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      eql Jo
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                of the


             Kurtulug Oztopgu
     Zhoumagaly Abuov - Nasir Kambarov
             Youssef Azemoun

                  ' 4 F..oor

            London and New York
f rrfic
fl ltrRGr-,[6B?eE
Simultancusly poblidr.d in tu l,rSA adHtf             ndatr
29 West 35th Street, New Yorlq NY l(mt
First published in paperback 1999

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor   & Francis Croup

Reprinted 1999

O 1996 Kurtulug Oztopgu

Set ln
METtmes: Giirel/Saye4 Cambrldge, MA" USA
Anatollano, and Uzbekkazakh: Geoffrey frrabam, Berkeley, CA, USA
Ulghur: M. Rrza Betin, Dotu Turkistan Vakfi , Istanbul, Ttirkiye
Database was destgned using 4th Dlmension for Macintosh.
Layout was done with Word 5.1 for Macintosh.
Customized multiltngual database and camera ready copy: Interactive Media and Geographic
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All rights reserved. No part of thts book may be reprinted or reproduced e1 slilizsf in any fonn or
by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, lncluding
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brirish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Librry
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data
A dictionary of the Turkic languages: English, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish,
Turlmen, Uighur, Uzbek/I(urtulug Oztop,gu... et. al.
1. English language - Dictionaries - Turkic I. Oztopgu, Kurtulug, 1950-.
423'.943-dc20 96-5893

rsBN 0-415-14 r98-2 (hbk)
ISBN Hls-I6M7-2 (pbk)

For Mr Htkmet Aksan and Mrs Belkrs Aksan


Preface                                                    ix
Alphabets and Transcription Systems                         x
Guide to Pronunciation                                     xi
Table of Alphabets and Transcriptions                     xii
Notes on Entry Selection and Sryle                       xiv
Abbreviations                                             XV
Acknowledgments                                          xvi

Dictionary.                                     ............   I
Azerbuiani - English
        J9           Index                     ........171
Kazakh - Engksh  Index                   ................ 195
Kyrgyz - English Index                   ................217
Tatar - EnglishIndex......                ...............239
Turkish - English Index......                 ..........263
Turkmen - English  Index......                  ........285
Uighur - English Index......                ............309
Uzbek - English Index......                .............339


This is the first English - Turkic languages dictionary to include all the eight major Turkic
languages in their gtficlal alphabets, together with a convenient transcription system for
those without an official Latin alphabet. It is also the first dictionary to use the riew Latin
alphabets for the Turkmen and Uzbek languages.

The dictionary is followed by eight Turkic language - English indices, one for each of the
Turkic lang_uages included. The dictionary and the indices together fulfill an urgent need
fo.{.1 multilingual guide to these languages, which are spo-ken by approximltely 150
mil[on people.
The new official Latin alphabets for Azerbaijani, Turkmen and Uzbek, employed in this
d_ictionary, were adopted during the past thiee years as Azerbaijan, Turkineiristan and
Uzbekistan became independenl They will, however, probably ndt be fully implemented
for some time.

$e--sponsibility for the content and editing of the individual languages was undertaken as
azgrbaljani, Turkish   an_d Uighur: Kurtulug Oztopgu, Visiting Assistant Professor of
IutS.. Languages at the Uliyepity of California, Los Angeles, and Visiring Ircturer for
Turkish at the University of California, Berkeley.
Kazakh and Kyrgyz: Zhoumagaly Abuov, Kazak State Law Institute.
Uzbek and Tatan N*it Kambarov, Uzbek State World Languages University.
Turkmen: Youssef Azemoun, Turkmen expert.

The duties of the editor included the following: Compiling the basic English word list;
incorporating all the changes in the officjal scripts that have occurred since the project
began; determining.the requirements of a suitable database; editing, organizing ind
inputting all of the data; checking for accuracy; finding attractive an-d workable fonts;
coordinating the translations, the work of the authors andreviewers; preparing indices for
all languages; and producing the final copy.

Atphabets and Transcriptton Systems

 Turkish is given only in the official Latin alphabet, in use since 1928.

  Azerbaijani, Turkmen and Uzbek are given in both their official Cyrillic and Latin
 scripts. In the following table of alphabets and transcriptions the Azerbaijani Latin
 alphabet is in its official alphabetical order, however the Cyrillic alphabet has been
 reordered to create a one to one correspondance with the Latin. For Turkmen and
 Uzbek since there is no one to one correspondance between their official Latin and
 Cyriltic alphabets these are provided simply in their official alphabetical order.

  Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Tatar, which have no official Latin-based scripts, are given in
 their official Cyrillic alphabets and in our Latin transcriptions in parenthesis. While the
 Latin transcriptions of these different languages are almost identical, there is no
 absolute one-to-one correspondence between the cyrillic letters and the Latin
 transcription because one sound in one language may be rendered by a different
 Cyrillic letter in another.

 Uighur is given in its official Arabic script and in our Latin ranscription in parenthesis.

Guide to Pronunclatlon
In the Turkic languages most words are pronounced as they are writ[en, and each
character usually has the same pronunciation no matter where in a word it occurs. In this
dictionary we have provided either an official Latin script or a Latin transcription for each
Turkic language. In the transcriptions we have prefened generally understood signs that
reflect pronunciation rather than less well known, more scholarly symbols. Several
different characters in the official Latin scripts and in the transcriptions correspond to
either the same or similar sounds in English.

One character may be pronounced differently in different languages. Thus "8" is
pronounced slightly differently in Azerbaijani and Turkish. The characters in the
following chart should be noted because either they do not exist in the English alphabet,
or because they may not be pronounced in the Turkic languages as they are in English.

Latin alphabet English                       Appears in these languages...
or transcription equivalent
     c               as in gentleman         Azerbaijani, Turkish
     I               as in child             Azerbaijani, Turkish, Turkmen
     a               as in dad               Azertaijani
     e               as in say               Turkish
     e               as in bet               all Turkic languages except Turkish
     a               as in dad               Kazakh, Tatar, Turkmen, Uighur
     g                lehl                   Azerbaijani and Turkish
     g'              lehl                    Uzbek
      I              as in serial            Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish
     j               as in measure           Azerbaijani and Turkish
      fr             as in song              Turkmen
     o               as in qaalm             Uzbek
     ot              as in boy               Uzbek
     tt              as in tlrn              all Turkic languages except Uzbek
     q               as in guard or   /kh/   Azerbaijani
     I               as in s/rirt            Azerbaijani, Turkish, Turkm en
     i.i             like German rr          all Turkic languages except Uzbek
     x                tvhl                   Azerbaijani, Uzbek
      r              as in measure           Turkmen
     v               as in serial            Turkmen
     v               as in yes               Turkmen

Teble of Alohabets
Latin Cyrillic   Cyrillic Trans.      Cyrillic Trans.   Cyrillic Trans.
  a      a           a    (a)           a     (a)         a      (a)
  b      6           a    (a)           6     (b)         6      (b)
  c      rt{         6    (b)           B     (v)         B      (v)
  I      q           B    (v)           r     (s)         r      (e)
  d      A           r    G)            x     (d)         A       (d)
  e      e           f    Gh)           e     (e)         e       (tyle)
  a      o           A    (d)           e     (yo)        e       (yo)
  f                  e        tyle)     K      0)         H       (zh)
         0                (
  g      K           e    (yo)          3      (z)        3       (z)
                                               (i)                (i)
  I      f           E    (zh)
                                        A      (y)
  h      h           3                                    Pt
  x      x           YI   (ityl)        K      (k)        K       (k)
  I      bI          A    (y)           T      (l)        T       (l)
   i     H           K    (k)           M      (m)        M       (m)
  j      x           X    (q)           H      (n)        TI      (n)
   k     r           T    (l)           I{     (ng)       o       (o)
   q      r          u    (m)           o      (o)         n      (p)
   I     I           H    (n)           o      (6)         p      (r)
   m      M          rt   (ng)          n      (p)         c      (s)
   n      H          o    (o)           p      (r)         T      (r)
   o      o          e    (o)           c      (s)        v       (u)
   (t     e          u    (p)           T      (r)        0       (D
   p      n          p     (r)           v     (u)         x      (kh)
   I      p          c     (s)           Y     (ri)        t{     1rs)
   s      c          T     (t)          0      (0          rI     (cn1

   $      ill        v     ([u]w)       x      (kh)        IT     (sh)
   t      T          Y     (u)          q      (ts)        q      (shch)
   u      v          Y     (ii)          q     (ch)        b      (')
   u      Y          0     (0            UI    (sh)        bI     (r)
   v      B          x     (kh)          rq    (shch)      b      (')
   v      j          h     (h)           b     (')         a      (e)
   z      3          q     (rs)          bI    0)          x)     (yu)
                     rl    (ch)          b     (')         s.     (ya)
                     UI    (sh)          a     (e)         a      (a)
                     q     (shch)        x)    (yu)        e      (6)
                     t        (')        ll    (ya)        Y      (ri)
                     bI       (r)                          X,     0)
                     I        (i)                          q      (ng)
                     b        (')                          h      (h)
                     a        (e)
                     x)       (yu)
                     r.       (ya)

Latin   Cyrillic   Latin   Arabic Trans.      Cyrillic latin
 a         a        a             IJ   (a)      a        a
 b         6        b             .t   (e)      6        b
 c         B        I                  (b)      B        d
 I         r        d                  (p)      r        e
 d         A        e             13   (r)      A        f
 e         e        a                  0)       e        g
 f         e        f         E
                                       (ch)     e       h
 g         X        g                  (kh)     X       t
 g         E        h             s    (d)      3       j
 h         3        i             )    (r)      H       k
 I         YI       j         )        (z)      i4      I
 i         t4        r        )        (zh)     K       m
 j         K        k                  (s)      JI      n
 k         T        I                  (sh)     M       o
 I         M        m                  Gh)      H       p
 m         H        n         *i       (0       o       q
 n         II       fi        ,j       (q)      II      r
 o         o        o         ,t)      (k)      p       s
 tt        e        tt        5        G)       c       t
 p         n        p         J        (ng)     T       u
 r         p        r         J        0)       v       v
 s         c        s
                              t        (n)      0       x
 $         T        $         i)       (n)      x       v
 t         v        t         I        (h)      q       z
 u         Y        u         -,1
                                       (o)      rI      ot
 ii       0         u         -tr
                                       (u)      UI      g'
 v         x        w         tr       (o)      b       sh
 v         4        v         -f       (ii)     b       ch
 z        rI        v         J        (v)      a       rg
          tu        z
                              €        (e)      m
          u[                  €        (i)      f,
          b                   f        (y)      v
          bI                           (')      r,
          b                                     f
          a                                     X

Notes on Entry Selectlon and Style

 The English corpus of approximately 8ffi words was selected from several lists of
 "most frequently used words." The remainder were added to meet the needs of the
 most likely users: students, businessmen, linguists, and tourisLs.

 Since an eight-language dictionary cannot be both porrable and comprehensive, an
 English entry is defined with the single most common Turkic equivalent from each
 Turkic language, unless two Turkic words are needed for a full definition. Thus under
 the entry "brother" the reader will find both the Uzbek "aka" and "uka" because the
 first means "older brother," the second "younger brother." An exception was also
 made for some Tatar words, where two equivalents are provided. The reason for this
 is that Tatar has uniquely been under Russian influence for more than four centuries so
 that colloquial Tatar has come to include a substantial number of borrowed Russian

 Since this work is also, by way of its indices, a Turkic languages - English
 dictionary, some English entries were selectnd not because they are in common use in
 English but because of the frequent use of ti.eir Turkic equivalents. Thus we included
 such entries as "(be) bored," "(be) born" and words for objects common in the Turkic
 world such as "mulberry," "pomegranate," and "quince."

 To indicate that an entry word is being defined in a restricted sense, it is followed
 either by a subject category marker (e.g. "branch bot.", thus not a "branch of a
 bank"), by an abbreviation for a grammatical category (e.9. n., adj., adv.), or, if these
 do not suffice, by an explanation in parenthesis (e.g. "bright 1=6u11 of light)", thus not

 The grammatical category designations that follow the English entry word apply only
 to that entry word, as the Turkic equivalents may not belong in the same grammatical

 If the transitive and intransitive forms of an English verb   are both in common use, they
 are entered separately and marked vt. or vi.

 Verbs are entered by verb stem followed by a dash indicating the infinitive suffix,
 rather than the traditional practice in single-language dictionaries in which verbs are
 entered in their infinitive form.

adj-       adjective                         med.           medicine
adv.       adverb                            mil.           military
a,8.       agriculnre                        mus.           music
art.       afis                              n.             noun
ast.       astronomy                         num.           numeral
bot.       botany                            phv.           physics
cln.       clothing                          phys.          physiology
conj.      conjunction                       pol.           politics
cul.       culinary, food & utensils         pre.           press
econ.      economics & finance               prep-          preposition
geo-       geography                         pro.           pronoun
geol.      geology                           rel.           religion
Seom       geometry                          spor.          sporls, games & physical educ.
 interj.   interjection                      tech.          technology & tools
jud.       judiciary                         v.             verb
ling.      linguistics & grammar             vi.            verb intransitive
lit.       literature                        vt.            verb transitive
math.      mathematics                       zool.          zoology

           similar in meaning
x          antonym
*          additional information about enuy word
           used to indicate the infinitive suffix after Turkic verb stem


My co-authors and I would like to acknowledge the help of the following, without whose
[.tp -tttt. project would not have been realized: Jala Garibova, Ralph Jaeckel, Agnes
Sefeli-Clay, Kamran M. K[akimoy, Elmira Kochumkulova, Gulbahar Mamur, Alnur
Oztopgu, Gcineng Oztopgu, Ozden Oztopgu, Seda Oztopgu, Mehmet M. Tulum, Ibadulla
Zakhirov, Nadirbek Zheerenchiev, and Rakhmanova M. Zhumabekovna for checking
various sections of the dictionary; Andreas J. E. Bodrogligeti and Giiliz Kuruollu foi
their continuous support; my dear friend Suha Ulgln for designing a flExible,
multilingual,. multiscript and multimedia database; Marla A. Petal, my agent, for
recognizing the importance of this work and finding rhe right pubLisher; and last but not
least, Simon Bell, senior editor at Routledge, a Turkophile and an enthusiastic supporter
of the project from its inception. All shortcomings of the dictionary are, of course, the
responsibility of the authors.

Kurmlug Oztopgu


Dictionary of the Turkic l-anguages                                                                   about

ebout adv.                            sbstroct adj.                  add     v.
l. raxur*ras te:aninan                1. uruappeA mticonad           l.   e.nana   sr-    slave et-
2. ruarrarrQrn (shanamen)             2. adcrparr (abstrakt)         2. Eg- (qos-)
3. qaxacrr uelreg                     3. aocrparryy (abstraktuu)     3. roru- (kosh-)
   (c-fiamffim,efren)                 4. a6crpaKr (abstrakt)         4. ryu- (kush-)
4. qauacnr (chamasr)                  5. *-!-
                                          sovut                      5.e!e-
5. tahminen                           6. aocrpam abstrakt            6. rou- gog-
6.'raxunuran talmynan                 7. c3l ,u+tr (abstrakt)        7. -::' (qosh-)
7.   g.;-;.c   (tiikhminin)
                                      8. uanryu mavhum               8. KyuI- qo'sh-
t.   raxurlHas taxminan
                                      accept    v.                   additlon math. n.
rbout prep.                           1. re6yx er- qebul et-         1. Jmruraua toplama
l.   harrurlIAa haqqrnda              2. x,a6unu,a- (qabrlda-)       2.  Kocy (qosuw)
2. W       (arwralt)                  3. F6b-r,'r tliabrl al-)
                                                aJr-                 3. xoruyy (koshuu)
3. ryypanyy (tuuraluu)                4. raoyn nr- (kabul it-)       4. ryuy (kushu)
4. xarurrga (khakmda)                 5. kabul et-                   5. toplama
5. hakkmda                            6. xaoyr ar- kabul et-         6.   rourua    go$ma
6. oapaga barada                      7. -J;                         7.
                                               .;*;   (qobul qil-)        ;*y       (qoshush)
7. r.r^iio    (heqqide)
                                      8. x,a6y.r X,u- qabul qil-     8. x.ymnil          qo'shlsh
8. xaXrUa      haqida
                                      accldent   (*raffic)     n.    address n.
ebove adv.                            l. reea qeza                   l. vnnas iinvan
l. iyxaprrga yuxanda                  2. auapxr (avarlya)            2. a4)ec (adres)
2. xoraprrga (zhoghanda)              3. anapnr (avariya)            3. a.qpec (adres)
3. noropyao (iogorudo)                4. anapnr (avariya)            4. aApec (adres)
4. nraprr4a (yuganda)                 5. kaza                        5. adres
5. yukanda                            6. anapur awarlfa              6. aApec adres
6. erapta lokarda                     7. l;u (qaza) ,U              7.,r..1;sU (adres)
7. l,:,, -2i5a (yuqirida)             8. anapHr avariya              8. a2pec adres
8- nxopn,qa yuqorida
                                      account n.                     adjecttve ling.           n.
rbove prep.                           l.   hacao hesab               l. cn@r sifat
l. vcrru4a iistiinda                  2. ecen (yesep)                2. cnrH ecil4lsrn yestm)
2. vcrisle (iisttnde)                 3. acen (esep)                 3.@f6i6E(srn aroocn)
3. vcrrnAe (iistiindO)                4. Hcan (is[p)                 4. cuESar (sryfat)
4. efl€rrAa (Ostendii)                5. hesap                       5. srfat
5. iisttinde                          6. xacan basap                 6. cnrnrr sypat
6- vcrrnAe tistiinde                  7. .-,!t-r.r (hesabat)         7. *b (siip[t)
7.   t;.-1,   (iistide)
                                      8. xucoo hisob                 8. cuQa'r sifat
t.   ycru4a    ustida

     l. Azerbaijani Z.Kazak& 3.Kytgyz          4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
admlre                                                                Dctionary of the Turkic knguages

admlre          v.                     7. oY (elan)                    7.# c#f
l. hejpau on- heyran ol-               8. peuaua reklama                  (chiishtin keyin)
2. 1arraaj- (tangdan-)                                                 8.                 tushki payt
3. riE--arr- (hngdan-)                 advlce   n.                          -tryg:ggr
4. corrann_In ralrurT op-              l. uac.nahm maslahat            agaln adv.
   (soklqrp karap tor-)
5. hayran ol-
                                       2. g6nrr-xeqec (aqil-kenges)    f   . ielrnaart yenidon
6. gggar         tlsin gal-
                                       3. 6@qrd (kengesb)              2.@(qayradan)
                                       4. uacnnar (mlslikhlt)          3. xanra.q,au (kaytadan)
7. -Jx j.1U            (qayil bol-)    s.@                             4. 6frt(u) (tagrfnl)
8 @p*-                    qoyil qol-   6. uacaaxar maslaxat            5. 6'ffia-l
                                          -                            6..6yene
                                       7. .r1*d (nlsihfrt)
adult n.                               8. uacaaxar maslahat            7. ty (yine)
I . hag.qu-oYtryra   rlarubrrrr                                        8. sna       yana
      haddi-btilu$a qatmrq             afrald: be afraid      v.
2. e.Eggegr (yer zhetken)              l.   ropx- qorx-                against prep.
3. ooFro KerKeH
   -- --:                              2. x,opx,- (qorq-)              l. rapurnr qarqr
      (boygo jetken)
4. oylha x,r{rKau                      3. ropr- (kork-)                2. r,apcrr (qarst
                                       4. rypr- (kurk-)                3. rapnrnr (karshr)
   Ouyga ji*en)                        5. kork-                        4. rapulr (karshr)
5.   Xg*tn                             6. nrpr- gork-                  5. kargr
6. gnbr       sr€g      ia$y ieten                                     6. rapumr gar$y
7. rrstJ v <-, U . -J?
          ...Si     .
                                       7. _sr_$ (qorq')
   I            -
                                       8. xlpr- qo'rq-                 7   . ot:tr   (qarshi)
      (boyigha ylitkiin adlim)
8.    oa.norarra errag oAaM
                                                                       8. (apurx          qarshi
      balog'atga yetgan odam
                                       after prep.
                                       l. corrpa sonra                 age     n.
adverb ling. n.                        2. coq(song)                    l.   izuu yaq
1- aad zarf
                                       3.   @@(kiyin)                  2. xac (zhas)
2. kcreD (iistew)                      4. coq   (song)                 3. xaur (iash)
3.@(rakioochl                          5. sonra                        {.   qrrr. (yash')
+.,@tr{vesh)                           6. coqpa softra                 5.   yag
5. zarf                                7. o :$, (keyin)                6. ru iag
6. xaa        hal                      8. rel&ur keyin                 7. C $ash)
7. ;x3.,            (rtivish)                                          8. eu       yosh
8. oanrau ravish                       afternoon       n.
                                       1. xvnoyraAan corrpa            sgo    adv.
advertlsement n.                          giinortadan sonra
                                       t tvc (tiis)
                                                                       l. errr{a dnca
1. pex;rau reklam                                                      2. ffiFBrh(bunn)
2.   Xa6aOnaHrrhrDv
                                       3. rvru (tiish)                 3. @ (murda)
      -.:-4.:__:-1 J
                                       4. T€IIII"AH COHT'bI B{IKbIT
                                          +-                           4. @ (elek)
                                          (trishtiin songgl vakrt)     5.
3.   qaptD(anya)                                                            Once
4. peuaua (reklama)
                                       5. 9fleden sonra                6.@           ozat
                                       6. efire riile                  7 . oj:j
5. reklam                                                                            Ourun)
6. peraaua reklama                                                     8. annatr avval

