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                    Editor Services
                    Term Rewriting
                         Lecture 7

                                               Course IN4308
     Eelco Visser
                                    Master Computer Science          Delft University of Technology

   ★ from abstract syntax to concrete syntax

Editor services
   ★ defining the behavior of editors

Term rewriting
   ★ transforming abstract syntax
Pretty-Printing: Abstract to Concrete Syntax

  BinOp(Var("x"), "<", IntLit("3"))
, Block(
     , BinOp(Var("x"), "+", IntLit("1"))

                                       while ( (x < 3) )
                                         x := (x + 1) ;

                  Parse Table           Signature

                    Parse              Transform            Pretty-Print

entity User {
                                                                           class User {
 name :: String
                                                                             String _user;
 pw :: Secret
                                                                             public User
                                                                               getUser() {
def output(u :

                     syntax definition is basis of language definition
                                                                               return _user;
User) {
Syntax of Statements
module statements
  sorts Statement
  context-free syntax
    Exp ":=" Exp ";"       ->   Statement   {cons("Assign")}
    Exp ";"                ->   Statement   {cons("ExpStat")}
    "return" PageRef ";"   ->   Statement   {cons("ReturnPage")}
    "{" Statement* "}"     ->   Block       {cons("Block")}
    Block                  ->   Statement

  sorts VarDecl
  context-free syntax
    "var" ID ":" Type          -> VarDecl {cons("VarDecl")}
    "var" ID ":" Type ":=" Exp -> VarDecl {cons("VarDeclInit")}
    VarDecl ";"                -> Statement {cons("Stat")}
    "var"                      -> ID {reject}

  context-free syntax
    "for" "(" ID ":" Type "in" Exp ")" Block -> Statement {cons("For")}
    "while" "(" Exp ")" Block                -> Statement {cons("While")}
    "if" "(" Exp ")" Block "else" Block      -> Statement {cons("If")}
Pretty-Print Table
    context-free syntax
      Exp ":=" Exp ";"            ->   Statement {cons("Assign")}
      "{" Statement* "}"          ->   Block     {cons("Block")}
      Block                       ->   Statement
      "while" "(" Exp ")" Block   ->   Statement {cons("While")}

 Assign            -- H[ _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"] ],

 Block             -- V[ V is=2[ KW["{"] _1] KW["}"]],

 Block.1:iter-star -- _1,

 While             -- V[ H[KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2],

                  mapping constructors to text
Formatting with Box Expressions
    context-free syntax
      Exp ":=" Exp ";"            ->   Statement {cons("Assign")}
      "{" Statement* "}"          ->   Block     {cons("Block")}
      Block                       ->   Statement
      "while" "(" Exp ")" Block   ->   Statement {cons("While")}

 Assign            -- H[ _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"] ],

 Block             -- V[ V is=2[ KW["{"] _1] KW["}"]],

 Block.1:iter-star -- _1,

 While             -- V[ H[KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2],
Pretty-Printing: Term to Box to Text
  BinOp(Var("x"), "<", IntLit("3"))
, Block(
     , BinOp(Var("x"), "+", IntLit("1"))

      V[H[KW["while"] KW["("] ... KW[")"]]
        V[V is=2[KW["{"]
          ... ]
          KW["}"]]                           while ( (x < 3) )
      ]                                      {
                                               x := (x + 1) ;
Generated Pretty-Print Table

[ ...
  Assign              --   _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"],
  ExpStat             --   _1 KW[";"],
  ReturnPage          --   KW["return"] _1 KW[";"],
  Block               --   KW["{"] _1] KW["}"],
  Block.1:iter-star   --   _1,
  VarDecl             --   KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2,
  VarDeclInit         --   KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW[":="] _3,
  Stat                --   _1 KW[";"],
  For                 --   KW["for"] KW["("] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW["in"] _3 KW[")"] _4,
  While               --   KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"] _2],
  If                  --   KW["if"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"] _2 KW["else"] _3,
Pretty-Print Table with Box Markup

