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Good Rebels BCN @goodrebels Confidencial y uso interno | October 2018
How to design Data Driven
Marketing Strategies
Mother of 2 chicks, with rebellious soul and Yogini. I was born in Palo Alto
and I have lived in 7 countries for personal and work reasons.
I have 12 years of work experience in international business and
consulting. I am a social entrepreneur in the project
I had the exciting task of growing the GoodRebels Mexico project from the
beginning for 3 years and I recently moved to the Barcelona office to
continue the Rebellion.
'When you change the way you see things, the things you look at change'.
1. Introduction
2. Our Vision
3. How to design a Data Driven Marketing
4. Some Examples
• The strategic opportunity behind becoming a
data-driven business
• How to plan and activate a data strategy
• Examples of brands who are using social data to
improve their products, customer and marketing
Data & Customer Experience | ENTORNO | 󰀁6
90´s 2010 2013 20202016
the age of the web the age of social
the age of “public”mobile
the age of “dark”mobile
People look for content.
Companies needed to show the
way to it.
Search engines golden age.
People receive content from
Companies need to go to to
where people were
Social platforms golden age
People receive content by
brands and friends
Companies need to to go
where & talk about what
people are talking
Real Time marketing
golden age
People receive content by
People look for places
where brands are not
present: messengers & etc
Companies need to to
become relevant again.
Data in the 21st Century is like Oil in the
18th Century: an immensely, untapped
valuable asset. Like oil, for those who
see data’s fundamental value and learn
to extract and use it there will be huge
Joris Toonders, Yonego
Photo credit: Nick Jeffway, Unsplash
What can
do for us?
The Citizen Journey
The Consumer Journey
The Co-Worker Journey
Understanding what people need
Creating shared value
Empowering internal creativity
We believe the most solid organisations are
those focused on people. Those who work their
human relationships as an intrinsic part of
the business. Those which respond to the
demands of different social actors so as to
generate value and transcendence.
Sell with less cost
Sell more improving
Sell in another way
improving customer
User Data
Brand Data / competitor
Customer Knowledge
Shopping Experience
Concumption Levers
Consumer Intelligence Business PerformanceCustomer Experience
Attribution Models
Data & Customer Experience | ENTORNO |
How is this relationship? How does the person experience it? How does the organisation do it?
What can data do for us?
datos oportunidad
+ para
Data & Customer Experience | ENTORNO |
En 2015, de media, tuvieron
52puntos de contacto
en diferentes:
antes de firmar su casa.
2015. Fuente: Smart Touch Interactive USA - Real Estate. Cuatro años
de datos.
49% de buscadores son millenials
Fuente: Think with Google. 2015.
52 puntos de
generación de
para el negocio
Del funnel al journey: Micromomentos
(12 am - 7 am) (7 am -10 am) (10 am -5 pm) (5 pm - 8 pm) (8 pm -12 am)
• Mensajería instantanea
• Redes Sociales
• Correo electrónico
• Llamadas whatsapp
• Búsquedas
• Leer noticias
• Juegos
• Contenidos TV, vídeos
• Blogs
• Correo electrónico
• Leer noticias
• Utilidades
• Búsquedas
Lo importante: estar allí, ser útil y ser rápido
“Quiero saber”
“Quiero ir”
“Quiero hacer”
“Quiero comprar”
Su interés en contenidos cambio a lo largo del día
Del funnel al journey: ON/OFF/ON
Del funnel al journey: no lineal y más largoDel funnel al journey: no lineal y más largo
No se usan datos
Data Blind
Datos por áreas
Datos no recogidos
Tecnología Cultura
Data Reactive
Data Driven
Deep insights
proactiva datos Data Proactive
Data Active
How to design a
Marketing Data
Driven Marketing
Start from the begining…
1. Identify the business objectives that are to be
achieved and establish the KPIs that will
contribute to achieving it.
Why to
Under what
What tools do
we need?
What does it
How do we
present the
What do we
need to
How can data
1. Gathering
2. Treatment 3. Visualization
Can we get
the data?
Data is collected at the different points of
contact with the customer in his Customer
Journey, in the different channels, with
different devices and over time.
Gathering Treatment Visualization
Customer Care Bots
They allow to interact with users
automatically, thanks to an
artificial intelligence engine
They are great tools to gather
Content Bots
They allow to interact with
users automatically, thanks to
an artificial intelligence
Gathering Treatment Visualization
Gathering Treatment Visualization
Negociación y
Búsqueda on/off
Búsqueda activa
Knowing the different types of clients that are interested in buying a home and the commercial
state they are in and how to address them in each case will determine the success of the
business and its commercial model.
Gathering Treatment Visualization
The RRSS allow us to customize the content to each type of user, that allows
us a freemium to premium user conversion strategy thanks to
sponsoring content based on the cluster.
