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[object Object],[object Object]
Who is this guy? ,[object Object],[object Object]
Following Along ,[object Object]
What is PHP? ,[object Object]
Designed for the web
Free (as in beer)
Getting started ,[object Object]
Included in OS X
Mac: MAMP, MacPorts, Homebrew . . .
Windows: WampServer, xampp
Google, follow instructions, and . . .
. . . you can be coding in about 5 minutes
Why Did You  (or why do you want to) Start Programming?
I Wanted to Solve Problems ,[object Object]
We'll solve a problem together
Create a typical first web application
Make horrible mistakes
Correct those mistakes
Make a cool improvement
Learn something?
What's the Problem? ,[object Object]
Requirements: ,[object Object]
Add books
Edit books
Delete books ,[object Object]
So, What do we Need? ,[object Object]
View (index.php)
Form (book-form.php)
Form processor (process-form.php)
Database Schema CREATE   TABLE   bookshelf  (   id  INTEGER   PRIMARY KEY ,   title,   author );
index.php – db connection <?php $db   =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .   '/data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn   =   &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options   =   array (   PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh   =   new   PDO ( $dsn ,  null ,  null ,  $options ); }  catch  ( PDOException   $e ) {   echo   &quot;Error!: &quot;   .   $e -> getMessage()  .   &quot;<br />  &quot; ;   die (); } $books   =   $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT   *   FROM  bookshelf  ORDER BY  title&quot; ) -> fetchAll();
index.php – db connection <?php $db   =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .   '/data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn   =   &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options   =   array (   PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh   =   new   PDO ($dsn,  null ,  null , $options); }  catch  ( PDOException   $e) {   echo   &quot;Error!: &quot;   .   $e -> getMessage()  .   &quot;<br />&quot;;   die (); } $books   =   $dbh -> query(&quot; SELECT   *   FROM  bookshelf  ORDER BY  title&quot;) -> fetchAll() ;
index.php – db connection <?php $db   =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .   '/data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn   =   &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options   =   array (   PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh   =   new   PDO ( $dsn ,  null ,  null ,  $options ); }  catch  ( PDOException   $e ) {   echo   &quot;Error!: &quot;   .   $e -> getMessage()  .   &quot;<br />  &quot; ;   die (); } $books   =   $dbh -> query(&quot; SELECT   *   FROM  bookshelf  ORDER BY  title&quot;) -> fetchAll();
index.php – db connection <?php $db   =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .   '/data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn   =   &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options   =   array (   PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh   =   new   PDO ($dsn,  null ,  null , $options); }  catch  ( PDOException   $e) {   echo   &quot;Error!: &quot;   .   $e -> getMessage()  .   &quot;<br />&quot;;   die (); } $books   =   $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT   *   FROM  bookshelf  ORDER BY  title&quot; ) -> fetchAll();
index.php – books table <?php  if  ( count ( $books )  >   0 ): ?>   < table >   < tr >   < th > Title </ th >< th > Author </ th >   </ tr >   <?php  foreach  ( $books   as   $book ): ?>   < tr >   < td >   < a   href= &quot;book-form.php?id=<?php   echo   $book ['id'];   ?>&quot; >   <?php   echo   $book [ 'title' ];   ?>   </ a >   </ td >   < td >   <?php   echo   $book [ 'author' ];   ?>   </ td >   </ tr >   <?php  endforeach ;   ?>   </ table > <?php  else : ?>   < p > We have no books! </ p > <?php  endif ;   ?>
index.php – books table <?php  if  ( count ( $books )  >   0 ): ?>   < table >   < tr >   < th > Title </ th >< th > Author </ th >   </ tr >   <?php  foreach  ( $books   as   $book ): ?>   < tr >   < td >   < a   href= &quot;book-form.php?id=<?php   echo   $book ['id'];   ?>&quot; >   <?php   echo   $book [ 'title' ];   ?>   </ a >   </ td >   < td >   <?php   echo   $book [ 'author' ];   ?>   </ td >   </ tr >   <?php  endforeach ;   ?>   </ table > <?php  else : ?>   < p >We have no books!</ p > <?php  endif ; ?>