[ ...
 Assign              --   H[_1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"]],
 ExpStat             --   H hs=0[_1 KW[";"]],
 ReturnPage          --   H hs=0 [KW["return"] _1 KW[";"]],
 Block               --   V [V is=2 [KW["{"] _1] KW["}"]],
 Block.1:iter-star   --   _1,
 VarDecl             --   H [KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2],
 VarDeclInit         --   H [KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW[":="] _3],
 Stat                --   H hs=0 [_1 KW[";"]],
 For                 --   V[H[KW["for"] KW["("] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW["in"] _3 KW[")"]] _4],
 While               --   V[H[KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2],
 If                  --   V [ V is=2[
                            H[KW["if"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2]
                            V is=2[ KW["else"] _3]],
Editor Services
Editor Services

Syntax highlighting
   ★ token coloring

Code folding
   ★ folding & unfolding code fragments

Outline view
   ★ table of contents

Syntax properties
   ★ bracket matching, indentation

Syntax completion
   ★ match on syntactic triggers & replace with template
Editor Services Composition

module nwl.main

imports nwl-Builders nwl-Colorer nwl-Folding nwl-Outliner
        nwl-References nwl-Syntax nwl-Completions

language General properties

  name            : nwl
  id              : nwl
  extends         : Root

  description     : "Spoofax/IMP-generated editor for the nwl language"
  url             :

  extensions    : nwl
  table         : include/nwl.tbl
  start symbols : Start

Default Syntax         Default               Default
 Highlighting        Code Folding          Outline View

     Custom Syntax            Custom             Custom
+     Highlighting   +      Code Folding   +    Outline View

Code Folding

          module nwl-Folding.generated
          folding Default folding

          module nwl-Folding
          imports nwl-Folding.generated
Outline View

          module nwl-Outliner.generated
          outliner Default outliner
module nwl-Colorer.generated
                              colorer Default, token-based highlighting
Default Syntax Highlighting     keyword    : 127 0 85 bold
                                identifier : default
                                string     : blue
                                number     : darkgreen
                                var        : 255 0 100 italic
                                operator   : 0 0 128
                                layout     : 100 100 0 italic
                              colorer System colors
                                darkred   = 128 0 0
                                red       = 255 0 0
                                darkgreen = 0 128 0
                                green     = 0 255 0
                                darkblue = 0 0 128
                                blue      = 0 0 255
                                cyan      = 0 255 255
                                magenta   = 255 0 255
                                yellow    = 255 255 0
                                white     = 255 255 255
                                black     = 0 0 0
                                gray      = 128 128 128
                                grey      = gray
                                orange    = 255 165 0
                                pink      = 255 105 180
                                brown     = 139 69 19
                                default   = _
Custom Syntax Highlighting

                module nwl-Colorer
                imports nwl-Colorer.generated
                  Element : darkgreen
Syntax Properties

module nwl-Syntax.generated
language Syntax properties (static defaults)

 // Comment constructs:
 line comment                            : "//"
 block comment                           : "/*" * "*/"

 // Fences (used for matching,
 // inserting, indenting brackets):
 fences                                  : [ ]
                                           ( )
                                           { }
 // Automatic indent hints
 // (indent after these tokens):
 indent after                            : "="
 // Regular expression for identifiers:
 identifier lexical                     : "[A-Za-z0-9_]+"
Semantic Editor Services
Builders: Analysis & Transformation Services

module nwl-Builders
  provider: include/nwl.ctree

  observer: editor-analyze

  builder : "Generate Java code" =
    generate-java (openeditor) (realtime)

  builder : "Show ATerm (selection)" =
    generate-aterm (openeditor) (realtime) (meta)

  builder : "Normalize (selection)" =
    show-normalized (openeditor) (realtime) (meta)

  builder : "Normalize Pretty (selection)" =
    show-normalized-pp (openeditor) (realtime) (meta)
Term Rewriting
Term Rewriting

Term rewrite rules
   ★ transform term to term
   ★ pattern matching
   ★ variable binding
   ★ substitution