Gathering Treatment Visualization
To address a similar audience, it is called Facebook LookAlike, showing our ads to
the public that has similar Facebook usage patterns to our clients and,
therefore, with the possibility of having similar shopping behaviors. Oriented to new
Gathering Treatment Visualization
20% Interacciones 15% Interacciones
45% Interacciones20% Interacciones
Gathering Treatment Visualization
New Insights for decision making
Optimization of sales channels
Costs reduction
Grupo Axo and the fallacy of
thinking every market and
every customer behaves the
What this project was about:
Tommy Hilfiger, Rapsodia and Coach wanted to know:
• Who are their clients in Mexico, and how much are they worth.
• Understand the customer journey, the main pain points and influences.
• What are their main competitors doing and the share of voice.
The project was broken down in two phases.
Phase I
Social Listening: Get to know the Mexican Universe, how the market behaves, the
competitors and opportunities in brand communication.
Data Analysis: Breakdown of their transactional data of the last 13 months.
Phase II
Archetypes and Customer Journey - For each brand, Create buyer personas and
understand their journey based on workshops and interviews of sellers and clients.
Customer LTV - Combine the info to learn what the value of each client is.
Generación de Negocio
Análisis WebBrandwatch
Analyze what type of content are
people responding to, and learn
what topics are they talking about
What are the best and worst
examples of communication.
Identify our share of voice
and the perception of our
For a better strategy and
distribution of content and
Discover who and where we
think we are vs who and where
we want to be.
Find opportunity areas and
optimize resources.
Analyze the conversation.
Where? How? Who? What?
364 autores
267 autores
22 %
8 %
22 % 4 %
36 %
7 %
Love Brand
The influencers they were using were more important than the brand. People and media were barely
mentioning the brands, and if the influencer changed brand, all their followers went away with them.
Brands with local channels were having a lot more mentions and overall UGC than brands without. So
share of voice was heavily determined by the existence of local channels.
When asking the brand who the competitors are, ask everyone involved. Each person gave a different
answer and the brand manager disliked every single competitor we presented (of course, we had emails
proving those were the ones they provided).
Shipping is THE topic that most people complaint about. If you have an ecommerce and your shipping
sucks, you won’t have an ecommerce for long.
If you have an official hashtag, people will use it, if you don’t have one, they won’t. Having one and letting
people know about it will result in people identifying easier the UGC, and therefore improving brand
Some insights:
Generación de Negocio
Análisis WebTransactional Analysis
Monto por día y tienda Recurrencia de compra
Ticket promedio por tiendaTalla vs cantidad
Even though it was rarely a true 80/20 or better, we
found a lot of wannabe Paretos (70% from 30% or
• In clients
• In sizes
• In categories
Rapsodia had a peculiar behavior; the stores with the highest number of transactions had the lowest
average tickets, and the stores with the highest average tickets had the lowest number of
transactions. However, every store had the exact same products.
Coach has a bag cleaning service; first one is free, after that $12USD. This service represents 4% of the
total tickets; so they had a lot people entering the store, which all of them are already clients, and no
one was pushing a sale while they were getting everything ready.
Overall, Tommy Hilfiger and Rapsodia’s clients had higher average tickets the more they bought.
Coach on the other hand had a big increase on the average ticket on clients that bought twice
instead of one, but had a drop with clients that bought 3 or more. 89.8% of clients were only buying
once a year…
In México, every workplace (except for Good Rebels) pays every two weeks instead of every month (it is not
a hint... maybe); for all three brands the highest selling days were in the second fortnight of the
month (it makes sense since usually in the first fortnight you pay rent, services and the effing AMEX). But we
cannot prove causality. However, knowing this can help build time sensitive strategies.
Some insights:
Generación de Negocio
Análisis WebBuyer personas &

Customer Journey
Interviews, surveys
and workshops with
salespeople and
Categorization of
social listening.
Sales databases
and Mystery
Pre compra > Compra > Post compra >
“La necesidad surge de ver un outfit en otra persona, entonces
pienso: eso lo puedo encontrar en Tommy”
“Tommy es una marca muy clásica aunque sea de diseñador,
sólo en algunas colecciones encuentro innovación”
“La calidad es muy importante, la ropa tiene que durar, es una
inversión. Es importante el precio porque tengo otros gastos.
Tommy es en un clásico básico, que cumple, pero no supera”
“Si me gusta lo compro, si está barato aunque no me guste
mucho lo compro; si me gusta mucho, veo el precio, hay
promoción o meses, con más razón compro”
“Preppy boy” - 25 años
“Trendy Employee" – 32
“Cool dad”– 42 años
“Mr Youth”– 48 años
We got 3-4 buyer personas for each brand
Miss Workaholic - 35 años
Gerente de una farmaceútica.
