agile lean agile transition project portfolio management johanna rothman collaboration agile program management management project management multitasking agile hiring servant leadership scaling agile teams leadership interview questions cultural fit agile project management adaptability job search organizational culture program management adapting to change lean planning change autonomy exploration manage your job search project charter cross-functional team team models hiring personal kanban test management influence agile architecture testing vértigo sudden hearing loss product roadmap product management product owner lean program management visualize work rolling wave planning agile planning pecha kucha mindset test leadership netw job hunt iteration length agile project portfolio management life support perseverance geographically distributed team authentic networking social networking say no small world network feature team context switching risk business value retrospectives career management myth engineering management software management it management user stories devs in the ditch coaching feedback community of practice trust one-on-one people management personal power authority process improvement quality assurance software testing agile testers agile test managers management system organizational change innovation product development competition development managing behavior description questions
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