Rewriting strategy
   ★ algorithm for applying rewrite rules
Grammar to Signature

context-free syntax
  "entity" ID "{" Property* "}"         -> Definition {cons("Entity")}
  ID ":" Type                           -> Property   {cons("Property")}
  ID ":" Type "(" {Annotation ","}* ")" -> Property   {cons("Property")}

      module nwl
          Entity   : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
          Property : ID * Type * List(Annotation) -> Property
          Property : ID * Type -> Property
Desugaring: Syntactic Normalization

, [ Property("url", SimpleType("String"), [Id()])
  , Property("name", SimpleType("String"), [Name()])
  , Property("posts", SetType(SimpleType("Post")))
  , Property("author", SimpleType("User"))

                       , [ Property("url", SimpleType("String"), [Id()])
                         , Property("name", SimpleType("String"), [Name()])
                         , Property("posts", SetType(SimpleType("Post")), [])
                         , Property("author", SimpleType("User"), [])
Term Rewriting in Stratego

                         import signature

module desugar

imports include/nwl                             rewrite rule


  desugar :
    Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])


  desugar-all =

Term Rewrite Rule

                         left-hand side pattern

      desugar :
        Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])

                                                  right-hand side pattern
Rewrite Rule Application

                Property("author", SimpleType("User"))
pattern                                                      variable
matching                                                     binding

       desugar :
         Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])


           Property("author", SimpleType("User"), [])
Rewrite Strategy

                                  generic strategy
strategy definition

     desugar-all = innermost(desugar)

                                              strategy instantiation

              apply transformation s exhaustively to all sub-
                terms of subject term in bottom-up order
More Syntactic Normalizations


  desugar :
    CallArgs(x, e*) -> Call(x, e*, [])

  desugar :
    CallElems(x, elem*) -> Call(x, [], elem*)

  desugar :
    Call(x) -> Call(x, [], [])

  desugar :
    Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])
Generic Representation for Binary Operators

      BinOp : Exp * Op * Exp -> Exp


    desugar :
      Lt(e1, e2) -> BinOp(e1, "<", e2)

    desugar :
      Plus(e1, e2) -> BinOp(e1, "+", e2)

    desugar :
      Times(e1, e2) -> BinOp(e1, "*", e2)

    desugar :
      UnaryMinus(e) -> BinOp(IntLit("0"), "-", e)
x := a + b * 3 / c;

         , Plus(
           , Div(Times(Var("b"), IntLit("3")), Var("c"))

                          , BinOp(
                            , "+"
                            , BinOp(
                                BinOp(Var("b"), "+", IntLit("3"))
           desugar            , "/"
                              , Var("c")
Applying Transformation in Editor
Binding Transformation to Editor Service

                                   editor interface
                module nwl-Builders
                  builder : "Desugar (selection)" =
                    show-desugared (openeditor) (realtime) (meta)

 Stratego interface
                                                  standard calling
                                               convention for builders

  show-desugared :
    (selected, position, ast, path, project-path) -> (filename, result-string)
      filename      := <guarantee-extension(|"aterm")> path;
      result-string := <desugar-all; pp-aterm-box; box2text-string(|120)> selected

Constant Folding
y := a + (3 * 5 - 17);

        , Plus(
          , Minus(Times(IntLit("3"), IntLit("5")), IntLit("17"))
parse     )

                   , BinOp(Var("a"), "+", IntLit("25"))
 desugar + eval    )

                                                  y := (a + 25);
Constant Folding Rules


 eval-all = innermost(desugar + eval)


 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y))

 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "-", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<subtS>(x, y))

 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "*", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<mulS>(x, y))

 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "/", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<divS>(x, y))
Conditional Rewrite Rules

