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स्नानं दानं तपो होमो दे वता पपत ृ कमम च
तत्सवंम ननष्फल यनत ललाटे नतलकम बिना

Different Types of Tilak
Prepared, Compile and Lectured by
Dr Hiteshkumar Joshi
(Just Servant to the Lord Shri Krishna)
जय स्वामीनारायण, अक्षर पुरुषोत्तम महाराज की जय हो
जय श्री कृष्ण, हरे कृष्ण, हरी िोल, राधे राधे,
जय योगेश्वर,
द्वाररकाधीश की जय हो, वल्लभाधधष की जय हो
जगन्नन्ननाथ जी की जय हो
जय जजनेन्नर
जय रामजी की
आज क परम पपवत्र और पावन ददन पर यहााँ
उपजस्थत सभी परम ज्ञानी, तपोननष्ठ और प्रातः
स्मरणीय संतजनों, स्वामीजी, पवद्वानों ज्ञानीजनो,
सत्संगी पररवार एवं हरी भक्तो और वैष्णव
पररवार एवं परम आचायम िावा श्री को मेरा दं डवत
और साष्टांग चरणं स्पशम एवं नमस्कार
दहंदओंने नतलक क्यों धारण करना चादहए ?
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व्याप्त इष्टकारी शजक्त हमारे पपंड में आकृष्ट होती
है और इससे हमारा अननष्ट शजक्तयों से रक्षण भी
होता है | नतलक लगते समय चन्नदन, िक्का, पवभनत ,
हल्दी-कमकम जैसे साजत्त्वक पदाथों का प्रयोग करना
चादहए साथ ही स्त्रीयों ने गोल और पुरुषों ने खड़े
नतलक लगाने चादहए ,
यदद कोई पवशेष संप्रदाय से संिजन्नधत हो तो उसक अनुसार
नतलक लगाना चादहए नतलक लगाने से मन शांत रहता है
अननष्ट शजक्तयों से रक्षण होने क कारण और दे वत्व आकृष्ट
होने क कारण हमारे चारों ओर सक्ष्म कवच का ननमामण होता
आजकल कछ स्त्रीयााँ टीवी धारावादहक दे खकर पवधचत्र आकार
क टीका लगती हैं उससे भी ऐसे व्यजक्त को आसरी शजक्त
का कष्ट होता है |
उसी प्रकार आजकल िाज़ार में उपलब्ध प्लाजस्टक की बिंदी
लगाने से भी कोई लाभ नहीं होता क्योंकक उसमे दे वत्व को
आकृष्ट करने की क्षमता नहीं होती ! नतलक धारण करने से
प्रत्येक जीवात्मा को उसक आध्यात्म शास्त्रीय लाभ अवश्य
ममलता है
चाहे वह दहन्नद ू हो या ईसाई हो या अन्नय ककसी भी धमम का
हो लेककन मजस्तस्क प्रज्ञा अतः मन का आदर सन्नमान करना
Meaning of "TILAK (नतलक)" in Hindi
कसर,चंदन,रोली आदद से ललाट पर लगाई जानेवाली
गोल बिंदी।
लंिी रे खा आदद क आकार का लगाया जानेवाला धचन्नर।
पजन में नतलक लगाने का िड़ा महत्व है । पजन क अलावा रोजाना नतलक
लगाना हमारे मलए लाभकारी है । आइए जानते हैं, कसे? स्नान क िाद
दे वी-दे वताओं की प्रनतमा को चंदन समपपमत ककया जाता है। पजन करने
वाला भी अपने मस्तक पर चंदन का नतलक लगाता है । यह सगंधधत होता
है तथा इसका गण शीतलता दे ने वाला होता है । भगवान को चंदन अपमण
करने का भाव यह है कक हमारा जीवन आपकी कृपा से सगंध से भर जाए
तथा हमारा व्यवहार शीतल रहे यानी हम ठं डे ददमाग से काम करे । अक्सर
उत्तेजना में काम बिगड़ता है । चंदन लगाने से उत्तेजना कािू में आती है ।
जस्त्रयों को मस्तक पर कस्तरी का नतलक या बिंदी लगाना चादहए।
गणेशजी, हनमानजी, माताजी या अन्नय मनतमयों से मसंदर ननकालकर ललाट
पर नही लगाना चादहए। मसंदर उष्ण होता है। चंदन का नतलक ललाट पर
या छोटी सी बिंदी क रूप में दोनों भौहों क मध्य लगाया जाता है ।
वैज्ञाननक दृजष्टकोण से चंदन का नतलक लगाने से ददमाग में शांनत, तरावट
एवं शीतलता िनी रहती है । मजस्तष्क में सेराटोननन व िीटाएंडोरकफन
नामक रसायनों का संतलन होता है । मेघाशजक्त िढ़ती है तथा मानमसक
थकावट पवकार नहीं होता
नतलक,क बिना ककया हुवा भजक्त
और ननत्य कमम-धमम आदद सि व्यथम


