINCT SUBSTR(col, 2 * i + 1 , 1) v
FROM mce_col
JOIN integers
ON 2 * i + 1 <= length(col))
Creating table
• Beware of commas and figures!!
prompt> mysql -u R -D mce -B --skip-column-names -e "
"CREATE TABLE `mce_col_sep` ( `col` SET('",
AS `Create_statement`FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(col, 2 * i + 1 , 1) v
FROM mce_col JOIN integers
ON 2 * i + 1 <= length(col))
subquery" | mysql -u root -D otherdb
Creating table
• Get the Query from mysql
• Feed it directly to MySQL
• Enjoy the fight with quotes
Quick charts
mysql> SELECT version,
REPEAT('*', percentage * 5) AS bars
FROM mce_versions;
Quick charts
mysql> SELECT
date_format(period, '%Y-%m') as period,
CONCAT(REPEAT(' ',percentage * 5),'*') chart
FROM VersionEvolution
WHERE version = '5.1.4'
| period | percentage | chart |
| 2006-05 | 0.656734371 | * |
| 2006-06 | 1.757067474 | * |
| 2006-07 | 2.479576456 | * |
| 2006-08 | 3.205463396 | * |
| 2006-09 | 2.95759682 | * |
| 2006-10 | 2.715522835 | * |
| 2006-11 | 2.420928359 | * |
| 2006-12 | 2.309768494 | * |
| 2007-01 | 2.159442571 | * |
| 2007-02 | 2.056453219 | * |
| 2007-03 | 1.960647675 | * |
mysql> CALL mandelbrot (50,20) //
| content |
| |
| ..................... |
| ............................. |
| ................................... |
| ..................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... |
| ...............,,,---@+o*~----,,,,,,,,,,... |
| ..............,,,--~~:@@@@;**~----,,,,,,,,,,. |
| .............,,,,~@@&@@@@@@@@@@;*~~~--,,,,,,,,, |
| .............,,,,-*+@@@@@@@@@@@@@o::::::+~--,,,,, |
| ............,,,,--*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&:~~~---- |
| ............,,,,--~:o@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
| ............,,,,--*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&:~~~---- |
| .............,,,,-*+@@@@@@@@@@@@@o::::::+~--,,,,, |
| .............,,,,~@@&@@@@@@@@@@;*~~~--,,,,,,,,, |
| ..............,,,--~~:@@@@;**~----,,,,,,,,,,. |
| ...............,,,---@+o*~----,,,,,,,,,,... |
| ..................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... |
| ................................... |
| ............................. |
| ..................... |
20 rows in set (0.11 sec)
Us and the others
• Display statistics as pie
• Small shares are
• Unsignificant
• Hard to display
• Should be gathered
as 'Others'
Us and the others
mysql> SELECT version, percentage
FROM statsPHPmajor;
| version | percentage |
| 2 | 0.000291572 |
| 3 | 0.445930425 |
| 4 | 83.676435775 |
| 5 | 15.871029479 |
| 6 | 2.9157e-05 |
Us and the others
• We need a criteria : < 1%
• IF() in a SQL query
• Change the version name on the fly
• Dynamically reduce the number of lines
• some lines stay alone, others get grouped
• SUM() gather all percentage in one
Us and the others
mysql> SELECT
IF(percentage >1, version, 'Others') AS version,
SUM(percentage) AS percentage
FROM statsPHPmajor
IF (percentage > 1, version, 'Others');
| version | percentage |
| 4 | 83.516435775 |
| 5 | 15.871029479 |
| Others | 0.446251154 |
Groups of one
• GROUP BY handles groups of one
COUNT(*) as number, AVG(), MEAN(), etc.
SUM(pourcentage) AS pourcentage,
// Conditionnal sum
SUM(if (col > 1, fractions, 0)) AS share,
// Product
EXP(SUM(LN(interest_rate))) AS composed,
// Homogenous group : STDDEV is 0
STDDEV(CRC32(text)) as homogenous
// Concatenation
mysql> SELECT version, SUM(percentage)
FROM statsPHPmajor
| version | SUM(percentage) |
| 2 | 0.000291572 |
| 3 | 0.445930425 |
| 4 | 83.676435775 |
| 5 | 15.871029479 |
| 6 | 2.9157e-05 |
| NULL | 99.993716408 |
• GROUP BY modifier
• It will present intermediate values
• Even more interesting with several
mysql> SELECT major, middle, minor,
FORMAT(SUM(percentage),2) as percentage
FROM statsPHPversions
GROUP BY major, middle, minor
| major | middle | minor | percentage |
| 5 | 1 | 6 | 3.00 |
| 5 | 1 | 7 | 0.00 |
| 5 | 1 | NULL | 7.07 |
| 5 | 2 | 0 | 2.61 |
| 5 | 2 | 1 | 2.29 |
| 5 | 2 | 2 | 0.02 |
| 5 | 2 | NULL | 4.92 |
| 5 | NULL | NULL | 15.87 |
| 6 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 |
