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International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
DOI : 10.5121/ijit.2015.4401 1
P. Chella Pandian 1
and C. Durairajan 2
Department of Mathematics Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College(Autonomous),
Department of Mathematics, Bharathidasan University, India.
In this paper, we give lower and upper bounds on the covering radius of codes over the ring Z4 with respect
to chinese euclidean distance. We also determine the covering radius of various Repetition codes, Simplex
codes Type α and Type β and give bounds on the covering radius for MacDonald codes of both types over
Covering radius, Codes over finite rings, Simplex codes, Hamming codes.
(2010) Mathematical Subject Classification: 94B25, 94B05, 11H31, 11H71.
In the last decade, there are many researchers doing research on code over finite rings. In
particular, codes over Z4 received much attention [1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14]. The covering radius of
binary linear codes were studied [4, 5]. Recently the covering radius of codes over Z4 has been
investigated with respect to chinese euclidean distances [10]. In 1999, Sole et al gave many upper
and lower bounds on the covering radius of a code over Z4 with chinese euclidean distances. In
[12], the covering radius of some particular codes over Z4 have been investigated. In this
correspondence, we consider the ring Z4. In this paper, we investigate the covering radius of the
Simplex codes of both types and MacDonald codes and repetition codes over Z4. We also
generalized some of the known bounds in [1].
A linear code C of length n over Z4 is an additive subgroup of
Z4 . An element of C is called a
codeword of C and a generator matrix of C is a matrix whose rows generate C. In [10], the
chinese Euclidean weight wCE(x) of a vector x is  
A linear Gray map φ from Z4 →Z 2
2 is defined by φ(x + 2y) = (y, x + y), for all x + 2y ∈ Z4. The
image φ(C), of a linear code C over Z4 of length n by the Gray map, is a binary code of length 2n
with same cardinality [13].
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
Any linear code C over Z4 is equivalent to a code with generator matrix G of the form
220 1
, (1.1)
where A, B and D are matrices over Z4. Then the code C contain all code words [v0, v1 ]G, where
v0 is a vector of length k1 over Z4 and v1 is a vector of length k2 over Z2 . Thus C contains a total
of 21
24 kk
codewords. The parameters of C are given [n, 21
24 kk
, d] where d represents the
minimum chinese Euclidean distance of C.
A linear code C over Z4 of length n, 2-dimension k, minimum chinese euclidean distance dCE is
called an [n, k, dCE] or simply an [n, k] code.
In this paper, we define the covering radius of codes over Z4 with respect to chinese euclidean
distance and in particular study the covering radius of Simplex codes of type α and type β namely,
k and S
k and their MacDonald codes and repetition codes over Z4. Section 2 contains basic
results for the covering radius of codes over Z4. Section 3 determines the covering radius of
different types of repetition codes. Section 4 determines the covering radius of Simplex codes and
finally section 5 determines the bounds on the covering radius of MacDonald codes.
2 Covering Radius of Codes
Let d be a chinese euclidean distance. The covering radius of a code C over Z4 with respect to
chinese euclidean distance d is given by
.  ),(minmax)(
d n 
The following result of Mattson [4] is useful for computing covering radius of codes over rings
generalized easily from codes over finite fields.
Proposition 2. 5. (Mattson) If C0 and C1 are codes over Z4 generated by matrices G0 and G1
respectively and if C is the code generated by
0 G
 
  
 
then rd (C) ≤ rd ( C0 ) + rd ( C1 )
and the covering radius of D (concatenation of C0 and C1 ) satisfy the following rd (D) ≥ rd ( C0 ) +
rd ( C1 ), for all distances d over Z4.
A q-ary repetition code C over a finite field Fq = {α0 = 0, α1 = 1, α2 , α3 , . . . , αq−1 } is an [n, 1, n]
code  qFC   , where ),,,(   . The covering radius of C is
 
qn )1(
[11]. Using this, it can be seen easily that the covering radius of block of size n repetition code
[n(q-1),1,n(q-1)] generated by
 
  
G 111333222111 
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
 
qn since it will be equivalent to a repetition code of length (q − 1)n.
