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The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville
  Mon 18 June 2012
  Issue 3. No. 40

                                              Weekly Bulletin

                                       Monday, 18 June 2012
Last Meeting:
                                          Program:                         IDS New Project
                  04 June 2012
                                          Duty Roster tonight:
                                          Door                             PP Rod Tilden
        Westmead Research
                                          Minutes                          PP Wilf Van Emmerik
                                          Rotary Grace                     PP Alan Walker
                                          Birthdays:                       20-Jun   Toni Tilden
                                                                           23-Jun   Margaret Van Emmerik
                                                                           25-Jun   Michael Griscti
                                                                           29-Jun   Edna Rohan


                                          Loyal                            PP Alan Jones
                                          Overseas Club                    Rtn. Michael Gristci

                                          What Am I Up To Now              PE Bobby Redman

  Rotary Fellowships

  Rotary Fellowships bring together
  Rotarians,       spouses,      and   Tonight we welcome Janine from Interactive Disability Services who will be outlining a new
  Rotaractors who share a common       project that is currently underway.
  interest, helping them make new
  friends and explore opportunities
  to serve. The International          Last Saturday night Keith and Lyn Stapley hosted yet again a very enjoyable Family Bonfire
  Fellowship         of     Rotarian   at their property at Round Corner. The weather held off and those of us who attended
  Photographers, recognized in         enjoyed the barbequed steak and sausage sandwiches followed by beautiful pancakes.
  January, is one of the newest.       Thank you to Ian Pearce who provided the wood for the fire and to Keith and Lyn who
                                       looked after us all. We all enjoyed the fire and the kids enjoyed the sparklers and toasted
Next Meeting:                          marshmallows cooked above hot coals from the fire.
          Monday, 02 July 2012 Last Wednesday evening I met 3 year old Quivania and her mum Ana at Westmead
                               Children’s Hospital. ROMAC rushed Quivania from East Timor as her airway was being cut
Program                        off due to a condition causing her tongue to swell. Quivania’s condition has now improved
                               and she was released from hospital last Friday and is temporarily being housed with a
        Club Plan Presentation young doctor and her husband at Eastwood. Phil Smith is hoping that Ronald McDonald
                               House will have a vacancy shortly for more suitable accommodation until such time as
WHAT AM I UP TO NOW            Quivania is well enough to go home. She may have to undergo more surgery in the next
                               few weeks. If you have time during the week to take Quivania and her mum out for an
                               outing please contact me or Phil Smith from ROMAC.
Duty Roster                    .
                                                                                                                 . Cont……
          PP Keith Stapley
                                                                                             Rotary Four-Way Test:
Minutes                                                                                               Is it the TRUTH?
          PP Wilf Van Emmerik
                                                   Rotary Grace:                               Is it FAIR to all concerned?
                                            “O Lord our giver of all good               Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
                                           We thank You for our daily food,                           FRIENDSHIPS?
Rotary Grace                             May Rotary friends and Rotary ways,           Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
          PP Rod Tilden                   Help us to serve you all our days”.
Page 2
 I wish to thank Haran Ramachandran for publishing our Weekly Bulletin for the last 12 months. Every bulletin
 has been interesting and informative and of the highest class. Well done Haran. I would also like to thank all
 members for your continued support over the year. I can’t believe this is my last Bulletin Message. I have
 had a wonderful year.

 My last duty as your President will be at our Changeover Night next Saturday 23rd June at The Dural Country
 Club. I hope you will be there for what is to be a very good evening. I require final numbers and any special
 dietary requirements now to advise Sandra, the Events Manager at the Club. Dress up in your Christmas
 Party gear and come along to celebrate the past 12 months and to welcome in our new President PE Bobby
 Redman for the next 12 months.

 Warm regards to all,
                                                               My last bulletin for this Rotary year. Thank you Penny
 President Penny Hill                                          for giving the opportunity to be the Bulletin Editor. My
                                                               small contribution to the Rotary Family.
 Summary of Last Meeting                                        Thank you Haran.


         See Penny Newsletter


         Club Programme
                No meeting June 12
                Last meeting for 2011-2012 June 19
                Club Changeover        June 23


         “Bollyhills” is all systems go. All members wishing to participate should reserve their tickets without
         delay as the demand is very high.

         Dan Murphy roster seems to be getting out of balance. A copy of the roster for the July- Dec period
         will be circulated before end of June.


