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Evolve our own Yoga
by knowing
Yoga Symbolism and
Dynamics of Life System
by Yerramsetti Giridhar
Yoga Symbolism
Main Index – Slide No

Lady in welcome gesture

1. Precursor on Presentation - 3
2. Knowledge, Wisdom and Maya - 4
3. Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga and goals / problem
spaces - 8
4. Advanced Application of Yoga - 23
5. Chakras (Wheels) in Human and Prajna (Caliber)
Yoga - 32
6. Yang – Yin forces of working systems -42
7. Meta-physics of life existence - 47
8. Modern Science of Energy Harvesting by
Species - 60
9. Cosmic model of Life Science - 72
10. Yoga and Health - 84
11. Examples of Hard Real World situations - 97
12. Additional Yoga Terminology - 107
13. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - 109
14.Post-cursor on Presentation - 155
15.References - 156
16. Pranamams to Maharshi Patanjali - 157

2/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Precursor on Presentation
1. This presentation covers more of
laukika (physical) aspects, and some
alaukika (possibly attained from life
experience) aspects for evolving our
own Yoga. Main objectives are as

How to treat Meditation (Dhyanam)
as flow fullness; not as stillness or


Peace, Harmony and Tranquility can
not be achieved by static conditioning
or stillness (by creating inactive like
situation both mentally and bodily).
Then, what is its dynamic condition?

 Symbolism: Representing things with
Vibrant portrayal of Damayanti
symbolizing Harmony by painter
Raja Ravi Verma, 1908AD

symbols. A symbol is an object or
idea representing something other
than itself.

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Knowledge, Wisdom and Maya
2nd Sub Index - Slide No

1. Hindu Sastra (Science) of Knowledge - 5
2. Hindu way of Knowledge Acquisition
and Application - 6

3. Rational way of Knowledge Acquisition
and current misuse - 7

Lady in welcome gesture

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Hindu Sastra (Science) of Knowledge

 Human Knowledge (Jnana) has no unique form of
existence. It can be preserved, altered or lost. Hindu
Nyaya Sastra identified totality of Knowledge with
following components called pramanas:

 Components of knowledge (pramana):

1.Goddess Saraswati as
source of Knowledge,
Art and Wisdom.

2. Hindu Sastra was
developed from life
experience, to prove
that there is Manifold
(slide no:128) which is
same for all living and
nonliving substances.

Perception by ordinary senses (laukika)
and by attained experience (alaukika).
2. Inference (anumāna), needs investigation
to resolve.
3. Comparison (upamāna) or analogy or
equivalenting with known objects.


4. Testimony (past records and witness).

Therefore, Knowledge has life element
(personalized perception may be lost with person)
and time dependency (testimony/memory may be
available or lost). Hence, one should, on his own
perceive the dynamics of nature, all the time to
regain the ever-changing nature of Universal.
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Hindu way of Knowledge Acquisition and Application
As stated by Hindu Philosophy:
1. Acquiring true knowledge (Divya Jnana)
is always unrelenting painful
journey in the myriad of fallacy
manifestations called Maya (unclear
2. Therefore, one should not compromise
or delimit himself in reaching divine
goals (Ex: wisdom on social objectives,
morals, serving the needy, etc).

As Yama (under effect of
Maya) doesn't know the life
span of Markandeya,
Lord Shiva protecting
Markandeya from death.

3. Humanity and environmental
protection (Ahimsa) has to be absorbed
in ever individual as an order.
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Rational way of Knowledge Acquisition and current misuse
By Rational Philosophy :
1. Uses well qualified Logics and definitions derived

1. Action may be direct
consequence of
2. Such rationality may
harm others and
Environment as
Himsa (violence)
3. Rationality may
become irrational,
without applying
morals and values.
4. Take note that,
Morals and Value
Systems were evolved
by religion system at
the inception of
human knowledge.

from all doctrines , but its application is limited to
machines and production plants, government, legal
system and police, etc.
2. It has no contribution to any doctrine or to itself.
3. At times, the decisions and actions may be self
serving rather then truth seeking.
4. It need not depend on morals and values, may yield
to the pressures and forces, and neglect the

disadvantage groups and environmental protection.
5. It has cultivated a wild culture of donating organs,
hiring of an human womb as a reproduction plant,

and also, it is advocated as a possible commercial
option between the poor and needy.
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Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga and goals / problem spaces
3rd Sub Index - Slide No

Lady in welcome gesture

Understanding Tantra Shakti & Kundalini Shakti - 9
How to enhance effect of Kundalini by Tantra? - 10
The Tantra, when the objectivity is divine seeking - 11
Understanding Yoga as Harmonized Union - 12
Swatanta-Paratantra Union, Text and Diagram - 13
Yogic Procedure and Maharshi Patanjali - 15
Various goals / problem spaces that can be
succeeded - 17
8. More about Meditation (Dhyanam) -18
9. Raja Yoga Dhyanam – the Quantum of Solace
(Samtrupti) - 19
11. Shakuntal story; Pratyahara, 5th step of yoga - 20
12. Dharana , 6th step of Yoga and Visualization - 21
13. Sunyata: by Acharya Nagarjuna, Andhra 250AD - 22

8/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Understanding Tantra Shakti & Kundalini Shakti;
These Shakties (Powers) are survival for all living Species including Human


 Tantra (Aligned force) is process of generating different body
forces, than aligning and conduiting to the destination point.

 The destination point may be the mind, body part or any
peripheral end of the body, which includes the tools or
any articles held.

 Tanta means creating useful bodily forces, Yoga is its procedure.


 Kundalini (relief) provides continues relieving power to suffered
body, mind and psychic; it exists perennially from birth to death.

 The kundalini is the healing power or vitality, perennially works

on the suffered body, mind and psychic. Suffering is experienced by
physical or mental means or both, due to the influence of internal
and external forces. Suffering also effects the psychic.
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How to enhance effect of Kundalini by Tantra?
 Kundalini (vitality) always exist in the body,

and its healing effects can be enhanced with
proper exercises and yogic way.

 Tantra practice which is an integral part of
yoga procedure, and it is meant to enhance
kundalini effect against suffering.

 Tantra practice also means improving

efficiency and easiness in forming tough
jobs. It is discussed as Prajna, (slide no: 17).

 Kundalini development is important for
Graphical Depiction of
Tantra as flexibility

short period extreme performances or
for long period continues performance
which could be physical, mental or both.

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The Tantra, when the objectivity is divine seeking

 The Tantra is based on Samkhya Yoga, which is a Dvaita (dualistic) theory.

Samkhya Yoga, says Purusha (Divine) and Prakriti (ever changing nature) are
initiating the Jeeva (for living).

 But, due to desires, the individual is continued to be in bondage or attachment
to the surroundings; which results in suffering to Jeeva.

 The divine goal is to overcome the bondage by attaining Moksha (Emancipation).
Moksha means Jeeva is liberated to be with Divine.


The process of liberating Jeeva is called Swatantra – Paratantra Union,
explained in slide no:13.
Samkhya Yoga was narrated in Bhagavad Gita, by Sage Ved Vyasa (500BC).

Sadhu performing Panch-agni Tapasya. A Hard way of attaining Moksha
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Understanding Yoga as Harmonized Union
1. Yoga is process of harmonizing
(Saman vaya) the body, mind and
individual s self with external
environment and then try to attain
Universally Stable Knowledge (Vijnana)

about ever changing Prakruti (Nature).
The attained Vijnana need to be taught
to others.

2. The passing of Vijnana to the others is
also possible with Swatantra-Paratantra
Dancing hands of Apsaras;
Harmony in complexity

Union, and explained in slide no:13.

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Swatantra - Paratantra Union
1. Tantra means Aligned force with unbroken continuity.
2. The state of Swatantra means being independent with knowledge of ever
changing Prakruti (Nature). Knowing Prakruti means knowing Divine.
3. Acquisition of knowledge on ever changing Prakruti is possible
with tantra practice, in which combined forces of body are aligned with
mind, individual s self and then spreads into the external environment for
understanding the Prakruti (nature).
4. The external environment has its own divergent (all angle, all direction),
and conflicting forces.
5. The individual, the other contemporaries and the external environment are
all part of ever changing Prakruti, which are very divergent and conflicting.
6. Paratantra means Aligning with external forces.
7. Swatantra – Paratantra Union means the realized individual (or say
realized Jeeva) can pass the knowledge and wisdom to other individuals
(or say other Jeevas) perennially, for social benefit and Ahimsa
(Environmental protection).
8. Swatantra – Paratantra Union is the process of aligning himself with other
Jeevas, and then drawing their attention to realize themselves perennially.
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Swatantra-Paratantra Union, Diagrammatic Depiction
1. Usual unrealized human society; very egoistic and flutter.
Purusha (Divine)
Prakruti (Ever changing nature)

Jeevas (particularly human) are effected
by Maya (unclear barriers) and suffer from ego

2. Realized individual can reorder the human society for social benefit
for generations together, with the help of Swatanta-Paratantra Union.
Purusha (Divine or cause slide no:56) appear as Swatantra force
Prakruti (Ever changing nature) is the Paratantra
Prakruti Knowledge

Realized individual or Maharshi, Mahatma,
Immortal, Prophet, Saint, Messiah, Sage, etc.

Communication of Knowledge and Wisdom
Human societies are organized for benefit of future
generations and environmental protection (Ahimsa)
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Yogic Procedure and Maharshi Patanjali
Sage Patanjali (250BC) formalized the yogic life
(noble living with purpose) as eight fold path.

1. Yama: Purposeful social behavior and
actions (Ahimsa), which do not cause
harm to self, society and environment.

2. Niyama: Self-discipline with satisfaction.
3. Yogasana: Proper posture to harmonize
the body and mind.
Sage Patanjali

4. Pranayama: Rhythmic breathing by lungs,
muscles and bones for purifying the body
and remove mental distractions.

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Yogic Procedure and Maharshi Patanjali
5. Pratyahara: Rightly manage all the senses and
mental reactions for proper concentration.

6. Dharana: Conceptualize the goals / problem
space , both in physical and mental world.

7. Dhyana: Achieve heightened awareness and
performance in solving the problem space .

8. Samadhi: Take proper rest to assimilate

(an vaya) the experience of earlier 7 steps;
thus gain fresh knowledge and energy.

 The goals / problem space are of various kinds, explained in the slide no:17
 One should not enter in to Samadhi without adopting to the eight fold
path. Such Samadhi end in wasteful sleep, cause laziness.
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Various goals / problem spaces that can be succeeded
1. Prajna (Caliber) Yoga: In this Yoga, the Dharana (6th step of Yoga) is
for development of caliber & skills required to perform profession,
sports and arts. It is the first yoga to be imparted to the youngsters.


Karma Yoga: In this Yoga, the Dharana (6th step of Yoga) is for
discharging the duties, which are obviously form social system.


Bhakti Yoga: In this Yoga, in Dharana (6th step of Yoga), one
conceptualizes the divinity in a attributed form and concentrates.

4. Jnana Yoga: In this Yoga, in Dharana (6th step of Yoga), one
conceptualizes the divinity along with Prakruti (ever changing
nature) as a philosophy and assimilates (an vaya) it to
communicate with others, in an orderly form.
5. Raja Yoga: It is the New Age Yoga intended for solace (Samtrupti)
from work stress and mental tensions. Under this yoga, the Guru
need to continuously assist the individual to reach the goals as
intended by the Guru.
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More about Meditation (Dhyanam)
1. Meditation (Dhyanam) without Dharana, the 6th step of Yoga is
hollow. It is like wandering in the dark tunnel with out objectives.
2. Dharana is essentially owning and absorbing into the goals , as
perceived by the individual. The goals need to spread whole of
mind and body (anu anuvu; atom to atom). It means goals are for
long term benefit.
3. List of the subjects that can be owned as Dharana:
1. Caliber, skills and talent (Prajna): For bread earning and
leading daily life with dignity.
2. Devotion (Bhakti-bhav): For acquiring divine knowledge on
Ishta deva (Deity liked by devotee) and
narrate it in some art form / philosophy.
3. Self realization (Tanmaya) : For attaining divine experience.
It is also known as Kaivalya.
4. Self realization (Jna nodaya): For social upliftment and
environmental protection (Ahimsa),
by moderating societies .

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Raja Yoga Dhyanam– the Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti)
1. Raja Yoga and it derivatives like Sahaja Yoga, Purna Yoga,
Kundalini Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Sudarsana Kriya, Bihar
Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, etc. are referred as New Age
Yoga, intended for solace from work stress and mental tensions.

In Raja Yoga, the individual is presumed to be suffering due to the
Karma out of works imposed on him. Karma means fate, not
Karma Yoga.


In Raja Yoga, Guru s guidance help the individual to reach the
goals, which can be stated as Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti):


One can experience different quanta s as:
. Clear light continuum as Absolute
. )ntuition with illuminated mind
. Transcendental being in the realm of pure light
. Subtle state of super-consciousness
. Universal consciousness of illuminated soul
. Universal mind that has access to infinite power of Supreme
. Spiritual journey through inner universe , etc.

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Shakuntal story
Pratyahara, 5th step of yoga
 Sage Vishwamitra is in meditation.

Menaka is distracting the sage
by offering a fragrance flower.

 Pratyahara, 5th step in yoga
emphasizes on control of bodily
senses and mental reactions to
over come distraction.

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Dharana , 6th step of Yoga and Visualization

 Dharana is translated as visualization by western by seeing the art forms.
 Its true meaning is instantiation and conceptualization of goals /
problem space into the mind and body. It is also known as Bhavana
 Bhavana has many art forms in the name of Gods & Goddess, Deities
and Mandalas (Yantras).

Qwan Yin, Deity

Tara, Deity

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Mandalum (Yantram)
Never ending Orbit or Cycle
Sunyata: by Acharya Nagarjuna, Andhra 250AD

 It is not zeroing or emptiness nor stillness of mind.
 Sunyata means relatively originated or dependently originated. It is the
Free Flow Queue in Engineering terminology.
 State of Sunyata can be achieved by repeatedly doing Yogasana and
Pranayamam (3rd and 4th step of Yoga).
 The state of Sunyata is the proper initial condition for 6th step of Yoga
Dharana. First try with Prajna (Caliber) Yoga.
 Kalpana (slide no: 28) on Goals / problem space (slide no: 17&18) is
possible in the 7th step of Yoga Dhyanam.
 Kalpana is conscious way of solving when mind is awake, where as
dream comes sub-consciously and lost on wakeup from sleep.

Sunyata depicted in an Art form
22/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

1. Practice for state of Sunyata by Yoga
only to remove mental blockade
of the past or ego. State of Sunyata
ensures mind immeasurable, means
it is clean and lot.
2. Dependently originated means new
thoughts replace the old, and old
thoughts are delivered as action or
Advanced Application of Yoga
4th Sub Index - Slide No
1. Does Bramhacharyam need Yogic practice? -24
2. Yogic path for Bramhacharya (Celibacy) - 25
3. Difficulties with Samsara - 26
4. Meditation / Dhyanam for inner strength - 27
5. Meditation / Dhyanam for Kalpana - 28
6. Meditation / Tapasya for Attracting power - 29
7. Meditating & attaining Siddi (miracle) - 30
8. Yogic achievement and Social influence - 31

Lady in welcome gesture

23/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Does Bramhacharyam need Yogic practice?
Bramhacharyam (Celibacy): It is a practice of diverting lust
(moha) energy into compassion, which should socially help and
adhere to divine objectives.
 Sadhus and Sadhvis are completely devoted to theism

 Brothers and sisters are devoted to prayers and social work.

 Monks and Nuns concentrate on martial arts and yogic life
for social help.
How the Yogic practice help in Bramhacharyam? To understand it,
Chinese word Yang Yin (dipole in modern science) introduced in
slide no: 42.
Bramhachari is surrounded by distracting heavenly and earthly forces
24/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Yogic path for Bramhacharya (Celibacy)

 Bramhacharyam in practice is possible only by
keeping Yang (Masculine) and Yin (Feminine) forces
balanced at ever instant and at highest possible vitality.
 It is possible by Yogic practice which includes Yama
(Ahimsa), Niyama (discipline) and Dhyanam on divinity.

 Also, by Yogic Tantra practice, one can effectively
reduce body needs (food, comfort, lust etc) to
minimum. By virtues of it, Bramhacharyam (Celibacy)
can be made possible.

Hanuman in
Dhyanam. He is  The Bramhachari has to follow five Sadhanas (tools):
the symbol of
1. Karma (Performing socially oriented duties)
2. Vidya (Knowledge acquisition)
for Hindus.

3. Upasana or Dhyanam (meditation on divine)
4. Prapatti (surrender to divine as true devotee)
5. Gurupasatti (following and loyalty towards Guru)
25/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;


Difficulties with Samsara
Samsara means bondage and suffering due to attachment. Only way of
overcoming suffering is to be in a coherent state. It is possible by
changing phase of vital (Potential) energy of Bramhacharya into
Coherent Kinetic energy (slide no:65).
By practicing Karma yoga , Bhakti yoga and Jnana yoga, one can
remove attachments.

Wheel of Samsara,
means difficulty to run
Budhist depiction of
overcoming Samsara, by raising
inner strength or Potential.
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Hindu depiction of
overcoming Samsara,
by being coherent.
Meditation / Dhyanam for inner strength
Human can meditate for improving inner strength

1. Yogic Master Sri Krishnamacharya using Hatha Yoga for nerve
control and command in a demonstration of Yoga-vinyasa.

2. Sri Swami Vivekananda is assimilating (an vaya) the Vedanta
in Dhyanam, and later narrated to global audience.

Young boy by name Balaji is in contemplation with proper
Yogasana (posture).

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Meditation / Dhyanam for Kalpana
Gods are presumed to be meditating for universal creation by
Kalpana (creation using new set of rules all the time, so that future
is not known)

Sri Krishna meditating

Shiva meditating

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Vishu meditating
Meditation / Tapasya for Attracting power
1. Tapasya presumed to be performed for external influence.
2. Tapasya powers, so attained resembles the Gravitational pull of Stars.

for river Ganga

Parvati's Tapasya
for Lord Shiva

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Qwan Yin Tapasya
for peace and harmony
Meditating & attaining Siddi (miracle)

1. Qwan Yin creating medicine 1. Dattatreya (1200AD) offering salvation
for suffering people.
(overcoming cycle of rebirth) to Domestic
2. With Siddi Powers, one can
animals as they were bonded.
offer relief to sufferers.
2. Buddha says attaining salvation is not
30/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
possible for creatures other than human.
Yogic achievement and Social influence
Ex: Manu, Kapila, Vyasa, Valmiki, Kautilya, Buddha, Mahaveer, Asoka, Democritus,
Euclid, Descrates, DaVinci, Galileo, Fascal, Newton, Euler, Avogadro, Bernoulli, Joule,
Clausius, Gauss, Coulomb, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelwin, Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein,
Noether, von Neumann, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, Lewis, Feynman, Darwin, Karl
Marx, Gandhi, Edison, Cray(Computer), Samuel Hahnemann (Homeopathy), etc.

Path of

& Mahatmas









Human state

Level of Influence

Karma /
Prajna Yoga
Yogic path for
normal human

For Generations together,
into the future

31/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Chakras (Wheels) in Human and Prajna (Caliber) Yoga
5th Sub Index - Slide No
1. Understanding Chakras (Wheels) in Human - 33
2. Chakras (Wheels) depicting - new age Sadhu s
view - 34
3. Chakras effect gunas (characteristic function of
Human) and Prajna (Caliber) Yoga -35
4. Chakra s wrong move and Criminal gunas -36
5. Demons are not to be worshiped - 37
6. Chakras depiction in Art - 38

7. Meditation and energizing the Chakras -39
8. Chakras and Common Sense (Consciousness) - 40

Lady in welcome gesture

9. Chakras and Key difference between Human and

Species - 41
32/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Understanding Chakras (Wheels) in Human
Chakras (Logical Wheels within the human body):

Ancient sages identified existence of seven chakras
in the body, other wise known as energy centers is told
by new age gurus.