The tilak is worn every day by sadhus and pious
householders, and on special occasions like weddings
and religious rituals.
A tilak is also applied by a priest during a visit to the
temple as a sign of the deity's blessing, for both men
and women.


Tilak marks are applied by hand or with a metal stamp.
They might be made of ash from a sacrificial fire,
sandalwood paste, turmeric, cow dung, clay, charcoal,
or red lead.


In addition to its religious symbolism, the tilak has a
cooling effect on the forehead and this can assist in
concentration and meditation.
Vaishnava sampradaya




Brahma Sampradaya




Madhva sampradaya
In between a
vertical black
line is made
from the daily
coal of the
(fire sacrifice).

The Madhva
sampradaya mark
two vertical lines
Krishna's 'lotus feet'.
In the Madhva
sampradaya the tilak
is made out of
Gopichandana mud
from Dwaraka.
Gaudiya sampradaya the Gaudiya
In the Gaudiya line
devotees do not
approach Radha and
Krishna directly, but
always indirectly
through their servant.
To indicate this, the
black line representing
Radha is replaced with
a tulsi leaf offered at
the base of Krishna's

sampradaya the tilak
is usually made out of
mud from Vrindavan.
The main tilak is
basically identical to
the Madhva tilak (
Two vertical lines
Krishna's 'lotus feet‘).
Kumara Sampradaya

Within these lines,
between the eyebrows
is a black dot, made
from the slate found in
Barsana, Uttar Pradesh,
the sacred birthplace
of Radha. This is said to
represent God as
Radha and Krishna

The tilak is made of
Gopi-Chandana (the
clay from Gopi Kunda
lake in Dwarka,
Gujarat). It starts at the
bridge of the nose and
continues as two
vertical lines to the top
of the forehead.
Rudra Sampradaya

The tilak worn is
generally a single
vertical red line. This
line represents Yamuna
devi. The form of
Krishna worshiped in
this sampradaya is Sri
Nathji or Govardhana..
Sri Sampradaya

A red line in the
middle which
Lakshmidevi. The red
line was originally
made from a red
stone found within
the ant hill. The ants
would usually make
their ant hill on top
of these red stones.

Tilak with two lines representing
the feet of Narayana. the tilak is
made out of the white mud found
in anthills. The scriptures tell us
that the mud from the base of a
Tulasi plant and the white mud
from within the ant hill are both
pure and best for making tilak.
Shaiva Marks
In general Shaiva tilaka is made of ash
coming from burned wood, cow dung
or incense. The tradition of ash goes
back to stories that tell how Shiva
would smear his body with ash taken
from cremation sites, and so today,
Shaivas mark their bodies with holy
ash. In general, amongst Shaivas, the
wearing of tilaka is not as extensive or
as rigid as it is in the Vaishnava schools.
Here are the most common Shaiva
patterns. .
Importance of Tilak
Atharvana Upanisad
Anyone who marks his body with the tilak which
resembles the lotus feet of Lord hari becomes dear to
the Paramatma. He becomes fortunate and attains