index.php – books table <?php  if  ( count ($books)  >  0): ?>   < table >   < tr >   < th >Title</ th >< th >Author</ th >   </ tr >   <?php  foreach  ( $books   as   $book ): ?>   < tr >   < td >   < a   href= &quot;book-form.php?id=<?php   echo   $book ['id'];   ?>&quot; >   <?php   echo   $book [ 'title' ];   ?>   </ a >   </ td >   < td >   <?php   echo   $book [ 'author' ];   ?>   </ td >   </ tr >   <?php  endforeach ;   ?>   </ table > <?php  else : ?>   < p >We have no books!</ p > <?php  endif ; ?>
index.php – books table <?php  if  ( count ($books)  >  0): ?>   < table >   < tr >   < th >Title</ th >< th >Author</ th >   </ tr >   <?php  foreach  ($books  as  $book): ?>   < tr >   < td >   < a  href=&quot;book-form.php?id=<?php  echo  $book['id']; ?>&quot;>   <?php  echo  $book['title']; ?>   </ a >   </ td >   < td >   <?php  echo  $book['author']; ?>   </ td >   </ tr >   <?php  endforeach ; ?>   </ table > <?php  else : ?>   < p > We have no books! </ p > <?php  endif ;   ?>
book-form.php <?php $id   =   empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) ?  null  :  $_GET [ 'id' ]; if  ( $id ) {   // Database connection code   $book   =   $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT  title, author  FROM  bookshelf  WHERE  id  =   $id &quot; ) -> fetch();   $title   =   $book [ 'title' ];   $author   =   $book [ 'author' ]; }
book-form.php <?php $id   =   empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) ?  null  :  $_GET [ 'id' ]; if  ($id) {   // Database connection code   $book  =  $dbh -> query(&quot; SELECT  title, author  FROM  bookshelf  WHERE  id  =  $id&quot;) -> fetch();   $title  =  $book['title'];   $author  =  $book['author']; }
book-form.php <?php $id  =   empty ($_GET['id']) ?  null  : $_GET['id']; if  ( $id ) {   // Database connection code   $book   =   $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT  title, author  FROM  bookshelf  WHERE  id  =   $id &quot; ) -> fetch();   $title   =   $book [ 'title' ];   $author   =   $book [ 'author' ]; }
book-form.php < form   method= &quot;post&quot;   action= &quot;process-book.php&quot; >   < input   type= &quot;hidden&quot;   id= &quot;id&quot;   name= &quot;id&quot;   value= &quot;<?php   echo   $id ;   ?>&quot;  />   < dl >   < dt >   < label   for= &quot;title&quot; > Title </ label >   </ dt >   < dd >   < input   type= &quot;text&quot;   id= &quot;title&quot;   name= &quot;title&quot;   value= &quot;<?php   echo   $title ;   ?>&quot;  />   </ dd >   < dt >   < label   for= &quot;author&quot; > Author </ label >   </ dt >   < dd >   < input   type= &quot;text&quot;   id= &quot;author&quot;   name= &quot;author&quot;   value= &quot;<?php   echo   $author ;   ?>&quot;  />   </ dd >   < dt > &nbsp; </ dt >   < dd >   < input   type= &quot;submit&quot;   value= &quot;Submit&quot;  />   </ dd >   </ dl > </ form >
book-form.php < form   method= &quot;post&quot;   action= &quot;process-book.php&quot; >   < input  type=&quot;hidden&quot; id=&quot;id&quot; name=&quot;id&quot;  value= &quot;<?php   echo   $id ;   ?>&quot;  />   < dl >   < dt >   < label  for=&quot;title&quot;>Title</ label >   </ dt >   < dd >   < input  type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;title&quot; name=&quot;title&quot;  value= &quot;<?php   echo   $title ;   ?>&quot;  />   </ dd >   < dt >   < label  for=&quot;author&quot;>Author</ label >   </ dt >   < dd >   < input  type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;author&quot; name=&quot;author&quot;  value= &quot;<?php   echo   $author ;   ?>&quot;  />   </ dd >   < dt > &nbsp; </ dt >   < dd >   < input  type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Submit&quot; />   </ dd >   </ dl > </ form >
process-book.php <?php if  ( strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ])  ==   'get' ) {   header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; ); } // Database connection code if  ( empty ( $_POST [ 'id' ])) {   $sql   =   &quot; INSERT INTO  bookshelf (title, author) &quot;   . &quot;VALUES ('{ $_POST ['title']}', '{ $_POST ['author']}')&quot; ;   $dbh -> exec( $sql ); }  else  {   $sql   =   &quot; UPDATE  bookshelf  SET  title  =   '{ $_POST ['title']}', &quot;   .   &quot;author = '{ $_POST ['author']}' WHERE id = { $_POST ['id']}&quot; ;   $dbh -> exec( $sql ); } header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; );
