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  By: Haley Griffin
My Purpose
• My name is Haley Griffin and I chose to do my multigenre project on
  the death of my Papaw. He was a very important and special person
  in my life. His death did not only affect me, it affected my entire
  family. He was the glue to our family and we did not realize that
  until he was gone. The purpose of this project was to allow me to
  reflect on the life of my Papaw and the events of the day that I will
  never forget. My intended audience is my family. I want them to
  remember the good that he brought to our family.
May 25, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today my life changed and it was not for the better. My family lost an important member
and I don’t think that things will ever be the same. My Papaw left us tonight, he passed
away due to a heart attack and it was very unexpected. I have cried and cried, but at the
same time I tried to comfort those that were around me, especially my cousin Stacey.
The other members of our family were pretty focused on our Mamaw, which is to be
expected because that was her husband. A few family friends showed up at the hospital
out of respect and to help support us, which I thought was extremely generous.
 As I sit here and think about the past, I think about all the good times that my papaw
and I shared. He taught me a lot, like how to mow and how to love; he always knew how
to make me laugh. I will miss watching the Price is Right with him and trying to guess the
price of all the prizes. He always joked that he would take me to California so we could
sit in on a showing. I will also miss him taking vacations with my parents and I. I can’t
imagine going into that house and him not being there. I will miss the sounds of him
coming down the hall with change in his pocket and the goofy looks he would make
when he would sneak up on me and try to scare me. He was a very special person whom
I loved dearly and I will miss him a lot.

Dear Papaw,

              I want to start out by saying I miss you a lot! It seems like so much has happened since you passed. Stacey
and I have both graduated high school. I chose to go to Surry Community College for two years before making the
move to a four-year university. I chose to go to UNC-Charlotte just like Stacey though. We lived in the same apartment
complex, but not the same apartment. My apartment was right above hers though, which was awesome! I feel a little
lost since she graduated last May. She got a second grade-teaching job at a school near her house. I am supposed to
graduate next December and I hope that I can find a school near to my house too, teaching either kindergarten, first,
or second grade. I don’t mow the field anymore; soon after you passed, Mamaw decided to hire someone to mow the
yard; apparently it was hard to keep up. I was a little upset about it because in the previous letter I wrote I told you
that I would keep mowing it for you. I really got angry when she started selling all your stuff. I know that I don’t have
the relationship with her that I should, but I am very bitter toward her; I think she sold your stuff too soon and it was
just to get money. I met a great guy; his name is Brandon. I wish that you could have met him; I think that you two
would have really hit it off. I wish that you were still here. I feel like things were so much simpler when you were here.
You were always in a good mood and it was contagious. The family isn’t the same since you left and holidays are
nowhere near as fun. The first Christmas was terrible. Stacey and I tried to be the life of the party and keep everyone’s
spirits up, but it was almost pointless. The second Christmas was a little better. Just as me and Stacey were walking
through the living room into the kitchen a musical bear started playing. We both looked at each other and cried; we
couldn’t help but thinking that you were there with us that Christmas. As I continue to grow up and get older I think
about all the things that you are missing. You missed Stacey and I getting our license, graduating high school and
Stacey graduating college. You will also miss me graduating college and both of us getting married. I know that you are
watching over us, but I can’t help but wish you were down here with us to experience all of our triumphs with us. I love
and miss you.

What are some of the things that Papaw taught you?
Papaw taught me how to be a kind person. He was so nice to everyone he ran into; he
had friends everywhere. If you did not know him, you would by the time you left. I
remember when Mamaw and Papaw use to take us to Tweetsie Railroad. You and I
would be on a ride and look over and see Papaw talking to someone. We would ask who
it was and he would say, “I don’t know, I just started talking.” That was always so typical
of him. He was such a sweet and caring man. He also taught me how to play Rook. I
remember the nights that we used to spend that night down there and we would play
Rook for hours. He taught me how to keep score and how to play the game. That is a
game that I still love to this day and I think about him every time I play it. He also taught
me simple things like how to make deviled eggs, play croquet, and feed squirrels. He also
taught me important things like how to laugh at yourself, how to be a people person,
and how to love.