| 6 | 0 | NULL | 0.00 |
| 6 | NULL | NULL | 0.00 |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | 100.00 |
MySQL Variables
• Store scalar values
• Reuse results in later queries
MySQL Variables
mysql> SET @var := 3;
mysql> SELECT @var;
| @var |
| 3 |
mysql> SELECT @var := 4;
| @var := 4 |
| 4 |
MySQL Variables
• Available since prehistoric times
• Handled on a connexion basis
• Destroyed upon disconnection
• No chance to step on other's values
• Globals
• Simultaneous assignement and usage
• Execution from left to right
MySQL variables
mysql> SELECT @total := SUM(number)
FROM statsPHPraw ;
mysql> INSERT INTO statsPHPversions
SELECT version, number / @total * 100
FROM statsPHPraw;
mysql> SELECT SUM(number)
FROM statsPHPraw;
// get 10107060 in a variable
mysql> INSERT INTO statsPHPversions
SELECT version, number / 10107060 * 100
FROM statsPHPraw;
MySQL variables
• Static SQL
• from the programming side, no more
need to build a SQL query on the fly
• Use them for better security and
• Migrate toward stored procedures
• Another internal loop
mysql> SET @cumulation := 0 ;
mysql> SELECT version, percentage,
@cumulation :=
@cumulation + percentage AS cumulation
| version | percentage | cumulation |
| 2.0.1 | 0.000291572 | 0.00 |
| 5.1.5 | 0.214101419 | 92.07 |
| 5.1.6 | 3.001210315 | 95.07 |
| 5.1.7 | 0.000962188 | 95.08 |
| 5.2.0 | 2.609862194 | 97.68 |
| 5.2.1 | 2.290153346 | 99.98 |
| 5.2.2 | 0.019214603 | 99.99 |
| 6.0.0 | 2.9157e-05 | 99.99 |
Agile loading
✦ Change order
✦ Reformat data
✦ Ignore some of them
✦ Split values
✦ Add other values
✦ Add constants
03-Mar-07 71,12 Vanuatu Australia
03-Mar-07 33,34 USA North America
04-Mar-07 17,85 Israel Eurasia
| Field |
| id |
| period |
| country |
| php |
| rank |
Agile loading
mysql> SET @i := 0;
mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/stats.txt'
(@date, @php, @country, @continent)
id = 0,
period = date(STR_TO_DATE(@date, '%d-%b-%y')),
rank = (@i := @i + 1),
php = CAST( REPLACE(@php, ',','.') as DECIMAL),
country = @country;
• Sorting lines by scores
• Who is the first?
• the second?
• What about ex-aequo?
mysql> SELECT country, php
FROM statsPHPcountry2
| country | php |
| Vanuatu | 71 |
| F. Polynesia | 68 |
| United Kingdom | 33 |
| USA | 33 |
| Greenland | 19 |
| Israel | 18 |
Ranking : one-pass
mysql> SET @rank := 0;
mysql> SELECT @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank,
country, php FROM statsPHPcountry2
| rank | country | php |
| 1 | Vanuatu | 71 |
| 2 | F. Polynesia | 68 |
| 3 | United Kingdom | 33 |
| 4 | USA | 33 |
| 5 | Greenland | 19 |
| 6 | Israel | 18 |
Ranking : ex-aequo
mysql> SET @rank := 0, @prev := NULL;
mysql> SELECT
@rank := if(@prev=php, @rank, @rank+ 1) AS rank,
country, @prev:= php AS php
FROM statsPHPcountry2
| rank | country | php |
| 1 | Vanuatu | 71 |
| 2 | F. Polynesia | 68 |
| 3 | United Kingdom | 33 |
| 3 | USA | 33 |
| 4 | Greenland | 19 |
| 5 | Israel | 18 |
Final ranking
mysql> SET @num := 0, @rank := 0, @prev := NULL;
mysql> SELECT GREATEST(@num := @num + 1,
@rank := if(@prev != php, @num, @rank)) AS rank,
country, @prev := php AS php
FROM statsPHPcountry2
| rank | country | php |
| 1 | Vanuatu | 71 |
| 2 | F. Polynesia | 68 |
| 3 | United Kingdom | 33 |
| 4 | USA | 33 |
| 5 | Greenland | 19 |
| 6 | Israel | 18 |
Programming SQL
• Use LEAST/GREATEST to hide extra
assignements within the SQL
• those function accept arbitrary number
of arguments
• just choose carefully the one you need
• Don't turn your SQL into a full blown
• Make an update, and select values at the
same time
• Like UPDATE on SELECT from InnoDB
• No need for transaction
• Available with MyISAM
Atomic queries
mysql> CREATE TABLE seq (id int unsigned);
mysql> INSERT INTO seq values (0);
mysql> UPDATE seq SET id = (@id := (id + 1) % 5);
mysql> UPDATE seq SET id = ((@id := id) + 1 % 5);
mysql> SELECT @id;
✦ Emulate sequences
✦ Not just auto_increment
✦ Cyclic ids, negative increment,
✦ strings, enum/set type
mysql> SET @x := '';
mysql> UPDATE seq2 SET id =
GREATEST(id + 2, @x := CONCAT(letter ',',@x))
WHERE id % 2;
mysql> SELECT @x;
| id | letter |