process-book.php <?php if  ( strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ])  ==   'get' ) {   header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; ); } // Database connection code if  ( empty ($_POST['id'])) {   $sql  =  &quot; INSERT INTO  bookshelf (title, author) &quot;   . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); }  else  {   $sql  =  &quot; UPDATE  bookshelf  SET  title  =  '{$_POST['title']}', &quot;   .  &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
process-book.php <?php if  ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])  ==  'get') {   header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if  ( empty ($_POST['id'])) {   $sql  =  &quot; INSERT INTO  bookshelf (title, author) &quot;   . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); }  else  {   $sql  =  &quot; UPDATE  bookshelf  SET  title  =  '{$_POST['title']}', &quot;   .  &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
process-book.php <?php if  ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])  ==  'get') {   header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if  ( empty ( $_POST [ 'id' ])) {   $sql   =   &quot; INSERT INTO  bookshelf (title, author) &quot;   . &quot;VALUES ('{ $_POST ['title']}', '{ $_POST ['author']}')&quot; ;   $dbh -> exec( $sql ); }   else  {   $sql  =  &quot; UPDATE  bookshelf  SET  title  =  '{$_POST['title']}', &quot;   .  &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
process-book.php <?php if  ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])  ==  'get') {   header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if  ( empty ($_POST['id'])) {   $sql  =  &quot; INSERT INTO  bookshelf (title, author) &quot;   . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); }   else  {   $sql   =   &quot; UPDATE  bookshelf  SET  title  =   '{ $_POST ['title']}', &quot;   .   &quot;author = '{ $_POST ['author']}' WHERE id = { $_POST ['id']}&quot; ;   $dbh -> exec( $sql ); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
process-book.php <?php if  ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])  ==  'get') {   header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if  ( empty ($_POST['id'])) {   $sql  =  &quot; INSERT INTO  bookshelf (title, author) &quot;   . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); }  else  {   $sql  =  &quot; UPDATE  bookshelf  SET  title  =  '{$_POST['title']}', &quot;   .  &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;;   $dbh -> exec($sql); } header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; );
Glaring Problems? ,[object Object]
Input isn't filtered
Output isn't escaped
User-provided data used in SQL
Code Duplication ,[object Object]
Maintenance nightmare
The next developer will thank you
Consolidate ,[object Object]
base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ( 'America/Chicago' ); error_reporting ( - 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_errors' ,  1 ); ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' ,  1 ); $db   =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .   '/../data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn   =   &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options   =   array (   PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh   =   new   PDO ( $dsn ,  null ,  null ,  $options ); }  catch  ( PDOException   $e ) {   throw   $e ;   echo   &quot;Error!: &quot;   .   $e -> getMessage()  .   &quot;<br />  &quot; ;   die (); }
base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ( 'America/Chicago' ); error_reporting ( - 1); ini_set ('display_errors', 1); ini_set ('display_startup_errors', 1); $db  =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .  '/../data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn  =  &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options  =   array (   PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh  =   new   PDO ($dsn,  null ,  null , $options); }  catch  ( PDOException  $e) {   throw  $e;   echo  &quot;Error!: &quot;  .  $e -> getMessage()  .  &quot;<br />&quot;;   die (); }
