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Государственное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Оренбургский государственный университет»
Кафедра иностранных языков естественнонаучных и
инженерно-технических специальностей
Рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским советом
государственного образовательного учреждения
высшего профессионального образования
«Оренбургский государственный университет»
Оренбург 2007
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
УДК 802. 0 (07)
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
М 69
доктор педагогических наук, профессор Н.С. Сахарова
Михайлова, Н. В.
М 69 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion [Текст]: методические
указания к видеофильму на английском языке /
Н.В.Михайлова, - Оренбург: ГОУ ОГУ, 2007.-17 с.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов I-II курсов всех
специальностей. Цель пособия – обучение студентов устной речи с ори-
ентацией на самостоятельную работу под контролем преподавателя.
Методическое пособие содержит языковые и речевые упражне-
ния, направленные на выработку коммуникативных навыков.
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
© Михайлова Н. В. 2007
© ГОУ ОГУ, 2007
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
1 Part 1..........................................................................................................................5
1.1 Look up the following words in the dictionary, transcribe them, practice the
pronunciation of the words, make sure you know what they mean:.................................5
1.2 Words and word-combinations to be remembered:....................................................5
1.3 References will help you to understand the film better:..............................................6
1.4 Exercises.....................................................................................................................6
2 Part 2..........................................................................................................................9
2.1 Pronounce the following words. Get ready to transcribe them on the blackboard: ....9
2.2 Words and word-combinations to memorize (use them in the sentences of your
2.3 References to the film:...............................................................................................10
2.4 Translate from English into Russian:.........................................................................10
2.5 Exercises...................................................................................................................11
3 Part 3........................................................................................................................13
3.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian:.................................13
3.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words:.................................................................13
3.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: ........................................13
3.4 References to the film:...............................................................................................14
3.5 Exercises...................................................................................................................14
4 Part 4........................................................................................................................16
4.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian:.................................16
4.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words:.................................................................17
4.3 References to the film:...............................................................................................17
4.4 Exercises ..................................................................................................................17
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
1 Part 1
1.1 Look up the following words in the dictionary, transcribe them,
practice the pronunciation of the words, make sure you know what they
amateur magician, volunteer, emperor, pendant, megalomaniac, conspiracy,
perpetrator, emerald tiara, sapphire necklace, gumshoe, champagne, desert, athletic,
1.2 Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
claim - страховка
a canvas – полотно
fingerprints – отпечатки
to stash away – разг. припрятывать
a supervisor – инспектор
to approve – одобрять
to slam – хлопать
smarmy – льстивый
an insurance man – страховой агент
to anticipate – предвидеть, ожидать
a column – статья
streamlining – переучет
to revamp – реорганизовывать, проводить переучет
clue – разгадка, улика
a victim – жертва
an insurance investigator – следователь страховой компании
sleazy – неряшливый
to fade – исчезать (о воспоминании)
to get a cold – простудиться
to the letter - точно
an estate – особняк
to be numb – зд. молчать
to obtain jewels – брать драгоценные камни
a butler – дворецкий
to fondle – ощупывать
a closet – шкаф
to appreciate – ценить
to look forward to smth – с волнением, нетерпением ожидать чего-либо
a push-up – отжимание
to come over – приезжать; овладеть, охватить (о чувстве)
to snoop around – шпионить
to suggest – предлагать
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
to threaten – угрожать
to expand – расширять, увеличивать
to hire – нанимать
desperate – отчаянный
to reach smb/smth – связываться с кем-нибудь/добираться
to mangle– калечить
to farm out – отдавать часы работы другому
trail - след
1.3 References will help you to understand the film better:
a prune Danish – датский чернослив
It was a breeze. – Мне повезло.
Galaxy Opticals – фирма «Галакси Оптикалз»
to come up with an idea – догадаться
I bet my life on it. – Могу поспорить.
It’s an inside job. – Это кто-то в доме, кто-то из своих.
the magnitude of the loss – стоимость украденного
hunt-and-peck methods – зд. старые методы
the surrender of the mind – забудьте обо всем
1.4 Exercises
1.4.1 Give the Russian equivalents for:
to make a toast
can’t stand smb
to obey orders (instructions)
to change one’s mind
to get arrested for speeding
to be hard at work
there’s a houseful of people
to quit doing smth
to be in a part of a company
to get smb a little help
to make a difference
to do smb a favor
to make a contribution
to work on a case
to be up to one’s neck in work
at one’s command
to come to some terms with smb
б) Memorize the word–combinations and use them in the sentences of
your own.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
1.4.2 Give synonyms to the following words. Is there any difference
between them?
to finish
to propose
to expect
to wait for
to get to
to bear
to change one’s decisions, plans
to get
to put smth in a secret place
Complete the sentences using one of the synonyms in the correct form
1. a) It usually takes four years to … a degree at an American university.
б) Information about visas and passports can be … from your local library.
2. a) After the robbery the gang … the jewels in a nearby garage.
б) … those files there, on my desk.
3. a) Suddenly she … talking, turned her face to the pillow and went to sleep.
б) When you … painting the house you can start on a garage.
4. a) I … we continue the meeting tomorrow.
б) To save money the girls … travelling in one car.
5. a) I’m really … this trip to Japan.
b) I … meeting you next month.
c) All these people are … you next month.
6. a) I knew it was an adventure holiday but I did not … spending my days upside
down in a freezing lake.
b) The rent was Ј200 a week – much more than we had … to pay.
c) No one … the President to resign.
7. a) No, I’m not going out tonight. I’ve ….
b) What if she … and doesn’t turn up?
8. a) By the end of the first day we had … a small town 500 km south of Paris.
b) Here’s my phone number in a case you need to … me.
9. a) She stopped working in the glue factory because she couldn’t … the smell.
b) I can’t … people smoking around me when I’m eating.
1.4.3 Translate into English
1. Они услышали, как хлопнули дверцы машин, и кто-то спросил, что
случилось. Это был следователь страховой компании, который занимался этим
2. Их поездка на море вышла им дороже, чем они ожидали.
3. В здании было много народа, но похитителям все-таки удалось вынести
известное полотно. Наверняка, сейчас они его припрятали, а затем перевезут
заграницу и продадут.
4. На уроке физкультуры студенты должны были отжаться 30 раз.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
5. Торговля между развивающимися странами продолжает расширяться.
6. Она решила нанять частного детектива, чтобы выяснить, кто ее
7. Мы отчаивались, так как еды на всех уже не оставалось.
