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A seven-page            special editorial               package

       R     i   d     g   e              t i l l a g e                  s   o   a    r   s

       i n        a        s        t     a   g   n    a   n     t           e   c    o       n   o   m     y
        By Rich Fee, Senior Crops and Soils Editor

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                                                       nesota, Cottonwood County has 11%                  crop production practices.

       he tremendous growth rate of
       ridge tillage is something of an                of its corn and soybeans on ridges.                   "Switching to ridging is probably
       enigma, even to people long fa-                    So it goes throughout much of the               the major change many farmers have
miliar with the system. In Indiana, the                Com Belt. Ridge tillage—planting on                made in their cropping system in the
number of acres in ridge tillage has                   ridges made the year before with the               last 20 years, or will make in the next
been doubling each year since 1981.                    cultivator—just keeps growing despite              10," says Gyles Randall, a University
The number of acres on ridges nearly                   the current economic crunch, or, as                of Minnesota soil scientist.
tripled from 1983 to 1984 in Illinois.                 some would argue, because of the                      Almost without exception, people
Story County, Iowa, now has 8% of its                  crunch. And ridging keeps growing                  familiar with ridge tillage acknowl-
com and soybeans on ridges. In Min-                    even though it is a radical change in              edge the practice is growing faster
                                                                                                                           Continued on next page
S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8
 U CSF L A M , A U R , 96
             N                                                                                                                                 11
Ridge      tillage          soars
in a          stagnant
Continued from previous page
                                         Jim Zenk, Danube, Minnesota, resumed ridging in 1985 in order to cut costs.
than they would have predicted just the economy is hastening the adop- Corn Belt. The number of ridge-till
two or three years ago.                  tion of ridge tillage. "It's not fun and acres in Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa,
   Bob Dayton, conservation agrono- games out there," he says. "Farmers Illinois and Indiana jumped from
mist with the Soil Conservation Ser- are trying to keep input costs down 730,000 in 1983 to 1,105,000 in
vice (SCS) in Iowa, says, "I worked in any way they can because that's about 1984, according to the 1984 Conser-
Boone County, Iowa, awhile and the only control they have over net vation Tillage Information Center
watched Ernie Behn [one of the pio- income right now. And ridge tillage (CTIC) survey. That's a 51% increase
neers of ridge tillage], so I saw the promises to reduce machinery, fuel, in acres. However, when the figures
potential. But, I didn't expect ridging labor and herbicide costs."                      are adjusted to account for the num-
to grow as fast as it has."                 Just as many people believe the ber of acres idled by PIK in 1983, the
   "Not only is ridging growing faster sour ag economy is preventing, or at annual growth rate is about 20%.
than most of us expected," says Dick least discouraging, some farmers from
Dickerson, SCS conservation agrono- purchasing the equipment needed to Nebraska leading state
mist in Illinolis, "but farmers have make the switch.                                       Nebraska had more acres of corn
gone ahead and adopted it on their           Dave    Breitbach,        conservation and soybeans on ridges than any other
own, without a lot of promotion from agronomist with the SCS in Minneso- state in 1984—342,000—and it had
ourselves or anybody else."              ta, says, "We just don't have producers the highest percentage of total corn
                                         investing in new cultivators, ridge and soybean acres on ridges. Minne-
Effect of economy mixed                  planters or ridge-shaving attachments sota, with 322,000 acres, was second
   There are conflicting opinions on for planters like they would if the in both of those categories in 1984.
whether the current economic crunch economy was growing."                                Iowa had 229,000; Indiana had
is hastening or slowing the trend to         While there is no concensus on the 135,000, Illinois had 76,000; South
ridge tillage. Many people believe the effect of the economy on adoption, Dakota had 46,000; Ohio had 35,000.
tight economy is accelerating the there's no denying the large amount                       Results of CTIC's 1985 tillage sur-
adoption rate because farmers are of interest in ridging. "If we had just vey, available soon, will undoubtedly
anxious to cut production costs any half as many people practicing ridge show another big increase in acreage.
way they can.                            tillage as we have interested in it,               It looks like Minnesota had 20%
   Bruce Julian, field specialist with there'd be a lot more acres on ridges," more acres on ridges in 1985 than in
 the Conservation Tillage Information says Randall.                                       1984—385,000 versus 322,000. That
 Center, is among those who believe          Most of the ridging activity is in the means two and one-half percent of
                                  Wayne Arthur, Hindsboro, Illinois, built ridges in 1984, and now sells Orthman ridging equipment.