One should meditate on Me by chanting Om and
should mark his body with vertical tilak daily. Anyone
who marks thus attains sayujya liberation.
“U” symbol of PrUstimargiya VaisHNaV
“U” symbol of PrUstimargiya VaisHNaV
Male devotees of the Swaminarayan Sampraday apply a tilak and
chandlo on their foreheads during their puja. The tilak is made of
chandan, or yellow sandalwood paste, and the chandlo is made of
kumkum, or red saffron powder. Female devotees only apply a
chandlo, commonly known as bindi, on their foreheads. The tilak is
representative of Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s feet, and the chandlo is
representative of the devotee. In this way, the meaning of the tilakchandlo is two-fold. First, it represents a devotee remaining at the
service of God’s feet. Secondly, it represents the dual devotion to
God and the gunatit guru. In the Swaminarayan Sampraday,
Bhagwan Swaminarayan introduced the tilak-chandlo to His
paramhansas by applying a sample on Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand
Swami’s forehead. Today, millions of devotees wear the tilakchandlo on their forehead, proudly symbolizing their affinity to
Hindu dharma and their faith in Bhagwan Swaminarayan and
Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Without Tilak all karm Acts like Jap, Hom, Yagna, Daan
(donation), Shradh etc cannot become successful.
Procedure of having Tilak:

Keshvay Namah
Narayanay Namah
Madhvay Namah
Govinday Namah
Vishnave Namah
Vamanay Namah
Madhusudanay Namah
Shridharay Namah
Trivikramay Namah
Padmnabhay Namah
Damodaray Namah
Vasudevay Namah

Left Hand.
Left kukshi.
Right Arm.
Left Arm.
Below Ears.
On shoulders
On head
Thus one should do tilak at 12 places on body
Tilak is similar to foot print of prabhu Shri
Krishna. It increases auspiciousness.
Red Tilak of kanku made of Haridra turmeric &
Lime stone( chuna) is best as it is appreciated
for Vaishnav. It is also helpful in having
impression. It is also symbolizes love and

Ladies can make one Pundra on forehead.
Every auspicious acts in hindu culture is done
by Anamika finger so Tilak should be done by
What is a “Sampraday” (sect)?

The essence of Vedas derived by Shree Hari's devotees
like Brahma, Rudra etc. demigods, which is received
through the heritage (parampara). This includes, giving
the mantra etc, which results into the liberation of soul,
is called as Sampraday.
The meaning of "Sampradaya" is derived as below:
Word "Sampradaya" is made of 2 upsargas i.e. "Sam"
and "Pra" , a verb (Dhatu) "Da" and "Dhaj" pratyay.
Verb "Da" means "Daan"
Upsarga "Sam" means Samyak i.e. the Daan is given by
the bhagwad aagya.
Upsaarga "Pra" means Prakarsh. This is because the
daan of mantra is originated from Vedas
सख की खोज सि करते हे लेककन
सत्य की खोज में ककतने?
Everyone seeks happiness,
but how many seek the
Supreme Truth ?
Importance of Urdhvapundra Tilak:
All Vaishnavas whether they are Brahman, kshatriya, vaishya etc
they can make Urdhavpundra Tilak on forehead
Tilak make Vaishnav pious and help to achieve almighty brahm.
Tilak should start from between the eyes touching both eyebrow to
end of forehead till hairs.
Between two lines of Tilak always Shri Krishan and Swaminiji stays
keeping blessing on Vaishnavas
Body of person who keep Tilak on forehead become sinless and
become Temple of Shri Krishna.
One shouldn’t do tripund over urdhavapundra Tilak
One should keep Tilak always on forehead. We shouldn’t shy in
following our own dharm. It shouldn’t be done for short time period
परम तापोननष्ट स्वामी श्री राधा नाथ प्रसाद जी ने आज क पावन ददन पर मुझे
यहााँ आप सि क साथ ये ज्ञान िटोरने का मौका ददया ये मेरे मलए परम
शौभाग्य की िात हे
आज क इस प्रवचन में अगर मज जैसे कोय सुक्ष्म जजव से कोई गलती हो तो
क्षमा चाहता हु
जय श्री कृष्ण
जय स्वामीनारायण
हरे कृष्ण
हरी िोल
राधे राधे
जय जजनेन्नर
दहतेश भाई जोशी
Date 19-10-2013 ( sharad purnima )