8. Джон не хотел подчиняться приказам своего начальника. Но выхода не было,
но ведь он же не хотел отдавать часы работы другому.
1.4.4 Translate the following lines from the film into Russian. Say whom
they belong to
1. “Look, this is a big claim. The cops want to nail a guy who stole it too. The
difference is we have to make good the 30,000 bucks. They don’t. To them it’s
another heist. Or, has the owner stashed it away someplace, and is she trying to
defraud us out of a lot of money?”
2. “If you have large sums of cash around the house, we would insist on certain alarm
and security precautions, which my supervisor would have to approve. What we
usually do in a case like this is handle the installations ourselves.”
3. “This is Fitzgerald’s lunch. She’s been waiting a long time for it. I’ll deliver it to
her. – You got to come to some terms with this woman. This thing is only getting
worse. – What do we need an efficiency expert here for? When the old man was here,
this never could have happened. – Thought you were gonna take her out for a drink,
clear the air.”
4. “Most of the personnel here seems very nice. The only one that gives me the dry
heaves is Briggs. – C. W.? He’s cracked a lot of cases. Of cause, I don’t see how.
Such a drone. Gets his tips from street contracts like ex-cons and blind beggars. –
There’s something about him I don’t trust. He’s smarmy with those office wisecracks
and double-meaning jokes. He’s this shallow, skirt-chasing egomaniac who’s
probably more lucky than good. – Sometimes it’s better to be lucky. I think you’re
being too rough on him.”
5. “Everyone, I’d like to make a toast to C. W. Briggs. Thanks to you, the police now
have the stolen Picasso in their possession… By the way, there’d you come up with
the idea of looking in the telescope! – What I do is I put myself in the criminal’s
position. I try and anticipate what he does next, what his next move would be.”
6. “You’re in a deep trance. You will fall deeper and deeper under the sway of my
words. You will obey my instructions carefully. You will proceed to the Kensington
estate where you will obtain the jewels, all the jewels, from the Kensington estate.
You will do this with the utmost secrecy, using all the information and techniques at
your command. You’ll do it with great ease and facility. Then you will return to your
apartment, taking the jewels with you. You’ll hide them in a safe and secure hiding
place, awaiting further instructions from me.”
7. “The Kensington safe was broken into last night. Somebody got on the estate.
Jewels worth millions, all gone. The cops don’t have a clue, and Magruder is numb.”
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
1.4.5 Answer the questions:
1) What is Mr. Briggs? And what is Miss Fitzgerald? Are they colleagues? Have they
been working together for а long time?
2) Why are the relations between Fitzgerald and C. W. so strained?
3) What was the first C. W.’s attempt to improve their relations?
4) What happened during the celebration of Bond's birthday at the Rainbow Room?
Why was it funny?
5) What did the magician from the Rainbow Room phone C. W. for? What was his
first order?
6) Whom did C. W. suspect when he heard about the burglary? Did the police have
the same opinion?
2 Part 2
2.1 Pronounce the following words. Get ready to transcribe them on the
solitaire, gorgeous, myopic, rendezvous, engagement, neighborhood, confession,
access, doubt, overtax, duplicate, larceny, nightmare, rooster, clue, heavyset,
grimy, identical, penthouse, yacht, unethical, obnoxious, pompous, asphyxiation
2.2 Words and word-combinations to memorize (use them in the sentences
of your own):
to get bored doing smth (with smb/smth)- надоедать, скучать, уставать
to blow up - взрывать
to postpone - откладывать
to have a snack - перекусить
to be pressed for time – очень торопиться
on the way home – по дороге домой
in advance - заранее
I beg your pardon – прошу прощения
to get to the point – перейти к делу
to share with smb – делиться с кем-нибудь
to have a little trouble – иметь небольшую проблему
to be cross – злиться
to convince – убеждать
to make wisecrack – амер. острить, иронизировать
to fool around/about – болтать без дела, терять время попусту
to leave behind – забывать
to come to the conclusion – приходить к выводу
to check out – совпадать
witness – свидетель
humiliation – унижение
to make a scene – устроить сцену
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
to run away with smb – сбежать с кем-либо
to gossip – сплетничать
2.3 References to the film:
to fence – укрывать, скупать краденное
coronary thrombosis – тромбоз венечных сосудов
super=superintendent - управляющий
120 proof – 40 градусов
to pass away - умирать
Perfect timing! – Как всегда, вовремя!
What’s come over you? – Что с тобой?
Let me guess. – Попробую догадаться.
to make a collar –сленг поймать преступника
Belly button in or out? – Полный или нет?
booze – спиртной напиток
to chase after – преследовать
to trip – запутать, сбить с толку
to turn around – полностью изменить; улучшить, исправить
smart burglar – хитрый вор
to mope around/about – хандрить, быть в подавленном состоянии
to rifle – обыскивать
mascara – тушь
to blame smb – винить кого-либо
guilty – виновный
to faint – падать в обморок
to complain – жаловаться
miserable – жалкий, несчастный
to deceive – обманывать
to be responsible for – быть ответственным за что-либо
to be in the bloom – цвести
Just so you’re clear on that. – Чтобы вам было ясно.
It makes all the sense in world. – Все сходиться.
It takes one to catch one. – Нужно стать вором, чтобы поймать его.
to snore – храпеть
with a sinus condition – со свистом
to choke - давиться
2.4 Translate from English into Russian:
1) Keep your ear open.
2) He gives the willies.
3) We made the place foolproof.
4) Have you got any clues?
5) I’ve got a confession to make.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
6) I have access to your security setups.
7) You are liable to overtax your heart and have a massive stroke.
8) You’ve got a touch of larceny in you.
9) I happened to be passing through.
10) You are my prime suspect.
11) This happens to be a very confusing case.
2.5 Exercises
2.5.1 Translate from Russian into English, using words and word-
combinations from 2.2:
1) Так как у нас не было времени, мы решили купить все продукты по дороге
домой и приготовить что-нибудь на скорую руку.
2) Джим выиграл много денег и решил поделиться с друзьями.
3) Не могли бы вы перейти к делу? – Да, меня кое-что беспокоит. Я не могу
найти свидетельство о рождении. Посмотрите, пожалуйста, его у себя.
4) Игра команды была отложена до следующего сезона из-за плохой погоды.
5) Спустя некоторое время Джулия устала лежать на пляже и пошла посмотреть
6) Я прошу прощение за то, что вчера сердился на тебя.