                                                                                                                      ' •
Minnesota's 12.5 million acres of corn          the nature of questions has shifted
and beans were raised on ridges.                from "What is ridging?" to "How do I
   Iowa had 277,000 acres on ridges             make it work?"
in 1985, 21% more than in 1984.                     "Two or three years ago, we had
   Despite an impressive growth rate            people asking how the planter made a
in many areas, ridging lags in other            ridge," he explains. "Now, they're ask-
areas apparently well-suited to the             ing detailed questions on such things
practice. What seems to be missing in           as fertilizer placement with ridging."
those areas is a catalyst—someone to               And many farmers are now the true
spark interest as Ernie Behn did in             experts on ridge tillage. "Some of
Iowa, and Mel Boyer did in northeast-           these guys not only make a living from
em Indiana and Dan Towery did in                ridge tillage, they eat, breath and sleep
east-central Illinois.                          it," says Joe Peden, SCS conservation
   Without neighbors to turn to, many           agronomist in Indiana. "They're now
ridgers have sought moral support               the most knowledgable people about
and knowledge through ridge tillage             the system."
clubs, which have sprung up like                    Along with the knowledge has
mushrooms after a spring rain.                  come a change in attitude. "Many peo-
   Thanks to these clubs, the farm              ple who were totally negative toward
press and field days and meetings               ridging two or three years ago are
sponsored by industry or government             loosening up," says Hartley Ellingson,       Faced with a labor shortage as his boys
                                                                                             grew up, Darrell Hennin, Bird Island, Min-
organizations, the knowledge level              sales promotion engineer with                nesota, saw ridging as a way to reduce
among farmers about ridge tillage has           Alloway. "The waiting and watching           his labor needs and other crop produc-
recently increased dramatically.                phase is about over. Rather than up-         tion costs at the same time.
   Dale Kumpf, Fleischer Mfg., says             date when their conventional equip-
                                                ment wears out, a lot of well-                 Dickerson wouldn't be surprised to
                                                established farmers will switch to           see ridge tillage surpass no-till in Illi-
Perry Butler, Cosmos, Minnesota, re-            ridging."                                    nois, which has more no-till acres than
placed an aging line of conventional                                                         any other state. "There are very few
equipment with a ridge planter and culti-       Economics the motivator                      no-tillers—even experienced ones—
vator. "I figured if I didn't switch now, I'd      Who is switching? "By and large, it's     who commit 100% of their acres to
have to wait another 7 to 10 years."            farmers who have figured costs down          no-till. But with ridge tillage, a farmer
                                                to the penny and are excellent manag-        may start small one year then jump to
                                                ers," says Randall.                          100% within the next year or two.
                                                   Glenn Olson, of Product and Mar-          When you have several farmers
                                                ket Planning for John Deere, which           switching 1,000-1,500 acres a year,
                                                just began marketing a ridge-shaving         that makes for significant increases
                                                unit and cultivator (a move which            each year." [_3
                                                some say puts a "stamp-of-approval"
                                                on ridging in many people's minds),          Brainerd Wein, Renville, Minnesota, and
                                                agrees, "By and large the people             his two partners sold their four-wheel-
                                                                                             drive tractor and switched to ridging on
                                                adopting ridging are hard-headed             more than 3,000 acres.
                                                businessmen looking for ways to keep
                                                production costs as low as possible."
                                                   With the rapid growth of ridging a
                                                surprise to many, and the effects of the
                                                economy hard to pinpoint, no one is
                                                very confident with predicting what
                                                the future holds for ridge tillage. In the
                                                short run, most observers expect it to
                                                 increase at about the current rate.
                                                   Randall thinks 30% of Minnesota's
                                                 corn and soybeans could be on ridges
                                                by the year 2000. "But," he adds, "I'm
                                                 not sure it will go much over that. The
                                                 chisel system is pretty flexible, and we
                                                 have some drilled crops and steep
                                                 slopes in some areas that don't lend
                                                 themselves to the ridge system."
Ridging       economics

                               S    p    a   r    t   a    n     m     a   c   h   i   n   e   r       y            l i n e u p s

                               g i v e            r i d g e r s                 t h e              e       d    g    e

                                                                        Overall, Binstock feels he's saving at least $20 per acre
                                                                     annually in total costs compared to conventional tillage.
                                                                     Pinning down specific cost savings is a bit more difficult be-
                                                                     cause of year-to-year variations.
                                                                        To start with, he lopped about $15,000 off his crop-
                                                                     production equipment inventory. Total value of the equip-
                                                                     ment pictured at left (excluding the combine) is just under
                                                                     $80,000. Depreciation, interest, taxes and insurance comes
                                                                     to about $10.40 per acre on crop production equipment.
                                                                     That compares to approximately $12.50 per acre for his
                                                                     conventional tillage equipment.
                                                                        Fuel savings come to $3.45 per acre. His 12-row equip-
                                                                     ment and four-wheel-drive efficiency both help keep fuel
                                                                     costs low, Binstock says. He cites other farmers with the
                                                                     same acreage using two-wheel-drive tractors and 6-row
                                                                     equipment who use 20-25% more fuel.
                                                                        Repairs are another area of big savings. "Our repair costs
                                                                     have dropped drastically," Binstock says. "We figure
                                                                     they're about half the cost they were before because we're
                                                                     using fewer pieces of equipment and have reduced our
                                                                     trips over the field."
                                                                     Other production costs drop
                                                                        When he went to ridging, Binstock started sidedressing
                                                                     anhydrous—so he cut his application rate 10%—from 150
                                                                     pounds down to 135 pounds per acre. By putting the
                                                                     nitrogen on closer to when the com needs it, he's not losing
                                                                     as much N. He also saves another $1.80 per acre.
                                                                        Banding his grass herbicide with the planter saves anoth-
                                                                     er $7 per acre. Since he cultivates anyway, he can get by
                                                                     with banding.
                                                                        Perhaps the biggest total saving for Binstock is in part-
                                                                     time labor. With his conventional operation, he was hiring
                                                                     one or two part-time people in spring and fall. Depending
                                                                     on the year and the season, that meant an extra $4,000-
                                                                     $8,000 per year. Now he and his wife handle everything
                                                                     themselves. Eliminating an average of $6,000 annually for
                                                                     part-time labor, he saves another $4.80 per acre.
                                                                                  Binstock's conversion costs
                                                                     Equipment purchases
Leonard Binstock with his total equipment inventory                  12-row Hiniker cultivator w/NH 3 attachments              $14,500
                                                                     Ridging attachments for 12-row IH planter
Leonard Binstock                        shaves                       (Acra-Plant trash whippers, Hiniker v-guidance
                                                                     wheels, stabilizing disks)                                 $3,400
production costs $ 2 0                           an       acre       Versatile 555 4WD w/duals (net w/trade-in)                $12,000
                                                                     Total bought                                              $29,900
By Mike Holmberg, Associate Crops & Soils Editor                     Equipment traded for Versatile tractor
                                                                     1977 IH 4386 4WD, 225 hp.
   t's hard to justify investing in new equipment in order to        1974 IH 1066, 125 hp.

