human computation games with a purpose linked data citizen science semantic web smart cities crowdsourcing gamification citizen computation cefriel urbanopoly urban computing knowledge graph knowledge graph refinement data linking ninja riders stars4all light pollution eit digital incentive gwap planetdata data quality larkc linkeddata semanticweb semantic interoperability data interoperability explainable ai human in the loop user engagement linked data refinement urban mobility young people road safety citizen engagement data analytics living land use semantics web smart users smart data research knowledge technologies knowledge representation knowledge fusion innovation human machine cooperation data value chain data compliance its data enrichment polis 2019 siri netex data conversion multimodal transport national access points snap human-in-the-loop profiling motivation evaluation gwap enabler software framework open source psychometrics conversational tools safe mobility behavioural change vgi volunteered geographic information data aggregation truth inference decision making behaviour youth ninjariders iswc 2017 profiles workshop dcat-ap vocabulary botdcat-ap bot chatbot nightknights collective awareness sustainability social innovation capssi piazza playful design cognition sssw 2016 learning education cultural heritage spatial data analytics geospatial data geo-ontology ontology engineering eswc2016 geoinformatics service publication spac3 service retrieval city service service description city service ecosystem data science urban life big data land use game with a purpose urbanmatch urban games open data traffic ""stream reasoning"" ""semantic web"" ""sentiment analysis"" eswc2011 pandora linkedlearning simulation learning human computing interaction semantics interaction design interaction ontology itn workshop econom enterprise-x.0 bis-2009 webapplication starchart webofdata bicocca web20
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