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Read the text and answer questions 1 to 5
Princess Mandalika

One upon a time, in Lombok was kingdom named Kuripan. The king of Kuripan was
very wise. He had the daughter named Mandalika. She was so beautiful. Many princes
wanted to marry her. To chose one that would be his son-in-law, the king had an arrow
shooting completition. the best one would be Mandalika.
One theday of the competition. Those prince shot their arrows. All of them did it
perfectly. The king found it difcult to chose. There are, the prince began to fight and kill each
Princes Mandalika was so desperate. She didn’t want anyone killing each other
because of her. That’s way she decided to goto the sea. She died in the south sea of lombok.
The and princes were sad an guilty. They regretted and stopped fighting.
Until now, one day in every year, usualy in February or March, people go to the
south sea. On that day, a grest number of worms come out from the sea. People call the
worm nyale. People believe that those nyales are princess Mandalika’s hair.
1. What kind of text is it ?
a. A discribtive text
b. A narative text
c. A recaunt text
d. A discribtive and recaunt text

2. Who name the king’s daughter ?
a. Mandalika
b. Mandala
c. Ajeng
d. Sukma

3. Who wanted Mandalika to marry her ?
a. Princes
b. Sailors
c. Farmer
d. Thief

4. The king found diffcult to chose. The underlined word is synonym is ?
a. Easy
b. Normal
c. Hard
d. Very hard

5. Where did princes mandalika died?
a. In the north sea of lombok
b. In the south sea lombok
c. In the north sea of java
d. In the south sea of java

Read the text and answer questions 6 to 9
Once upon time lived a kind Hearted man his wife. One morning, his wife found a
poor litle sparrow. She look it gently and fed it. To show its gratitude the sparrow stayed
with m and sang every morning. But there was an ill. Tempered old woman who didn’t like
the sparrow. She wait the sparrows tongue. That’s why the bird retunerd to its previous
Knowing that their sparrow flew away. The kind man and woman looked for their
sparrow. They walked a long way, crossed the bridge, climbed a mountain, a nd passed the
Not long after wards, they found the sparrow’s nest. Bofore they went home, the
sparrow brought two basket’s , and the other one was small and light. The sparrow asked
them to choose one.
They choose the small one. And that was the best choice. There were many rolls of
silk and piles of gold in it.
Being jealous, the ill. Tempered old woman did the same thing as the kind man and
woman did. Shechose the big basket which actually contain waps and venemous crawlers,
such as scorpions, centipede, and other horrible creatures. Finally, they stung and bit her to

6. What is the purpose of the the text ?
a. To inform something
b. To entertain the reader
c. To dicribe someone
d. To report something

7. What is a sparrow ? it is........
a. A chiken
b. A bird
c. A cat
d. A fly

8. What is the “relution” of the story?
a. A kind hesrted woman found a poor little sparrow
b. An ill tempered woman cut sparrow tangue
c. The horrible creatures stung and bit the ill. The tempered old woman death
d. The kind hearted man and woman looked for the sparrow.

9. What is the best title for the story ?
a. The old woman and sparrow
b. The tongue of sparrow
c. The sparrow’s nest
d. The tongue cut sparrow