f   change tillage systems when the price of com is headed
    down. But Leonard Binstock did just that. In fact, the
prospect of lower corn support prices made him switch
                                                                     Equipment sold at auction
                                                                     IH Super C
                                                                     JD 4430 w/duals
three years earlier than he had planned.                             35-foot Wilrich field cultivator                           $4,250
   Binstock figures it cost about $4,700 in net, out-of-pock-        33-foot multiweeder                                          $800
et costs to convert his 12-row system to ridge till. But his         22-foot Kewaunee disk                                      $2,450
fuel use dropped from about 7.5 gallons per acre to 3.85.            2 gravity wagons                                           $2,875
With 1,250 acres, that amounts to more than $4,300 per               Miscellaneous parts and inventory                          $2,375
year in fuel savings.                                                Total sold                                                $25,230

14                                                                                                             S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8
                                                                                                                U C S F L A M , A U R , 96
Binstock's switch to ridge tillage looks pretty straightfor-   or running bigger, more expensive equipment.
    ward—he bought what he needed and sold what he didn't.               Ridge tillage is a time-saver. University of Nebraska agri-
    But it wasn't an overnight conversion. The first step was         cultural engineer Elbert Dickey figures you can realize a
    getting a combine with tires spaced on 120-inch centers.          40% savings on labor by ridge planting rather than mold-
       Then he went looking for a tractor. Using a four-wheel-        board plowing. Importantly, that labor savings is split be-
    drive tractor for row crops may look a bit unusual, but           tween fall, when harvest often delays primary tillage, and
    Binstock likes it. He knew he wanted to stick with 12-row         spring, when secondary tillage can delay planting.
    equipment—and needed a tractor with enough hydraulic
    capacity to handle the ridging equipment. "That 12-row         Getting started
    cultivator with anhydrous attachments weighs around               Bohlen charted his entry into agriculture thinking like a
    12,000 pounds. You don't find many two-wheel-drive trac-       banker—easy enough for him to do since his off-farm job is
    tors with enough hydraulic capacity to pick up 12,000          managing The Bank of Findlay (Illinois).
    pounds with a three-point hitch."                                 Two years ago, Bohlen's father was ready to retire and
       Since he liked his IH 800 planter, Binstock felt if he      Greg wanted to take over the operation near Moweaqua, Il-
    could add attachments to convert it to ridge planting, it      linois. "But, I just didn't see any way I could make it pencil
    would be foolish to spend another $20,000-25,000 on a          out if I had to buy all of my father's equipment, and farm
    new planter. Instead he spent $3,400 in conversion costs.      using a lot of tillage.
                                                                      "I'm very capital conscious," he adds. "I've seen a lot of
                                                                   farming operations fail because of high capital costs. So, I
    Ridging's lower costs let                                      was convinced that if I was going to make a go of it in farm-
                                                                   ing, I was going to have to keep my capital costs as low as
    Greg Bohlen start farming                                      possible." Ridging, which Bohlen and his dad had experi-
                                                                   mented with on a few acres, seemed to offer the best way of
    By Rich Fee, Senior Crops and Soils Editor                     holding capital costs down. So, Bohlen picked the items he
                                                                   wanted to purchase from his father, who then sold the rest.
                                           lthough not one of         "I'm operating basically the same size farm my father
                                    4      1
                                         i tthe large acreage operated," says Bohlen, "and he was able to sell $45,000
                                         1ffarmers that typify the worth of machinery at his auction."
                                   new breed of ridge tiller,
                                   Greg Bohlen is a textbook Low-cost equipment
                                   example of another type of         Bohlen figures his total machinery lineup is worth about
                                   farmer that economists say $80,000—$177 per acre farmed. "That's higher than it
                                   can benefit substantially should be," he says, "but I could farm another 200 acres
                                   from ridge tillage. For one with the same equipment, and I do need to be able to plant
                                   thing, he is a beginning a lot of acres fast. If I were farming conventionally with the
                                   farmer. For another, he is a time I've got available, I would have to have more work cus-
                                   part-time farmer (with 450 tom done or go to a four-wheel-drive tractor and bigger
                                   acres to cover in a hurry).     equipment."
                                       As a beginning farmer,         Bohlen does virtually everything with one tractor—a
                                    Bohlen was faced with a John Deere 4440 (he does have an IH M for the auger).
                                    large front-end investment        He has an IH 500 mounted planter modified with Kinze
    Greg Bohlen                     and heavy debt load if he planting units and Hiniker ridge-shaving units. He also has
                                    purchased a line of conven- a late-model Buffalo 8-row cultivator, stalk chopper, high-
    tional farming equipment. Bohlen wouldn't have been buy- clearance sprayer for applying 2,4-D late in the season, and
    ing new equipment, but figures developed by Iowa an old lightweight disk. He rented a chisel plow last fall to
    economists show what a beginning farmer considering new work end rows and tear out some crooked ridges.
    equipment is faced with, and the savings made possible by         Quite a few dollars are tied up in harvesting equipment,
    ridging. They compared annual ownership costs for the which he would need regardless of tillage system. He has a
    machinery needed to farm 600 acres in a com/soybean JD 7700 combine, two grain trucks, and two augers.
    rotation. Eliminating some implements and downsizing              Bohlen used 2 gallons of fuel per acre up to harvest last
    others resulted in reducing ownership costs from $51.95 season. He figures he would have used 4 or 5 gallons with
    per acre with the conventional moldboard plow system to conventional tillage. Repairs were unusually high because
    $38.52 per acre with the ridge tillage system. On 600 acres, he modified several pieces of equipment. Further savings
    this reduced machinery costs approximately $8,000 per resulted from banding a grass herbicide on com, then com-
    year, based on 1982 costs.                                      ing back with 2,4-D as needed. He bands both grass and
       As a part-time farmer, Bohlen has plenty of things be- broadleaf herbicides on soybeans.
    sides tillage to occupy his time. Generally speaking, he           "I got into ridging because of the economics," he con-
    needs to be able to cover more acres in a day than a full- cludes. "I'm staying with it because it also solves so many
    time farmer with the same size farm, either by cutting trips other problems." E_j