| 0 | a |
| 3 | b |
| 2 | c |
| 5 | d |
| 4 | e |
| 7 | f |
| @x |
| a,c,e,g,i, |
End of session
Though, more slides were ready,
so you may go on and learn more tricks
Obtaining top n rows
✦ Classic problem
✦ Use a temporary table and a join
✦ Use a subquery and a MySQL variable
mysql> SELECT *, MAX(col) FROM TABLE;
Obtaining top n rows
mysql> SET @num := 0, @rank := 0, @prev := NULL;
mysql> SELECT * from (
SELECT @rank:= if(@prev=tag,@rank+1,0) rank,
@prev := tag as country, period as month,
quantity FROM EvolutionByCountry
ORDER BY country, quantity
) AS t WHERE rank < 3;
| rank | country | month | quantity |
| 0 | us | 2007-01-01 | 33 |
| 1 | us | 2006-12-01 | 33 |
| 2 | us | 2007-02-01 | 33 |
Word slicing
Documentation MySQL : this is the
• Slicing text column into words
• Not just static length variables
• Words have different length
Word slicing
mysql> SET @a := 1, @b := 1;
mysql> SELECT * FROM (
SELECT i, @a,
@b := LEAST(
locate(' ', concat(manual, ' '), @a + 1),
locate(',', concat(manual, ','), @a + 1),
locate(':', concat(manual, ':'), @a + 1),
locate('.', concat(manual, '.'), @a + 1)
) as pos,
@b - @a AS length,
substr(manual, @a, @b - @a) as word,
@a := @b + 1
FROM integers, mysql_doc
WHERE @b < length(manual)) subquery
WHERE length > 1 OR
LOCATE(' ,:;.', word) > 0;
Word slicing
| i | @a | pos | length | word | b |
| 0 | 1 | 14 | 13 | Documentation | 15 |
| 1 | 15 | 20 | 5 | MySQL | 21 |
| 3 | 23 | 27 | 4 | this | 28 |
| 4 | 28 | 30 | 2 | is | 31 |
| 5 | 31 | 34 | 3 | the | 35 |
| 6 | 35 | 48 | 13 | documentation | 49 |
Adding chaos
• Extract random rows from a table
• SQL help sorting, not mixing!
• Lotery, random tests,
Cards dealing,
Genetic programming
• Can be done from programming langage
Adding chaos
mysql> SELECT col FROM tbl
WHERE SECOND(date) = floor(RAND() * 60)
mysql> SELECT names FROM drivers
mysql> SELECT id FROM tbl
WHERE id % 31 = 3
• Know your data and use it as random
Adding chaos
mysql> SELECT i FROM integers ORDER BY RAND();
| i |
| 5 |
| 8 |
| 7 |
| 4 |
| 1 |
| 9 |
| 6 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 0 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Adding chaos
• Rand() gets slower and slower
• Speed on luck?
Using indexed chaos
• Store RAND() in extra column and index it
• Still use ORDER BY
• Use LIMIT offset from main program
• Update table once in a while
Adding indexed chaos
mysql> SELECT col FROM tbl ORDER BY chaos LIMIT 10;
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> ALTER TABLE tbl ADD INDEX(x);
Query OK, 10000000 rows affected (28.69 sec)
mysql> UPDATE tbl SET chaos=RAND();
Query OK, 10000000 rows affected (3 min 40.53 sec)
Getting one random
mysql> SELECT id, cols FROM table JOIN
(SELECT MAX(i) FROM table)) AS r)
AS r2 ON id = r;
• Deepest sub-query is type const
• Sub-query do not use table
• id is an positive integer column
• auto_increment and continuous
Random and holes
mysql> CREATE TABLE holes (
SELECT id, 0 FROM table;
mysql> SELECT id, cols FROM table
JOIN holes on =
(SELECT MAX(i) FROM table)) AS r)
AS r2 ON id = r;
Several random?
• Plug with integer's table
• Add distinct to avoid doubles
• Beware of select too large subset of
mysql> SELECT id, cols FROM table JOIN
(SELECT MAX(i) FROM table)) AS r
FROM integers WHERE i < 5)
AS rt2 ON id = r;
Timed lock
• Wait until it start working
• GET_LOCK('name', 3)
• System wide lock
• Wait 3 seconds then gives up
• Collaborative work
• MySQL Documentation, MySQL Press
• MySQL Cookbook by Paul Dubois,
• SQL Hacks by Andrew Cumming
and Gordon Russel, O'reilly
Great MySQL blogs
• Baron Schwartz
• Giuseppe Maxia
• Sheeri Kritzer
• Roland Bouman
• Ronald Bradford
• Jan Kneschke
Great MySQL blogs
• Morgan Tocker
• MySQL Planet
• Moosh et son Brol (Fr)
MySQL Kitchen : spice up your everyday SQL queries

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MySQL Kitchen : spice up your everyday SQL queries

  • 1. MySQL Kitchen MySQL Conf & expo, Santa Clara, CA, USA April 26th, 2007
  • 2. Agenda • Clever SQL recipes for MySQL • Tweaking SQL queries • You know about MySQL • Really unexpected results ?
