pleural effusion appendicitis surgery intestinal obstruction small bowel acute abdomen pregnancy asthma obstetric hujan sumkk skspm professional iii m.d usm dhs dengue fever short case cp stoma ileostomy colostomy non gestational non gonadal choriocarcinoma palpitation and perimenopausal syndrome benign cause of palpitation af anxiety palpitation primary headache headache management of headache common headache in pediatri indication for radiology imaging in headache rabies in monkey bite herpes b virus monkey bite amoebic liver abscess pyogenic perforated perforated pud peptic ulcer grahams patches infection septic shock severe sepsis sirs sepsis cvp subcclavian venous cannulation central line hemopneumothorax safe triangle chest tube appendicectomy lanz operation splenomegally laparotomy spenic cyst alvarado score ureteric stricture double j stent genetic paediatric psychiatry neurology paediatric surgery
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