                                    bound in condition

            eval :
              BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(z)
condition     where z := <addS>(x, y)

               match          apply transformation

     eval :
       BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y))
For to While

action foo() {
  for(p : Post in b.posts) {
    p.title := "foo";
  }                                   action foo ( ) {
}                                       var i : Int := 0;
                                        var c : Set<Post> := b.posts;
                                        var l : Int := c.length();
                                        while (i < l) {
                                          var p : Post := c[i];
                                          p.title := "foo" ;
                                          i := i + 1;

                     specification (by example)
For to While: Transformation Schema

for(x : t in e) b
                                    var i : Int := 0;
                                    var c : Set<t> := e;
                                    var l : Int := c.length();
                                    while (i < l) {
                                      var x : t := c[i];
                                      i := i + 1;

                    abstraction of example
For to While: Rewrite Rule

normalize :
  For(x, t, e, b) ->
    Stat(VarDeclInit(i, SimpleType("Int"), IntLit("0"))),
    Stat(VarDeclInit(c, SimpleType(t), e)),
    Stat(VarDeclInit(l, SimpleType("Int"),
                      MethodCall(Var(c), "length", []))),
    While(BinOp(Var(i), "<", Var(l)), Block([
       Stat(VarDeclInit(x, t, IndexAccess(Var(c), Var(i)))),
       Assign(Var(i), BinOp(Var(i), "+", IntLit("1")))
  where i := <newname> "i";
         c := <newname> "c";
         l := <newname> "l"
For to While: Result

action foo() {                       specification by example
  for(p : Post in b.posts) {
    p.title := "foo";
                                           action foo ( ) {
                                             var i : Int := 0;
                                             var c : Set<Post> := b.posts;
                                             var l : Int := c.length();
action foo ( ) {                             while (i < l) {
  {                                            var p : Post := c[i];
    var i0 : Int := 0;                         p.title := "foo" ;
    var c0 : Set<Post> := b.posts;             i := i + 1;
    var l0 : Int := c0.length();             }
    while ( (i0 < l0) )                    }
      var p : Post := c0[i0];
      p.title := "foo" ;
      i0 := (i0 + 1) ;
}                                        result
Normalization Strategy


  normalize-all =
    innermost(desugar + normalize)


 normalize :
   For(x, t, e, b) ->

 normalize :
   [Block(stat1*) | stat2*] -> <conc> (stat1*, stat2*)

             (is that a correct transformation?)
For to While: Final Result

action foo() {                     specification by example
  for(p : Post in b.posts) {
    p.title := "foo";
                                         action foo ( ) {
                                           var i : Int := 0;
                                           var c : Set<Post> := b.posts;
                                           var l : Int := c.length();
                                           while (i < l) {
action foo ( ) {                             var p : Post := c[i];
  var i0 : Int := 0;                         p.title := "foo" ;
  var c0 : Set<Post> := b.posts;             i := i + 1;
  var l0 : Int := c0.length();             }
  while ( (i0 < l0) )                    }
    var p : Post := c0[i0];
    p.title := "foo" ;
    i0 := (i0 + 1) ;
Normalization Strategy


  normalize-all =
    innermost(desugar + normalize)


 normalize :
   For(x, t, e, b) ->

 normalize :
   Block([Block(stat*)]) -> Block(stat*)

Lab this week
  ★ Design 1: deadline is April 1
  ★ Design 2: what DSL will you design?

  ★ Case 2: web abstractions
  ★ Deadline Case 2: April 8
  ★ Case 3:

  ★ Lecture 8: code generation

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CS4200 2019 Lecture 1: Introduction
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CS4200 2019 Lecture 1: IntroductionEelco Visser
A Direct Semantics of Declarative Disambiguation Rules
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A Direct Semantics of Declarative Disambiguation RulesEelco Visser
Declarative Type System Specification with Statix
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 17 | Beyond Compiler Construction
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 17 | Beyond Compiler ConstructionEelco Visser
Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)
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Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)Eelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory Management
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | InterpretersEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual MachinesEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow AnalysisEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 9 | Constraint Resolution
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 9 | Constraint ResolutionEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type ConstraintsCompiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type ConstraintsEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type CheckingEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static AnalysisEelco Visser
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term RewritingCompiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term RewritingEelco Visser

Plus de Eelco Visser (20)