base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ('America/Chicago'); error_reporting ( - 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_errors' ,  1 ); ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' ,  1 ); $db  =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .  '/../data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn  =  &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options  =   array (   PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh  =   new   PDO ($dsn,  null ,  null , $options); }  catch  ( PDOException  $e) {   throw  $e;   echo  &quot;Error!: &quot;  .  $e -> getMessage()  .  &quot;<br />&quot;;   die (); }
base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ('America/Chicago'); error_reporting ( - 1); ini_set ('display_errors', 1); ini_set ('display_startup_errors', 1); $db   =   realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ )  .   '/../data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn   =   &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options   =   array (   PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE   =>   PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ,   PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE   =>   PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try  {   $dbh   =   new   PDO ( $dsn ,  null ,  null ,  $options ); }  catch  ( PDOException   $e ) {   throw   $e ;   echo   &quot;Error!: &quot;   .   $e -> getMessage()  .   &quot;<br />  &quot; ;   die (); }
Replace db info with base.php ,[object Object],require_once   dirname ( __FILE__ )   .   '/library/base.php' ; ,[object Object]
Duplication removed, but . . . ,[object Object]
We echo $title and $author < form  method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;process-book.php&quot;>   < input  type=&quot;hidden&quot; id=&quot;id&quot; name=&quot;id&quot; value=&quot;<?php  echo  $id; ?>&quot; />   < dl >   < dt >   < label  for=&quot;title&quot;>Title</ label >   </ dt >   < dd >   < input  type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;title&quot; name=&quot;title&quot;  value= &quot;<?php   echo   $title ;   ?>&quot;  />   </ dd >   < dt >   < label  for=&quot;author&quot;>Author</ label >   </ dt >   < dd >   < input  type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;author&quot; name=&quot;author&quot;  value= &quot;<?php   echo   $author ;   ?>&quot;  />   </ dd >   < dt > &nbsp; </ dt >   < dd >   < input  type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Submit&quot; />   </ dd >   </ dl > </ form >
Without defining $title and $author require_once   dirname ( __FILE__ )   .   '/library/base.php' ; $id   =   empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) ?  null  :  $_GET [ 'id' ]; if  ( $id ) {   $book   =   $dbh -> query( . . . ) -> fetch();   $title   =   $book [ 'title' ];   $author   =   $book [ 'author' ]; }
Super easy to fix require_once   dirname ( __FILE__ )  .  '/library/base.php'; $id  =   empty ($_GET['id']) ?  null  : $_GET['id']; $title   =   null ; $author   =   null ; if  ($id) {   $book  =  $dbh -> query( . . . ) -> fetch();   $title  =  $book['title'];   $author  =  $book['author']; }
FIEO ,[object Object]
Prevent SQL injection ,[object Object],[object Object]
Defend against XSS
book-form.php ,[object Object],$id   =   filter_input ( INPUT_GET ,  'id' ,  FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
process-book.php ,[object Object],$id   =   filter_input ( INPUT_POST ,  'id' ,  FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ); $title   =   filter_input ( INPUT_POST ,  'title' ,  FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $author   =   filter_input ( INPUT_POST ,  'author' ,  FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
index.php ,[object Object],<?php  foreach  ($books  as  $book): ?> < tr >   < td >   < a  href=&quot;book-form.php?id=<?php  echo  $book['id']; ?>&quot;> <?php   echo   htmlspecialchars ( $book [ 'title' ],  ENT_COMPAT ,  'UTF-8' );   ?>   </ a >   </ td >   < td > <?php   echo   htmlspecialchars ( $book [ 'author' ],  ENT_COMPAT ,  'UTF-8' );   ?>   </ td > </ tr > <?php  endforeach ; ?>
Prepared Statements ,[object Object]
Help protect against SQL injection

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Intro to #memtech PHP 2011-12-05

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 7. Free (as in beer)
  • 8.
  • 10. Mac: MAMP, MacPorts, Homebrew . . .
  • 13. . . . you can be coding in about 5 minutes
  • 14. Why Did You (or why do you want to) Start Programming?
  • 15.