Consider the repetition code over Z4. There are two types of them of length n viz. unit repetition
code Cβ : [n, 1, 2n] generated by ]111[
G 
and zero divisor repetition code Cα : (n, 2, 4n)
generated by ]222[
G 
. The following result determines the covering radius with respect to
chinese euclidean distance.
Theorem 3. 1. nCr
CE 2)(
4 
and nCrCE 2)( 
Proof. Let x = n
000222 
 . The code  n
ZC 4|)222(    , that is C =
{00….0, 22…..2}, generated by [22….2] is an [n,1,2n] code. Then, dCE(x,00….0) =
wtCE( 000000222
 
 nn
and dCE(x,22….2) =
wtCE( 222000222
 
 nn
. Therefore dCE(x, C ) = min {
Thus, by definition of covering radius rCE( C )
Let x be any word in
Z4 . Let us take x has ω0 coordinates as 0’s, ω1coordinates as 1’s,
ω2coordinates as 2’s, ω3 coordinates as 3’s, then ω0 + ω1+,ω2+ ω3 = n. Since C ={00….0,22…2}
and chinese euclidean weight of Z4: 0 is 0, 1 and 3 is 2 and 2 is 4, we have dCE(x,00…0) = n – ω0
+ ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3 and dCE(x,22…2) = n – ω2 + ω1 + 3 ω0+ ω3 .
Thus dCE (x, Cα ) = min{ n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3 , n – ω2 + ω1 + 3 ω0+ ω3 }.
dCE (x, Cα ) ≤ n+ + n = 2n (3.2)
Hence, from the Equation (3.1) and (3.2), we get nCr
CE 2)(
4 
. Now, we find the
covering radius of Cβ covering with respect to the chinese euclidean weight. We have
dCE(x,00…0) = n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3, dCE(x,11…1) = n – ω1 + ω0 +ω2+3 ω3, dCE(x,22…2) = n –
ω2 +3 ω1 +ω3 and dCE(x, 33…3) = n – ω3 + 3ω1 +ω0+ ω2 for any
Zx 4 . This implies dCE (x,
Cβ ) = min{ n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3, n – ω1 + ω0 +ω2+3 ω3, n – ω2 +3 ω1 +ω3 , n – ω3 + 3ω1 +ω0+
ω2} 2n and hence rCE(Cβ)  2n . To show that rCE(Cβ)  2n, let
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
Zx 4
333222111000 
 , where t
n , then dCE(x,00…0)=2n,
dCE(x,11…1)=4n-8t, dCE(x,22…2)=2n and dCE(x,33….3)=8t.
Therefore rCE(Cβ)  min{2n,4n-8t,8t}  2n.
To determine the covering radius of Z4 three blocks each of size n repetition code BRep
: [3n,
1, 8n] generated by  
G 333222111 note that the code has constant chinese euclidean
weight 8n and the block repetition code BRep
:{c0=(0…0 0….0 0…..0), c1=(1….12….2
3….3), c2=(2…2 0…0 2….2), c3=(3….3 2….2 1…..1)}. Thus x = 11 1
Z 3
4 , we have dCE
(x, BRep
) = .4
4 n
Hence by definition, rCE ( BRep
) ≥ .4
4 n
To find
the upper Let x = (u|v|w)
Z 3
4 with u, v and w have compositions (r0 , r1 , r2 , r3 ), (s0 , s1 , s2 ,
s3 ) and (t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 ) respectively such that  
i nsnr and 
i nt then dCE
(x, c0) = 3n − r0 +r1+ 3 r2 +r3− s0 + s1+3 s2 +s3− t0 +t1+ 3 t2+t3 , dCE (x, c1 ) = 3n − r1 +r0+r2+ 3 r3
− s2 +3s0+s1+s30 − t3 +t0+ 3t1+t2 , dCE (x, c2 ) = 3n− r2 +r1+3r0+r3 − s0 +s1+3 s2+s3 − t2 +3t0+t1+t3
and dCE (x, c3 ) = 3n− r3 +3 r1+r0+r2 −s2+3s0+s1+s3 −t1+3t3+t0+t2 . Thus dCE (x, BRep
) =
min{3n − r0 +r1+ 3 r2 +r3− s0 + s1+3 s2 +s3− t0 +t1+ 3 t2+t3 , 3n − r1 +r0+r2+ 3 r3 − s2 +3s0+s1+s30
− t3 +t0+ 3t1+t2, 3n− r2 +r1+3r0+r3 − s0 +s1+3 s2+s3 − t2 +3t0+t1+t3, 3n− r3 +3 r1+r0+r2
−s2+3s0+s1+s3 −t1+3t3+t0+t2 . Thus we have the following theorem
Theorem 3. 2. 