.   S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8
     U CSF L A M , A U R , 96
                 N                                                                                                                15
Beyond the blacksmith-shop           era

N   e     w       i r o n          f o r    r i d g e              t i l l a g e

By Charlene Finck, Assistant Machinery Editor
 B r i d g e tillage equipment and its manufacturing ridge tillage equip-            With recent equipment advance-
mJ availability have both come a ment. Farmers, such as Iowa ridging              ments and more farmers adopting
• • long way in just a few years. pioneer Ernie Behn, began making                ridge tillage, new trends are unfolding.
Until 1980, Fleischer Manufacturing's and selling their own design of planter     And as they do, it seems that when
Buffalo line pioneered the idea and attachments. And John Deere recently          one company capitalizes on it, several
gained a comer on the market. For 20 became the first full-line equipment         of their competitors often^follow suit.
years, their only competition was manufacturer to enter the market by
farmer-fabricators who built their own offering a ridge-shaving unit (built by    Are disk hillers over the hill?
ridging equipment and maybe sold Hiniker) and a cultivator.                          Cultivator disk hillers that build
some to neighbors.                          At last count there were 10 compa-    ridges are finding themselves being re-
   Competition sprang to life when nies selling either planters or ridge-         placed by ridging wings. Designed to
Hiniker Company introduced their shaving planter attachments, and 17              push the soil rather than throw it,
ridge planter packages—a step many companies offering cultivators.                wings are credited with building better
mark as a turning point for ridging.        Of course, that count does not in-    ridges. Most of them can be raised out
   "We saw more improvements in clude others like Paul Kirchner of                of the way by repositioning a pin or
ridging equipment in the three years Dundee, Minnesota, who capitalized           bolt. Some, like those offered by Buf-
following Hiniker's introduction than on the aftermarket. Kirchner, who           falo, are adjustable to different widths.
we'd seen in the previous 15 years," farms and operates a repair shop,
says Sam Parsons, Purdue University manufactures Straddle Duals for com-          Tall shields offer versatility
agricultural engineer.                   bines, which help preserve ridges dur-     Companies report that tall, open-
   Even Buffalo is quick to point out ing harvest.                                top shields are starting to dominate
the acceleration of changes and im-
provements. Dale Kumpf, inside sales
representative, echoes Parsons' com-
ment. "We're a better company be-
cause they came in," he says.
A race for the ridging market
  For a few years Hiniker and Buffalo
were the only ridging equipment man-
ufacturers, but it wasn't long until a
drove of companies were clamoring to
get a slice of the growing demand.
  "Ridging equipment is one of the
few things that's selling so companies
want to cut into the market," says Jim
Johnson, Hiniker product manager.
  Companies who historically had
nothing to do with tillage tools started
Hiniker's new ridge-till tractor           Buffalo's adjustable ridging wings     Dakon's version of open-top shields
                                                                                  the cultivator-shield market. Versatility
                                                                                  is why. The shields are less limiting on
                                                                                  the height of crop that can be cultivat-
                                                                                  ed, and are usually fully adjustable—
                                                                                  up and down as well as in and out.
                                                                                  Shaving units break the ice
                                                                                     Farmers are finding it easier to ven-
                                                                                  ture into ridge tillage by adding ridge-
                                                                                  shaving units to their present planter
                                                                                  rather than by purchasing a complete
                                                                                  ridge-till planter. Going that route
                                                                                  means making only a $500-a-row in-
                                                                                  vestment. This compares to approxi-
                                                                                  mately a $2,000-a-row cost for buying
                                                                                  an entire planter.
                                                                                     Kumpf says sales of Buffalo planter
                                                                                  attachments soared last year. "We def-
                                                                                  initely sold them beyond what we had
                                                                                               S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8
                                                                                                U C S F L A M , A U R , 96
Rolling b a s k e t s
                                                                                               break up clods

                                                                                               Innovative farmers have often
                                                                                               taken the lead in pioneering
                                                                                               ridge tillage equipment. Many
                                                                                               of their ideas and inventions
                                                                                               have found their way onto
                                                                                               manufacturers' equipment.
                                                                                                  Someday you might see
                                                                                               rolling baskets similar to
                                                                                               these designed by Dave Park
                                                                                               coming out on commercially
                                                                                               available equipment. The
                                                                                               Towanda, Illinois farmer add-
                                                                                               ed the baskets to his ridging
                                                                                               cultivator to break up clods
                                                                                               during the first cultivation.
                                                                                                  "I was tired of clods caus-
                                                                            . •,•..'0i%: " I
                                                                                 :             ing problems during soybean
                                                                                               harvest. The cultivator sweeps
                                                             > >, "*»_a__i *_ *...
                                                              _t                               were making clods—and
                                                                                               once hardened—were being
                                                                                               picked up by the snouts on
                                                                                               the combine," says Park.
                                                                                                  After using them for one
                                                                                               season, he says the baskets
                               %    V                                                          took care of the problem—
                                                                                               and more. They gently pack
                                                                                               the soil between the ridges,
                                                                                               creating a moisture-saving
                                                                                               mulch that keeps the soil
        SSi                                                                                    from drying out so quickly.
                                                                                                Breaking up the clods also
  •J^    '•

                                                                                                       7 * %
  ^^r*--                         )^S»*9vi-p
                                       i v * ^ s -