10. What kind of the text is it?
a. Discribtive text
b. Narrative text
c. Recaunt text
d. Anecdote text

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 14

Jhonny, the Lazy Boys
Once upon a time, there was a lazy boy called jhonny. He never cleaned his
bedroom. One day, on a sunny day, Johnny decided to have a picnic at tht park nearby.
At the park, Johnny sat near the pond. After sometime, he started to enjoy the food
he had brought. Jhonny was too lazy to throw the food wrappers into the dustbin. So he just
threw the fruit peel, food wrappers, plastic bags, and cans into the pond.
Poor the creatures in the pond ! they all suffered from what Jhonny did. Some of
them lost their food, some others lost their homes, and to make it worse, the rubbish also
hit some fish.
At night, the angry fish, crabs and prawns visited Jhonny’s house. These creatures
changed into giant creatures. They gethered in Johnny’s bedroom. When Johnny saw these
creatures, he was so frightened to death that he was just lying stiffly on his bed.
“is it the boy ?” asked the crab to a fish
“yes, he was. i saw throwing the banana skin, “answered the fish.
“let me crush this title destructing creature for the thing he has done to us,” growled
the giant crab while moving its claws. “clunk, clunk, clunk!”
Johnny did not know what to say . he was too amazed to see the giant creatures
around him. The protruding eyes of the crabs looked like going to pop out of their bodies.
The talking fish seemed to have strange teeth and the prawns seemed to be huge creatures
bending over him. Poor Johnny! He just frantically tried to escape from the room. He got up
quickly and rushed to the door, but he was not careful that he slipped and fell on to the
Suddenly, he was awake and found himself lying on the floor of his room. Not a
single water creatures was there. It was just a dream.
“thank God, it was just a dream. From now on, Iwill never throw rubbish carelessly,"
johnny murmured

11. Where was the pond located?
a. In the park
b. Near the park
c. Far from the park
d. At johnny’s house

12. What did johnny do to the pond?
a. Littering it
b. Cleaning it
c. Admiring it
d. swimming

13. what did Johnny do to the pond?
a. They asked johnny’s suggestion
b. They wanted Johnny to pity them
c. They visited johnny
d. They attacked him

14. “ the protruding eyes of the crabs,......( paragraph 9) the underlined word means....
a. Sticking out from a surface
b. Very sharp and suspicious
c. Lying on something big
d. Flat and slanting

15. What kind of the text is it?
a. A discribtive text
b. A narrative text
c. A recaunt text

d. A anecdote text

Read the text and answer questions 15 to 19
The magic candle

Once upon a time, there was a young wanderer who got lost in the woods. The
young wanderer walked slowly around the woods without a clear direction night and day.
One day, he saw a light from an old hut and found an old woman crying.
“what happened to you, old woman? Why are you crying?’’ asked the young
My..oh,my..I had a magic candle that could grant anything I asked. But, the devil
stole it from me and took it to the castle. Now, I do not have anything left. I will be starving
to death. My...oh, my!!” said the old woman.
“don’t worry old woman,”said the young wanderer,” I’ll go to the castle, take the
candle and give it back to you real soon. I promise.”
Then the young wanderer went to the castle where he found the devil. The devil
looked mean but he was old and weak. The young wanderer quietly stepped in tgo the room
and quickly grabbed the magic candle from the devil’s table. Then he ran away as fast he
The young wanderer, however , was not a kind man. He didn’t return the candle to
the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, “I want to go far
away from here.” Suddenly, the genies appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. He met
a beautiful princess and fell in love with her. He told her about his adventure and the magic
candle. After listening to his story, the princess was disappointed and got angry at the same
time. At night, she lit the whispered the princess.
In the morning, the wanderer awoke and found himself lying back in his ugly house
in the village.

16. Who stole the magic candle from the old woman ?
a. Thw wanderer
b. The princess
c. The genies
d. The devil

17. What happened at the castle?
a. The devil kept the magic candle carefully
b. The wanderer took the magic candle from the devil
c. The devil helped the wanderer to find the magic candle
d. The wanderer borrowed the magic candle the devil

18. The princess was angry with the wanderer because...
a. The wanderer fell in love with her
b. She finally knew the wanderer’s bad attitude
c. The wanderer prohibited her to stay in the place
d. The old woman was the princess mother

19. What moral value can we learn from the story?
a. Love needs sacrifice
b. One cannot live without candle
c. The winner takes it all
d. The greed cannot bring the happiness

20. What kind of the text is it?
a. A discribtive text
b. A narrative text
c. A recaunt text
d. A anecdote

Read the text answers questions 20 to 24

The God Stepmother

Once upon a time, there lived an old witch. She was very cruel and likes eating
One day, the witch caught two boys, Hanseen and Gretel. The old witch locked
Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night
the children cried and begged the witch to let them go.
Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was thinking of them. She missed them a lot.
Then , she was beginning to wish that she had never tried to get rid of the children.” I must
find them,” she said and the said off in to the forest.
Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from
thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the
window. Her heart cried out when she saw the children.
She picked up the broom leaning againts the door and crept inside. The witch was
putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch
feel into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.
“children, I have come to save you,” she said, hugging them tightly. I have done a
dreadful thing. Let me take you home and we become a family again. They returned to and
home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of
course they lived happily ever after!