4 rCE (BRep
)  6n.
One can also define a Z4 block (two blocks each of size n) repetition code Brep
: [2n, 1, 4n]
generated by
G 222111 . We have following theorem
Theorem 3. 3. 
4 rCE (BRep
)  4n
Block code BRep
can be generalized to a block repetition code (two blocks of size m and n
respectively) BRep
: [m + n, 1, min{4m, 3m + 3n}] generated by
G 222111 .
Theorem 3.3 can be easily generalized for different length using similar arguments to the
Theorem 3. 4. 2m+ 
n rCE (BRep
)  2m+2n
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
Quaternary simplex codes of type α and type  have been recently studied in [2]. Type α
Simplex code S
k is a linear code over Z4 with parameters [4k
,k] and an inductive generator
matrix given by
G (4.1)
with G
1 =[0 1 2 3]. Type simplex code S
k is a punctured version of S
k with parameters [2k-1
(2 k
- 1), k ] and an inductive generator matrix given by
G (4.2)
and for k > 2 
where G
1k is the generator matrix of S
1k . For details the reader is refered to [2]. Type α code
with minimum chinese euclidean weight is 8.
Theorem 4. 1. r CE (S
k ) ≤ 22k+1
-3 .
Proof. Let x = 11….. 1  n
. By equation 4.1, the result of Mattson for finite rings and using
Theorem 3. 2, we get
r CE (S
k ) ≤ r CE (S
1k )+ r CE (<
= r CE (S 
1k )+ 6.22(k-1)
= 6.22(k-1)
+ 6.22(k-2)
+ 6.22(k-3)
+…..+ 6.22.1
+ r CE (S
1 )
r CE (S
k ) ≤ 22k+1
-3(since r CE (S
1 ) = 5 )
Theorem 4. 2. r CE (S
k ) ≤ 2k
- 1) – 7
Proof. By equation 4. 3, Proposition 2. 5 and Theorem 3. 4, we get
r CE (S
k ) ≤ r CE (S
1k )+ r CE (<
 kk
= r CE (S
1k )+ 2(2k - 2)
+ 2(2k - 3)
- 2(k - 2)
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
≤ 2( 2(2k - 2)
+ 2(2k - 4)
+. . . +24
)+2(2(2k - 3)
+ 2(2k -5)
+ . . .+ 23
) –
2(2(k - 2)
+ 2(k - 3)
+ . . .+2 ) + r CE (S
2 )
r CE (S
k ) ≤ 2k - 1
- 1) - 7(since r CE (S
2 ) = 5 ).
The q-ary MacDonald code )(, qM tk over the finite field Fq is a unique
  11
qq code in which every non-zero codeword has weight either
11 
 tk
qq [8]. In [11], he studied the covering radius of MacDonald codes over a finite field.