     1.    Azerbaijani 2.Kazath 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
Dctionary of the Turkic languages                                                                               agree

 agree         v.                          7. Ub    (hava)                   7. orrlr-tr            (ayroport)
 l.    pasnr   on- razr ol-                8. xaso    havo                   8. rarieparox tayyoragoh
 z.@        (kelis-)
3. WXyggCgL- (makuldash-)
4. pnsa 6yl- (riza bul-)                   airline    n.                     algebra           n.
5. razr ol-                                1@            havayolu            l.   rrraop cabr
6. -puraanrU- ylda$-                       2. aya EoJrbr (awa zhoh)          2.   ameopa (algebra)
                                          3. a6a xony (aba jolu)             3.   anreopa (algebra)
z. FIF-Caoshul-)
                                          4. hana romr (hava yuh)            4.   arn'e6pa (algebra)
8. pora ofn- rozi bo'l-                   5. hava yolu                       5. cebir
                                          6. xosa €nu howa toly              6. a.lrredpa         algebra
rgreement       n.                        7. Jr- l3lr (havayoli)             7. ,.#,Jv         (algebra)
 1. rrrranr-urs mi.iqavile                8. xaso irlnla havo yo'li
2. reaiciu (kelisim) r                                                       8. amedpa           algebra
3. (kelishim _t{-
4. xrureruy (kileshii) ^**-1              alrmall   n.                       altke adj.
5.Q@                          "'-:"      1. hasauormy havapogfu             l'. oxurap oxgar
o. ifi-aa-arumr ylalagyk ?o"              2. asuanoura (aviapochta)         2. rq,cac (uqsas)
7. F..t-JS (ke[shim)
                                          3. aslranoura (aviapochta)        3. orrnorn (okshosh)
                                          4. awranoura (aviapochta)         4. oxruau (okhshash)
s.    r@    iiu.       ^Y                 5. -ugak poggsr
                                          6. dEn-oqra awtapogta                                  meflzeg
rgriculture      n.                       7. ,,-.-+t ljh                    7. ,,l,U.y           (okhsbash)
l.    xexg raceppvgaml                         (hava pochtisi)              8. lxuraru
      kand tesamifatr              .1                                                           o'xshasb
2. aywngqprxbrrrbrri T*'                  8. anuanoqra aviapochta
_ (iwrl $ffinrt-r4 9"                     atrplane
                                                                            allve adi-
3. 4nrrharrr*urrrr 5i1,                               n.                    l. dffir'canh
   (drykanchrhk) ,JY'' t                  1. rejjape tayyara                z. tsfiuril
4. a-Bru x)xqiurbrr.bor" ,)Y.'            2. cavol€l (samolyot)             3.@(tiiriiii)
   (avrl k-hujahgr)                       3. cauonBr (samotyot)             4. x,arurnr (ianh)
5. tanm             r"S_-7
                       go-                4. cauongr, oqKblrt               5. canh
6. o6a xox,iurbrrbr                            (samolyot, ochkrch)          6. .qHpH diri
   oba hojalygy                           s.da-                             7. ,Lr; (ttrtk)
                                          6. @ uear
7.    uSJ& |1            (yezaigitiki)
                                          7.                                8. rnpxr tirlk
t. r,ranaox, xyxaairu                          orrrU      (ayropilan)
      qishloq xoJaligi                    8. rauepa hyyora
                                                                            sll    adj.
                                                                            1..6@              britrin
dr n.                                     airport     n.                    z' GDJuarr)
l.    hana hava                           l. mjjape rrxuaHbr                3. 6aapu (baan)
2. aya (awa)                                 tayyara limanr                 4. harana (biimme)
3- aoa (aba)                              2. aaponopr (aeroport)            5. btittin
4. hasa (hava)                            3. aaponopr (aeroport)            6. axau lihlt
5- bava                                   4. aaponopr (aeroport)
6, xosa howa                              5. havaalanr                      7.@        (bamma)
                                          6. -_/
                                             aaponopr      aeroport         8. xauua       bamma

     l. Azrrbaijapi   2. Kazakh 3.       Kyrgyz 4. Tarar      5. Turktsb 6. Turkmen       7.   Uighur      8. Uzbek
all                                                                           Dictionary of the Turkic languages

rll pron.                             alphabet     n.                          ambulance med. n.
l. hauu hamr                          1. armQ6a alilba                         l.   r'ra'rrpuu iapnuu Malrrbrrrbr
2. oapi (blirt)                       2. an[arum (alfavit)                          tc'cili yardrm magrnl
3. oaapu (baarr)                      3. a,t$ann'r (alfavit)
4. 6ap;rnrr (barlft)                  4. o.mrpoa (,ilifba)                          (zhedel zhiirdem)
5. hepsi                              5. alfabe                                3.   ffiApAaE      ltez jardam)
6. xetnrecn hemmesi                   6. sannoHri elipbtt                      +.ffi
                                      7. ,4+ (elipbe)
                                                                                                       (Uz yardlim
7. ."iJrt Oadiq)                                                                    --:-L/-!-
                                                                                    ktirsfltii mashlnasr)
8. xauua hamma                        8. anra(p6o alifbo                       5. ambulans
                                                                               6. rus KeMeK Marrrbrlrbr
almond bot. n.                        also   adv.                                   tiz kdmek nraSyny
1. oa4aru badam                       l. &a,Aa da,do                           7.               I I
                                                                                                      l t . ,:-

2.   ururAarm (mindal)                2. rarur Aa (taghr da)                      (qutquzush mashlnisi)
3.   urln4arll (mindal')              3. .qamr ga (dagr da)                    8. :res rHt66tdt dpAau
4.   oalau Oadam)                     4.   Aa, Ao (d,a, d:i)                      MaIIIHHacH tez tibbiy
5. badem                              5.   da, de                                 yordam mashinasi
6. 6aAau badam                        6. xeM, Aa, Ae hem, da, de
7. ;lst1 Oadan)                                                                amount      n.
8. oottou bodom                                                                1. rcrrgap miqdar
                                                                               2. cart (san)
alm                                   always adv.                              3. cas (san)
1.                                    l. haraarra hamisa                       4. urxr4ap (mik'dar)
     deffik olar ki                   2.@(iirqashan)                           5. miktar
2 @$p(dyerlik)                        3.   &pg:ol.d(ar daym)                   6. uyx4ap mukdar
3. .qpaprr{K (deerlik)               4. hapnarnrt (hiirvakrt)                  7. ,l.ri- (miqdar)
4. gt+rpter (diyarlek)               5. datma                                  8. m<gop miqdor
5^ themen hemed                      6. xeuxrue hemige
6    @iyenyaty                       7. ,X-.r (hemishli)
7. ,LJ2,a s (deyfirltk)                                                        snarchy pol. n.
                                     8. .Upmr doim                             1. anapxnja anarxiya
8. Aesprn deyarli                                                              2. aHapxw (anarkhiya)
                                      ambassadot n.                            3. auapxrEx (anarkbiya)
alone adj.                           1. ca@rrp safir                           4. auapxan (anarkhiya)
f. iarmre valorz                     2. ernui (yelshi)                         5. anargi
z. ffiisiznargnu)                    3. artm (elchi)                           6. auapxur anarhiia
3. xarr-nrs (ialgz)                  4. rrrrqe (ilche)                         7. S:;;l;V (anarkhizm)
4. rmrrs (yalgz)                     5. elgi
5. valnrz                            6.    wr*t    ilgi
                                                                               8. anapxar anarxiya
o.   @-yete                          l.    o?Ja (iilchi)
7. :l (yalghuz)                      8. enqr-r elchi
8. €.rnr.rl yolg'iz

     l. Azerbaijanl Z.Kazal<h   3.   Kyrgyz 4.Tatar            5.   Turkisb 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
Diaionary of the Tu*ic languages                                                                   and

rnd      conj.                     angry adj.                             an$wer     v.
l-pva                              1. aqbrrnbr acrqh                      1. r{asa6nep cavabver-
2. rone (zhlne)                    2.   anrytrht (ashuwh)                 2. xayau oep (zhawap ber-)
3. raga (iana)                     3.   ffiffiv(achuuluu)                 3. xoon oep (ioop ber-)
{-    hau (hliln)                  4. auynnr (achuh)                      4. qasarr 6rp (avap bir-)
5- ve                              5. kusm                                5. cevap ver- we                            6.   ffapmr     gaharly                6. x,oran Oep jogap ber-
7. .j (vli)                        t@w                                    7. -r,        (iavabbtir)
                                                                                  =lJt+ javobber-
t.m va                             S.ggl4jlq,qer                          8. xaaoooep
                                        jahli chiqqan
rngel rel. n.                                                             8nltwer   n.
l- reaar malak                     anlmal n.                              1. rrrasa6 cavab
2- uepiurre (perishte)             1. hejnarr heyvan                      2. xayan (zhawap)
3- nepluure (pertshte)             2.   aiayau (aywan)                    3. noon (ioop)
{     Qepema (fiireshtli)          3. arioaH (ayban)                     4. 4anau (avap)
5- melek                           4. xarbarr (khayvan)                  5. cevap
6- nepum.U,e peri$e                5. hayvan                             6. x,orau jogap
7.    r*,re,   (pflrishtA)         6. xatrsan haiwan                     7. vljt+ (iavab)
t.    Qaprama farishta
                                   7. ol-LL (hayvan)                     8. xasoo javob
                                   8. xAfuon hayvon
tnger n.                                                                 tnt zool. n.
l- nasad oazab                     annlverssry n.                        1. trrglulla qanqqa
z@     (asiuw)                     l.rffiY              ildciniimil      2. roIEgg (qumrsqa)
3- Gqy, (achuu)                    2. mra.6r(     MepeKe                 3. ryuypcra (kumurska)
{- iEi    (achu)                        (zhrldrq mereke)                 4. nrpumcra ftumrska)
                                   3. mragDrr (rldrk)                    5. @tg.a
*Wdr sahar^'d                      4. -
                                      erymrr (yelhk)                     6. rapun4a      garynja
?- ;,r3<i (Shiizip)                5. yrld0niimii                        7.!_b-b (chiiniila)
                                   6. moraqeri fubilei
t- ra{rr jahl                                                            8. gyuory chumoli
                                   7. Jrjl,i $illiq)
nde        math. n.                4.4ffi>yru*                           antanna te:h. n.
r-   ffi;b    bucao                                                      1. arrrenna antenna
z dypf,forbuniu                    enother adj.                          2. armenua (antenna)
3-   dDl5u;ch)                     l.gury bagqa                          3. aurenna (antenna)
r'q@oochak)                        2. '@51 (basqa)                       4. amenna (antenna)
5-€ll)                             3. oaruxa Oasfrka)                    5. anten
6- oypu burg                       4. 6auxa (bast*a)                     6. arrrerura antenna
t- €ltoutung)                      5. bagka                              7. L';r:;tr (antenna)
                                   6. 6aura
t. q@ burchaf;
                                                                         8. anremra antenna
                                   7. tiit{   (bashqa)
                                   8. 6orilEa    boshqa

     l- Azerbaljant 2. Kazakh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar          5.   Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Ulghur 8. Uzbek
8ny                                                                 Dictionary of the Turkic lamguages

any pron.                            apartment n.                    7. -Jx l.qr, @eydabol-)
l. hap harrcrr har hansr             1. uansrut manzil               8. rrarilo 6yr- paydo bo'l-
2. ap, ap riu, ap 6ip                2. narep (piter)
   (iir, iir kim, er bi-r)           3. oarup (batir)
3. ap. Hepqe (ar, nerse)             4. @rrp, KBilyrupa              apple bot. n.
                                        (fatir, kvartira)            l.
                                                                           a.rnra alma
      (telilsl nindi)                5. apartman dairesi                   anria (alma)
5. herhansi                          6. rnaprupa kwartira            3.    anaa (alma)
6. ftffin           islentlik
                                     7. *n t*r Oina tiyl
                                                                     4.    arnra (alma)
                                                                     5. elna
7. ;l.r;lir+r     (hiirqandaq)
                                     8. xuaprnpa kvartira            6. anra alrn
8 @ rryggd              har qanday
                                                                     7. Utr (alma)
                                     apologlze          y.
                                                                     8- oaxa olma
anybody pron.                        1. vsp!rcr€- tizrista-
l. .ryqgA, hap xac                   2. reruipiu crpa-
    kimsa, her kes                        (keshirim sura-)           spply
2. ap riu, oipey                     3. reurpmr cypa-                      (=make a request) v.
    (er klm, btrew)                       (kechtrtn sura-)           l.    xrparnrar er- mfrraciat
3.6npoe,apKrlM                       4. raQy copa- (gafu sora-)      et-
      Oird0, ar kim)                 5. 0ztir dile-                  z-    @rotin-l
4. hapreu, xerdAep                   6. sryrrq copa- 0tiing sora-    3. ervu- (6En-)
      (hlirkem, kemder)                                              4. uepeqararb rrr-
5. kimse, herkes                     7.   -lt.r fj:j;6                     (gr0dijegat' it-)
6. xep ruu her kim                      (kflchiirUm sora-)           s.@r:9
7. 3,-, ,?s I                        8. yrp cypa- uzr so'ra-         6.    apaa   6ep,    itrr r5/t
      xa.rf,Ma, xaD K}IM
                                     apology       n.                7. -l;
                                                                           arza brur-,

                                                                                  u"t     =1.'. (iltimasqil-)
                                     1. vsp rin
     @harktm                         2. reruipiu (keshirim)
                                                                     8. uypoxaar x,rur-
                                                                           murojaat qil-
                                     l. d-@(kechirim)
anythlog pron.                       4. i@f'(krcherii)
      !ap_han$_r orp ruej            f.
                                     - #
                                          ozur                       appointment
      har hansr bir gey              6. erynqcopaMa                      (=engagement) n.
      oip Hapce (bir niirse)              Otung sorama               1 . ra'jr*r oJrynuyrrr Kepyur
      q,ru*ggpgg (bir nerse)                                               ta'yin olunmuq gtiriiq
      qelgp Hapc? (beriir niirsil)   7. ;c (apu)                     2. reagecy          (kezdesuw)
      herhan$l bir Sey               8. pp uzr                       3.    @(kezdeshiiii)
      xaicnr xeM 6o.nca 6r{p 3ar                                     4. ouparuy (ochrashu)
      haisy hem bolsa bir zat        sppear   v.                     5. randevu
      ard r o--r Oirtirniirsit)      1. xeprn- gOrtin-               6. ffirymbTr.i dugugyk