CS4200 2019 | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
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CS4200 2019 | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
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CS4200 2019 | Lecture 4 | Syntactic Services
CS4200 2019 | Lecture 3 | Parsing
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CS4200 2019 | Lecture 2 | syntax-definition
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CS4200 2019 | Lecture 2 | syntax-definition
CS4200 2019 Lecture 1: Introduction
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CS4200 2019 Lecture 1: Introduction
A Direct Semantics of Declarative Disambiguation Rules
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A Direct Semantics of Declarative Disambiguation Rules
Declarative Type System Specification with Statix
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Declarative Type System Specification with Statix
Compiler Construction | Lecture 17 | Beyond Compiler Construction
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 17 | Beyond Compiler Construction
Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)
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Domain Specific Languages for Parallel Graph AnalytiX (PGX)
Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory Management
Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory ManagementCompiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory Management
Compiler Construction | Lecture 15 | Memory Management
Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 14 | Interpreters
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code GenerationCompiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 13 | Code Generation
Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 12 | Virtual Machines
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone FrameworksCompiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 11 | Monotone Frameworks
Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 10 | Data-Flow Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 9 | Constraint Resolution
Compiler Construction | Lecture 9 | Constraint ResolutionCompiler Construction | Lecture 9 | Constraint Resolution
Compiler Construction | Lecture 9 | Constraint Resolution
Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
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Compiler Construction | Lecture 8 | Type Constraints
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type CheckingCompiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 7 | Type Checking
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static AnalysisCompiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 6 | Introduction to Static Analysis
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term RewritingCompiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting
Compiler Construction | Lecture 5 | Transformation by Term Rewriting


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Model-Driven Software Development - Pretty-Printing, Editor Services, Term Rewriting