In fact, he has given many exact values for smaller dimension. In [6], authors have defined the
MacDonald codes over a ring using the generator matrices of simplex codes. For 2 ≤ t ≤ k – 1,
tkG , be the matrix obtained from 
,kG by deleting columns corresponding to the columns of
tG . That is,
 
,  (5.1)
and let
tkG , be the matrix obtained from 
kG by deleting columns corresponding to the columns
tG . That is,
 
,  ( 5.2)
where [A  B ] denotes the matrix obtained from the matrix A by deleting the columns of the
matrix B and 0 is a(k - t) x 22t
((k - t) x 2t - 1
- 1)). The code generated by the matrix
tkG , is
called code of type α and the code generated by the matrix
tkG , is called Macdonald code of type
 . The type α code is denoted by
tkM , and the type  code is denoted by
tkM , . The
tkM ,
code is [4k
,k] code over Z4 and
tkM , is a [(2k-1
-1),k] code over Z4. In fact, these
codes are punctured code of
kS and
kS respectively.
Next Theorem gives a basic bound on the covering radius of above Macdonald codes.
Theorem 5. 1.
)(22)( ,
tkCE MrMr  
for t < r ≤ k,
Proof. By Proposition 2.1 and Theorem 3.2,
r CE (M
tk, ) ≤ r CE (<
>)+r CE (M
tr, )
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015
)(4.6 ,1
1 
Mr 
 , for k ≥ r > t.
)(4.6....4.64.6 ,
21 
Mr 
for k ≥ r
> t.
r CE (M
tk, ) ≤ 22k+1
+ r CE (M
tr, ) , for k ≥ r > t. .
Theorem 5. 2.
)()21(2)12(2)( ,,
tkCE MrMr  for t < r ≤ k.
Proof. Using Proposition 2.1 and Theorem 3.4, we have
)( ,
tkCE Mr ≤ r CE (<
 kk
>)+ )( ,1
tkCE Mr 
≤ 2.22(k-1)+
+ )( ,1
tkCE Mr 
= 2.22(k-1)+
+ )( ,2
tkCE Mr 
≤ 2.22(k-1)+
+ )( ,
trCE Mr
= 22k
+ )( ,
trCE Mr , t < r ≤ k.
)( ,
tkCE Mr ≤2k
)+ )( ,
trCE Mr , t < r ≤ k.
The first author was supported by a grant (F. No.: 4-4/2014-15(MRP-SEM/UGC-SERO, Nov.
2014)) for the University Grants Commission, South Eastern Regional office, Hyderabad – 500
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  • 1. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 DOI : 10.5121/ijit.2015.4401 1 ON THE COVERING RADIUS OF CODES OVER Z4 WITH CHINESE EUCLIDEAN WEIGHT P. Chella Pandian 1 and C. Durairajan 2 1 Department of Mathematics Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College(Autonomous), India. 2 Department of Mathematics, Bharathidasan University, India. ABSTRACT In this paper, we give lower and upper bounds on the covering radius of codes over the ring Z4 with respect to chinese euclidean distance. We also determine the covering radius of various Repetition codes, Simplex codes Type α and Type β and give bounds on the covering radius for MacDonald codes of both types over Z4. KEYWORDS Covering radius, Codes over finite rings, Simplex codes, Hamming codes. (2010) Mathematical Subject Classification: 94B25, 94B05, 11H31, 11H71. 1 INTRODUCTION In the last decade, there are many researchers doing research on code over finite rings. In particular, codes over Z4 received much attention [1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14]. The covering radius of binary linear codes were studied [4, 5]. Recently the covering radius of codes over Z4 has been investigated with respect to chinese euclidean distances [10]. In 1999, Sole et al gave many upper and lower bounds on the covering radius of a code over Z4 with chinese euclidean distances. In [12], the covering radius of some particular codes over Z4 have been investigated. In this correspondence, we consider the ring Z4. In this paper, we investigate the covering radius of the Simplex codes of both types and MacDonald codes and repetition codes over Z4. We also generalized some of the known bounds in [1]. A linear code C of length n over Z4 is an additive subgroup of n Z4 . An element of C is called a codeword of C and a generator matrix of C is a matrix whose rows generate C. In [10], the chinese Euclidean weight wCE(x) of a vector x is         n i ix 1 ) 4 2 cos(22  A linear Gray map φ from Z4 →Z 2 2 is defined by φ(x + 2y) = (y, x + y), for all x + 2y ∈ Z4. The image φ(C), of a linear code C over Z4 of length n by the Gray map, is a binary code of length 2n with same cardinality [13].
