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Hadoop and Protocol Buffers at Twitter
Kevin Weil -- @kevinweil
Analytics Lead, Twitter

‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
My Background
‣   Studied Mathematics and Physics at Harvard, Physics at
‣   Tropos Networks (city-wide wireless): mesh routing algorithms,
    GBs of data
‣   Cooliris (web media): Hadoop and Pig for analytics, TBs of data
‣   Twitter: Hadoop, Pig, HBase, large-scale data analysis and
    visualization, social graph analysis, machine learning, lots more
‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
The Challenge
‣   Store some tweets
The Challenge
‣   Store some tweets Store 100 billion tweets
The Challenge
‣   Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is
‣   	   Robust to changes
The Challenge
‣   Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is
‣   	   Robust
‣   	   Efficient in size and speed
The Challenge
‣   Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is
‣   	   Robust
‣   	   Efficient
‣   	   Amenable to large-scale analysis
The Challenge
‣   Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is
‣   	     Robust
‣   	     Efficient
‣    	    Amenable to large-scale analysis
‣   	     Reusable (especially for other classes of data, like logs, where the size gets
    really large)
The System
‣   Your (friend’s) hadoop
The Data                                                                                ‣     kevin@tw-mbp-kweil ~ $ curl http://

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
‣    <created_at>Wed Feb 17 08:01:13 +0000 2010</created_at>
‣    <id>9225259353</id>
‣    <text>Preparing slides for tomorrow's talk at Y! at the Hadoop User Group: Protobufs and Hadoop at Twitter.   See you there?</text>
‣    <source>&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;TweetDeck&lt;/a&gt;</source>
‣    <truncated>false</truncated>
‣    <in_reply_to_status_id></in_reply_to_status_id>

                                                                                              Each tweet has 12 fields, 3 of which (user, geo,

‣    <favorited>false</favorited>
‣    <in_reply_to_screen_name></in_reply_to_screen_name>
‣    <user>

                                                                                              contributors) have subfields
‣      <id>3452911</id>
‣      <name>Kevin Weil</name>
‣      <screen_name>kevinweil</screen_name>
‣      <location>Portola Valley, CA</location>
‣      <description>Analytics Lead at Twitter. Ultra-marathons, cycling, hadoop, lolcats.</description>
‣      <profile_image_url></profile_image_url>
‣      <url></url>
‣      <protected>false</protected>
‣      <followers_count>3122</followers_count>
‣      <profile_background_color>B2DFDA</profile_background_color>
‣      <profile_text_color>333333</profile_text_color>

                                                                                        ‣     It can change as we add new features
‣      <profile_link_color>93A644</profile_link_color>
‣      <profile_sidebar_fill_color>ffffff</profile_sidebar_fill_color>
‣      <profile_sidebar_border_color>eeeeee</profile_sidebar_border_color>
‣      <friends_count>436</friends_count>
‣      <created_at>Wed Apr 04 19:29:46 +0000 2007</created_at>
‣      <favourites_count>721</favourites_count>
‣      <utc_offset>-28800</utc_offset>
‣      <time_zone>Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)</time_zone>
‣      <profile_background_image_url></profile_background_image_url>
‣      <profile_background_tile>false</profile_background_tile>
‣      <notifications>false</notifications>
‣      <geo_enabled>true</geo_enabled>
‣      <verified>false</verified>
‣      <following>false</following>
‣      <statuses_count>2556</statuses_count>
‣      <lang>en</lang>
‣      <contributors_enabled>false</contributors_enabled>
‣    </user>
‣    <geo/>
‣    <contributors/>
‣   </status>
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
The Requirements
                   ‣   Splittability
                   ‣   Parsing efficiency
                   ‣   Reusability
                   ‣   Ability to add new fields
                   ‣   Ability to ignore unused fields
                   ‣   Small data size
                   ‣   Hierarchical
‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
Common Formats
                         Parsing                                Ignore unused
           Splittable               Reusability   Add new fields               Small data size   Hierarchical
                        efficiency                                   fields




Common Formats
                         Parsing                                Ignore unused
           Splittable               Reusability   Add new fields               Small data size   Hierarchical
                        efficiency                                   fields




Common Formats
                         Parsing                                Ignore unused
           Splittable               Reusability   Add new fields               Small data size   Hierarchical
                        efficiency                                   fields




Common Formats
                         Parsing                                Ignore unused
           Splittable               Reusability   Add new fields               Small data size   Hierarchical
                        efficiency                                   fields




‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
Enter Protocol Buffers
‣   “Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an
    efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for
    almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.”
‣   You write IDL describing your data structure
‣   It generates code in your languages of choice to construct, serialize,
    deserialize, reflect across, etc, your data structure
‣   Like Thrift, but richer and more efficient (except no RPC)
‣   Avro is an exciting up-and-coming alternative
Protobuf IDL Example
‣   message Status {
‣     optional string created_at                =   1;
‣     optional int64 id                         =   2;
‣     optional string text                      =   3;
‣     optional string source                    =   4;
‣     optional bool truncated                   =   5;
‣     optional int64 in_reply_to_status_id      =   6;
‣     optional int64 in_reply_to_user_id        =   7;
‣     optional bool favorited                   =   8;
‣     optional string in_reply_to_screen_name   =   9;
‣     optional message User                     =   10;
‣     optional message Geo                      =   11;
‣     optional message Contributors             =   12;

‣       message User {
‣         optional int64 id                     = 1;
‣         optional string name                  = 2;
‣         ...
‣       }
‣       message Geo { ... }
‣       message Contributors { ... }
‣   }
Protobuf Generated Code
‣   The generated code is:
   Efficient (Google quotes 80x vs. |-delimited                     format)1,2

   Backwards compatible
   Polymorphic (in Java, C++, Python)

Common Formats
                         Parsing                                Ignore unused
           Splittable               Reusability   Add new fields               Small data size   Hierarchical
                        efficiency                                   fields




‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
   Protocol Buffer InputFormats
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
   Protocol Buffer InputFormats
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
   Protocol Buffer InputFormats
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
   Protocol Buffer InputFormats
   Pig LoadFuncs and StoreFuncs
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
   Protocol Buffer InputFormats
   Pig LoadFuncs and StoreFuncs
   Cascading, Streaming, Dumbo, etc
But Wait, There’s More
‣   Codegen for data structures is nice...
‣   Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
   Protocol Buffer InputFormats
   Pig LoadFuncs and StoreFuncs
   Cascading, Streaming, Dumbo, etc
   Per Protocol Buffer
Protocol Buffer InputFormats
                               ‣   All objects
                                   inheritance, etc)
                               ‣   All automatically
                               ‣   Efficient,
                                   storage and
Pig LoadFuncs
                ‣   All objects
                    inheritance, etc)
                ‣   All automatically
                ‣   Even the load
                    statement itself
                    is codegen
Where do these work?
‣   Java MapReduce APIs (InputFormats, OutputFormats, Writables)
‣   Deprecated Java MapReduce APIs (same)
     Enables Streaming, Dumbo, Cascading
‣   Pig
‣   HBase
‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
Counting Big Data
‣                standard counts, min, max, std dev
‣   How many requests do we serve in a day?
‣   What is the average latency? 95% latency?
‣   Group by response code. What is the hourly distribution?
‣   How many searches happen each day on Twitter?
‣   How many unique queries, how many unique users?
‣   What is their geographic distribution?
Correlating Big Data
‣                 probabilities, covariance, influence
‣   How does usage differ for mobile users?
‣   How about for users with 3rd party desktop clients?
‣   Cohort analyses
‣   Site problems: what goes wrong at the same time?
‣   Which features get users hooked?
‣   Which features do successful users use often?
‣   Search corrections, search suggestions
‣   A/B testing
Research on Big Data
‣           prediction, graph analysis, natural language
‣   What can we tell about a user from their tweets?
‣     From the tweets of those they follow?
‣     From the tweets of their followers?
‣     From the ratio of followers/following?
‣   What graph structures lead to successful networks?
‣   User reputation
Research on Big Data
‣            prediction, graph analysis, natural language
‣   Sentiment analysis
‣   What features get a tweet retweeted?
‣     How deep is the corresponding retweet tree?
‣   Long-term duplicate detection
‣   Machine learning
‣   Language detection
‣   ... the list goes on.
‣   Problem Statement
‣   CSV? XML? JSON? Regex?
‣   Protocol Buffers
‣   Codegen, Hadoop and You
‣   Applications
‣   Conclusions and Next Steps
‣   All we do now is write IDL for the data schema
‣   Get efficient, forward/backwards compatible, splittable data structures
    automatically generated for us
‣   Get loaders, input formats, output formats, writables, and schemas
    automatically generated for us
‣   Helps the Twitter analytics team stay agile
   Can handle new, complex data without the need for new code, new
   tests, new bugs
   Focus on the analysis, not data formats
Twitter              Open Source
‣   Coming soon! (1-2 weeks)
‣   All base classes for InputFormats, OutputFormats, Writables, Pig
    Loaders, etc
‣   For new and deprecated MapReduce API
‣   With and without LZO compression (see
‣   Protobuf reflection helpers
‣   Serialized block storage format for HDFS
Questions?                                           Follow me at

‣   If this sounded interesting to you -- that’s because it is. And we’re hiring.