         The GSE team to the UK has now returned. Bobby will be following up on Claire’s movements and
         have her at a club meeting as soon as practicable.


         A familiarization tour of Bunning’s Castle Hill Warehouse has been organized for June 19 @ 7.00pm.
         BBQ procedures will also be discussed.


         Christine works for the above organization which is exclusive to Westmead Hospital.
         She co-ordinates fund raising with the various Hospital benefactors and the “Millennium Foundation”
         which is also Westmead Hospital based, to secure funding for services not provided by the
         Government Health system.

         Operating from a “wish list” prepared by staff and refined as to most needed. She and her staff raise
         considerable funds for all services of the hospital, with the exception of the Westmead Children’s
         Hospital, which is a separate organization.

         During the 2011 year they raised over $750,000.00 and funded 150 Research programs. Westmead
         is a teaching hospital and services a vast area of western Sydney. Its staff of 1800 services over

       The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                          Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 3
          1,000,000 patients annually and conducts in excess of 14,000 medical procedures. It is the base for
          western Sydney Helicopter services.

          The Foundation also provides a facility to enable individuals to preserve monies in trust for a specific
          program. Presently 62 Trust Funds are established with instructions for funds to be spent on a specific
          program. The Foundation is very active with other community groups in raising funds for Westmead

 Weekly Toast - Overseas Club

                                            T his we ek we wo u l d l i k e to t o as t t h e Ro tar y Cl u b of
                                            B or ac a y – D is tr ic t 3 8 5 0, in t h e P hi l i p pi n es , a nd t o
                                            c on gr at u l at e th em o n t he ir f a nt as t ic m ob il e l i bra r y an d t he ir
                                            wor k t o war ds h i gh er l e v e ls of li t erac y.

                                                           Rotary Foundation Thought for the Week
                                                                       Changing and Saving Lives

                                  Ha v e yo u e v er c o ns i d e red t h at yo ur c o n tr ib ut i on t o T h e R ot ar y
 Fo un d at i on m a y m e a n th e d if f er e nc e b et we e n l if e a n d de a th ? I n L im a, P eru , m or e t h a n
 70 perc e nt of th e dr i nk i ng wat er c om es f r om th e R im ac R i v er, wh ic h is p o l lu te d wit h h i g h
 l e ve ls of c a dm ium , c o pp er , l ea d , zi n c , a n d a rs en ic . T o h el p a l l e vi at e t ha t pr ob l em , T he
 Ro tar y F o un d at i on a n d i ts p ar t n er s h a ve s u p p li e d wa t er f il t ers to 5 , 00 0 f am il i es l i v in g
 a lo n g th e ri v er .
 "T h e y are no t j us t gi v i ng us a c o nc r e t e box , " s a ys M ar i a M oro n , on e of t h e r ec ip i e nts of a
 f il ter . "T h e y ar e g i v in g us h e a lt h, a n d o ur c h i l dre n a b e tt er q ua l it y of lif e. "
 Cl os er to hom e, t h e R ot ar y C lu b of G l e nh a v en f a c i l it at e d a D is tr ic t S im pl if i e d G r a nt a n d
 wi t h th e s u pp or t of a n um ber of D9 6 80 R ot ar y C l u bs s u p p li e d 4 00 wa ter m ic rof i lt ers to t h e
 Ro tar y C l u b of Ba n Pa e w D3 3 30 T h ai l a nd . T he f i l ters a l o ng wi th s u it ab l e a tt ac hm e nts f o r
 ta ps a nd buc k ets wer e d is tr i b ut e d t o t h e l oc a l p op u l at i on s e r ve d b y t he Ba n Pa e w C l u b,
 th us s u pp l yi n g c le a n s af e wa t er to t h os e f am i l ies af f ec te d b y f l oo ds t ha t o n l y ha d ac c es s
 to c o n tam in a te d wat er . T h e ar ea is 80
 k m s Nort h of Ba n gk ok .

 Ro tar i a n's c o ntr i b ut i on s t o th es e
 proj ec ts ha v e l i ter a l l y m eant t h e
 d if f ere nc e be t we en lif e a nd d e at h f or
 m an y of th e c h i l dr e n i n th es e ar eas .

 T hes e a re j us t t wo ex a m ples of ho w
 Ro tar i a ns ar e he l p i ng to im pr o ve ac c es s
 to c le a n dr ink i n g wa te r a n d ad e q ua te
 s an i ta t io n ar o un d t he g lo b e. Yo u c a n
 he l p s u pp or t th es e ef f or ts b y m ak i n g a
 pers o n al gif t t o T he R ot ar y Fo u nd a ti o n -
 A nn u a l Pr ogr am s Fu n d as a C en t ur io n,
 P au l H arr is S oc ie t y m em ber or M aj or
 Do n or.