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Types of tilak

  • 1. स्नानं दानं तपो होमो दे वता पपत ृ कमम च तत्सवंम ननष्फल यनत ललाटे नतलकम बिना Different Types of Tilak Prepared, Compile and Lectured by Dr Hiteshkumar Joshi (Just Servant to the Lord Shri Krishna) 09824214757
  • 2. जय स्वामीनारायण, अक्षर पुरुषोत्तम महाराज की जय हो जय श्री कृष्ण, हरे कृष्ण, हरी िोल, राधे राधे, जय योगेश्वर, द्वाररकाधीश की जय हो, वल्लभाधधष की जय हो जगन्नन्ननाथ जी की जय हो जय जजनेन्नर जय रामजी की
  • 3. आज क परम पपवत्र और पावन ददन पर यहााँ े उपजस्थत सभी परम ज्ञानी, तपोननष्ठ और प्रातः स्मरणीय संतजनों, स्वामीजी, पवद्वानों ज्ञानीजनो, सत्संगी पररवार एवं हरी भक्तो और वैष्णव पररवार एवं परम आचायम िावा श्री को मेरा दं डवत और साष्टांग चरणं स्पशम एवं नमस्कार
  • 4. दहंदओंने नतलक क्यों धारण करना चादहए ? ु हमारे दोनों भोहों क मध्य में आज्ञा चक्र होता है , े इस चक्र में सूक्ष्म द्वार होता है जजससे इष्ट और अननष्ट दोनों ही शजक्त प्रवेश कर सकती है , यदद इस सक्ष्म प्रवेश द्वार को हम साजत्त्वक पदाथम का ू लेप एक पवशेष रूप में दें तो इससे ब्रह्माण्ड में व्याप्त इष्टकारी शजक्त हमारे पपंड में आकृष्ट होती है और इससे हमारा अननष्ट शजक्तयों से रक्षण भी होता है | नतलक लगते समय चन्नदन, िक्का, पवभनत , ु ू हल्दी-कमकम जैसे साजत्त्वक पदाथों का प्रयोग करना ु ु चादहए साथ ही स्त्रीयों ने गोल और पुरुषों ने खड़े नतलक लगाने चादहए ,
  • 5. यदद कोई पवशेष संप्रदाय से संिजन्नधत हो तो उसक अनुसार े नतलक लगाना चादहए नतलक लगाने से मन शांत रहता है अननष्ट शजक्तयों से रक्षण होने क कारण और दे वत्व आकृष्ट े होने क कारण हमारे चारों ओर सक्ष्म कवच का ननमामण होता े ू है आजकल कछ स्त्रीयााँ टीवी धारावादहक दे खकर पवधचत्र आकार ु क टीका लगती हैं उससे भी ऐसे व्यजक्त को आसरी शजक्त े ु का कष्ट होता है | उसी प्रकार आजकल िाज़ार में उपलब्ध प्लाजस्टक की बिंदी लगाने से भी कोई लाभ नहीं होता क्योंकक उसमे दे वत्व को आकृष्ट करने की क्षमता नहीं होती ! नतलक धारण करने से प्रत्येक जीवात्मा को उसक आध्यात्म शास्त्रीय लाभ अवश्य े ममलता है चाहे वह दहन्नद ू हो या ईसाई हो या अन्नय ककसी भी धमम का हो लेककन मजस्तस्क प्रज्ञा अतः मन का आदर सन्नमान करना चादहए
  • 6. Meaning of "TILAK (नतलक)" in Hindi कसर,चंदन,रोली आदद से ललाट पर लगाई जानेवाली े गोल बिंदी। लंिी रे खा आदद क आकार का लगाया जानेवाला धचन्नर। े
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  • 17. पजन में नतलक लगाने का िड़ा महत्व है । पजन क अलावा रोजाना नतलक े ू ू लगाना हमारे मलए लाभकारी है । आइए जानते हैं, कसे? स्नान क िाद ै े दे वी-दे वताओं की प्रनतमा को चंदन समपपमत ककया जाता है। पजन करने ू वाला भी अपने मस्तक पर चंदन का नतलक लगाता है । यह सगंधधत होता ु है तथा इसका गण शीतलता दे ने वाला होता है । भगवान को चंदन अपमण ु करने का भाव यह है कक हमारा जीवन आपकी कृपा से सगंध से भर जाए ु तथा हमारा व्यवहार शीतल रहे यानी हम ठं डे ददमाग से काम करे । अक्सर उत्तेजना में काम बिगड़ता है । चंदन लगाने से उत्तेजना कािू में आती है । जस्त्रयों को मस्तक पर कस्तरी का नतलक या बिंदी लगाना चादहए। ू गणेशजी, हनमानजी, माताजी या अन्नय मनतमयों से मसंदर ननकालकर ललाट ु ु ू पर नही लगाना चादहए। मसंदर उष्ण होता है। चंदन का नतलक ललाट पर ू या छोटी सी बिंदी क रूप में दोनों भौहों क मध्य लगाया जाता है । े े वैज्ञाननक दृजष्टकोण से चंदन का नतलक लगाने से ददमाग में शांनत, तरावट एवं शीतलता िनी रहती है । मजस्तष्क में सेराटोननन व िीटाएंडोरकफन नामक रसायनों का संतलन होता है । मेघाशजक्त िढ़ती है तथा मानमसक ु थकावट पवकार नहीं होता
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  • 19. DIFFERENT TYPE OF TILAK नतलक,क बिना ककया हुवा भजक्त े और ननत्य कमम-धमम आदद सि व्यथम हैं