  • 1. Pretty-Printing Editor Services Term Rewriting Lecture 7 Course IN4308 Eelco Visser Master Computer Science Delft University of Technology
  • 2. Outline Pretty-printing ★ from abstract syntax to concrete syntax Editor services ★ defining the behavior of editors Term rewriting ★ transforming abstract syntax
  • 4. Pretty-Printing: Abstract to Concrete Syntax While( BinOp(Var("x"), "<", IntLit("3")) , Block( [Assign( Var("x") , BinOp(Var("x"), "+", IntLit("1")) )] ) ) while ( (x < 3) ) { x := (x + 1) ; }
  • 5. Syntax Definition Pretty-Print Parse Table Signature Table Parse Transform Pretty-Print @Entity entity User { class User { name :: String String _user; pw :: Secret public User } getUser() { def output(u : syntax definition is basis of language definition return _user; User) { }
  • 6. Syntax of Statements module statements exports sorts Statement context-free syntax Exp ":=" Exp ";" -> Statement {cons("Assign")} Exp ";" -> Statement {cons("ExpStat")} "return" PageRef ";" -> Statement {cons("ReturnPage")} "{" Statement* "}" -> Block {cons("Block")} Block -> Statement sorts VarDecl context-free syntax "var" ID ":" Type -> VarDecl {cons("VarDecl")} "var" ID ":" Type ":=" Exp -> VarDecl {cons("VarDeclInit")} VarDecl ";" -> Statement {cons("Stat")} "var" -> ID {reject} context-free syntax "for" "(" ID ":" Type "in" Exp ")" Block -> Statement {cons("For")} "while" "(" Exp ")" Block -> Statement {cons("While")} "if" "(" Exp ")" Block "else" Block -> Statement {cons("If")}
  • 7. Pretty-Print Table context-free syntax Exp ":=" Exp ";" -> Statement {cons("Assign")} "{" Statement* "}" -> Block {cons("Block")} Block -> Statement "while" "(" Exp ")" Block -> Statement {cons("While")} [ ... Assign -- H[ _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"] ], Block -- V[ V is=2[ KW["{"] _1] KW["}"]], Block.1:iter-star -- _1, While -- V[ H[KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2], ... ] mapping constructors to text
  • 8. Formatting with Box Expressions context-free syntax Exp ":=" Exp ";" -> Statement {cons("Assign")} "{" Statement* "}" -> Block {cons("Block")} Block -> Statement "while" "(" Exp ")" Block -> Statement {cons("While")} [ ... Assign -- H[ _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"] ], Block -- V[ V is=2[ KW["{"] _1] KW["}"]], Block.1:iter-star -- _1, While -- V[ H[KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2], ... ]
  • 9. Pretty-Printing: Term to Box to Text While( BinOp(Var("x"), "<", IntLit("3")) , Block( [Assign( Var("x") , BinOp(Var("x"), "+", IntLit("1")) )] ) ) V[H[KW["while"] KW["("] ... KW[")"]] V[V is=2[KW["{"] ... ] KW["}"]] while ( (x < 3) ) ] { x := (x + 1) ; }
  • 10. Generated Pretty-Print Table [ ... Assign -- _1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"], ExpStat -- _1 KW[";"], ReturnPage -- KW["return"] _1 KW[";"], Block -- KW["{"] _1] KW["}"], Block.1:iter-star -- _1, VarDecl -- KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2, VarDeclInit -- KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW[":="] _3, Stat -- _1 KW[";"], For -- KW["for"] KW["("] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW["in"] _3 KW[")"] _4, While -- KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"] _2], If -- KW["if"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"] _2 KW["else"] _3, ... ]
  • 11. Pretty-Print Table with Box Markup [ ... Assign -- H[_1 KW[":="] _2 KW[";"]], ExpStat -- H hs=0[_1 KW[";"]], ReturnPage -- H hs=0 [KW["return"] _1 KW[";"]], Block -- V [V is=2 [KW["{"] _1] KW["}"]], Block.1:iter-star -- _1, VarDecl -- H [KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2], VarDeclInit -- H [KW["var"] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW[":="] _3], Stat -- H hs=0 [_1 KW[";"]], For -- V[H[KW["for"] KW["("] _1 KW[":"] _2 KW["in"] _3 KW[")"]] _4], While -- V[H[KW["while"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2], If -- V [ V is=2[ H[KW["if"] KW["("] _1 KW[")"]] _2] V is=2[ KW["else"] _3]], ... ]
  • 13. Editor Services Syntax highlighting ★ token coloring Code folding ★ folding & unfolding code fragments Outline view ★ table of contents Syntax properties ★ bracket matching, indentation Syntax completion ★ match on syntactic triggers & replace with template
  • 14. Editor Services Composition module nwl.main imports nwl-Builders nwl-Colorer nwl-Folding nwl-Outliner nwl-References nwl-Syntax nwl-Completions language General properties name : nwl id : nwl extends : Root description : "Spoofax/IMP-generated editor for the nwl language" url : extensions : nwl table : include/nwl.tbl start symbols : Start