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Protocol Buffers and Hadoop at Twitter

  • 1. Hadoop and Protocol Buffers at Twitter Kevin Weil -- @kevinweil Analytics Lead, Twitter TM
  • 2. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 3. My Background ‣ Studied Mathematics and Physics at Harvard, Physics at Stanford ‣ Tropos Networks (city-wide wireless): mesh routing algorithms, GBs of data ‣ Cooliris (web media): Hadoop and Pig for analytics, TBs of data ‣ Twitter: Hadoop, Pig, HBase, large-scale data analysis and visualization, social graph analysis, machine learning, lots more data
  • 4. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 5. The Challenge ‣ Store some tweets
  • 6. The Challenge ‣ Store some tweets Store 100 billion tweets
  • 7. The Challenge ‣ Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is ‣ Robust to changes
  • 8. The Challenge ‣ Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is ‣ Robust ‣ Efficient in size and speed
  • 9. The Challenge ‣ Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is ‣ Robust ‣ Efficient ‣ Amenable to large-scale analysis
  • 10. The Challenge ‣ Store 100 billion tweets in a way that is ‣ Robust ‣ Efficient ‣ Amenable to large-scale analysis ‣ Reusable (especially for other classes of data, like logs, where the size gets really large)
  • 11. The System ‣ Your (friend’s) hadoop cluster
  • 12. The Data ‣ kevin@tw-mbp-kweil ~ $ curl http:// ‣ ‣ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <status> ‣ <created_at>Wed Feb 17 08:01:13 +0000 2010</created_at> ‣ <id>9225259353</id> ‣ <text>Preparing slides for tomorrow's talk at Y! at the Hadoop User Group: Protobufs and Hadoop at Twitter. See you there?</text> ‣ <source>&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;TweetDeck&lt;/a&gt;</source> ‣ <truncated>false</truncated> ‣ <in_reply_to_status_id></in_reply_to_status_id> <in_reply_to_user_id></in_reply_to_user_id> Each tweet has 12 fields, 3 of which (user, geo, ‣ ‣ ‣ <favorited>false</favorited> ‣ <in_reply_to_screen_name></in_reply_to_screen_name> ‣ <user> contributors) have subfields ‣ <id>3452911</id> ‣ <name>Kevin Weil</name> ‣ <screen_name>kevinweil</screen_name> ‣ <location>Portola Valley, CA</location> ‣ <description>Analytics Lead at Twitter. Ultra-marathons, cycling, hadoop, lolcats.</description> ‣ <profile_image_url></profile_image_url> ‣ <url></url> ‣ <protected>false</protected> ‣ <followers_count>3122</followers_count> ‣ <profile_background_color>B2DFDA</profile_background_color> ‣ <profile_text_color>333333</profile_text_color> ‣ It can change as we add new features ‣ <profile_link_color>93A644</profile_link_color> ‣ <profile_sidebar_fill_color>ffffff</profile_sidebar_fill_color> ‣ <profile_sidebar_border_color>eeeeee</profile_sidebar_border_color> ‣ <friends_count>436</friends_count> ‣ <created_at>Wed Apr 04 19:29:46 +0000 2007</created_at> ‣ <favourites_count>721</favourites_count> ‣ <utc_offset>-28800</utc_offset> ‣ <time_zone>Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)</time_zone> ‣ <profile_background_image_url></profile_background_image_url> ‣ <profile_background_tile>false</profile_background_tile> ‣ <notifications>false</notifications> ‣ <geo_enabled>true</geo_enabled> ‣ <verified>false</verified> ‣ <following>false</following> ‣ <statuses_count>2556</statuses_count> ‣ <lang>en</lang> ‣ <contributors_enabled>false</contributors_enabled> ‣ </user> ‣ <geo/> ‣ <contributors/> ‣ </status> ‣
  • 13. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 14. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 15. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 16. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 17. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 18. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 19. The Requirements ‣ Splittability ‣ Parsing efficiency ‣ Reusability ‣ Ability to add new fields ‣ Ability to ignore unused fields ‣ Small data size ‣ Hierarchical