Soltera, sin hijos.
Renta un departamento, gana
$55,000 pesos y gasta el 20% de
su ingreso en ropa.
Tiene un look fashionista. Hace
una evaluación de sus compras
Comportamientos: digitales:
Motivaciones e intereses personales
•Está enfocada en su carrera profesional y destacar en ella
•Viaja mucho por el trabajo y por placer
•Busca estar en tendencia con un toque diferente
•Le gusta la exclusividad de Rapsodia, sabe que no es para todas
•Se da tiempo para buscar tendencia
•Realiza Yoga y corre, tiene una vida social activa y balanceada.
•Llega a la tienda informada
•Busca en tienda artículos específicos para sus “básicos”
•Busca que la prenda le luzca bien en su cuerpo, de otra manera no lo compra
•Se prueba varias veces las prendas
•Aunque no es muy sensible al precio, hace una evaluación de precio - calidad, si no le
gusta lo suficiente o le ve un uso “diario” , se cae la venta y lo compra en fast fashion
•No toma en cuenta los meses sin intereses
•Usualmente compra sacos y vestidos
Motivadores clave:
Sensibilidad al precio
Key Insights
•Consulta la página de la marca como catálogo, pero acude a la tienda a realizar la
•Busca prendas en específico en la página para conocerlos antes de ir a tienda
•Consulta la página por los correos electrónicos que le llegan de la marca
•Rara vez compra en internet por que necesita tocar las prendas y probárselas
Uso diario
Compra en internet
Decisión de compra
Canales de interacción
Arquetipos | Rapsodia
Miss workaholic
‣ Crear contenido editorial con información en
medios digitales sobre moda
‣ Crear contenido de estilo diferente que
puedan lucir en su vida diaria y social para
hacerlas destacar
‣ Utilizar medios externos para ofrecer
información del estilo de las prendas
‣ Una buena estrategia de influencers y una
comunicación adecuada con las prendas de
más tendencia de la temporada resultaría
‣Mientras más personalizada sea la
experiencia de compra, más satisfactoria
“Me encanta Rapsodia, me da un estilo único
en mi vestimenta formal y un look muy
especial cuando salgo.”
- Jimena, 35
Perfil socio-demográfico
•En México, el 19% de la
mujeres que forman parte de
Facebook tienen entre 35 a
44 años
•Puede llegar a ser Double
Income No kids (DINKS)
•Consultan un gran número de
fuentes digitales antes de decidirse
•Conocen las tendencias y están
enteradas del mundo de la moda
Pre Compra > Compra > Post compra >
¿Qué esperan?
•Que la relación
precio- calidad sea
•Lucir a la moda,
• Necesidad de una nueva prenda para lucir
en mi vida social
• La importancia de mi imagen es
• La experiencia de compra en boutique
• Busca en línea, compra en tienda.
• Uso de mis prendas en la oficina y mi vida
• Como resalta mi prenda
•No encontrar lo que vi en algún medio
•No encontrar la talla correcta
• La relación precio-calidad
• Encontrar lo que estaba buscando
• Excelente servicio del cliente
•No ver suficientemente información de
las prendas en la página
• No están todas las prendas de Argentina
en México
•No encuentro las prendas del
• Me enamoro de alguna prenda a través
de los newsletter, RRSS
• La compostura de una prenda
• Que la prenda no incluya todas los
•No me dan información del cuidado de
las prendas
• La envoltura es muy linda
• El halago que me hacen los demás de
como me veo
From 7,319 Rapsodia clients:
•66% buy only once a year.
•25% buy from 2 to 3 times a year, averaging 2.28 times a year.
•9% buy more than 4 times a year, with an average of 6.31.
•69.68% of that database is on Facebook
•Difference between youngest client and oldest client is 32 years.
•Customer Retention Rate was 42% (we had a LONG LONG discussion about this).
Customer LifeTime Value (LTV) based on frequency
Clients from Rapsodia expressed very explicitly that the quality of the clothes is not very good, the
prices are expensive, and yet they absolutely loved the brand and will continue shopping there
(design kills everything else). Their main concern was that they loved the brand so much, and they feel
the brand doesn’t love them back.
Rapsodia and Tommy’s clients were divided; half would never buy on ecommerce, but they use the
posts or page as catalog and inspiration, and the other half do buy on the ecommerce.
Generally speaking; clients from Tommy hated the salespeople, clients from Coach found them useful,
and clients from Rapsodia are good friends with them, they all know each others names and they have
each other on WhatsApp.
Facebook, Instagram and even influencers are actually influencing (who knew), but not in what they
say, do or endorse, but what they wear or how they look. A lot of the archetypes from all three brands
are searching online for inspiration on what to wear or on looks they could imitate.