  • 2. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 2 Any linear code C over Z4 is equivalent to a code with generator matrix G of the form        DI BAI G k k 220 1 0 , (1.1) where A, B and D are matrices over Z4. Then the code C contain all code words [v0, v1 ]G, where v0 is a vector of length k1 over Z4 and v1 is a vector of length k2 over Z2 . Thus C contains a total of 21 24 kk codewords. The parameters of C are given [n, 21 24 kk , d] where d represents the minimum chinese Euclidean distance of C. A linear code C over Z4 of length n, 2-dimension k, minimum chinese euclidean distance dCE is called an [n, k, dCE] or simply an [n, k] code. In this paper, we define the covering radius of codes over Z4 with respect to chinese euclidean distance and in particular study the covering radius of Simplex codes of type α and type β namely, S  k and S  k and their MacDonald codes and repetition codes over Z4. Section 2 contains basic results for the covering radius of codes over Z4. Section 3 determines the covering radius of different types of repetition codes. Section 4 determines the covering radius of Simplex codes and finally section 5 determines the bounds on the covering radius of MacDonald codes. 2 Covering Radius of Codes Let d be a chinese euclidean distance. The covering radius of a code C over Z4 with respect to chinese euclidean distance d is given by .  ),(minmax)( 4 ucdCr Cczu d n   The following result of Mattson [4] is useful for computing covering radius of codes over rings generalized easily from codes over finite fields. Proposition 2. 5. (Mattson) If C0 and C1 are codes over Z4 generated by matrices G0 and G1 respectively and if C is the code generated by 1 0 0 G G G A        then rd (C) ≤ rd ( C0 ) + rd ( C1 ) and the covering radius of D (concatenation of C0 and C1 ) satisfy the following rd (D) ≥ rd ( C0 ) + rd ( C1 ), for all distances d over Z4. 3 COVERING RADIUS OF REPETITION CODES A q-ary repetition code C over a finite field Fq = {α0 = 0, α1 = 1, α2 , α3 , . . . , αq−1 } is an [n, 1, n] code  qFC   , where ),,,(   . The covering radius of C is        q qn )1( [11]. Using this, it can be seen easily that the covering radius of block of size n repetition code [n(q-1),1,n(q-1)] generated by                     n qqq nnn G 111333222111  is
  • 3. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 3        2 )1( q qn since it will be equivalent to a repetition code of length (q − 1)n. Consider the repetition code over Z4. There are two types of them of length n viz. unit repetition code Cβ : [n, 1, 2n] generated by ]111[   n G  and zero divisor repetition code Cα : (n, 2, 4n) generated by ]222[   n G  . The following result determines the covering radius with respect to chinese euclidean distance. Theorem 3. 