      9npop napca biror narsa
                                     2. repin- (kttrin-)             7.@(uchrishish)
                                     3. repru- (kdriin-)             8. yupauyn uchrashuv
                                     4. rvpeu- (ktiren-)
                                     5. gortin-
                                     6. repnr- gdrUn-

     l.   AzerbaijanL 2.Kazal& 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
fXrionary of the Turkic languages                                                            appolntment

lppolntmont (=n55igning                    April   n.                     ann phys. n.
        to a position) n.                  1. arrpen aprel                1. ron qol
t-      railtt te'yin                      2.@B
                                          (k6kek)                         2. ror (qol)
!- nrarbm4ay     (taghaymdaw) 3. arrpem (aprel')                          3. ron (kol)
l- .qArbrlqoo (daymdoo) , 4. aupem (aprel')                               4. ryr (kul)
4-@           (tflgayenlAii)ir-- 5. nisan                                 5. kol
?-      j)&-d(: (tiiyinliish)
                                     g:i   6. aupezr aprel
                                           7. &xv (aprel)
                                           8. anpenr aprel'
                                                                          6. ma gol
                                                                          8. x,in qo'l
$- mrlranaaru tayinlash
                                           archltect     n.               armchalr     n.
ryprosch v.                                1. ue'uap me'ma-r              1. kreslo
t- txrttutgu- yaxrnlag-                    2.f..qj-*roul(slwletsht)       2. roeciro (kreslo)
!- rar.nruAa- (zhaqrnda-)                  3. apxurexmp (arkhitektor)     3. @(oturguch)
I- rarnrnga- (akmda-)                      4. apxrrexrop (arkhitektor)    4. rpecno, raneQrr
l-      n<nulrlarrr- (yakmlash-)           5. mimar                            Q<reslo, kf,nefi)
                                           6. apxurerrop arhitektor       5.@
                        gemeleg-           7. r.:Sr+rrU (arkhetektor)     6. rpecao      kreslo
                                           8. uennop me'mor               ?.@
fl_     ra;rnnaru-          yaqinlash-                                       (ytiliinch iikl iik orunduq)
                                           argue       v.                 8. xpecao kreslo
rypmval n.                                 l. rry6ahraco €rrl
l- mcfryu'errra tasdiq etma                   miibahisa et-               army mil. n.
I- rax,Ynqay (maquldaw)                    2. rannc- (talas-)             1. op.ry ordu
3- xaryngay (makuldau)                     3. Gnmr| (talash-)             2. apwu. (armtya)
                                           4. k6rou- (b[*blslesh-)        3. aprarr (armiya)
i:ffiffuPrau)                                 mtrs:l
                                           5. a-L/                        4. racrep GaskAr)
6- raxyuaua makullama                      6. Aasaraur- dawalag-          5. ordu
?.                                         7. -t; ur*:rb_;!t:             6. rouyu gogun
        5l,Bq       (maqullash)
S-      mc.q,s(rau           tasdiqlash         (talash-tartish qil-)     7. *-)V (anniye)
                                           8. 6atcraru-       bahslash-   8. xlruun qo'shln
ryrlcot           bot. n.
                                           argument n.
l-      aprar,   raicu erik, qaysl                                        arrtval      n.
2- epir (ttrik)                            1. uroahsca mribahisa          t.ffigaliq
3- oprr (0rUk)                                                            2. rerry fteluw)
4- e1nx, aopxKoc                           3.                             3. reary (keliiU)
        (Orek, abrikos)                       (talash-tarush)             4. rnrry (ktlU)
5- tayrr
6- apnx erlk
                                           4. 6axac (biikhils)
                                           5. miinakaga
                                                                          6. rc.ruau    geltg
                                           6. .[aBa dawa
7   -   Jj:g     (tiriik)                                                 7. uL{S (kelish)
t- ifpnr o'rik                             7. ,   u   .b_.rlit:
                                                                          8.   relral   kelish
                                           8.   oax$   bahs

     l- Azerbaijani 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turktsh 6. Turknen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek

             arrlve      v.                 arttflctal adj.                              ash   n.
 t , 2Y: l. uar.., je'r*ru- qat-, yetig-    l. cnr'u stin'i                              l. ry.rl hil
      y 2. ren-, ner- (kel-,
   _rl, /' 3. Ke.rI-, Eer- (kel-, jet-)
                                  zhet-)    2. xacasnDr (zhasandr)                       2. rvr (kiil)
           ,,                               3. xaca;nra (asalma)                         3. rrrt (kiil)
'../{ ,, r, 4. reub,ru'rr- (kil-, jit-)
      ,")r                                  4. gcarnra (yasalma)                         4. rer (k0l)
      0 fi'5. gel-, var-                    5. vanav
                                                 g                                       5. kiil
    lr)r-'p 6. 6ap-, ren- bar-, gel-        6.   :ca*a tasama                            6. rvn ktil
   *0 )r/'' 7 . J,S ,-i .:                  7.
                           (kill-, ytir-)                   (siin'ty)                    7. JjS (kiil)
                                                 ,f -
     /,      8. xer-, erH6 dop              8. cyHrufr sun'iy                            8. ryr kul                  

 , _rI,           kel-, yetib bor-
 t                                          arttllery mil.  n.                           arhamed:
             arow mil. n.                   l.   ayrwuepuja artilleriya                     be asnamed v-
             l. ox ox                       2. aywmepnr    (artilleriya)                 l. vran- utan-
             2. ryBae (zhebe)               3   . aytwrnepur
                                                           (anilleriya)                 2.    fu-   (uyal-)
             3. ;ffi gebe)                  4.   ayrwmepnr (artilleriya)                3. yrn- (uyal-)
            4. yr (uk)                      5.   Erl                                    4. oyt- (oyal-)
            5. ok                           6. aprrranreprn artillertia                 5. utan-
            6. rtuiq orrt iaiyfl oky                                                    6. yrau-, yrn- uan-, uyal-
                                            7.   J c:.1. oj     (zdlTlbtrilk)
            7. .;; (oC)                     8. agruruepur artilleriya                   7._t9f (uyd-)
            8. Y o'q                                                                    8. p;t- uyaF
                                            arttst n.
            8rt n.                          1. peccav rcssam                            ask   v.
            l. ruflracanan     incasenet    2. rypenni (suwretsht)                       l.copyur- soru$-
            2. enep (Oner)                  3. crperuv (stircitchti)                    2. cvpa- (sura-)
            3. ncxyccrno (iskusstvo)        4. peccau        (rlissam)                  3. cypa- (sura-)
            4. canrarr (slingat')           5. ressam                                   4. copa- (sora-)
            5. sanat                        6. xy4ongsx hudolnik                        5. sor-
            6. cynrar sungat                7. f*0, (rflssam)                           6. copa-     sora-
            7, s.::r- (slin'iit)            8. paccou rassom                            7. -lr-r (sora-;
            8. caHrar san'at                                                            8. cfpa- so'ra-
                                            as lf conj.
            artlcle                         1. carrpr sanki                             ssslgnment
                 (*in a periodical)   n.    2. eryXg,r (siyaqtr)                          (=school task)      n.
            l. uerana maqala                3. currryy (sryaktuu)                       1. nasr@ vazifa
            2. uaqwla (maqala)              4. rvs(rH) (gtiyatkrl)                      2. 'rancupua (tapsrma)
            3. uaraaa (makala)              5. sanki                                    3. ranurnrpua (tapshrrma)
            4. uararra (miikale)            6. gga hamala                               4.@Cirem)
            5. makale                       z. .s.                                      5. tidev
            6. uaxaaa makala                       "t G:huddi)
                                            8. xygglr xuddi                             6. Tadrnbrpbrr tabgyryk
            7. dtiL (maqal[)                                                            7. ,l:Z*, (tapshuruq)
            8. uaKona maqola                                                            8. naar@ vazlfa

                 l. Azerbaijani 2.Kar;akh 3.Kyrgyz     4.   Tatar       5.   Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uig[ur 8. Uzbek
Eicrionary of the Turkic Languages                          ll                                         asslBt

 rsstst             v.                   7. -J; l;j^          (hujum   qll)   z.6Gluanr
  !- reuar et. kcimak et-                8. ayryu 4,lr.n- bujum qil-          8. xoen6a joziba
 i rapteuAec- (zhlrdemdes-)
 3 - rapg,augau- (iardandash-)           attack n.
 4. rp4eu rr- (yardilm it-)                                                   August n.
                                         t. hruyu htimm                       1. axycr avqust
 5" yardm et-                            2. uaoynn (shabuwrl)
 ,6"  reuer 6ep kOmek ber-                                                    2. rarou (tanu;
  -. t : ros_:Q (yard.lim qil-)
                                         3.   @(chabuul)                      3. anrycr (avgust)
                                         4. hex,ru (h0jiin)                   4. arryct (avgust)

      FnaxrraurJ ko'maklash-
  fr- 3-l                               5. hticum                            5. alustos
                                         6. xvqyu hiijiim                     6. anr'ycr awgust
 Idstance n.                             7. Shb       Gujum)                  7 . ;-- ]L 3U (avgbust)
  [- rexex ktimak                        8. rymyu hujum                       8. anrycr avgust
 f- rexer            (kOmek)
  S- rexer (kom6k)                       attempt   n.
  r*. 4gau (yard?im)                     1. ranra66vc togabbris               aunt   n.
  5'. yadm                               2. aperer (flreke$                   1. xara, 6yr6:g xala, bibi
  fi. rp4au iardam                       3. aparer (arakeQ                    2. ana (apa)
                                         4. Cr6fu5iIF9 (trnshu)               3. rarl axe, axe (tay eje, eje)
. il'- ;,rs2l2 (yardiim)                                                      4. arra, rsrali (apa tliUly)
                                         5. ieseSbEi
 t @ yordam                              6. cnrsaslnrrbrK synanygyk           5. teyze, hala
                                                                              6. Aarlga, e[,eKe daiza, ejeke
 J prep.                                 8. xgparar KlurHrr
                                                                              7.   Ltr   (bamma)
 !* -tra, -,4a -da, -do                                                       8. xora, aMMa xola, amma
                                              harakat qilish
 3- -tra, -Ae, -Ta, -a€
       ({a  -de, -ta, -te)
 S" -tra, -Ae, -Ta, -Te, -Ao, -Ao,                   n.                       author      n.
    do, -rrg (-da, -de, -ta, -te,        l. ;prrsr diqqet                     l. jaanrulr yazlgr
       do, dd, -to, -tO)                 2. uasap (nazu)                      2. arrop (avtor)
 4|. -!a, -,q,a,.ra, -T€                 3. uaaap (nazar)                     3. avrop (avtor)
     ({4 -de, -ta, -te)                  4. Arxrraru (dik'kat')               4. arrop (avtor)
 5- da" {e, -ta, -te                     5. dikkat                            5. yazar
 6. -tra, -A,e da, -de                   6. ync tins                          6. arrop awtor
 -" .;- , ti- , rs- r ls                 ?. .:,+ii.s (dtqq[t)                 7. :*U (aptor)
    {{a" -de, -ta, -tA)                  8. &rxxar diqqat                     8. uya:unaQ muallif
 t- -aa {a
                                         attractlon    n.
                                                                              automoblle n.
                                         1. uagHoo caziba
 rllrck     v.                           2. {grryblMnbub15
                                                                              l. arrouoou avtornobil
 [.    hruyu err- hticum et-                 (tartmdrhq)                      2. arrouo6rum (avtomobil')
 a     raoyru.4a-        (shabuwrlda-)
                                         3.g:oegw                             3. asrouodnm (avtomobil')
 $.wwgg-                                      (stiyktimdtiiiliik)
                                                                              4. avrouo 6nnb (avtomobil')
                                                                              5. otomobil
       knabuul koy-)                     4. cekeulenex
 4- herru ur (hOjiim it-)                   (stiykemlelek)                    6. uarunru ma$yn
 5- bcum et-                             5. cazibe                            7. ,hy*tr (aptomobtl)
 6. qog- coz-                            6. rppluererlnux gtirmegetlik        8. anmuo6H.ur avtomobil'
 1 ----z
      I- Azerbaijani 2. Kazakb 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbck
autonomy                                                   t2                  Dictionary of the Turkic Languages

autonomy pol. n.                       awake vt.                                 bad adj.
l. uyrrapuijar muxtariyyat             l. ojar- oyat-                            l. prc pis
2. an'rououNr (avtonomiya)             2. orr- (oyat-)                           L    nauarr (ziaman)
3. asrorroruur (avtonomiya)            3. oliror- (oygot-)                       3. xauarr gaman)
4. vgruapa (iiztdarii)                 4. yrr- (uyat-)                           4. uauap (nachar)
5. Ozerklik                            5. uyandrr-                               s. Lqlii
6. ffiLouHs awtonomita                 6. orp-, orr- oiar-, oiat-                6. .apogr- erb€t
7. .rry;b;.; (mukhtariyet)             7. :q_f (oygha!-)                         7.   ott (yaman)
8. uyxrrrpHsr muxtoriyat               8. yEror- uyg'ot-                         8. euott yomon

SUtUmn n.                              axe ftch.      n.                         bag     n.
l. najnn payrz                         l.:sarrra balta                           l.   qanra qanta
2. rvs (kiiz)                          2. aarna (balta)                         2. ceMKe (somke)
3. rvs (ktiz)                          3. 6anta (balta)                         3. coure (somke)
4. xea ftdz)                           4. aanra (balta)                         4. rytcca (sumka)
5. sonbahar                            5. balta                                 5..1-----/
6. rrrb giiiz                          6. nanra palta                           6. cyuxa sunka
7. ;[ (kuz)                            7. t"J! (palta)                          7. UJti (khalta)
8. ry: kuz                             8. oonra bolta                            8.qry         sumka

avenue n.                              baby    n.                               baggage n.
1. xajaoan xiyaban                     1. xepna kdrpa                           l. irK y"k
2. rrpocnexr (prospekt)                2. oeoer O0bek)                          2. wvx (zhtik)
3. npocnexr (prospekt)                 3. oooer (bdbok)                          3.   rrr   fitik)
4. rrpocuerr (prospekt)                4. rqa ryrau,6a6H                  4. ner (y<ik)
5. bulvar                                   (yanga tugan bala, biibi)           5. yuk
6. rrpocnerr prospekt                  5. bebek                                 6. rlvr fiik
?. b-J iJ$ (chong kocha)               6. 6adeK babek
                                                    -                           7. uL;-J52 (ytik-taq)
8. xs€6on xiyobon                      7.   gr:?(uoael                          8. ror yuk
                                       8.   --
                                            @9498 chaqaloq
awake vi.                                                                       baker  n.
1. ojau- oyan-                         back phys.       n.                      1. ueporrm qorokEi
                (oyan-)                1. apxa arxa                             2. Faydarirrbr (nawbayshr)
3. gnrou- (oygon-)                     2. apx,a (arqa)                          3. Haa6aritmr (naabaychr)
4. yxu- (uyan-)                        3. apra (arka)                           4. rxuax ilettrepYqe
5. uyan-                               4. apra (arka)                                 (ikmek pesheriiche)
6. o*r- oyan-                          5. srrt                                  5. finncr
7. :q-f (oygnan-)                      6. apra arka                             6. ueperw gorekgi
8. yxroH- uyg'on-                      7. q.j" (dtimUa)                         7. g.liti (navay)
                                       8. opx,a orqa                            8. nosBorl novvoy

     l. Azerbaijani       2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4.   Tatar        5.   Turkish 6. Turluren 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
Dictionary of the Turkic l^anguages                        13                                                   bakery

bakery        n.                      ballet n.                                 banquet n.
1. uapaxxana qrirakxana               1. oarer balet                            l. aaja@r ziyafat
2. rravdarlxana                       2. 6aner (balet)                          2. oanrer (banket)
     (nawbaykhana)                    3. 6aler (bale0                           3. oarxer Oanket)
3. f,errre (gmgk0)                    4. 6aner (balet)                          4. oarxer (banket)
4. EfUaX:I{oer€.                      5. bale                                   5. ziyafet
     (ikmek kibere)                   6. oa.ue,r balet-                         6. oanxer banket
-5. finn                              7.      (balet)                           7. c,gl:j (ztyaPlt)
6. uepexxaua gorekhana                   ".lt
                                      8. oaaerr balet                           8. arl@r ziyofat
7. tJLr{l3b (navaykhana)
8. nosuofixoHa novvoyxona             banana bot. n.                            bare adj.
                                      1. 6asan banan                            l. Jnumar          Erlpaq
balcony   n.                          2. 6anan (banan)                          2   . xa;r-aqaru   (zhalan   g as h   )
1. oarrrou balkon                     3. 6anau (banan)                          I 1g*gt{"y (dangach)
2. 6arron (balkon)                    4. 6anan (banan)                          4. sJtafl (yalan)
3. oanxon (balkon)
4. oarron (balkon)
                                      5. ruz                                    s.@
                                      6. 6anan banan                            6. snaqaq idanag
5. balkon                             7. obt, Oanan)                            7. etfu* (yalingach)
6. daru<on balkon
                                      8. darrau banan                           8. srranr yalang
7. oF[ Oalkon)
8. oarxon balkon                      bandage med. n.                           bark bot. n.
                                      l. ourn bint                              1.{gggr       qabrq
bsld adj.                             2.   or.firr (binO                        2. laotrq, (qabrq)
l. {9.!aI kegal                       3.   6rdrr (bint)                         3. xadnx (kabft)
2. raZ (az)                           4.   orarr (bint)                         4. ra6nx (kal*)
3. ras (taz)                          5.   sargr bezt                           5. kabuk
4. nenaur (peliish)                   6.   6anr   blnt                          6. raonrr gabyk
5. kel                                z.urk_(F$!g)                              7."&ir        (qovzaq)
6. rqXslpjg4ae         takyr kelle
                                      8. ounr blnt                              8.   :fycraof       po'stloq
z.   ,gg (taqtr;
8. ra.n kal                           bant      econ. n.                        barley bot. n.
                                      1.   oarr   bank                          l.   apna arpa
ball    spor. n.                      2. oarx (bank)                            2. aprra (arf'a)
1. mn top                             3. oarx (bank)                            3. aprra (arpa)
2. .qpn (dop)                         4. oarn (bank)                            4. apna (arpa)
3. ron (top)                          5. banka                                  5. arpa
4. ryn (tup)                          6. oanr bank                              6. apua arpa
5. top                                7. t*t? Oanka)                            7. tylr    (arpa)
6. nexlN, ron Fikgi,       top
                                      8. oarx bank                              8. apna .rpa
7.ri       (top)
8. 'ryn to'p

  l. Azerbaijani      2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4.       Tatar        5.   Turktsh 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbck
Vvr'.L   a;-... (, C

                                            ') 2) /'                              ,1
barometer                                                14                Dictionary of the Turkic l^anguages

barometet             n.                battle mil. n.                       beak zool. n.
 l.       6apouc'r'p barometr           l.   ruvhapr-roa miiharibo           l.            dimdik
2.        6agtuc'l'p (baromctr)         2.   .6id(uns)                       ^ runr:tnK (tumsrq)
                                                                             2. rrdi-clrx,
3.        oapoucrp (baromctr)          -3. <:-4-' (urush)
                                           vuvut                             3. 'ryuruyr (tumshuk)
4.        6apouerp (baromctr)          4.           (sugrsh)
5.        biuometre
                                       5. savas                              1' fg"*9. (tomstuk)
                                                                             5. saaa
6. oapouerp          barometr          6. elglg stiweg                       6 ffi
                                                                               -/     ciiflk
7. ,+-,rL          (barometr)          7. jJt- (izlng)                       7. A1:-;   (tumshuq)
8. oapouetp          barometr          8. xanr jang                         8. r'yuulyX,   tumshuq

basket    n.                           bay geo. n.                          bean bot. n.
l. ca6orr sobat                         l.StrF3       kcirfoz             ' l. nax.[a, .ruo6ja paxla, lobya
2. raprirrxa (kiirzinkii)              2. ururasaq (shrghanaq)              2. orpurar, (burshaq)
3. rop:ulrra (korzina)                 3. ffiElSutunsi                      3. oyypuax (buurchak)
4. rapqun (kirjin)                     4. ryltnrx (kuluk)                   4. lpcorn (fasol')
5. sepet                               5. korfez                            5. fasulye
6. ce6gr sebet                         6. Gna-aD aylag                      6. sorlda notba
7. .rg* (sevlit)                       7.    ,iFr :4r                       7. Jhr.r (purchaq)
8. canar savat                               (dengtz qoltuqi)               8. aosHs loviya
                                       8. xlpQas ko'rfaz
basketball    n.                                                            bear zool. n.
l. 6acrer'6ol basketbol                be v.                                l. ajrr ayr
2. 6acrer6on (basketbol)               l. on- ol-                           2. am (ayu)
3. 6acrerr6on (basketbol)              2. ooa- (bol-)                       3. any (ayuu)
4. oacrerooa (basketbol)               3. oor- (bol-)                       4. an (ayu)
5. basketbol                           4. oyr- (bul-)                       5. ayr
6. 6acrer6on basketbol                 5. ol-                               6. atui ary
7. J,irrL I j (vaskerbol)              6. 6or- bol-                         7. ,*," (eyiq1
8. 6acxer6on basketbol                 7.                                   8. artrl4 ayiq
                                          -Jr{ 0ol-)
                                       8. oyt- bo'l-
bathroom n.                                                                 beard phys. n.
l. saHHa qqlb; vanna otafr             beach n.                             l. carral saqqal
2. saHna o.:Qtq4e,qt                   l. {eorap,ft cimarlik                2. car.u (saqal)
   (vanna bolmesi)
3. sarura (vanna)
                                       z rurrs-lffizril                     3. carar (sakal)
                                       3. rurs (plyaj)                      4. carar (sakal)
4. natrta, Iobrrrv dy.rtMoce           4. rurcn (plyazh)                    5. sakal
   (vanna, yurnu biilmiise)                                                 6. caxrar sakgal
                                       5. plaj
5. banyo
                                       6. nnrn pliaf                        7. JEL (saqal)
6. Barrrra oTarbr wanna otagy
          iL                           t.                 (dengiz boyi)     8. coqon soqol
7. t *2
          (muncha)                          *S*&s
                                            runm plyaj
8. narrrra                             8.