Some insights:
What did Axo do?
(Actually just Tommy, we have no idea about the other two.)
Increase the budget for online channels from 10% in 2017 to 23% in 2018.
Create audiences for every archetype, focusing the budget for each depending on their online behavior;
brand awareness for people looking for inspiration, traffic to site to people who use the e-commerce as
catalog, conversion for people who actually buy on the e-commerce. Of course a lot of the audiences
overlap with each other, but that’s ok.
Minor modifications in stores (mostly layout) based on the data presented. And more attention to
inventory; focusing mainly on sizes and seasons.
Improve and unify overall communications so every contact with client was aligned.
Loyalty program introduces for both e-commerce and stores.
Basic training for capturing information by salespeople (you never now how important this is until you
have to find and clean 2,000 variations of
Key Learnings… for us
Data Scientists are expensive; let’s learn R and Python ourselves (already in progress). It makes sense
when the people involved in the project are able to mine and explore the data. Excel is cool, but when you
have millions of data points and MacBooks you cannot even open the file.
Everyone knows it’s easier to sell something to someone who has bought from you before, than to someone
who has never bought from you. However, a new customer’s worth is a lot more than just another sale
In a customer’s life cycle. But on the other side attracting a new costumer is more expensive than
retaining one. Knowing who, where and how to attract, and who, where and how to retain must be a basic
for budget allocation. Yet few companies actually do something about it, let’s help them do it.
No matter how much info and data you have or you have access to, it is worthless just to accumulate it.
Looking at all the data without a purpose is worthless, it is better to ask questions first and then find
the data that can answer those questions. Getting to really know the brand is step 0, and it’s mandatory.
Combining the behavioral data with the transactional data was impossible in this project, and
putting a value to each of the buyer persona would have been the ultimate goal. I think we were not
able to do it because we didn’t know we were looking for it until the very end. This specific value is
something that different managers and CMOs have asked (not just from AXO).
How can we improve:
Insights based creativity
Casos de éxito | 󰀁58
Desarrollo de App:
Analyze-me para
potenciar notoriedad
Adaptación al entorno social de la campaña de Sanitas
en medios de comunicación “Cuando estamos juntos”,
para potenciar notoriedad y engagement.
Creación de una aplicación en Facebook, Analyze-me,
que medía el efecto en nosotros de nuestros amigos y
sus interacciones sociales en nuestros perfil. Impactando
en millones de personas. A través de un diagnóstico
social del comportamiento de los amigos en Facebook,
se generaban cuatro estados, que se mostraban en un
vídeo: endorfina (experiencia emocional), oxitocina

(la persona que más estimulaba), dopamina (las tres
personas que mejor hacían sentir) y la adrenalina

(la persona que más le motivaba).
Se crearon 80.000 vídeos, que mostraban los efectos
emocionales que se generan en los amigos cuando están
juntos. El resultado de cada uno sirvió como palanca de
activación de viralidad social, con un total de 230.000 videos
vistos y más de 60.000 interacciones originadas.
Unidad especial del
Success stories | 󰀁59
Clic to play
IKEA Utiliza los principales insights de la data de
customer service para generar contenido creativo
que de respuesta a las principales dudas y
cuestiones que se plantean.
Starting from the need
Identify objectives
Work with methodology and agility
Make an Overview
Put yourself in the shoes: consumer, employee
o citizen • @GoodRebels
NEXT WEBINAR: 28th November
Mark Ralphs:”Crowdsourcing and co-creation” • @GoodRebels
Barcelona • Bogotá • Brighton • Ciudad de México • Lima • Madrid
A world powered by people

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Data-Driven Marketing Strategies

  • 1. Good Rebels BCN @goodrebels Confidencial y uso interno | October 2018 WEBINAR How to design Data Driven Marketing Strategies
  • 2. Mother of 2 chicks, with rebellious soul and Yogini. I was born in Palo Alto and I have lived in 7 countries for personal and work reasons. I have 12 years of work experience in international business and consulting. I am a social entrepreneur in the project I had the exciting task of growing the GoodRebels Mexico project from the beginning for 3 years and I recently moved to the Barcelona office to continue the Rebellion. 'When you change the way you see things, the things you look at change'.
  • 3. 1. Introduction 2. Our Vision 3. How to design a Data Driven Marketing Strategy? 4. Some Examples AGENDA
  • 4. • The strategic opportunity behind becoming a data-driven business • How to plan and activate a data strategy • Examples of brands who are using social data to improve their products, customer and marketing experiences KEY LEARNINGS
  • 6. Data & Customer Experience | ENTORNO | 󰀁6 90´s 2010 2013 20202016 the age of the web the age of social the age of “public”mobile the age of “dark”mobile People look for content. Companies needed to show the way to it. Search engines golden age. People receive content from brands Companies need to go to to where people were Social platforms golden age People receive content by brands and friends Companies need to to go where & talk about what people are talking Real Time marketing golden age People receive content by friends. People look for places where brands are not present: messengers & etc Companies need to to become relevant again.