2.5.2 Match the words with the same meaning:
brag boast
startle scare
grungy dirty
hovel hut
meaningful significant
grill question
bust burglary
sack bed
figure out calculate
rifle go through
search rummage
get into break in
larceny robbery
volatile unsteady
dislodge displace
obnoxious unpleasant
pompous high-flown
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
2.5.3 Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using your active
1) David ran away from his truck, thinking that gas tank was going to explode.
2) Excuse me, can you help me? I’ve got a problem.
3) The Socialist party has failed to persuade the majority of voters that it is capable of
governing the country.
4) Let us know beforehand if you are planning on visiting Boston.
5) Miss Ellis gets angry with anyone who comes to school scruffily dressed.
6) We decided to delay the wedding until Jane’s mother has recovered from her
2.5.3 Name the characters whom the following replies belong to.
Translate the lines:
1) “Really? What’d you do, has your father bought the building?”
2) “A small tip to the super was all it took.”
3) “These guys have made more progress in a few hours than you have in two days.”
4) “Being an investigator doesn’t put you above the law. She catches you, she’s
gonna have you locked up.”
5) “It’s not that I don’t want to leave Caroline…I’ve tried to work up the courage a
hundred times.”
6) “It’s good to have two keys, ‘cause an emergency happens once in a while.”
7) “Sit down, C. W. We have a situation. I’ll let the Coopersmith bring you up to
2.5.4 Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1) Don’t try to tap-dance your way out of getting caught searching my desk. – I
wasn’t searching. I was rummaging. Can a colleague not rummaging?
2) Oh, my God. How did we go from love to you care for me, to you respect me?
Next thing you’ll be buying me a prayer shawl… Leave me alone!
3) You have this nice Japanese screen. I was hiding behind it.
4) The only humiliating thing is how this guy takes advantage of a smart woman like
5) Get out before I call the police and have you arrested for breaking and entering.
6) You came here last night because you thought I stole some money!
7) Now, if you’ll go, I gotta be at work in 30 minutes, and don’t gossip about what
you saw.
2.5.5 Speak on:
1) What methods did C. W. Briggs use? What did he want from the begger?
2) How did Laura get in C. W.’s department? What did she do for this?
3) What was the second magician’s order for C. W.?
4) What did Briggs and the Coopersmith detectives talk about? Did the detectives
have any clues?
5) What was the detectives’ big clue?
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
6) What was C. W. upset about? What confession did he want to make?
7) What was C. W. going to do to prove that Fitzgerald was the criminal who had
stolen the jewels?
8) How did he manage to get into Fitzgerald apartment?
9) Why was Fitzgerald going to commit a suicide?
3 Part 3
3.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian:
hymnbook, embalmer, technique, actually, apparatus, inadvertently, clergyman,
baseball, resume, employee, messenger, imagination, weasel, particular, quibble,
earrings, circumstantial, diamond, drawer, tremendous, euphoric
3.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words:
to send for быть ошеломленным
to look good точное оборудование
let me set you straight подделывать подпись
rug посылать за
to be knocked out выглядеть хорошо
to angle for smb’s job дурная слава
bad publicity позволь мне сказать тебе раз и навсегда
to forge one’s signature забрать работу
sensitive apparatus знать что к чему
to leave a footprint ручаться за кого-либо
to drop отключить сигнализацию
to disable the security system выдвигать обвинения
to doubt smb’s honesty оставлять отпечаток
let me tell you здесь необходимо воображение
to know the score сомневаться в чьей-либо честности
to vouch for smb позвольте сказать
to have some outstanding debt ковер
to make accusations иметь огромный долг
it requires imagination ронять
3.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian:
have a footprint (fingerprint); be caught red-handed; a merit badge; in broad daylight;
I’m exhausted; obey commands; insanity defense; stick around; make arrangements;
for the rest of my life; you’re not allowed in here; I couldn’t afford; conspire against;
airtight case; take it easy; daring escape; bad publicity
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
3.4 References to the film:
An eight-and-a-half ‘’C’’ Florsheim cordovan. – Башмаки «Флоршайм» 42
For the money, you cannot get a better shoe. – За такие деньги лучше просто не
They match. – Они принадлежат одному человеку.
from expensive sports betting – в агентстве спортивных лотерей
daily blood bath – кровавая бойня
we gotta get team jackets – мы все из одной команды
the story checks out – все сходиться
the place is a little messy – в квартире небольшой беспорядок
You don’t have a kosher bone in your body. – Я не верю ни одному твоему слову.
to investigate smb – наводить справки о ком-либо
mealy- mouthed – сладкоречивый, неискренний
six of spades – шестерка пики
four of diamonds – четверка бубны
corroborate – подкреплять, подтверждать (теорию)
locker – запирающийся шкафчик
airtight – герметический
to plant – подстраивать
courthouse – здание суда
stick around – слоняться поблизости, не уходить
3.5 Exercises
3.5.1 Translate from Russian into English, using words and word-
combinations from 3.2:
1) Коллеги были ошеломлены той новостью, что мистера Бриггса обвинили в
краже драгоценностей.
2) Она хорошо выглядела в тот вечер и несомненно смогла очаровать своего
3) Позвольте мне сказать, что я ни сколько не сомневаюсь в его невиновности.
4) На ковре нашли пару волос и обнаружили отпечаток. Они принадлежали
одному человеку.
5) У него был большой долг, но это не было поводом, чтобы выдвигать против
него обвинения.
6) Ручаюсь за него. Он отличный работник.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
3.5.2 a) Complete the sentences using one of these words: sentence, maid,
thief, match, up-to-minute, circumstantial, assure, wear, clues, shoe print, break,
accessory (put the verbs into the correct forms)
1) “After careful search, using some of the most … techniques, we found some
interesting ….”
2) “We got a … of the parapet at the Kensington place.”
3) “I mean, I … an eight-and-a-half ‘’C’’ cordovan Florsheim shoe.”
4) “Oh, we don’t mean just to each other. They … yours.”
5) “C. W., I … you, this is only an inquiry in-house at this time.”
6) “We all want to catch a jewel …. I’m on your side.”
7) “That makes me ….”
8) “You sound like you’re attracted to men who … the law.”
9) “You know, you’re facing a long jail ….”
10) “Many a man’s gone to the gallows on … evidence.”
110 “If I knew you were coming, I would have the … rearrange the dirt.”
b) Translate the lines and say whom they belong to.