        The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                           Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 4
                                                           T he Ro ta r y Cl u b of G l en h a ve n c o - or d in a te d th is
                                                           proj ec t t o s u p p l y c l ea n s af e wa te r t o f am il i es
                                                           af f ec t ed b y t h e f lo o ds i n T h ai l a nd dur i n g
                                                           No v em ber / Dec em ber 20 1 1. A d is tr ic t s im pl if i ed
                                                           gra n t of $ 2 0 00 d o l la rs was rec e i v ed an d wi t h
                                                           c on tr ib u t io ns f r om 1 5 ot h er c l ubs a t o ta l of
                                                           $1 6 ,5 8 0 was c o l l ec t e d . G l en h a ve n R C wo u l d l ik e
                                                           to t h ank a l l t he c lu bs f or th e ir s u p por t t ha t m ad e
                                                           th is a ver y m e a n in gf u l pr oj ec t f or a l l th e f am i l ies it
                                                           as s is t ed dur i n g th e f lo od an d f or m an y ye a rs t o
                                                           c om e as t h e f i l te rs c a n b e c l ea n m a n y tim es b y
                                                           bac k was h in g.

                                                        T o m in im is e f ore i gn ex c ha n ge c os ts t h is m on e y
 was tr a ns f e rr ed t o t he Pr es id e nt E l ec t's ( B o b M orr is ) ac c o un t i n th e U S A.

 Fo ur h un dr ed an d f if t y f i lt er s S P 1 80 Sa w ye r po i nt on e f i lt ers we re s up p l ie d t o th e R ot ar y
 c l ub of B a n P ae w. M e m ber s of t his c lu b of t e n as s is t e d b y h os p i ta l s taf f d i s tr ib ut e d th es e
 f il ter pl u s b uc k ets a n d c o n nec t in g t ub es t o f am il i es i n n ee d.

  Dis tr ib u ti o n was ac h i e v ed b y Ro tar i a ns
 tr a v e l li n g ar ou n d i n b o ats . T h e s im pl e
 s ys tem c o ns is t e d of a buc k e t an d f i lt er
 at tac h ed t o t he buc k et . D ir t y wa t er wa s
 po ur e d i nt o th e b uc k et s u p pl i e d an d c l e a n
 s af e wa t er c o l lec t ed af ter t h e f i l te r
 proc es s e d t h e wa t er . T he f i l te r s c an be
 bac k was he d us i n g a s yr i n g e of c l ea n
 s af e f i lt ere d wat er .

 Dem ons tr at i on s wer e g i ve n t o f am i l ies b y
 Ro tar i a ns pr oc es s i n g t he dir t y wa t er
 thr o ug h t he f i l ter a n d i m m edia t el y
 dr ink i n g th e wa t er th u s pr o duc e d. T his
 c l ear l y s h o we d t he f a m ili es h o w s af e th is
 wa ter is .

                    The brand new Sydney Greater West Entertainment™ Books are here
 Rotary Club of The Hills-Kellyville Inc is pleased to be selling the Entertainment Book to help raise funds.
                                 Books will be available from early April. If have any queries, please contact
                                 Greg Rieper on 0400 998 790 or email

                                      Entertainment™ Books feature many of the area's best restaurants, cafes,
                                      accommodation, attractions and activities, with up to 50% off and 2-for-1

                                      Purchase the new Book for just $65 and you’ll receive over $15,000 in
                                      valuable offers you can use from now until 1st June, 2013.

                                      Available from early-April 2012, the Books are sold exclusively by fund-raising
                                      organizations. When you purchase a Book, you'll be helping community fund-

                                      Find out

        The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                           Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 5
 Bill Gates meets Rotary International India to discuss Polio campaign
 IBNLive - Posted on May 31, 2012 at 06:59pm IST

 New Delhi: Bill Gates met Rotary International India on Thursday in New Delhi on his three day visit to the
 country where he is expected to meet a number of Government functionaries before heading to Bangalore for
 a discussion on philanthropy with India's industrial leaders.