  • 8. Data in the 21st Century is like Oil in the 18th Century: an immensely, untapped valuable asset. Like oil, for those who see data’s fundamental value and learn to extract and use it there will be huge rewards. Joris Toonders, Yonego Photo credit: Nick Jeffway, Unsplash
  • 11. C Z W The Citizen Journey The Consumer Journey The Co-Worker Journey Understanding what people need Creating shared value Empowering internal creativity We believe the most solid organisations are those focused on people. Those who work their human relationships as an intrinsic part of the business. Those which respond to the demands of different social actors so as to generate value and transcendence.
  • 12. 󰀁12 Sell with less cost improving performance Sell more improving customer experience Sell in another way improving customer knowledge User Data Brand Data / competitor Customer Knowledge Shopping Experience Concumption Levers Trends Consumer Intelligence Business PerformanceCustomer Experience Transactional Attribution Models Data & Customer Experience | ENTORNO | How is this relationship? How does the person experience it? How does the organisation do it? What can data do for us?
  • 14. 󰀁14 En 2015, de media, tuvieron 52puntos de contacto en diferentes: canales dispositivos proveedores antes de firmar su casa. 2015. Fuente: Smart Touch Interactive USA - Real Estate. Cuatro años de datos. 49% de buscadores son millenials Fuente: Think with Google. 2015. 52 puntos de generación de datos oportunidades para el negocio
  • 15. Del funnel al journey: Micromomentos (12 am - 7 am) (7 am -10 am) (10 am -5 pm) (5 pm - 8 pm) (8 pm -12 am) Móvil Desktop Tablet SOCIALESTRABAJOLÚDICAS • Mensajería instantanea • Redes Sociales • Correo electrónico • Llamadas whatsapp • Búsquedas • Leer noticias • Juegos • Contenidos TV, vídeos • Blogs • Correo electrónico • Leer noticias • Utilidades • Búsquedas Lo importante: estar allí, ser útil y ser rápido “Quiero saber” “Quiero ir” “Quiero hacer” “Quiero comprar” MOMENTOS DEL USUARIO DISPOSITIVOS SERVICIOS MÁS USADOS AL DÍA Su interés en contenidos cambio a lo largo del día
  • 16. Del funnel al journey: ON/OFF/ON
  • 17. Del funnel al journey: no lineal y más largoDel funnel al journey: no lineal y más largo
  • 18.
  • 19. º 45% 45% No se usan datos Data Blind Datos por áreas Datos no recogidos Reporting Datalake Tecnología Cultura Data Reactive Data Driven Predictivo Deep insights Generación proactiva datos Data Proactive Data Active
  • 20. 󰀁20 DATA DRIVEN MARKETING How to design a Marketing Data Driven Marketing Strategy?
  • 21. Start from the begining… 1. Identify the business objectives that are to be achieved and establish the KPIs that will contribute to achieving it. Why to measure? Under what Criteria What tools do we need? What does it mean? How do we present the results?
  • 22. What do we need to improve? How can data help? Yes USE Methodology 1. Gathering 2. Treatment 3. Visualization No Can we get the data? DATA VALUE PARA DIRECTIVOS - METODOLOGÍA DE TRABAJO
  • 23. Data is collected at the different points of contact with the customer in his Customer Journey, in the different channels, with different devices and over time.
  • 24. DATA VALUE PARA DIRECTIVOS - METODOLOGÍA DE TRABAJO - EJEMPLOS OBTENCIÓN Gathering Treatment Visualization Customer Care Bots They allow to interact with users automatically, thanks to an artificial intelligence engine They are great tools to gather information.
