Agilis vezető képzés 2014

Bence Bogar il y a 9 ans

Crash Course Design Thinking - by @arnoutsmeets

Board of Innovation il y a 8 ans

Falus programfuzet a4_24old_web

falusferenc il y a 9 ans

Lean Startup Key Concepts Overview

Yuki Sekiguchi il y a 12 ans

How to Measure the Metrics that Determine Real Progress

Lean Startup Machine il y a 12 ans

Lean startup principles i catapult

Founder-Centric il y a 10 ans

Crowdfunding: what, why, how!

Kris Kapanova il y a 11 ans

10 Lessons of Innovation - Idris Mootee Keynote

Idris Mootee il y a 16 ans

Pinterest for Brands

Airfoil il y a 12 ans