What were some of your favorite activities to do together?
I enjoyed playing Rook with him; he was so funny. He would always make silly faces if he
had the Rook. Sometimes he would get aggravated with Mamaw if she didn’t play the
right card, but the way he did it was funny. I liked listening to him tell his stories about
driving cars for Foothill Ford. Sometimes I had no idea what he was talking about, but I
could tell that he really enjoyed driving those cars and he loved to tell the stories of his
day. It was just nice to be able to spend time with him. He always had something going
on. I remember when you and I would put on our Christmas program for the family we
would spend hours decorating the Piano room; we wanted it to be a surprise so we
would put signs on the doors that said “KEEP OUT,” but he never stayed out he had to
see what was going on. It was always fun to watch him play pin the nose on Rudolph
because he never got close and we would all just laugh. My favorite thing to do with
Papaw was to play outside. It didn't matter what he was doing I just loved playing with
you and knowing he was right there with us. He would watch us ride in our Barbie jeep,
ride bikes, play ball, blow us up a swimming pool or join us in a round of croquet. At the
time everything was taken for granted, but looking back I realize how spoiled rotten we
really were.
What do you miss most about him?
What I miss most is spending time with him. I was only thirteen when he
passed away and that just isn’t much time. I miss going down there to play
Rook with him and Mamaw and I miss his stories. I miss the way the house
would smell when he got finished taking his shower and I miss hearing the
change rattle in his pocket when he was coming down the hall. There are so
many things that remind me of him and I miss him everyday. He always
called us gal or doodlebug. When I hear someone else say that I will
occasionally turn my head and look for him. Another thing that I miss most
about him is feeling his hugs and seeing his smile. His hugs were the best
and he always smelled like "papaw". I miss him everyday.
How would you describe him?
I would describe him as a very caring, funny, loving, Christian man, who ser
a great example for his family. He loved the Lord with all his heart and he
loved going to church. He would always get dressed up in his Sunday best
and go to church on Sunday. He loved to listen to gospel music too and he
had several gospel records. Like I said, he made friends everywhere he
went and he wasn’t a stranger to very many people. I would describe him as
a man who never met a stranger. A man who had the most positive outlook
on life and who loved with his WHOLE heart. He never took life too
seriously and he would do anything to make you laugh. He was loved by
everyone! He was an amazing husband, dad, papaw, and friend to
everyone! He loved taking trips to Dollywood and he loved anything Ford.
What kind of impact did he make in your life?
I love him very much and as I said I miss him everyday. He taught me so
much during our time together. I believe that he was the glue to the family
and since he has passed, the family isn’t nearly the same and sadly neither
are the holidays. I don’t think we realized what he did for our family and
what he brought to the table. He always had a joke and he could make
anyone laugh. Things will never be the same without him.I would love for
him to be here with us now, when life gets stressful, I think that he would
truly help in easing the stress. He made a huge impact on my life. He was
probably the best person I have ever met. Losing him is by far the hardest
thing I have ever been through. He was the sunshine in our family and when
he died it's like the clouds have been out ever since. He will forever be in
my heart and I will always be his "gal".
What are some items you think of when you think of Papaw?
Items that I will always associate with Papaw: Circus Peanuts, Brown Mules,
Deviled Eggs, False Teeth, RJReynolds (gold tobacco leaf), WWF wrestling,
rook, croquet, selling candybars (fun raisers), Ford, brown bedroom shoes,
Tweetsie RR, Dollywood, $1 bills, the quarter collection and Brad Paisley's
"When I get where I'm going."
It started out as a normal day; I went to school, came home, finished my homework and spent time
with my parents. It was 9:00pm and I was ready for bed. I went upstairs to brush my teeth and get
ready to turn in for the night. I signed onto Yahoo Instant Messenger for just a few minutes and I
heard the phone ring. I did not have a good feeling about the phone call because it was rather late.