  • 25. DATA VALUE PARA DIRECTIVOS - METODOLOGÍA DE TRABAJO - EJEMPLOS OBTENCIÓN Content Bots They allow to interact with users automatically, thanks to an artificial intelligence engine. Gathering Treatment Visualization
  • 27. Contacto Decisión Negociación y Compra Consideración SOLD Búsqueda on/off Búsqueda activa Visita € COSTUMER JOURNEY MAP Interacciones Usuario ENTORNO WEB BUYER PERSONA Knowing the different types of clients that are interested in buying a home and the commercial state they are in and how to address them in each case will determine the success of the business and its commercial model. CONTACT CENTER RED DE VENTAS DATA VALUE PARA DIRECTIVOS - METODOLOGÍA DE TRABAJO - EJEMPLOS TRATAMIENTO Gathering Treatment Visualization
  • 28. MEDIOS AJENOS CUSTOM AUDIENCE S The RRSS allow us to customize the content to each type of user, that allows us a freemium to premium user conversion strategy thanks to sponsoring content based on the cluster. DATA VALUE PARA DIRECTIVOS - METODOLOGÍA DE TRABAJO - EJEMPLOS PUESTA A DISPOSICIÓN Gathering Treatment Visualization
  • 29. LOOK ALIKE AUDIENCES To address a similar audience, it is called Facebook LookAlike, showing our ads to the public that has similar Facebook usage patterns to our clients and, therefore, with the possibility of having similar shopping behaviors. Oriented to new sale. DATA VALUE PARA DIRECTIVOS - METODOLOGÍA DE TRABAJO - EJEMPLOS PUESTA A DISPOSICIÓN Gathering Treatment Visualization
  • 32. KEY LEARNINGS New Insights for decision making Agility Opportunities Optimization of sales channels Costs reduction
  • 34. Grupo Axo and the fallacy of thinking every market and every customer behaves the same.
  • 36. What this project was about: Tommy Hilfiger, Rapsodia and Coach wanted to know: • Who are their clients in Mexico, and how much are they worth. • Understand the customer journey, the main pain points and influences. • What are their main competitors doing and the share of voice. The project was broken down in two phases. Phase I Social Listening: Get to know the Mexican Universe, how the market behaves, the competitors and opportunities in brand communication. Data Analysis: Breakdown of their transactional data of the last 13 months. Phase II Archetypes and Customer Journey - For each brand, Create buyer personas and understand their journey based on workshops and interviews of sellers and clients. Customer LTV - Combine the info to learn what the value of each client is.
  • 38. 󰀁38 Analyze what type of content are people responding to, and learn what topics are they talking about What are the best and worst examples of communication. Identify our share of voice and the perception of our brand. For a better strategy and distribution of content and communication. Discover who and where we think we are vs who and where we want to be. Find opportunity areas and optimize resources. Analyze the conversation. Where? How? Who? What? Insights
  • 39. 󰀁39 58% 364 autores 42% 267 autores 22 % 8 % 22 % 4 % 36 % 7 % Comercial Comunicacion Love Brand Productos Sarcasmo imagen
  • 40. 󰀁40 The influencers they were using were more important than the brand. People and media were barely mentioning the brands, and if the influencer changed brand, all their followers went away with them. Brands with local channels were having a lot more mentions and overall UGC than brands without. So share of voice was heavily determined by the existence of local channels. When asking the brand who the competitors are, ask everyone involved. Each person gave a different answer and the brand manager disliked every single competitor we presented (of course, we had emails proving those were the ones they provided). Shipping is THE topic that most people complaint about. If you have an ecommerce and your shipping sucks, you won’t have an ecommerce for long. If you have an official hashtag, people will use it, if you don’t have one, they won’t. Having one and letting people know about it will result in people identifying easier the UGC, and therefore improving brand awareness. Some insights:
  • 41. Generación de Negocio Análisis WebTransactional Analysis
  • 42. 󰀁42 Monto por día y tienda Recurrencia de compra Ticket promedio por tiendaTalla vs cantidad
  • 43. 󰀁43 8020 Even though it was rarely a true 80/20 or better, we found a lot of wannabe Paretos (70% from 30% or similar) • In clients • In sizes • In categories
  • 44. 󰀁44 Rapsodia had a peculiar behavior; the stores with the highest number of transactions had the lowest average tickets, and the stores with the highest average tickets had the lowest number of transactions. However, every store had the exact same products. Coach has a bag cleaning service; first one is free, after that $12USD. This service represents 4% of the total tickets; so they had a lot people entering the store, which all of them are already clients, and no one was pushing a sale while they were getting everything ready. Overall, Tommy Hilfiger and Rapsodia’s clients had higher average tickets the more they bought. Coach on the other hand had a big increase on the average ticket on clients that bought twice instead of one, but had a drop with clients that bought 3 or more. 89.8% of clients were only buying once a year… In México, every workplace (except for Good Rebels) pays every two weeks instead of every month (it is not a hint... maybe); for all three brands the highest selling days were in the second fortnight of the month (it makes sense since usually in the first fortnight you pay rent, services and the effing AMEX). But we cannot prove causality. However, knowing this can help build time sensitive strategies. Some insights:
  • 45. Generación de Negocio Análisis WebBuyer personas &
 Customer Journey
  • 46. 󰀁46 Interviews, surveys and workshops with salespeople and clients. Categorization of social listening. Sales databases and Mystery Shopping.