     1.   Azerbaijani 2.Kazakh 3.Kyrgyz 4.Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek


Dictionary of the Turkic Languages                          15                                              beauttful

beautlful adj.                          bed     n.                                 beer cul.   n.
1. €gg4l gozel                          l.   iamr yataq                            1. rmae  pive
2. -eAeui ([demi)                       2.   repeyer (kerewet)                     2. cnrpa (sra)
3..Agtft (suluu)                        3.   repeder (kerebet)                     3. rnno (pivo)
4. Ma_IUp (matur)                       4.   rapaaar, /pbrH                        4. crrpa (sra)
5. gtlzel                                    (karavat, unn)                        5. blra
6.   pjry    owadan                     5.   yatak                                 6. nhuo piwo
7.                  (chirayliq)         6.   rpamrr krawat                         7. 13,= @iva)
8.ry                 chiroyli           7. ,>13,16 (karivat)                       8. pivo
                                        8. rapanor karavot
beauty         n.                                                                  before prep.
1. xeearrtrn grizallik                  bedroom       n.                           1. asBafi awal
2. cYtrynnr4 (sutuwhq)                  l.   jarar oTarbr yataq otafr              z. blp'rH (bunn)
3. cy.rryynyr (suluuluk)                2. yfur(rarirrrn          6o.rnde          3. rryp;1g (murda)
4. uarypmrr (maturhk)                        (uyrqtayun b6lme)                     4. o-oplrr (bonn)
5. giizellik                            3. xara ryprau           6e.mdo            5. once
6. ouagarunrr owadanlyk                    (ata turgan mhnO)         ,             o. gg- 6n
7. .,LUc3$ Giizltllik)                  4. frorlr 6Ynuace                          7. .iir! (burun)
                                             (yokr bfibnlse)
8. rfiarurran go'zallik                 5. yatak odasr                             8. orwm oldin
                                        6. sTrrnsn orar iatylian            otag
because conj.                           7. ,aj.;b!          (yataqtiyi)            begin      v.
l. ifYlilcg
          Etinki                        8. eroExoHa yotoqxona
                                                                                   1.   6aruaa- bagla-
J    ggll5tglr (son&qun)                                                           2.   oacra- (basta-)
3. Q!gqg4)5!aH                                                                     3.   6arura- (bashta-)
   (oshonduktan)                        bee zool.      n.                          4.   6anna- (bashla-)
4. rroHKH (ch0nki)                      1. apu an                                  5. baEla-
5. giinkii                              2. apa (ara)                               6. 6aura- bagla-
6. I{THK}I gtinki                       3. aaprr (aan)                             7. -uq (bashla-)
7'                                      4.   6an   xoprbr (bal koru)
     ,Fh       (chtinki)
                                        5. art                                     8. ooruna(n)- boshlalnl-
8. trfrct chunki                        6. 6ur apblcbr bal arysy
                                        7                                          behave       v.
become          v.                           @(hara)                               l. 4aupan-     dawan-
l.   on- ol-                            8. aplr art                                2. esiH yqra- (rizin usta-)
2. aon- (bol-)                                                                     3. glYrr_g4gn rrp
3. aoz- (bol-)                          beef cul. n.                                  (0ztin ahp jiir-)
4. ayn- (bul-)                          1. uan sru rnal ati                        4. WsE_Iga- (iizen tot-)
5. ol-                                  2. &p eri (siyrr yeti)                     s. {ell4!:
6. oor-    bol-                         3.69vru       (uy eti)                     6. ervr{H iurbrrr Oap
7. -Jr Ool-)                            4. cuep me (sryer ite)                          OzUfli alyp bar-
                                        5. srfrr eti                               7.-;t e)j          (Ozlnttut-)
8. 6yn- bo'l-                           6. cnu'rrp arn sygyr eti
                                                                                   8. yrarnr ryr-     o'zini tut-
                                        7. qJ-)s (kala goshi)
                                        8. uor rfurru mol go'shU

     l. Azerbaijani 2.Kazakh      3.   Kyrgyz 4.Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmcn 7. Uighur 8. tJzbck
behavlor                                     ,/    16            Dictionary of the Turkic L,anguages

behavlor             n.       bell  n.                            bend     v.
 l.   aanparrnr-ur davranrE   1. garrx zong                       l. ai:-?Y-
2. r'aprirr (tiinipl          2. (orurrpay (qongrraw)             2. 0rr- (biig-)
3. fqgrytrr (tartip)          3. xorqrypoo (kongguroo)            3.   gt {iv-)
4. 5pZtg; (khohk)             4. 3nonor (zvonok)                  4. ru-r- (iy)
5. davranrg                   5' lil                              5. eE-
6. IUg gylyk                  6. x,arr jafl                       6. ar- eg-
" ,y))Y-'3))l-
''                            7 ,&j;3t            (qongghuraq)    7. -3.r (ag)
                              8. x,yurHpoq, qo'ng'iroq            8. ar-, 6yx-       eg-, buk-
8. xy;rx, xulq
                              belly phys. n.                      beneftt n.
behtnd adv.                   l. rapnrrr qann                     l.@jao fayda
l. al"agg an<ada              2. 4,apuH (qann)                    2. nafi4a (payda)
2. agrta (artu9               3. Xg,ryGann)                       3. nafrta (payda)
3. ayrra (ana)                4. gg(ech)                          4. @r.rAa (fayda)
4. aprra (artta;              5. kann                             5. fayda
5. arkada                     6. rapuu garyn                      6. ndfi,qa peirda
6. apxala arkada              7.iU           (qorsaq)             Z. l+b (payda)
7. I ,. :ttj    (arqida)
                              8. Xopr-m qorin                     8. @raa foyda
8. opxaaa        orqada
                              below adv.                          beside prep.
bellef rel. n.                l. aruarnr4a aqafrda                l. jaunrlqa yanrnda
1.    rgra14   inam           2. reues.qe (trimende)              2. xaulur4a (zhanrnda)
2. qggty (senim)              3. reuen4e (trimdndcj)              3. xarnru4a (anrnda)
3. rugggtgo (ishenim)         4. F?ffi-aa (ttibiin&i)             4. *mrnga (yanrnda)
4. ryugryy (rshanu)           5. aga[rda                          5. yanrnda
5. inanq                      6. Auaraa a$akda                    6. sHnrHAa ianynda
6. nurarrr{ ynang             7. o.l; rjjj   (rovanda)            7. I '-r       (yenida)
l. gy          (ishiinch)
                              8. npm4a        pastda              8. em-Ua yonida
8. muosq         ishonch
                              belt clo. n.                        besldes prep.
believe         v.            1. rauep kamar                     1. @gg baqqa
1. rcran- inan-               2. Agnaqy $elbew)                  2. Aeg5g (basqa)
2. ceu- (sen-)                3.              (bel boo)          3. 6arura (bashka)
3. ryg3s- (ishen-)                 trg_gr
                              4. awrcay (bilbau)                 4. oaurra (bashka)
4. nnuan- (rshan-)            5. kemer                           5. bagka
5. inan-                      6. ryrax gu$ak                     6. oarura-Aa baqga-da
6. nrran- ynan-
                              7. iUr Ozilbagh)                   7. €1.*tr (rashqiri)
   -: a"-t (ishiin)           8. rauap kamar                     8. 'raruq,apa tashqari
8. rlrrorr- ishon-

  L Azerbaijani Z.Kazal<h 3.Kyrgyz 4.Taw 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur g. Uzbek

Dictionary of the Turkic languages                     l7                                     best

best adj.                            btcycle      n.                btrd zool. n.
1. en jaxrutr on yax$l               1. rerocnne4 velosiped         l. ryu gug
2. etl na(cbr (yeng zhaqu)           2. penocweA (velosiped)        2. rvc (qus)
3. arl xaxurbr (eng jakshD           3. serocnne.q (velosiped)      3. rym (kush)
4. rm,xxrrbr      (ing yakhshr)      4. ueaocrileg (velosiped)      4. rou (kosh)
5. en iyi                            5. bisiklet                    5. kug
6. ru{ roBbr tfl gowy                6. rerocrrre.4 welosiped       6. ryr gug
7. u:rti        3..1 (iingyakhshi)   7. --r-.     r,3 (velisipit)   7. ,pF       (qush)
8. anr D(IIH       eng yaxshi        8. reaocrane4 velosiped        8.   ryu     qush

better adj.                          brg adj.                       btrth  n.
1. naha jaxrunr daha yaxgr           l. Qjry bdyuk                  1. 4oryn dofum
2. xaKcrrpaq (zhaqsraq)              2. YGgrr (tilken)              2. rywny (tuwrluw)
3. xarurnrpaax (iakshraak)           3. Wg (chong)                  3. ryynyu (tuulush)
4. n<ttrlr (yakhshr)                 4. ayp (zur)                   4. ryy (tuu)
5. daha iyi                          5. biiytik                     5. doftm
6. ronrrpax gowyrak                  6. yg; uly                     6. goryrnra dogulna
7. .;l *:;,Q $akhshiraq)             7.  !* (chong)                 7.   4i; (ugJrut)
8. rxurrrpox, yaxshiroq              8. Igg katta                   8. r:yn.uau tug'ilish

between prep.                        btll   1=n stat€ment   of      birthday n.
1. apacrrugg arasrnda                     account) n.               1. _ag 4nrv ad grtnii
2. apacnruaa (arasrnda)              l.   hecao hesab               2. ryEarl.XfH (tuwghan ktin)
3. apacrrnAa (arasrnda)              2. eceu lyesep)                3. ryyrrau rvu (tuulgan ktin)
4. apacnruaa (arasrnda)              3. acen (esep)                 4. ryrau reu (tugan kcin)
5. arasrnda                          4. cqEr (schyot)               5' Qlf,qrtguu
6. apacuHga arasynda                 5. hesap                       6. Aoraarr rnr doglan giin
7. lt-'-rtr      (arisida)           6. cqer sgyot                  7'oF oat'
8. opacnga        orasida            7. (hesabat)               (tughulghan kiin)
                                     8. xllcoo-rFrod Eapa(,acH      8. ryrrurraH Kyrr tug'ilgan kun
bevelrge      n.                          hisob-kitob varaqasl
l.    mncr iqki                                                     blte v.
2. iuriu4ir (ishimdik)               btllton num.                   l. .qranura dipla-
3. cyycyuAyx (suusunduk)             l. Mrurfapg milyard            2. 'ric're- (tiste-)
4. aqere{er (echemlek)               2. wrnwrap4 (milliard)         3. mrurre- (Ushte-)
5. igecek                            3. wuumapa (milliard)          4. reuuro- (teshlii-)
6. nurn iggi                         4. uusuntap4 (mtlllard)        5. rsrr-
7. ^'tJ # (ichimlik)                 5. rnilyar                     6. ruaurc- diglc-
8. uquu.rrrrr icbimlik               6. usntwtapA milliard          7. -d":*? (chishlli-)
                                     7. srL*J. (milyard)            8. r:Hrura- tishla-
                                     8. mrrunrapg milliard

     1.   Azerbarjani 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4.'Iatar 5. Turkisb 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uz.bck
bttter                                           4s                  Dictionary of the Turkic Languages

bltter      adj.                blind     adj.                        blouse clo.      n.
l. alg;lt   act                 t. 4_o.-g kor                         1. o.rryr bluz
2. a_199t (ashcht)              2. coKbrp (soqr)                      2. o.ny:ra (bluwzka)
3. auyy (achuu)                 3. coryp (sokur)                      3. rer.ittsr (ktjynijk)
4. aqbt (acht)                  4. g$ltB    (sukrr)                   4. 6ryea (bluza)
5. act                          5. ktir                               5. bluz
6. ax,rt ajy                    6. rep ktlr                           6. blui4<a
7. ..i*U (achchiq)              7. *E(qariehu)                        7. Jdlf (kringl:rk)
8. auunq achchiq                8. *yp ko'r                           8. o.rry:a bluz;t

black adj.                      bllndness      n.                     blue adj.
l. rap qant                     l.   ronnvr korluo
                                                                      l. xei goy
2. rapa      (qara)             2.   eoxupnrlr (soqrhq)               2. xer (kdk)
3. xapa (kara)                  3.   coxyp.yx (sokurluk)              3. xex (kok)
4. rapa (kara)                  4.   cyxup.ttur (sukrl*)              4. sarlrop (idnggar)
5. siyah                        5.   k0rliik                          5. mavi
6. rapa gara                    6.   rep.irrr kdrliik                 6. rex gdk
7. l)ti     (qara)              , @              (qarishuluq)         7. .j.J;S ftok)
8. r,opa      qora              8. xlpnur ko'rlik                     8. rlx ko'k

blanket n.                      blood phys. n.                         boast v.
t. aajil adyal                  l.   rau qan                           l. efrtt- oyun-
2. oqesrt (odeyal)              2.   <as (qan)                         2. ua(rart- (maqtan-)
3. uyypran (uurkan)             3.   ras (kan)                         3. uax'raq- (maktan-)
4. roprart (yurgan)             4.   xas (kan)                         4. uax'ras- (maktan-)
5. battaniye                    5.   kan                               5. civiin-
6. oAeu odeial                  6. rax     gan                         6. envn- 0wtin-
Z. J+ss (iidiyal)               7. 66 (qan)                            7. -;b-iL (ntakbtan-)
8. aAen adyol                   8. Korr    qon                         8. uaKrarr- rtaqtan-

bleed        v.                 blood pressure med. n.                 boat    n.
1. rana- qana-                  l. ran reejmH qan tazyiqi              1. rajrrr qayrq
2. Kasa- (qana-)                2. xall. (bICbIy.bI (qan qrsrnu)       2. xaprux (qaytq)
3. rana- (kana-)                3. rart ffiGr-mI (kan basrmr)          3. xauntx (kayft)
4. rana- (kana-)                4. xan 6lffir Gan basrmr)              4. raer (kayek)
5. kana-                        5. lansiyon                            5. kaytk
6. rana- gana-                  6. @ertlle dawleniie                   6. rar-trx gayyk
7. -tjG (qana-)                 7   . f*         oE   (qan besimi)     7. 6.*,; (qeYiq)
8. x,ona- qona-                 8. Korr docHMH          qon bosimi     8. Xaltry, qayiq

   1.   Azerbaijani 2.Kazakh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
/                                        /
Dictionary of the Turkic languages                     19                                                          body

body phys. n.                        book       n.                                    4. xrran Krldgre
1. 6aAan badan                       l. rmao kitab                                         (kitap kibete)
2. &ene (dene)                       2. ri'ran (kitup)                                5. kitapgr
3. gBHe (Oqr                        3. prren (kitep)                                 6. rnrau uaragunu
1.pry@egY                            4. rorran (kitap)                                     kitap nugadni
5. Decen                             5. kitap
6. 6e.qeu beden                      6. rnran kitap                                   7. bEyL:J (kitabkhana)
7. g, csq Oadan)                     7. -ti*S (htab)           .                      8. xuroOAyKoHu
                                                                                           kitob do'koni
8. oaAau badan                       8. rsroo kitob
                                                                                  . boot clo.       n.
botl   v.                            bookcase n.                                      1. fvevH6oras)
1. rajna- qayna-                     1. xura6 ura(prr kitab gkafi                         luzunboSazJ gakma
2. <arlna- (qayna-)                  2. rirau uraQu (kitap shkafr)                    2.   @   (yetik)
3. rarlra- (kayna-)                  3. rq5ge (tekche)                                3. reflts (oriik)
4. xalnra- (kayna-)                  4. araxepra (etazherka)                          a'@'(itttt)
5. kayna-                            s.(K_@                                           s'sry
6. rairtra- gajma-                   6. xr+ran urra(lrr             6. enlui iidik
                                                                    kitap gkafy
7. -L*G (qayna-)                     7 ,,FB -{i.s (krtab jazisi) 7. ,tiy (6ttik)
8. Kafrna- qayna-                    8. rrllroo€-qg*g11Dkilobjavoni 8. srHx etik

bomb mil. n.                         bookseller   n.                              "   border pol. n.
1. 6ou6a bornba                      1. xrma6 caraH kitab satan                       1. cophaa sorhad
2. 6ouon (bombr)                     2. riran caTyulbl                                2. ruerapa (shekara)
3. oouoy (bombu)                          '(kitap satuwshr)                           3 utii gpa (chek ara)
4. 6ou6a (bomba)                     3. xuten caryyqy                                 4.W       (chik)
5. bomba                                  (kitep satuuchu)                            5'gntt
6. 6ouoa bomba                       4. rrrau caTflblcbr                              6. cepxm      serhet