My mom burst into the room and said, “we’ve got to go, it’s your Papaw;” I knew by the look on her
face that it was not good. I happened to be chatting with my best friend at that time and I told her
what was happening. The summer before we were on vacation with my parents when my Papaw
had a heart attack and we had to come home early; he was not doing well and the doctors had to
shock him four times in order to revive him. I knew that she would be understanding and would
probably would want to know what was going on because we were practically attached at the hip.
My mom and I hopped in the car and drove the nine hundred feet to my grandparent’s house. My
dad had ran down there ahead of us. He attempted to give his own dad CPR to no avail. My mom
went in to see what was going on and I was told to stay outside. The night air was crisp and I felt so
alone; I just wanted everything to be ok. After what felt like decades, the paramedics arrived
turning the sky a gloomy shade of red. I was hoping that they would be able to do something! I
remember one of the lady EMT’s stopping to talk to me. I was wondering why she was talking; she
should be working! She was extremely sweet though; she told me that they were going to bring him
out and put him in the ambulance and that I should probably step around the corner of the house. I
was on the phone a lot in those thirty-minutes, but it seemed like hours. I called my best friend to
tell her what had happened in more detail; she and her mom arrived about twenty minutes later. We
hugged and she made me laugh for a few minutes; she was always good at doing that. She has such
a great personality. My mom broke the news to my dad’s other siblings, but I kept them updated on
where we were going and such. I remember one of my aunt’s, the one who lived the closet, arriving
on two wheels and when she stepped out of the car we hugged for a very long time….
After Papaw was loaded we all stepped in the house to gather a few things and that was when I
saw Mamaw. She was very solemn and weeping. I really had no idea what to say to her so I just
blurted out “I’m so sorry Mamaw.” Was that supposed to help? No, it was just something to say to
feel the eerie silence in the house that I use to love spending time at. I would never look at that
house the same way again. My mom, dad, aunt, Mamaw, and I piled into the car and followed the
ambulance to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and were led through an antiseptic smelling
hallway to a private waiting room. Again, after what felt like decades the nurse stepped in and
confirmed what we already knew, “ I’m sorry, but there was nothing that we could do.” We sat in
silence and cried. I had a small ray of hope that everything would be ok and that he would pull
through this just like he had before. Everything after that was kind of a blur. I remember my cousin
and her family arriving, they live about an hour away from where the hospital is located, so it took
them a while to get there. It was probably best that they did not have to hear the news in person. I
hugged my cousin for a long time; she was very upset. I tried to make her laugh; I can be awkward
in situations like these because I just don’t know what to do. Some of the family went back to see
Papaw, my cousin and I opted out of that. We wanted to remember him in a different way, not like
that. A few friends of my dad showed up at the hospital to help support us all and I thoughr that
was very sweet of them. One of them took my mom, Stacey, and myself home so we could get some
rest. Although it had only been a few hours since we received that call, we were drained. I wanted
to go to bed and cry myself to sleep and that was exactly what I did.
Deviled Eggs

• 1 dozen eggs
• Mayonnaise
• Vinegar
• Salt
• Pepper
• Paprika
Start out by boiling the eggs. When the eggs have finished boiling,
run cold water over the egg and then peel the outer shell off the egg.
Cut the eggs in half and take out the yolk. Mash all the yolk up and
then add mayonnaise. While mixing, add a couple of drops of vinegar
and salt and pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients until creamy. Place
the yolk back in the egg and then top with paprika.
When our family would gather together for the holidays deviled eggs
were always on the menu. I was lucky because I lived just across the
road from Papaw, so I could go down there whenever I wanted. I
loved going down there to help Mamaw and Papaw get everything
ready for the get together. I would help Papaw with the deviled
eggs. After he was finished (and when Mamaw wasn’t looking) we
would clean the plate and the spoon. As simple as that sounds, it is
something I will remember about him because it was our little secret.