  • 47. 󰀁47 Pre compra > Compra > Post compra > Recompro Uso Calma incosciente Exploro Percepción consciente Pruebo Compro Entregan Evalúo Entrada Decisión Selección Pregunto
  • 48. 󰀁48 “La necesidad surge de ver un outfit en otra persona, entonces pienso: eso lo puedo encontrar en Tommy” “Tommy es una marca muy clásica aunque sea de diseñador, sólo en algunas colecciones encuentro innovación” “La calidad es muy importante, la ropa tiene que durar, es una inversión. Es importante el precio porque tengo otros gastos. Tommy es en un clásico básico, que cumple, pero no supera” “Si me gusta lo compro, si está barato aunque no me guste mucho lo compro; si me gusta mucho, veo el precio, hay promoción o meses, con más razón compro” Carlos “Preppy boy” - 25 años Laura “Trendy Employee" – 32 años Raúl “Cool dad”– 42 años Ernesto “Mr Youth”– 48 años We got 3-4 buyer personas for each brand
  • 49. Miss Workaholic - 35 años Gerente de una farmaceútica. Soltera, sin hijos. Renta un departamento, gana $55,000 pesos y gasta el 20% de su ingreso en ropa. Tiene un look fashionista. Hace una evaluación de sus compras Comportamientos: digitales: Motivaciones e intereses personales •Está enfocada en su carrera profesional y destacar en ella •Viaja mucho por el trabajo y por placer •Busca estar en tendencia con un toque diferente •Le gusta la exclusividad de Rapsodia, sabe que no es para todas •Se da tiempo para buscar tendencia •Realiza Yoga y corre, tiene una vida social activa y balanceada. •Llega a la tienda informada •Busca en tienda artículos específicos para sus “básicos” •Busca que la prenda le luzca bien en su cuerpo, de otra manera no lo compra •Se prueba varias veces las prendas •Aunque no es muy sensible al precio, hace una evaluación de precio - calidad, si no le gusta lo suficiente o le ve un uso “diario” , se cae la venta y lo compra en fast fashion •No toma en cuenta los meses sin intereses •Usualmente compra sacos y vestidos Motivadores clave: Sensibilidad al precio Influenciable Calidad Key Insights •Consulta la página de la marca como catálogo, pero acude a la tienda a realizar la compra •Busca prendas en específico en la página para conocerlos antes de ir a tienda •Consulta la página por los correos electrónicos que le llegan de la marca •Rara vez compra en internet por que necesita tocar las prendas y probárselas Uso diario Compra en internet Decisión de compra Canales de interacción Arquetipos | Rapsodia
  • 50. 󰀁50 ARQUETIPOS / MODELO VINCULACIÓN Miss workaholic ‣ Crear contenido editorial con información en medios digitales sobre moda ‣ Crear contenido de estilo diferente que puedan lucir en su vida diaria y social para hacerlas destacar ‣ Utilizar medios externos para ofrecer información del estilo de las prendas ‣ Una buena estrategia de influencers y una comunicación adecuada con las prendas de más tendencia de la temporada resultaría bien. ‣Mientras más personalizada sea la experiencia de compra, más satisfactoria será. “Me encanta Rapsodia, me da un estilo único en mi vestimenta formal y un look muy especial cuando salgo.” - Jimena, 35 Perfil socio-demográfico •En México, el 19% de la mujeres que forman parte de Facebook tienen entre 35 a 44 años •Puede llegar a ser Double Income No kids (DINKS) MicroMomentos Oportunidades Hábitos •Consultan un gran número de fuentes digitales antes de decidirse •Conocen las tendencias y están enteradas del mundo de la moda Pre Compra > Compra > Post compra > ¿Qué esperan? •Destacar •Que la relación precio- calidad sea justa •Lucir a la moda, innovadora • Necesidad de una nueva prenda para lucir en mi vida social • La importancia de mi imagen es fundamental • La experiencia de compra en boutique • Busca en línea, compra en tienda. • Uso de mis prendas en la oficina y mi vida diaria • Como resalta mi prenda •No encontrar lo que vi en algún medio •No encontrar la talla correcta • La relación precio-calidad • Encontrar lo que estaba buscando • Excelente servicio del cliente •No ver suficientemente información de las prendas en la página • No están todas las prendas de Argentina en México •No encuentro las prendas del newlestter • Me enamoro de alguna prenda a través de los newsletter, RRSS • La compostura de una prenda • Que la prenda no incluya todas los repuestos •No me dan información del cuidado de las prendas • La envoltura es muy linda • El halago que me hacen los demás de como me veo PainPointsWOW
  • 51. 󰀁51 From 7,319 Rapsodia clients: •66% buy only once a year. •25% buy from 2 to 3 times a year, averaging 2.28 times a year. •9% buy more than 4 times a year, with an average of 6.31. •69.68% of that database is on Facebook •Difference between youngest client and oldest client is 32 years. •Customer Retention Rate was 42% (we had a LONG LONG discussion about this). Customer LifeTime Value (LTV) based on frequency
  • 52. 󰀁52 Clients from Rapsodia expressed very explicitly that the quality of the clothes is not very good, the prices are expensive, and yet they absolutely loved the brand and will continue shopping there (design kills everything else). Their main concern was that they loved the brand so much, and they feel the brand doesn’t love them back. Rapsodia and Tommy’s clients were divided; half would never buy on ecommerce, but they use the posts or page as catalog and inspiration, and the other half do buy on the ecommerce. Generally speaking; clients from Tommy hated the salespeople, clients from Coach found them useful, and clients from Rapsodia are good friends with them, they all know each others names and they have each other on WhatsApp. Facebook, Instagram and even influencers are actually influencing (who knew), but not in what they say, do or endorse, but what they wear or how they look. A lot of the archetypes from all three brands are searching online for inspiration on what to wear or on looks they could imitate. Some insights:
  • 53. What did Axo do? (Actually just Tommy, we have no idea about the other two.)