21. The story is about a stepmother who ....
a. Cried every night
b. Planned to eat her children
c. Tried to run away from a witch
d. Saved her children from a witch

22. “... and of course they lived happily ever after!”(last paragraph)
What does the word “they” refer to?
a. Hansel and Gretel
b. Hansel, Gretel and their stepmother
c. Hansel and the stepmother
d. Hansel, Gretel and the witch

23. What can we learn from the story?
a. Not all stepmother treat her children badly
b. We have to be careful to a stranger
c. A witch is always bad.
d. A stepmother always loves her children

24. Which statement is TRUE about the stepmother?
a. She was the witch’s friend
b. She loved her stepchildren
c. She hit the witch with a broom
d. She visited the witch to see her children

25. What kind of the text is it?
a. A discribtive text
b. A narrative text
c. A recaunt text
d. A anecdote text

Read the text and answer questions 25 to 29
Once upon a time, there was a young monkey, named Yoko. He was an active and
playful monkey. He lived with his parents and friends in beautiful mountain. The mountain
was covered with huge old trees bore delicious fruits. Every day, Yoko and the other
monkeys would eat the fruits from the trees heartily. It was always cool up there in the
When it rained, the water that flowed down the mountain filled the river with
water. Yoko then could see the people from a nearby village came to river. These people did
not disturb the trees or the animals animals that lived there. It made Yoko felt secure about
his family and friends.
One day, one of the monkeys, Tiro, came screaming and jumping hurriedly from tree
to tree.”run!” he screamed.”Run, everyone! A huge monster is coming this way. It is eating
all the trees with its large sharp teeth.”
All the monkeys, birds and other creatures that lived in the forest ran for their lives.
The sound the monster made was very loud and frightening. They ran away as far as they
could. The monkeys stayed where they were until everything was quiet again. When they
found their way back, they saw that all the trees were gone. Some peolple were different
from the ones who went to the river fish or bath.
Yoko and the other monkeys felt very sad. They did not have a home anymore.
There was no food left for them. Eventually, they decided to leave the mountain and find
another forest to live in.

26. What is the strory about?
a. The hesitation of a monkey in the forest logging
b. The harmony of the life in a forest
c. The beauty of the forest
d. The way monkeys live with other animals
27. From the passage we know that....
a. The village people liked to destroy the forest
b. The forest was the home of animals and people
c. The forest was a source of food for the monkeys
d. All people damage the forest

28. What does the story tell us?
a. We have to treat monkeys well
b. We have to explore forest to find more food.
c. We have to protect monkeys from extinction
d. We have to protect forest from any harmful explorations

29. “The sound the monster made was very loud and frightening.”(paragraph 4)
The underlined word can be best replaced by....
a. Afraid
b. Worrying
c. Astonishing
d. Scary

30. What kind of the text is it?
a. A discribtive text
b. A narrative text
c. A recaunt text
d. A anecdote text

Read the text and answer questions 31 to 35
Once upon a time, there was a poor woman who had lost her husband and had a
son named Malin Kundang. One day, Malin Kundang went sailing to other place. Ever since
Malin Kundang’s leaving , his mother went to the shore every day, waiting for Malin
Kundang to return.
After years, her waiting come to an end when a luxurious ship docked at the shore.
A young couple in extravagant dress stepped down from the ship. Malin’s mother was sure
that the young man was her son. She tried to embrace him, but he threw her away. He
didn’t admit the woman as his mother.
Being denied and humiliated, Malin’s mother cursed her son. After a moment, the
luxurious ship was attacked by a hurricane. Malin Kundang was hurled to the shore and
turned to be a rock.