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  • 24. Tilak   The tilak is worn every day by sadhus and pious householders, and on special occasions like weddings and religious rituals. A tilak is also applied by a priest during a visit to the temple as a sign of the deity's blessing, for both men and women.  Tilak marks are applied by hand or with a metal stamp. They might be made of ash from a sacrificial fire, sandalwood paste, turmeric, cow dung, clay, charcoal, or red lead.  In addition to its religious symbolism, the tilak has a cooling effect on the forehead and this can assist in concentration and meditation.
  • 27. Madhva sampradaya In between a vertical black line is made from the daily coal of the yajna-kunda (fire sacrifice). The Madhva sampradaya mark two vertical lines representing Krishna's 'lotus feet'. In the Madhva sampradaya the tilak is made out of Gopichandana mud from Dwaraka.
  • 28. Gaudiya sampradaya the Gaudiya In In the Gaudiya line devotees do not approach Radha and Krishna directly, but always indirectly through their servant. To indicate this, the black line representing Radha is replaced with a tulsi leaf offered at the base of Krishna's feet. Vaishnava sampradaya the tilak is usually made out of mud from Vrindavan. The main tilak is basically identical to the Madhva tilak ( Two vertical lines representing Krishna's 'lotus feet‘).
  • 29. Kumara Sampradaya Within these lines, between the eyebrows is a black dot, made from the slate found in Barsana, Uttar Pradesh, the sacred birthplace of Radha. This is said to represent God as Radha and Krishna together. The tilak is made of Gopi-Chandana (the clay from Gopi Kunda lake in Dwarka, Gujarat). It starts at the bridge of the nose and continues as two vertical lines to the top of the forehead.
  • 30. Rudra Sampradaya The tilak worn is generally a single vertical red line. This line represents Yamuna devi. The form of Krishna worshiped in this sampradaya is Sri Nathji or Govardhana..
  • 31. Sri Sampradaya A red line in the middle which representing Lakshmidevi. The red line was originally made from a red stone found within the ant hill. The ants would usually make their ant hill on top of these red stones. Tilak with two lines representing the feet of Narayana. the tilak is made out of the white mud found in anthills. The scriptures tell us that the mud from the base of a Tulasi plant and the white mud from within the ant hill are both pure and best for making tilak.
  • 32. Shaiva Marks In general Shaiva tilaka is made of ash coming from burned wood, cow dung or incense. The tradition of ash goes back to stories that tell how Shiva would smear his body with ash taken from cremation sites, and so today, Shaivas mark their bodies with holy ash. In general, amongst Shaivas, the wearing of tilaka is not as extensive or as rigid as it is in the Vaishnava schools. Here are the most common Shaiva patterns. .
  • 33. Importance of Tilak Atharvana Upanisad Anyone who marks his body with the tilak which resembles the lotus feet of Lord hari becomes dear to the Paramatma. He becomes fortunate and attains liberation. Brahmaratra One should meditate on Me by chanting Om and should mark his body with vertical tilak daily. Anyone who marks thus attains sayujya liberation.
  • 34. PRUSRIMARGIY VAISHNAV “U” symbol of PrUstimargiya VaisHNaV
  • 35. PRUSRIMARGIY VAISHNAV “U” symbol of PrUstimargiya VaisHNaV