 These are Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipuraka,
Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras.

 These chakras exist on the front half of body and
connected in series.

 The spinal cord, neck and front face act as the conduit
to transport the energy from one chakra to other chakra.

 Tantra practices are important to generate force at the

chakras and then transport and deliver in recognizable
form (Prajna). This is how one become more efficient in
performing caliber jobs (Prajna Yoga) by Tantra practice.

 Tantra practices treat Chakras as energy centers .
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Chakras (Wheels) depicting - new age Sadhu‘s view

Main energy

Major energy
34/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Chakras effect gunas (characteristic function of Human)
Chakra’s right move and associated Professionals (possible by Prajna Yoga)
Sahasrara chakra
Wheel of Universal

Rushi, Visionary, Prophet, Sage, etc.

Ajna Chakra
Wheel of Intelligence

Doctor, Judge, Philosopher, Cartoonist,
Chess player, Poet, Planner, etc.

Visuddha Chakra
Singer, Orator, Priest, Teacher, etc.
Wheel of Communication
Anahata Chakra
Wheel of Compassion
Manipuraka Chakra
Wheel of Will power

Majority of sports, Dancer, Music Artist,
Instrument / Machine maker, Skilled
worker, Donor / Social worker, etc.
Weight lifter, Ruler, Businessman, etc.

Svadhishthana Chakra
Wheel of Life power

Gymnast, Circus/Stuntman, Warrior,
Martial arts, Club dancer, etc.

Muladhara Chakra
Wheel of Stability

Laborer, Football player, Sprinter,
Cycling, Swimming, etc.

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Chakra’s wrong move and Criminal gunas
Sahasrara chakra
Wheel of Universal


Ajna Chakra
Wheel of Intelligence

White collar cheater

Visuddha Chakra
White collar cheater
Wheel of Communication
Anahata Chakra
Wheel of Compassion

White collar cheater

Manipuraka Chakra
Wheel of Will power

Harassment and nuisance creator

Svadhishthana Chakra
Wheel of Life power

Thief, rowdy, Drugs, bad habits, etc.

Muladhara Chakra
Wheel of Stability

Corruption, Trouble maker,
Pestering others for benefits, etc.

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Demons are not to be worshiped

Demon Ravana at his peak
of evil desires

Roman Demons demonstrating
wild powers

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Chakras depiction in Art

Andal & chakras
Chakras and Nabhi
Chinese version
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Sadhu & chakras
Meditation and energizing the Chakras
Prajna (Caliber) is possible only
with the help of Muladhara Chakra.
Hence children are first made to
play and do sports and arts for
developing Muladhara Chakra.



Sadhu concentrates only on Muladhara Chakra, so that all other
chakras are activated by it self. It is only depiction in art form.
The actual practice is given indirectly in Natya Sastra, Hatha
Yoga, Yantra Yoga, Kung fu, Tai chi, Karate, Kerala Hindu Art,
Sports and Art etc.
Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability) ensures assimilation
(an vaya) and delivery of knowledge and experience for life time.

Raja yoga and derivatives, at times suggest to activate higher
Chakras directly, which can help in Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti)

39/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Chakras and Common Sense (Consciousness)
1. Chakras were first described in the Hindu Vedas (3000 BC).

As per the Vedic sages, Chakras are centers of consciousness in the body,
otherwise known as Common Sense .

3. In fact, even single Cell creature like Ameba need to have all seven Chakras
for life to be supported in the body. The life functions of Chakras are as follows:
7. Sahasrara chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) surrounds the body as
Shield and protect the body from other creatures invading.
6. Ajna Chakra (Wheel of Intelligence) is the foresight to have knowledge of everchanging environment for the purpose of preparing for the future situations.
5. Visuddha Chakra (Wheel of Communication); one need to communicate
/interact with others, creatures, species and also sense environment. JC
Bose(1902) had scientifically proved that plants do communicate with others.
4. Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion); one need to be compassionate to leave
the resource to others. Ex: Lion leaves the herd, when it is not hungry. Anahata
Chakra is against principles of hiding the resource.
3. Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power); one need to have will and perform
to be first among others.
2. Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power); one need to take risk of
competition, when resource is scare. Also, one has to protect from predators.
1. Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability); one need to stable for all circumstances.
40/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Chakras and Key difference between Human and Species
1. All Species as well as Human raise their offsprings as a continuity of

2. In Species, the just burn offspring need to exhibit steadiness (or
standup on their own) to get their food. In the Elephant-baby photo,
the mother elephant offers udder to the baby elephant to suck the
milk, only in the standing position. However, the baby elephant has to
standup on its own to suck the milk.

Elephant baby

Baby whale
with mother feed

Human baby

3. Any failure of baby elephant in standing-up, may lead to abandoning
the baby by the mother.
4. It means, the ability to stand-up is nothing but proper functioning of
Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability). For all species, on birth, the
proper function of Muladhara Chakra is essential for survival. All
other chakras do graduate in due course.
5. On birth, the baby whale won t get full protection from mother whale,
as the mother goes into sleep daily. However, the tender baby whale
continue to be awake Jagrat slide no:53) far a month without sleep.
Baby whale Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability) enable it to be in
Jagrat state, and has to be alert against predators, by itself.
6. For Human, the baby, at birth cries to get the attention of mother.
Here, Human baby is born with Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will
Power) to survive, by seeking attention of mother. Again, like any
other species, all other chakras do graduate in due course.

41/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Yang – Yin forces of working systems
6th Sub Index - Slide No

1. Yang – Yin forces - 43

2. Yang - Yin (as spring system) - 44
3. Yang yin is Shivashakti in Hindu by analogy - 45
4. Shivashakti is the Symmetry of all working

systems - 46

Lady in welcome gesture

42/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Yang – Yin forces
Yang yin (Chinese): It is defined as two opposite forces but
complementary in nature, 1. seen (Masculine) and 2. unseen
(Feminine) interact within a dynamic system for its own
balance and survivability.

process in plants
produces food
(sugar) is Yang Yin
43/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

Relationship between
Consumer and Producer
is Yang Yin

Yang - Yin (as spring system)
Spring is a single element which can expand (yang) and contract (yin)

Body stretching
(yang/seen action)

44/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

Body contraction
(yin/unseen action)
Yang yin is Shivashakti in Hindu by analogy
Shivashakti represents always balanced complementary opposite forces

Well balanced state,
should be aim of
(slide no:24 & 25)

Ardha nareeswari
form of Shivaparvati

Imbalanced; depicted
relevant animals
on either side

45/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

Well balanced but
bodies are separate,
should be aim of
Samsara, (slide no:26)
Shivashakti is the Symmetry of all working systems

Hindu Symbol

Other equivalent words for Shivashakti:
Bhed-abheda: Divine and Jeeva (living) are Different yet
there is no Difference.
Pravruthi- Nivruthi: Material knowledge yet it is
Divine knowledge.
Sakala-Nisakala: Divine with Attributes yet
without Attributes.
Rup-nerup: Divine with Gesture yet without Gesture.
Yang-yin (China): Divine is seen yet unseen

Budhist Symbol

Dipole (modern science): Single Pole with two polarities.
It appears positive (emitting) at one side and negative
(absorbing) at opposite side.
Photon(modern science): Particle yet wave, It is the
Taoistic Symbol Matter, but at the same time Energy.
 The symbols shown on lift side are symmetrical,
representing the associated systems are harmonious
and balanced.

 Yoga practice makes the Human to be balanced and
sturdy, under favorable or adverse influences.
46/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Traffic Symbol
Meta-physics of life existence
7th Sub Index - Slide No

Lady in welcome gesture

Basic Laws of existence - 48
Some Important Sutras (Notion) about Jeeva - 49
Metaphysics of existence of life – Modern view - 50
Metaphysics of existence of life – Vedic view - 51
Primary food creation by Single Cell Algae, also by
Plants - 52
6. Normal Human and Plant state; Jagrat, Swapna and
Sushupti - 53
7. State of Sushupti (cont..), and special human state
Epiphany - 54
8. Special Yogic States Chaturiya and Turyalita - 55
9. Special human state; Kindalini Awakening - 56
10.Notion of Time and Clock - 57
11.Fortune telling and Principle of Uncertainty - 58
12. Maya and Uncertainty - 59

47/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Basic Laws of existence

 For every action, there is equal and
opposite reaction, which happens
at same time and in the connected space.
 It is valid for all Static & Dynamic
conditions of both living and
non-living substances.
- Taoistic law 1100BC – China
 Taoistic view of universal existence
(Yang Yin) is also well stated in the
Hinduism ( Ex: Vamana Avatar, Bali s
Divya Jnana (True knowledge) vs
Power of Vishnu; At the end of the story,
both were existing, one could not
destroy other).

Prahalada explaining existence of
Purusha (divine) to his father,
in anu anuvu (in ever atom)
48/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

 Sri Adi Sankaracharya (789AD)
explained co-existence and
inseparable nature of Purusha and
Prakruti in Advaita (non-duality)
Some Important Sutras (Notion) about Jeeva




Identify Jeeva
seed and seeding!


All living species and individuals are
independent and no union (fusing) is possible.
All livings cell will either divide or die,
except for seed cells, fuse to form a new cell.
This process constitutes life energy.
But, the word Jeeva is know for living.
The new English translation for Jeeva is alive .
There is no identified governing force
that let to existence of Jeeva.
Jeeva new its past, knows completely its
surroundings, environment and
circumstances it exists. )t has its own kalpana
(slide no: 28) of living by virtue of its ego .
Scientists found Spores (tiny living substance)
of 40 million years old, still waiting for proper
living condition to reproduce.

49/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Metaphysics of existence of life – Modern view
Strong force

force (Shiva)

Weak force

1. Outside
of Jeeva
as rest of
3. All Jeevas
do have
Birth and

(force function)

Field force


(healing function)
of single

50/157, Yoga Symbolism
by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Metaphysics of existence of life – Vedic view



1. Outside
of Jeeva
as rest of
3. All Jeevas
do have
Birth and

(force function)


(seen/unseen ?)

(healing function)
of single

51/157, Yoga Symbolism
by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Primary food creation by Single Cell Algae, also by Plants
1. Plants create own food from Sunlight, reacting Air, Water and Earth.
2. All other lives (including Human live on Dead for food.
3. Living cells (Jeevas) can not be digested as its own life (tantra force
and kundalini healing force) oppose its own death (slide no:50-51).
4. Parasitic lives (They are also Jeevas) can live only on cells
that are Dead . Living cell becomes Dead , after Jeeva leaves.


Ignition (10-15s)



food reactor

(in 1-3

Body part of Algae (seen)
Jeeva (Tantra force, Kundalini healing, Mind and Destiny)
Concept diagram of primary food creation by single cell Algae
52/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Normal Human and Plant state; Jagrat, Swapna and Sushupti
1. Jagrat (Awareness):
1. It is active non sleepy state, important to recognize the change in
circumstance (seasons for plants), disturbances, disaster , loss of
control, under attack, etc.
2. It is a waken state, one can memorize the events and experience.
2. Swapna (dream):
1. A state of sleep, experienced by human, in which one creates own
universe and has feel of senses, with same intensity as felt when
awaked (Jagrat) from physical Universe.
2. On wakeup, contents of Swapna are not lost.
. Dreams won t enter memory, but partially recollected immediately
on wakeup.
4. Dreamy state can offer limited relaxation only.
5. Plant do not have State of Swapna.
3. Sushupti (dreamless sleep):
1. For both human and plants, very important mental state, in which all
senses are withdrawn to a low level sufficient for life support,
Kundalini (vitality) takes over the body, mind and self for healing,
rebuilding and strengthen with help of Tantra power.
53/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
State of Sushupti (cont..), and special human state - Epiphany
Sushupti (dreamless sleep) (cont..):
2. The experiences of the Jagrat state are assimilated (an vaya) as
knowledge and memorized. This process is very important in building
Prajna (Caliber).
3. Sleep should be undisturbed, means staying in the state of Sushupti is
very important in the most of the sleep.
4. Plants spend most of the time in state of Sushupti, as per Sri Ramana
Maharshi, 20th century.
5. In fact plants need to come in to state of Jagrat, for recognizing the
seasons for shedding leaves , spring up with fresh leaves and flowering,
fruiting, etc.
6. Plant seeds also wakeup to state of Jagrat, when they are in contact
with water, soil and appropriate season for seeding.
4. Epiphany (deep feeling out of instant thought , or Mano daya:
1. It is a deep surprise feeling, when one gets a clue to the solution on
problem space slide no: 17&18, where there is no guaranty that ones
labour will bear a fruit.
. Such instant thought may ultimately lead to deeper mediation or
54/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Special Yogic States - Chaturiya and Turyalita
Human can attain special yogic states on meditation out of problem
Spaces as perceived in Dharana, 6th stage of Yoga; slide no: 17&18.

1. Chaturiya: Special yogic state, in which Kalpana (slide no:28 ) on
problem space is possible and memorized. On wakeup, Kalpana can
be told or documented depending on the type of Prajna (Caliber) one
processes. It is the yogic bliss, by Bhakti Yoga one can reach to the
state of Chaturiya. It is also know as Turiya.
2. Turyalita: )t is blessed state, in which on can enquire into Motive of
Existence and Environmental Protection Ahimsa necessary for
next 1000,000 years or more of proper human existence, etc. By
Jnana Yoga, one can reach to the state of Turyalita. Attaining Jnana
means Enlightened one and completely dedicated in guiding
societies to the future generations, with harmony and Ahimsa.

55/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Special human state - Kindalini Awakening
Kindalini Awakening:

1. It is not Kundalini (Vitality). Initial mentioning of Kundalini was found
in Tantra books of 800AD. It is the pot of Soma ras (Nectar), vital energy
drink for living, as mentioned in Vedas. In Tantra books, Kundalini was
written metaphorically as life element.
2. But Raja Yoga Kundalini Awakening is different. It is a physical
phenomena happen in the state of Jagrat (wakefulness) (slide no: 51),
by virtue of yogic breathings, in which, the spinal cord bones are
impulsed as stream of current to brain.
3. Under this condition, one can feel Ecstasy, and become sub-consciousness.
From this condition, one may enter into Sushupti (dreamless sleep)
(slide no: 51-52) and feel relaxed, on wakeup.
4. But, spinal card pulsation and inadvent streams of spinal current can lead to
serious damage to brain. The solution to this problem is the only Dharana
(6th step of Yoga). The problem space of Dharana (slide no: 17&18)
can fill mind and body, so that Kundalini Awaking current of spinal cord
can be eased at brain and by the body. It helps the individual not falling into
sub-consciousness. Practicing Yoga as told by Sage Patanjali on everyday is
very important.
56/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Notion of Time and Clock
Newton (1642-1727):
 Dimension independent of events, in which events occur
in sequence. Time is absolute. Time and Clock are same.

 Time is neither an event nor a thing, thus it is not by itself
measurable nor it can be travelled.

Hour Glass

Clock Tower

Kant (1724-1804):
 Time does not refer to any kind of entity that flows , that
objects move through or that is a container of events .
Hence, Clock is different from Time.
Einstein (1879-1955):
 Events do happen at their own time as per laws of physics,
but sensing of the event is relative to the dynamics of observer.
 Space-time manifold (slide no:128 )concept introduced. This
concept had evolving into Big Bang theory.
Hindu Kala-charkam (Wheel of time) - 3000BC onwards:
 Cycle of birth and death repeats. Hence, Time is not absolute,
but future events are not predictable due to Kalpana, slide
no:28. Events in the Timeline are not predictable, but Clock
is predictable. All living creatures have their own biological
clock. Time is meta-physical where as clock is not.

57/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Fortune telling and Principle of Uncertainty

 Among many fortune telling tools, Tarot cards and Horoscope
are very popular. Now let us see how prediction works in time
and space for a given event. Here the example is Child birth.

 Assume a couple is want raise the family, they have to wait in
time to have the kid. Here, the couple is fixed for the event,
but not the time to happen.

 In another case, one want to know at a given time, any child
birth taken place. Here, the time is fixed and one has to search
the population, who had delivered the kid at that time.

Tarot Cards

 From above cases, out of two unknowns, time and space,
one is fixed and other is searched.

 Now take the case form the Science subject, Principles of
Uncertainty. It states that, if a object is having both position
and momentum power of motion , if one parameter is known
accurately, other is known less accurately.


 It means, if a System is having inter-dependent variables,
the System is known less accurately. The question remains
whether chicken is first or egg is first?

It not possible to know, when and how things happen in
advance. One has to pass through time and distance to
reach the destiny.

58/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Maya and Uncertainty

 In Hindu Sastra (Science), Maya (slide no:6) is the central theme. It is
centered around the question, whether one can notice the intended event
happened or not? If noticed, when and how it happened. What would be the
consequent effect?

Now, let us understand Maya from Modern Science.

1. Scientist Heisenberg (1927) had introduced The Principles of Uncertainty
(slide no:58), as a concept that limits accuracy of observation of an event , with
all its properties. Maya means not knowing accurately . (ence, Maya prevails.
2. The Causality Principle says, if an event is observed, it is an effect , and there
could be cause prior to it. The cause , not necessarily of one(1), there may be
many number of causes . It is likely that, observer may not find all the causes .
Hence, information is incomplete. It is how Maya prevails. The yogic practice is
for overcoming Maya. It is possible with Swatantra-Paratantra Union, slide
3. Scientist Boltzmann(1844- 9
had introduced concept of probabilistic and
random nature for the substances . By his theory, if one is interested in
encountering known situation of the past or present, into the future, it next to
impossible to occur, due to the chaos or disorderness of the large population.
It is next to impossible to order a large population, in a manner one interested.
It is how Maya prevails. (istory never repeats .
59/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Modern Science of Energy Harvesting by Species

Lady in welcome gesture

8th Sub Index - Slide No
1. Food to Work process from single cell species to
all species, Text and Diagram - 61
2. Structure of single living Cell - 63
3. Basic fundamentals from Modern Science to
understand survival of Species - 64
4. Potential and Kinetic Energy - 65
5. Now apply above theory to know the Alternate
Energy Sources where Species can harness - 66
6. Harnessing alternate energy sources by Species,
Text and Diagram - 67
7. Conservation of Energy by Specie - 69
8. Evidence of Piezo electrical-mechanical system
in Wood - 70
9. Examples of alternate energy sources for
harvesting as food by Species (work to food
process) - 71

60/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Food to Work process from single cell species to all species
Let us understand some Basic Fundamentals from Modern Science:
1. All living organisms need to produce work (body temperature and body movement).
2. The methodology of converting food (sugar) to work is explained in engineering way
using Science of Thermodynamics.
3. Science of Thermodynamics gave two important advanced technologies, which often
find in daily life.
a) Fuel cell system or battery, which generates electricity from chemical reaction.
b) Piezo-electric mechanical system (ex. Gas lighter) which converts mechanical
power (thumb press) to electrical spark to ignite the fuel on the burner of the stove.
4. The crucial point in the Science of Thermodynamics is that in the Universe, all processes
are ought to be reversible, if not at the same time. It means:
a) Battery that can discharge current (give away power) alternatively can accept
charging (store the power) at some other time.
b) Similarly, Piezo-electric mechanical system generates bending (mechanical
work) when electricity is applied. Alternatively, bending results in
generation of electricity.
5. The energy / work conservation and its reversible property has been mathematically
proved by Scientist Gabriel Lippmann (1881) by applying fundamentals of
thermodynamic to the Piezo-electric crystal.
6. Scientist Gabriel Lippmann had proved from his research that muscles do not
loose any thing while producing work. It means, the muscles do have a property, that
it can produce work at one instant, and also it can store energy at another instant.
61/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Food to Work process from single cell species to all species - Diagram
1. Left side diagram shows the underlying process
of food to work, using the thermodynamic
principles explained in the previous slide, in
engineering way.