31. What does the story tell us?

A poor woman

b. A disloyan son
c. The legend of a ship
d. The legend of a curse
32. The poor mother cursed her son because....
a. Her son left her
b. Her son got rich
c. Her son denied her
d. Her son got married

33. “Malin Kundang was hurled to the shore...” (last paragraph)
The synonym of the word “hurled” is....
a. Run
b. Thrown
c. Went
d. Walked

34. What is the moral value of the story?
a. We must respect our parents
b. We must not leave our hometown
c. Do not speak with strangers
d. Do not sailing when the weather is bad.

35. What is kind of the text is it?
a. A describtive text
b. A narrative text
c. A recaunt text
d. A anecdote text
Once upon a time , there were a king and his queen who lived in the Kingdom of
beliyu. They didn’t have any children. Until one night, the queen had s dream of a turle. It
said that queen would have a baby, and she was holding a Komala necklace to her baby. The
queen woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to
the king, and he was very happy.
Shortly, the queen’s dream became reality, she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The
king named her, Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a bad attiude
beceause her parents always spoiled her too much.
One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s
dreams. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet.
She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.
Accompanied with the king’s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she
found it in the beach. She shouted to it,”Penyu busuk,wait for me”, several times, but the
turtle kept swimming. Komala run after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she
finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call
the beach, penyusuk.
36. What kind of hte text is it?
a. A Narrative text
b. A discribtive text
c. A recaunt text
d. A anecdote text

37. What does the story tell us?
a. A bad attitude girl
b. A kingdom in Belinyu
c. The legend of Penyu busuk
d. The legend of Penyusuk beach

38. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. The King permited Komala to find th turtle
b. The celebration of Komala’s birthday
c. Komala was drowned into the sea
d. The turtle disappeared

39. Komala had a bad atttude because....
a. She was a princess
b. Her father was a king
c. She was a beautifull girl
d. Her parents spoiled her very much

40. Until then she finally drowned....(last paragraph)
The synonym of the word “drowned”is....
a. Disappeared
b. Floated
c. Swam
d. sank