3.5.3 a) Learn the following words and expressions and reproduce the
situations from the film in which they are used:
at midnight
to talk to smb in person
to break the law
to get rid of smth
to get to the bottom of smth
to make up a story
to come to one’s defense
conspire against
to forge one’s signature
make arrangements
to be exhausted
b) Use them in the sentences of your own.
3.5.4 Reproduce the dialogue between Magruder and Fitzgerald:
M.: You’re late.
F.: God, I’m still trembling.
M.: Over last night? I couldn’t sleep a wink.
F.: It’s not that Chris. It’s Briggs.
M.: He’s guilty, isn’t he? It’s a sad story.
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F.: Please don’t make me go into all the details, but I wonder if he’s having some
kind of mental breakdown.
M.: He may be realizing the consequences of his deeds. He Coopersmiths are closing
in on him.
F.: Could he have … a split personality?
M.: A lot of criminals have been known to play crafty games when it suited their
F.: I need a drink. If I tell you something, do you promise not to go off half-cocked?
M.: Okay, but hurry I’ve got some big news.
F.: I found the jewels.
M.: What?
* * *
M.: The police are on the way, thank God. It’s an open-and-shut case. Much as I
cringe at the publicity, I’m elated at the recovery.
F.: It’s clear there’s so much more to this, Chris.
M.: Oh, I’ve seen men driven to extremes before being around big money. These
guys earn their living exposing all kinds of exotic schemes to defraud and rob people.
Sometimes they start thinking ‘’ Hey, I’m on the inside. I know why these schemes
fail. I won’t make the same mistakes.’’
F.: You’re saying he’s cracked from so many years of hard work?
M.: He’s a driven man. Had a terrible marital experience.
3.5.5 Speak on:
1) Why did the Coopersmith detectives accuse C. W. of the robbery?
2) Did the relations between Miss Fitzgerald and C. W. change?
3) Why did Fitzgerald come to Briggs?
4) Fitzgerald wanted to help Briggs. Why?
5) What did Laura Kensington tell the police?
6) What was the magician’s third order?
7) What did Mr. Magruder say to Fitzgerald while meeting at the restaurant? Did she
believe him?
8) Why did Laura help C. W. to escape?
9) Briggs came to Fitzgerald. Why?
10) Why didn’t Fitzgerald call the police? Did she believe Briggs?
11) What did Fitzgerald have to do at midnight? What happened to her?
4 Part 4
4.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian:
bow, arrow, stupidity, extravagant, temptation, maroon, alias, involved, seduce,
gorgeous, ridiculous, inscrutable, theorize, posthypnotic, scary, alley, vividly,
ashtray, courageous, underneath, guarantee, attorney
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4.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words:
I’m confused взять быка за рога
a former employee ради кого-либо
chief suspect неожиданно
to prove one’s innocence заслужить чье-либо доверие
to have unfinished business женские хитрости
to set a spring date щелкнуть пальцами
to deserve some credit безопасное место
a safe haven невероятное совпадение событий
to be marooned on a desert island бывший работник
for smb’s sake иметь наглость сделать что-либо
to resemble smb назначить дату на весну
feminine wiles иметь незаконченное дело
to have nothing to do with напоминать кого-либо
all of a sudden быть оставленным на необитаемом острове
incredible sequence of events доказать чью-либо невиновность
despite one’s resistance я смущен
snap one’s fingers не иметь ничего общего с
it’s such a shame щелкнуть пальцами
it serves him right это такой позор
take the bull by the horn главный подозреваемый
to have the nerve to do smth несмотря на чье-либо сопротивление
4.3 References to the film:
I’m calling my local precinct. – Я звоню в местную полицию.
I’m push-over. – Я слабый противник.
she is demented – она сошла с ума
No static. – Никто не будет мешать.
You got a little crush on her? – Ты в нее влюблен?
nearsighted – близорукий
Get an ambulance! – Вызовите скорую!
to halt the separation – остановить бракоразводный процесс
elusive jewel thief – неуловимый вор драгоценностей
4.4 Exercises
4.4.1 Translate the following lines from the film into Russian. Say whom
they belong to:
1) I stayed awake all last night.
2) I had the feeling that down deep, underneath it all, you were really crazy about
3) What, were you dropped on your head?
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4) You’re feeding me the wrong lie.
5) I must have multiple personalities.
6) Blue man coming! Keep moving.
7) Stick your hand in a cup.
8) These earrings are grand larceny.
9) I see it by the look on your face.
10) It doesn’t make sense.
11) Don’t force me to take extreme measures.
12) We have an announcement to make.
4.4.2 Find the synonyms:
stupidity attract
temptation frightful
be involved beautiful
courageous take part
inscrutable absurd
seduce brave
ridiculous strong desire
scary foolishness
gorgeous mysterious
4.4.3 Complete the sentences using one of the synonyms:
1) I couldn’t believe it when an absolutely … guy asked me to dinner.
2) There is always a … to blame others for your own problems.
3) Few will forget her … stand against inequality and injustice.
4) Nigel thinks his car accident was bad luck, but it was caused by his own ….
5) Sixty-two patients suffering from heart disease … in their study.
6) She looked for some response, but Jean’s expression remained ….
7) TV advertisements … people into buying a particular kind of chocolate bar,
washing powder or car.
8) We stayed up late telling … ghost stories.
9) I’ve never heard anything so …! Of cause I haven’t been trying to avoid you.
4.4.4 Translate the sentences:
1) Draw not your bow till your arrow.
2) Sorry, I’m a bit confused – do you mean you want us to keep the vacancy open for
you or not?
3) All of a sudden the room went dark.
4) ‘Tom’s video has been stolen,’ ‘It serves him right – I’m always telling him to lock
the door but he never listens to me.
5) She let me do all the work, and then she has the nerve to criticize my cooking.
6) She used all her wiles to coax a young man to help her escape.
7) We have produced a cloth made of pineapple fiber, closely resembling cotton but
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8) I felt like a marooned sailor, seeing my ship sail away.
9) Explain to the police that you had nothing to do wit the robbery.
4.4.5 Speak on:
1) Did Betty Ann remember anything in the morning after the robbery?
2) How did Fitzgerald react to the news which she heard over the radio? What was
the news?
3) Did C. W.’s friends help Briggs anyhow? What information did they give him?
4) What did C. W.’s office colleagues talk about?
5) What idea did come to Briggs’s mind when he was talking with George?
6) Why didn’t Polgar kill Briggs?
7) Do you consider Mr. Briggs to be a good investigator?