Bio-fuel (food or sugar
or any other active




Electricity (work)

Piezo electricmechanical
Motor action or Pressure
Basic Engineering model of
food to work process

Now this diagram is further explored to
understand the food to work process in a single
living cell.

3. The single living Cell as on average 1014
molecules. It is a huge number, and majority
molecules are arranged as complex structures
like DNA, Proteins, membranes, enzymes, etc.
4. Scientists had discovered that DNA and Protein
structures do have properties of Piezo electricalmechanical system.
5. DNA and proteins have Helical spring structures.
Hence, it can induce motor action by stretching
and coiling.
6. In living Cell, Bio-chemical reactions can happen
in both ways. It means, food particles like sugar,
proteins , etc be consumed or produced.
7. Living Cell performs multiple functions from its
birth to death, while living.

62/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Structure of single living Cell

1. Single living Cell has many spring
like structures namely Chromosomes,
DNA, Proteins, Membranes, etc .
2. DNA and Protein structures do have
properties of Piezo electricalmechanical system.
3. Living Cell would do many functions for
its own survival. Many such functions
are analyzed as Bio-chemical reactions.
4. The possibility of a Bio- chemical
reaction happening is known from
Gibbs function (slide no: 65)
63/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

DNA coiled with Protein
Basic fundamentals from Modern Science to
understand survival of Species
1. Let us understand both Potential and Kinetic energy from science
of Thermodynamics. This theory is required to be known in
understanding the processed used by Species, including Human in
living and survival.
2. In the discussion, we will come across the terms like Energy
harvesting, Free energy, Energy conservation, etc. These
fundamental are applied to Species to know their living and

Energy / Mass

1. Einstein(1905) introduced the most famous equation E=mc2,
relating mass m with energy E . The c denotes the speed of
light in the vacuum.
2. The equation is basically in kinetic form, as the mass and energy
are related with speed. The word kinetic implies speed.
3. We can experience by sensors only the kinetics. However, the
potentials can not be directly sensed, without converting into
kinetic form.
4. What we experience is the effect slide no: 59), which is kinetic
in nature. For ever effect , there is a cause . However, cause is
potential in nature, which is can not be sensed directly.

64/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Potential and Kinetic Energy
1. From basic science, Potential energy is known from height, Kinetic energy is
known from speed or velocity. Scientists had evolved Thermodynamics
principles behind direct conversion of potential energy to work. It is known as
Gibbs function (1873) and Helmholthz function (1847).
2. The Gibbs function says work or electricity can be delivered by a system at
constant temperature and pressure equals to the surroundings by chemical
energy to work transformation. The process is thermodynamically reversible.
It implies, work or electricity can be converted to chemical energy by the same
system. For species, food is the chemical energy.
3. The Helmholtz function is a similar function, wherein system can deliver work
at constant temperature and volume. Sun and Stars are also like species, which
have birth and death. Their life and survival is can be known from Helmholtz
4. Both Gibbs function and Helmholtz function indicate direct conversion of
Potential energy in to Work at constant temperature, unlike Carnot cycle(1823)
concept which depends on temperature difference (T) for delivery of work.

5. Carnot cycle concept is used in developing practical models like Otto/Diesel
engines, Brayton turbo engines, Rankine engines, Thermal power plants,
Hydro-electric power stations, etc. which converts Kinetic energy (T) to Work.
65/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Now apply above theory to know the Alternate Energy Sources
where Species can harness
a) First define the problem with well known observations:
1. It is well known that plants produce food from Sun light. The underlying process
Photosynthesis (slide no:52) is well researched and well publicized.

2. But is the Sun light is not only source of energy available for Species.
All species also experience other form energies, like wind energy,
pressure exerted by rain fall, dew droplets, water, atmospheric pressure etc.
3. One can notice that, in a damped rainy day, plants look healthy and grown, in
spite of cloud cover and low Sun light.
4. Even Human become fresh, by washing the face with water, or by taking the bath,
or by laying in the bath tub, or by some effort of massaging, or by simply rubbing
the forehead.
5. Observations at Point 3 and 4 are the reflection of pressure acting on the living
substances. Whether an external pressure acting on living cell can help in the
cell in producing food?
6. We can enquire this question and find possibilities of harnessing energy or
producing food from other natural resources like wind energy, water pressure
and atmospheric pressure, etc. )n general, this process is known as Energy
(arvesting . Let us see how Energy (arvesting is possible in Species including
Human, from alternate resources.
66/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Harnessing alternate energy sources by Species
1. We had already identified wind, rain, dew and water are external sources of
energy. The common property of these energies, in the current context is the
External pressure acting on a living Cell .
2. We had already seen that Piezo electric-mechanical system can generate
electricity from external pressure acting on it. Cell proteins and DNA has property
of Piezo electric-mechanical system.
3. The generated electricity can be further utilized in producing sugar or
protein by a chemical reaction, as facilitated by Gibbs function. In fact, Scientist
termed both Gibbs function and Helmholtz function as free energy .
4. The term free energy means the Potential energy is directly converted to work
using conservation properties of thermodynamic processes. Further, all self
sustaining life processes are isentropically reversible. It means, life process is the
most efficient, and tend to be near equilibrium.
5. Therefore, in arriving a solution on energy harvesting from external pressure load,
we can state that even a single living Cell is having property of converting external
pressure to food at one instant, and convert food to external pressure (motor
action) at another instant.
6. Single living Cell is having all ingredients like DNA, membranes, etc to facilitate
production of food (sugar, proteins, etc) from external pressure acting.
7. This how Species survive. Sun light is not only energy harvested as food.
All species, in fact have secondary capability of harvesting wind energy, water
pressure, rain pressure and atmospheric pressure as food.
67/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Food to Work process and Work to food process from same living Cell –
Engineering Diagram
Bio-fuel (food or sugar
or any other active


Bio-fuel (food or sugar
or any other active


waste, etc)

Electricity (work)

Piezo electricmechanical
Motor action or Pressure
Basic Engineering model of
food to work process


Electricity (work)

Piezo electricmechanical
Motor action or Pressure
Basic Engineering model of
work to food process

68/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conservation of Energy by Species
1. All types of Species can conserve and survive through severe drought
conditions. The whole process of conservation can be best way explained by
applying thermodynamic principles.
2. In fact, for Human, Yoga and all forms of physical exercises would help in
building the body and strengthening the mind in conserving the internal
energies. By regularly practicing Yoga, one can overcome adversaries and
challenges in the life.
3. Best example on conservation in known from Shaolin Temple, the way
brilliancy is exhibited by young monks, even with intake of very light food.
Yoga and marshal art practices (Kung fu) enable the monks to be endured
while surviving tough challenges.
4. Another example is Marathon runner, who runs 42.2 kms non-stop in Olympic
and other Athletic competitions. The marathon runner conserves part of his
forward motion back in to energy. The marathon runner, by his endurance,
will not allow the muscles to heat up. Instead, some of the Cells in the muscle
reproduce food, back from heat released by the muscle while running.
5. Further, Surgeon Julius Wolff (1892) discovered that bones can strengthen
itself and remodel to a proper shape only by loading (out of exercise).
The bone growth out of loading (physical work) is known as Wolff Law.

6. Hence, Yoga and all forms of physical exercises are solutions to the Human
69/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Evidence of Piezo electrical-mechanical system in Wood
Experiment on Wood
1. As a evidence, to know the concentration of Piezo material in Wood, research was
done by Forest Products Laboratory, USA and published a Technical Report FPL–
with title Wood-Based Materials as Sensors—A Review of the
Piezoelectric Effect in Wood , June 2012.

2. The result of the research is given below as diagram. In the Experiment, a Wood
piece having many knots was hit by a hammer. The Electric potential generated
on the wood piece is measured and plotted.
3. From the diagram, one can find that knots generated maximum potential for the
hammer hit. In fact, the knots indicate branch location. Under windy condition,
knots experience max. pressure. Hence, plants conserve this wind pressure as
food by developing max. piezo material at branch knots.
4. The microscopic examination at knot area had further revealed presence of
large quantity of Peizo crystals.
Graph of
Hammer hit

70/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

Wood piece with
many knots
Examples of alternate energy sources for harvesting as food by
Species (work to food process, slide no:68)

Wind exerts pressure at
branch knots (slide no:)

Dew droplets exert
pressure at local point

Rain droplets exert
pressure at local point

Atmospheric pressure
acts on deep sea fish

71/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Cosmic model of Life Science
9th Sub Index - Slide No
1. Standard Model gives idea about Universe, but
still evolving - 73
2. Big bang Universe; a journey to stability - 74
3. Big bang Universe; Massive fall of temperature
in 1 second - 75
4. Seven elements of Universe - 76
5. Birth of planet Earth and Solar system - 77
6. Elements of Living Organism - 78
7. Matter and Molecular Biology - 79
8. Energy theory of Life - 80
9. Theory of an Event happening - 81
10. Meeting point of Modern Science and Hindu
Sastra (Science) - 82

Lady in welcome gesture

72/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Standard Model gives idea about Universe, but still evolving,
does not included formation of life on Earth, future is not known
1. Cone of constantly
expanding Universe
2. )t s relevance is
replaced by Spacetime.
The curvature of Inflation
and latter expansion of
Big Bang Universe is
due to natural exponential
e= .
Jacab Bernoulli (1683)
invented e as continuous
compounding function.

Cone of Big Bang Universe; its Expansion is shown with respect to current clock.
Inflation is for a tic of a clock; the Universe was expanded by 70% of current size.
The Inflation and later expansion of Universe is speculated by concept called Space-time.
The basic elements of Space-time are events, independent to any observer.
However, for Human eye, time need to be decoupled to know the space. This is how still
camera pictures are relevant even today.

73/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Big bang Universe; a journey to stability

Marginally Stable Zone

Stable Universe

1. Big bang is due to ultra-ultra high
1. Initially, massive super stars were born
temperature exists to form Universe.
after 500,000 years of Big bang, but
2. All seven stable elements formed in
collapsed in into giant Galaxies.
initial 1 second (slide No:76).
2. Present Universe has billions of Galaxies,
3. In the initial 1 second, Universe expanded
with many kind of stellar objects and
to 70% of present size, cool down to
star forming clouds.
100,000 0C, with initial Nuclei s of Atoms. 3. Earth planet in the Solar system is most
evolved with verity of living organisms.
74/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Big bang Universe; Massive fall of temperature in 1 second
1. Inflation theory is
proposed by Alan
Guth (1980).
2. During Inflation,
Universe was
expanded to 70%
of present size. Is
the Inflation rate
exceeding speed of
light 3*108m/s?
3. Universe has no
stable particles, in
the initial run up.
4. Without a stable
particle, clock is
not possible.
5. Hindu Sastra
(Science) says time
is metaphysical.
(slide no: 57).
1 Sec
75/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Seven elements of Universe
The Universe is build with three particles and four fundamental forces of nature.
1. Electron with mass 9.1 * 10-31 Kg, negative Unit charge and stable when it free.
2. Proton with mass 1.67 * 10-27 Kg, positive Unit charge and stable when it free.
3. Neutron with mass Proton + Electron, neutrally charged and unstable when it free.
However, Neutron is stable in atomic nuclei by Strong force and in Neutron stars and
Black holes by Gravitational force.

Four fundamental forces of nature:
1. Gravitational force which holds matters in the form of Planets, Stars, Black holes,
Quasars, Pulsars, Solar system, Galaxies, etc. but exists below 1.2* 1032 0C.
2. Strong force which holds atomic nuclei with equal number of protons and neutrons as
stable elements (ref. Periodic Table), but exists below 1.2* 1027 0C.
2. Weak force is the cause for radiation and crystalline & molecular structure of matter,
but exists below 1.2* 1015 0C.


Electro-magnetic (EM) force is the photon / light /wave, but exists below 1.2* 1015 0C.
Scientists predicted and experimentally proven that elementary particles like Quarks,
Leptrons and Bosons are the building blocks of the seven stable elements of Universe.
Quarks, Leptrons and Bosons (expect photon) particles are unstable, but can be
observed at CERN s Large Hadron Collider, by collision of accelerated particle and
ceasing Weak force and EM force at high temperature. 76/157, Yoga Symbolism by

Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Birth of planet Earth and Solar system

Planet Earth has Iron and
Sun has hydrogen and
Matured Super massive star
Silicon as major weight
Helium as major weight
fuses Silicon(Si) into Iron(Fe)
1. The main theory around formation of Earth is its material
concentration. It has all 92 naturally occurring elements of
Periodic Table, includes heavy radioactive material like
2. Solar system is born out of Supernova explosion of a matured
super massive star.
3. During the Supernova burst, the core produces all higher
elements up to Uranium (U92) by Nucleo-synthesis process.
4. The Supernova burst result in throwing 95% of matter which
includes part of Nucleo-synthesis core and all other gases.
Such super massive star 5. High density materials cools down into planets like Earth. Hot
may collapses into
Hydrogen (H1) and Helium (He2) gases turn into smaller stars
Supernova explosion due
like Sun. Under influence of Sun gravity, 9 planets orbiting
to core instability
around, to make Solar System.
77/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Elements of Living Organism
1. In slide no: 74 we have already stated that Life and Living matter is the most
advanced form of existence in the Universe. Let us see how it is!
2. Scientists indentified that Cell contains 27 elements, out of 92 naturally
occurring elements of Periodic Table. All these elements are formed at the core
of the Supernova exploded star. On explosion rip-off, part of the high density
matter cool down to form Plant Earth.

3. The major elements of living Cell are Hydrogen H1, Carbon C6, Nitrogen N7,
Oxygen O8, Sodium Na11, Magnesium Mg12, Phosphorus P15, Calcium Ca20,Sulfur
S16, Chlorine Cl17 and Potassium K19, totaling 11elements.
4. The other mineral elements are Boron B5, Fluorine F9, Vanadium V23, Chromium
Cr24, Manganese Mn25, Iron Fe26, Cobalt Co27, Nickel Ni28, Copper Cu29, Zinc Zn30,
Arsenic As33, Selenium Se34, Bromine Br35, Molybdenum Mo42, Tin Sn50, Iodine
I53, totaling 16 elements.
5. Planet Earth is the only know cosmic object having proper climatic conditions,
for biological molecules to exist and modify to the changes in the climatic
conditions. The Living Cell s Cellular and Molecular bonding exists in a small
temperature variation ±20OC around mean temperature 25OC, for which Planet
Earth is uniquely positioned in the Cosmos.
6. Each living Cell has countless molecules made out of above elements, form
water, air(climatic condition), fire(carbon), Earth (minerals) and Akash (space
energy or Sun and Moon light)
78/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Matter and Molecular Biology
1. Matter is known in visible form as solid, liquid, gas and plasma. In addition,
experiments confirmed existence of SN Bose(1924)-Einstein Condensate, Fermionic
Condensate, Superconductor flows, etc. at a ultra low temperatures and Quark-gluon
plasma at ultra high temperatures.

2. But life exists in and around normal climatic temperature, as solid –liquid phase matter
with multiple types of molecules and elements. Life is a matter with logical functions.
3. The material constituents of living creatures are discussed in Science of Molecular
Biology. The advances in the Life Science as Molecular Biology is started from 1938,
more recent than Modern Quantum Physics (1920).

4. However, the study of life science is the most oldest of all sciences, yet most
5. The Life Science is still in descriptive form without major formulations on existence
of life. The scientific codification of life processes is stated with Helmholthz (18211894).

6. Mandel (1822-1884) had conceptualized inheritance and hereditary traits on plants
and animals, which is known as Genetics in 20th Century.

Darwin (1809-1882) had advocated in his research work Origin of Species that
propagation of best biological traits (species characteristics) to the next generation is
by sexual selection, where reproduction is successful. It is also called natural section by
evaluation. Male gene evolve with strength and longevity. Female gene evolve with
survivability against odds. Here sexual selection means, mating is selective, only to
propagate best biological traits to the offsprings.

79/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Energy theory of Life
1. Life is emerged as living Cells on earth way back 3.5 billion years ego, or at least 1.5
billion years after solar system formed.
2. Most important aspect in Life Science is the self replicating molecules or their complex
components for purpose of creating off-springs.
3. As per Darwin(1871), life on earth was evolved from no life condition. It means, at the
beginning, Earth is in sterile condition. As per Louis Pasteur(1882), any experiment to
produce new life at the present day lab, will not be successful, as the specimen would be
absorbed or digested by the natural life floating around the lab. It means, even if new life
created at lab, they lack logical functions(Chakras or common sense) slide no:40.
4. Clausius (1863) is the first Scientist applied his own discovery thermodynamic
parameter Entropy (a measure of randomness or disorder of the substance) for the
evaluation of life.
5. Scientists Erwin Schrödinger (1944) and Albert Lehninger(1982) concluded that the
order produced within a Cell as they grow and reproduce, is more then the disorder
created to their surrounding in the course of growth and Cell division.

6. The conclusion is that all living organisms preserve their internal energy by absorbing
the surrounding energy in the form of nutrients, Sun light, and other forms climatic
energies. At the same time, they return to the surrounding an equal amount of energy as
heat and entropy .

The ultimate view on the Species is They are the most advanced in evaluation . Inspect
of availability of well proven theories on Cosmology and its celestial objects, like stars,
solar systems, planets, galaxies, quasars, pulsars, etc., the Theory of Life Science is still
evolving .

80/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Theory of an Event happening

If an event potentially can happen, it will happen
spontaneously in the direction of reaching equilibrium.

1. In the above statement, both space and time are not defined. The very reason
is that event happening is related to matter(material) and energy.
2. When the event happens, the potential decreases, by the amount of work
done . It confirms that action is equal and opposite to reaction (slide no:48 ).
3. But, the work done will propagate and induce a favorable potential else
where, that may lead to a similar type or different type of event to happen
spontaneously. This phenomena is known as Chaos (slide no:127).
4. Since all elements of Universe is interacting, the question of reaching
equilibrium never happens, even though events continue to happen.
5. The knowledge of space and time are rather applicable at macro level, for
observation. Space and time are merely coordinate systems for observer,
but never can become entities. Only matter and energy are entities in the
event happening. Space is associated with matter for stability and interaction
(slide no:74). Past time was the history. Future events are unknown, since
there is no model to say how potentials are accumulated.
6. Theory of an Event happening is only philosophical, it is based on cause and
effect. It is not a physics. 81/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Meeting point of Modern Science and Hindu Sastra (Science)
1. Having gone through the notation of Science and Hindu Sastra, one can find
out the common points.
2. As we view, the Scientists and the Sages are perceivers of the Universal
Knowledge, their meeting point may never differ.
3. Duality of Energy/Matter or Purusha /Prakruti (slide no: 11) is the only
reason for the Dynamics of the System. Without duality, conservation is not
possible. Without conservation, System can not self sustain and die no time.
4. Space and Time are not contributors of any event, as they lack any substance.
Space is associated with matter for stability and interaction. (slide no:74).
Past time was the history. Future events are unknown, since there is no
model to say how potentials are accumulated.
5. The observer can notice Events . Events are effects , which are kinetic or
dynamics of nature. However, effects are solely due to causes and causes
are again potential in nature. The potential is again static in nature. The
potential can be perceived as alaukika (slide no:5), but not observed.
6. Sri Adi Sankaracharya Advaita (non-duality) Philosophy or Yang-Yin
(non-duality) Philosophy encompasses Duality into a single System.
7. Einstein Philosophy too says the total sum of Energy and Matter exist with in
the Universe only, There is nothing exists outside the Universe.
82/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Meeting point of Modern Science and Hindu Sastra - cont..