  • 16. We'll solve a problem together
  • 17. Create a typical first web application
  • 20. Make a cool improvement
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 33. Database Schema CREATE TABLE bookshelf ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , title, author );
  • 34. index.php – db connection <?php $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn = &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options = array ( PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ( $dsn , null , null , $options ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br /> &quot; ; die (); } $books = $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT * FROM bookshelf ORDER BY title&quot; ) -> fetchAll();
  • 35. index.php – db connection <?php $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn = &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options = array ( PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ($dsn, null , null , $options); } catch ( PDOException $e) { echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br />&quot;; die (); } $books = $dbh -> query(&quot; SELECT * FROM bookshelf ORDER BY title&quot;) -> fetchAll() ;
  • 36. index.php – db connection <?php $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn = &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options = array ( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ( $dsn , null , null , $options ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br /> &quot; ; die (); } $books = $dbh -> query(&quot; SELECT * FROM bookshelf ORDER BY title&quot;) -> fetchAll();
  • 37. index.php – db connection <?php $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn = &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options = array ( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ($dsn, null , null , $options); } catch ( PDOException $e) { echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br />&quot;; die (); } $books = $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT * FROM bookshelf ORDER BY title&quot; ) -> fetchAll();
  • 38. index.php – books table <?php if ( count ( $books ) > 0 ): ?> < table > < tr > < th > Title </ th >< th > Author </ th > </ tr > <?php foreach ( $books as $book ): ?> < tr > < td > < a href= &quot;book-form.php?id=<?php echo $book ['id']; ?>&quot; > <?php echo $book [ 'title' ]; ?> </ a > </ td > < td > <?php echo $book [ 'author' ]; ?> </ td > </ tr > <?php endforeach ; ?> </ table > <?php else : ?> < p > We have no books! </ p > <?php endif ; ?>
  • 39. index.php – books table <?php if ( count ( $books ) > 0 ): ?> < table > < tr > < th > Title </ th >< th > Author </ th > </ tr > <?php foreach ( $books as $book ): ?> < tr > < td > < a href= &quot;book-form.php?id=<?php echo $book ['id']; ?>&quot; > <?php echo $book [ 'title' ]; ?> </ a > </ td > < td > <?php echo $book [ 'author' ]; ?> </ td > </ tr > <?php endforeach ; ?> </ table > <?php else : ?> < p >We have no books!</ p > <?php endif ; ?>
  • 40. index.php – books table <?php if ( count ($books) > 0): ?> < table > < tr > < th >Title</ th >< th >Author</ th > </ tr > <?php foreach ( $books as $book ): ?> < tr > < td > < a href= &quot;book-form.php?id=<?php echo $book ['id']; ?>&quot; > <?php echo $book [ 'title' ]; ?> </ a > </ td > < td > <?php echo $book [ 'author' ]; ?> </ td > </ tr > <?php endforeach ; ?> </ table > <?php else : ?> < p >We have no books!</ p > <?php endif ; ?>
  • 41. index.php – books table <?php if ( count ($books) > 0): ?> < table > < tr > < th >Title</ th >< th >Author</ th > </ tr > <?php foreach ($books as $book): ?> < tr > < td > < a href=&quot;book-form.php?id=<?php echo $book['id']; ?>&quot;> <?php echo $book['title']; ?> </ a > </ td > < td > <?php echo $book['author']; ?> </ td > </ tr > <?php endforeach ; ?> </ table > <?php else : ?> < p > We have no books! </ p > <?php endif ; ?>
  • 42. book-form.php <?php $id = empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) ? null : $_GET [ 'id' ]; if ( $id ) { // Database connection code $book = $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = $id &quot; ) -> fetch(); $title = $book [ 'title' ]; $author = $book [ 'author' ]; }
  • 43. book-form.php <?php $id = empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) ? null : $_GET [ 'id' ]; if ($id) { // Database connection code $book = $dbh -> query(&quot; SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = $id&quot;) -> fetch(); $title = $book['title']; $author = $book['author']; }
  • 44. book-form.php <?php $id = empty ($_GET['id']) ? null : $_GET['id']; if ( $id ) { // Database connection code $book = $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = $id &quot; ) -> fetch(); $title = $book [ 'title' ]; $author = $book [ 'author' ]; }