              _#*;   k   M_
John Deere recently began marketing this ridge-shaving unit                                    Rolling baskets in action
expected because we were robbing            Companies will be making equip-                    makes it easier to build better
show machines to fill orders."           ment, especially cultivators, multipur-               ridges for the next year.
                                         pose. An indication of this, which can                   At the time when he need- ,
What's in the crystal ball?              already be seen, is the increasing num-               ed them, Park was too busy f
   Experts predict that every major ber of companies offering nurse-tank                       to make them himself so he I
equipment company will be offering and fertilizer hitches for cultivators.                     had a local machine shop         J
some kind of ridging equipment with-        Right now the most common size of                  build them. Small steel rods %
in the next five years. Deere's entering equipment being sold is 8- and 12-                    welded onto round metal           |
the market is only the beginning.        row, but don't be surprised to see a lot              disks form the baskets.         I *
   At the same time, the number of more 10-row machines in the future.                            A four-piece attachment      ! |
companies competing in the market Interest in 10-row equipment is grow-                        mounts the baskets directly § 8
will probably thin out. "Typical with ing as farmers become more con-                          behind the cultivator shanks. <± 1
any new technology, the cream of the scious of controlling field traffic.                      Flat pieces of metal are used ja |
companies will filter to the top and         It is still uncertain what the future             to bolt them tightly onto the %&
stay while the others drop by the way- holds for Hiniker's ridging tractor. The                shanks.                           ff
side," explains Parsons.                  prototype pictured on the opposite                      An old cultivator spring     Q* -
   Guidance systems are expected to page was introduced last year, but the                     puts tension on the baskets
be a hot sales item in the future. They company is still doing testing and re-                 and allows them to flex with
also will become more sophisticated.      searching its market potential. E 3                  changing terrain.
S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8
 U CSF L A M , A U R , 96
                N                                                                                                            17

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Ridgetill - Successful Farming Jan 1986