 Gates met Rotary leaders – Rajendra K Saboo, Past President, Rotary International , Ashok M Mahajan,
 Trustee & Member, International PolioPlus Committee and Deepak Kapur, Chairman, India National PolioPlus
 Committee of Rotary International at hotel Oberoi, early morning today where he was presented with a plaque
 as a token of appreciation for his support to the global Polio eradication programme.

 Bill Gates appreciated the Polio efforts in India however cautioned India not to be complacent especially when
 Pakistan is yet to achieve polio-free status. On the importance of Routine Immunization, Rotary led the
 discussion for improved coverage to ensure children are healthy to fight other diseases including Polio and
 their support for the same.

                                                               Rotary International India assured of all help to
                                                               Pakistan in eradicating polio. Rotary International
                                                               said how Rotary Pakistan and their Rotarian
                                                               counterparts are leading the efforts and are in
                                                               constant touch and discussing the fight against Polio
                                                               and the way India fought and achieved triumph. Dr
                                                               Rajendra K Saboo, Past President, Rotary
                                                               International said, "If need be, we will be ready to
                                                               offer assistance to polio stricken victims of Pakistan
                                                               offering them polio corrective surgeries in India or in
                                                               Pakistan through our network."

                                                               Rotary attributed the basic reasons for India’s
                                                               success primarily due to the total ownership of the
                                                               campaign by GOI together with State Governments
 and also the introduction of bivalent vaccine.

 Gates was apprised of the successful model of Muslim Ulema Committee formed by Rotary in UP under the
 leadership of Trustee Ashok Mahajan, which led to the minority community leaders playing a crucial role in
 achieving the polio-free status. Rotary suggested that similar kind of committee could be formed in Pakistan
 and is being pursued.

 Rotary expressed that having India taken off the endemic list is not the end in itself. The goal for 3 consecutive
 years without a case of virus, thereafter the certification of Polio-free India, followed by the phase-out of OPV
 too is essential for India to be certified as a Polio free nation.
 Rotary International is the spearheading partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative –consisting of WHO,
 UNICEF, CDC and Rotary – that together with the Gates Foundation have been instrumental in bringing out
 the resolution recently by the World Health Assembly to declare Polio a global public health emergency.

 About Rotary International
 Rotary’s commitment to end polio represents the largest private-sector support of a global health initiative
 ever. In 1985, Rotary members worldwide vowed to immunize all the world's children against polio. Since
 then, Rotary has contributed $850 million to polio eradication.

 Rotarians are raising another $200 million to match the Gates Foundation grant of $355 million contributions.
 Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian
 service and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. It is comprised of 1.2 million members working in
 over 32,000 clubs in more than 170 countries. Rotary members initiate community projects that address many
 of today's most critical issues, such as violence, AIDS, hunger, environment and health care.

 The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is spearheaded by the World Health Organization, Rotary International,
 the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and UNICEF.

       The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                          Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
Page 6
Club Members

                                                                                             Dan Murphy Roster
     Name                                                    Classification

 Ray               Campbell               PP,PHF         Education - Secondary
 Thomas            Cann                    PHF           Landscape Supplies

                                                                                             Saturday 23 June 12
 Col               Davis                                 Accounting Taxation

 Russ              Evans                  PP,PHF         Finance

 Henry             Grech                    PP           Legal Practice
                                                                                             Paul Hasslam
 Michael           Griscti                 PHF           Lighting Technician
                                                                                             PP Greg Rieper
 Penny             Hill                     PHF          Customer Service Manager

                                                         Marketing Consultancy
                                                         Electrical Distribution
                                                                                             Saturday 30 June 12
                                                                                             PP Robert Mackey
 Robert            Mackey                 PP,PHF         Construction Services
                                                                                             PP Graeme Rohan
 Ian               Pearce                 PP,PHF         Industrial Consultancy

 Bruce             Pike                                  Nursery Retail

 Suresh            Prasad                   PP           Sugar Research
                                                                                             Saturday 07 July 12
 Haran             Ramachandran           PP,PHF         Computer Support
                                                                                             PP Alan Walker
 Bobby             Redman                                Psychology                          PP Gordon Scoble
 Michael           Richardson                            Honorary Member

 Greg              Rieper
                                                                                             WHAT AM I UP TO NOW
                                          PP,PHF         Consultancy

 Graeme            Rohan                  PP,PHF         Petroleum Distribution

 Gordon            Scoble                 PP,PHF         Education Primary
 Jim               Sifonios               PP,PHF         Product Development
                                                                                             9th Bob Low
 Keith             Stapley                PP,PHF         Photogrammetry
                                                                                             16th Allan Walker
 Rod               Tilden                 PP,PHF         Window Furnishing Sales             23rd Alex Traill
 Alex              Traill                 PP,PHF         Building & Maintenance              30th Alan Jones
 Wilf              Van Emmerik            PP,PHF         Specialised Transport

 Allan             Walker                   PP           Funeral Direction

 Glenn             Willcox                  PP           Project Estimating
P – President   PP - Past President   PHF - Paul Harris Fellow
                                                                                        A Really Bad Day

                                                                                        There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink.
Club Calendar                                                                           He stays like that for half of an hour.