  • 45. book-form.php < form method= &quot;post&quot; action= &quot;process-book.php&quot; > < input type= &quot;hidden&quot; id= &quot;id&quot; name= &quot;id&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $id ; ?>&quot; /> < dl > < dt > < label for= &quot;title&quot; > Title </ label > </ dt > < dd > < input type= &quot;text&quot; id= &quot;title&quot; name= &quot;title&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $title ; ?>&quot; /> </ dd > < dt > < label for= &quot;author&quot; > Author </ label > </ dt > < dd > < input type= &quot;text&quot; id= &quot;author&quot; name= &quot;author&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $author ; ?>&quot; /> </ dd > < dt > &nbsp; </ dt > < dd > < input type= &quot;submit&quot; value= &quot;Submit&quot; /> </ dd > </ dl > </ form >
  • 46. book-form.php < form method= &quot;post&quot; action= &quot;process-book.php&quot; > < input type=&quot;hidden&quot; id=&quot;id&quot; name=&quot;id&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $id ; ?>&quot; /> < dl > < dt > < label for=&quot;title&quot;>Title</ label > </ dt > < dd > < input type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;title&quot; name=&quot;title&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $title ; ?>&quot; /> </ dd > < dt > < label for=&quot;author&quot;>Author</ label > </ dt > < dd > < input type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;author&quot; name=&quot;author&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $author ; ?>&quot; /> </ dd > < dt > &nbsp; </ dt > < dd > < input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Submit&quot; /> </ dd > </ dl > </ form >
  • 47. process-book.php <?php if ( strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ]) == 'get' ) { header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; ); } // Database connection code if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'id' ])) { $sql = &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) &quot; . &quot;VALUES ('{ $_POST ['title']}', '{ $_POST ['author']}')&quot; ; $dbh -> exec( $sql ); } else { $sql = &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = '{ $_POST ['title']}', &quot; . &quot;author = '{ $_POST ['author']}' WHERE id = { $_POST ['id']}&quot; ; $dbh -> exec( $sql ); } header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; );
  • 48. process-book.php <?php if ( strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ]) == 'get' ) { header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; ); } // Database connection code if ( empty ($_POST['id'])) { $sql = &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) &quot; . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } else { $sql = &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = '{$_POST['title']}', &quot; . &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
  • 49. process-book.php <?php if ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get') { header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if ( empty ($_POST['id'])) { $sql = &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) &quot; . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } else { $sql = &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = '{$_POST['title']}', &quot; . &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
  • 50. process-book.php <?php if ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get') { header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'id' ])) { $sql = &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) &quot; . &quot;VALUES ('{ $_POST ['title']}', '{ $_POST ['author']}')&quot; ; $dbh -> exec( $sql ); } else { $sql = &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = '{$_POST['title']}', &quot; . &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
  • 51. process-book.php <?php if ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get') { header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if ( empty ($_POST['id'])) { $sql = &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) &quot; . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } else { $sql = &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = '{ $_POST ['title']}', &quot; . &quot;author = '{ $_POST ['author']}' WHERE id = { $_POST ['id']}&quot; ; $dbh -> exec( $sql ); } header (&quot;Location: /&quot;);
  • 52. process-book.php <?php if ( strtolower ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get') { header (&quot;Location: /&quot;); } // Database connection code if ( empty ($_POST['id'])) { $sql = &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) &quot; . &quot;VALUES ('{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['author']}')&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } else { $sql = &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = '{$_POST['title']}', &quot; . &quot;author = '{$_POST['author']}' WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}&quot;; $dbh -> exec($sql); } header ( &quot;Location: /&quot; );
  • 53.
  • 57.
  • 59. The next developer will thank you
  • 60.