  • 15. Syntax Definition Default Syntax Default Default Highlighting Code Folding Outline View Custom Syntax Custom Custom + Highlighting + Code Folding + Outline View Editor
  • 16. Code Folding module nwl-Folding.generated folding Default folding Start.Module Definition.Entity Property.Property Definition.TemplateDef Element.CallArgs PageRef.PageRef Element.Action module nwl-Folding imports nwl-Folding.generated folding Element.CallElems Element.Call Element.ForElem Element.ForAllElem
  • 17. Outline View module nwl-Outliner.generated outliner Default outliner Start.Module Definition.Entity Property.Property Definition.TemplateDef Element.CallArgs Exp.MethodCall Element.CallElems Element.Call Element.ForElem Element.ForAllElem PageRef.PageRef Element.Action Statement.For Statement.While Statement.If Element.Submit Element.XmlElem
  • 18. module nwl-Colorer.generated colorer Default, token-based highlighting Default Syntax Highlighting keyword : 127 0 85 bold identifier : default string : blue number : darkgreen var : 255 0 100 italic operator : 0 0 128 layout : 100 100 0 italic colorer System colors darkred = 128 0 0 red = 255 0 0 darkgreen = 0 128 0 green = 0 255 0 darkblue = 0 0 128 blue = 0 0 255 cyan = 0 255 255 magenta = 255 0 255 yellow = 255 255 0 white = 255 255 255 black = 0 0 0 gray = 128 128 128 grey = gray orange = 255 165 0 pink = 255 105 180 brown = 139 69 19 default = _
  • 19. Custom Syntax Highlighting module nwl-Colorer imports nwl-Colorer.generated colorer Element : darkgreen
  • 20. Syntax Properties module nwl-Syntax.generated language Syntax properties (static defaults) // Comment constructs: line comment : "//" block comment : "/*" * "*/" // Fences (used for matching, // inserting, indenting brackets): fences : [ ] ( ) { } // Automatic indent hints // (indent after these tokens): indent after : "=" ":" // Regular expression for identifiers: identifier lexical : "[A-Za-z0-9_]+"
  • 22. Builders: Analysis & Transformation Services module nwl-Builders builders provider: include/nwl.ctree observer: editor-analyze builder : "Generate Java code" = generate-java (openeditor) (realtime) builder : "Show ATerm (selection)" = generate-aterm (openeditor) (realtime) (meta) builder : "Normalize (selection)" = show-normalized (openeditor) (realtime) (meta) builder : "Normalize Pretty (selection)" = show-normalized-pp (openeditor) (realtime) (meta)
  • 24. Term Rewriting Term rewrite rules ★ transform term to term ★ pattern matching ★ variable binding ★ substitution Rewriting strategy ★ algorithm for applying rewrite rules
  • 25. Grammar to Signature context-free syntax "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {cons("Entity")} ID ":" Type -> Property {cons("Property")} ID ":" Type "(" {Annotation ","}* ")" -> Property {cons("Property")} module nwl signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Property : ID * Type * List(Annotation) -> Property Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 26. Desugaring: Syntactic Normalization Entity("Blog" , [ Property("url", SimpleType("String"), [Id()]) , Property("name", SimpleType("String"), [Name()]) , Property("posts", SetType(SimpleType("Post"))) , Property("author", SimpleType("User")) ] ) Entity("Blog" , [ Property("url", SimpleType("String"), [Id()]) , Property("name", SimpleType("String"), [Name()]) , Property("posts", SetType(SimpleType("Post")), []) , Property("author", SimpleType("User"), []) ] )
  • 27. Term Rewriting in Stratego import signature module desugar imports include/nwl rewrite rule rules desugar : Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, []) strategies desugar-all = innermost(desugar) strategy
  • 28. Term Rewrite Rule left-hand side pattern label/name desugar : Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, []) variable right-hand side pattern
  • 29. Rewrite Rule Application Property("author", SimpleType("User")) pattern variable matching binding desugar : Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, []) pattern substitution instantiation Property("author", SimpleType("User"), [])
  • 30. Rewrite Strategy generic strategy strategy definition desugar-all = innermost(desugar) strategy instantiation apply transformation s exhaustively to all sub- innermost(s) terms of subject term in bottom-up order
  • 31. More Syntactic Normalizations rules desugar : CallArgs(x, e*) -> Call(x, e*, []) desugar : CallElems(x, elem*) -> Call(x, [], elem*) desugar : Call(x) -> Call(x, [], []) desugar : Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])