Modern Science

Hindu Sastra

Cosmic Attribute

Stable ->Event happening


Nature of happening


Kalpana (slide no:28)

Cause of happening

Potential and Kinetic Energies
(slide no:85)

Jeeva (slide no:49)




Time(slide no:57)

Atomic clock

Biological clock


Coordinate system
(proportional and derivative )


Matter/Energy (slide no:64)

Distance travelled in any
direction (cumulative)
Purusha /Prakruti
Shiva/Shakti, Yang /Yin
(slide no:11, 43 & 45)


Human as outsider

Self assessment (insight)

Orderly functioning of
Mass/Energy, Momentum,
By probability theory as
increasing entropy

Orderly behavior of
Yoga (slide no: 15, 16 &

Principle of

83/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

Maya (slide no: 6 & 59)
Yoga and Health
10th Sub Index - Slide No

Lady in welcome gesture

1. Bones need free movement and strength - 85
2. Immune system, Lymphatic system (Nadi in Yoga)
and detoxification - 86
3. Hormonal glands needs fresh blood circulation -87
4. Brain and spinal cord are very sensitive, needs
nourishing - 88
5. Aging Problems – Bones - 89
6. Aging effects – skin wrinkle and weak muscles
cause abdominal problems - 90
7. Sagara Manthanam and Yoga analogy - 91
8. Why Yoga for Health? - 92
9. How to create your own Yoga; Introduction to
Vijaya Simha Yoga for divergent people - 93
10. Vijaya Simha Yoga procedure - Body exercises - 94
11.Yogic Breathing Exercises - 95
12. Vijaya Simha Yoga - for youthfulness and tender
heart at all age groups - 96

84/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Bones need free movement and strength

Front side depiction

Back side depiction

85/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Immune system, mainly Lymphatic system
(Nadi in Yoga) need higher level body exercises for

86/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Hormonal glands needs
fresh blood circulation

87/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Brain and spinal card are very sensitive,
needs nourishing

88/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Aging Problems - Bones

Back pain

Neck pain

Vertebrae shrinkage
due to old age may cause
neck and back pains
89/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Aging effects – skin wrinkle and weak muscles cause
abdominal problems

90/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Sagara Manthanam and Yoga analogy
1. Body stirred by Yoga initially

result in Visham (detoxification)
and later Amrutam (nectar).

2. Amrutam made Devatas (Deities)
to be dutiful, so as Yoga makes
human dutiful.

91/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Why Yoga for Health?



Sadhu in balanced
yoga posture

Nowadays Yoga linked to Health, as human suffered
from loosing his own chakras (wheels) to machine.
The only answer to this is win back the lost wheels .
It is by practicing Yoga.
Yoga exercises and pranayamam ( rhythmic
breathing by lungs, muscles and bones) helps in
detoxification and proper functioning of entire
body and mind.
Thereby, it induces higher energy levels,
concentration on work, proper rest and stress
Yoga exercises and Pranayamam increases
blood flow in the body due to the increased
pressure variations in the chest, abdomen,
pelvic & shoulder region, face and neck.

92/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;


How to create your own Yoga;
Introduction to Vijaya Simha Yoga for divergent people
Divergent people need a free style regime; suiting to their personality.
Hence, one can design their own routine, using Yoga Sutras.

The necessary information provided in the following section.

Senior Lion in tranquility
93/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Vijaya Simha Yoga procedure,
which follows earlier discussed Laws & Sutras!
Body exercises for bones and muscles:

 Simplified body exercises, based on Action/Reaction law,
by folding and stretching at bone joints.

 Folding and stretching exercises performed
at all bone joints of hands, legs, front chest,
back bone, neck & face in the standing or sitting
position. Duration: 45 minutes

Above: Standard yoga sequence , but in vijaya simha yoga each step is
divided and repeated no. of times in free style way , to make it easy
94/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Yogic Breathing Exercises

Practice Yoga in shaded sunlight,
either in morning or in evening .
By breathing exercises, Sunyata in mind
to be attained for renewed thinking.

Step1: Concentration; light jumping or jogging for
energy concentration at Muladhara Chakra.
Duration: 5 minutes

Yoga teaching and

Step2: Breathing exercise; (slow intake to full chest
and abdomen, hold, slow outgo, hold) and
also do Omkar, It can be performed in any
asana like Vajrasana, Sukhasana,
Padmasana, etc.
Duration: 30 minutes
Step3: Relaxation; do relaxed walking, believing the
future (Destiny).
Duration: 10 minutes

95/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Vijaya Simha Yoga
for youthfulness and tender heart at all age groups

96/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Examples of Hard Real World Situations Encountered
by Human in bread earning or Medal winning,
Prajna (Caliber) Yoga systemizes the work
11th Sub Index - Slide No
1. Women carrying firewood – hard work - 98
2. Army soldier with back load – hard duty - 99
3. Entertainment and Competitions – demand top
performance - 100
4. Dare devil and high impact activities - 101
5. Parachute landing – Accidents and Survival - 102
6. High mental loads - mistakes not allowed - 103
7. How Human build massive structures without
machines? - 104
8. Present day Prajna Specialists - 105
9. Present day Venues for Prajna Specialists - 106

Lady in welcome gesture
97/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Women carrying firewood – hard work

in Nepal

in Ethiopia
in India

Carrying huge load – hard work, but they made it
possible with practice
98/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Army soldier with back load – hard duty

99/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Entertainment and Competitions –
Demand top performance
Full Stretch by Cheer Leader

Full Stretch, bend &
attractive swan like gesture
by Gymnast

100/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Dare devil and high impact activities
Parachute dropping

Parachute landing stages

101/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Parachute landing –
Accidents and Survival

Crash landing
Resting back after landing – it is safe
102/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
High mental loads - mistakes not allowed;
all actions are well recorded
Air traffic controller

Stock trader can t afford mistake

Space Shuttle Control Room

103/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
How Human build massive structures
without machines?

It is by Prajna (Caliber) Yoga.

Giza pyramids soaring above
500 ft over city Cairo

Gol ghmbaz - Bijapur
Biggest dome in India
Qutub minar - New Delhi
Tallest Pillar in India

104/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Present day Prajna Specialists

Bhagavad Gita play by
Ability Unlimited troupe of
Guru Syed Sallauddin Pasha

105/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

AR Rahman, his
music is magic
Present day Venues for Prajna Specialists

Olympics Stadium for Sports

Reality Shows for
Performing Arts

106/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
12th Sub Index

Additional Yoga Terminology


Divine or Purusha
Remaining step or last step is reaching Absolute
Winning over Self to overcome ego
Capablity of individual to work with his Self, intellect (buddi),
breath(prana), physical body(deha) and
external object like Yantra (Instrument)
Transcendence or release from prior state of bondage
Feeling enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction
Jagadanda, Bhava-smadhi, Citanada, Samarasya: Bliss
Mind free from suffering out off earthy and heavenly desires,
it is due to imperturbable sturdiness of mind and body.
Nirvikalpa Samadhi: Prakash or experience of Self created light of
Consciousnesss on goals or problem space
of Dharana (slide no: 17&18)
Cause and Effect:
Cause and Effect are cyclic in nature and propagate as events.
Both cause and effect can be observed as effect only.
The effect is due to some cause . Such cause may be due to
some another effect . All events are not necessarily the same type.
Guru Upayah:
Path shown by Guru (Teacher)
Textbook on Tantra by Sri Abhinavagupta (1000AD)
107/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Additional Yoga Terminology – cont..
Consciousness: Awakefullness
Temporal (present or spontaneous) Consciousness: State of awareness and
reaction required to deal with present circumstance, not referring to past
or future events.
Eternal(permanent) Consciousness: State of awareness and action required
reaching goals which are permanent in nature.
Calculated Consciousness: State of awareness required and action to achieve
what one thinks to happen, but results guide the future actions.
Self imposed Consciousness: Only one way of acting, without awareness of
surrounding opposition, self capability, which amounts to failure in long run.
Ecstasy: Transcend to normal Consciousness, heightened state of pleasure,
state of intensified emotions.
Kaivalya: State of Absolute consciousness (awareness of Ishta Deva or deity),
free from all fetters (shackles) and limitations,
it is possible with Bhakti Yoga.
Yoga Nidra: Conscious awareness of deep sleep state (Chaturiya, slide no: 55)
Samadhi: Peaceful state with complete control over the functioning and
distractions of Consciousness, holding on to the Absolute or
Reality of Prakruti.
Nescience: Lack of mental awareness.
Vimarsa: Reflexive consciousness or own discussion with Self.
Accomplished one or Expert (Prajnasali).
108/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
13th Sub Index

Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra (Science)
Sri Adi Sankaracharya Advaita (non-duality)
Philosophy says the following 1 and 2 points:


It is not possible to be understand
Purusha and its Kalpana due to presence
of Maya (unclear barriers).

Sri Adi Sankaracharya (789AD)

Purusha (Divine) and Prakruti coexists
together but changes in Prakruti is always
due to Kalpana (slide no: 28) of Purusha.

The life substance is regular, symmetrical
(slide no: 46) and well organized for the
future unknown situations. Yoga practice
enhances the orderliness of the life
substance to handle future situation.

109/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
4.1 Search of Purasha never been completed. But, four fundamental forces of nature,
Strong force, Field (Electromagnetic) force, Weak (Van der Waals) force and
Gravitational force, which resemble nature of Shakti, Vishnu, Bramha and Shiva
4.2 The key difference between four fundamental forces of nature and God(s) is non
of the fundamental forces have memory of the past or plan for the future. The
effect of these forces would appear spontaneously as events at the current
instant, but never have time or clock or space as reference.
4.3 Scientist of Modern Science had discovered many Laws of Nature to explain
different phenomenon s. All these Laws never converge into a single Law.
Similarly, Hindu Sastra narrated many Gods, Goddess and Demons how are
true behaviors of Human. All Humans are not same in character, unlike Species.
4.4 There is no existence of external force from outside of the Universe and single seed
that let to creation of Universe, as per Hindu Sastra.
5. 1 As per Hindu Sastra, Jeeva (slide no:49) is intelligent, has Pre rana (stimulation),
has past memory, derive offsprings and live for existence, till death. In modern
science, the memory of previous generations is known as Genetic property. Each
Species has evolved its own Genetic property.
5.2 Life of Species is live and let die . Ex: All crows live alike. Human differ in character.
5.3 Each crow in the Population of Crows can not be identified by name and character. In
the Population of Crows, if we take a single crow, it is indistinguishable. As per
modern science, Species are living with low entropy (less randomness).
110/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
5.4 In the Species of Human, each one is identified by name and character. Each one is
distinguishable from other. It means Human carry higher entropy.
5.5 In the philosophy, the meaning of entropy is inspect of effort , still something is not
known cleanly . This is due to randomness.

5. 6 Higher entropy means lack of adequate knowledge, which is again very harmful for
individual and society.
5.7 Only scenario for Human to reach low entropy , is by collaboration with associated
environment for peace (Ahimsa, slide no:6) and to be sportive and talented.

6.1 For Human, Yoga practice can starts from child age. Ensure children to be sportive
and talented for Muladhara Chakra development, so that they become Prajna sali
(Expert) in the field of choice.
6.2 All other types of Yogas are possible only with Prajna (Caliber, slide no: 17) and

111/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
7.1 Yogic practice (slide no: 15-16) enables the individual to aware of ever-changing
Prakriti of own , outside and interaction between own and outside .
The territory of own and outside is shown in slide no: 50-51. The interaction is
always bi-directional.

Being yogic means aware or possessing low entropy (modern science). Being
aware means, yogic is delivering work (Karma Yoga) more meaningful way
to the society for social benefit.


Yogic practice enable the individual continue to be at lower entropy or higher
awareness state, facilitating discharging of social responsibility by the way of
Karma Yoga.


Delivering more work never mean loss of energy or depletion of stamina. In fact,
life needs food, only for internal maintenance. Yogic practice enables us to work
with help of free energy (slide no:64 to 69).

8.1 Everyone knew that body temperature is maintained at 37 0C or 99 0F. Even at
constant body temperature, Gibbs and Helmholthz functions (slide no:65) of free
energy, conserves the body energy at Cell level, only by changing pressure and
volume alternatively while doing work.
8.2 The combined mechanism of Gibbs and Helmholthz functions (slide no:65) of free
energy conservation is possessed by all living organisms. For human, yogic
practice enhances the ability to conserve the free energy.

112/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..

Hindu Nyaya Sastra (slide no:5) states that human knowledge has four pramanas
or components, which are collectively called as Cognitive Intelligence (modern


The Cognitive Intelligence is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) when applied to
machine. AI is imitation of life intelligence by machine. AI based machines are
interfaced with Sensors and pre-stored programs, but its Cognitive Intelligence is
limited to local situation. For machines, there is no possibility of self correction and
reconfiguration, beyond its local limits.


When we want to define Intelligence, Hindu Sastra had further decomposed it as
Chakras in a Tantric way (slide no:40), in addition to four pramanas.


The interface of living or non-living substance with outside is by Sahasrara
Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge). Let us understand Chakra symbolism
more in details, with respect to Modern Science notation.

113/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
10. Chakras consciousness in the body, otherwise known as Common Sense .
Even single Cell creature like Ameba need to have all seven Chakras for life to be
supported in the body. The life functions of Chakras are given in slide no:40.
Chakras are always depicted as Symbols. The meaning of each Symbol with respect to
life function is as follows:
10.1 Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability); Symbolized with Square.
The Square symbol indicates stability. One need to stable for all

10.2 Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power); Symbolized with
Circle. The Circle symbol indicates the mobility. Survival is by
defense and migration. In the circle the Bottom Crescent Moon
denotes positive stability (modern science). One need to take risk
of competition, when resource is scare. Also, one has to protect
from predators.

Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power); Symbolized with
Triangle. There are many pitfalls with wishes and wants. Hence,
it is shown as marginally stable triangle. But, Manipuraka
chakra would drive individual to be first among others.

114/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..


Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion); Symbolized with
Interlocked twin triangle. The most powerful symbol of duality
shown in a stable form. It represents union of own with outside
(slide no: 50-51) as Swatantra – Paratantra Union (slide no: 13-14)
denoting compassion. One need to be compassionate to leave the
resource to others. Anahata Chakra is against principles of hiding
the resource.
Visuddha Chakra (Wheel of Communication); Symbolized with pivot
locked triangle. It symbolizes need of precise and concise
communication / interaction with outside (slide no: 50-51). The
symbol shows pitfall in stability of triangle, as the pivot is inside.

10.6 Ajna Chakra (Wheel of Intelligence); Symbolized with fully locked
triangle with outside (slide no: 50-51). It symbolizes foresight to
have knowledge of ever-changing environment for the purpose of
preparing for the future situations.


Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge); Symbolized
with Padmam or Lotus flower . It symbolizes Symmetric Law of
Nature. Sahasrara chakra surrounds the own (slide no: 50-51) as
Shield and protect the own from death.

115/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
11. Death Kernel and Survival of Life: We have two Case Studies to understand
the functioning of Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) and
other Chakras in survival.
Plant s Seed Propagation Zoochory

Case Study -1):

CS1.1 Plant seeds propagate to new environment in many ways. One of
the chosen way to become food for animals and birds. But, at
times birds and animals fail to digest some strong seeds and get
dispensed along with droppings/feces, in the new environment.
This type of seed propagation is known as Zoochory (Modern

CS1.2 One need to carefully understand the process of survival of life,
while seed is in propagation to the new environment. Species
survival was studied by Darwin (slide no:79 ) and propagation to
new environment is crucial for plants, but plants can t move on
there own geographically. Only seeds can be carried away to the
new environment.
from bird

CS1.3 In Zoochory process, plant prepares a mix of grains along with
seeds to get scarified as food for other creatures. Now that
animals and birds had ate the seeds a food, let us understand
whether all seeds that were eaten can be digested?

116/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..

Seed germination from elephant faces
Case Study -1 cont..:

CS1.4 In the slide no:52, it is already told that, food can be digested only if it is dead. Even
after bird swallow the seed, the abdomen has to kill the seed first to digest.
If some seed is strong , the life of seed resist from getting killed.
CS1.5 Think that seed own the battle, by not getting digested. At the end of bird or
animal digestion cycle, obviously the undigested seed falls along with dropping or
face, may be far away from the mother plant, in the new environment.
CS1.6 Now, when the new season begins, the bird dropping and faces become manure
and the survived seed germinate and the plant life continues in the new
CS1.7 Now let us understand the whole process of seeds survival with the help of Chakras.
117/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
Case Study -1 cont..:
CS1.8 The very meaning of seed means, it has life. This Life element always appear as
Tantra (Aligned force with unbroken continuity). The seed, since it is a life, it has
tantric force, in spite of that plant seed can not move on its own (slide no:9).
CS1.9 The seven Chakras are the decomposed parts of Tantra force, with well stated
logical functions. The Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) exists
over the seed, activating appropriate Chakras to function in the given situation,
with soul purpose to survive.
CS1.10 Now, the threat to the seed is again from the Tantric power of another Jeeva (bird
or animal), which swallowed it to digest as food. The digestion is possible only
after killing the seed (slide no:52).
CS1.11 One option for Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) of the seed, to
activate Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power), but the battle is for very
long period in the abdomen of other Jeeva. The seed has no physical mobility,
and activation Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power) is no answer.
CS1.12 The other option is finding peace with other Jeeva. It is possible to activate
Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion). It represents union of own with
outside (slide no: 50-51) as Swatantra – Paratantra Union (slide no: 13-14)
denoting compassion. The only option for the seed is to negotiate peace, for its
own survival .
CS1.13 The story of Zoochory is concludes, both seed and bird/animal survived, and
seed germinated in the new environment, with the help of manure created out
of dropping/faces. The mother plant leaves some grains as food for others.
118/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
Survival of Firefly, an insect (Case Study -2):
CS2.1 Firefly insect evolved with special light emitting capabilities. In general, fireflies
are seen as insect flies with long tail of light.
CS2.2 The light emitting ability of Firefly can be shown as survival trick, in order to
prevent predator from invading . Let us understand, how this capability helps
in survival, in its life cycle.
CS2.3 Photographers taken keen interest, in fact developed special camera techniques
to capture the images of life cycle of firefly insect. Since it is an insect, the life
cycle starts with insect laying eggs to larvae stage to insect stage.

CS2.4 Photographers give us adequate clues that, firefly light emitting capabilities
exists even when the life is in egg form, larvae form and insect form.

Eggs are very
bright, with
crystal refection

Larvae from the
unhatched egg
emitting light

Grown-up larvae
emitting light

119/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;

Firefly insect
emitting light
Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont..
Case Study -2 cont..:
CS2.5 The freshly laid eggs have crystalline surface, reflecting light, creating suspicious
situation for the predator.
CS2.6 The 2nd photograph shows larvae inside the un-hatched egg. When predator is
moving in and around the egg, the resulting vibrations are sensed by the larvae
and emits light creating suspicious situation for the predator.
CS2.7 Again in the Larvae stage and after becoming firefly, light emitting property is
used to create suspicious situation for the predator. This is how the firefly
protect its own life from predator.

Now let us understand the whole process of life cycle protection and survival with
the help of Chakras. In the earlier case study, it was already stated that Life element
always appear as Tantra (Aligned force with unbroken continuity). The egg, since it
has life, it has tantric force, in spite of that egg can not move on its own (slide no:9).


The living egg has Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) and sense the
predator movement as vibration. On sensing, it can activate Svadhishthana Chakra
(Wheel of Life Power) to emit light, to create suspicious situation for the predator.
In fact, the firefly in its life cycle, it holds the predator for attach.