  • 37. Male devotees of the Swaminarayan Sampraday apply a tilak and chandlo on their foreheads during their puja. The tilak is made of chandan, or yellow sandalwood paste, and the chandlo is made of kumkum, or red saffron powder. Female devotees only apply a chandlo, commonly known as bindi, on their foreheads. The tilak is representative of Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s feet, and the chandlo is representative of the devotee. In this way, the meaning of the tilakchandlo is two-fold. First, it represents a devotee remaining at the service of God’s feet. Secondly, it represents the dual devotion to God and the gunatit guru. In the Swaminarayan Sampraday, Bhagwan Swaminarayan introduced the tilak-chandlo to His paramhansas by applying a sample on Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand Swami’s forehead. Today, millions of devotees wear the tilakchandlo on their forehead, proudly symbolizing their affinity to Hindu dharma and their faith in Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
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  • 48. Without Tilak all karm Acts like Jap, Hom, Yagna, Daan (donation), Shradh etc cannot become successful. Procedure of having Tilak: Keshvay Namah Narayanay Namah Madhvay Namah Govinday Namah Vishnave Namah Vamanay Namah Madhusudanay Namah Shridharay Namah Trivikramay Namah Padmnabhay Namah Damodaray Namah Vasudevay Namah Forehead. Nabhi. Heart Neck. Left Hand. Left kukshi. Right Arm. Left Arm. Below Ears. Back On shoulders On head
  • 49. Thus one should do tilak at 12 places on body parts. Tilak is similar to foot print of prabhu Shri Krishna. It increases auspiciousness. Red Tilak of kanku made of Haridra turmeric & Lime stone( chuna) is best as it is appreciated for Vaishnav. It is also helpful in having impression. It is also symbolizes love and affection. Ladies can make one Pundra on forehead. Every auspicious acts in hindu culture is done by Anamika finger so Tilak should be done by it.
  • 50. What is a “Sampraday” (sect)? The essence of Vedas derived by Shree Hari's devotees like Brahma, Rudra etc. demigods, which is received through the heritage (parampara). This includes, giving the mantra etc, which results into the liberation of soul, is called as Sampraday. The meaning of "Sampradaya" is derived as below: Word "Sampradaya" is made of 2 upsargas i.e. "Sam" and "Pra" , a verb (Dhatu) "Da" and "Dhaj" pratyay. Verb "Da" means "Daan" Upsarga "Sam" means Samyak i.e. the Daan is given by the bhagwad aagya. Upsaarga "Pra" means Prakarsh. This is because the daan of mantra is originated from Vedas
  • 51. सख की खोज सि करते हे लेककन ु सत्य की खोज में ककतने? Everyone seeks happiness, but how many seek the Supreme Truth ?
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  • 53. Importance of Urdhvapundra Tilak: All Vaishnavas whether they are Brahman, kshatriya, vaishya etc they can make Urdhavpundra Tilak on forehead . Tilak make Vaishnav pious and help to achieve almighty brahm. Tilak should start from between the eyes touching both eyebrow to end of forehead till hairs. Between two lines of Tilak always Shri Krishan and Swaminiji stays keeping blessing on Vaishnavas . Body of person who keep Tilak on forehead become sinless and become Temple of Shri Krishna. One shouldn’t do tripund over urdhavapundra Tilak . One should keep Tilak always on forehead. We shouldn’t shy in following our own dharm. It shouldn’t be done for short time period
  • 54. परम तापोननष्ट स्वामी श्री राधा नाथ प्रसाद जी ने आज क पावन ददन पर मुझे े यहााँ आप सि क साथ ये ज्ञान िटोरने का मौका ददया ये मेरे मलए परम े शौभाग्य की िात हे आज क इस प्रवचन में अगर मज जैसे कोय सुक्ष्म जजव से कोई गलती हो तो े ु क्षमा चाहता हु जय श्री कृष्ण जय स्वामीनारायण हरे कृष्ण हरी िोल राधे राधे जय जजनेन्नर दहतेश भाई जोशी 09824214757 Lecture at : ISCKON TEMPLE HALL -NEW DELHI Date 19-10-2013 ( sharad purnima )