8) Comment on the relations between Miss Fitzgerald and Magruder? Do you think
he was really going to leave his wife?
9) Do you think Fitzgerald and Briggs loved each other?
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345.the curse of the jade scorpion

  • 1. МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Оренбургский государственный университет» Кафедра иностранных языков естественнонаучных и инженерно-технических специальностей Н. В. МИХАЙЛОВА THE CURSE OF THE JADE SCORPION МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ К ВИДЕОФИЛЬМУ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ Рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским советом государственного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Оренбургский государственный университет» Оренбург 2007 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 2. УДК 802. 0 (07) ББК 81.2 Англ-923 М 69 Рецензент доктор педагогических наук, профессор Н.С. Сахарова Михайлова, Н. В. М 69 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion [Текст]: методические указания к видеофильму на английском языке / Н.В.Михайлова, - Оренбург: ГОУ ОГУ, 2007.-17 с. Данное пособие предназначено для студентов I-II курсов всех специальностей. Цель пособия – обучение студентов устной речи с ори- ентацией на самостоятельную работу под контролем преподавателя. Методическое пособие содержит языковые и речевые упражне- ния, направленные на выработку коммуникативных навыков. ББК 81.2 Англ-923 © Михайлова Н. В. 2007 © ГОУ ОГУ, 2007 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 3. Содержание 1 Part 1..........................................................................................................................5 1.1 Look up the following words in the dictionary, transcribe them, practice the pronunciation of the words, make sure you know what they mean:.................................5 1.2 Words and word-combinations to be remembered:....................................................5 1.3 References will help you to understand the film better:..............................................6 1.4 Exercises.....................................................................................................................6 2 Part 2..........................................................................................................................9 2.1 Pronounce the following words. Get ready to transcribe them on the blackboard: ....9 2.2 Words and word-combinations to memorize (use them in the sentences of your own):..................................................................................................................................9 2.3 References to the film:...............................................................................................10 2.4 Translate from English into Russian:.........................................................................10 2.5 Exercises...................................................................................................................11 3 Part 3........................................................................................................................13 3.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian:.................................13 3.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words:.................................................................13 3.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: ........................................13 3.4 References to the film:...............................................................................................14 3.5 Exercises...................................................................................................................14 4 Part 4........................................................................................................................16 4.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian:.................................16 4.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words:.................................................................17 4.3 References to the film:...............................................................................................17 4.4 Exercises ..................................................................................................................17 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 4. 1 Part 1 1.1 Look up the following words in the dictionary, transcribe them, practice the pronunciation of the words, make sure you know what they mean: amateur magician, volunteer, emperor, pendant, megalomaniac, conspiracy, perpetrator, emerald tiara, sapphire necklace, gumshoe, champagne, desert, athletic, hypnotize 1.2 Words and word-combinations to be remembered: claim - страховка a canvas – полотно fingerprints – отпечатки to stash away – разг. припрятывать a supervisor – инспектор to approve – одобрять to slam – хлопать smarmy – льстивый an insurance man – страховой агент to anticipate – предвидеть, ожидать a column – статья streamlining – переучет to revamp – реорганизовывать, проводить переучет clue – разгадка, улика a victim – жертва an insurance investigator – следователь страховой компании sleazy – неряшливый to fade – исчезать (о воспоминании) to get a cold – простудиться to the letter - точно an estate – особняк to be numb – зд. молчать to obtain jewels – брать драгоценные камни a butler – дворецкий to fondle – ощупывать a closet – шкаф to appreciate – ценить to look forward to smth – с волнением, нетерпением ожидать чего-либо a push-up – отжимание to come over – приезжать; овладеть, охватить (о чувстве) to snoop around – шпионить to suggest – предлагать Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 5. to threaten – угрожать to expand – расширять, увеличивать to hire – нанимать desperate – отчаянный to reach smb/smth – связываться с кем-нибудь/добираться to mangle– калечить to farm out – отдавать часы работы другому trail - след 1.3 References will help you to understand the film better: a prune Danish – датский чернослив It was a breeze. – Мне повезло. Galaxy Opticals – фирма «Галакси Оптикалз» to come up with an idea – догадаться I bet my life on it. – Могу поспорить. It’s an inside job. – Это кто-то в доме, кто-то из своих. the magnitude of the loss – стоимость украденного hunt-and-peck methods – зд. старые методы the surrender of the mind – забудьте обо всем 1.4 Exercises 1.4.1 Give the Russian equivalents for: to make a toast can’t stand smb to obey orders (instructions) to change one’s mind to get arrested for speeding to be hard at work there’s a houseful of people to quit doing smth to be in a part of a company to get smb a little help to make a difference to do smb a favor to make a contribution to work on a case to be up to one’s neck in work at one’s command to come to some terms with smb б) Memorize the word–combinations and use them in the sentences of your own. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 6. 1.4.2 Give synonyms to the following words. Is there any difference between them? to finish to propose to expect to wait for to get to to bear to change one’s decisions, plans to get to put smth in a secret place Complete the sentences using one of the synonyms in the correct form 1. a) It usually takes four years to … a degree at an American university. б) Information about visas and passports can be … from your local library. 