CS2.10 All living creatures have evolved their own ways of handing the predators with help
of Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power).
CS2.11 The Kundalini force (self healing force, slide no:9) is uniquely existing in all living
substances, The Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power) is central to all living
120/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
Yoga symbolism
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Yoga symbolism

  • 1. Evolve our own Yoga by knowing Yoga Symbolism and Dynamics of Life System by Yerramsetti Giridhar
  • 2. Yoga Symbolism Main Index – Slide No Lady in welcome gesture 1. Precursor on Presentation - 3 2. Knowledge, Wisdom and Maya - 4 3. Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga and goals / problem spaces - 8 4. Advanced Application of Yoga - 23 5. Chakras (Wheels) in Human and Prajna (Caliber) Yoga - 32 6. Yang – Yin forces of working systems -42 7. Meta-physics of life existence - 47 8. Modern Science of Energy Harvesting by Species - 60 9. Cosmic model of Life Science - 72 10. Yoga and Health - 84 11. Examples of Hard Real World situations - 97 12. Additional Yoga Terminology - 107 13. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - 109 14.Post-cursor on Presentation - 155 15.References - 156 16. Pranamams to Maharshi Patanjali - 157 2/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 3. Precursor on Presentation 1. This presentation covers more of laukika (physical) aspects, and some alaukika (possibly attained from life experience) aspects for evolving our own Yoga. Main objectives are as follows: a: How to treat Meditation (Dhyanam) as flow fullness; not as stillness or emptiness. b: Peace, Harmony and Tranquility can not be achieved by static conditioning or stillness (by creating inactive like situation both mentally and bodily). Then, what is its dynamic condition?  Symbolism: Representing things with Vibrant portrayal of Damayanti symbolizing Harmony by painter Raja Ravi Verma, 1908AD symbols. A symbol is an object or idea representing something other than itself. 3/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 4. Knowledge, Wisdom and Maya 2nd Sub Index - Slide No 1. Hindu Sastra (Science) of Knowledge - 5 2. Hindu way of Knowledge Acquisition and Application - 6 3. Rational way of Knowledge Acquisition and current misuse - 7 Lady in welcome gesture 4/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 5. Hindu Sastra (Science) of Knowledge  Human Knowledge (Jnana) has no unique form of existence. It can be preserved, altered or lost. Hindu Nyaya Sastra identified totality of Knowledge with following components called pramanas:  Components of knowledge (pramana): 1. 1.Goddess Saraswati as source of Knowledge, Art and Wisdom. 2. Hindu Sastra was developed from life experience, to prove that there is Manifold (slide no:128) which is same for all living and nonliving substances. Perception by ordinary senses (laukika) and by attained experience (alaukika). 2. Inference (anumāna), needs investigation to resolve. 3. Comparison (upamāna) or analogy or equivalenting with known objects.  4. Testimony (past records and witness). Therefore, Knowledge has life element (personalized perception may be lost with person) and time dependency (testimony/memory may be available or lost). Hence, one should, on his own perceive the dynamics of nature, all the time to regain the ever-changing nature of Universal. 5/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 6. Hindu way of Knowledge Acquisition and Application As stated by Hindu Philosophy: 1. Acquiring true knowledge (Divya Jnana) is always unrelenting painful journey in the myriad of fallacy manifestations called Maya (unclear barriers). 2. Therefore, one should not compromise or delimit himself in reaching divine goals (Ex: wisdom on social objectives, morals, serving the needy, etc). As Yama (under effect of Maya) doesn't know the life span of Markandeya, Lord Shiva protecting Markandeya from death. 3. Humanity and environmental protection (Ahimsa) has to be absorbed in ever individual as an order. 6/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 7. Rational way of Knowledge Acquisition and current misuse By Rational Philosophy : 1. Uses well qualified Logics and definitions derived Stanford Diagram 1. Action may be direct consequence of desires. 2. Such rationality may harm others and Environment as Himsa (violence) 3. Rationality may become irrational, without applying morals and values. 4. Take note that, Morals and Value Systems were evolved by religion system at the inception of human knowledge. from all doctrines , but its application is limited to machines and production plants, government, legal system and police, etc. 2. It has no contribution to any doctrine or to itself. 3. At times, the decisions and actions may be self serving rather then truth seeking. 4. It need not depend on morals and values, may yield to the pressures and forces, and neglect the disadvantage groups and environmental protection. 5. It has cultivated a wild culture of donating organs, hiring of an human womb as a reproduction plant, and also, it is advocated as a possible commercial option between the poor and needy. 7/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 8. Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga and goals / problem spaces 3rd Sub Index - Slide No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lady in welcome gesture Understanding Tantra Shakti & Kundalini Shakti - 9 How to enhance effect of Kundalini by Tantra? - 10 The Tantra, when the objectivity is divine seeking - 11 Understanding Yoga as Harmonized Union - 12 Swatanta-Paratantra Union, Text and Diagram - 13 Yogic Procedure and Maharshi Patanjali - 15 Various goals / problem spaces that can be succeeded - 17 8. More about Meditation (Dhyanam) -18 9. Raja Yoga Dhyanam – the Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti) - 19 11. Shakuntal story; Pratyahara, 5th step of yoga - 20 12. Dharana , 6th step of Yoga and Visualization - 21 13. Sunyata: by Acharya Nagarjuna, Andhra 250AD - 22 8/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 9. Understanding Tantra Shakti & Kundalini Shakti; These Shakties (Powers) are survival for all living Species including Human Tantra:  Tantra (Aligned force) is process of generating different body forces, than aligning and conduiting to the destination point.  The destination point may be the mind, body part or any peripheral end of the body, which includes the tools or any articles held.  Tanta means creating useful bodily forces, Yoga is its procedure. Kundalini:  Kundalini (relief) provides continues relieving power to suffered body, mind and psychic; it exists perennially from birth to death.  The kundalini is the healing power or vitality, perennially works on the suffered body, mind and psychic. Suffering is experienced by physical or mental means or both, due to the influence of internal and external forces. Suffering also effects the psychic. 9/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 10. How to enhance effect of Kundalini by Tantra?  Kundalini (vitality) always exist in the body, and its healing effects can be enhanced with proper exercises and yogic way.  Tantra practice which is an integral part of yoga procedure, and it is meant to enhance kundalini effect against suffering.  Tantra practice also means improving efficiency and easiness in forming tough jobs. It is discussed as Prajna, (slide no: 17).  Kundalini development is important for Graphical Depiction of Tantra as flexibility short period extreme performances or for long period continues performance which could be physical, mental or both. 10/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 11. The Tantra, when the objectivity is divine seeking  The Tantra is based on Samkhya Yoga, which is a Dvaita (dualistic) theory. Samkhya Yoga, says Purusha (Divine) and Prakriti (ever changing nature) are initiating the Jeeva (for living).  But, due to desires, the individual is continued to be in bondage or attachment to the surroundings; which results in suffering to Jeeva.  The divine goal is to overcome the bondage by attaining Moksha (Emancipation). Moksha means Jeeva is liberated to be with Divine.   The process of liberating Jeeva is called Swatantra – Paratantra Union, explained in slide no:13. Samkhya Yoga was narrated in Bhagavad Gita, by Sage Ved Vyasa (500BC). Sadhu performing Panch-agni Tapasya. A Hard way of attaining Moksha 11/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 12. Understanding Yoga as Harmonized Union 1. Yoga is process of harmonizing (Saman vaya) the body, mind and individual s self with external environment and then try to attain Universally Stable Knowledge (Vijnana) about ever changing Prakruti (Nature). The attained Vijnana need to be taught to others. 2. The passing of Vijnana to the others is also possible with Swatantra-Paratantra Dancing hands of Apsaras; Harmony in complexity Union, and explained in slide no:13. 12/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 13. Swatantra - Paratantra Union 1. Tantra means Aligned force with unbroken continuity. 2. The state of Swatantra means being independent with knowledge of ever changing Prakruti (Nature). Knowing Prakruti means knowing Divine. 3. Acquisition of knowledge on ever changing Prakruti is possible with tantra practice, in which combined forces of body are aligned with mind, individual s self and then spreads into the external environment for understanding the Prakruti (nature). 4. The external environment has its own divergent (all angle, all direction), and conflicting forces. 5. The individual, the other contemporaries and the external environment are all part of ever changing Prakruti, which are very divergent and conflicting. 6. Paratantra means Aligning with external forces. 7. Swatantra – Paratantra Union means the realized individual (or say realized Jeeva) can pass the knowledge and wisdom to other individuals (or say other Jeevas) perennially, for social benefit and Ahimsa (Environmental protection). 8. Swatantra – Paratantra Union is the process of aligning himself with other Jeevas, and then drawing their attention to realize themselves perennially. 13/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 14. Swatantra-Paratantra Union, Diagrammatic Depiction 1. Usual unrealized human society; very egoistic and flutter. Purusha (Divine) Prakruti (Ever changing nature) Jeevas (particularly human) are effected by Maya (unclear barriers) and suffer from ego 2. Realized individual can reorder the human society for social benefit for generations together, with the help of Swatanta-Paratantra Union. Purusha (Divine or cause slide no:56) appear as Swatantra force Prakruti (Ever changing nature) is the Paratantra Prakruti Knowledge Realized individual or Maharshi, Mahatma, Immortal, Prophet, Saint, Messiah, Sage, etc. Communication of Knowledge and Wisdom Human societies are organized for benefit of future generations and environmental protection (Ahimsa) 14/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 15. Yogic Procedure and Maharshi Patanjali Sage Patanjali (250BC) formalized the yogic life (noble living with purpose) as eight fold path. 1. Yama: Purposeful social behavior and actions (Ahimsa), which do not cause harm to self, society and environment. 2. Niyama: Self-discipline with satisfaction. 3. Yogasana: Proper posture to harmonize the body and mind. Sage Patanjali 4. Pranayama: Rhythmic breathing by lungs, muscles and bones for purifying the body and remove mental distractions. 15/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 16. Yogic Procedure and Maharshi Patanjali 5. Pratyahara: Rightly manage all the senses and mental reactions for proper concentration. 6. Dharana: Conceptualize the goals / problem space , both in physical and mental world. 7. Dhyana: Achieve heightened awareness and performance in solving the problem space . 8. Samadhi: Take proper rest to assimilate Bahubali (an vaya) the experience of earlier 7 steps; thus gain fresh knowledge and energy.  The goals / problem space are of various kinds, explained in the slide no:17  One should not enter in to Samadhi without adopting to the eight fold path. Such Samadhi end in wasteful sleep, cause laziness. 16/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 17. Various goals / problem spaces that can be succeeded 1. Prajna (Caliber) Yoga: In this Yoga, the Dharana (6th step of Yoga) is for development of caliber & skills required to perform profession, sports and arts. It is the first yoga to be imparted to the youngsters. 2. Karma Yoga: In this Yoga, the Dharana (6th step of Yoga) is for discharging the duties, which are obviously form social system. 3. Bhakti Yoga: In this Yoga, in Dharana (6th step of Yoga), one conceptualizes the divinity in a attributed form and concentrates. 4. Jnana Yoga: In this Yoga, in Dharana (6th step of Yoga), one conceptualizes the divinity along with Prakruti (ever changing nature) as a philosophy and assimilates (an vaya) it to communicate with others, in an orderly form. 5. Raja Yoga: It is the New Age Yoga intended for solace (Samtrupti) from work stress and mental tensions. Under this yoga, the Guru need to continuously assist the individual to reach the goals as intended by the Guru. 17/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 18. More about Meditation (Dhyanam) 1. Meditation (Dhyanam) without Dharana, the 6th step of Yoga is hollow. It is like wandering in the dark tunnel with out objectives. 2. Dharana is essentially owning and absorbing into the goals , as perceived by the individual. The goals need to spread whole of mind and body (anu anuvu; atom to atom). It means goals are for long term benefit. 3. List of the subjects that can be owned as Dharana: 1. Caliber, skills and talent (Prajna): For bread earning and leading daily life with dignity. 2. Devotion (Bhakti-bhav): For acquiring divine knowledge on Ishta deva (Deity liked by devotee) and narrate it in some art form / philosophy. 3. Self realization (Tanmaya) : For attaining divine experience. It is also known as Kaivalya. 4. Self realization (Jna nodaya): For social upliftment and environmental protection (Ahimsa), by moderating societies . 18/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 19. Raja Yoga Dhyanam– the Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti) 1. Raja Yoga and it derivatives like Sahaja Yoga, Purna Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Sudarsana Kriya, Bihar Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, etc. are referred as New Age Yoga, intended for solace from work stress and mental tensions. 2. In Raja Yoga, the individual is presumed to be suffering due to the Karma out of works imposed on him. Karma means fate, not Karma Yoga. 3. In Raja Yoga, Guru s guidance help the individual to reach the goals, which can be stated as Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti): 4. One can experience different quanta s as: . Clear light continuum as Absolute . )ntuition with illuminated mind . Transcendental being in the realm of pure light . Subtle state of super-consciousness . Universal consciousness of illuminated soul . Universal mind that has access to infinite power of Supreme . Spiritual journey through inner universe , etc. 19/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 20. Shakuntal story Pratyahara, 5th step of yoga  Sage Vishwamitra is in meditation.  Menaka is distracting the sage by offering a fragrance flower.  Pratyahara, 5th step in yoga emphasizes on control of bodily senses and mental reactions to over come distraction. 20/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 21. Dharana , 6th step of Yoga and Visualization  Dharana is translated as visualization by western by seeing the art forms.  Its true meaning is instantiation and conceptualization of goals / problem space into the mind and body. It is also known as Bhavana (contemplation).  Bhavana has many art forms in the name of Gods & Goddess, Deities and Mandalas (Yantras). Qwan Yin, Deity Tara, Deity 21/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Mandalum (Yantram) Never ending Orbit or Cycle
  • 22. Sunyata: by Acharya Nagarjuna, Andhra 250AD  It is not zeroing or emptiness nor stillness of mind.  Sunyata means relatively originated or dependently originated. It is the Free Flow Queue in Engineering terminology.  State of Sunyata can be achieved by repeatedly doing Yogasana and Pranayamam (3rd and 4th step of Yoga).  The state of Sunyata is the proper initial condition for 6th step of Yoga Dharana. First try with Prajna (Caliber) Yoga.  Kalpana (slide no: 28) on Goals / problem space (slide no: 17&18) is possible in the 7th step of Yoga Dhyanam.  Kalpana is conscious way of solving when mind is awake, where as dream comes sub-consciously and lost on wakeup from sleep. Sunyata depicted in an Art form 22/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; 1. Practice for state of Sunyata by Yoga only to remove mental blockade of the past or ego. State of Sunyata ensures mind immeasurable, means it is clean and lot. 2. Dependently originated means new thoughts replace the old, and old thoughts are delivered as action or memorizes.
  • 23. Advanced Application of Yoga 4th Sub Index - Slide No 1. Does Bramhacharyam need Yogic practice? -24 2. Yogic path for Bramhacharya (Celibacy) - 25 3. Difficulties with Samsara - 26 4. Meditation / Dhyanam for inner strength - 27 5. Meditation / Dhyanam for Kalpana - 28 6. Meditation / Tapasya for Attracting power - 29 7. Meditating & attaining Siddi (miracle) - 30 8. Yogic achievement and Social influence - 31 Lady in welcome gesture 23/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 24. Does Bramhacharyam need Yogic practice? Bramhacharyam (Celibacy): It is a practice of diverting lust (moha) energy into compassion, which should socially help and adhere to divine objectives. Hinduism:  Sadhus and Sadhvis are completely devoted to theism (bhakti). Christian:  Brothers and sisters are devoted to prayers and social work. Chinese:  Monks and Nuns concentrate on martial arts and yogic life for social help. How the Yogic practice help in Bramhacharyam? To understand it, Chinese word Yang Yin (dipole in modern science) introduced in slide no: 42. Bramhachari is surrounded by distracting heavenly and earthly forces 24/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 25. Yogic path for Bramhacharya (Celibacy)  Bramhacharyam in practice is possible only by keeping Yang (Masculine) and Yin (Feminine) forces balanced at ever instant and at highest possible vitality.  It is possible by Yogic practice which includes Yama (Ahimsa), Niyama (discipline) and Dhyanam on divinity.  Also, by Yogic Tantra practice, one can effectively reduce body needs (food, comfort, lust etc) to minimum. By virtues of it, Bramhacharyam (Celibacy) can be made possible. Hanuman in Dhyanam. He is  The Bramhachari has to follow five Sadhanas (tools): the symbol of 1. Karma (Performing socially oriented duties) Bramhacharyam 2. Vidya (Knowledge acquisition) for Hindus. 3. Upasana or Dhyanam (meditation on divine) 4. Prapatti (surrender to divine as true devotee) 5. Gurupasatti (following and loyalty towards Guru) 25/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 26.   Difficulties with Samsara Samsara means bondage and suffering due to attachment. Only way of overcoming suffering is to be in a coherent state. It is possible by changing phase of vital (Potential) energy of Bramhacharya into Coherent Kinetic energy (slide no:65). By practicing Karma yoga , Bhakti yoga and Jnana yoga, one can remove attachments. Wheel of Samsara, means difficulty to run Budhist depiction of overcoming Samsara, by raising inner strength or Potential. 26/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Hindu depiction of overcoming Samsara, by being coherent.
  • 27. Meditation / Dhyanam for inner strength Human can meditate for improving inner strength 1. Yogic Master Sri Krishnamacharya using Hatha Yoga for nerve control and command in a demonstration of Yoga-vinyasa. 2. Sri Swami Vivekananda is assimilating (an vaya) the Vedanta in Dhyanam, and later narrated to global audience. 3. Young boy by name Balaji is in contemplation with proper Yogasana (posture). 27/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 28. Meditation / Dhyanam for Kalpana Gods are presumed to be meditating for universal creation by Kalpana (creation using new set of rules all the time, so that future is not known) Sri Krishna meditating Shiva meditating 28/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Vishu meditating
  • 29. Meditation / Tapasya for Attracting power 1. Tapasya presumed to be performed for external influence. 2. Tapasya powers, so attained resembles the Gravitational pull of Stars. Bhagiradha Tapasya for river Ganga Parvati's Tapasya for Lord Shiva 29/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Qwan Yin Tapasya for peace and harmony
  • 30. Meditating & attaining Siddi (miracle) 1. Qwan Yin creating medicine 1. Dattatreya (1200AD) offering salvation for suffering people. (overcoming cycle of rebirth) to Domestic 2. With Siddi Powers, one can animals as they were bonded. offer relief to sufferers. 2. Buddha says attaining salvation is not 30/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; possible for creatures other than human.
  • 31. Yogic achievement and Social influence Ex: Manu, Kapila, Vyasa, Valmiki, Kautilya, Buddha, Mahaveer, Asoka, Democritus, Euclid, Descrates, DaVinci, Galileo, Fascal, Newton, Euler, Avogadro, Bernoulli, Joule, Clausius, Gauss, Coulomb, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelwin, Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein, Noether, von Neumann, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, Lewis, Feynman, Darwin, Karl Marx, Gandhi, Edison, Cray(Computer), Samuel Hahnemann (Homeopathy), etc. Path of enlightenment Maharishis & Mahatmas Jnana Yoga Philosopher Societies Bhakti Yoga Devotional Artist Communities Specialist Individuals Human state Level of Influence Karma / Prajna Yoga Yogic path for normal human For Generations together, into the future 31/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 32. Chakras (Wheels) in Human and Prajna (Caliber) Yoga 5th Sub Index - Slide No 1. Understanding Chakras (Wheels) in Human - 33 2. Chakras (Wheels) depicting - new age Sadhu s view - 34 3. Chakras effect gunas (characteristic function of Human) and Prajna (Caliber) Yoga -35 4. Chakra s wrong move and Criminal gunas -36 5. Demons are not to be worshiped - 37 6. Chakras depiction in Art - 38 7. Meditation and energizing the Chakras -39 8. Chakras and Common Sense (Consciousness) - 40 Lady in welcome gesture 9. Chakras and Key difference between Human and Species - 41 32/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 33. Understanding Chakras (Wheels) in Human Chakras (Logical Wheels within the human body):  Ancient sages identified existence of seven chakras in the body, other wise known as energy centers is told by new age gurus.  These are Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras.  These chakras exist on the front half of body and connected in series.  The spinal cord, neck and front face act as the conduit to transport the energy from one chakra to other chakra.  Tantra practices are important to generate force at the chakras and then transport and deliver in recognizable form (Prajna). This is how one become more efficient in performing caliber jobs (Prajna Yoga) by Tantra practice.  Tantra practices treat Chakras as energy centers . 33/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 34. Chakras (Wheels) depicting - new age Sadhu‘s view Main energy radiators Major energy producers 34/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 35. Chakras effect gunas (characteristic function of Human) Chakra’s right move and associated Professionals (possible by Prajna Yoga) Sahasrara chakra Wheel of Universal Knowledge Rushi, Visionary, Prophet, Sage, etc. Ajna Chakra Wheel of Intelligence Doctor, Judge, Philosopher, Cartoonist, Chess player, Poet, Planner, etc. Visuddha Chakra Singer, Orator, Priest, Teacher, etc. Wheel of Communication Anahata Chakra Wheel of Compassion Manipuraka Chakra Wheel of Will power Majority of sports, Dancer, Music Artist, Instrument / Machine maker, Skilled worker, Donor / Social worker, etc. Weight lifter, Ruler, Businessman, etc. Svadhishthana Chakra Wheel of Life power Gymnast, Circus/Stuntman, Warrior, Martial arts, Club dancer, etc. Muladhara Chakra Wheel of Stability Laborer, Football player, Sprinter, Cycling, Swimming, etc. 35/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 36. Chakra’s wrong move and Criminal gunas Sahasrara chakra Wheel of Universal Knowledge Demon Ajna Chakra Wheel of Intelligence White collar cheater Visuddha Chakra White collar cheater Wheel of Communication Anahata Chakra Wheel of Compassion White collar cheater Manipuraka Chakra Wheel of Will power Harassment and nuisance creator Svadhishthana Chakra Wheel of Life power Thief, rowdy, Drugs, bad habits, etc. Muladhara Chakra Wheel of Stability Corruption, Trouble maker, Pestering others for benefits, etc. 36/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 37. Demons are not to be worshiped Demon Ravana at his peak of evil desires Roman Demons demonstrating wild powers 37/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 38. Chakras depiction in Art Andal & chakras Chakras and Nabhi Chinese version 38/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Sadhu & chakras