                                                                                        Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next
                                                                                        to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks
                                                                                        it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck
                                                                                        driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here,
                                                                                        I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a
                                                                                        man cry."

                                                                                        "No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life.
                                                                                        First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My
                                                                                        boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the
                                                                                        building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The
                                                                                        police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to
                                                                                        return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left
                                                                                        my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just
                                                                                        drives away."

         Note: Apologies must be in to PP Graeme                                        "I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in
         Rohan by 12pm on Mondays so numbers                                            bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to
                                                                                        this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting
               can be confirmed for dinner.                                             an end to my life, you show up and drink my

                   The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
                                      Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153

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  • 1. The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville Mon 18 June 2012 Issue 3. No. 40 Weekly Bulletin Monday, 18 June 2012 Last Meeting: Program: IDS New Project 04 June 2012 Duty Roster tonight: Program: Door PP Rod Tilden Westmead Research Minutes PP Wilf Van Emmerik Foundation Rotary Grace PP Alan Walker Apologies: Birthdays: 20-Jun Toni Tilden 23-Jun Margaret Van Emmerik 25-Jun Michael Griscti 29-Jun Edna Rohan Anniversaries: Toasts: Loyal PP Alan Jones Overseas Club Rtn. Michael Gristci What Am I Up To Now PE Bobby Redman Rotary Fellowships Rotary Fellowships bring together Rotarians, spouses, and Tonight we welcome Janine from Interactive Disability Services who will be outlining a new Rotaractors who share a common project that is currently underway. interest, helping them make new friends and explore opportunities to serve. The International Last Saturday night Keith and Lyn Stapley hosted yet again a very enjoyable Family Bonfire Fellowship of Rotarian at their property at Round Corner. The weather held off and those of us who attended Photographers, recognized in enjoyed the barbequed steak and sausage sandwiches followed by beautiful pancakes. January, is one of the newest. Thank you to Ian Pearce who provided the wood for the fire and to Keith and Lyn who looked after us all. We all enjoyed the fire and the kids enjoyed the sparklers and toasted Next Meeting: marshmallows cooked above hot coals from the fire. Monday, 02 July 2012 Last Wednesday evening I met 3 year old Quivania and her mum Ana at Westmead Children’s Hospital. ROMAC rushed Quivania from East Timor as her airway was being cut Program off due to a condition causing her tongue to swell. Quivania’s condition has now improved and she was released from hospital last Friday and is temporarily being housed with a Club Plan Presentation young doctor and her husband at Eastwood. Phil Smith is hoping that Ronald McDonald House will have a vacancy shortly for more suitable accommodation until such time as WHAT AM I UP TO NOW Quivania is well enough to go home. She may have to undergo more surgery in the next few weeks. If you have time during the week to take Quivania and her mum out for an outing please contact me or Phil Smith from ROMAC. Duty Roster . . Cont…… Door PP Keith Stapley Rotary Four-Way Test: Minutes Is it the TRUTH? PP Wilf Van Emmerik Rotary Grace: Is it FAIR to all concerned? “O Lord our giver of all good Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER We thank You for our daily food, FRIENDSHIPS? Rotary Grace May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? PP Rod Tilden Help us to serve you all our days”.