7. Vy Oomba)                              (kitap satuchrsr)                           7.   IS,t (chegra)'r''t''
                                     5. kitapgr                                       8. gg33g     chegara
8. 6ouoa bomba                       6. raran carbrx,brcbr
                                          kitap satyjysy
rrone phys. n.                                                                        bored: be bored v.
                                     7.,.rjr+S          (kitabpurush)                 1. 4apnrx-- dirnx-
r. crurK     stimrik                                                                  2. sdpir- (zerig-)
2. cniex    (siiyek)                 8. rsmo coryrlqH
                                          kitob sotuvchi                              3. sepur- (zcrik-)
3. ceer (stt'ttk)                                                                     4. ntancyla- (yamansula-)
4. cerr (s6yak)                                                                       5. sikiL' "-
                                     bookshop         n.
5. kernik
6. cvrtr sijflk                      l.   xrfl'ad Mafa3acbr                           o.F     u-
                                          kitab mafazasr                              7.          (zcrik-)
7. J3;- (xingiik)                    2. xiran Arreni                                    =!:_;_
8. cyxr suyak                             (kitap diikeni)                             8.{!gf-       z*rik-
                                     3. xHrcu AYKarrY
                                          (kitcp dilkOnii)

  l. Azerbaijani 2.Krt.akh    3.   Kyrgyz 4.Taw                5.   Turkish 6. Turkmcn 7. Llighur 8. Uzbck
bortng                                                                      Dictionary of the Turkic Ianguages

bortng adj.                         bother     v.                             box     n.
l.   agpUxnulpblr+{bl               l. rrapahar m- narahat et-                1. ryry qutu
   danxdrncr                        2. uarala- (maala-)                       2. xaurix (zhiishik)
2. pggixti pc'r-iu (zeriktirctin)   3. mrrrqcnnAarulbrp                       (ashik)
3.gagt'ua fiadatma)                    (trnchsrzdan&r-)                       a.Seulggjg.o
4. gtqtrclg (kurk;u)                4.Truurystgta-                                 (kechkenl iirji)
5. stkrcr                                (trnrchsrzla-)                       5. kutu
6. Nprarru irging                   5.   rahatsrz et-                         6. rytu guty
7. &,J)5, ),; (zerikirlik)          6. dmrnqiulbrK yr-                        7. tr-p (quta)
                                         biynjalyk et-
8. reprr rlapaAxrart                                                          8. x,yrN quti
     zeriktiradigan                 7,
                                         -Li       r.,ljU   (avarfi qit-)
                                    8. Tiulr BHlrI.naH,II,HI>                 boy n.
born: be born           y.             tashvishlandir-
                                                                              l. or-narr o$ut
1.4oryn- do[ul-                                                               2. vl oa.rra (ul bala)
2. rywn- (tuwrl-)                   bottle  n.                                3. aprex oara (crkek      bala)
3. ryyn- (tuul-)                    1. unua Etigo                             4..1{'@     (ir balir)
4. ry- (tu-)                        2. unara (shiysha)                        5. o[lan
5. dog-                             3. 6etsrxe (bot0lk0)                      6. or,narr oglan
6. totyr- dogul-                    4. ruerua (sheshii)                       7. it{ J}i (ogtlrl bala)
7. JI' (tughul-)                    5. gige
                                    6. uYtlue guitge                          8.   lrxa    6o/ra og'il bola
8. ryrlrl- tug'il-
                                    7. 8;;:, (botulka)
                                                                              bratn phys. n.
borrow        v.                    8. rupuua        shtsha
                                                                              1. oejrur beyin
1.        an- borc al-
     OoPr+r                                                                   2. ry@iv)
2. x,apnrs ar- (qanz at-)     bow mil. n.                                     3. Ug9 (mee)
3. rapnr: an- (kanz al-)      l. i{ vav                                       4.;al(mi)
4. oypntxa a.rr- Ounchka al-) 2.@ (sadaq)                                     5. beyin
5. cidting al-                3. caa,qar (saadak)                             6. oeiam belni
6. rapa a.n- karz al-         4. fiaya)                                  7.S;_t*gryl
7. -JV "s;;    (titna al-)    5.yay
                              6. {.t iaji                                     8. uur miya
8. raps on- qarz ol-
                                    7. L (va)
                                    8. ranon
                                                                              branch bot. n.
both ... and conj.                                   kamon
                                                                              1. 6yAat budaq
1. hau ... hau 4a                                                             2. ovt-ax (butaq)
   harn... ham da                   bowl cul. n.                              3. oy"rar (butak)
2. rc.,.sa (da ... da)              1. xaca        kasa                       4. omar (botak)
3. (da ... da)               2. xece (kese)                            5. cel
4. hau... hera (ham ... hiim)       3. xece (kese)                            6. uraxa gaha
5. bem ... hem                      4. raca (kasA)
6. xeu,.. xen hem... hem                                                      7. (tr (shakh)
                                    5. kise
7. f- . .. f lr (hZim ... haim)                                               8. ruox shox
                                    6. @            okara
8. xau .,. xaM ham... ham           i.€b
                                    8. lffil       kosa

     l. Azerbaijani 2. Kazalrh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar              5.   Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur        8" Uzbck
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic
Dictionary of The Turkic