  • 1. A seven-page special editorial package R i d g e t i l l a g e s o a r s i n a s t a g n a n t e c o n o m y By Rich Fee, Senior Crops and Soils Editor 9 ^ !. It * <s*» « ;ht If nesota, Cottonwood County has 11% crop production practices. T he tremendous growth rate of ridge tillage is something of an of its corn and soybeans on ridges. "Switching to ridging is probably enigma, even to people long fa- So it goes throughout much of the the major change many farmers have miliar with the system. In Indiana, the Com Belt. Ridge tillage—planting on made in their cropping system in the number of acres in ridge tillage has ridges made the year before with the last 20 years, or will make in the next been doubling each year since 1981. cultivator—just keeps growing despite 10," says Gyles Randall, a University The number of acres on ridges nearly the current economic crunch, or, as of Minnesota soil scientist. tripled from 1983 to 1984 in Illinois. some would argue, because of the Almost without exception, people Story County, Iowa, now has 8% of its crunch. And ridging keeps growing familiar with ridge tillage acknowl- com and soybeans on ridges. In Min- even though it is a radical change in edge the practice is growing faster Continued on next page S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8 U CSF L A M , A U R , 96 N 11
  • 2. Ridge tillage soars in a stagnant economy Continued from previous page Jim Zenk, Danube, Minnesota, resumed ridging in 1985 in order to cut costs. than they would have predicted just the economy is hastening the adop- Corn Belt. The number of ridge-till two or three years ago. tion of ridge tillage. "It's not fun and acres in Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Bob Dayton, conservation agrono- games out there," he says. "Farmers Illinois and Indiana jumped from mist with the Soil Conservation Ser- are trying to keep input costs down 730,000 in 1983 to 1,105,000 in vice (SCS) in Iowa, says, "I worked in any way they can because that's about 1984, according to the 1984 Conser- Boone County, Iowa, awhile and the only control they have over net vation Tillage Information Center watched Ernie Behn [one of the pio- income right now. And ridge tillage (CTIC) survey. That's a 51% increase neers of ridge tillage], so I saw the promises to reduce machinery, fuel, in acres. However, when the figures potential. But, I didn't expect ridging labor and herbicide costs." are adjusted to account for the num- to grow as fast as it has." Just as many people believe the ber of acres idled by PIK in 1983, the "Not only is ridging growing faster sour ag economy is preventing, or at annual growth rate is about 20%. than most of us expected," says Dick least discouraging, some farmers from Dickerson, SCS conservation agrono- purchasing the equipment needed to Nebraska leading state mist in Illinolis, "but farmers have make the switch. Nebraska had more acres of corn gone ahead and adopted it on their Dave Breitbach, conservation and soybeans on ridges than any other own, without a lot of promotion from agronomist with the SCS in Minneso- state in 1984—342,000—and it had ourselves or anybody else." ta, says, "We just don't have producers the highest percentage of total corn investing in new cultivators, ridge and soybean acres on ridges. Minne- Effect of economy mixed planters or ridge-shaving attachments sota, with 322,000 acres, was second There are conflicting opinions on for planters like they would if the in both of those categories in 1984. whether the current economic crunch economy was growing." Iowa had 229,000; Indiana had is hastening or slowing the trend to While there is no concensus on the 135,000, Illinois had 76,000; South ridge tillage. Many people believe the effect of the economy on adoption, Dakota had 46,000; Ohio had 35,000. tight economy is accelerating the there's no denying the large amount Results of CTIC's 1985 tillage sur- adoption rate because farmers are of interest in ridging. "If we had just vey, available soon, will undoubtedly anxious to cut production costs any half as many people practicing ridge show another big increase in acreage. way they can. tillage as we have interested in it, It looks like Minnesota had 20% Bruce Julian, field specialist with there'd be a lot more acres on ridges," more acres on ridges in 1985 than in the Conservation Tillage Information says Randall. 1984—385,000 versus 322,000. That Center, is among those who believe Most of the ridging activity is in the means two and one-half percent of Wayne Arthur, Hindsboro, Illinois, built ridges in 1984, and now sells Orthman ridging equipment. it ^000t' ' •
  • 3. Minnesota's 12.5 million acres of corn the nature of questions has shifted and beans were raised on ridges. from "What is ridging?" to "How do I Iowa had 277,000 acres on ridges make it work?" in 1985, 21% more than in 1984. "Two or three years ago, we had Despite an impressive growth rate people asking how the planter made a in many areas, ridging lags in other ridge," he explains. "Now, they're ask- areas apparently well-suited to the ing detailed questions on such things practice. What seems to be missing in as fertilizer placement with ridging." those areas is a catalyst—someone to And many farmers are now the true spark interest as Ernie Behn did in experts on ridge tillage. "Some of Iowa, and Mel Boyer did in northeast- these guys not only make a living from em Indiana and Dan Towery did in ridge tillage, they eat, breath and sleep east-central Illinois. it," says Joe Peden, SCS conservation Without neighbors to turn to, many agronomist in Indiana. "They're now ridgers have sought moral support the most knowledgable people about and knowledge through ridge tillage the system." clubs, which have sprung up like Along with the knowledge has mushrooms after a spring rain. come a change in attitude. "Many peo- Thanks to these clubs, the farm ple who were totally negative toward press and field days and meetings ridging two or three years ago are sponsored by industry or government loosening up," says Hartley Ellingson, Faced with a labor shortage as his boys grew up, Darrell Hennin, Bird Island, Min- organizations, the knowledge level sales promotion engineer with nesota, saw ridging as a way to reduce among farmers about ridge tillage has Alloway. "The waiting and watching his labor needs and other crop produc- recently increased dramatically. phase is about over. Rather than up- tion costs at the same time. Dale Kumpf, Fleischer Mfg., says date when their conventional equip- ment wears out, a lot of well- Dickerson wouldn't be surprised to established farmers will switch to see ridge tillage surpass no-till in Illi- Perry Butler, Cosmos, Minnesota, re- ridging." nois, which has more no-till acres than placed an aging line of conventional any other state. "There are very few equipment with a ridge planter and culti- Economics the motivator no-tillers—even experienced ones— vator. "I figured if I didn't switch now, I'd Who is switching? "By and large, it's who commit 100% of their acres to have to wait another 7 to 10 years." farmers who have figured costs down no-till. But with ridge tillage, a farmer to the penny and are excellent manag- may start small one year then jump to ers," says Randall. 100% within the next year or two. Glenn Olson, of Product and Mar- When you have several farmers ket Planning for John Deere, which switching 1,000-1,500 acres a year, just began marketing a ridge-shaving that makes for significant increases unit and cultivator (a move which each year." [_3 some say puts a "stamp-of-approval" on ridging in many people's minds), Brainerd Wein, Renville, Minnesota, and agrees, "By and large the people his two partners sold their four-wheel- drive tractor and switched to ridging on adopting ridging are hard-headed more than 3,000 acres. businessmen looking for ways to keep production costs as low as possible." With the rapid growth of ridging a surprise to many, and the effects of the economy hard to pinpoint, no one is very confident with predicting what the future holds for ridge tillage. In the short run, most observers expect it to increase at about the current rate. Randall thinks 30% of Minnesota's corn and soybeans could be on ridges by the year 2000. "But," he adds, "I'm not sure it will go much over that. The chisel system is pretty flexible, and we have some drilled crops and steep slopes in some areas that don't lend themselves to the ridge system."