  • 3. Agenda • Solve every day problems • Can be solved in more than one way • Functionnality over speed • Speed over functionnality • May be solved from programming language
  • 4. Who's talking • Damien Séguy • editor • MySQL Guild member • Expert consulting with • •
  • 5. Scene : PHP statistics • Applied to PHP Statistics schema • Distributed system to track PHP evolution • Yes, data are real, recent and fun • Available as download with the slides •
  • 6. Don't wait till the end • Tricks are like good jokes • Feel free to answer questions • Feel free to ask questions
  • 7. Funky sorting • Given that both query and result are right : • What sorts of sort is that? mysql> SELECT id, rank FROM mce_1 ORDER BY rank ASC; +----+--------+ | id | rank | +----+--------+ | 1 | first | | 2 | second | | 3 | third | | 4 | fourth | +----+--------+
  • 8. Funky sorting • Enum is both a string and a number • Internally used as an integer • Compact storage, over 65000 values • Displayed as string mysql> CREATE TABLE `mce_1` ( `id` tinyint(11) NOT NULL, `rank` enum('first','second','third','fourth'), ) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1;
  • 9. Storing IP addresses mysql> SELECT INET_ATON(''); +----------------------------+ | INET_ATON('') | +----------------------------+ | 3582473245 | +----------------------------+ mysql> SELECT INET_NTOA(3582473245); +-----------------------+ | INET_NTOA(3582473245) | +-----------------------+ | | +-----------------------+ (aaa*16777216)+ (bbb*65536 )+ (ccc*256 )+ ddd
  • 10. Storing IP addresses ✦ Use INT UNSIGNED to store IP addresses ✦ Storage : 4 bytes / 15 chars (Unicode!) ✦ half-works with IP v6 ✦ Efficient search with logical operators ✦ WHERE ip & INET_NTOA('') = INET_NTOA('');
  • 11. Other manipulations ✦ Works with any number of parts ✦ Don't go over 255 and don't come back ✦ Use it to compare versions ✦ just like version_compare() in PHP ✦ Use it to structure keys ✦ Beware of always-signed plat-forms
  • 12. Other manipulations mysql> SELECT INET_ATON(''); +--------------------------------+ | INET_ATON('') | +--------------------------------+ | 144964032628459529 | +--------------------------------+ mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('5.0.27') > INET_ATON('5.2.3'); +------------------------------------------+ | INET_ATON('5.0.27') > INET_ATON('5.2.3') | +------------------------------------------+ | 0 | +------------------------------------------+
  • 13. Auto_increment • Not continuous • Delete, insert, updates are allowed • Not starting at 0 • Not incrementing + 1 • auto_increment_increment • auto_increment_offset
  • 14. Auto_increment • Not Unique • Indexed is suffisant • Primary key is the practice
  • 15. Multi auto_increment mysql> CREATE TABLE `mau` ( `idT` CHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL , `idN` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY ( `idT` , `idN` ) ) ENGINE=MYISAM; mysql> INSERT INTO `mau` (idT) VALUES ('a'), ('a'); mysql> INSERT INTO `mau` (idT) VALUES('b'), ('c'); mysql> INSERT INTO `mau` (idT) VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c'); mysql> SELECT * FROM mau; +-----+-----+ | idT | idN | +-----+-----+ | a | 1 | | a | 2 | | b | 1 | | c | 1 | | a | 3 | | b | 2 | | c | 2 | +-----+-----+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 16. Multi auto_increment mysql> CREATE TABLE `mau_partition` ( `server` ENUM('a','b','c'), `idN` INT NOT NULL UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY ( `idT` , `idN` ) ) ENGINE=MYISAM; mysql> SELECT *, inet_ntoa(pow (2,24) * server + idN) AS id FROM mau_partition; +--------+-----+---------+ | server | idN | id | +--------+-----+---------+ | a | 1 | | | a | 2 | | | a | 3 | | | b | 1 | | | b | 2 | | | c | 1 | | | c | 2 | | +--------+-----+---------+ • Partition data • One central table generating id • Keep IP notation • DayDream?
  • 17. An integer table • Always useful table • Generate random values • Check for missing values • Use it as internal loops
  • 18. An integer table mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE integers; +-------------------------------------------------+ | CREATE TABLE | +-------------------------------------------------+ | CREATE TABLE `integers` ( | | `i` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL | |) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 | +-------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO integers VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 19. An integer table mysql> SELECT 10 * d.i + u.i FROM integers u CROSS JOIN integers d; +----------------+ | 10 * d.i + u.i | +----------------+ | 0 | | 1 | // .................. | 98 | | 99 | +----------------+ 100 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 20. Missing values mysql> SELECT i AS missing FROM integers LEFT JOIN mce_with_holes ON integers.i = WHERE IS NULL; +------+ | id | +------+ | 1 | | 2 | | 4 | | 6 | | 7 | | 9 | +------+ +---------+ | missing | +---------+ | 0 | | 3 | | 5 | | 8 | +---------+