  • 39. Meditation and energizing the Chakras Prajna (Caliber) is possible only with the help of Muladhara Chakra. Hence children are first made to play and do sports and arts for developing Muladhara Chakra.     Sadhu concentrates only on Muladhara Chakra, so that all other chakras are activated by it self. It is only depiction in art form. The actual practice is given indirectly in Natya Sastra, Hatha Yoga, Yantra Yoga, Kung fu, Tai chi, Karate, Kerala Hindu Art, Sports and Art etc. Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability) ensures assimilation (an vaya) and delivery of knowledge and experience for life time. Raja yoga and derivatives, at times suggest to activate higher Chakras directly, which can help in Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti) 39/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 40. Chakras and Common Sense (Consciousness) 1. Chakras were first described in the Hindu Vedas (3000 BC). 2. As per the Vedic sages, Chakras are centers of consciousness in the body, otherwise known as Common Sense . 3. In fact, even single Cell creature like Ameba need to have all seven Chakras for life to be supported in the body. The life functions of Chakras are as follows: 7. Sahasrara chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) surrounds the body as Shield and protect the body from other creatures invading. 6. Ajna Chakra (Wheel of Intelligence) is the foresight to have knowledge of everchanging environment for the purpose of preparing for the future situations. 5. Visuddha Chakra (Wheel of Communication); one need to communicate /interact with others, creatures, species and also sense environment. JC Bose(1902) had scientifically proved that plants do communicate with others. 4. Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion); one need to be compassionate to leave the resource to others. Ex: Lion leaves the herd, when it is not hungry. Anahata Chakra is against principles of hiding the resource. 3. Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power); one need to have will and perform to be first among others. 2. Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power); one need to take risk of competition, when resource is scare. Also, one has to protect from predators. 1. Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability); one need to stable for all circumstances. 40/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 41. Chakras and Key difference between Human and Species 1. All Species as well as Human raise their offsprings as a continuity of life. 2. In Species, the just burn offspring need to exhibit steadiness (or standup on their own) to get their food. In the Elephant-baby photo, the mother elephant offers udder to the baby elephant to suck the milk, only in the standing position. However, the baby elephant has to standup on its own to suck the milk. Elephant baby Baby whale with mother feed Human baby 3. Any failure of baby elephant in standing-up, may lead to abandoning the baby by the mother. 4. It means, the ability to stand-up is nothing but proper functioning of Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability). For all species, on birth, the proper function of Muladhara Chakra is essential for survival. All other chakras do graduate in due course. 5. On birth, the baby whale won t get full protection from mother whale, as the mother goes into sleep daily. However, the tender baby whale continue to be awake Jagrat slide no:53) far a month without sleep. Baby whale Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability) enable it to be in Jagrat state, and has to be alert against predators, by itself. 6. For Human, the baby, at birth cries to get the attention of mother. Here, Human baby is born with Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power) to survive, by seeking attention of mother. Again, like any other species, all other chakras do graduate in due course. 41/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 42. Yang – Yin forces of working systems 6th Sub Index - Slide No 1. Yang – Yin forces - 43 2. Yang - Yin (as spring system) - 44 3. Yang yin is Shivashakti in Hindu by analogy - 45 4. Shivashakti is the Symmetry of all working systems - 46 Lady in welcome gesture 42/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 43. Yang – Yin forces Yang yin (Chinese): It is defined as two opposite forces but complementary in nature, 1. seen (Masculine) and 2. unseen (Feminine) interact within a dynamic system for its own balance and survivability. Consumer (yang/seen action) (yin/unseen action) Photosynthesis process in plants produces food (sugar) is Yang Yin 43/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Relationship between Consumer and Producer is Yang Yin Producer
  • 44. Yang - Yin (as spring system) Spring is a single element which can expand (yang) and contract (yin) Body stretching (yang/seen action) 44/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Body contraction (yin/unseen action)
  • 45. Yang yin is Shivashakti in Hindu by analogy Shivashakti represents always balanced complementary opposite forces Well balanced state, should be aim of Bramhacharyam (slide no:24 & 25) Ardha nareeswari form of Shivaparvati Imbalanced; depicted relevant animals on either side 45/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Radhakrishna, Well balanced but bodies are separate, should be aim of Samsara, (slide no:26)
  • 46. Shivashakti is the Symmetry of all working systems Hindu Symbol Other equivalent words for Shivashakti: Bhed-abheda: Divine and Jeeva (living) are Different yet there is no Difference. Pravruthi- Nivruthi: Material knowledge yet it is Divine knowledge. Sakala-Nisakala: Divine with Attributes yet without Attributes. Rup-nerup: Divine with Gesture yet without Gesture. Yang-yin (China): Divine is seen yet unseen Budhist Symbol Dipole (modern science): Single Pole with two polarities. It appears positive (emitting) at one side and negative (absorbing) at opposite side. Photon(modern science): Particle yet wave, It is the Taoistic Symbol Matter, but at the same time Energy.  The symbols shown on lift side are symmetrical, representing the associated systems are harmonious and balanced.  Yoga practice makes the Human to be balanced and sturdy, under favorable or adverse influences. 46/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Traffic Symbol
  • 47. Meta-physics of life existence 7th Sub Index - Slide No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lady in welcome gesture Basic Laws of existence - 48 Some Important Sutras (Notion) about Jeeva - 49 Metaphysics of existence of life – Modern view - 50 Metaphysics of existence of life – Vedic view - 51 Primary food creation by Single Cell Algae, also by Plants - 52 6. Normal Human and Plant state; Jagrat, Swapna and Sushupti - 53 7. State of Sushupti (cont..), and special human state Epiphany - 54 8. Special Yogic States Chaturiya and Turyalita - 55 9. Special human state; Kindalini Awakening - 56 10.Notion of Time and Clock - 57 11.Fortune telling and Principle of Uncertainty - 58 12. Maya and Uncertainty - 59 47/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 48. Basic Laws of existence  For every action, there is equal and opposite reaction, which happens at same time and in the connected space.  It is valid for all Static & Dynamic conditions of both living and non-living substances. - Taoistic law 1100BC – China  Taoistic view of universal existence (Yang Yin) is also well stated in the Hinduism ( Ex: Vamana Avatar, Bali s Divya Jnana (True knowledge) vs Power of Vishnu; At the end of the story, both were existing, one could not destroy other). Prahalada explaining existence of Purusha (divine) to his father, in anu anuvu (in ever atom) 48/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;  Sri Adi Sankaracharya (789AD) explained co-existence and inseparable nature of Purusha and Prakruti in Advaita (non-duality) Philosophy.
  • 49. Some Important Sutras (Notion) about Jeeva       Identify Jeeva between seed and seeding!  All living species and individuals are independent and no union (fusing) is possible. All livings cell will either divide or die, except for seed cells, fuse to form a new cell. This process constitutes life energy. But, the word Jeeva is know for living. The new English translation for Jeeva is alive . There is no identified governing force that let to existence of Jeeva. Jeeva new its past, knows completely its surroundings, environment and circumstances it exists. )t has its own kalpana (slide no: 28) of living by virtue of its ego . Scientists found Spores (tiny living substance) of 40 million years old, still waiting for proper living condition to reproduce. 49/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 50. Metaphysics of existence of life – Modern view Strong force (Shakti) Gravitational force (Shiva) Weak force (Bramha) Matter (seen) 1. Outside territory of Jeeva as rest of Universe 2.Universe has countless Jeevas. 3. All Jeevas do have Birth and Death. Tantra (force function) (unseen) Field force (Vishnu) Jeeva (unseen) Body (seen) Mind (unseen) Self (seen/unseen?) Destiny (known/unknown?) Kundalini Interface (healing function) (unseen) Own territory of single Jeeva 50/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 51. Metaphysics of existence of life – Vedic view Fire (Shakti) Earth (Shiva) Air&Water (Bramha) Matter (seen) 1. Outside territory of Jeeva as rest of Universe 2.Universe has countless Jeevas. 3. All Jeevas do have Birth and Death. Tantra (force function) (unseen) Akash (Vishnu) Jeeva (unseen) Body (seen) Mind (unseen) Self (seen/unseen ?) Destiny (known/unknown?) Prana Interface (healing function) (unseen) Own territory of single Jeeva 51/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 52. Primary food creation by Single Cell Algae, also by Plants 1. Plants create own food from Sunlight, reacting Air, Water and Earth. 2. All other lives (including Human live on Dead for food. 3. Living cells (Jeevas) can not be digested as its own life (tantra force and kundalini healing force) oppose its own death (slide no:50-51). 4. Parasitic lives (They are also Jeevas) can live only on cells that are Dead . Living cell becomes Dead , after Jeeva leaves. Air(CO2) Sunlight Bio-Chemical Quantum energy generator Senses Ignition (10-15s) Water Earth Air(O2) Bio-Chemical food reactor Food (in 1-3 seconds) Body part of Algae (seen) Jeeva (Tantra force, Kundalini healing, Mind and Destiny) (unseen) Concept diagram of primary food creation by single cell Algae 52/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 53. Normal Human and Plant state; Jagrat, Swapna and Sushupti 1. Jagrat (Awareness): 1. It is active non sleepy state, important to recognize the change in circumstance (seasons for plants), disturbances, disaster , loss of control, under attack, etc. 2. It is a waken state, one can memorize the events and experience. 2. Swapna (dream): 1. A state of sleep, experienced by human, in which one creates own universe and has feel of senses, with same intensity as felt when awaked (Jagrat) from physical Universe. 2. On wakeup, contents of Swapna are not lost. . Dreams won t enter memory, but partially recollected immediately on wakeup. 4. Dreamy state can offer limited relaxation only. 5. Plant do not have State of Swapna. 3. Sushupti (dreamless sleep): 1. For both human and plants, very important mental state, in which all senses are withdrawn to a low level sufficient for life support, Kundalini (vitality) takes over the body, mind and self for healing, rebuilding and strengthen with help of Tantra power. 53/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 54. State of Sushupti (cont..), and special human state - Epiphany Sushupti (dreamless sleep) (cont..): 2. The experiences of the Jagrat state are assimilated (an vaya) as knowledge and memorized. This process is very important in building Prajna (Caliber). 3. Sleep should be undisturbed, means staying in the state of Sushupti is very important in the most of the sleep. 4. Plants spend most of the time in state of Sushupti, as per Sri Ramana Maharshi, 20th century. 5. In fact plants need to come in to state of Jagrat, for recognizing the seasons for shedding leaves , spring up with fresh leaves and flowering, fruiting, etc. 6. Plant seeds also wakeup to state of Jagrat, when they are in contact with water, soil and appropriate season for seeding. 4. Epiphany (deep feeling out of instant thought , or Mano daya: 1. It is a deep surprise feeling, when one gets a clue to the solution on problem space slide no: 17&18, where there is no guaranty that ones labour will bear a fruit. . Such instant thought may ultimately lead to deeper mediation or re-conciliation. 54/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 55. Special Yogic States - Chaturiya and Turyalita Human can attain special yogic states on meditation out of problem Spaces as perceived in Dharana, 6th stage of Yoga; slide no: 17&18. 1. Chaturiya: Special yogic state, in which Kalpana (slide no:28 ) on problem space is possible and memorized. On wakeup, Kalpana can be told or documented depending on the type of Prajna (Caliber) one processes. It is the yogic bliss, by Bhakti Yoga one can reach to the state of Chaturiya. It is also know as Turiya. 2. Turyalita: )t is blessed state, in which on can enquire into Motive of Existence and Environmental Protection Ahimsa necessary for next 1000,000 years or more of proper human existence, etc. By Jnana Yoga, one can reach to the state of Turyalita. Attaining Jnana means Enlightened one and completely dedicated in guiding societies to the future generations, with harmony and Ahimsa. 55/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 56. Special human state - Kindalini Awakening Kindalini Awakening: 1. It is not Kundalini (Vitality). Initial mentioning of Kundalini was found in Tantra books of 800AD. It is the pot of Soma ras (Nectar), vital energy drink for living, as mentioned in Vedas. In Tantra books, Kundalini was written metaphorically as life element. 2. But Raja Yoga Kundalini Awakening is different. It is a physical phenomena happen in the state of Jagrat (wakefulness) (slide no: 51), by virtue of yogic breathings, in which, the spinal cord bones are impulsed as stream of current to brain. 3. Under this condition, one can feel Ecstasy, and become sub-consciousness. From this condition, one may enter into Sushupti (dreamless sleep) (slide no: 51-52) and feel relaxed, on wakeup. 4. But, spinal card pulsation and inadvent streams of spinal current can lead to serious damage to brain. The solution to this problem is the only Dharana (6th step of Yoga). The problem space of Dharana (slide no: 17&18) can fill mind and body, so that Kundalini Awaking current of spinal cord can be eased at brain and by the body. It helps the individual not falling into sub-consciousness. Practicing Yoga as told by Sage Patanjali on everyday is very important. 56/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 57. Notion of Time and Clock Newton (1642-1727):  Dimension independent of events, in which events occur in sequence. Time is absolute. Time and Clock are same. Leibniz(1646-1716):  Time is neither an event nor a thing, thus it is not by itself measurable nor it can be travelled. Hour Glass Clock Tower Secunderabad Kant (1724-1804):  Time does not refer to any kind of entity that flows , that objects move through or that is a container of events . Hence, Clock is different from Time. Einstein (1879-1955):  Events do happen at their own time as per laws of physics, but sensing of the event is relative to the dynamics of observer.  Space-time manifold (slide no:128 )concept introduced. This concept had evolving into Big Bang theory. Hindu Kala-charkam (Wheel of time) - 3000BC onwards:  Cycle of birth and death repeats. Hence, Time is not absolute, but future events are not predictable due to Kalpana, slide no:28. Events in the Timeline are not predictable, but Clock is predictable. All living creatures have their own biological clock. Time is meta-physical where as clock is not. 57/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 58. Fortune telling and Principle of Uncertainty  Among many fortune telling tools, Tarot cards and Horoscope are very popular. Now let us see how prediction works in time and space for a given event. Here the example is Child birth.  Assume a couple is want raise the family, they have to wait in time to have the kid. Here, the couple is fixed for the event, but not the time to happen.  In another case, one want to know at a given time, any child birth taken place. Here, the time is fixed and one has to search the population, who had delivered the kid at that time. Tarot Cards  From above cases, out of two unknowns, time and space, one is fixed and other is searched.  Now take the case form the Science subject, Principles of Uncertainty. It states that, if a object is having both position and momentum power of motion , if one parameter is known accurately, other is known less accurately. Horoscope  It means, if a System is having inter-dependent variables, the System is known less accurately. The question remains whether chicken is first or egg is first?  It not possible to know, when and how things happen in advance. One has to pass through time and distance to reach the destiny. 58/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 59. Maya and Uncertainty  In Hindu Sastra (Science), Maya (slide no:6) is the central theme. It is centered around the question, whether one can notice the intended event happened or not? If noticed, when and how it happened. What would be the consequent effect?  Now, let us understand Maya from Modern Science. 1. Scientist Heisenberg (1927) had introduced The Principles of Uncertainty (slide no:58), as a concept that limits accuracy of observation of an event , with all its properties. Maya means not knowing accurately . (ence, Maya prevails. 2. The Causality Principle says, if an event is observed, it is an effect , and there could be cause prior to it. The cause , not necessarily of one(1), there may be many number of causes . It is likely that, observer may not find all the causes . Hence, information is incomplete. It is how Maya prevails. The yogic practice is for overcoming Maya. It is possible with Swatantra-Paratantra Union, slide no:12-14. 3. Scientist Boltzmann(1844- 9 had introduced concept of probabilistic and random nature for the substances . By his theory, if one is interested in encountering known situation of the past or present, into the future, it next to impossible to occur, due to the chaos or disorderness of the large population. It is next to impossible to order a large population, in a manner one interested. It is how Maya prevails. (istory never repeats . 59/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 60. Modern Science of Energy Harvesting by Species Lady in welcome gesture 8th Sub Index - Slide No 1. Food to Work process from single cell species to all species, Text and Diagram - 61 2. Structure of single living Cell - 63 3. Basic fundamentals from Modern Science to understand survival of Species - 64 4. Potential and Kinetic Energy - 65 5. Now apply above theory to know the Alternate Energy Sources where Species can harness - 66 6. Harnessing alternate energy sources by Species, Text and Diagram - 67 7. Conservation of Energy by Specie - 69 8. Evidence of Piezo electrical-mechanical system in Wood - 70 9. Examples of alternate energy sources for harvesting as food by Species (work to food process) - 71 60/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 61. Food to Work process from single cell species to all species Let us understand some Basic Fundamentals from Modern Science: 1. All living organisms need to produce work (body temperature and body movement). 2. The methodology of converting food (sugar) to work is explained in engineering way using Science of Thermodynamics. 3. Science of Thermodynamics gave two important advanced technologies, which often find in daily life. a) Fuel cell system or battery, which generates electricity from chemical reaction. b) Piezo-electric mechanical system (ex. Gas lighter) which converts mechanical power (thumb press) to electrical spark to ignite the fuel on the burner of the stove. 4. The crucial point in the Science of Thermodynamics is that in the Universe, all processes are ought to be reversible, if not at the same time. It means: a) Battery that can discharge current (give away power) alternatively can accept charging (store the power) at some other time. b) Similarly, Piezo-electric mechanical system generates bending (mechanical work) when electricity is applied. Alternatively, bending results in generation of electricity. 5. The energy / work conservation and its reversible property has been mathematically proved by Scientist Gabriel Lippmann (1881) by applying fundamentals of thermodynamic to the Piezo-electric crystal. 6. Scientist Gabriel Lippmann had proved from his research that muscles do not loose any thing while producing work. It means, the muscles do have a property, that it can produce work at one instant, and also it can store energy at another instant. 61/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 62. Food to Work process from single cell species to all species - Diagram 1. Left side diagram shows the underlying process of food to work, using the thermodynamic principles explained in the previous slide, in engineering way. Bio-fuel (food or sugar or any other active ingredients) 2. Bio-chemical rechargeable battery system Neutral products Electricity (work) Bio-chemical Piezo electricmechanical system Motor action or Pressure Basic Engineering model of food to work process Now this diagram is further explored to understand the food to work process in a single living cell. 3. The single living Cell as on average 1014 molecules. It is a huge number, and majority molecules are arranged as complex structures like DNA, Proteins, membranes, enzymes, etc. 4. Scientists had discovered that DNA and Protein structures do have properties of Piezo electricalmechanical system. 5. DNA and proteins have Helical spring structures. Hence, it can induce motor action by stretching and coiling. 6. In living Cell, Bio-chemical reactions can happen in both ways. It means, food particles like sugar, proteins , etc be consumed or produced. 7. Living Cell performs multiple functions from its birth to death, while living. 62/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 63. Structure of single living Cell 1. Single living Cell has many spring like structures namely Chromosomes, DNA, Proteins, Membranes, etc . 2. DNA and Protein structures do have properties of Piezo electricalmechanical system. 3. Living Cell would do many functions for its own survival. Many such functions are analyzed as Bio-chemical reactions. 4. The possibility of a Bio- chemical reaction happening is known from Gibbs function (slide no: 65) 63/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; DNA coiled with Protein