  • 2. Page 2 I wish to thank Haran Ramachandran for publishing our Weekly Bulletin for the last 12 months. Every bulletin has been interesting and informative and of the highest class. Well done Haran. I would also like to thank all members for your continued support over the year. I can’t believe this is my last Bulletin Message. I have had a wonderful year. My last duty as your President will be at our Changeover Night next Saturday 23rd June at The Dural Country Club. I hope you will be there for what is to be a very good evening. I require final numbers and any special dietary requirements now to advise Sandra, the Events Manager at the Club. Dress up in your Christmas Party gear and come along to celebrate the past 12 months and to welcome in our new President PE Bobby Redman for the next 12 months. Warm regards to all, My last bulletin for this Rotary year. Thank you Penny President Penny Hill for giving the opportunity to be the Bulletin Editor. My small contribution to the Rotary Family. Summary of Last Meeting Thank you Haran. PRESIDENTS ADDRESS See Penny Newsletter CLUB SERVICE Club Programme No meeting June 12 Last meeting for 2011-2012 June 19 Club Changeover June 23 COMMUNITY SERVICE “Bollyhills” is all systems go. All members wishing to participate should reserve their tickets without delay as the demand is very high. Dan Murphy roster seems to be getting out of balance. A copy of the roster for the July- Dec period will be circulated before end of June. INTERNATIONAL The GSE team to the UK has now returned. Bobby will be following up on Claire’s movements and have her at a club meeting as soon as practicable. VOCATIONAL A familiarization tour of Bunning’s Castle Hill Warehouse has been organized for June 19 @ 7.00pm. BBQ procedures will also be discussed. GUEST SPEAKER- CHRISTINE BAUER-WESTMEAD MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION. Christine works for the above organization which is exclusive to Westmead Hospital. She co-ordinates fund raising with the various Hospital benefactors and the “Millennium Foundation” which is also Westmead Hospital based, to secure funding for services not provided by the Government Health system. Operating from a “wish list” prepared by staff and refined as to most needed. She and her staff raise considerable funds for all services of the hospital, with the exception of the Westmead Children’s Hospital, which is a separate organization. During the 2011 year they raised over $750,000.00 and funded 150 Research programs. Westmead is a teaching hospital and services a vast area of western Sydney. Its staff of 1800 services over The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 3. Page 3 1,000,000 patients annually and conducts in excess of 14,000 medical procedures. It is the base for western Sydney Helicopter services. The Foundation also provides a facility to enable individuals to preserve monies in trust for a specific program. Presently 62 Trust Funds are established with instructions for funds to be spent on a specific program. The Foundation is very active with other community groups in raising funds for Westmead Hospital. Weekly Toast - Overseas Club T his we ek we wo u l d l i k e to t o as t t h e Ro tar y Cl u b of B or ac a y – D is tr ic t 3 8 5 0, in t h e P hi l i p pi n es , a nd t o c on gr at u l at e th em o n t he ir f a nt as t ic m ob il e l i bra r y an d t he ir wor k t o war ds h i gh er l e v e ls of li t erac y. Rotary Foundation Thought for the Week Changing and Saving Lives Ha v e yo u e v er c o ns i d e red t h at yo ur c o n tr ib ut i on t o T h e R ot ar y Fo un d at i on m a y m e a n th e d if f er e nc e b et we e n l if e a n d de a th ? I n L im a, P eru , m or e t h a n 70 perc e nt of th e dr i nk i ng wat er c om es f r om th e R im ac R i v er, wh ic h is p o l lu te d wit h h i g h l e ve ls of c a dm ium , c o pp er , l ea d , zi n c , a n d a rs en ic . T o h el p a l l e vi at e t ha t pr ob l em , T he Ro tar y F o un d at i on a n d i ts p ar t n er s h a ve s u p p li e d wa t er f il t ers to 5 , 00 0 f am il i es l i v in g a lo n g th e ri v er . "T h e y are no t j us t gi v i ng us a c o nc r e t e box , " s a ys M ar i a M oro n , on e of t h e r ec ip i e nts of a f il ter . "T h e y ar e g i v in g us h e a lt h, a n d o ur c h i l dre n a b e tt er q ua l it y of lif e. " Cl os er to hom e, t h e R ot ar y C lu b of G l