1. nCr n CE 2)( 2 4      and nCrCE 2)(  . Proof. Let x = n nn Z4 22 000222                  . The code  n ZC 4|)222(    , that is C = {00….0, 22…..2}, generated by [22….2] is an [n,1,2n] code. Then, dCE(x,00….0) = wtCE( 000000222 22                   nn )      2 4 n and dCE(x,22….2) = wtCE( 222000222 22                   nn )      2 4 n . Therefore dCE(x, C ) = min {     2 4 n ,     2 4 n }. Thus, by definition of covering radius rCE( C )      2 4 n (3.1) Let x be any word in n Z4 . Let us take x has ω0 coordinates as 0’s, ω1coordinates as 1’s, ω2coordinates as 2’s, ω3 coordinates as 3’s, then ω0 + ω1+,ω2+ ω3 = n. Since C ={00….0,22…2} and chinese euclidean weight of Z4: 0 is 0, 1 and 3 is 2 and 2 is 4, we have dCE(x,00…0) = n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3 and dCE(x,22…2) = n – ω2 + ω1 + 3 ω0+ ω3 . Thus dCE (x, Cα ) = min{ n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3 , n – ω2 + ω1 + 3 ω0+ ω3 }. dCE (x, Cα ) ≤ n+ + n = 2n (3.2) Hence, from the Equation (3.1) and (3.2), we get nCr n CE 2)( 2 4      . Now, we find the covering radius of Cβ covering with respect to the chinese euclidean weight. We have dCE(x,00…0) = n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3, dCE(x,11…1) = n – ω1 + ω0 +ω2+3 ω3, dCE(x,22…2) = n – ω2 +3 ω1 +ω3 and dCE(x, 33…3) = n – ω3 + 3ω1 +ω0+ ω2 for any n Zx 4 . This implies dCE (x, Cβ ) = min{ n – ω0 + ω1 + 3 ω2+ ω3, n – ω1 + ω0 +ω2+3 ω3, n – ω2 +3 ω1 +ω3 , n – ω3 + 3ω1 +ω0+ ω2} 2n and hence rCE(Cβ)  2n . To show that rCE(Cβ)  2n, let
  • 4. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 4 n tnttt Zx 4 3 333222111000           , where t        4 n , then dCE(x,00…0)=2n, dCE(x,11…1)=4n-8t, dCE(x,22…2)=2n and dCE(x,33….3)=8t. Therefore rCE(Cβ)  min{2n,4n-8t,8t}  2n. To determine the covering radius of Z4 three blocks each of size n repetition code BRep n3 : [3n, 1, 8n] generated by         nnn G 333222111 note that the code has constant chinese euclidean weight 8n and the block repetition code BRep n3 :{c0=(0…0 0….0 0…..0), c1=(1….12….2 3….3), c2=(2…2 0…0 2….2), c3=(3….3 2….2 1…..1)}. Thus x = 11 1 n Z 3 4 , we have dCE (x, BRep n3 ) = .4 2 4 n n     Hence by definition, rCE ( BRep n3 ) ≥ .4 2 4 n n     To find the upper Let x = (u|v|w) n Z 3 4 with u, v and w have compositions (r0 , r1 , r2 , r3 ), (s0 , s1 , s2 , s3 ) and (t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 ) respectively such that    3 0 3 0 , i i i i nsnr and   3 0 , i i nt then dCE (x, c0) = 3n − r0 +r1+ 3 r2 +r3− s0 + s1+3 s2 +s3− t0 +t1+ 3 t2+t3 , dCE (x, c1 ) = 3n − r1 +r0+r2+ 3 r3 − s2 +3s0+s1+s30 − t3 +t0+ 3t1+t2 , dCE (x, c2 ) = 3n− r2 +r1+3r0+r3 − s0 +s1+3 s2+s3 − t2 +3t0+t1+t3 and dCE (x, c3 ) = 3n− r3 +3 r1+r0+r2 −s2+3s0+s1+s3 −t1+3t3+t0+t2 . Thus dCE (x, BRep n3 ) = min{3n − r0 +r1+ 3 r2 +r3− s0 + s1+3 s2 +s3− t0 +t1+ 3 t2+t3 , 3n − r1 +r0+r2+ 3 r3 − s2 +3s0+s1+s30 − t3 +t0+ 3t1+t2, 3n− r2 +r1+3r0+r3 − s0 +s1+3 s2+s3 − t2 +3t0+t1+t3, 3n− r3 +3 r1+r0+r2 −s2+3s0+s1+s3 −t1+3t3+t0+t2 . Thus we have the following theorem Theorem 3. 2.     n n 4 2 4 rCE (BRep n3 )  6n. One can also define a Z4 block (two blocks each of size n) repetition code Brep n2 : [2n, 1, 4n] generated by              nn G 222111 . We have following theorem Theorem 3. 3.     n n 2 2 4 rCE (BRep n3 )  4n Block code BRep nm can be generalized to a block repetition code (two blocks of size m and n respectively) BRep nm : [m + n, 1, min{4m, 3m + 3n}] generated by              nm G 222111 . Theorem 3.3 can be easily generalized for different length using similar arguments to the following. Theorem 3. 4. 2m+     2 4 n rCE (BRep nm )  2m+2n