  • 4. Ridging economics S p a r t a n m a c h i n e r y l i n e u p s g i v e r i d g e r s t h e e d g e Overall, Binstock feels he's saving at least $20 per acre annually in total costs compared to conventional tillage. Pinning down specific cost savings is a bit more difficult be- cause of year-to-year variations. To start with, he lopped about $15,000 off his crop- production equipment inventory. Total value of the equip- ment pictured at left (excluding the combine) is just under $80,000. Depreciation, interest, taxes and insurance comes to about $10.40 per acre on crop production equipment. That compares to approximately $12.50 per acre for his conventional tillage equipment. Fuel savings come to $3.45 per acre. His 12-row equip- ment and four-wheel-drive efficiency both help keep fuel costs low, Binstock says. He cites other farmers with the same acreage using two-wheel-drive tractors and 6-row equipment who use 20-25% more fuel. Repairs are another area of big savings. "Our repair costs have dropped drastically," Binstock says. "We figure they're about half the cost they were before because we're using fewer pieces of equipment and have reduced our trips over the field." Other production costs drop When he went to ridging, Binstock started sidedressing anhydrous—so he cut his application rate 10%—from 150 pounds down to 135 pounds per acre. By putting the nitrogen on closer to when the com needs it, he's not losing as much N. He also saves another $1.80 per acre. Banding his grass herbicide with the planter saves anoth- er $7 per acre. Since he cultivates anyway, he can get by with banding. Perhaps the biggest total saving for Binstock is in part- time labor. With his conventional operation, he was hiring one or two part-time people in spring and fall. Depending on the year and the season, that meant an extra $4,000- $8,000 per year. Now he and his wife handle everything themselves. Eliminating an average of $6,000 annually for part-time labor, he saves another $4.80 per acre. Binstock's conversion costs Equipment purchases Leonard Binstock with his total equipment inventory 12-row Hiniker cultivator w/NH 3 attachments $14,500 Ridging attachments for 12-row IH planter Leonard Binstock shaves (Acra-Plant trash whippers, Hiniker v-guidance wheels, stabilizing disks) $3,400 production costs $ 2 0 an acre Versatile 555 4WD w/duals (net w/trade-in) $12,000 Total bought $29,900 By Mike Holmberg, Associate Crops & Soils Editor Equipment traded for Versatile tractor 1977 IH 4386 4WD, 225 hp. t's hard to justify investing in new equipment in order to 1974 IH 1066, 125 hp. f change tillage systems when the price of com is headed down. But Leonard Binstock did just that. In fact, the prospect of lower corn support prices made him switch Equipment sold at auction IH Super C JD 4430 w/duals $1,080 $11,400 three years earlier than he had planned. 35-foot Wilrich field cultivator $4,250 Binstock figures it cost about $4,700 in net, out-of-pock- 33-foot multiweeder $800 et costs to convert his 12-row system to ridge till. But his 22-foot Kewaunee disk $2,450 fuel use dropped from about 7.5 gallons per acre to 3.85. 2 gravity wagons $2,875 With 1,250 acres, that amounts to more than $4,300 per Miscellaneous parts and inventory $2,375 year in fuel savings. Total sold $25,230 14 S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8 U C S F L A M , A U R , 96 N
  • 5. Binstock's switch to ridge tillage looks pretty straightfor- or running bigger, more expensive equipment. ward—he bought what he needed and sold what he didn't. Ridge tillage is a time-saver. University of Nebraska agri- But it wasn't an overnight conversion. The first step was cultural engineer Elbert Dickey figures you can realize a getting a combine with tires spaced on 120-inch centers. 40% savings on labor by ridge planting rather than mold- Then he went looking for a tractor. Using a four-wheel- board plowing. Importantly, that labor savings is split be- drive tractor for row crops may look a bit unusual, but tween fall, when harvest often delays primary tillage, and Binstock likes it. He knew he wanted to stick with 12-row spring, when secondary tillage can delay planting. equipment—and needed a tractor with enough hydraulic capacity to handle the ridging equipment. "That 12-row Getting started cultivator with anhydrous attachments weighs around Bohlen charted his entry into agriculture thinking like a 12,000 pounds. You don't find many two-wheel-drive trac- banker—easy enough for him to do since his off-farm job is tors with enough hydraulic capacity to pick up 12,000 managing The Bank of Findlay (Illinois). pounds with a three-point hitch." Two years ago, Bohlen's father was ready to retire and Since he liked his IH 800 planter, Binstock felt if he Greg wanted to take over the operation near Moweaqua, Il- could add attachments to convert it to ridge planting, it linois. "But, I just didn't see any way I could make it pencil would be foolish to spend another $20,000-25,000 on a out if I had to buy all of my father's equipment, and farm new planter. Instead he spent $3,400 in conversion costs. using a lot of tillage. "I'm very capital conscious," he adds. "I've seen a lot of farming operations fail because of high capital costs. So, I Ridging's lower costs let was convinced that if I was going to make a go of it in farm- ing, I was going to have to keep my capital costs as low as Greg Bohlen start farming possible." Ridging, which Bohlen and his dad had experi- mented with on a few acres, seemed to offer the best way of By Rich Fee, Senior Crops and Soils Editor holding capital costs down. So, Bohlen picked the items he wanted to purchase from his father, who then sold the rest. lthough not one of "I'm operating basically the same size farm my father 4 1 i tthe large acreage operated," says Bohlen, "and he was able to sell $45,000 1ffarmers that typify the worth of machinery at his auction." new breed of ridge tiller, Greg Bohlen is a textbook Low-cost equipment example of another type of Bohlen figures his total machinery lineup is worth about farmer that economists say $80,000—$177 per acre farmed. "That's higher than it can benefit substantially should be," he says, "but I could farm another 200 acres from ridge tillage. For one with the same equipment, and I do need to be able to plant thing, he is a beginning a lot of acres fast. If I were farming conventionally with the farmer. For another, he is a time I've got available, I would have to have more work cus- part-time farmer (with 450 tom done or go to a four-wheel-drive tractor and bigger acres to cover in a hurry). equipment." As a beginning farmer, Bohlen does virtually everything with one tractor—a Bohlen was faced with a John Deere 4440 (he does have an IH M for the auger). large front-end investment He has an IH 500 mounted planter modified with Kinze Greg Bohlen and heavy debt load if he planting units and Hiniker ridge-shaving units. He also has purchased a line of conven- a late-model Buffalo 8-row cultivator, stalk chopper, high- tional farming equipment. Bohlen wouldn't have been buy- clearance sprayer for applying 2,4-D late in the season, and ing new equipment, but figures developed by Iowa an old lightweight disk. He rented a chisel plow last fall to economists show what a beginning farmer considering new work end rows and tear out some crooked ridges. equipment is faced with, and the savings made possible by Quite a few dollars are tied up in harvesting equipment, ridging. They compared annual ownership costs