e nh a v en f a c i l it at e d a D is tr ic t S im pl if i e d G r a nt a n d wi t h th e s u pp or t of a n um ber of D9 6 80 R ot ar y C l u bs s u p p li e d 4 00 wa ter m ic rof i lt ers to t h e Ro tar y C l u b of Ba n Pa e w D3 3 30 T h ai l a nd . T he f i l ters a l o ng wi th s u it ab l e a tt ac hm e nts f o r ta ps a nd buc k ets wer e d is tr i b ut e d t o t h e l oc a l p op u l at i on s e r ve d b y t he Ba n Pa e w C l u b, th us s u pp l yi n g c le a n s af e wa t er to t h os e f am i l ies af f ec te d b y f l oo ds t ha t o n l y ha d ac c es s to c o n tam in a te d wat er . T h e ar ea is 80 k m s Nort h of Ba n gk ok . Ro tar i a n's c o ntr i b ut i on s t o th es e proj ec ts ha v e l i ter a l l y m eant t h e d if f ere nc e be t we en lif e a nd d e at h f or m an y of th e c h i l dr e n i n th es e ar eas . T hes e a re j us t t wo ex a m ples of ho w Ro tar i a ns ar e he l p i ng to im pr o ve ac c es s to c le a n dr ink i n g wa te r a n d ad e q ua te s an i ta t io n ar o un d t he g lo b e. Yo u c a n he l p s u pp or t th es e ef f or ts b y m ak i n g a pers o n al gif t t o T he R ot ar y Fo u nd a ti o n - A nn u a l Pr ogr am s Fu n d as a C en t ur io n, P au l H arr is S oc ie t y m em ber or M aj or Do n or. The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 4. Page 4 WATER FILTERS FOR THAILAND T he Ro ta r y Cl u b of G l en h a ve n c o - or d in a te d th is proj ec t t o s u p p l y c l ea n s af e wa te r t o f am il i es af f ec t ed b y t h e f lo o ds i n T h ai l a nd dur i n g No v em ber / Dec em ber 20 1 1. A d is tr ic t s im pl if i ed gra n t of $ 2 0 00 d o l la rs was rec e i v ed an d wi t h c on tr ib u t io ns f r om 1 5 ot h er c l ubs a t o ta l of $1 6 ,5 8 0 was c o l l ec t e d . G l en h a ve n R C wo u l d l ik e to t h ank a l l t he c lu bs f or th e ir s u p por t t ha t m ad e th is a ver y m e a n in gf u l pr oj ec t f or a l l th e f am i l ies it as s is t ed dur i n g th e f lo od an d f or m an y ye a rs t o c om e as t h e f i l te rs c a n b e c l ea n m a n y tim es b y bac k was h in g. T o m in im is e f ore i gn ex c ha n ge c os ts t h is m on e y was tr a ns f e rr ed t o t he Pr es id e nt E l ec t's ( B o b M orr is ) ac c o un t i n th e U S A. Fo ur h un dr ed an d f if t y f i lt er s S P 1 80 Sa w ye r po i nt on e f i lt ers we re s up p l ie d t o th e R ot ar y c l ub of B a n P ae w. M e m ber s of t his c lu b of t e n as s is t e d b y h os p i ta l s taf f d i s tr ib ut e d th es e f il ter pl u s b uc k ets a n d c o n nec t in g t ub es t o f am il i es i n n ee d. Dis tr ib u ti o n was ac h i e v ed b y Ro tar i a ns tr a v e l li n g ar ou n d i n b o ats . T h e s im pl e s ys tem c o ns is t e d of a buc k e t an d f i lt er at tac h ed t o t he buc k et . D ir t y wa t er wa s po ur e d i nt o th e b uc k et s u p pl i e d an d c l e a n s af e wa t er c o l lec t ed af ter t h e f i l te r proc es s e d t h e wa t er . T he f i l te r s c an be bac k was he d us i n g a s yr i n g e of c l ea n s af e f i lt ere d wat er . Dem ons tr at i on s wer e g i ve n t o f am i l ies b y Ro tar i a ns pr oc es s i n g t he dir t y wa t er thr o ug h t he f i l ter a n d i m m edia t el y dr ink i n g th e wa t er th u s pr o duc e d. T his c l ear l y s h o we d t he f a m ili es h o w s af e th is wa ter is . The brand new Sydney Greater West Entertainment™ Books are here Rotary Club of The Hills-Kellyville Inc is pleased to be selling the Entertainment Book to help raise funds. Books will be available from early April. If have any queries, please contact Greg Rieper on 0400 998 790 or email Entertainment™ Books feature many of the area's best restaurants, cafes, accommodation, attractions and activities, with up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers! Purchase the new Book for just $65 and you’ll receive over $15,000 in valuable offers you can use from now until 1st June, 2013. Available from early-April 2012, the Books are sold exclusively by fund-raising organizations. When you purchase a Book, you'll be helping community fund- raising! Find out The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 5. Page 5 Bill Gates meets Rotary International India to discuss Polio campaign IBNLive - Posted on May 31, 2012 at 06:59pm IST New Delhi: Bill Gates met Rotary International India on Thursday in New Delhi on his three day visit to the country where he is expected to meet a number of Government functionaries before heading to Bangalore for a discussion on philanthropy with India's industrial leaders. Gates met Rotary leaders – Rajendra K Saboo, Past President, Rotary International , Ashok M Mahajan, Trustee & Member, International PolioPlus Committee and Deepak Kapur, Chairman, India National PolioPlus Committee of Rotary International at hotel Oberoi, early morning today where he was presented with a plaque as a token