2. a) After the robbery the gang … the jewels in a nearby garage. б) … those files there, on my desk. 3. a) Suddenly she … talking, turned her face to the pillow and went to sleep. б) When you … painting the house you can start on a garage. 4. a) I … we continue the meeting tomorrow. б) To save money the girls … travelling in one car. 5. a) I’m really … this trip to Japan. b) I … meeting you next month. c) All these people are … you next month. 6. a) I knew it was an adventure holiday but I did not … spending my days upside down in a freezing lake. b) The rent was Ј200 a week – much more than we had … to pay. c) No one … the President to resign. 7. a) No, I’m not going out tonight. I’ve …. b) What if she … and doesn’t turn up? 8. a) By the end of the first day we had … a small town 500 km south of Paris. b) Here’s my phone number in a case you need to … me. 9. a) She stopped working in the glue factory because she couldn’t … the smell. b) I can’t … people smoking around me when I’m eating. 1.4.3 Translate into English 1. Они услышали, как хлопнули дверцы машин, и кто-то спросил, что случилось. Это был следователь страховой компании, который занимался этим делом. 2. Их поездка на море вышла им дороже, чем они ожидали. 3. В здании было много народа, но похитителям все-таки удалось вынести известное полотно. Наверняка, сейчас они его припрятали, а затем перевезут заграницу и продадут. 4. На уроке физкультуры студенты должны были отжаться 30 раз. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 7. 5. Торговля между развивающимися странами продолжает расширяться. 6. Она решила нанять частного детектива, чтобы выяснить, кто ее шантажировал. 7. Мы отчаивались, так как еды на всех уже не оставалось. 8. Джон не хотел подчиняться приказам своего начальника. Но выхода не было, но ведь он же не хотел отдавать часы работы другому. 1.4.4 Translate the following lines from the film into Russian. Say whom they belong to 1. “Look, this is a big claim. The cops want to nail a guy who stole it too. The difference is we have to make good the 30,000 bucks. They don’t. To them it’s another heist. Or, has the owner stashed it away someplace, and is she trying to defraud us out of a lot of money?” 2. “If you have large sums of cash around the house, we would insist on certain alarm and security precautions, which my supervisor would have to approve. What we usually do in a case like this is handle the installations ourselves.” 3. “This is Fitzgerald’s lunch. She’s been waiting a long time for it. I’ll deliver it to her. – You got to come to some terms with this woman. This thing is only getting worse. – What do we need an efficiency expert here for? When the old man was here, this never could have happened. – Thought you were gonna take her out for a drink, clear the air.” 4. “Most of the personnel here seems very nice. The only one that gives me the dry heaves is Briggs. – C. W.? He’s cracked a lot of cases. Of cause, I don’t see how. Such a drone. Gets his tips from street contracts like ex-cons and blind beggars. – There’s something about him I don’t trust. He’s smarmy with those office wisecracks and double-meaning jokes. He’s this shallow, skirt-chasing egomaniac who’s probably more lucky than good. – Sometimes it’s better to be lucky. I think you’re being too rough on him.” 5. “Everyone, I’d like to make a toast to C. W. Briggs. Thanks to you, the police now have the stolen Picasso in their possession… By the way, there’d you come up with the idea of looking in the telescope! – What I do is I put myself in the criminal’s position. I try and anticipate what he does next, what his next move would be.” 6. “You’re in a deep trance. You will fall deeper and deeper under the sway of my words. You will obey my instructions carefully. You will proceed to the Kensington estate where you will obtain the jewels, all the jewels, from the Kensington estate. You will do this with the utmost secrecy, using all the information and techniques at your command. You’ll do it with great ease and facility. Then you will return to your apartment, taking the jewels with you. You’ll hide them in a safe and secure hiding place, awaiting further instructions from me.” 7. “The Kensington safe was broken into last night. Somebody got on the estate. Jewels worth millions, all gone. The cops don’t have a clue, and Magruder is numb.” Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 8. 1.4.5 Answer the questions: 1) What is Mr. Briggs? And what is Miss Fitzgerald? Are they colleagues? Have they been working together for а long time? 2) Why are the relations between Fitzgerald and C. W. so strained? 3) What was the first C. W.’s attempt to improve their relations? 4) What happened during the celebration of Bond's birthday at the Rainbow Room? Why was it funny? 5) What did the magician from the Rainbow Room phone C. W. for? What was his first order? 6) Whom did C. W. suspect when he heard about the burglary? Did the police have the same opinion? 2 Part 2 2.1 Pronounce the following words. Get ready to transcribe them on the blackboard: solitaire, gorgeous, myopic, rendezvous, engagement, neighborhood, confession, access, doubt, overtax, duplicate, larceny, nightmare, rooster, clue, heavyset, grimy, identical, penthouse, yacht, unethical, obnoxious, pompous, asphyxiation 2.2 Words and word-combinations to memorize (use them in the sentences of your own): to get bored doing smth (with smb/smth)- надоедать, скучать, уставать to blow up - взрывать to postpone - откладывать to have a snack - перекусить to be pressed for time – очень торопиться on the way home – по дороге домой in advance - заранее I beg your pardon – прошу прощения to get to the point – перейти к делу to share with smb – делиться с кем-нибудь to have a little trouble – иметь небольшую проблему to be cross – злиться to convince – убеждать to make wisecrack – амер. острить, иронизировать to fool around/about – болтать без дела, терять время попусту to leave behind – забывать to come to the conclusion – приходить к выводу to check out – совпадать witness – свидетель humiliation – унижение to make a scene – устроить сцену Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 9. to run away with smb – сбежать с кем-либо to gossip – сплетничать 2.3 References to the film: to fence – укрывать, скупать краденное coronary thrombosis – тромбоз венечных сосудов super=superintendent - управляющий 120 proof – 40 градусов to pass away - умирать Perfect timing! – Как всегда, вовремя! What’s come over you? – Что с тобой? Let me guess. – Попробую догадаться. to make a collar –сленг поймать преступника Belly button in or out? – Полный или нет? booze – спиртной напиток to chase after – преследовать to trip – запутать, сбить с толку to turn around – полностью изменить; улучшить, исправить smart burglar – хитрый вор to mope around/about – хандрить, быть в подавленном состоянии to rifle – обыскивать mascara – тушь to blame smb – винить кого-либо guilty – виновный to faint – падать в обморок to complain – жаловаться miserable – жалкий, несчастный to deceive – обманывать to be responsible for – быть ответственным за что-либо to be in the bloom – цвести Just so you’re clear on that. – Чтобы вам было ясно. It makes all the sense in world. – Все сходиться. It takes one to catch one. – Нужно стать вором, чтобы поймать его. to snore – храпеть with a sinus condition – со свистом to choke - давиться 2.4 Translate from English into Russian: 1) Keep your ear open. 2) He gives the willies. 3) We made the place foolproof. 4) Have you got any clues? 5) I’ve got a confession to make. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 10. 6) I have access to your security setups. 7) You are liable to overtax your heart and have a massive stroke. 8) You’ve got a touch of larceny in you. 9) I happened to be passing through. 10) You are my prime suspect. 11) This happens to be a very confusing case. 2.5 Exercises 2.5.1 Translate from Russian into English, using words and word- combinations from 2.2: 1) Так как у нас не было времени, мы решили купить все продукты по дороге домой и приготовить что-нибудь на скорую руку. 2) Джим выиграл много денег и решил поделиться с друзьями. 3) Не могли бы вы перейти к делу? – Да, меня кое-что беспокоит. Я не могу найти свидетельство о рождении. Посмотрите, пожалуйста, его у себя. 4) Игра команды была отложена до следующего сезона из-за плохой погоды. 5) Спустя некоторое время Джулия устала лежать на пляже и пошла посмотреть город. 6) Я прошу прощение за то, что вчера сердился на тебя. 2.5.2 Match the words with the same meaning: brag boast startle scare grungy dirty hovel hut meaningful significant grill question bust burglary sack bed figure out calculate rifle go through search rummage get into break in larceny robbery volatile unsteady dislodge displace obnoxious unpleasant pompous high-flown Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 11. 2.5.3 Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using your active vocabulary: 1) David ran away from his truck, thinking that gas tank was going to explode. 2) Excuse me, can you help me? I’ve got a problem. 3) The Socialist party has failed to persuade the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. 4) Let us know beforehand if you are planning on visiting Boston. 5) Miss Ellis gets angry with anyone who comes to school scruffily dressed. 6) We decided to delay the wedding until Jane’s mother has recovered from her illness. 2.5.3 Name the characters whom the following replies belong to. Translate the lines: 1) “Really? What’d you do, has your father bought the building?” 2) “A small tip to the super was all it took.” 3) “These guys have made more progress in a few hours than you have in two days.” 4) “Being an investigator doesn’t put you above the law. She catches you, she’s gonna have you locked up.” 5) “It’s not that I don’t want to leave Caroline…I’ve tried to work up the courage a hundred times.” 6) “It’s good to have two keys, ‘cause an emergency happens once in a while.” 7) “Sit down, C. W. We have a situation. I’ll let the Coopersmith bring you up to date.” 2.5.4 Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1) Don’t try to tap-dance your way out of getting caught searching my desk. – I wasn’t searching. I was rummaging. Can a colleague not rummaging? 2) Oh, my God. How did we go from love to you care for me, to you respect me? Next thing you’ll be buying me a prayer shawl… Leave me alone! 3) You have this nice Japanese screen. I was hiding behind it. 4) The only humiliating thing is how this guy takes advantage of a smart woman like you. 5) Get out before I call the police and have you arrested for breaking and entering. 6) You came here last night because you thought I stole some money! 7) Now, if you’ll go, I gotta be at work in 30 minutes, and don’t gossip about what you saw. 2.5.5 Speak on: 1) What methods did C. W. Briggs use? What did he want from the begger? 2) How did Laura get in C. W.’s department? What did she do for this? 3) What was the second magician’s order for C. W.? 4) What did Briggs and the Coopersmith detectives talk about? Did the detectives have any clues? 5) What was the detectives’ big clue? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 12. 6) What was C. W. upset about? What confession did he want to make? 7) What was C. W. going to do to prove that Fitzgerald was the criminal who had stolen the jewels? 8) How did he manage to get into Fitzgerald apartment? 9) Why was Fitzgerald going to commit a suicide? 3 Part 3 3.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian: hymnbook, embalmer, technique, actually, apparatus, inadvertently, clergyman, baseball, resume, employee, messenger, imagination, weasel, particular, quibble, earrings, circumstantial, diamond, drawer, tremendous, euphoric 3.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words: to send for быть ошеломленным to look good точное оборудование let me set you straight подделывать подпись rug посылать за to be knocked out выглядеть хорошо to angle for smb’s job дурная слава bad publicity позволь мне сказать тебе раз и навсегда to forge one’s signature забрать работу sensitive apparatus знать что к чему to leave a footprint ручаться за кого-либо to drop отключить сигнализацию to disable the security system выдвигать обвинения to doubt smb’s honesty оставлять отпечаток let me tell you здесь необходимо воображение to know the score сомневаться в чьей-либо честности to vouch for smb позвольте сказать to have some outstanding debt ковер to make accusations иметь огромный долг it requires imagination ронять 3.3 Translate the following word-combinations into Russian: have a footprint (fingerprint); be caught red-handed; a merit badge; in broad daylight; I’m exhausted; obey commands; insanity defense; stick around; make arrangements; for the rest of my life; you’re not allowed in here; I couldn’t afford; conspire against; airtight case; take it easy; daring escape; bad publicity Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 13. 3.4 References to the film: An eight-and-a-half ‘’C’’ Florsheim cordovan. – Башмаки «Флоршайм» 42 размера. For the money, you cannot get a better shoe. – За такие деньги лучше просто не найти. They match. – Они принадлежат одному человеку. from expensive sports betting – в агентстве спортивных лотерей daily blood bath – кровавая бойня we gotta get team jackets – мы все из одной команды the story checks out – все сходиться the place is a little messy – в квартире небольшой беспорядок You don’t have a kosher bone in your body. – Я не верю ни одному твоему слову. to investigate smb – наводить справки о ком-либо mealy- mouthed – сладкоречивый, неискренний six of spades – шестерка пики four of diamonds – четверка бубны corroborate – подкреплять, подтверждать (теорию) locker – запирающийся шкафчик airtight – герметический to plant – подстраивать courthouse – здание суда stick around – слоняться поблизости, не уходить 3.5 Exercises 3.5.1 Translate from Russian into English, using words and word- combinations from 3.2: 1) Коллеги были ошеломлены той новостью, что мистера Бриггса обвинили в краже драгоценностей. 2) Она хорошо выглядела в тот вечер и несомненно смогла очаровать своего поклонника. 3) Позвольте мне сказать, что я ни сколько не сомневаюсь в его невиновности. 4) На ковре нашли пару волос и обнаружили отпечаток. Они принадлежали одному человеку. 5) У него был большой долг, но это не было поводом, чтобы выдвигать против него обвинения. 6) Ручаюсь за него. Он отличный работник. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 14. 3.5.2 a) Complete the sentences using one of these words: sentence, maid, thief, match, up-to-minute, circumstantial, assure, wear, clues, shoe print, break, accessory (put the verbs into the correct forms) 1) “After careful search, using some of the most … techniques, we found some interesting ….” 2) “We got a … of the parapet at the Kensington place.” 3) “I mean, I … an eight-and-a-half ‘’C’’ cordovan Florsheim shoe.” 4) “Oh, we don’t mean just to each other. They … yours.” 