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  • 1. MULTIGENRE PROJECT: PAPAW By: Haley Griffin
  • 2. My Purpose • My name is Haley Griffin and I chose to do my multigenre project on the death of my Papaw. He was a very important and special person in my life. His death did not only affect me, it affected my entire family. He was the glue to our family and we did not realize that until he was gone. The purpose of this project was to allow me to reflect on the life of my Papaw and the events of the day that I will never forget. My intended audience is my family. I want them to remember the good that he brought to our family.
  • 3. May 25, 2004 Dear Diary, Today my life changed and it was not for the better. My family lost an important member and I don’t think that things will ever be the same. My Papaw left us tonight, he passed away due to a heart attack and it was very unexpected. I have cried and cried, but at the same time I tried to comfort those that were around me, especially my cousin Stacey. The other members of our family were pretty focused on our Mamaw, which is to be expected because that was her husband. A few family friends showed up at the hospital out of respect and to help support us, which I thought was extremely generous. As I sit here and think about the past, I think about all the good times that my papaw and I shared. He taught me a lot, like how to mow and how to love; he always knew how to make me laugh. I will miss watching the Price is Right with him and trying to guess the price of all the prizes. He always joked that he would take me to California so we could sit in on a showing. I will also miss him taking vacations with my parents and I. I can’t imagine going into that house and him not being there. I will miss the sounds of him coming down the hall with change in his pocket and the goofy looks he would make when he would sneak up on me and try to scare me. He was a very special person whom I loved dearly and I will miss him a lot. --Haley
  • 4.
  • 5. Dear Papaw, I want to start out by saying I miss you a lot! It seems like so much has happened since you passed. Stacey and I have both graduated high school. I chose to go to Surry Community College for two years before making the move to a four-year university. I chose to go to UNC-Charlotte just like Stacey though. We lived in the same apartment complex, but not the same apartment. My apartment was right above hers though, which was awesome! I feel a little lost since she graduated last May. She got a second grade-teaching job at a school near her house. I am supposed to graduate next December and I hope that I can find a school near to my house too, teaching either kindergarten, first, or second grade. I don’t mow the field anymore; soon after you passed, Mamaw decided to hire someone to mow the yard; apparently it was hard to keep up. I was a little upset about it because in the previous letter I wrote I told you that I would keep mowing it for you. I really got angry when she started selling all your stuff. I know that I don’t have the relationship with her that I should, but I am very bitter toward her; I think she sold your stuff too soon and it was just to get money. I met a great guy; his name is Brandon. I wish that you could have met him; I think that you two would have really hit it off. I wish that you were still here. I feel like things were so much simpler when you were here. You were always in a good mood and it was contagious. The family isn’t the same since you left and holidays are nowhere near as fun. The first Christmas was terrible. Stacey and I tried to be the life of the party and keep everyone’s spirits up, but it was almost pointless. The second Christmas was a little better. Just as me and Stacey were walking through the living room into the kitchen a musical bear started playing. We both looked at each other and cried; we couldn’t help but thinking that you were there with us that Christmas. As I continue to grow up and get older I think about all the things that you are missing. You missed Stacey and I getting our license, graduating high school and Stacey graduating college. You will also miss me graduating college and both of us getting married. I know that you are watching over us, but I can’t help but wish you were down here with us to experience all of our triumphs with us. I love and miss you. Love, Haley
  • 6.