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Dictionary of The Turkic

  • 1. w
  • 3. DICTIONARY of the TURKTC LANGUAGES ENGLISH: AZERBAUANI, KAZAKH, KYRGYZ, TATAR, TURKISH, TURKMEN, UIGHUR, UNEK Kurtulug Oztopgu Zhoumagaly Abuov - Nasir Kambarov Youssef Azemoun ,r{L8", -^4F: rRat v= ' 4 F..oor London and New York
  • 4. tuFrufr f rrfic fl ltrRGr-,[6B?eE Simultancusly poblidr.d in tu l,rSA adHtf ndatr 29 West 35th Street, New Yorlq NY l(mt First published in paperback 1999 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Croup Reprinted 1999 O 1996 Kurtulug Oztopgu Set ln METtmes: Giirel/Saye4 Cambrldge, MA" USA Anatollano, and Uzbekkazakh: Geoffrey frrabam, Berkeley, CA, USA Ulghur: M. Rrza Betin, Dotu Turkistan Vakfi , Istanbul, Ttirkiye Database was destgned using 4th Dlmension for Macintosh. Layout was done with Word 5.1 for Macintosh. Customized multiltngual database and camera ready copy: Interactive Media and Geographic Information Systems, Oxnar( CA, USA. Printed in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd., Padstow, Cornwall All rights reserved. No part of thts book may be reprinted or reproduced e1 slilizsf in any fonn or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, lncluding photocopytng and recording, or ln any infonnation storage or retrleval system, without pemdssion in writing from tbe publisbers. brirish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Librry Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A dictionary of the Turkic languages: English, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish, Turlmen, Uighur, Uzbek/I(urtulug Oztop,gu... et. al. 1. English language - Dictionaries - Turkic I. Oztopgu, Kurtulug, 1950-. PL26.D531996 423'.943-dc20 96-5893 rsBN 0-415-14 r98-2 (hbk) ISBN Hls-I6M7-2 (pbk) 1V
  • 5. For Mr Htkmet Aksan and Mrs Belkrs Aksan v
  • 6. Contents Preface ix Alphabets and Transcription Systems x Guide to Pronunciation xi Table of Alphabets and Transcriptions xii Notes on Entry Selection and Sryle xiv Abbreviations XV Acknowledgments xvi Dictionary. ............ I Azerbuiani - English J9 Index ........171 Kazakh - Engksh Index ................ 195 Kyrgyz - English Index ................217 Tatar - EnglishIndex...... ...............239 Turkish - English Index...... ..........263 Turkmen - English Index...... ........285 Uighur - English Index...... ............309 Uzbek - English Index...... .............339 vli
  • 7. Preface This is the first English - Turkic languages dictionary to include all the eight major Turkic languages in their gtficlal alphabets, together with a convenient transcription system for those without an official Latin alphabet. It is also the first dictionary to use the riew Latin alphabets for the Turkmen and Uzbek languages. The dictionary is followed by eight Turkic language - English indices, one for each of the Turkic lang_uages included. The dictionary and the indices together fulfill an urgent need fo.{.1 multilingual guide to these languages, which are spo-ken by approximltely 150 mil[on people. The new official Latin alphabets for Azerbaijani, Turkmen and Uzbek, employed in this d_ictionary, were adopted during the past thiee years as Azerbaijan, Turkineiristan and Uzbekistan became independenl They will, however, probably ndt be fully implemented for some time. $e--sponsibility for the content and editing of the individual languages was undertaken as follows: azgrbaljani, Turkish an_d Uighur: Kurtulug Oztopgu, Visiting Assistant Professor of IutS.. Languages at the Uliyepity of California, Los Angeles, and Visiring Ircturer for Turkish at the University of California, Berkeley. Kazakh and Kyrgyz: Zhoumagaly Abuov, Kazak State Law Institute. Uzbek and Tatan N*it Kambarov, Uzbek State World Languages University. Turkmen: Youssef Azemoun, Turkmen expert. The duties of the editor included the following: Compiling the basic English word list; incorporating all the changes in the officjal scripts that have occurred since the project began; determining.the requirements of a suitable database; editing, organizing ind inputting all of the data; checking for accuracy; finding attractive an-d workable fonts; coordinating the translations, the work of the authors andreviewers; preparing indices for all languages; and producing the final copy. lx
  • 8. Atphabets and Transcriptton Systems Turkish is given only in the official Latin alphabet, in use since 1928. Azerbaijani, Turkmen and Uzbek are given in both their official Cyrillic and Latin scripts. In the following table of alphabets and transcriptions the Azerbaijani Latin alphabet is in its official alphabetical order, however the Cyrillic alphabet has been reordered to create a one to one correspondance with the Latin. For Turkmen and Uzbek since there is no one to one correspondance between their official Latin and Cyriltic alphabets these are provided simply in their official alphabetical order. Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Tatar, which have no official Latin-based scripts, are given in their official Cyrillic alphabets and in our Latin transcriptions in parenthesis. While the Latin transcriptions of these different languages are almost identical, there is no absolute one-to-one correspondence between the cyrillic letters and the Latin transcription because one sound in one language may be rendered by a different Cyrillic letter in another. Uighur is given in its official Arabic script and in our Latin ranscription in parenthesis. X
  • 9. Guide to Pronunclatlon In the Turkic languages most words are pronounced as they are writ[en, and each character usually has the same pronunciation no matter where in a word it occurs. In this dictionary we have provided either an official Latin script or a Latin transcription for each Turkic language. In the transcriptions we have prefened generally understood signs that reflect pronunciation rather than less well known, more scholarly symbols. Several different characters in the official Latin scripts and in the transcriptions correspond to either the same or similar sounds in English. One character may be pronounced differently in different languages. Thus "8" is pronounced slightly differently in Azerbaijani and Turkish. The characters in the following chart should be noted because either they do not exist in the English alphabet, or because they may not be pronounced in the Turkic languages as they are in English. Latin alphabet English Appears in these languages... or transcription equivalent c as in gentleman Azerbaijani, Turkish I as in child Azerbaijani, Turkish, Turkmen a as in dad Azertaijani e as in say Turkish e as in bet all Turkic languages except Turkish a as in dad Kazakh, Tatar, Turkmen, Uighur g lehl Azerbaijani and Turkish g' lehl Uzbek I as in serial Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish j as in measure Azerbaijani and Turkish fr as in song Turkmen o as in qaalm Uzbek ot as in boy Uzbek tt as in tlrn all Turkic languages except Uzbek q as in guard or /kh/ Azerbaijani I as in s/rirt Azerbaijani, Turkish, Turkm en i.i like German rr all Turkic languages except Uzbek x tvhl Azerbaijani, Uzbek r as in measure Turkmen v as in serial Turkmen v as in yes Turkmen xi
  • 10. Teble of Alohabets Latin Cyrillic Cyrillic Trans. Cyrillic Trans. Cyrillic Trans. a a a (a) a (a) a (a) b 6 a (a) 6 (b) 6 (b) c rt{ 6 (b) B (v) B (v) I q B (v) r (s) r (e) d A r G) x (d) A (d) e e f Gh) e (e) e (tyle) a o A (d) e (yo) e (yo) f e tyle) K 0) H (zh) 0 ( g K e (yo) 3 (z) 3 (z) (i) (i) I f E (zh) (z) H A (y) LI (y) h h 3 Pt x x YI (ityl) K (k) K (k) I bI A (y) T (l) T (l) i H K (k) M (m) M (m) j x X (q) H (n) TI (n) k r T (l) I{ (ng) o (o) q r u (m) o (o) n (p) I I H (n) o (6) p (r) m M rt (ng) n (p) c (s) n H o (o) p (r) T (r) o o e (o) c (s) v (u) (t e u (p) T (r) 0 (D p n p (r) v (u) x (kh) I p c (s) Y (ri) t{ 1rs) s c T (t) 0 (0 rI (cn1 $ ill v ([u]w) x (kh) IT (sh) t T Y (u) q (ts) q (shch) u v Y (ii) q (ch) b (') u Y 0 (0 UI (sh) bI (r) v B x (kh) rq (shch) b (') v j h (h) b (') a (e) z 3 q (rs) bI 0) x) (yu) I rl (ch) b (') s. (ya) UI (sh) a (e) a (a) q (shch) x) (yu) e (6) t (') ll (ya) Y (ri) bI (r) X, 0) I (i) q (ng) b (') h (h) a (e) x) (yu) r. (ya) xii
  • 11. Latin Cyrillic Latin Arabic Trans. Cyrillic latin a a a IJ (a) a a b 6 b .t (e) 6 b c B I (b) B d I r d (p) r e d A e 13 (r) A f e e a 0) e g G f e f E (ch) e h g X g (kh) X t a g E h s (d) 3 j h 3 i ) (r) H k I YI j ) (z) i4 I i t4 r ) (zh) K m j K k (s) JI n k T I (sh) M o I M m Gh) H p t. m H n *i (0 o q n II fi ,j (q) II r o o o ,t) (k) p s tt e tt 5 G) c t p n p J (ng) T u r p r J 0) v v s c s t (n) 0 x $ T $ i) (n) x v t v t I (h) q z u Y u -,1 (o) rI ot ii 0 u -tr (u) UI g' v x w tr (o) b sh v 4 v -f (ii) b ch z rI v J (v) a rg tu z € (e) m u[ € (i) f, b f (y) v bI (') r, b f a X a X} T x11l
  • 12. Notes on Entry Selectlon and Style The English corpus of approximately 8ffi words was selected from several lists of "most frequently used words." The remainder were added to meet the needs of the most likely users: students, businessmen, linguists, and tourisLs. Since an eight-language dictionary cannot be both porrable and comprehensive, an English entry is defined with the single most common Turkic equivalent from each Turkic language, unless two Turkic words are needed for a full definition. Thus under the entry "brother" the reader will find both the Uzbek "aka" and "uka" because the first means "older brother," the second "younger brother." An exception was also made for some Tatar words, where two equivalents are provided. The reason for this is that Tatar has uniquely been under Russian influence for more than four centuries so that colloquial Tatar has come to include a substantial number of borrowed Russian words. Since this work is also, by way of its indices, a Turkic languages - English dictionary, some English entries were selectnd not because they are in common use in English but because of the frequent use of ti.eir Turkic equivalents. Thus we included such entries as "(be) bored," "(be) born" and words for objects common in the Turkic world such as "mulberry," "pomegranate," and "quince." To indicate that an entry word is being defined in a restricted sense, it is followed either by a subject category marker (e.g. "branch bot.", thus not a "branch of a bank"), by an abbreviation for a grammatical category (e.9. n., adj., adv.), or, if these do not suffice, by an explanation in parenthesis (e.g. "bright 1=6u11 of light)", thus not "intelligent'). The grammatical category designations that follow the English entry word apply only to that entry word, as the Turkic equivalents may not belong in the same grammatical category. If the transitive and intransitive forms of an English verb are both in common use, they are entered separately and marked vt. or vi. Verbs are entered by verb stem followed by a dash indicating the infinitive suffix, rather than the traditional practice in single-language dictionaries in which verbs are entered in their infinitive form. xlv
  • 13. Abbrevlatlons adj- adjective med. medicine adv. adverb mil. military a,8. agriculnre mus. music art. afis n. noun ast. astronomy num. numeral bot. botany phv. physics cln. clothing phys. physiology conj. conjunction pol. politics cul. culinary, food & utensils pre. press econ. economics & finance prep- preposition geo- geography pro. pronoun geol. geology rel. religion Seom geometry spor. sporls, games & physical educ. interj. interjection tech. technology & tools jud. judiciary v. verb ling. linguistics & grammar vi. verb intransitive lit. literature vt. verb transitive math. mathematics zool. zoology Signs: synonym similar in meaning x antonym * additional information about enuy word used to indicate the infinitive suffix after Turkic verb stem xv
  • 14. Acknowledgments My co-authors and I would like to acknowledge the help of the following, without whose [.tp -tttt. project would not have been realized: Jala Garibova, Ralph Jaeckel, Agnes Sefeli-Clay, Kamran M. K[akimoy, Elmira Kochumkulova, Gulbahar Mamur, Alnur Oztopgu, Gcineng Oztopgu, Ozden Oztopgu, Seda Oztopgu, Mehmet M. Tulum, Ibadulla Zakhirov, Nadirbek Zheerenchiev, and Rakhmanova M. Zhumabekovna for checking various sections of the dictionary; Andreas J. E. Bodrogligeti and Giiliz Kuruollu foi their continuous support; my dear friend Suha Ulgln for designing a flExible, multilingual,. multiscript and multimedia database; Marla A. Petal, my agent, for recognizing the importance of this work and finding rhe right pubLisher; and last but not least, Simon Bell, senior editor at Routledge, a Turkophile and an enthusiastic supporter of the project from its inception. All shortcomings of the dictionary are, of course, the responsibility of the authors. Kurmlug Oztopgu Editor XVI
  • 16.
  • 17. Dictionary of the Turkic l-anguages about ebout adv. sbstroct adj. add v. l. raxur*ras te:aninan 1. uruappeA mticonad l. e.nana sr- slave et- 2. ruarrarrQrn (shanamen) 2. adcrparr (abstrakt) 2. Eg- (qos-) 3. qaxacrr uelreg 3. aocrparryy (abstraktuu) 3. roru- (kosh-) (c-fiamffim,efren) 4. a6crpaKr (abstrakt) 4. ryu- (kush-) 4. qauacnr (chamasr) 5. *-!- sovut 5.e!e- 5. tahminen 6. aocrpam abstrakt 6. rou- gog- 6.'raxunuran talmynan 7. c3l ,u+tr (abstrakt) 7. -::' (qosh-) 7. g.;-;.c (tiikhminin) 8. uanryu mavhum 8. KyuI- qo'sh- t. raxurlHas taxminan accept v. additlon math. n. rbout prep. 1. re6yx er- qebul et- 1. Jmruraua toplama l. harrurlIAa haqqrnda 2. x,a6unu,a- (qabrlda-) 2. Kocy (qosuw) 2. W (arwralt) 3. F6b-r,'r tliabrl al-) aJr- 3. xoruyy (koshuu) 3. ryypanyy (tuuraluu) 4. raoyn nr- (kabul it-) 4. ryuy (kushu) 4. xarurrga (khakmda) 5. kabul et- 5. toplama 5. hakkmda 6. xaoyr ar- kabul et- 6. rourua go$ma 6. oapaga barada 7. -J; 7. .;*; (qobul qil-) ;*y (qoshush) 7. r.r^iio (heqqide) 8. x,a6y.r X,u- qabul qil- 8. x.ymnil qo'shlsh 8. xaXrUa haqida accldent (*raffic) n. address n. ebove adv. l. reea qeza l. vnnas iinvan l. iyxaprrga yuxanda 2. auapxr (avarlya) 2. a4)ec (adres) 2. xoraprrga (zhoghanda) 3. anapnr (avariya) 3. a.qpec (adres) 3. noropyao (iogorudo) 4. anapnr (avariya) 4. aApec (adres) 4. nraprr4a (yuganda) 5. kaza 5. adres 5. yukanda 6. anapur awarlfa 6. aApec adres 6. erapta lokarda 7. l;u (qaza) ,U 7.,r..1;sU (adres) 7. l,:,, -2i5a (yuqirida) 8. anapHr avariya 8. a2pec adres 8- nxopn,qa yuqorida account n. adjecttve ling. n. rbove prep. l. hacao hesab l. cn@r sifat l. vcrru4a iistiinda 2. ecen (yesep) 2. cnrH ecil4lsrn yestm) 2. vcrisle (iisttnde) 3. acen (esep) 3.@f6i6E(srn aroocn) 3. vcrrnAe (iistiindO) 4. Hcan (is[p) 4. cuESar (sryfat) 4. efl€rrAa (Ostendii) 5. hesap 5. srfat 5. iisttinde 6. xacan basap 6. cnrnrr sypat 6- vcrrnAe tistiinde 7. .-,!t-r.r (hesabat) 7. *b (siip[t) 7. t;.-1, (iistide) 8. xucoo hisob 8. cuQa'r sifat t. ycru4a ustida l. Azerbaijani Z.Kazak& 3.Kytgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 18. admlre Dctionary of the Turkic knguages admlre v. 7. oY (elan) 7.# c#f l. hejpau on- heyran ol- 8. peuaua reklama (chiishtin keyin) 2. 1arraaj- (tangdan-) 8. tushki payt 3. riE--arr- (hngdan-) advlce n. -tryg:ggr 4. corrann_In ralrurT op- l. uac.nahm maslahat agaln adv. (soklqrp karap tor-) 5. hayran ol- 2. g6nrr-xeqec (aqil-kenges) f . ielrnaart yenidon 6. gggar tlsin gal- 3. 6@qrd (kengesb) 2.@(qayradan) 4. uacnnar (mlslikhlt) 3. xanra.q,au (kaytadan) 7. -Jx j.1U (qayil bol-) s.@ 4. 6frt(u) (tagrfnl) 8 @p*- qoyil qol- 6. uacaaxar maslaxat 5. 6'ffia-l - 6..6yene 7. .r1*d (nlsihfrt) adult n. 8. uacaaxar maslahat 7. ty (yine) I . hag.qu-oYtryra rlarubrrrr 8. sna yana haddi-btilu$a qatmrq afrald: be afraid v. 2. e.Eggegr (yer zhetken) l. ropx- qorx- against prep. 3. ooFro KerKeH -- --: 2. x,opx,- (qorq-) l. rapurnr qarqr (boygo jetken) 4. oylha x,r{rKau 3. ropr- (kork-) 2. r,apcrr (qarst 4. rypr- (kurk-) 3. rapnrnr (karshr) Ouyga ji*en) 5. kork- 4. rapulr (karshr) 5. Xg*tn 6. nrpr- gork- 5. kargr 6. gnbr sr€g ia$y ieten 6. rapumr gar$y 7. rrstJ v <-, U . -J? ...Si . 7. _sr_$ (qorq') I - 8. xlpr- qo'rq- 7 . ot:tr (qarshi) (boyigha ylitkiin adlim) 8. oa.norarra errag oAaM 8. (apurx qarshi balog'atga yetgan odam after prep. l. corrpa sonra age n. adverb ling. n. 2. coq(song) l. izuu yaq 1- aad zarf 3. @@(kiyin) 2. xac (zhas) 2. kcreD (iistew) 4. coq (song) 3. xaur (iash) 3.@(rakioochl 5. sonra {. qrrr. (yash') +.,@tr{vesh) 6. coqpa softra 5. yag 5. zarf 7. o :$, (keyin) 6. ru iag 6. xaa hal 8. rel&ur keyin 7. C $ash) 7. ;x3., (rtivish) 8. eu yosh 8. oanrau ravish afternoon n. 1-_- 1. xvnoyraAan corrpa sgo adv. advertlsement n. giinortadan sonra t tvc (tiis) l. errr{a dnca 1. pex;rau reklam 2. ffiFBrh(bunn) 2. Xa6aOnaHrrhrDv 3. rvru (tiish) 3. @ (murda) -.:-4.:__:-1 J (khabarlandruw) 4. T€IIII"AH COHT'bI B{IKbIT +- 4. @ (elek) (trishtiin songgl vakrt) 5. 