  • 61. base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ( 'America/Chicago' ); error_reporting ( - 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' , 1 ); $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn = &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options = array ( PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ( $dsn , null , null , $options ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { throw $e ; echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br /> &quot; ; die (); }
  • 62. base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ( 'America/Chicago' ); error_reporting ( - 1); ini_set ('display_errors', 1); ini_set ('display_startup_errors', 1); $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn = &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options = array ( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ($dsn, null , null , $options); } catch ( PDOException $e) { throw $e; echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br />&quot;; die (); }
  • 63. base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ('America/Chicago'); error_reporting ( - 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 1 ); ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' , 1 ); $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../data/db/bookshelf.db'); $dsn = &quot;sqlite:$db&quot;; $options = array ( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ($dsn, null , null , $options); } catch ( PDOException $e) { throw $e; echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br />&quot;; die (); }
  • 64. base.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ('America/Chicago'); error_reporting ( - 1); ini_set ('display_errors', 1); ini_set ('display_startup_errors', 1); $db = realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../data/db/bookshelf.db' ); $dsn = &quot;sqlite: $db &quot; ; $options = array ( PDO :: ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION , PDO :: ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC ); try { $dbh = new PDO ( $dsn , null , null , $options ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { throw $e ; echo &quot;Error!: &quot; . $e -> getMessage() . &quot;<br /> &quot; ; die (); }
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. Oops
  • 68. We echo $title and $author < form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;process-book.php&quot;> < input type=&quot;hidden&quot; id=&quot;id&quot; name=&quot;id&quot; value=&quot;<?php echo $id; ?>&quot; /> < dl > < dt > < label for=&quot;title&quot;>Title</ label > </ dt > < dd > < input type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;title&quot; name=&quot;title&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $title ; ?>&quot; /> </ dd > < dt > < label for=&quot;author&quot;>Author</ label > </ dt > < dd > < input type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;author&quot; name=&quot;author&quot; value= &quot;<?php echo $author ; ?>&quot; /> </ dd > < dt > &nbsp; </ dt > < dd > < input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Submit&quot; /> </ dd > </ dl > </ form >
  • 69. Without defining $title and $author require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/library/base.php' ; $id = empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) ? null : $_GET [ 'id' ]; if ( $id ) { $book = $dbh -> query( . . . ) -> fetch(); $title = $book [ 'title' ]; $author = $book [ 'author' ]; }
  • 70. Super easy to fix require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/library/base.php'; $id = empty ($_GET['id']) ? null : $_GET['id']; $title = null ; $author = null ; if ($id) { $book = $dbh -> query( . . . ) -> fetch(); $title = $book['title']; $author = $book['author']; }
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. Help protect against SQL injection
  • 79. Easier to read and maintain
  • 80. book-form.php $statement = $dbh -> prepare( ' SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id' ); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); $book = $statement -> fetch();
  • 81. book-form.php $statement = $dbh -> prepare (' SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id'); $statement -> bindParam(':id', $id); $statement -> execute(); $book = $statement -> fetch(); $title = $book['title']; $author = $book['author'];
  • 82. book-form.php $statement = $dbh -> prepare( ' SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id' ); $statement -> bindParam(':id', $id); $statement -> execute(); $book = $statement -> fetch();
  • 83. book-form.php $statement = $dbh -> prepare(' SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id'); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); $book = $statement -> fetch();
  • 84. book-form.php $statement = $dbh -> prepare(' SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id'); $statement -> bindParam(':id', $id); $statement -> execute(); $book = $statement -> fetch();
  • 85. process-book.php if ( $id ) { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = :title, author = :author WHERE id = :id&quot; ); $statement -> bindParam( ':title' , $title ); $statement -> bindParam( ':author' , $author ); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); } else { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) VALUES (:title, :author)&quot; ); $statement -> bindParam( ':title' , $title ); $statement -> bindParam( ':author' , $author ); $statement -> execute(); }
  • 86. process-book.php if ( $id ) { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = :title, author = :author WHERE id = :id&quot; ); $statement -> bindParam(':title', $title); $statement -> bindParam(':author', $author); $statement -> bindParam(':id', $id); $statement -> execute(); } else { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) VALUES (:title, :author)&quot; ); $statement -> bindParam(':title', $title); $statement -> bindParam(':author', $author); $statement -> execute(); }
  • 87. process-book.php if ($id) { $statement = $dbh -> prepare(&quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = :title, author = :author WHERE id = :id&quot;); $statement -> bindParam( ':title' , $title ); $statement -> bindParam( ':author' , $author ); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); } else { $statement = $dbh -> prepare(&quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) VALUES (:title, :author)&quot;); $statement -> bindParam( ':title' , $title ); $statement -> bindParam( ':author' , $author ); $statement -> execute(); }
  • 88. process-book.php if ($id) { $statement = $dbh -> prepare(&quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = :title, author = :author WHERE id = :id&quot;); $statement -> bindParam(':title', $title); $statement -> bindParam(':author', $author); $statement -> bindParam(':id', $id); $statement -> execute(); } else { $statement = $dbh -> prepare(&quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) VALUES (:title, :author)&quot;); $statement -> bindParam(':title', $title); $statement -> bindParam(':author', $author); $statement -> execute(); }
  • 89.