  • 5. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 5 4 SIMPLEX CODES OF TYPE Α AND TYPE  OVER Z4 Quaternary simplex codes of type α and type  have been recently studied in [2]. Type α Simplex code S  k is a linear code over Z4 with parameters [4k ,k] and an inductive generator matrix given by           1111 3..332...221...110...00 kkkk k GGGG G (4.1) with G  1 =[0 1 2 3]. Type simplex code S  k is a punctured version of S  k with parameters [2k-1 (2 k - 1), k ] and an inductive generator matrix given by        113210 201111 2  G (4.2) and for k > 2           111 222000111 kkk k GGG G  (4.3) where G  1k is the generator matrix of S  1k . For details the reader is refered to [2]. Type α code with minimum chinese euclidean weight is 8. Theorem 4. 1. r CE (S  k ) ≤ 22k+1 -3 . Proof. Let x = 11….. 1  n Z4 . By equation 4.1, the result of Mattson for finite rings and using Theorem 3. 2, we get r CE (S  k ) ≤ r CE (S  1k )+ r CE (<   )1(2 2 111 k   )1(2 2 222 k   )1(2 2 333 k >) = r CE (S  1k )+ 6.22(k-1) = 6.22(k-1) + 6.22(k-2) + 6.22(k-3) +…..+ 6.22.1 + r CE (S  1 ) r CE (S  k ) ≤ 22k+1 -3(since r CE (S  1 ) = 5 ) Theorem 4. 2. r CE (S  k ) ≤ 2k (2k - 1) – 7 Proof. By equation 4. 3, Proposition 2. 5 and Theorem 3. 4, we get r CE (S  k ) ≤ r CE (S  1k )+ r CE (<   )1( 4 111 k   )2()32( 22 222   kk >) = r CE (S  1k )+ 2(2k - 2) + 2(2k - 3) - 2(k - 2)
  • 6. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 6 ≤ 2( 2(2k - 2) + 2(2k - 4) +. . . +24 )+2(2(2k - 3) + 2(2k -5) + . . .+ 23 ) – 2(2(k - 2) + 2(k - 3) + . . .+2 ) + r CE (S  2 ) r CE (S  k ) ≤ 2k - 1 (2k - 1) - 7(since r CE (S  2 ) = 5 ). 5 MACDONALD CODES CODES OF TYPE Α AND  OVER Z4 The q-ary MacDonald code )(, qM tk over the finite field Fq is a unique           11 ,, 1 tk tk qqk q qq code in which every non-zero codeword has weight either 1k q or 11   tk qq [8]. In [11], he studied the covering radius of MacDonald codes over a finite field. In fact, he has given many exact values for smaller dimension. In [6], authors have defined the MacDonald codes over a ring using the generator matrices of simplex codes. For 2 ≤ t ≤ k – 1, let  tkG , be the matrix obtained from  ,kG by deleting columns corresponding to the columns of  tG . That is,    t ktk G GG 0 ,  (5.1) and let  tkG , be the matrix obtained from  kG by deleting columns corresponding to the columns of  tG . That is,    t ktk G GG 0 ,  ( 5.2) where [A B ] denotes the matrix obtained from the matrix A by deleting the columns of the matrix B and 0 is a(k - t) x 22t ((k - t) x 2t - 1 (2t - 1)). The code generated by the matrix  tkG , is called code of type α and the code generated by the matrix  tkG , is called Macdonald code of type  . The type α code is denoted by  tkM , and the type  code is denoted by  tkM , . The  tkM , code is [4k -4t ,k] code over Z4 and  tkM , is a [(2k-1 -2t-1 )(2k +2t -1),k] code over Z4. In fact, these codes are punctured code of  kS and  kS respectively. Next Theorem gives a basic bound on the covering radius of above Macdonald codes. Theorem 5. 