  • 32. Generic Representation for Binary Operators signature constructors BinOp : Exp * Op * Exp -> Exp rules desugar : Lt(e1, e2) -> BinOp(e1, "<", e2) desugar : Plus(e1, e2) -> BinOp(e1, "+", e2) desugar : Times(e1, e2) -> BinOp(e1, "*", e2) desugar : UnaryMinus(e) -> BinOp(IntLit("0"), "-", e)
  • 33. x := a + b * 3 / c; Assign( Var("x") , Plus( Var("a") , Div(Times(Var("b"), IntLit("3")), Var("c")) parse ) ) Assign( Var("x") , BinOp( Var("a") , "+" , BinOp( BinOp(Var("b"), "+", IntLit("3")) desugar , "/" , Var("c") ) ) )
  • 35. Binding Transformation to Editor Service editor interface behavior module nwl-Builders builders builder : "Desugar (selection)" = show-desugared (openeditor) (realtime) (meta) Stratego interface standard calling convention for builders rules show-desugared : (selected, position, ast, path, project-path) -> (filename, result-string) with filename := <guarantee-extension(|"aterm")> path; result-string := <desugar-all; pp-aterm-box; box2text-string(|120)> selected transformation
  • 36. Constant Folding y := a + (3 * 5 - 17); Assign( Var("y") , Plus( Var("a") , Minus(Times(IntLit("3"), IntLit("5")), IntLit("17")) parse ) ) Assign( Var("y") , BinOp(Var("a"), "+", IntLit("25")) desugar + eval ) y := (a + 25); pretty-print
  • 37. Constant Folding Rules strategies eval-all = innermost(desugar + eval) rules eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y)) eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "-", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<subtS>(x, y)) eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "*", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<mulS>(x, y)) eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "/", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<divS>(x, y))
  • 38. Conditional Rewrite Rules bound in condition eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(z) condition where z := <addS>(x, y) match apply transformation eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y))
  • 39. For to While action foo() { for(p : Post in b.posts) { p.title := "foo"; } action foo ( ) { } var i : Int := 0; var c : Set<Post> := b.posts; var l : Int := c.length(); while (i < l) { var p : Post := c[i]; p.title := "foo" ; i := i + 1; } } specification (by example)
  • 40. For to While: Transformation Schema for(x : t in e) b var i : Int := 0; var c : Set<t> := e; var l : Int := c.length(); while (i < l) { var x : t := c[i]; b i := i + 1; } abstraction of example
  • 41. For to While: Rewrite Rule normalize : For(x, t, e, b) -> Block([ Stat(VarDeclInit(i, SimpleType("Int"), IntLit("0"))), Stat(VarDeclInit(c, SimpleType(t), e)), Stat(VarDeclInit(l, SimpleType("Int"), MethodCall(Var(c), "length", []))), While(BinOp(Var(i), "<", Var(l)), Block([ Stat(VarDeclInit(x, t, IndexAccess(Var(c), Var(i)))), b, Assign(Var(i), BinOp(Var(i), "+", IntLit("1"))) ])) ]) where i := <newname> "i"; c := <newname> "c"; l := <newname> "l"
  • 42. For to While: Result action foo() { specification by example for(p : Post in b.posts) { p.title := "foo"; action foo ( ) { } var i : Int := 0; } var c : Set<Post> := b.posts; var l : Int := c.length(); action foo ( ) { while (i < l) { { var p : Post := c[i]; var i0 : Int := 0; p.title := "foo" ; var c0 : Set<Post> := b.posts; i := i + 1; var l0 : Int := c0.length(); } while ( (i0 < l0) ) } { var p : Post := c0[i0]; p.title := "foo" ; i0 := (i0 + 1) ; } } } result
  • 43. Normalization Strategy strategies normalize-all = innermost(desugar + normalize) rules normalize : For(x, t, e, b) -> Block([ Stat(VarDecl(... ]) normalize : [Block(stat1*) | stat2*] -> <conc> (stat1*, stat2*) (is that a correct transformation?)
  • 44. For to While: Final Result action foo() { specification by example for(p : Post in b.posts) { p.title := "foo"; action foo ( ) { } var i : Int := 0; } var c : Set<Post> := b.posts; var l : Int := c.length(); while (i < l) { action foo ( ) { var p : Post := c[i]; var i0 : Int := 0; p.title := "foo" ; var c0 : Set<Post> := b.posts; i := i + 1; var l0 : Int := c0.length(); } while ( (i0 < l0) ) } { var p : Post := c0[i0]; p.title := "foo" ; i0 := (i0 + 1) ; } } result
  • 45. Normalization Strategy strategies normalize-all = innermost(desugar + normalize) rules normalize : For(x, t, e, b) -> Block([ Stat(VarDecl(... ]) normalize : Block([Block(stat*)]) -> Block(stat*)
  • 46. Schedule Lab this week ★ Design 1: deadline is April 1 ★ Design 2: what DSL will you design? Cases ★ Case 2: web abstractions ★ Deadline Case 2: April 8 ★ Case 3: Next ★ Lecture 8: code generation