for the which he would need regardless of tillage system. He has a machinery needed to farm 600 acres in a com/soybean JD 7700 combine, two grain trucks, and two augers. rotation. Eliminating some implements and downsizing Bohlen used 2 gallons of fuel per acre up to harvest last others resulted in reducing ownership costs from $51.95 season. He figures he would have used 4 or 5 gallons with per acre with the conventional moldboard plow system to conventional tillage. Repairs were unusually high because $38.52 per acre with the ridge tillage system. On 600 acres, he modified several pieces of equipment. Further savings this reduced machinery costs approximately $8,000 per resulted from banding a grass herbicide on com, then com- year, based on 1982 costs. ing back with 2,4-D as needed. He bands both grass and As a part-time farmer, Bohlen has plenty of things be- broadleaf herbicides on soybeans. sides tillage to occupy his time. Generally speaking, he "I got into ridging because of the economics," he con- needs to be able to cover more acres in a day than a full- cludes. "I'm staying with it because it also solves so many time farmer with the same size farm, either by cutting trips other problems." E_j . S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8 U CSF L A M , A U R , 96 N 15
  • 6. Beyond the blacksmith-shop era N e w i r o n f o r r i d g e t i l l a g e By Charlene Finck, Assistant Machinery Editor B r i d g e tillage equipment and its manufacturing ridge tillage equip- With recent equipment advance- mJ availability have both come a ment. Farmers, such as Iowa ridging ments and more farmers adopting • • long way in just a few years. pioneer Ernie Behn, began making ridge tillage, new trends are unfolding. Until 1980, Fleischer Manufacturing's and selling their own design of planter And as they do, it seems that when Buffalo line pioneered the idea and attachments. And John Deere recently one company capitalizes on it, several gained a comer on the market. For 20 became the first full-line equipment of their competitors often^follow suit. years, their only competition was manufacturer to enter the market by farmer-fabricators who built their own offering a ridge-shaving unit (built by Are disk hillers over the hill? ridging equipment and maybe sold Hiniker) and a cultivator. Cultivator disk hillers that build some to neighbors. At last count there were 10 compa- ridges are finding themselves being re- Competition sprang to life when nies selling either planters or ridge- placed by ridging wings. Designed to Hiniker Company introduced their shaving planter attachments, and 17 push the soil rather than throw it, ridge planter packages—a step many companies offering cultivators. wings are credited with building better mark as a turning point for ridging. Of course, that count does not in- ridges. Most of them can be raised out "We saw more improvements in clude others like Paul Kirchner of of the way by repositioning a pin or ridging equipment in the three years Dundee, Minnesota, who capitalized bolt. Some, like those offered by Buf- following Hiniker's introduction than on the aftermarket. Kirchner, who falo, are adjustable to different widths. we'd seen in the previous 15 years," farms and operates a repair shop, says Sam Parsons, Purdue University manufactures Straddle Duals for com- Tall shields offer versatility agricultural engineer. bines, which help preserve ridges dur- Companies report that tall, open- Even Buffalo is quick to point out ing harvest. top shields are starting to dominate the acceleration of changes and im- provements. Dale Kumpf, inside sales representative, echoes Parsons' com- ment. "We're a better company be- cause they came in," he says. A race for the ridging market For a few years Hiniker and Buffalo were the only ridging equipment man- ufacturers, but it wasn't long until a drove of companies were clamoring to get a slice of the growing demand. "Ridging equipment is one of the few things that's selling so companies want to cut into the market," says Jim Johnson, Hiniker product manager. Companies who historically had nothing to do with tillage tools started Hiniker's new ridge-till tractor Buffalo's adjustable ridging wings Dakon's version of open-top shields the cultivator-shield market. Versatility is why. The shields are less limiting on the height of crop that can be cultivat- ed, and are usually fully adjustable— up and down as well as in and out. Shaving units break the ice Farmers are finding it easier to ven- ture into ridge tillage by adding ridge- shaving units to their present planter rather than by purchasing a complete ridge-till planter. Going that route means making only a $500-a-row in- vestment. This compares to approxi- mately a $2,000-a-row cost for buying an entire planter. Kumpf says sales of Buffalo planter attachments soared last year. "We def- initely sold them beyond what we had S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8 U C S F L A M , A U R , 96 N
  • 7. Rolling b a s k e t s break up clods Innovative farmers have often taken the lead in pioneering ridge tillage equipment. Many of their ideas and inventions have found their way onto manufacturers' equipment. Someday you might see rolling baskets similar to these designed by Dave Park coming out on commercially available equipment. The Towanda, Illinois farmer add- ed the baskets to his ridging cultivator to break up clods during the first cultivation. "I was tired of clods caus- . •,•..'0i%: " I ..: : ing problems during soybean harvest. The cultivator sweeps > >, "*»_a__i *_ *... _t were making clods—and once hardened—were being picked up by the snouts on the combine," says Park. After using them for one season, he says the baskets % V took care of the problem— and more. They gently pack the soil between the ridges, creating a moisture-saving mulch that keeps the soil SSi from drying out so quickly. Breaking up the clods also •J^ '• M^S^M* •^-r/.._- 7 * % ^^r*-- )^S»*9vi-p i v * ^ s - Vyf-'^C^ _#*; k M_ John Deere recently began marketing this ridge-shaving unit Rolling baskets in action expected because we were robbing Companies will be making equip- makes it easier to build better show machines to fill orders." ment, especially cultivators, multipur- ridges for the next year. pose. An indication of this, which can At the time when he need- , What's in the crystal ball? already be seen, is the increasing num- ed them, Park was too busy f Experts predict that every major ber of companies offering nurse-tank to make them himself so he I equipment company will be offering and fertilizer hitches for cultivators. had a local machine shop J some kind of ridging equipment with- Right now the most common size of build them. Small steel rods % in the next five years. Deere's entering equipment being sold is 8- and 12- welded onto round metal | the market is only the beginning. row, but don't be surprised to see a lot disks form the baskets. I * At the same time, the number of more 10-row machines in the future. A four-piece attachment ! | companies competing in the market Interest in 10-row equipment is grow- mounts the baskets directly § 8 will probably thin out. "Typical with ing as farmers become more con- behind the cultivator shanks. <± 1 any new technology, the cream of the scious of controlling field traffic. Flat pieces of metal are used ja | companies will filter to the top and It is still uncertain what the future to bolt them tightly onto the %& stay while the others drop by the way- holds for Hiniker's ridging tractor. The shanks. ff side," explains Parsons. prototype pictured on the opposite An old cultivator spring Q* - Guidance systems are expected to page was introduced last year, but the puts tension on the baskets be a hot sales item in the future. They company is still doing testing and re- and allows them to flex with also will become more sophisticated. searching its market potential. E 3 changing terrain. S C E SU F R I G J N A Y 1 8 U CSF L A M , A U R , 96 N 17