  • 64. Basic fundamentals from Modern Science to understand survival of Species 1. Let us understand both Potential and Kinetic energy from science of Thermodynamics. This theory is required to be known in understanding the processed used by Species, including Human in living and survival. 2. In the discussion, we will come across the terms like Energy harvesting, Free energy, Energy conservation, etc. These fundamental are applied to Species to know their living and survival. Energy / Mass equivalency equation 1. Einstein(1905) introduced the most famous equation E=mc2, relating mass m with energy E . The c denotes the speed of light in the vacuum. 2. The equation is basically in kinetic form, as the mass and energy are related with speed. The word kinetic implies speed. 3. We can experience by sensors only the kinetics. However, the potentials can not be directly sensed, without converting into kinetic form. 4. What we experience is the effect slide no: 59), which is kinetic in nature. For ever effect , there is a cause . However, cause is potential in nature, which is can not be sensed directly. 64/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 65. Potential and Kinetic Energy 1. From basic science, Potential energy is known from height, Kinetic energy is known from speed or velocity. Scientists had evolved Thermodynamics principles behind direct conversion of potential energy to work. It is known as Gibbs function (1873) and Helmholthz function (1847). 2. The Gibbs function says work or electricity can be delivered by a system at constant temperature and pressure equals to the surroundings by chemical energy to work transformation. The process is thermodynamically reversible. It implies, work or electricity can be converted to chemical energy by the same system. For species, food is the chemical energy. 3. The Helmholtz function is a similar function, wherein system can deliver work at constant temperature and volume. Sun and Stars are also like species, which have birth and death. Their life and survival is can be known from Helmholtz function. 4. Both Gibbs function and Helmholtz function indicate direct conversion of Potential energy in to Work at constant temperature, unlike Carnot cycle(1823) concept which depends on temperature difference (T) for delivery of work. 5. Carnot cycle concept is used in developing practical models like Otto/Diesel engines, Brayton turbo engines, Rankine engines, Thermal power plants, Hydro-electric power stations, etc. which converts Kinetic energy (T) to Work. 65/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 66. Now apply above theory to know the Alternate Energy Sources where Species can harness a) First define the problem with well known observations: 1. It is well known that plants produce food from Sun light. The underlying process Photosynthesis (slide no:52) is well researched and well publicized. 2. But is the Sun light is not only source of energy available for Species. All species also experience other form energies, like wind energy, pressure exerted by rain fall, dew droplets, water, atmospheric pressure etc. 3. One can notice that, in a damped rainy day, plants look healthy and grown, in spite of cloud cover and low Sun light. 4. Even Human become fresh, by washing the face with water, or by taking the bath, or by laying in the bath tub, or by some effort of massaging, or by simply rubbing the forehead. 5. Observations at Point 3 and 4 are the reflection of pressure acting on the living substances. Whether an external pressure acting on living cell can help in the cell in producing food? 6. We can enquire this question and find possibilities of harnessing energy or producing food from other natural resources like wind energy, water pressure and atmospheric pressure, etc. )n general, this process is known as Energy (arvesting . Let us see how Energy (arvesting is possible in Species including Human, from alternate resources. 66/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 67. Harnessing alternate energy sources by Species 1. We had already identified wind, rain, dew and water are external sources of energy. The common property of these energies, in the current context is the External pressure acting on a living Cell . 2. We had already seen that Piezo electric-mechanical system can generate electricity from external pressure acting on it. Cell proteins and DNA has property of Piezo electric-mechanical system. 3. The generated electricity can be further utilized in producing sugar or protein by a chemical reaction, as facilitated by Gibbs function. In fact, Scientist termed both Gibbs function and Helmholtz function as free energy . 4. The term free energy means the Potential energy is directly converted to work using conservation properties of thermodynamic processes. Further, all self sustaining life processes are isentropically reversible. It means, life process is the most efficient, and tend to be near equilibrium. 5. Therefore, in arriving a solution on energy harvesting from external pressure load, we can state that even a single living Cell is having property of converting external pressure to food at one instant, and convert food to external pressure (motor action) at another instant. 6. Single living Cell is having all ingredients like DNA, membranes, etc to facilitate production of food (sugar, proteins, etc) from external pressure acting. 7. This how Species survive. Sun light is not only energy harvested as food. All species, in fact have secondary capability of harvesting wind energy, water pressure, rain pressure and atmospheric pressure as food. 67/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 68. Food to Work process and Work to food process from same living Cell – Engineering Diagram Bio-fuel (food or sugar or any other active ingredients) Bio-chemical rechargeable battery system Bio-fuel (food or sugar or any other active ingredients) Bio-chemical rechargeable battery system Neutral products (Minerals, waste, etc) Electricity (work) Bio-chemical Piezo electricmechanical system Motor action or Pressure Basic Engineering model of food to work process Neutral products (Minerals) Electricity (work) Bio-chemical Piezo electricmechanical system Motor action or Pressure Basic Engineering model of work to food process 68/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 69. Conservation of Energy by Species 1. All types of Species can conserve and survive through severe drought conditions. The whole process of conservation can be best way explained by applying thermodynamic principles. 2. In fact, for Human, Yoga and all forms of physical exercises would help in building the body and strengthening the mind in conserving the internal energies. By regularly practicing Yoga, one can overcome adversaries and challenges in the life. 3. Best example on conservation in known from Shaolin Temple, the way brilliancy is exhibited by young monks, even with intake of very light food. Yoga and marshal art practices (Kung fu) enable the monks to be endured while surviving tough challenges. 4. Another example is Marathon runner, who runs 42.2 kms non-stop in Olympic and other Athletic competitions. The marathon runner conserves part of his forward motion back in to energy. The marathon runner, by his endurance, will not allow the muscles to heat up. Instead, some of the Cells in the muscle reproduce food, back from heat released by the muscle while running. 5. Further, Surgeon Julius Wolff (1892) discovered that bones can strengthen itself and remodel to a proper shape only by loading (out of exercise). The bone growth out of loading (physical work) is known as Wolff Law. 6. Hence, Yoga and all forms of physical exercises are solutions to the Human endurance. 69/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 70. Evidence of Piezo electrical-mechanical system in Wood Experiment on Wood 1. As a evidence, to know the concentration of Piezo material in Wood, research was done by Forest Products Laboratory, USA and published a Technical Report FPL– GTR– with title Wood-Based Materials as Sensors—A Review of the Piezoelectric Effect in Wood , June 2012. 2. The result of the research is given below as diagram. In the Experiment, a Wood piece having many knots was hit by a hammer. The Electric potential generated on the wood piece is measured and plotted. 3. From the diagram, one can find that knots generated maximum potential for the hammer hit. In fact, the knots indicate branch location. Under windy condition, knots experience max. pressure. Hence, plants conserve this wind pressure as food by developing max. piezo material at branch knots. 4. The microscopic examination at knot area had further revealed presence of large quantity of Peizo crystals. Graph of Electric potential Hammer hit 70/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Wood piece with many knots
  • 71. Examples of alternate energy sources for harvesting as food by Species (work to food process, slide no:68) Wind exerts pressure at branch knots (slide no:) Dew droplets exert pressure at local point Rain droplets exert pressure at local point Atmospheric pressure acts on deep sea fish 71/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 72. Cosmic model of Life Science 9th Sub Index - Slide No 1. Standard Model gives idea about Universe, but still evolving - 73 2. Big bang Universe; a journey to stability - 74 3. Big bang Universe; Massive fall of temperature in 1 second - 75 4. Seven elements of Universe - 76 5. Birth of planet Earth and Solar system - 77 6. Elements of Living Organism - 78 7. Matter and Molecular Biology - 79 8. Energy theory of Life - 80 9. Theory of an Event happening - 81 10. Meeting point of Modern Science and Hindu Sastra (Science) - 82 Lady in welcome gesture 72/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 73. Standard Model gives idea about Universe, but still evolving, does not included formation of life on Earth, future is not known 1. Cone of constantly expanding Universe (Newtonian). 2. )t s relevance is replaced by Spacetime. The curvature of Inflation and latter expansion of Big Bang Universe is due to natural exponential e= . … Jacab Bernoulli (1683) invented e as continuous compounding function. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cone of Big Bang Universe; its Expansion is shown with respect to current clock. Inflation is for a tic of a clock; the Universe was expanded by 70% of current size. The Inflation and later expansion of Universe is speculated by concept called Space-time. The basic elements of Space-time are events, independent to any observer. However, for Human eye, time need to be decoupled to know the space. This is how still camera pictures are relevant even today. 73/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 74. Big bang Universe; a journey to stability Marginally Stable Zone Stable Universe 1. Big bang is due to ultra-ultra high 1. Initially, massive super stars were born temperature exists to form Universe. after 500,000 years of Big bang, but 2. All seven stable elements formed in collapsed in into giant Galaxies. initial 1 second (slide No:76). 2. Present Universe has billions of Galaxies, 3. In the initial 1 second, Universe expanded with many kind of stellar objects and to 70% of present size, cool down to star forming clouds. 100,000 0C, with initial Nuclei s of Atoms. 3. Earth planet in the Solar system is most evolved with verity of living organisms. 74/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 75. Big bang Universe; Massive fall of temperature in 1 second 1. Inflation theory is proposed by Alan Guth (1980). 2. During Inflation, Universe was expanded to 70% of present size. Is the Inflation rate exceeding speed of light 3*108m/s? 3. Universe has no stable particles, in the initial run up. 4. Without a stable particle, clock is not possible. 5. Hindu Sastra (Science) says time is metaphysical. (slide no: 57). 1 Sec 75/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 76. Seven elements of Universe The Universe is build with three particles and four fundamental forces of nature. Particles: 1. Electron with mass 9.1 * 10-31 Kg, negative Unit charge and stable when it free. 2. Proton with mass 1.67 * 10-27 Kg, positive Unit charge and stable when it free. 3. Neutron with mass Proton + Electron, neutrally charged and unstable when it free. However, Neutron is stable in atomic nuclei by Strong force and in Neutron stars and Black holes by Gravitational force. Four fundamental forces of nature: 1. Gravitational force which holds matters in the form of Planets, Stars, Black holes, Quasars, Pulsars, Solar system, Galaxies, etc. but exists below 1.2* 1032 0C. 2. Strong force which holds atomic nuclei with equal number of protons and neutrons as stable elements (ref. Periodic Table), but exists below 1.2* 1027 0C. 2. Weak force is the cause for radiation and crystalline & molecular structure of matter, but exists below 1.2* 1015 0C. 4.   Electro-magnetic (EM) force is the photon / light /wave, but exists below 1.2* 1015 0C. Scientists predicted and experimentally proven that elementary particles like Quarks, Leptrons and Bosons are the building blocks of the seven stable elements of Universe. Quarks, Leptrons and Bosons (expect photon) particles are unstable, but can be observed at CERN s Large Hadron Collider, by collision of accelerated particle and ceasing Weak force and EM force at high temperature. 76/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 77. Birth of planet Earth and Solar system Planet Earth has Iron and Sun has hydrogen and Matured Super massive star Silicon as major weight Helium as major weight fuses Silicon(Si) into Iron(Fe) 1. The main theory around formation of Earth is its material concentration. It has all 92 naturally occurring elements of Periodic Table, includes heavy radioactive material like Uranium. 2. Solar system is born out of Supernova explosion of a matured super massive star. 3. During the Supernova burst, the core produces all higher elements up to Uranium (U92) by Nucleo-synthesis process. 4. The Supernova burst result in throwing 95% of matter which includes part of Nucleo-synthesis core and all other gases. Such super massive star 5. High density materials cools down into planets like Earth. Hot may collapses into Hydrogen (H1) and Helium (He2) gases turn into smaller stars Supernova explosion due like Sun. Under influence of Sun gravity, 9 planets orbiting to core instability around, to make Solar System. 77/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 78. Elements of Living Organism 1. In slide no: 74 we have already stated that Life and Living matter is the most advanced form of existence in the Universe. Let us see how it is! 2. Scientists indentified that Cell contains 27 elements, out of 92 naturally occurring elements of Periodic Table. All these elements are formed at the core of the Supernova exploded star. On explosion rip-off, part of the high density matter cool down to form Plant Earth. 3. The major elements of living Cell are Hydrogen H1, Carbon C6, Nitrogen N7, Oxygen O8, Sodium Na11, Magnesium Mg12, Phosphorus P15, Calcium Ca20,Sulfur S16, Chlorine Cl17 and Potassium K19, totaling 11elements. 4. The other mineral elements are Boron B5, Fluorine F9, Vanadium V23, Chromium Cr24, Manganese Mn25, Iron Fe26, Cobalt Co27, Nickel Ni28, Copper Cu29, Zinc Zn30, Arsenic As33, Selenium Se34, Bromine Br35, Molybdenum Mo42, Tin Sn50, Iodine I53, totaling 16 elements. 5. Planet Earth is the only know cosmic object having proper climatic conditions, for biological molecules to exist and modify to the changes in the climatic conditions. The Living Cell s Cellular and Molecular bonding exists in a small temperature variation ±20OC around mean temperature 25OC, for which Planet Earth is uniquely positioned in the Cosmos. 6. Each living Cell has countless molecules made out of above elements, form water, air(climatic condition), fire(carbon), Earth (minerals) and Akash (space energy or Sun and Moon light) 78/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 79. Matter and Molecular Biology 1. Matter is known in visible form as solid, liquid, gas and plasma. In addition, experiments confirmed existence of SN Bose(1924)-Einstein Condensate, Fermionic Condensate, Superconductor flows, etc. at a ultra low temperatures and Quark-gluon plasma at ultra high temperatures. 2. But life exists in and around normal climatic temperature, as solid –liquid phase matter with multiple types of molecules and elements. Life is a matter with logical functions. 3. The material constituents of living creatures are discussed in Science of Molecular Biology. The advances in the Life Science as Molecular Biology is started from 1938, more recent than Modern Quantum Physics (1920). 4. However, the study of life science is the most oldest of all sciences, yet most unconcluded. 5. The Life Science is still in descriptive form without major formulations on existence of life. The scientific codification of life processes is stated with Helmholthz (18211894). 6. Mandel (1822-1884) had conceptualized inheritance and hereditary traits on plants and animals, which is known as Genetics in 20th Century. 7 Darwin (1809-1882) had advocated in his research work Origin of Species that propagation of best biological traits (species characteristics) to the next generation is by sexual selection, where reproduction is successful. It is also called natural section by evaluation. Male gene evolve with strength and longevity. Female gene evolve with survivability against odds. Here sexual selection means, mating is selective, only to propagate best biological traits to the offsprings. 79/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 80. Energy theory of Life 1. Life is emerged as living Cells on earth way back 3.5 billion years ego, or at least 1.5 billion years after solar system formed. 2. Most important aspect in Life Science is the self replicating molecules or their complex components for purpose of creating off-springs. 3. As per Darwin(1871), life on earth was evolved from no life condition. It means, at the beginning, Earth is in sterile condition. As per Louis Pasteur(1882), any experiment to produce new life at the present day lab, will not be successful, as the specimen would be absorbed or digested by the natural life floating around the lab. It means, even if new life created at lab, they lack logical functions(Chakras or common sense) slide no:40. 4. Clausius (1863) is the first Scientist applied his own discovery thermodynamic parameter Entropy (a measure of randomness or disorder of the substance) for the evaluation of life. 5. Scientists Erwin Schrödinger (1944) and Albert Lehninger(1982) concluded that the order produced within a Cell as they grow and reproduce, is more then the disorder created to their surrounding in the course of growth and Cell division. 6. The conclusion is that all living organisms preserve their internal energy by absorbing the surrounding energy in the form of nutrients, Sun light, and other forms climatic energies. At the same time, they return to the surrounding an equal amount of energy as heat and entropy . 7 The ultimate view on the Species is They are the most advanced in evaluation . Inspect of availability of well proven theories on Cosmology and its celestial objects, like stars, solar systems, planets, galaxies, quasars, pulsars, etc., the Theory of Life Science is still evolving . 80/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 81. Theory of an Event happening Statement: If an event potentially can happen, it will happen spontaneously in the direction of reaching equilibrium. Explanation: 1. In the above statement, both space and time are not defined. The very reason is that event happening is related to matter(material) and energy. 2. When the event happens, the potential decreases, by the amount of work done . It confirms that action is equal and opposite to reaction (slide no:48 ). 3. But, the work done will propagate and induce a favorable potential else where, that may lead to a similar type or different type of event to happen spontaneously. This phenomena is known as Chaos (slide no:127). 4. Since all elements of Universe is interacting, the question of reaching equilibrium never happens, even though events continue to happen. 5. The knowledge of space and time are rather applicable at macro level, for observation. Space and time are merely coordinate systems for observer, but never can become entities. Only matter and energy are entities in the event happening. Space is associated with matter for stability and interaction (slide no:74). Past time was the history. Future events are unknown, since there is no model to say how potentials are accumulated. 6. Theory of an Event happening is only philosophical, it is based on cause and effect. It is not a physics. 81/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 82. Meeting point of Modern Science and Hindu Sastra (Science) 1. Having gone through the notation of Science and Hindu Sastra, one can find out the common points. 2. As we view, the Scientists and the Sages are perceivers of the Universal Knowledge, their meeting point may never differ. 3. Duality of Energy/Matter or Purusha /Prakruti (slide no: 11) is the only reason for the Dynamics of the System. Without duality, conservation is not possible. Without conservation, System can not self sustain and die no time. 4. Space and Time are not contributors of any event, as they lack any substance. Space is associated with matter for stability and interaction. (slide no:74). Past time was the history. Future events are unknown, since there is no model to say how potentials are accumulated. 5. The observer can notice Events . Events are effects , which are kinetic or dynamics of nature. However, effects are solely due to causes and causes are again potential in nature. The potential is again static in nature. The potential can be perceived as alaukika (slide no:5), but not observed. 6. Sri Adi Sankaracharya Advaita (non-duality) Philosophy or Yang-Yin (non-duality) Philosophy encompasses Duality into a single System. 7. Einstein Philosophy too says the total sum of Energy and Matter exist with in the Universe only, There is nothing exists outside the Universe. 82/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 83. Meeting point of Modern Science and Hindu Sastra - cont.. Subject Modern Science Hindu Sastra Cosmic Attribute Stable ->Event happening ->Stable Birth->Growth->Death Nature of happening Spontaneously Kalpana (slide no:28) Cause of happening Potential and Kinetic Energies (slide no:85) Jeeva (slide no:49) Matter Matter Body Time(slide no:57) Atomic clock Biological clock Space Coordinate system (proportional and derivative ) Duality Matter/Energy (slide no:64) Distance travelled in any direction (cumulative) Purusha /Prakruti Shiva/Shakti, Yang /Yin (slide no:11, 43 & 45) Observer Human as outsider Self assessment (insight) Orderly functioning of Machine Mass/Energy, Momentum, Symmetry By probability theory as increasing entropy Orderly behavior of Human Yoga (slide no: 15, 16 & 69) Objectivity Principle of conservation Uncertainty 83/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Maya (slide no: 6 & 59)