5) “C. W., I … you, this is only an inquiry in-house at this time.” 6) “We all want to catch a jewel …. I’m on your side.” 7) “That makes me ….” 8) “You sound like you’re attracted to men who … the law.” 9) “You know, you’re facing a long jail ….” 10) “Many a man’s gone to the gallows on … evidence.” 110 “If I knew you were coming, I would have the … rearrange the dirt.” b) Translate the lines and say whom they belong to. 3.5.3 a) Learn the following words and expressions and reproduce the situations from the film in which they are used: at midnight to talk to smb in person to break the law to get rid of smth to get to the bottom of smth to make up a story inquiry to come to one’s defense conspire against to forge one’s signature perceptive make arrangements insult to be exhausted b) Use them in the sentences of your own. 3.5.4 Reproduce the dialogue between Magruder and Fitzgerald: M.: You’re late. F.: God, I’m still trembling. M.: Over last night? I couldn’t sleep a wink. F.: It’s not that Chris. It’s Briggs. M.: He’s guilty, isn’t he? It’s a sad story. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 15. F.: Please don’t make me go into all the details, but I wonder if he’s having some kind of mental breakdown. M.: He may be realizing the consequences of his deeds. He Coopersmiths are closing in on him. F.: Could he have … a split personality? M.: A lot of criminals have been known to play crafty games when it suited their purposes. F.: I need a drink. If I tell you something, do you promise not to go off half-cocked? M.: Okay, but hurry I’ve got some big news. F.: I found the jewels. M.: What? * * * M.: The police are on the way, thank God. It’s an open-and-shut case. Much as I cringe at the publicity, I’m elated at the recovery. F.: It’s clear there’s so much more to this, Chris. M.: Oh, I’ve seen men driven to extremes before being around big money. These guys earn their living exposing all kinds of exotic schemes to defraud and rob people. Sometimes they start thinking ‘’ Hey, I’m on the inside. I know why these schemes fail. I won’t make the same mistakes.’’ F.: You’re saying he’s cracked from so many years of hard work? M.: He’s a driven man. Had a terrible marital experience. 3.5.5 Speak on: 1) Why did the Coopersmith detectives accuse C. W. of the robbery? 2) Did the relations between Miss Fitzgerald and C. W. change? 3) Why did Fitzgerald come to Briggs? 4) Fitzgerald wanted to help Briggs. Why? 5) What did Laura Kensington tell the police? 6) What was the magician’s third order? 7) What did Mr. Magruder say to Fitzgerald while meeting at the restaurant? Did she believe him? 8) Why did Laura help C. W. to escape? 9) Briggs came to Fitzgerald. Why? 10) Why didn’t Fitzgerald call the police? Did she believe Briggs? 11) What did Fitzgerald have to do at midnight? What happened to her? 4 Part 4 4.1 Pronounce the following words. Translate them into Russian: bow, arrow, stupidity, extravagant, temptation, maroon, alias, involved, seduce, gorgeous, ridiculous, inscrutable, theorize, posthypnotic, scary, alley, vividly, ashtray, courageous, underneath, guarantee, attorney Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 16. 4.2 Find the equivalents and learn the words: I’m confused взять быка за рога a former employee ради кого-либо chief suspect неожиданно to prove one’s innocence заслужить чье-либо доверие to have unfinished business женские хитрости to set a spring date щелкнуть пальцами to deserve some credit безопасное место a safe haven невероятное совпадение событий to be marooned on a desert island бывший работник for smb’s sake иметь наглость сделать что-либо to resemble smb назначить дату на весну feminine wiles иметь незаконченное дело to have nothing to do with напоминать кого-либо all of a sudden быть оставленным на необитаемом острове incredible sequence of events доказать чью-либо невиновность despite one’s resistance я смущен snap one’s fingers не иметь ничего общего с it’s such a shame щелкнуть пальцами it serves him right это такой позор take the bull by the horn главный подозреваемый to have the nerve to do smth несмотря на чье-либо сопротивление 4.3 References to the film: I’m calling my local precinct. – Я звоню в местную полицию. I’m push-over. – Я слабый противник. she is demented – она сошла с ума No static. – Никто не будет мешать. You got a little crush on her? – Ты в нее влюблен? nearsighted – близорукий Get an ambulance! – Вызовите скорую! to halt the separation – остановить бракоразводный процесс elusive jewel thief – неуловимый вор драгоценностей 4.4 Exercises 4.4.1 Translate the following lines from the film into Russian. Say whom they belong to: 1) I stayed awake all last night. 2) I had the feeling that down deep, underneath it all, you were really crazy about me. 3) What, were you dropped on your head? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 17. 4) You’re feeding me the wrong lie. 5) I must have multiple personalities. 6) Blue man coming! Keep moving. 7) Stick your hand in a cup. 8) These earrings are grand larceny. 9) I see it by the look on your face. 10) It doesn’t make sense. 11) Don’t force me to take extreme measures. 12) We have an announcement to make. 4.4.2 Find the synonyms: stupidity attract temptation frightful be involved beautiful courageous take part inscrutable absurd seduce brave ridiculous strong desire scary foolishness gorgeous mysterious 4.4.3 Complete the sentences using one of the synonyms: 1) I couldn’t believe it when an absolutely … guy asked me to dinner. 2) There is always a … to blame others for your own problems. 3) Few will forget her … stand against inequality and injustice. 4) Nigel thinks his car accident was bad luck, but it was caused by his own …. 5) Sixty-two patients suffering from heart disease … in their study. 6) She looked for some response, but Jean’s expression remained …. 7) TV advertisements … people into buying a particular kind of chocolate bar, washing powder or car. 8) We stayed up late telling … ghost stories. 9) I’ve never heard anything so …! Of cause I haven’t been trying to avoid you. 4.4.4 Translate the sentences: 1) Draw not your bow till your arrow. 2) Sorry, I’m a bit confused – do you mean you want us to keep the vacancy open for you or not? 3) All of a sudden the room went dark. 4) ‘Tom’s video has been stolen,’ ‘It serves him right – I’m always telling him to lock the door but he never listens to me. 5) She let me do all the work, and then she has the nerve to criticize my cooking. 6) She used all her wiles to coax a young man to help her escape. 7) We have produced a cloth made of pineapple fiber, closely resembling cotton but stronger. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 18. 8) I felt like a marooned sailor, seeing my ship sail away. 9) Explain to the police that you had nothing to do wit the robbery. 4.4.5 Speak on: 1) Did Betty Ann remember anything in the morning after the robbery? 2) How did Fitzgerald react to the news which she heard over the radio? What was the news? 3) Did C. W.’s friends help Briggs anyhow? What information did they give him? 4) What did C. W.’s office colleagues talk about? 5) What idea did come to Briggs’s mind when he was talking with George? 6) Why didn’t Polgar kill Briggs? 7) Do you consider Mr. Briggs to be a good investigator? 8) Comment on the relations between Miss Fitzgerald and Magruder? Do you think he was really going to leave his wife? 9) Do you think Fitzgerald and Briggs loved each other? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»