  • 21. Missing values mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW()- interval i MONTH,'%m-%Y') p2, IFNULL( LEFT(period, 7), 'Missing') period FROM integers LEFT JOIN EvolutionByCountry ON period = DATE_FORMAT( now() - interval i MONTH, '%Y-%m-01') AND tag = 'mv' ORDER BY i DESC; | 08-2006 | Missing | | 09-2006 | 2006-09 | | 10-2006 | Missing | | 11-2006 | Missing | | 12-2006 | Missing | | 01-2007 | 2007-01 | | 02-2007 | 2007-02 | | 03-2007 | 2007-03 | | 04-2007 | Missing |
  • 22. | 19 | h | | 20 | g | | 21 | f | | 22 | e | | 23 | d | | 24 | c | | 25 | b | | 26 | a | +---------+--------+ Internal loops mysql> SELECT rand() FROM integers WHERE i < 5; mysql> SELECT d.i * 10 + u.i AS counter, SUBSTR('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', -1 * (d.i * 10 + u.i), 1) AS letter FROM integers u, integers d WHERE d.i * 10 + u.i BETWEEN 1 AND 26;
  • 23. +---------+-------------------+ | i | ideogramm | +---------+-------------------+ | 0 | 我 | | 1 | 戒 | | 2 | 戓 | | 3 | 戔 | | 4 | 戕 | | 5 | 或 | Internal loops mysql> SELECT i, CHAR(15108241 + i) AS ideogramm FROM integers u WHERE i < 6;
  • 24. Random values mysql> SELECT group_concat(char(rand() * 25 + 97) SEPARATOR '' ) AS word FROM integers AS l JOIN integers AS w WHERE l.i < rand() * 9 + 1 GROUP BY w.i; +--------+ | word | +--------+ | wwafq | | zblhr | | dxir | | frh | | yjzv | | rrwg |
  • 25. GROUP_CONCAT • Concat() and concat_ws() : now for groups • Concatenate strings within GROUP BY • ORDER BY • SEPARATOR • Limited to 1kb by default • Change group_concat_max_len
  • 26. Grouping strings mysql> SELECT, group_concat( ORDER BY SEPARATOR ', ') subregions FROM region JOIN region AS region2 ON = GROUP BY ORDER BY; +------------+------------------------------------+ | name | subregions | +------------+------------------------------------+ | California | Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Clara | | Canada | British Colombia, Québec | | USA | California | +------------+------------------------------------+
  • 27. Second last of mohican mysql> SELECT period, MAX(percentage) as first, MID(group_concat(format(percentage, 5) order by percentage desc separator ',' ), 10, 8) AS second, MID(group_concat(format(percentage, 5) order by percentage desc separator ',' ), 19, locate(',', group_concat(format(percentage, 5) order by percentage desc separator ',' ) ,20) - 19) AS third FROM VersionEvolution GROUP BY period; +------------+--------------+----------+----------+ | period | first | second | third | +------------+--------------+----------+----------+ | 2005-10-01 | 26.443662847 | 19.78355 | 9.21313 | | 2005-11-01 | 24.351049557 | 18.89599 | 8.72828 |
  • 28. Transposition +-----+-------------------+ | uid | key | val | +-----+-------------------+ | 1 | name | Smith | | 1 | age | 22 | | 1 | iq | 100 | | 2 | name | John | | 2 | age | 33 | | 3 | name | Doe | +-----+-------------------+ +------+-------+------+---------+ | uid | name | age | others | +------+-------+------+---------+ | 1 | Smith | 22 | iq:100; | | 2 | John | 33 | | | 3 | Doe | | | +------+-------+------+---------+
  • 29. Transposition mysql> SELECT uid, group_concat(if(`key` = 'name',val, '') SEPARATOR '' ) as name, group_concat(if(`key` = 'age',val, '') SEPARATOR '' ) as age, group_concat(if(`key` != 'age' AND `key` != 'name', concat(`key`,':',val,';'), '') SEPARATOR '' ) as others FROM table GROUP BY uid; +------+-------+------+---------+ | uid | name | age | others | +------+-------+------+---------+ | 1 | Smith | 22 | iq:100; | | 2 | John | 33 | | | 3 | Doe | | | +------+-------+------+---------+
  • 30. Separating columns mysql> SELECT SUBSTR(col, 2 * i + 1 , 1) as v FROM mce_col JOIN integers ON 2 * i + 1 <= length(col); +---------+ | col | +---------+ | a,b,c | | e,a | | c,d,e,f | +---------+ +------+ | v | +------+ | a | | e | | c | | b | | a | | d | | c | | e | | f | +------+
  • 31. Separating columns mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE mce_col_sep; +-------------------------------------------------+ | CREATE TABLE | +-------------------------------------------------+ | CREATE TABLE `mce_col_sep`( | | `col` SET('a','b','c','d','e','f') | |) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 | +-------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO mce_col_sep SELECT id, col FROM mce_col; 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 32. mysql> SELECT CONCAT( "CREATE TABLE `mce_col_sep` (n `col` SET('", GROUP_CONCAT(v SEPARATOR "','"), "')n) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1") AS `Create statement` FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(col, 2 * i + 1 , 1) v FROM mce_col JOIN integers ON 2 * i + 1 <= length(col)) subquery; Creating table • Beware of commas and figures!!