  • 84. Yoga and Health 10th Sub Index - Slide No Lady in welcome gesture 1. Bones need free movement and strength - 85 2. Immune system, Lymphatic system (Nadi in Yoga) and detoxification - 86 3. Hormonal glands needs fresh blood circulation -87 4. Brain and spinal cord are very sensitive, needs nourishing - 88 5. Aging Problems – Bones - 89 6. Aging effects – skin wrinkle and weak muscles cause abdominal problems - 90 7. Sagara Manthanam and Yoga analogy - 91 8. Why Yoga for Health? - 92 9. How to create your own Yoga; Introduction to Vijaya Simha Yoga for divergent people - 93 10. Vijaya Simha Yoga procedure - Body exercises - 94 11.Yogic Breathing Exercises - 95 12. Vijaya Simha Yoga - for youthfulness and tender heart at all age groups - 96 84/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 85. Bones need free movement and strength Front side depiction Back side depiction 85/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 86. Immune system, mainly Lymphatic system (Nadi in Yoga) need higher level body exercises for detoxification 86/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 87. Hormonal glands needs fresh blood circulation 87/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 88. Brain and spinal card are very sensitive, needs nourishing 88/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 89. Aging Problems - Bones Back pain Neck pain Vertebrae shrinkage due to old age may cause neck and back pains 89/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 90. Aging effects – skin wrinkle and weak muscles cause abdominal problems 90/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 91. Sagara Manthanam and Yoga analogy 1. Body stirred by Yoga initially result in Visham (detoxification) and later Amrutam (nectar). 2. Amrutam made Devatas (Deities) to be dutiful, so as Yoga makes human dutiful. 91/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 92. Why Yoga for Health?     Sadhu in balanced yoga posture Nowadays Yoga linked to Health, as human suffered from loosing his own chakras (wheels) to machine. The only answer to this is win back the lost wheels . It is by practicing Yoga. Yoga exercises and pranayamam ( rhythmic breathing by lungs, muscles and bones) helps in detoxification and proper functioning of entire body and mind. Thereby, it induces higher energy levels, concentration on work, proper rest and stress relieving. Yoga exercises and Pranayamam increases blood flow in the body due to the increased pressure variations in the chest, abdomen, pelvic & shoulder region, face and neck. 92/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 93.    How to create your own Yoga; Introduction to Vijaya Simha Yoga for divergent people Divergent people need a free style regime; suiting to their personality. Hence, one can design their own routine, using Yoga Sutras. The necessary information provided in the following section. Senior Lion in tranquility 93/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 94. Vijaya Simha Yoga procedure, which follows earlier discussed Laws & Sutras! Body exercises for bones and muscles:  Simplified body exercises, based on Action/Reaction law, by folding and stretching at bone joints.  Folding and stretching exercises performed at all bone joints of hands, legs, front chest, back bone, neck & face in the standing or sitting position. Duration: 45 minutes Above: Standard yoga sequence , but in vijaya simha yoga each step is divided and repeated no. of times in free style way , to make it easy 94/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 95. Yogic Breathing Exercises   Practice Yoga in shaded sunlight, either in morning or in evening . By breathing exercises, Sunyata in mind to be attained for renewed thinking. Step1: Concentration; light jumping or jogging for energy concentration at Muladhara Chakra. Duration: 5 minutes Yoga teaching and practicing Step2: Breathing exercise; (slow intake to full chest and abdomen, hold, slow outgo, hold) and also do Omkar, It can be performed in any asana like Vajrasana, Sukhasana, Padmasana, etc. Duration: 30 minutes Step3: Relaxation; do relaxed walking, believing the future (Destiny). Duration: 10 minutes 95/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 96. Vijaya Simha Yoga for youthfulness and tender heart at all age groups 96/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 97. Examples of Hard Real World Situations Encountered by Human in bread earning or Medal winning, Prajna (Caliber) Yoga systemizes the work 11th Sub Index - Slide No 1. Women carrying firewood – hard work - 98 2. Army soldier with back load – hard duty - 99 3. Entertainment and Competitions – demand top performance - 100 4. Dare devil and high impact activities - 101 5. Parachute landing – Accidents and Survival - 102 6. High mental loads - mistakes not allowed - 103 7. How Human build massive structures without machines? - 104 8. Present day Prajna Specialists - 105 9. Present day Venues for Prajna Specialists - 106 Lady in welcome gesture 97/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 98. Women carrying firewood – hard work in Nepal in Ethiopia in India Carrying huge load – hard work, but they made it possible with practice 98/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 99. Army soldier with back load – hard duty 99/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 100. Entertainment and Competitions – Demand top performance Full Stretch by Cheer Leader Full Stretch, bend & attractive swan like gesture by Gymnast 100/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 101. Dare devil and high impact activities Parachute dropping Parachute landing stages 101/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 102. Parachute landing – Accidents and Survival Crash landing Resting back after landing – it is safe 102/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 103. High mental loads - mistakes not allowed; all actions are well recorded Air traffic controller Stock trader can t afford mistake Space Shuttle Control Room 103/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 104. How Human build massive structures without machines?  It is by Prajna (Caliber) Yoga. Giza pyramids soaring above 500 ft over city Cairo Gol ghmbaz - Bijapur Biggest dome in India Qutub minar - New Delhi Tallest Pillar in India 104/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 105. Present day Prajna Specialists Bhagavad Gita play by Ability Unlimited troupe of Guru Syed Sallauddin Pasha 105/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; AR Rahman, his music is magic
  • 106. Present day Venues for Prajna Specialists Olympics Stadium for Sports Reality Shows for Performing Arts 106/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 107. 12th Sub Index Additional Yoga Terminology Absolute: Anuthara: Anatta/Anatman: Anuvopaya: Divine or Purusha Remaining step or last step is reaching Absolute Winning over Self to overcome ego Capablity of individual to work with his Self, intellect (buddi), breath(prana), physical body(deha) and external object like Yantra (Instrument) Lokuttara: Transcendence or release from prior state of bondage Bliss: Feeling enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction Jagadanda, Bhava-smadhi, Citanada, Samarasya: Bliss Nirvana: Mind free from suffering out off earthy and heavenly desires, it is due to imperturbable sturdiness of mind and body. Nirvikalpa Samadhi: Prakash or experience of Self created light of Consciousnesss on goals or problem space of Dharana (slide no: 17&18) Cause and Effect: Cause and Effect are cyclic in nature and propagate as events. Both cause and effect can be observed as effect only. The effect is due to some cause . Such cause may be due to some another effect . All events are not necessarily the same type. Guru Upayah: Path shown by Guru (Teacher) Tantraloka: Textbook on Tantra by Sri Abhinavagupta (1000AD) 107/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 108. Additional Yoga Terminology – cont.. Consciousness: Awakefullness Temporal (present or spontaneous) Consciousness: State of awareness and reaction required to deal with present circumstance, not referring to past or future events. Eternal(permanent) Consciousness: State of awareness and action required reaching goals which are permanent in nature. Calculated Consciousness: State of awareness required and action to achieve what one thinks to happen, but results guide the future actions. Self imposed Consciousness: Only one way of acting, without awareness of surrounding opposition, self capability, which amounts to failure in long run. Ecstasy: Transcend to normal Consciousness, heightened state of pleasure, state of intensified emotions. Kaivalya: State of Absolute consciousness (awareness of Ishta Deva or deity), free from all fetters (shackles) and limitations, it is possible with Bhakti Yoga. Yoga Nidra: Conscious awareness of deep sleep state (Chaturiya, slide no: 55) Samadhi: Peaceful state with complete control over the functioning and distractions of Consciousness, holding on to the Absolute or Reality of Prakruti. Nescience: Lack of mental awareness. Vimarsa: Reflexive consciousness or own discussion with Self. Sidda: Accomplished one or Expert (Prajnasali). 108/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 109. 13th Sub Index Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra (Science) Sri Adi Sankaracharya Advaita (non-duality) Philosophy says the following 1 and 2 points: 1. 2. It is not possible to be understand Purusha and its Kalpana due to presence of Maya (unclear barriers). 3. Sri Adi Sankaracharya (789AD) Purusha (Divine) and Prakruti coexists together but changes in Prakruti is always due to Kalpana (slide no: 28) of Purusha. The life substance is regular, symmetrical (slide no: 46) and well organized for the future unknown situations. Yoga practice enhances the orderliness of the life substance to handle future situation. 109/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 110. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 4.1 Search of Purasha never been completed. But, four fundamental forces of nature, Strong force, Field (Electromagnetic) force, Weak (Van der Waals) force and Gravitational force, which resemble nature of Shakti, Vishnu, Bramha and Shiva respectively. 4.2 The key difference between four fundamental forces of nature and God(s) is non of the fundamental forces have memory of the past or plan for the future. The effect of these forces would appear spontaneously as events at the current instant, but never have time or clock or space as reference. 4.3 Scientist of Modern Science had discovered many Laws of Nature to explain different phenomenon s. All these Laws never converge into a single Law. Similarly, Hindu Sastra narrated many Gods, Goddess and Demons how are true behaviors of Human. All Humans are not same in character, unlike Species. 4.4 There is no existence of external force from outside of the Universe and single seed that let to creation of Universe, as per Hindu Sastra. 5. 1 As per Hindu Sastra, Jeeva (slide no:49) is intelligent, has Pre rana (stimulation), has past memory, derive offsprings and live for existence, till death. In modern science, the memory of previous generations is known as Genetic property. Each Species has evolved its own Genetic property. 5.2 Life of Species is live and let die . Ex: All crows live alike. Human differ in character. 5.3 Each crow in the Population of Crows can not be identified by name and character. In the Population of Crows, if we take a single crow, it is indistinguishable. As per modern science, Species are living with low entropy (less randomness). 110/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 111. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 5.4 In the Species of Human, each one is identified by name and character. Each one is distinguishable from other. It means Human carry higher entropy. 5.5 In the philosophy, the meaning of entropy is inspect of effort , still something is not known cleanly . This is due to randomness. 5. 6 Higher entropy means lack of adequate knowledge, which is again very harmful for individual and society. 5.7 Only scenario for Human to reach low entropy , is by collaboration with associated environment for peace (Ahimsa, slide no:6) and to be sportive and talented. 6.1 For Human, Yoga practice can starts from child age. Ensure children to be sportive and talented for Muladhara Chakra development, so that they become Prajna sali (Expert) in the field of choice. 6.2 All other types of Yogas are possible only with Prajna (Caliber, slide no: 17) and Ahimsa. 111/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 112. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 7.1 Yogic practice (slide no: 15-16) enables the individual to aware of ever-changing Prakriti of own , outside and interaction between own and outside . The territory of own and outside is shown in slide no: 50-51. The interaction is always bi-directional. 7.2 Being yogic means aware or possessing low entropy (modern science). Being aware means, yogic is delivering work (Karma Yoga) more meaningful way to the society for social benefit. 7.3 Yogic practice enable the individual continue to be at lower entropy or higher awareness state, facilitating discharging of social responsibility by the way of Karma Yoga. 7.4 Delivering more work never mean loss of energy or depletion of stamina. In fact, life needs food, only for internal maintenance. Yogic practice enables us to work with help of free energy (slide no:64 to 69). 8.1 Everyone knew that body temperature is maintained at 37 0C or 99 0F. Even at constant body temperature, Gibbs and Helmholthz functions (slide no:65) of free energy, conserves the body energy at Cell level, only by changing pressure and volume alternatively while doing work. 8.2 The combined mechanism of Gibbs and Helmholthz functions (slide no:65) of free energy conservation is possessed by all living organisms. For human, yogic practice enhances the ability to conserve the free energy. 112/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 113. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 9.1 Hindu Nyaya Sastra (slide no:5) states that human knowledge has four pramanas or components, which are collectively called as Cognitive Intelligence (modern science). 9.2 The Cognitive Intelligence is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) when applied to machine. AI is imitation of life intelligence by machine. AI based machines are interfaced with Sensors and pre-stored programs, but its Cognitive Intelligence is limited to local situation. For machines, there is no possibility of self correction and reconfiguration, beyond its local limits. 9.3 When we want to define Intelligence, Hindu Sastra had further decomposed it as Chakras in a Tantric way (slide no:40), in addition to four pramanas. 9.4 The interface of living or non-living substance with outside is by Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge). Let us understand Chakra symbolism more in details, with respect to Modern Science notation. 113/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 114. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 10. Chakras consciousness in the body, otherwise known as Common Sense . Even single Cell creature like Ameba need to have all seven Chakras for life to be supported in the body. The life functions of Chakras are given in slide no:40. Chakras are always depicted as Symbols. The meaning of each Symbol with respect to life function is as follows: 10.1 Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability); Symbolized with Square. The Square symbol indicates stability. One need to stable for all circumstances. 10.2 Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power); Symbolized with Circle. The Circle symbol indicates the mobility. Survival is by defense and migration. In the circle the Bottom Crescent Moon denotes positive stability (modern science). One need to take risk of competition, when resource is scare. Also, one has to protect from predators. 10.3 Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power); Symbolized with Triangle. There are many pitfalls with wishes and wants. Hence, it is shown as marginally stable triangle. But, Manipuraka chakra would drive individual to be first among others. 114/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 115. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 10.4 10.5 Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion); Symbolized with Interlocked twin triangle. The most powerful symbol of duality shown in a stable form. It represents union of own with outside (slide no: 50-51) as Swatantra – Paratantra Union (slide no: 13-14) denoting compassion. One need to be compassionate to leave the resource to others. Anahata Chakra is against principles of hiding the resource. Visuddha Chakra (Wheel of Communication); Symbolized with pivot locked triangle. It symbolizes need of precise and concise communication / interaction with outside (slide no: 50-51). The symbol shows pitfall in stability of triangle, as the pivot is inside. 10.6 Ajna Chakra (Wheel of Intelligence); Symbolized with fully locked triangle with outside (slide no: 50-51). It symbolizes foresight to have knowledge of ever-changing environment for the purpose of preparing for the future situations. 10.7 Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge); Symbolized with Padmam or Lotus flower . It symbolizes Symmetric Law of Nature. Sahasrara chakra surrounds the own (slide no: 50-51) as Shield and protect the own from death. 115/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 116. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. 11. Death Kernel and Survival of Life: We have two Case Studies to understand the functioning of Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) and other Chakras in survival. Plant s Seed Propagation Zoochory Case Study -1): CS1.1 Plant seeds propagate to new environment in many ways. One of the chosen way to become food for animals and birds. But, at times birds and animals fail to digest some strong seeds and get dispensed along with droppings/feces, in the new environment. This type of seed propagation is known as Zoochory (Modern Science). CS1.2 One need to carefully understand the process of survival of life, while seed is in propagation to the new environment. Species survival was studied by Darwin (slide no:79 ) and propagation to new environment is crucial for plants, but plants can t move on there own geographically. Only seeds can be carried away to the new environment. Seed germination from bird droppings CS1.3 In Zoochory process, plant prepares a mix of grains along with seeds to get scarified as food for other creatures. Now that animals and birds had ate the seeds a food, let us understand whether all seeds that were eaten can be digested? 116/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 117. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. Seed germination from elephant faces Case Study -1 cont..: CS1.4 In the slide no:52, it is already told that, food can be digested only if it is dead. Even after bird swallow the seed, the abdomen has to kill the seed first to digest. If some seed is strong , the life of seed resist from getting killed. CS1.5 Think that seed own the battle, by not getting digested. At the end of bird or animal digestion cycle, obviously the undigested seed falls along with dropping or face, may be far away from the mother plant, in the new environment. CS1.6 Now, when the new season begins, the bird dropping and faces become manure and the survived seed germinate and the plant life continues in the new environment. CS1.7 Now let us understand the whole process of seeds survival with the help of Chakras. 117/157, Yoga Symbolism,by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 118. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. Case Study -1 cont..: CS1.8 The very meaning of seed means, it has life. This Life element always appear as Tantra (Aligned force with unbroken continuity). The seed, since it is a life, it has tantric force, in spite of that plant seed can not move on its own (slide no:9). CS1.9 The seven Chakras are the decomposed parts of Tantra force, with well stated logical functions. The Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) exists over the seed, activating appropriate Chakras to function in the given situation, with soul purpose to survive. CS1.10 Now, the threat to the seed is again from the Tantric power of another Jeeva (bird or animal), which swallowed it to digest as food. The digestion is possible only after killing the seed (slide no:52). CS1.11 One option for Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) of the seed, to activate Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power), but the battle is for very long period in the abdomen of other Jeeva. The seed has no physical mobility, and activation Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power) is no answer. CS1.12 The other option is finding peace with other Jeeva. It is possible to activate Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion). It represents union of own with outside (slide no: 50-51) as Swatantra – Paratantra Union (slide no: 13-14) denoting compassion. The only option for the seed is to negotiate peace, for its own survival . CS1.13 The story of Zoochory is concludes, both seed and bird/animal survived, and seed germinated in the new environment, with the help of manure created out of dropping/faces. The mother plant leaves some grains as food for others. 118/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;
  • 119. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. Survival of Firefly, an insect (Case Study -2): CS2.1 Firefly insect evolved with special light emitting capabilities. In general, fireflies are seen as insect flies with long tail of light. CS2.2 The light emitting ability of Firefly can be shown as survival trick, in order to prevent predator from invading . Let us understand, how this capability helps in survival, in its life cycle. CS2.3 Photographers taken keen interest, in fact developed special camera techniques to capture the images of life cycle of firefly insect. Since it is an insect, the life cycle starts with insect laying eggs to larvae stage to insect stage. CS2.4 Photographers give us adequate clues that, firefly light emitting capabilities exists even when the life is in egg form, larvae form and insect form. Eggs are very bright, with crystal refection Larvae from the unhatched egg emitting light Grown-up larvae emitting light 119/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar; Firefly insect emitting light
  • 120. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - cont.. Case Study -2 cont..: CS2.5 The freshly laid eggs have crystalline surface, reflecting light, creating suspicious situation for the predator. CS2.6 The 2nd photograph shows larvae inside the un-hatched egg. When predator is moving in and around the egg, the resulting vibrations are sensed by the larvae and emits light creating suspicious situation for the predator. CS2.7 Again in the Larvae stage and after becoming firefly, light emitting property is used to create suspicious situation for the predator. This is how the firefly protect its own life from predator. CS2.8 Now let us understand the whole process of life cycle protection and survival with the help of Chakras. In the earlier case study, it was already stated that Life element always appear as Tantra (Aligned force with unbroken continuity). The egg, since it has life, it has tantric force, in spite of that egg can not move on its own (slide no:9). CS2.9 The living egg has Sahasrara Chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) and sense the predator movement as vibration. On sensing, it can activate Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power) to emit light, to create suspicious situation for the predator. In fact, the firefly in its life cycle, it holds the predator for attach. CS2.10 All living creatures have evolved their own ways of handing the predators with help of Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power). CS2.11 The Kundalini force (self healing force, slide no:9) is uniquely existing in all living substances, The Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power) is central to all living substances. 120/157, Yoga Symbolism by Yerramsetti Giridhar;