of appreciation for his support to the global Polio eradication programme. Bill Gates appreciated the Polio efforts in India however cautioned India not to be complacent especially when Pakistan is yet to achieve polio-free status. On the importance of Routine Immunization, Rotary led the discussion for improved coverage to ensure children are healthy to fight other diseases including Polio and their support for the same. Rotary International India assured of all help to Pakistan in eradicating polio. Rotary International said how Rotary Pakistan and their Rotarian counterparts are leading the efforts and are in constant touch and discussing the fight against Polio and the way India fought and achieved triumph. Dr Rajendra K Saboo, Past President, Rotary International said, "If need be, we will be ready to offer assistance to polio stricken victims of Pakistan offering them polio corrective surgeries in India or in Pakistan through our network." Rotary attributed the basic reasons for India’s success primarily due to the total ownership of the campaign by GOI together with State Governments and also the introduction of bivalent vaccine. Gates was apprised of the successful model of Muslim Ulema Committee formed by Rotary in UP under the leadership of Trustee Ashok Mahajan, which led to the minority community leaders playing a crucial role in achieving the polio-free status. Rotary suggested that similar kind of committee could be formed in Pakistan and is being pursued. Rotary expressed that having India taken off the endemic list is not the end in itself. The goal for 3 consecutive years without a case of virus, thereafter the certification of Polio-free India, followed by the phase-out of OPV too is essential for India to be certified as a Polio free nation. Rotary International is the spearheading partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative –consisting of WHO, UNICEF, CDC and Rotary – that together with the Gates Foundation have been instrumental in bringing out the resolution recently by the World Health Assembly to declare Polio a global public health emergency. About Rotary International Rotary’s commitment to end polio represents the largest private-sector support of a global health initiative ever. In 1985, Rotary members worldwide vowed to immunize all the world's children against polio. Since then, Rotary has contributed $850 million to polio eradication. Rotarians are raising another $200 million to match the Gates Foundation grant of $355 million contributions. Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. It is comprised of 1.2 million members working in over 32,000 clubs in more than 170 countries. Rotary members initiate community projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as violence, AIDS, hunger, environment and health care. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is spearheaded by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and UNICEF. The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153
  • 6. Page 6 Club Members Dan Murphy Roster Name Classification Ray Campbell PP,PHF Education - Secondary - Thomas Cann PHF Landscape Supplies Saturday 23 June 12 Col Davis Accounting Taxation Russ Evans PP,PHF Finance Henry Grech PP Legal Practice Paul Hasslam Michael Griscti PHF Lighting Technician PP Greg Rieper Penny Hill PHF Customer Service Manager Alan Bob Jones Low PP,PHF PHF Marketing Consultancy Electrical Distribution Saturday 30 June 12 PP Robert Mackey Robert Mackey PP,PHF Construction Services PP Graeme Rohan Ian Pearce PP,PHF Industrial Consultancy Bruce Pike Nursery Retail Suresh Prasad PP Sugar Research Saturday 07 July 12 Haran Ramachandran PP,PHF Computer Support PP Alan Walker Bobby Redman Psychology PP Gordon Scoble Michael Richardson Honorary Member Greg Rieper WHAT AM I UP TO NOW PP,PHF Consultancy Graeme Rohan PP,PHF Petroleum Distribution Gordon Scoble PP,PHF Education Primary July Jim Sifonios PP,PHF Product Development 9th Bob Low Keith Stapley PP,PHF Photogrammetry 16th Allan Walker Rod Tilden PP,PHF Window Furnishing Sales 23rd Alex Traill Alex Traill PP,PHF Building & Maintenance 30th Alan Jones Wilf Van Emmerik PP,PHF Specialised Transport Allan Walker PP Funeral Direction Glenn Willcox PP Project Estimating P – President PP - Past President PHF - Paul Harris Fellow A Really Bad Day There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. Club Calendar He stays like that for half of an hour. Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry." "No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away." Note: Apologies must be in to PP Graeme "I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in Rohan by 12pm on Mondays so numbers bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting can be confirmed for dinner. an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison." The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153