  • 33. prompt> mysql -u R -D mce -B --skip-column-names -e " SELECT CONCAT( "CREATE TABLE `mce_col_sep` ( `col` SET('", GROUP_CONCAT(v SEPARATOR "','"), "')) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1") AS `Create_statement`FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(col, 2 * i + 1 , 1) v FROM mce_col JOIN integers ON 2 * i + 1 <= length(col)) subquery" | mysql -u root -D otherdb Creating table • Get the Query from mysql • Feed it directly to MySQL • Enjoy the fight with quotes
  • 34. Quick charts mysql> SELECT version, REPEAT('*', percentage * 5) AS bars FROM mce_versions; | 4.2.0 | | 4.2.1 | * | 4.2.2 | ***** | 4.2.3 | **** | 4.2.4 | | 4.3.0 | ** | 4.3.1 | *** | 4.3.2 | ********* | 4.3.3 | ****** | 4.3.4 | ******* | 4.3.5 | * | 4.3.6 | *** | 4.3.7 | ** | 4.3.8 | ****** | 4.3.9 | ************* | 4.3.10 | ******************************************************** | 4.3.11 | ************************* | 4.3.12 | | 4.4.0 | *********** | 4.4.1 | ****************** | 4.4.2 | ************************************ | 4.4.3 | ********** | 4.4.4 | ************************************************************************************** | 4.4.5 | **** | 4.4.6 | ********** | 4.5.0 | | 5.0.0 | | 5.0.1 | | 5.0.2 | * | 5.0.3 | ** | 5.0.4 | *********** | 5.0.5 | *****
  • 35. Quick charts mysql> SELECT date_format(period, '%Y-%m') as period, percentage, CONCAT(REPEAT(' ',percentage * 5),'*') chart FROM VersionEvolution WHERE version = '5.1.4' ORDER BY version, period; +---------+-------------+-------------------+ | period | percentage | chart | +---------+-------------+-------------------+ | 2006-05 | 0.656734371 | * | | 2006-06 | 1.757067474 | * | | 2006-07 | 2.479576456 | * | | 2006-08 | 3.205463396 | * | | 2006-09 | 2.95759682 | * | | 2006-10 | 2.715522835 | * | | 2006-11 | 2.420928359 | * | | 2006-12 | 2.309768494 | * | | 2007-01 | 2.159442571 | * | | 2007-02 | 2.056453219 | * | | 2007-03 | 1.960647675 | * | +---------+-------------+-------------------+
  • 36. ASCII art mysql> CALL mandelbrot (50,20) // +----------------------------------------------------+ | content | +----------------------------------------------------+ | | | ..................... | | ............................. | | ................................... | | ..................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... | | ...............,,,---@+o*~----,,,,,,,,,,... | | ..............,,,--~~:@@@@;**~----,,,,,,,,,,. | | .............,,,,~@@&@@@@@@@@@@;*~~~--,,,,,,,,, | | .............,,,,-*+@@@@@@@@@@@@@o::::::+~--,,,,, | | ............,,,,--*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&:~~~---- | | ............,,,,--~:o@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | | ............,,,,--*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&:~~~---- | | .............,,,,-*+@@@@@@@@@@@@@o::::::+~--,,,,, | | .............,,,,~@@&@@@@@@@@@@;*~~~--,,,,,,,,, | | ..............,,,--~~:@@@@;**~----,,,,,,,,,,. | | ...............,,,---@+o*~----,,,,,,,,,,... | | ..................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... | | ................................... | | ............................. | | ..................... | +----------------------------------------------------+ 20 rows in set (0.11 sec) http:// snippets/ view.php?id=25
  • 37. Us and the others • Display statistics as pie • Small shares are • Unsignificant • Hard to display • Should be gathered as 'Others'
  • 38. Us and the others mysql> SELECT version, percentage FROM statsPHPmajor; +---------+--------------+ | version | percentage | +---------+--------------+ | 2 | 0.000291572 | | 3 | 0.445930425 | | 4 | 83.676435775 | | 5 | 15.871029479 | | 6 | 2.9157e-05 | +---------+--------------+
  • 39. Us and the others • We need a criteria : < 1% • IF() in a SQL query • Change the version name on the fly • Dynamically reduce the number of lines with GROUP BY • some lines stay alone, others get grouped • SUM() gather all percentage in one
  • 40. Us and the others mysql> SELECT IF(percentage >1, version, 'Others') AS version, SUM(percentage) AS percentage FROM statsPHPmajor GROUP BY IF (percentage > 1, version, 'Others'); +---------+--------------+ | version | percentage | +---------+--------------+ | 4 | 83.516435775 | | 5 | 15.871029479 | | Others | 0.446251154 | +---------+--------------+
  • 41. Groups of one • GROUP BY handles groups of one COUNT(*) as number, AVG(), MEAN(), etc. SUM(pourcentage) AS pourcentage, // Conditionnal sum SUM(if (col > 1, fractions, 0)) AS share, // Product EXP(SUM(LN(interest_rate))) AS composed, // Homogenous group : STDDEV is 0 STDDEV(CRC32(text)) as homogenous // Concatenation GROUP_CONCAT(cols)
  • 42. WITH ROLLUP mysql> SELECT version, SUM(percentage) FROM statsPHPmajor GROUP BY version WITH ROLLUP; +---------+-----------------+ | version | SUM(percentage) | +---------+-----------------+ | 2 | 0.000291572 | | 3 | 0.445930425 | | 4 | 83.676435775 | | 5 | 15.871029479 | | 6 | 2.9157e-05 | | NULL | 99.993716408 | +---------+-----------------+
  • 43. WITH ROLLUP • GROUP BY modifier • It will present intermediate values • Even more interesting with several columns mysql> SELECT major, middle, minor, FORMAT(SUM(percentage),2) as percentage FROM statsPHPversions GROUP BY major, middle, minor WITH ROLLUP;