  • 7. What are some of the things that Papaw taught you? Papaw taught me how to be a kind person. He was so nice to everyone he ran into; he had friends everywhere. If you did not know him, you would by the time you left. I remember when Mamaw and Papaw use to take us to Tweetsie Railroad. You and I would be on a ride and look over and see Papaw talking to someone. We would ask who it was and he would say, “I don’t know, I just started talking.” That was always so typical of him. He was such a sweet and caring man. He also taught me how to play Rook. I remember the nights that we used to spend that night down there and we would play Rook for hours. He taught me how to keep score and how to play the game. That is a game that I still love to this day and I think about him every time I play it. He also taught me simple things like how to make deviled eggs, play croquet, and feed squirrels. He also taught me important things like how to laugh at yourself, how to be a people person, and how to love. What were some of your favorite activities to do together? I enjoyed playing Rook with him; he was so funny. He would always make silly faces if he had the Rook. Sometimes he would get aggravated with Mamaw if she didn’t play the right card, but the way he did it was funny. I liked listening to him tell his stories about driving cars for Foothill Ford. Sometimes I had no idea what he was talking about, but I could tell that he really enjoyed driving those cars and he loved to tell the stories of his day. It was just nice to be able to spend time with him. He always had something going on. I remember when you and I would put on our Christmas program for the family we would spend hours decorating the Piano room; we wanted it to be a surprise so we would put signs on the doors that said “KEEP OUT,” but he never stayed out he had to see what was going on. It was always fun to watch him play pin the nose on Rudolph because he never got close and we would all just laugh. My favorite thing to do with Papaw was to play outside. It didn't matter what he was doing I just loved playing with you and knowing he was right there with us. He would watch us ride in our Barbie jeep, ride bikes, play ball, blow us up a swimming pool or join us in a round of croquet. At the time everything was taken for granted, but looking back I realize how spoiled rotten we really were.
  • 8. What do you miss most about him? What I miss most is spending time with him. I was only thirteen when he passed away and that just isn’t much time. I miss going down there to play Rook with him and Mamaw and I miss his stories. I miss the way the house would smell when he got finished taking his shower and I miss hearing the change rattle in his pocket when he was coming down the hall. There are so many things that remind me of him and I miss him everyday. He always called us gal or doodlebug. When I hear someone else say that I will occasionally turn my head and look for him. Another thing that I miss most about him is feeling his hugs and seeing his smile. His hugs were the best and he always smelled like "papaw". I miss him everyday. How would you describe him? I would describe him as a very caring, funny, loving, Christian man, who ser a great example for his family. He loved the Lord with all his heart and he loved going to church. He would always get dressed up in his Sunday best and go to church on Sunday. He loved to listen to gospel music too and he had several gospel records. Like I said, he made friends everywhere he went and he wasn’t a stranger to very many people. I would describe him as a man who never met a stranger. A man who had the most positive outlook on life and who loved with his WHOLE heart. He never took life too seriously and he would do anything to make you laugh. He was loved by everyone! He was an amazing husband, dad, papaw, and friend to everyone! He loved taking trips to Dollywood and he loved anything Ford.
  • 9. What kind of impact did he make in your life? I love him very much and as I said I miss him everyday. He taught me so much during our time together. I believe that he was the glue to the family and since he has passed, the family isn’t nearly the same and sadly neither are the holidays. I don’t think we realized what he did for our family and what he brought to the table. He always had a joke and he could make anyone laugh. Things will never be the same without him.I would love for him to be here with us now, when life gets stressful, I think that he would truly help in easing the stress. He made a huge impact on my life. He was probably the best person I have ever met. Losing him is by far the hardest thing I have ever been through. He was the sunshine in our family and when he died it's like the clouds have been out ever since. He will forever be in my heart and I will always be his "gal". What are some items you think of when you think of Papaw? Items that I will always associate with Papaw: Circus Peanuts, Brown Mules, Deviled Eggs, False Teeth, RJReynolds (gold tobacco leaf), WWF wrestling, rook, croquet, selling candybars (fun raisers), Ford, brown bedroom shoes, Tweetsie RR, Dollywood, $1 bills, the quarter collection and Brad Paisley's "When I get where I'm going."