Answer Keys








































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Princess mandalika

  • 2. NARRATIVE TEXT AND THE QUESTIONS Read the text and answer questions 1 to 5 Princess Mandalika One upon a time, in Lombok was kingdom named Kuripan. The king of Kuripan was very wise. He had the daughter named Mandalika. She was so beautiful. Many princes wanted to marry her. To chose one that would be his son-in-law, the king had an arrow shooting completition. the best one would be Mandalika. One theday of the competition. Those prince shot their arrows. All of them did it perfectly. The king found it difcult to chose. There are, the prince began to fight and kill each other. Princes Mandalika was so desperate. She didn’t want anyone killing each other because of her. That’s way she decided to goto the sea. She died in the south sea of lombok. The and princes were sad an guilty. They regretted and stopped fighting. Until now, one day in every year, usualy in February or March, people go to the south sea. On that day, a grest number of worms come out from the sea. People call the worm nyale. People believe that those nyales are princess Mandalika’s hair. 1. What kind of text is it ? a. A discribtive text b. A narative text c. A recaunt text d. A discribtive and recaunt text 2. Who name the king’s daughter ? a. Mandalika b. Mandala
  • 3. c. Ajeng d. Sukma 3. Who wanted Mandalika to marry her ? a. Princes b. Sailors c. Farmer d. Thief 4. The king found diffcult to chose. The underlined word is synonym is ? a. Easy b. Normal c. Hard d. Very hard 5. Where did princes mandalika died? a. In the north sea of lombok b. In the south sea lombok c. In the north sea of java d. In the south sea of java Read the text and answer questions 6 to 9 Once upon time lived a kind Hearted man his wife. One morning, his wife found a poor litle sparrow. She look it gently and fed it. To show its gratitude the sparrow stayed with m and sang every morning. But there was an ill. Tempered old woman who didn’t like the sparrow. She wait the sparrows tongue. That’s why the bird retunerd to its previous nest.
  • 4. Knowing that their sparrow flew away. The kind man and woman looked for their sparrow. They walked a long way, crossed the bridge, climbed a mountain, a nd passed the wood. Not long after wards, they found the sparrow’s nest. Bofore they went home, the sparrow brought two basket’s , and the other one was small and light. The sparrow asked them to choose one. They choose the small one. And that was the best choice. There were many rolls of silk and piles of gold in it. Being jealous, the ill. Tempered old woman did the same thing as the kind man and woman did. Shechose the big basket which actually contain waps and venemous crawlers, such as scorpions, centipede, and other horrible creatures. Finally, they stung and bit her to death. 6. What is the purpose of the the text ? a. To inform something b. To entertain the reader c. To dicribe someone d. To report something 7. What is a sparrow ? it is........ a. A chiken b. A bird c. A cat d. A fly 8. What is the “relution” of the story? a. A kind hesrted woman found a poor little sparrow b. An ill tempered woman cut sparrow tangue c. The horrible creatures stung and bit the ill. The tempered old woman death
  • 5. d. The kind hearted man and woman looked for the sparrow. 9. What is the best title for the story ? a. The old woman and sparrow b. The tongue of sparrow c. The sparrow’s nest d. The tongue cut sparrow 10. What kind of the text is it? a. Discribtive text b. Narrative text c. Recaunt text d. Anecdote text Read the text and answer questions 11 to 14 Jhonny, the Lazy Boys Once upon a time, there was a lazy boy called jhonny. He never cleaned his bedroom. One day, on a sunny day, Johnny decided to have a picnic at tht park nearby. At the park, Johnny sat near the pond. After sometime, he started to enjoy the food he had brought. Jhonny was too lazy to throw the food wrappers into the dustbin. So he just threw the fruit peel, food wrappers, plastic bags, and cans into the pond. Poor the creatures in the pond ! they all suffered from what Jhonny did. Some of them lost their food, some others lost their homes, and to make it worse, the rubbish also hit some fish. At night, the angry fish, crabs and prawns visited Jhonny’s house. These creatures changed into giant creatures. They gethered in Johnny’s bedroom. When Johnny saw these creatures, he was so frightened to death that he was just lying stiffly on his bed.
  • 6. “is it the boy ?” asked the crab to a fish “yes, he was. i saw throwing the banana skin, “answered the fish. “let me crush this title destructing creature for the thing he has done to us,” growled the giant crab while moving its claws. “clunk, clunk, clunk!” Johnny did not know what to say . he was too amazed to see the giant creatures around him. The protruding eyes of the crabs looked like going to pop out of their bodies. The talking fish seemed to have strange teeth and the prawns seemed to be huge creatures bending over him. Poor Johnny! He just frantically tried to escape from the room. He got up quickly and rushed to the door, but he was not careful that he slipped and fell on to the floor. Suddenly, he was awake and found himself lying on the floor of his room. Not a single water creatures was there. It was just a dream. “thank God, it was just a dream. From now on, Iwill never throw rubbish carelessly," johnny murmured 11. Where was the pond located? a. In the park b. Near the park c. Far from the park d. At johnny’s house 12. What did johnny do to the pond? a. Littering it b. Cleaning it c. Admiring it d. swimming 13. what did Johnny do to the pond? a. They asked johnny’s suggestion