  • 44. WITH ROLLUP +-------+--------+-------+------------+ | major | middle | minor | percentage | +-------+--------+-------+------------+ | 5 | 1 | 6 | 3.00 | | 5 | 1 | 7 | 0.00 | | 5 | 1 | NULL | 7.07 | | 5 | 2 | 0 | 2.61 | | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2.29 | | 5 | 2 | 2 | 0.02 | | 5 | 2 | NULL | 4.92 | | 5 | NULL | NULL | 15.87 | | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | | 6 | 0 | NULL | 0.00 | | 6 | NULL | NULL | 0.00 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | 100.00 | +-------+--------+-------+------------+
  • 45. MySQL Variables • Store scalar values • Reuse results in later queries
  • 46. MySQL Variables mysql> SET @var := 3; mysql> SELECT @var; +------+ | @var | +------+ | 3 | +------+ mysql> SELECT @var := 4; +-----------+ | @var := 4 | +-----------+ | 4 | +-----------+
  • 47. MySQL Variables • Available since prehistoric times • Handled on a connexion basis • Destroyed upon disconnection • No chance to step on other's values • Globals • Simultaneous assignement and usage • Execution from left to right
  • 48. MySQL variables mysql> SELECT @total := SUM(number) FROM statsPHPraw ; mysql> INSERT INTO statsPHPversions SELECT version, number / @total * 100 FROM statsPHPraw; mysql> SELECT SUM(number) FROM statsPHPraw; // get 10107060 in a variable mysql> INSERT INTO statsPHPversions SELECT version, number / 10107060 * 100 FROM statsPHPraw;
  • 49. MySQL variables • Static SQL • from the programming side, no more need to build a SQL query on the fly • Use them for better security and readability • Migrate toward stored procedures • Another internal loop
  • 50. Cumulation mysql> SET @cumulation := 0 ; mysql> SELECT version, percentage, @cumulation := @cumulation + percentage AS cumulation FROM statsPHPversions2 ORDER BY version; +---------+--------------+------------+ | version | percentage | cumulation | +---------+--------------+------------+ | 2.0.1 | 0.000291572 | 0.00 | //...................................... | 5.1.5 | 0.214101419 | 92.07 | | 5.1.6 | 3.001210315 | 95.07 | | 5.1.7 | 0.000962188 | 95.08 | | 5.2.0 | 2.609862194 | 97.68 | | 5.2.1 | 2.290153346 | 99.98 | | 5.2.2 | 0.019214603 | 99.99 | | 6.0.0 | 2.9157e-05 | 99.99 |
  • 51. Agile loading ✦ Change order ✦ Reformat data ✦ Ignore some of them ✦ Split values ✦ Add other values ✦ Add constants 03-Mar-07 71,12 Vanuatu Australia 03-Mar-07 33,34 USA North America 04-Mar-07 17,85 Israel Eurasia +---------+ | Field | +---------+ | id | | period | | country | | php | | rank | +---------+
  • 52. Agile loading mysql> SET @i := 0; mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/stats.txt' INTO TABLE statPHPload (@date, @php, @country, @continent) SET id = 0, period = date(STR_TO_DATE(@date, '%d-%b-%y')), rank = (@i := @i + 1), php = CAST( REPLACE(@php, ',','.') as DECIMAL), country = @country;
  • 53. Ranking • Sorting lines by scores • Who is the first? • the second? • What about ex-aequo?
  • 54. Ranking mysql> SELECT country, php FROM statsPHPcountry2 ORDER BY php DESC; +----------------+------+ | country | php | +----------------+------+ | Vanuatu | 71 | | F. Polynesia | 68 | | United Kingdom | 33 | | USA | 33 | | Greenland | 19 | | Israel | 18 | +----------------+------+
  • 55. Ranking : one-pass mysql> SET @rank := 0; mysql> SELECT @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank, country, php FROM statsPHPcountry2 ORDER BY php DESC; +------+----------------+------+ | rank | country | php | +------+----------------+------+ | 1 | Vanuatu | 71 | | 2 | F. Polynesia | 68 | | 3 | United Kingdom | 33 | | 4 | USA | 33 | | 5 | Greenland | 19 | | 6 | Israel | 18 | +------+----------------+------+
  • 56. Ranking : ex-aequo mysql> SET @rank := 0, @prev := NULL; mysql> SELECT @rank := if(@prev=php, @rank, @rank+ 1) AS rank, country, @prev:= php AS php FROM statsPHPcountry2 ORDER BY php DESC; +------+----------------+-----+ | rank | country | php | +------+----------------+-----+ | 1 | Vanuatu | 71 | | 2 | F. Polynesia | 68 | | 3 | United Kingdom | 33 | | 3 | USA | 33 | | 4 | Greenland | 19 | | 5 | Israel | 18 | +------+----------------+-----+
  • 57. Final ranking mysql> SET @num := 0, @rank := 0, @prev := NULL; mysql> SELECT GREATEST(@num := @num + 1, @rank := if(@prev != php, @num, @rank)) AS rank, country, @prev := php AS php FROM statsPHPcountry2 ORDER BY php DESC; +------+----------------+------+ | rank | country | php | +------+----------------+------+ | 1 | Vanuatu | 71 | | 2 | F. Polynesia | 68 | | 3 | United Kingdom | 33 | | 4 | USA | 33 | | 5 | Greenland | 19 | | 6 | Israel | 18 | +------+----------------+------+
  • 58. Programming SQL • Use LEAST/GREATEST to hide extra assignements within the SQL • those function accept arbitrary number of arguments • just choose carefully the one you need • Don't turn your SQL into a full blown program
  • 59. UPDATE on SELECT • Make an update, and select values at the same time • Like UPDATE on SELECT from InnoDB • No need for transaction • Available with MyISAM