1. )(22)( , 1212 ,  trCE rk tkCE MrMr   for t < r ≤ k, Proof. By Proposition 2.1 and Theorem 3.2, r CE (M  tk, ) ≤ r CE (<   )1(2 2 111 k   )1(2 2 222 k   )1(2 2 333 k >)+r CE (M  tr, )
  • 7. International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol.4, No.4, October 2015 7 )(4.6 ,1 1  tkCE k Mr    , for k ≥ r > t. )(4.6....4.64.6 , 21  trCE rkk Mr  for k ≥ r > t. r CE (M  tk, ) ≤ 22k+1 -22r+1 + r CE (M  tr, ) , for k ≥ r > t. . Theorem 5. 2. )()21(2)12(2)( ,,  trCE rrkk tkCE MrMr  for t < r ≤ k. Proof. Using Proposition 2.1 and Theorem 3.4, we have )( ,  tkCE Mr ≤ r CE (<   )1(2 2 111 k   1)1(1)1(2 22 222   kk >)+ )( ,1  tkCE Mr  ≤ 2.22(k-1)+ 2.22(k-1)-1 -2(k-1)-1 + )( ,1  tkCE Mr  = 2.22(k-1)+ 2.22(k-1)-1 -22(k-1)-1 +2.22(k-2) +2.22(k-2)-1 -2.22(k-2)-1 + )( ,2  tkCE Mr  ≤ 2.22(k-1)+ 2.22(k-1)-1 -22(k-1)-1 +2.22(k-2) +2.22(k-2)-1 -2.22(k-2)-1 +…+ 2.22r +2.22r-1 +2.2r-1 + )( ,  trCE Mr = 22k -22r -2k +2r + )( ,  trCE Mr , t < r ≤ k. )( ,  tkCE Mr ≤2k (2k -1)+2r (1-2r )+ )( ,  trCE Mr , t < r ≤ k. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The first author was supported by a grant (F. No.: 4-4/2014-15(MRP-SEM/UGC-SERO, Nov. 2014)) for the University Grants Commission, South Eastern Regional office, Hyderabad – 500 001. References [1] Aoki T., Gaborit P., Harada, M., Ozeki, M. and Sol’e P., “ On the covering radius of Z4 codes and their lattices”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 2162-2168(1999). [2] Bhandari M. C., Gupta M. K. and Lal A. K., “ On Z4 Simplex codes and their gray images”, Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, AAECC- 13, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1719, 170-180(1999) . [3] Bonnecaze A., Sol’e, P., Bachoc, C. and Mourrain B., “ Type II codes over Z4”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 43, 969-976(1997). [4] Cohen G. D., Karpovsky, M. G., Mattson, H. F. and Schatz J. R., “ Covering radius- Survey and recent results”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 328-343(1985). [5] Cohen C., Lobstein, A. and Sloane N. J. A., “ Further Results on the Covering Radius of codes”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 32, no. 5, 1986, pp. 680-694(19977) . [6] Colbourn, C. J. and Gupta M. K., “ On quaternary MacDonald codes”, Proc. Information Technology:Coding and Computing (ITCC), pp. 212-215 April(2003). [7] Conway, J. H. and Sloane N. J. A., 1993, “ Self-dual codes over the integers modulo 4”, Journal of Combin. Theory Ser. A 62, 30-45(1993).
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