  • 7. b. They wanted Johnny to pity them c. They visited johnny d. They attacked him 14. “ the protruding eyes of the crabs,......( paragraph 9) the underlined word means.... a. Sticking out from a surface b. Very sharp and suspicious c. Lying on something big d. Flat and slanting 15. What kind of the text is it? a. A discribtive text b. A narrative text c. A recaunt text d. A anecdote text Read the text and answer questions 15 to 19 The magic candle Once upon a time, there was a young wanderer who got lost in the woods. The young wanderer walked slowly around the woods without a clear direction night and day. One day, he saw a light from an old hut and found an old woman crying. “what happened to you, old woman? Why are you crying?’’ asked the young wanderer. My..oh,my..I had a magic candle that could grant anything I asked. But, the devil stole it from me and took it to the castle. Now, I do not have anything left. I will be starving to death. My...oh, my!!” said the old woman.
  • 8. “don’t worry old woman,”said the young wanderer,” I’ll go to the castle, take the candle and give it back to you real soon. I promise.” Then the young wanderer went to the castle where he found the devil. The devil looked mean but he was old and weak. The young wanderer quietly stepped in tgo the room and quickly grabbed the magic candle from the devil’s table. Then he ran away as fast he could. The young wanderer, however , was not a kind man. He didn’t return the candle to the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, “I want to go far away from here.” Suddenly, the genies appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. He met a beautiful princess and fell in love with her. He told her about his adventure and the magic candle. After listening to his story, the princess was disappointed and got angry at the same time. At night, she lit the whispered the princess. In the morning, the wanderer awoke and found himself lying back in his ugly house in the village. 16. Who stole the magic candle from the old woman ? a. Thw wanderer b. The princess c. The genies d. The devil 17. What happened at the castle? a. The devil kept the magic candle carefully b. The wanderer took the magic candle from the devil c. The devil helped the wanderer to find the magic candle d. The wanderer borrowed the magic candle the devil 18. The princess was angry with the wanderer because... a. The wanderer fell in love with her b. She finally knew the wanderer’s bad attitude
  • 9. c. The wanderer prohibited her to stay in the place d. The old woman was the princess mother 19. What moral value can we learn from the story? a. Love needs sacrifice b. One cannot live without candle c. The winner takes it all d. The greed cannot bring the happiness 20. What kind of the text is it? a. A discribtive text b. A narrative text c. A recaunt text d. A anecdote Read the text answers questions 20 to 24 The God Stepmother Once upon a time, there lived an old witch. She was very cruel and likes eating people One day, the witch caught two boys, Hanseen and Gretel. The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was thinking of them. She missed them a lot. Then , she was beginning to wish that she had never tried to get rid of the children.” I must find them,” she said and the said off in to the forest.
  • 10. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the children. She picked up the broom leaning againts the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch feel into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. “children, I have come to save you,” she said, hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. Let me take you home and we become a family again. They returned to and home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after! 21. The story is about a stepmother who .... a. Cried every night b. Planned to eat her children c. Tried to run away from a witch d. Saved her children from a witch 22. “... and of course they lived happily ever after!”(last paragraph) What does the word “they” refer to? a. Hansel and Gretel b. Hansel, Gretel and their stepmother c. Hansel and the stepmother d. Hansel, Gretel and the witch 23. What can we learn from the story? a. Not all stepmother treat her children badly b. We have to be careful to a stranger c. A witch is always bad.