  • 60. Atomic queries mysql> CREATE TABLE seq (id int unsigned); mysql> INSERT INTO seq values (0); mysql> UPDATE seq SET id = (@id := (id + 1) % 5); mysql> UPDATE seq SET id = ((@id := id) + 1 % 5); mysql> SELECT @id; ✦ Emulate sequences ✦ Not just auto_increment ✦ Cyclic ids, negative increment, ✦ strings, enum/set type
  • 61. UPDATE on SELECT mysql> SET @x := ''; mysql> UPDATE seq2 SET id = GREATEST(id + 2, @x := CONCAT(letter ',',@x)) WHERE id % 2; mysql> SELECT @x; +------+--------+ | id | letter | +------+--------+ | 0 | a | | 3 | b | | 2 | c | | 5 | d | | 4 | e | | 7 | f | +------------+ | @x | +------------+ | a,c,e,g,i, | +------------+
  • 62. End of session Though, more slides were ready, so you may go on and learn more tricks
  • 63. Obtaining top n rows ✦ Classic problem ✦ Use a temporary table and a join ✦ Use a subquery and a MySQL variable mysql> SELECT *, MAX(col) FROM TABLE;
  • 64. Obtaining top n rows mysql> SET @num := 0, @rank := 0, @prev := NULL; mysql> SELECT * from ( SELECT @rank:= if(@prev=tag,@rank+1,0) rank, @prev := tag as country, period as month, quantity FROM EvolutionByCountry ORDER BY country, quantity ) AS t WHERE rank < 3; +------+---------+------------+----------+ | rank | country | month | quantity | +------+---------+------------+----------+ | 0 | us | 2007-01-01 | 33 | | 1 | us | 2006-12-01 | 33 | | 2 | us | 2007-02-01 | 33 | +------+---------+------------+----------+
  • 65. Word slicing Documentation MySQL : this is the documentation. • Slicing text column into words • Not just static length variables • Words have different length
  • 66. Word slicing mysql> SET @a := 1, @b := 1; mysql> SELECT * FROM ( SELECT i, @a, @b := LEAST( locate(' ', concat(manual, ' '), @a + 1), locate(',', concat(manual, ','), @a + 1), locate(':', concat(manual, ':'), @a + 1), locate('.', concat(manual, '.'), @a + 1) ) as pos, @b - @a AS length, substr(manual, @a, @b - @a) as word, @a := @b + 1 FROM integers, mysql_doc WHERE @b < length(manual)) subquery WHERE length > 1 OR LOCATE(' ,:;.', word) > 0;
  • 67. Word slicing +------+------+-----+--------+---------------+------+ | i | @a | pos | length | word | b | +------+------+-----+--------+---------------+------+ | 0 | 1 | 14 | 13 | Documentation | 15 | | 1 | 15 | 20 | 5 | MySQL | 21 | | 3 | 23 | 27 | 4 | this | 28 | | 4 | 28 | 30 | 2 | is | 31 | | 5 | 31 | 34 | 3 | the | 35 | | 6 | 35 | 48 | 13 | documentation | 49 | +------+------+-----+--------+---------------+------+
  • 68. Adding chaos • Extract random rows from a table • SQL help sorting, not mixing! • Lotery, random tests, Cards dealing, Genetic programming • Can be done from programming langage
  • 69. Adding chaos mysql> SELECT col FROM tbl WHERE SECOND(date) = floor(RAND() * 60) LIMIT 10; mysql> SELECT names FROM drivers ORDER BY CRC32(CONCAT(names, NOW())); mysql> SELECT id FROM tbl WHERE id % 31 = 3 LIMIT 10; • Know your data and use it as random sources
  • 70. Adding chaos mysql> SELECT i FROM integers ORDER BY RAND(); +------+ | i | +------+ | 5 | | 8 | | 7 | | 4 | | 1 | | 9 | | 6 | | 3 | | 2 | | 0 | +------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 71. Adding chaos • Rand() gets slower and slower • Speed on luck? 0 4 8 11 15 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1000000
  • 72. Using indexed chaos • Store RAND() in extra column and index it • Still use ORDER BY • Use LIMIT offset from main program • Update table once in a while
  • 73. Adding indexed chaos mysql> SELECT col FROM tbl ORDER BY chaos LIMIT 10; Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> ALTER TABLE tbl ADD INDEX(x); Query OK, 10000000 rows affected (28.69 sec) mysql> UPDATE tbl SET chaos=RAND(); Query OK, 10000000 rows affected (3 min 40.53 sec)
  • 74. Getting one random mysql> SELECT id, cols FROM table JOIN (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(i) FROM table)) AS r) AS r2 ON id = r; • Deepest sub-query is type const • Sub-query do not use table • id is an positive integer column • auto_increment and continuous
  • 75. Random and holes mysql> CREATE TABLE holes ( table_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, sequence INT UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT); mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO holes SELECT id, 0 FROM table; mysql> SELECT id, cols FROM table JOIN holes on = JOIN (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(i) FROM table)) AS r) AS r2 ON id = r;
  • 76. Several random? • Plug with integer's table • Add distinct to avoid doubles • Beware of select too large subset of integer mysql> SELECT id, cols FROM table JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(i) FROM table)) AS r FROM integers WHERE i < 5) AS rt2 ON id = r;
  • 77. Timed lock • LOCK TABLE • Wait until it start working • GET_LOCK('name', 3) • System wide lock • Wait 3 seconds then gives up • Collaborative work
  • 78. References • MySQL Documentation, MySQL Press • MySQL Cookbook by Paul Dubois, O'reilly • SQL Hacks by Andrew Cumming and Gordon Russel, O'reilly
  • 79. Great MySQL blogs • Baron Schwartz • Giuseppe Maxia • Sheeri Kritzer • Roland Bouman • Ronald Bradford • Jan Kneschke HERE AT THE CONF!
  • 80. Great MySQL blogs • Morgan Tocker • MySQL Planet • Moosh et son Brol (Fr) Not here