  • 10. It started out as a normal day; I went to school, came home, finished my homework and spent time with my parents. It was 9:00pm and I was ready for bed. I went upstairs to brush my teeth and get ready to turn in for the night. I signed onto Yahoo Instant Messenger for just a few minutes and I heard the phone ring. I did not have a good feeling about the phone call because it was rather late. My mom burst into the room and said, “we’ve got to go, it’s your Papaw;” I knew by the look on her face that it was not good. I happened to be chatting with my best friend at that time and I told her what was happening. The summer before we were on vacation with my parents when my Papaw had a heart attack and we had to come home early; he was not doing well and the doctors had to shock him four times in order to revive him. I knew that she would be understanding and would probably would want to know what was going on because we were practically attached at the hip. My mom and I hopped in the car and drove the nine hundred feet to my grandparent’s house. My dad had ran down there ahead of us. He attempted to give his own dad CPR to no avail. My mom went in to see what was going on and I was told to stay outside. The night air was crisp and I felt so alone; I just wanted everything to be ok. After what felt like decades, the paramedics arrived turning the sky a gloomy shade of red. I was hoping that they would be able to do something! I remember one of the lady EMT’s stopping to talk to me. I was wondering why she was talking; she should be working! She was extremely sweet though; she told me that they were going to bring him out and put him in the ambulance and that I should probably step around the corner of the house. I was on the phone a lot in those thirty-minutes, but it seemed like hours. I called my best friend to tell her what had happened in more detail; she and her mom arrived about twenty minutes later. We hugged and she made me laugh for a few minutes; she was always good at doing that. She has such a great personality. My mom broke the news to my dad’s other siblings, but I kept them updated on where we were going and such. I remember one of my aunt’s, the one who lived the closet, arriving on two wheels and when she stepped out of the car we hugged for a very long time….
  • 11. After Papaw was loaded we all stepped in the house to gather a few things and that was when I saw Mamaw. She was very solemn and weeping. I really had no idea what to say to her so I just blurted out “I’m so sorry Mamaw.” Was that supposed to help? No, it was just something to say to feel the eerie silence in the house that I use to love spending time at. I would never look at that house the same way again. My mom, dad, aunt, Mamaw, and I piled into the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and were led through an antiseptic smelling hallway to a private waiting room. Again, after what felt like decades the nurse stepped in and confirmed what we already knew, “ I’m sorry, but there was nothing that we could do.” We sat in silence and cried. I had a small ray of hope that everything would be ok and that he would pull through this just like he had before. Everything after that was kind of a blur. I remember my cousin and her family arriving, they live about an hour away from where the hospital is located, so it took them a while to get there. It was probably best that they did not have to hear the news in person. I hugged my cousin for a long time; she was very upset. I tried to make her laugh; I can be awkward in situations like these because I just don’t know what to do. Some of the family went back to see Papaw, my cousin and I opted out of that. We wanted to remember him in a different way, not like that. A few friends of my dad showed up at the hospital to help support us all and I thoughr that was very sweet of them. One of them took my mom, Stacey, and myself home so we could get some rest. Although it had only been a few hours since we received that call, we were drained. I wanted to go to bed and cry myself to sleep and that was exactly what I did.
  • 12.
  • 13. Deviled Eggs Ingredients • 1 dozen eggs • Mayonnaise • Vinegar • Salt • Pepper • Paprika Directions Start out by boiling the eggs. When the eggs have finished boiling, run cold water over the egg and then peel the outer shell off the egg. Cut the eggs in half and take out the yolk. Mash all the yolk up and then add mayonnaise. While mixing, add a couple of drops of vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients until creamy. Place the yolk back in the egg and then top with paprika.
  • 14. When our family would gather together for the holidays deviled eggs were always on the menu. I was lucky because I lived just across the road from Papaw, so I could go down there whenever I wanted. I loved going down there to help Mamaw and Papaw get everything ready for the get together. I would help Papaw with the deviled eggs. After he was finished (and when Mamaw wasn’t looking) we would clean the plate and the spoon. As simple as that sounds, it is something I will remember about him because it was our little secret.