  • 91. Unused in this app (besides PDO)
  • 92. Let's create a service layer
  • 93. Introduces some OOP principles
  • 94.
  • 96.
  • 101. (The class name should mirror its location in the file system)
  • 102. BookshelfService.php namespace Bookshelfervice; class BookshelfService { private $_dbh ; public function __construct (PDO $dbh ) { } public function find ( $id ) { } public function findAll () { } public function save ( array $options ) { } }
  • 103. BookshelfService.php private $_dbh ; public function __construct (PDO $dbh ) { $this -> _dbh = $dbh ; }
  • 104. BookshelfService.php public function find ( $id ) { $sql = ' SELECT * FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id' ; $statement = $this -> _dbh -> prepare( $sql ); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); return $statement -> fetch(); } public function findAll () { $sql = ' SELECT * FROM bookshelf ORDER BY title' ; return $this -> _dbh -> query( $sql ) -> fetchAll(); }
  • 105. BookshelfService.php public function save ( array $options ) { if ( $options [ 'id' ]) { $statement = $this -> _dbh -> prepare( &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = :title, author = :author WHERE id = :id&quot; ); $statement -> execute( $options ); } else { unset ( $options [ 'id' ]); $statement = $this -> _dbh -> prepare( &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) VALUES (:title, :author)&quot; ); $statement -> execute( $options ); } }
  • 106.
  • 107. base.php set_include_path ( implode ( PATH_SEPARATOR , array ( get_include_path (), dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) ) );
  • 108. base.php function autoload ( $className ) { $className = ltrim ( $className , ' ' ); $fileName = '' ; $namespace = '' ; if ( $lastNsPos = strripos ( $className , ' ' )) { $namespace = substr ( $className , 0 , $lastNsPos ); $className = substr ( $className , $lastNsPos + 1 ); $fileName = str_replace ( ' ' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $namespace ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; } $fileName .= str_replace ( '_' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $className ) . '.php' ; require $fileName ; } spl_autoload_register ( 'autoload' );
  • 109. base.php // database connection code $bookshelf = new BookshelferviceBookshelfService ( $dbh );
  • 110. And now for some before and after shots . . .
  • 111. index.php: Before <?php require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/library/base.php' ; $books = $dbh -> query( &quot; SELECT * FROM bookshelf ORDER BY title&quot; ) -> fetchAll(); ?>
  • 112. index.php: After <?php require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/library/base.php' ; $books = $bookshelf -> findAll(); ?>
  • 113. book-form.php: Before if ( $id ) { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( ' SELECT title, author FROM bookshelf WHERE id = :id' ); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); $book = $statement -> fetch(); $title = $book['title']; $author = $book['author']; }
  • 114. book-form.php: After if ( $id ) { $book = $bookshelf -> find( $id ); $title = $book['title']; $author = $book['author']; }
  • 115. process-book.php: Before if ( $id ) { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( &quot; UPDATE bookshelf SET title = :title, author = :author WHERE id = :id&quot; ); $statement -> bindParam( ':title' , $title ); $statement -> bindParam( ':author' , $author ); $statement -> bindParam( ':id' , $id ); $statement -> execute(); } else { $statement = $dbh -> prepare( &quot; INSERT INTO bookshelf (title, author) VALUES (:title, :author)&quot; ); $statement -> bindParam( ':title' , $title ); $statement -> bindParam( ':author' , $author ); $statement -> execute(); }
  • 116. process-book.php: After $book = array ( 'id' => $id , 'title' => $title , 'author' => $author ); $bookshelf -> save( $book );
  • 117.
  • 118. Made and corrected some typical mistakes
  • 119.
  • 122.
  • 123.
  • 124. Presentation source code:
  • 125. PHP Manual:
  • 126. CSI: PHP
  • 127. PHP 101 Suggestions:
  • 128. PHP 101: PHP for the Absolute Beginner:
  • 130.