3. qaptD(anya) Once 4. peuaua (reklama) 5. 9fleden sonra 6.@ ozat 6. efire riile 7 . oj:j 5. reklam Ourun) 6. peraaua reklama 8. annatr avval 1. Azerbaijani 2.Kazath 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 19. Dctionary of the Turkic languages agree agree v. 7. Ub (hava) 7. orrlr-tr (ayroport) l. pasnr on- razr ol- 8. xaso havo 8. rarieparox tayyoragoh z.@ (kelis-) 3. WXyggCgL- (makuldash-) 4. pnsa 6yl- (riza bul-) airline n. algebra n. 5. razr ol- 1@ havayolu l. rrraop cabr 6. -puraanrU- ylda$- 2. aya EoJrbr (awa zhoh) 2. ameopa (algebra) 3. a6a xony (aba jolu) 3. anreopa (algebra) z. FIF-Caoshul-) 4. hana romr (hava yuh) 4. arn'e6pa (algebra) 8. pora ofn- rozi bo'l- 5. hava yolu 5. cebir 6. xosa €nu howa toly 6. a.lrredpa algebra rgreement n. 7. Jr- l3lr (havayoli) 7. ,.#,Jv (algebra) 1. rrrranr-urs mi.iqavile 8. xaso irlnla havo yo'li 2. reaiciu (kelisim) r 8. amedpa algebra 3. (kelishim _t{- 4. xrureruy (kileshii) ^**-1 alrmall n. altke adj. 5.Q@ "'-:" 1. hasauormy havapogfu l'. oxurap oxgar o. ifi-aa-arumr ylalagyk ?o" 2. asuanoura (aviapochta) 2. rq,cac (uqsas) 7. F..t-JS (ke[shim) 3. aslranoura (aviapochta) 3. orrnorn (okshosh) 4. awranoura (aviapochta) 4. oxruau (okhshash) s. r@ iiu. ^Y 5. -ugak poggsr 6. dEn-oqra awtapogta meflzeg rgriculture n. 7. ,,-.-+t ljh 7. ,,l,U.y (okhsbash) l. xexg raceppvgaml (hava pochtisi) 8. lxuraru kand tesamifatr .1 o'xshasb 2. aywngqprxbrrrbrri T*' 8. anuanoqra aviapochta _ (iwrl $ffinrt-r4 9" atrplane allve adi- 3. 4nrrharrr*urrrr 5i1, n. l. dffir'canh (drykanchrhk) ,JY'' t 1. rejjape tayyara z. tsfiuril 4. a-Bru x)xqiurbrr.bor" ,)Y.' 2. cavol€l (samolyot) 3.@(tiiriiii) (avrl k-hujahgr) 3. cauonBr (samotyot) 4. x,arurnr (ianh) 5. tanm r"S_-7 go- 4. cauongr, oqKblrt 5. canh 6. o6a xox,iurbrrbr (samolyot, ochkrch) 6. .qHpH diri oba hojalygy s.da- 7. ,Lr; (ttrtk) 6. @ uear 7. uSJ& |1 (yezaigitiki) 7. 8. rnpxr tirlk t. r,ranaox, xyxaairu orrrU (ayropilan) qishloq xoJaligi 8. rauepa hyyora sll adj. 1..6@ britrin dr n. airport n. z' GDJuarr) l. hana hava l. mjjape rrxuaHbr 3. 6aapu (baan) 2. aya (awa) tayyara limanr 4. harana (biimme) 3- aoa (aba) 2. aaponopr (aeroport) 5. btittin 4. hasa (hava) 3. aaponopr (aeroport) 6. axau lihlt 5- bava 4. aaponopr (aeroport) 6, xosa howa 5. havaalanr 7.@ (bamma) 6. -_/ aaponopr aeroport 8. xauua bamma l. Azrrbaijapi 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tarar 5. Turktsb 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 20. all Dictionary of the Turkic languages rll pron. alphabet n. ambulance med. n. l. hauu hamr 1. armQ6a alilba l. r'ra'rrpuu iapnuu Malrrbrrrbr 2. oapi (blirt) 2. an[arum (alfavit) tc'cili yardrm magrnl 3. oaapu (baarr) 3. a,t$ann'r (alfavit) 4. 6ap;rnrr (barlft) 4. o.mrpoa (,ilifba) (zhedel zhiirdem) 5. hepsi 5. alfabe 3. ffiApAaE ltez jardam) 6. xetnrecn hemmesi 6. sannoHri elipbtt +.ffi vaurlnracu 7. ,4+ (elipbe) (Uz yardlim 7. ."iJrt Oadiq) --:-L/-!- ktirsfltii mashlnasr) 8. xauua hamma 8. anra(p6o alifbo 5. ambulans 6. rus KeMeK Marrrbrlrbr almond bot. n. also adv. tiz kdmek nraSyny 1. oa4aru badam l. &a,Aa da,do 7. I I .l))-F '" l t . ,:- 2. ururAarm (mindal) 2. rarur Aa (taghr da) (qutquzush mashlnisi) 3. urln4arll (mindal') 3. .qamr ga (dagr da) 8. :res rHt66tdt dpAau 4. oalau Oadam) 4. Aa, Ao (d,a, d:i) MaIIIHHacH tez tibbiy 5. badem 5. da, de yordam mashinasi 6. 6aAau badam 6. xeM, Aa, Ae hem, da, de 7. ;lst1 Oadan) amount n. 8. oottou bodom 1. rcrrgap miqdar 2. cart (san) alm always adv. 3. cas (san) 1. l. haraarra hamisa 4. urxr4ap (mik'dar) deffik olar ki 2.@(iirqashan) 5. miktar 2 @$p(dyerlik) 3. &pg:ol.d(ar daym) 6. uyx4ap mukdar 3. .qpaprr{K (deerlik) 4. hapnarnrt (hiirvakrt) 7. ,l.ri- (miqdar) 4. gt+rpter (diyarlek) 5. datma 8. m<gop miqdor 5^ themen hemed 6. xeuxrue hemige 6 @iyenyaty 7. ,X-.r (hemishli) 7. ,LJ2,a s (deyfirltk) snarchy pol. n. 8. .Upmr doim 1. anapxnja anarxiya 8. Aesprn deyarli 2. aHapxw (anarkhiya) ambassadot n. 3. auapxrEx (anarkbiya) alone adj. 1. ca@rrp safir 4. auapxan (anarkhiya) f. iarmre valorz 2. ernui (yelshi) 5. anargi z. ffiisiznargnu) 3. artm (elchi) 6. auapxur anarhiia 3. xarr-nrs (ialgz) 4. rrrrqe (ilche) 7. S:;;l;V (anarkhizm) 4. rmrrs (yalgz) 5. elgi 5. valnrz 6. wr*t ilgi 8. anapxar anarxiya o. @-yete l. o?Ja (iilchi) 7. :l (yalghuz) 8. enqr-r elchi 8. €.rnr.rl yolg'iz l. Azerbaijanl Z.Kazal<h 3. Kyrgyz 4.Tatar 5. Turkisb 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 21. Diaionary of the Tu*ic languages and rnd conj. angry adj. an$wer v. l-pva 1. aqbrrnbr acrqh 1. r{asa6nep cavabver- 2. rone (zhlne) 2. anrytrht (ashuwh) 2. xayau oep (zhawap ber-) 3. raga (iana) 3. ffiffiv(achuuluu) 3. xoon oep (ioop ber-) {- hau (hliln) 4. auynnr (achuh) 4. qasarr 6rp (avap bir-) 5- ve 5. kusm 5. cevap ver- we 6. ffapmr gaharly 6. x,oran Oep jogap ber- 7. .j (vli) t@w 7. -r, (iavabbtir) =lJt+ javobber- t.m va S.ggl4jlq,qer 8. xaaoooep jahli chiqqan rngel rel. n. 8nltwer n. l- reaar malak anlmal n. 1. rrrasa6 cavab 2- uepiurre (perishte) 1. hejnarr heyvan 2. xayan (zhawap) 3- nepluure (pertshte) 2. aiayau (aywan) 3. noon (ioop) { Qepema (fiireshtli) 3. arioaH (ayban) 4. 4anau (avap) 5- melek 4. xarbarr (khayvan) 5. cevap 6- nepum.U,e peri$e 5. hayvan 6. x,orau jogap 7. r*,re, (pflrishtA) 6. xatrsan haiwan 7. vljt+ (iavab) t. Qaprama farishta 7. ol-LL (hayvan) 8. xasoo javob 8. xAfuon hayvon tnger n. tnt zool. n. l- nasad oazab annlverssry n. 1. trrglulla qanqqa z@ (asiuw) l.rffiY ildciniimil 2. roIEgg (qumrsqa) 3- Gqy, (achuu) 2. mra.6r( MepeKe 3. ryuypcra (kumurska) {- iEi (achu) (zhrldrq mereke) 4. nrpumcra ftumrska) 3. mragDrr (rldrk) 5. @tg.a *Wdr sahar^'d 4. - erymrr (yelhk) 6. rapun4a garynja ?- ;,r3<i (Shiizip) 5. yrld0niimii 7.!_b-b (chiiniila) 6. moraqeri fubilei t- ra{rr jahl 8. gyuory chumoli 7. Jrjl,i $illiq) nde math. n. 4.4ffi>yru* antanna te:h. n. r- ffi;b bucao 1. arrrenna antenna z dypf,forbuniu enother adj. 2. armenua (antenna) 3- dDl5u;ch) l.gury bagqa 3. aurenna (antenna) r'q@oochak) 2. '@51 (basqa) 4. amenna (antenna) 5-€ll) 3. oaruxa Oasfrka) 5. anten 6- oypu burg 4. 6auxa (bast*a) 6. arrrerura antenna t- €ltoutung) 5. bagka 7. L';r:;tr (antenna) 6. 6aura t. q@ burchaf; ba$ga 8. anremra antenna 7. tiit{ (bashqa) 8. 6orilEa boshqa l- Azerbaljant 2. Kazakh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Ulghur 8. Uzbek
  • 22. 8ny Dictionary of the Turkic lamguages any pron. apartment n. 7. -Jx l.qr, @eydabol-) l. hap harrcrr har hansr 1. uansrut manzil 8. rrarilo 6yr- paydo bo'l- 2. ap, ap riu, ap 6ip 2. narep (piter) (iir, iir kim, er bi-r) 3. oarup (batir) 3. ap. Hepqe (ar, nerse) 4. @rrp, KBilyrupa apple bot. n. 4.@gg@,'vi -.+jr_a (fatir, kvartira) l. 2. a.rnra alma (telilsl nindi) 5. apartman dairesi anria (alma) 5. herhansi 6. rnaprupa kwartira 3. anaa (alma) 6. ftffin islentlik 7. *n t*r Oina tiyl 4. arnra (alma) 5. elna 7. ;l.r;lir+r (hiirqandaq) 8. xuaprnpa kvartira 6. anra alrn 8 @ rryggd har qanday 7. Utr (alma) apologlze y. 8- oaxa olma anybody pron. 1. vsp!rcr€- tizrista- l. .ryqgA, hap xac 2. reruipiu crpa- kimsa, her kes (keshirim sura-) spply 2. ap riu, oipey 3. reurpmr cypa- (=make a request) v. (er klm, btrew) (kechtrtn sura-) l. xrparnrar er- mfrraciat 3.6npoe,apKrlM 4. raQy copa- (gafu sora-) et- Oird0, ar kim) 5. 0ztir dile- z- @rotin-l 4. hapreu, xerdAep 6. sryrrq copa- 0tiing sora- 3. ervu- (6En-) (hlirkem, kemder) 4. uepeqararb rrr- 5. kimse, herkes 7. -lt.r fj:j;6 (gr0dijegat' it-) 6. xep ruu her kim (kflchiirUm sora-) s.@r:9 7. 3,-, ,?s I 8. yrp cypa- uzr so'ra- 6. apaa 6ep, itrr r5/t j&_g U. ffim,@ xa.rf,Ma, xaD K}IM apology n. 7. -l; arza brur-, u"t =1.'. (iltimasqil-) 1. vsp rin @harktm 2. reruipiu (keshirim) 8. uypoxaar x,rur- murojaat qil- l. d-@(kechirim) anythlog pron. 4. i@f'(krcherii) !ap_han$_r orp ruej f. - # ozur appointment har hansr bir gey 6. erynqcopaMa (=engagement) n. oip Hapce (bir niirse) Otung sorama 1 . ra'jr*r oJrynuyrrr Kepyur q,ru*ggpgg (bir nerse) ta'yin olunmuq gtiriiq qelgp Hapc? (beriir niirsil) 7. ;c (apu) 2. reagecy (kezdesuw) herhan$l bir Sey 8. pp uzr 3. @(kezdeshiiii) xaicnr xeM 6o.nca 6r{p 3ar 4. ouparuy (ochrashu) haisy hem bolsa bir zat sppear v. 5. randevu ard r o--r Oirtirniirsit) 1. xeprn- gOrtin- 6. ffirymbTr.i dugugyk 9npop napca biror narsa 2. repin- (kttrin-) 7.@(uchrishish) 3. repru- (kdriin-) 8. yupauyn uchrashuv 4. rvpeu- (ktiren-) 5. gortin- 6. repnr- gdrUn- l. AzerbaijanL 2.Kazal& 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 23. fXrionary of the Turkic languages appolntment lppolntmont (=n55igning April n. ann phys. n. to a position) n. 1. arrpen aprel 1. ron qol t- railtt te'yin 2.@B (k6kek) 2. ror (qol) !- nrarbm4ay (taghaymdaw) 3. arrpem (aprel') 3. ron (kol) l- .qArbrlqoo (daymdoo) , 4. aupem (aprel') 4. ryr (kul) 4-@ (tflgayenlAii)ir-- 5. nisan 5. kol lffi"'** ?- j)&-d(: (tiiyinliish) g:i 6. aupezr aprel 7. &xv (aprel) 8. anpenr aprel' 6. ma gol z.64tunarl 8. x,in qo'l $- mrlranaaru tayinlash archltect n. armchalr n. ryprosch v. 1. ue'uap me'ma-r 1. kreslo t- txrttutgu- yaxrnlag- 2.f..qj-*roul(slwletsht) 2. roeciro (kreslo) !- rar.nruAa- (zhaqrnda-) 3. apxurexmp (arkhitektor) 3. @(oturguch) I- rarnrnga- (akmda-) 4. apxrrexrop (arkhitektor) 4. rpecno, raneQrr l- n<nulrlarrr- (yakmlash-) 5. mimar Q<reslo, kf,nefi) 6. apxurerrop arhitektor 5.@ gemeleg- 7. r.:Sr+rrU (arkhetektor) 6. rpecao kreslo (yeqinlash-) 8. uennop me'mor ?.@ fl_ ra;rnnaru- yaqinlash- (ytiliinch iikl iik orunduq) argue v. 8. xpecao kreslo rypmval n. l. rry6ahraco €rrl l- mcfryu'errra tasdiq etma miibahisa et- army mil. n. I- rax,Ynqay (maquldaw) 2. rannc- (talas-) 1. op.ry ordu 3- xaryngay (makuldau) 3. Gnmr| (talash-) 2. apwu. (armtya) 4. k6rou- (b[*blslesh-) 3. aprarr (armiya) i:ffiffuPrau) mtrs:l 5. a-L/ 4. racrep GaskAr) 6- raxyuaua makullama 6. Aasaraur- dawalag- 5. ordu ?. 7. -t; ur*:rb_;!t: 6. rouyu gogun 5l,Bq (maqullash) S- mc.q,s(rau tasdiqlash (talash-tartish qil-) 7. *-)V (anniye) 8. 6atcraru- bahslash- 8. xlruun qo'shln ryrlcot bot. n. argument n. l- aprar, raicu erik, qaysl arrtval n. 2- epir (ttrik) 1. uroahsca mribahisa t.ffigaliq 3- oprr (0rUk) 2. rerry fteluw) 4- e1nx, aopxKoc 3. 3. reary (keliiU) (Orek, abrikos) (talash-tarush) 4. rnrry (ktlU) 5- tayrr 6- apnx erlk 4. 6axac (biikhils) 5. miinakaga s.@ 6. rc.ruau geltg 6. .[aBa dawa 7 - Jj:g (tiriik) 7. uL{S (kelish) t- ifpnr o'rik 7. , u .b_.rlit: 8. relral kelish (talash-tartish) 8. oax$ bahs l- Azerbaijani 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turktsh 6. Turknen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 24. /to arrlve v. arttflctal adj. ash n. t , 2Y: l. uar.., je'r*ru- qat-, yetig- l. cnr'u stin'i l. ry.rl hil y 2. ren-, ner- (kel-, _rl, /' 3. Ke.rI-, Eer- (kel-, jet-) zhet-) 2. xacasnDr (zhasandr) 2. rvr (kiil) ,, 3. xaca;nra (asalma) 3. rrrt (kiil) '../{ ,, r, 4. reub,ru'rr- (kil-, jit-) ,")r 4. gcarnra (yasalma) 4. rer (k0l) 0 fi'5. gel-, var- 5. vanav g 5. kiil lr)r-'p 6. 6ap-, ren- bar-, gel- 6. :ca*a tasama 6. rvn ktil *0 )r/'' 7 . J,S ,-i .: 7. (kill-, ytir-) (siin'ty) 7. JjS (kiil) ,f - /, 8. xer-, erH6 dop 8. cyHrufr sun'iy 8. ryr kul , _rI, kel-, yetib bor- J t arttllery mil. n. arhamed: arow mil. n. l. ayrwuepuja artilleriya be asnamed v- l. ox ox 2. aywmepnr (artilleriya) l. vran- utan- 2. ryBae (zhebe) 3 . aytwrnepur (anilleriya) 2. fu- (uyal-) 3. ;ffi gebe) 4. ayrwmepnr (artilleriya) 3. yrn- (uyal-) 4. yr (uk) 5. Erl 4. oyt- (oyal-) 5. ok 6. aprrranreprn artillertia 5. utan- 6. rtuiq orrt iaiyfl oky 6. yrau-, yrn- uan-, uyal- 7. J c:.1. oj (zdlTlbtrilk) 7. .;; (oC) 8. agruruepur artilleriya 7._t9f (uyd-) 8. Y o'q 8. p;t- uyaF arttst n. 8rt n. 1. peccav rcssam ask v. l. ruflracanan incasenet 2. rypenni (suwretsht) l.copyur- soru$- 2. enep (Oner) 3. crperuv (stircitchti) 2. cvpa- (sura-) 3. ncxyccrno (iskusstvo) 4. peccau (rlissam) 3. cypa- (sura-) 4. canrarr (slingat') 5. ressam 4. copa- (sora-) 5. sanat 6. xy4ongsx hudolnik 5. sor- 6. cynrar sungat 7. f*0, (rflssam) 6. copa- sora- 7, s.::r- (slin'iit) 8. paccou rassom 7. -lr-r (sora-; 8. caHrar san'at 8. cfpa- so'ra- as lf conj. artlcle 1. carrpr sanki ssslgnment (*in a periodical) n. 2. eryXg,r (siyaqtr) (=school task) n. l. uerana maqala 3. currryy (sryaktuu) 1. nasr@ vazifa 2. uaqwla (maqala) 4. rvs(rH) (gtiyatkrl) 2. 'rancupua (tapsrma) 3. uaraaa (makala) 5. sanki 3. ranurnrpua (tapshrrma) 4. uararra (miikale) 6. gga hamala 4.@Cirem) 5. makale z. .s. 5. tidev 6. uaxaaa makala "t G:huddi) 8. xygglr xuddi 6. Tadrnbrpbrr tabgyryk 7. dtiL (maqal[) 7. ,l:Z*, (tapshuruq) 8. uaKona maqola 8. naar@ vazlfa l. Azerbaijani 2.Kar;akh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uig[ur 8. Uzbek
  • 25. Eicrionary of the Turkic Languages ll asslBt rsstst v. 7. -J; l;j^ (hujum qll) z.6Gluanr !- reuar et. kcimak et- 8. ayryu 4,lr.n- bujum qil- 8. xoen6a joziba i rapteuAec- (zhlrdemdes-) 3 - rapg,augau- (iardandash-) attack n. 4. rp4eu rr- (yardilm it-) August n. t. hruyu htimm 1. axycr avqust 5" yardm et- 2. uaoynn (shabuwrl) ,6" reuer 6ep kOmek ber- 2. rarou (tanu; -. t : ros_:Q (yard.lim qil-) 3. @(chabuul) 3. anrycr (avgust) 4. hex,ru (h0jiin) 4. arryct (avgust) , FnaxrraurJ ko'maklash- fr- 3-l 5. hticum 5. alustos -J-={ 6. xvqyu hiijiim 6. anr'ycr awgust Idstance n. 7. Shb Gujum) 7 . ;-- ]L 3U (avgbust) [- rexex ktimak 8. rymyu hujum 8. anrycr avgust f- rexer (kOmek) S- rexer (kom6k) attempt n. r*. 4gau (yard?im) 1. ranra66vc togabbris aunt n. 5'. yadm 2. aperer (flreke$ 1. xara, 6yr6:g xala, bibi fi. rp4au iardam 3. aparer (arakeQ 2. ana (apa) 4. Cr6fu5iIF9 (trnshu) 3. rarl axe, axe (tay eje, eje) . il'- ;,rs2l2 (yardiim) 4. arra, rsrali (apa tliUly) 5. ieseSbEi t @ yordam 6. cnrsaslnrrbrK synanygyk 5. teyze, hala 6. Aarlga, e[,eKe daiza, ejeke 7.@(ririshish) J prep. 8. xgparar KlurHrr 7. Ltr (bamma) !* -tra, -,4a -da, -do 8. xora, aMMa xola, amma harakat qilish 3- -tra, -Ae, -Ta, -a€ ({a -de, -ta, -te) attentlon S" -tra, -Ae, -Ta, -Te, -Ao, -Ao, n. author n. do, -rrg (-da, -de, -ta, -te, l. ;prrsr diqqet l. jaanrulr yazlgr do, dd, -to, -tO) 2. uasap (nazu) 2. arrop (avtor) 4|. -!a, -,q,a,.ra, -T€ 3. uaaap (nazar) 3. avrop (avtor) ({4 -de, -ta, -te) 4. Arxrraru (dik'kat') 4. arrop (avtor) 5- da" {e, -ta, -te 5. dikkat 5. yazar 6. -tra, -A,e da, -de 6. ync tins 6. arrop awtor -" .;- , ti- , rs- r ls ?. .:,+ii.s (dtqq[t) 7. :*U (aptor) {{a" -de, -ta, -tA) 8. &rxxar diqqat 8. uya:unaQ muallif t- -aa {a attractlon n. automoblle n. 1. uagHoo caziba rllrck v. 2. {grryblMnbub15 l. arrouoou avtornobil [. hruyu err- hticum et- (tartmdrhq) 2. arrouo6rum (avtomobil') a raoyru.4a- (shabuwrlda-) 3.g:oegw 3. asrouodnm (avtomobil') $.wwgg- (stiyktimdtiiiliik) 4. avrouo 6nnb (avtomobil') 5. otomobil knabuul koy-) 4. cekeulenex 4- herru ur (hOjiim it-) (stiykemlelek) 6. uarunru ma$yn 5- bcum et- 5. cazibe 7. ,hy*tr (aptomobtl) 6. qog- coz- 6. rppluererlnux gtirmegetlik 8. anmuo6H.ur avtomobil' 1 ----z - I- Azerbaijani 2. Kazakb 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbck
  • 26. autonomy t2 Dictionary of the Turkic Languages autonomy pol. n. awake vt. bad adj. l. uyrrapuijar muxtariyyat l. ojar- oyat- l. prc pis 2. an'rououNr (avtonomiya) 2. orr- (oyat-) L nauarr (ziaman) 3. asrorroruur (avtonomiya) 3. oliror- (oygot-) 3. xauarr gaman) 4. vgruapa (iiztdarii) 4. yrr- (uyat-) 4. uauap (nachar) 5. Ozerklik 5. uyandrr- s. Lqlii 6. ffiLouHs awtonomita 6. orp-, orr- oiar-, oiat- 6. .apogr- erb€t 7. .rry;b;.; (mukhtariyet) 7. :q_f (oygha!-) 7. ott (yaman) 8. uyxrrrpHsr muxtoriyat 8. yEror- uyg'ot- 8. euott yomon SUtUmn n. axe ftch. n. bag n. l. najnn payrz l.:sarrra balta l. qanra qanta 2. rvs (kiiz) 2. aarna (balta) 2. ceMKe (somke) 3. rvs (ktiz) 3. 6anta (balta) 3. coure (somke) 4. xea ftdz) 4. aanra (balta) 4. rytcca (sumka) 5. sonbahar 5. balta 5..1-----/ canta 6. rrrb giiiz 6. nanra palta 6. cyuxa sunka 7. ;[ (kuz) 7. t"J! (palta) 7. UJti (khalta) 8. ry: kuz 8. oonra bolta 8.qry sumka avenue n. baby n. baggage n. 1. xajaoan xiyaban 1. xepna kdrpa l. irK y"k 2. rrpocnexr (prospekt) 2. oeoer O0bek) 2. wvx (zhtik) 3. npocnexr (prospekt) 3. oooer (bdbok) 3. rrr fitik) 4. rrpocuerr (prospekt) 4. rqa ryrau,6a6H 4. ner (y<ik) 5. bulvar (yanga tugan bala, biibi) 5. yuk 6. rrpocnerr prospekt 5. bebek 6. rlvr fiik ?. b-J iJ$ (chong kocha) 6. 6adeK babek - 7. uL;-J52 (ytik-taq) 8. xs€6on xiyobon 7. gr:?(uoael 8. ror yuk 8. -- @9498 chaqaloq awake vi. baker n. 1. ojau- oyan- back phys. n. 1. ueporrm qorokEi 2. -oJIt_-- (oyan-) 1. apxa arxa 2. Faydarirrbr (nawbayshr) 3. gnrou- (oygon-) 2. apx,a (arqa) 3. Haa6aritmr (naabaychr) 4. yxu- (uyan-) 3. apra (arka) 4. rxuax ilettrepYqe 5. uyan- 4. apra (arka) (ikmek pesheriiche) 6. o*r- oyan- 5. srrt 5. finncr 7. :q-f (oygnan-) 6. apra arka 6. ueperw gorekgi 8. yxroH- uyg'on- 7. q.j" (dtimUa) 7. g.liti (navay) 8. opx,a orqa 8. nosBorl novvoy l. Azerbaijani 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turluren 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 27. Dictionary of the Turkic l^anguages 13 bakery bakery n. ballet n. banquet n. 1. uapaxxana qrirakxana 1. oarer balet l. aaja@r ziyafat 2. rravdarlxana 2. 6aner (balet) 2. oanrer (banket) (nawbaykhana) 3. 6aler (bale0 3. oarxer Oanket) 3. f,errre (gmgk0) 4. 6aner (balet) 4. oarxer (banket) 4. EfUaX:I{oer€. 5. bale 5. ziyafet (ikmek kibere) 6. oa.ue,r balet- 6. oanxer banket -5. finn 7. (balet) 7. c,gl:j (ztyaPlt) 6. uepexxaua gorekhana ".lt 8. oaaerr balet 8. arl@r ziyofat 7. tJLr{l3b (navaykhana) 8. nosuofixoHa novvoyxona banana bot. n. bare adj. 1. 6asan banan l. Jnumar Erlpaq balcony n. 2. 6anan (banan) 2 . xa;r-aqaru (zhalan g as h ) 1. oarrrou balkon 3. 6anau (banan) I 1g*gt{"y (dangach) 2. 6arron (balkon) 4. 6anan (banan) 4. sJtafl (yalan) 3. oanxon (balkon) 4. oarron (balkon) 5. ruz s.@ 6. 6anan banan 6. snaqaq idanag 5. balkon 7. obt, Oanan) 7. etfu* (yalingach) 6. daru<on balkon 8. darrau banan 8. srranr yalang 7. oF[ Oalkon) 8. oarxon balkon bandage med. n. bark bot. n. l. ourn bint 1.{gggr qabrq bsld adj. 2. or.firr (binO 2. laotrq, (qabrq) l. {9.!aI kegal 3. 6rdrr (bint) 3. xadnx (kabft) 2. raZ (az) 4. orarr (bint) 4. ra6nx (kal*) 3. ras (taz) 5. sargr bezt 5. kabuk 4. nenaur (peliish) 6. 6anr blnt 6. raonrr gabyk 5. kel z.urk_(F$!g) 7."&ir (qovzaq) 6. rqXslpjg4ae takyr kelle 8. ounr blnt 8. :fycraof po'stloq z. ,gg (taqtr; 8. ra.n kal bant econ. n. barley bot. n. 1. oarr bank l. apna arpa ball spor. n. 2. oarx (bank) 2. aprra (arf'a) 1. mn top 3. oarx (bank) 3. aprra (arpa) 2. .qpn (dop) 4. oarn (bank) 4. apna (arpa) 3. ron (top) 5. banka 5. arpa 4. ryn (tup) 6. oanr bank 6. apua arpa 5. top 7. t*t? Oanka) 7. tylr (arpa) 6. nexlN, ron Fikgi, top 8. oarx bank 8. apna .rpa 7.ri (top) 8. 'ryn to'p l. Azerbaijani 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turktsh 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbck
  • 28. Vvr'.L a;-... (, C ') 2) /' ,1 barometer 14 Dictionary of the Turkic l^anguages barometet n. battle mil. n. beak zool. n. l. 6apouc'r'p barometr l. ruvhapr-roa miiharibo l. dimdik 2. 6agtuc'l'p (baromctr) 2. .6id(uns) ^ runr:tnK (tumsrq) ---, 2. rrdi-clrx, 3. oapoucrp (baromctr) -3. <:-4-' (urush) vuvut 3. 'ryuruyr (tumshuk) 4. 6apouerp (baromctr) 4. (sugrsh) 5. biuometre *y1ry 5. savas 1' fg"*9. (tomstuk) +J, 5. saaa 6. oapouerp barometr 6. elglg stiweg 6 ffi -/ ciiflk 7. ,+-,rL (barometr) 7. jJt- (izlng) 7. A1:-; (tumshuq) 8. oapouetp barometr 8. xanr jang 8. r'yuulyX, tumshuq basket n. bay geo. n. bean bot. n. l. ca6orr sobat l.StrF3 kcirfoz ' l. nax.[a, .ruo6ja paxla, lobya 2. raprirrxa (kiirzinkii) 2. ururasaq (shrghanaq) 2. orpurar, (burshaq) 3. rop:ulrra (korzina) 3. ffiElSutunsi 3. oyypuax (buurchak) 4. rapqun (kirjin) 4. ryltnrx (kuluk) 4. lpcorn (fasol') 5. sepet 5. korfez 5. fasulye 6. ce6gr sebet 6. Gna-aD aylag 6. sorlda notba 7. .rg* (sevlit) 7. ,iFr :4r 7. Jhr.r (purchaq) 8. canar savat (dengtz qoltuqi) 8. aosHs loviya 8. xlpQas ko'rfaz basketball n. bear zool. n. l. 6acrer'6ol basketbol be v. l. ajrr ayr 2. 6acrer6on (basketbol) l. on- ol- 2. am (ayu) 3. 6acrerr6on (basketbol) 2. ooa- (bol-) 3. any (ayuu) 4. oacrerooa (basketbol) 3. oor- (bol-) 4. an (ayu) 5. basketbol 4. oyr- (bul-) 5. ayr 6. 6acrer6on basketbol 5. ol- 6. atui ary 7. J,irrL I j (vaskerbol) 6. 6or- bol- 7. ,*," (eyiq1 8. 6acxer6on basketbol 7. 8. artrl4 ayiq -Jr{ 0ol-) 8. oyt- bo'l- bathroom n. beard phys. n. l. saHHa qqlb; vanna otafr beach n. l. carral saqqal 2. saHna o.:Qtq4e,qt l. {eorap,ft cimarlik 2. car.u (saqal) (vanna bolmesi) 3. sarura (vanna) z rurrs-lffizril 3. carar (sakal) 3. rurs (plyaj) 4. carar (sakal) 4. natrta, Iobrrrv dy.rtMoce 4. rurcn (plyazh) 5. sakal (vanna, yurnu biilmiise) 6. caxrar sakgal 5. plaj 5. banyo 6. nnrn pliaf 7. JEL (saqal) 6. Barrrra oTarbr wanna otagy iL t. (dengiz boyi) 8. coqon soqol 7. t *2 (muncha) *S*&s runm plyaj 8. narrrra 8. vanna 1. Azerbaijani 2.Kazakh 3.Kyrgyz 4.Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek t
  • 29. /' Dictionary of the Turkic Languages 15 beauttful beautlful adj. bed n. beer cul. n. 1. €gg4l gozel l. iamr yataq 1. rmae pive 2. -eAeui ([demi) 2. repeyer (kerewet) 2. cnrpa (sra) 3..Agtft (suluu) 3. repeder (kerebet) 3. rnno (pivo) 4. Ma_IUp (matur) 4. rapaaar, /pbrH 4. crrpa (sra) 5. gtlzel (karavat, unn) 5. blra 6. pjry owadan 5. yatak 6. nhuo piwo 7. (chirayliq) 6. rpamrr krawat 7. 13,= @iva) d4l_- 8.ry chiroyli 7. ,>13,16 (karivat) 8. pivo 8. rapanor karavot beauty n. before prep. 1. xeearrtrn grizallik bedroom n. 1. asBafi awal 2. cYtrynnr4 (sutuwhq) l. jarar oTarbr yataq otafr z. blp'rH (bunn) 3. cy.rryynyr (suluuluk) 2. yfur(rarirrrn 6o.rnde 3. rryp;1g (murda) 4. uarypmrr (maturhk) (uyrqtayun b6lme) 4. o-oplrr (bonn) 5. giizellik 3. xara ryprau 6e.mdo 5. once 6. ouagarunrr owadanlyk (ata turgan mhnO) , o. gg- 6n 7. .,LUc3$ Giizltllik) 4. frorlr 6Ynuace 7. .iir! (burun) (yokr bfibnlse) 8. rfiarurran go'zallik 5. yatak odasr 8. orwm oldin 6. sTrrnsn orar iatylian otag because conj. 7. ,aj.;b! (yataqtiyi) begin v. l. ifYlilcg Etinki 8. eroExoHa yotoqxona 1. 6aruaa- bagla- J ggll5tglr (son&qun) 2. oacra- (basta-) 3. Q!gqg4)5!aH 3. 6arura- (bashta-) (oshonduktan) bee zool. n. 4. 6anna- (bashla-) 4. rroHKH (ch0nki) 1. apu an 5. baEla- 5. giinkii 2. apa (ara) 6. 6aura- bagla- 6. I{THK}I gtinki 3. aaprr (aan) 7. -uq (bashla-) 7' 4. 6an xoprbr (bal koru) ,Fh (chtinki) 5. art 8. ooruna(n)- boshlalnl- 8. trfrct chunki 6. 6ur apblcbr bal arysy 7 behave v. become v. @(hara) l. 4aupan- dawan- l. on- ol- 8. aplr art 2. esiH yqra- (rizin usta-) 2. aon- (bol-) 3. glYrr_g4gn rrp 3. aoz- (bol-) beef cul. n. (0ztin ahp jiir-) 4. ayn- (bul-) 1. uan sru rnal ati 4. WsE_Iga- (iizen tot-) 5. ol- 2. &p eri (siyrr yeti) s. {ell4!: 6. oor- bol- 3.69vru (uy eti) 6. ervr{H iurbrrr Oap 7. -Jr Ool-) 4. cuep me (sryer ite) OzUfli alyp bar- 5. srfrr eti 7.-;t e)j (Ozlnttut-) 8. 6yn- bo'l- 6. cnu'rrp arn sygyr eti 8. yrarnr ryr- o'zini tut- 7. qJ-)s (kala goshi) 8. uor rfurru mol go'shU l. Azerbaijani 2.Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4.Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmcn 7. Uighur 8. tJzbck
  • 30. / behavlor ,/ 16 Dictionary of the Turkic L,anguages behavlor n. bell n. bend v. l. aanparrnr-ur davranrE 1. garrx zong l. ai:-?Y- 2. r'aprirr (tiinipl 2. (orurrpay (qongrraw) 2. 0rr- (biig-) 3. fqgrytrr (tartip) 3. xorqrypoo (kongguroo) 3. gt {iv-) 4. 5pZtg; (khohk) 4. 3nonor (zvonok) 4. ru-r- (iy) 5. davranrg 5' lil 5. eE- 6. IUg gylyk 6. x,arr jafl 6. ar- eg- zzr-=--Ti-^ " ,y))Y-'3))l- '' 7 ,&j;3t (qongghuraq) 7. -3.r (ag) 8. x,yurHpoq, qo'ng'iroq 8. ar-, 6yx- eg-, buk- 8. xy;rx, xulq belly phys. n. beneftt n. behtnd adv. l. rapnrrr qann l.@jao fayda l. al"agg an<ada 2. 4,apuH (qann) 2. nafi4a (payda) 2. agrta (artu9 3. Xg,ryGann) 3. nafrta (payda) 3. ayrra (ana) 4. gg(ech) 4. @r.rAa (fayda) 4. aprra (artta; 5. kann 5. fayda 5. arkada 6. rapuu garyn 6. ndfi,qa peirda 6. apxala arkada 7.iU (qorsaq) Z. l+b (payda) 7. I ,. :ttj (arqida) 8. Xopr-m qorin 8. @raa foyda 8. opxaaa orqada below adv. beside prep. bellef rel. n. l. aruarnr4a aqafrda l. jaunrlqa yanrnda 1. rgra14 inam 2. reues.qe (trimende) 2. xaulur4a (zhanrnda) 2. qggty (senim) 3. reuen4e (trimdndcj) 3. xarnru4a (anrnda) 3. rugggtgo (ishenim) 4. F?ffi-aa (ttibiin&i) 4. *mrnga (yanrnda) 4. ryugryy (rshanu) 5. aga[rda 5. yanrnda 5. inanq 6. Auaraa a$akda 6. sHnrHAa ianynda 6. nurarrr{ ynang 7. o.l; rjjj (rovanda) 7. I '-r (yenida) l. gy (ishiinch) 8. npm4a pastda 8. em-Ua yonida 8. muosq ishonch belt clo. n. besldes prep. believe v. 1. rauep kamar 1. @gg baqqa 1. rcran- inan- 2. Agnaqy $elbew) 2. Aeg5g (basqa) 2. ceu- (sen-) 3. (bel boo) 3. 6arura (bashka) 3. ryg3s- (ishen-) trg_gr 4. awrcay (bilbau) 4. oaurra (bashka) 4. nnuan- (rshan-) 5. kemer 5. bagka 5. inan- 6. ryrax gu$ak 6. oarura-Aa baqga-da 6. nrran- ynan- 7. iUr Ozilbagh) 7. €1.*tr (rashqiri) 7. -: a"-t (ishiin) 8. rauap kamar 8. 'raruq,apa tashqari 8. rlrrorr- ishon- L Azerbaijani Z.Kazal<h 3.Kyrgyz 4.Taw 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur g. Uzbek L
  • 31. / Dictionary of the Turkic languages l7 best best adj. btcycle n. btrd zool. n. 1. en jaxrutr on yax$l 1. rerocnne4 velosiped l. ryu gug 2. etl na(cbr (yeng zhaqu) 2. penocweA (velosiped) 2. rvc (qus) 3. arl xaxurbr (eng jakshD 3. serocnne.q (velosiped) 3. rym (kush) 4. rm,xxrrbr (ing yakhshr) 4. ueaocrileg (velosiped) 4. rou (kosh) 5. en iyi 5. bisiklet 5. kug 6. ru{ roBbr tfl gowy 6. rerocrrre.4 welosiped 6. ryr gug 7. u:rti 3..1 (iingyakhshi) 7. --r-. r,3 (velisipit) 7. ,pF (qush) 8. anr D(IIH eng yaxshi 8. reaocrane4 velosiped 8. ryu qush better adj. brg adj. btrth n. 1. naha jaxrunr daha yaxgr l. Qjry bdyuk 1. 4oryn dofum 2. xaKcrrpaq (zhaqsraq) 2. YGgrr (tilken) 2. rywny (tuwrluw) 3. xarurnrpaax (iakshraak) 3. Wg (chong) 3. ryynyu (tuulush) 4. n<ttrlr (yakhshr) 4. ayp (zur) 4. ryy (tuu) 5. daha iyi 5. biiytik 5. doftm 6. ronrrpax gowyrak 6. yg; uly 6. goryrnra dogulna ,-- 7. .;l *:;,Q $akhshiraq) 7. !* (chong) 7. 4i; (ugJrut) 8. rxurrrpox, yaxshiroq 8. Igg katta 8. r:yn.uau tug'ilish between prep. btll 1=n stat€ment of birthday n. 1. apacrrugg arasrnda account) n. 1. _ag 4nrv ad grtnii 2. apacnruaa (arasrnda) l. hecao hesab 2. ryEarl.XfH (tuwghan ktin) 3. apacrrnAa (arasrnda) 2. eceu lyesep) 3. ryyrrau rvu (tuulgan ktin) 4. apacnruaa (arasrnda) 3. acen (esep) 4. ryrau reu (tugan kcin) 5. arasrnda 4. cqEr (schyot) 5' Qlf,qrtguu 6. apacuHga arasynda 5. hesap 6. Aoraarr rnr doglan giin 7. lt-'-rtr (arisida) 6. cqer sgyot 7'oF oat' 8. opacnga orasida 7. (hesabat) (tughulghan kiin) 8. xllcoo-rFrod Eapa(,acH 8. ryrrurraH Kyrr tug'ilgan kun bevelrge n. hisob-kitob varaqasl l. mncr iqki blte v. 2. iuriu4ir (ishimdik) btllton num. l. .qranura dipla- 3. cyycyuAyx (suusunduk) l. Mrurfapg milyard 2. 'ric're- (tiste-) 4. aqere{er (echemlek) 2. wrnwrap4 (milliard) 3. mrurre- (Ushte-) 5. igecek 3. wuumapa (milliard) 4. reuuro- (teshlii-) 6. nurn iggi 4. uusuntap4 (mtlllard) 5. rsrr- 7. ^'tJ # (ichimlik) 5. rnilyar 6. ruaurc- diglc- 8. uquu.rrrrr icbimlik 6. usntwtapA milliard 7. -d":*? (chishlli-) 7. srL*J. (milyard) 8. r:Hrura- tishla- 8. mrrunrapg milliard 1. Azerbarjani 2. Kazakh 3. Kyrgyz 4.'Iatar 5. Turkisb 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uz.bck
  • 32. I bttter 4s Dictionary of the Turkic Languages bltter adj. blind adj. blouse clo. n. l. alg;lt act t. 4_o.-g kor 1. o.rryr bluz 2. a_199t (ashcht) 2. coKbrp (soqr) 2. o.ny:ra (bluwzka) 3. auyy (achuu) 3. coryp (sokur) 3. rer.ittsr (ktjynijk) 4. aqbt (acht) 4. g$ltB (sukrr) 4. 6ryea (bluza) 5. act 5. ktir 5. bluz 6. ax,rt ajy 6. rep ktlr 6. blui4<a 7. ..i*U (achchiq) 7. *E(qariehu) 7. Jdlf (kringl:rk) 8. auunq achchiq 8. *yp ko'r 8. o.rry:a bluz;t black adj. bllndness n. blue adj. l. rap qant l. ronnvr korluo {_J2 l. xei goy 2. rapa (qara) 2. eoxupnrlr (soqrhq) 2. xer (kdk) 3. xapa (kara) 3. coxyp.yx (sokurluk) 3. xex (kok) 4. rapa (kara) 4. cyxup.ttur (sukrl*) 4. sarlrop (idnggar) 5. siyah 5. k0rliik 5. mavi 6. rapa gara 6. rep.irrr kdrliik 6. rex gdk 7. l)ti (qara) , @ (qarishuluq) 7. .j.J;S ftok) 8. r,opa qora 8. xlpnur ko'rlik 8. rlx ko'k blanket n. blood phys. n. boast v. t. aajil adyal l. rau qan l. efrtt- oyun- 2. oqesrt (odeyal) 2. <as (qan) 2. ua(rart- (maqtan-) 3. uyypran (uurkan) 3. ras (kan) 3. uax'raq- (maktan-) 4. roprart (yurgan) 4. xas (kan) 4. uax'ras- (maktan-) 5. battaniye 5. kan 5. civiin- 6. oAeu odeial 6. rax gan 6. envn- 0wtin- Z. J+ss (iidiyal) 7. 66 (qan) 7. -;b-iL (ntakbtan-) 8. aAen adyol 8. Korr qon 8. uaKrarr- rtaqtan- bleed v. blood pressure med. n. boat n. 1. rana- qana- l. ran reejmH qan tazyiqi 1. rajrrr qayrq 2. Kasa- (qana-) 2. xall. (bICbIy.bI (qan qrsrnu) 2. xaprux (qaytq) 3. rana- (kana-) 3. rart ffiGr-mI (kan basrmr) 3. xauntx (kayft) 4. rana- (kana-) 4. xan 6lffir Gan basrmr) 4. raer (kayek) 5. kana- 5. lansiyon 5. kaytk 6. rana- gana- 6. @ertlle dawleniie 6. rar-trx gayyk 7. -tjG (qana-) 7 . f* oE (qan besimi) 7. 6.*,; (qeYiq) 8. x,ona- qona- 8. Korr docHMH qon bosimi 8. Xaltry, qayiq 1. Azerbaijani 2.Kazakh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8. Uzbek
  • 33. / / Dictionary of the Turkic languages 19 body body phys. n. book n. 4. xrran Krldgre 1. 6aAan badan l. rmao kitab (kitap kibete) 2. &ene (dene) 2. ri'ran (kitup) 5. kitapgr 3. gBHe (Oqr 3. prren (kitep) 6. rnrau uaragunu 1.pry@egY 4. rorran (kitap) kitap nugadni 5. Decen 5. kitap 6. 6e.qeu beden 6. rnran kitap 7. bEyL:J (kitabkhana) 7. g, csq Oadan) 7. -ti*S (htab) . 8. xuroOAyKoHu kitob do'koni 8. oaAau badan 8. rsroo kitob . boot clo. n. botl v. bookcase n. 1. fvevH6oras) '+---- qaKMa 1. rajna- qayna- 1. xura6 ura(prr kitab gkafi luzunboSazJ gakma 2. <arlna- (qayna-) 2. rirau uraQu (kitap shkafr) 2. @ (yetik) 3. rarlra- (kayna-) 3. rq5ge (tekche) 3. reflts (oriik) 4. xalnra- (kayna-) 4. araxepra (etazherka) a'@'(itttt) 5. kayna- s.(K_@ s'sry 6. rairtra- gajma- 6. xr+ran urra(lrr 6. enlui iidik kitap gkafy 7. -L*G (qayna-) 7 ,,FB -{i.s (krtab jazisi) 7. ,tiy (6ttik) 8. Kafrna- qayna- 8. rrllroo€-qg*g11Dkilobjavoni 8. srHx etik bomb mil. n. bookseller n. " border pol. n. 1. 6ou6a bornba 1. xrma6 caraH kitab satan 1. cophaa sorhad 2. 6ouon (bombr) 2. riran caTyulbl 2. ruerapa (shekara) 3. oouoy (bombu) '(kitap satuwshr) 3 utii gpa (chek ara) 4. 6ou6a (bomba) 3. xuten caryyqy 4.W (chik) 5. bomba (kitep satuuchu) 5'gntt 6. 6ouoa bomba 4. rrrau caTflblcbr 6. cepxm serhet 7. Vy Oomba) (kitap satuchrsr) 7. IS,t (chegra)'r''t'' 5. kitapgr 8. gg33g chegara 8. 6ouoa bomba 6. raran carbrx,brcbr kitap satyjysy rrone phys. n. bored: be bored v. 7.,.rjr+S (kitabpurush) 1. 4apnrx-- dirnx- r. crurK stimrik 2. sdpir- (zerig-) 2. cniex (siiyek) 8. rsmo coryrlqH kitob sotuvchi 3. sepur- (zcrik-) 3. ceer (stt'ttk) 4. ntancyla- (yamansula-) 4. cerr (s6yak) 5. sikiL' "- bookshop n. 5. kernik 6. cvrtr sijflk l. xrfl'ad Mafa3acbr o.F u- kitab mafazasr 7. (zcrik-) 7. J3;- (xingiik) 2. xiran Arreni =!:_;_ 8. cyxr suyak (kitap diikeni) 8.{!gf- z*rik- 3. xHrcu AYKarrY (kitcp dilkOnii) l. Azerbaijani 2.Krt.akh 3. Kyrgyz 4.Taw 5. Turkish 6. Turkmcn 7. Llighur 8. Uzbck
  • 34. ? bortng Dictionary of the Turkic Ianguages bortng adj. bother v. box n. l. agpUxnulpblr+{bl l. rrapahar m- narahat et- 1. ryry qutu danxdrncr 2. uarala- (maala-) 2. xaurix (zhiishik) 2. pggixti pc'r-iu (zeriktirctin) 3. mrrrqcnnAarulbrp (ashik) 3.gagt'ua fiadatma) (trnchsrzdan&r-) a.Seulggjg.o 4. gtqtrclg (kurk;u) 4.Truurystgta- (kechkenl iirji) 5. stkrcr (trnrchsrzla-) 5. kutu 6. Nprarru irging 5. rahatsrz et- 6. rytu guty 7. &,J)5, ),; (zerikirlik) 6. dmrnqiulbrK yr- 7. tr-p (quta) biynjalyk et- 8. reprr rlapaAxrart 8. x,yrN quti zeriktiradigan 7, -Li r.,ljU (avarfi qit-) 8. Tiulr BHlrI.naH,II,HI> boy n. born: be born y. tashvishlandir- l. or-narr o$ut 1.4oryn- do[ul- 2. vl oa.rra (ul bala) 2. rywn- (tuwrl-) bottle n. 3. aprex oara (crkek bala) 3. ryyn- (tuul-) 1. unua Etigo 4..1{'@ (ir balir) 4. ry- (tu-) 2. unara (shiysha) 5. o[lan 5. dog- 3. 6etsrxe (bot0lk0) 6. or,narr oglan 6. totyr- dogul- 4. ruerua (sheshii) 7. it{ J}i (ogtlrl bala) 7. JI' (tughul-) 5. gige 6. uYtlue guitge 8. lrxa 6o/ra og'il bola 8. ryrlrl- tug'il- 7. 8;;:, (botulka) bratn phys. n. borrow v. 8. rupuua shtsha 1. oejrur beyin 1. an- borc al- OoPr+r 2. ry@iv) 2. x,apnrs ar- (qanz at-) bow mil. n. 3. Ug9 (mee) 3. rapnr: an- (kanz al-) l. i{ vav 4.;al(mi) 4. oypntxa a.rr- Ounchka al-) 2.@ (sadaq) 5. beyin 5. cidting al- 3. caa,qar (saadak) 6. oeiam belni 6. rapa a.n- karz al- 4. fiaya) 7.S;_t*gryl 7. -JV "s;; (titna al-) 5.yay 6. {.t iaji 8. uur miya 8. raps on- qarz ol- 7. L (va) 8. ranon branch bot. n. both ... and conj. kamon 1. 6yAat budaq 1. hau ... hau 4a 2. ovt-ax (butaq) harn... ham da bowl cul. n. 3. oy"rar (butak) 2. rc.,.sa (da ... da) 1. xaca kasa 4. omar (botak) 3. (da ... da) 2. xece (kese) 5. cel 4. hau... hera (ham ... hiim) 3. xece (kese) 6. uraxa gaha 5. bem ... hem 4. raca (kasA) 6. xeu,.. xen hem... hem 7. (tr (shakh) 5. kise 7. f- . .. f lr (hZim ... haim) 8. ruox shox 6. @ okara 8. xau .,. xaM ham... ham i.€b b.rlr' (oacha) ' 8. lffil kosa l. Azerbaijani 2. Kazalrh 3.Kyrgyz 4. Tatar 5. Turkish 6. Turkmen 7. Uighur 8" Uzbck