  • 11. d. A stepmother always loves her children 24. Which statement is TRUE about the stepmother? a. She was the witch’s friend b. She loved her stepchildren c. She hit the witch with a broom d. She visited the witch to see her children 25. What kind of the text is it? a. A discribtive text b. A narrative text c. A recaunt text d. A anecdote text Read the text and answer questions 25 to 29 Once upon a time, there was a young monkey, named Yoko. He was an active and playful monkey. He lived with his parents and friends in beautiful mountain. The mountain was covered with huge old trees bore delicious fruits. Every day, Yoko and the other monkeys would eat the fruits from the trees heartily. It was always cool up there in the mountain. When it rained, the water that flowed down the mountain filled the river with water. Yoko then could see the people from a nearby village came to river. These people did not disturb the trees or the animals animals that lived there. It made Yoko felt secure about his family and friends. One day, one of the monkeys, Tiro, came screaming and jumping hurriedly from tree to tree.”run!” he screamed.”Run, everyone! A huge monster is coming this way. It is eating all the trees with its large sharp teeth.”
  • 12. All the monkeys, birds and other creatures that lived in the forest ran for their lives. The sound the monster made was very loud and frightening. They ran away as far as they could. The monkeys stayed where they were until everything was quiet again. When they found their way back, they saw that all the trees were gone. Some peolple were different from the ones who went to the river fish or bath. Yoko and the other monkeys felt very sad. They did not have a home anymore. There was no food left for them. Eventually, they decided to leave the mountain and find another forest to live in. 26. What is the strory about? a. The hesitation of a monkey in the forest logging b. The harmony of the life in a forest c. The beauty of the forest d. The way monkeys live with other animals 27. From the passage we know that.... a. The village people liked to destroy the forest b. The forest was the home of animals and people c. The forest was a source of food for the monkeys d. All people damage the forest 28. What does the story tell us? a. We have to treat monkeys well b. We have to explore forest to find more food. c. We have to protect monkeys from extinction d. We have to protect forest from any harmful explorations 29. “The sound the monster made was very loud and frightening.”(paragraph 4) The underlined word can be best replaced by....
  • 13. a. Afraid b. Worrying c. Astonishing d. Scary 30. What kind of the text is it? a. A discribtive text b. A narrative text c. A recaunt text d. A anecdote text Read the text and answer questions 31 to 35 Once upon a time, there was a poor woman who had lost her husband and had a son named Malin Kundang. One day, Malin Kundang went sailing to other place. Ever since Malin Kundang’s leaving , his mother went to the shore every day, waiting for Malin Kundang to return. After years, her waiting come to an end when a luxurious ship docked at the shore. A young couple in extravagant dress stepped down from the ship. Malin’s mother was sure that the young man was her son. She tried to embrace him, but he threw her away. He didn’t admit the woman as his mother. Being denied and humiliated, Malin’s mother cursed her son. After a moment, the luxurious ship was attacked by a hurricane. Malin Kundang was hurled to the shore and turned to be a rock. 31. What does the story tell us? a. A poor woman b. A disloyan son c. The legend of a ship d. The legend of a curse
  • 14. 32. The poor mother cursed her son because.... a. Her son left her b. Her son got rich c. Her son denied her d. Her son got married 33. “Malin Kundang was hurled to the shore...” (last paragraph) The synonym of the word “hurled” is.... a. Run b. Thrown c. Went d. Walked 34. What is the moral value of the story? a. We must respect our parents b. We must not leave our hometown c. Do not speak with strangers d. Do not sailing when the weather is bad. 35. What is kind of the text is it? a. A describtive text b. A narrative text c. A recaunt text d. A anecdote text
  • 15. ` Once upon a time , there were a king and his queen who lived in the Kingdom of beliyu. They didn’t have any children. Until one night, the queen had s dream of a turle. It said that queen would have a baby, and she was holding a Komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to the king, and he was very happy. Shortly, the queen’s dream became reality, she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The king named her, Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a bad attiude beceause her parents always spoiled her too much. One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s dreams. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal. Accompanied with the king’s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in the beach. She shouted to it,”Penyu busuk,wait for me”, several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala run after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach, penyusuk. 36. What kind of hte text is it? a. A Narrative text b. A discribtive text c. A recaunt text d. A anecdote text 37. What does the story tell us? a. A bad attitude girl b. A kingdom in Belinyu c. The legend of Penyu busuk d. The legend of Penyusuk beach 38. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? a. The King permited Komala to find th turtle
  • 16. b. The celebration of Komala’s birthday c. Komala was drowned into the sea d. The turtle disappeared 39. Komala had a bad atttude because.... a. She was a princess b. Her father was a king c. She was a beautifull girl d. Her parents spoiled her very much 40. Until then she finally drowned....(last paragraph) The synonym of the word “drowned”is.... a. Disappeared b. Floated c. Swam d. sank Answer Keys