  • 54. 󰀁54 Increase the budget for online channels from 10% in 2017 to 23% in 2018. Create audiences for every archetype, focusing the budget for each depending on their online behavior; brand awareness for people looking for inspiration, traffic to site to people who use the e-commerce as catalog, conversion for people who actually buy on the e-commerce. Of course a lot of the audiences overlap with each other, but that’s ok. Minor modifications in stores (mostly layout) based on the data presented. And more attention to inventory; focusing mainly on sizes and seasons. Improve and unify overall communications so every contact with client was aligned. Loyalty program introduces for both e-commerce and stores. Basic training for capturing information by salespeople (you never now how important this is until you have to find and clean 2,000 variations of
  • 56. 󰀁56 Data Scientists are expensive; let’s learn R and Python ourselves (already in progress). It makes sense when the people involved in the project are able to mine and explore the data. Excel is cool, but when you have millions of data points and MacBooks you cannot even open the file. Everyone knows it’s easier to sell something to someone who has bought from you before, than to someone who has never bought from you. However, a new customer’s worth is a lot more than just another sale In a customer’s life cycle. But on the other side attracting a new costumer is more expensive than retaining one. Knowing who, where and how to attract, and who, where and how to retain must be a basic for budget allocation. Yet few companies actually do something about it, let’s help them do it. No matter how much info and data you have or you have access to, it is worthless just to accumulate it. Looking at all the data without a purpose is worthless, it is better to ask questions first and then find the data that can answer those questions. Getting to really know the brand is step 0, and it’s mandatory. Combining the behavioral data with the transactional data was impossible in this project, and putting a value to each of the buyer persona would have been the ultimate goal. I think we were not able to do it because we didn’t know we were looking for it until the very end. This specific value is something that different managers and CMOs have asked (not just from AXO). How can we improve:
  • 58. Casos de éxito | 󰀁58 Desarrollo de App: Analyze-me para potenciar notoriedad Adaptación al entorno social de la campaña de Sanitas en medios de comunicación “Cuando estamos juntos”, para potenciar notoriedad y engagement. Estrategia Creación de una aplicación en Facebook, Analyze-me, que medía el efecto en nosotros de nuestros amigos y sus interacciones sociales en nuestros perfil. Impactando en millones de personas. A través de un diagnóstico social del comportamiento de los amigos en Facebook, se generaban cuatro estados, que se mostraban en un vídeo: endorfina (experiencia emocional), oxitocina
 (la persona que más estimulaba), dopamina (las tres personas que mejor hacían sentir) y la adrenalina
 (la persona que más le motivaba). Resultados Se crearon 80.000 vídeos, que mostraban los efectos emocionales que se generan en los amigos cuando están juntos. El resultado de cada uno sirvió como palanca de activación de viralidad social, con un total de 230.000 videos vistos y más de 60.000 interacciones originadas.
  • 59. Unidad especial del catálogo Success stories | 󰀁59 Clic to play IKEA Utiliza los principales insights de la data de customer service para generar contenido creativo que de respuesta a las principales dudas y cuestiones que se plantean.
  • 60. KEY LEARNINGS Starting from the need Identify objectives Work with methodology and agility Make an Overview Put yourself in the shoes: consumer, employee o citizen
  • 61. • @GoodRebels Gracias NEXT WEBINAR: 28th November Mark Ralphs:”Crowdsourcing and co-creation”
  • 62. • @GoodRebels Barcelona • Bogotá • Brighton • Ciudad de México • Lima • Madrid A world powered by people