  • 20. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 21. Common Formats Parsing Ignore unused Splittable Reusability Add new fields Small data size Hierarchical efficiency fields XML JSON CSV Custom regex (Apache)
  • 22. Common Formats Parsing Ignore unused Splittable Reusability Add new fields Small data size Hierarchical efficiency fields XML JSON CSV Custom regex (Apache)
  • 23. Common Formats Parsing Ignore unused Splittable Reusability Add new fields Small data size Hierarchical efficiency fields XML JSON CSV Custom regex (Apache)
  • 24. Common Formats Parsing Ignore unused Splittable Reusability Add new fields Small data size Hierarchical efficiency fields XML JSON CSV Custom regex (Apache)
  • 25. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 26. Enter Protocol Buffers ‣ “Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.” ‣ ‣ You write IDL describing your data structure ‣ It generates code in your languages of choice to construct, serialize, deserialize, reflect across, etc, your data structure ‣ Like Thrift, but richer and more efficient (except no RPC) ‣ Avro is an exciting up-and-coming alternative
  • 27. Protobuf IDL Example ‣ message Status { ‣ optional string created_at = 1; ‣ optional int64 id = 2; ‣ optional string text = 3; ‣ optional string source = 4; ‣ optional bool truncated = 5; ‣ optional int64 in_reply_to_status_id = 6; ‣ optional int64 in_reply_to_user_id = 7; ‣ optional bool favorited = 8; ‣ optional string in_reply_to_screen_name = 9; ‣ optional message User = 10; ‣ optional message Geo = 11; ‣ optional message Contributors = 12; ‣ message User { ‣ optional int64 id = 1; ‣ optional string name = 2; ‣ ... ‣ } ‣ message Geo { ... } ‣ message Contributors { ... } ‣ }
  • 28. Protobuf Generated Code ‣ The generated code is: ‣ Efficient (Google quotes 80x vs. |-delimited format)1,2 ‣ Extensible ‣ Backwards compatible ‣ Polymorphic (in Java, C++, Python) ‣ Metadata-rich 1. 2.
  • 29. Common Formats Parsing Ignore unused Splittable Reusability Add new fields Small data size Hierarchical efficiency fields XML JSON CSV Custom regex (Apache) Protocol Buffers
  • 30. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 31. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code
  • 32. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code ‣ Protocol Buffer InputFormats
  • 33. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code ‣ Protocol Buffer InputFormats ‣ OutputFormats
  • 34. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code ‣ Protocol Buffer InputFormats ‣ OutputFormats ‣ Writables
  • 35. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code ‣ Protocol Buffer InputFormats ‣ OutputFormats ‣ Writables ‣ Pig LoadFuncs and StoreFuncs
  • 36. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code ‣ Protocol Buffer InputFormats ‣ OutputFormats ‣ Writables ‣ Pig LoadFuncs and StoreFuncs ‣ Cascading, Streaming, Dumbo, etc
  • 37. But Wait, There’s More ‣ Codegen for data structures is nice... ‣ Next step: codegen for all Hadoop-related code ‣ Protocol Buffer InputFormats ‣ OutputFormats ‣ Writables ‣ Pig LoadFuncs and StoreFuncs ‣ Cascading, Streaming, Dumbo, etc ‣ Per Protocol Buffer
  • 38. Protocol Buffer InputFormats ‣ All objects (hierarchical data, inheritance, etc) ‣ All automatically generated ‣ Efficient, extensible storage and serialization
  • 39. Pig LoadFuncs ‣ All objects (hierarchical data, inheritance, etc) ‣ All automatically generated ‣ Even the load statement itself is codegen
  • 40. Where do these work? ‣ Java MapReduce APIs (InputFormats, OutputFormats, Writables) ‣ Deprecated Java MapReduce APIs (same) ‣ Enables Streaming, Dumbo, Cascading ‣ Pig ‣ HBase
  • 41. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 42. Counting Big Data ‣ standard counts, min, max, std dev ‣ How many requests do we serve in a day? ‣ What is the average latency? 95% latency? ‣ Group by response code. What is the hourly distribution? ‣ How many searches happen each day on Twitter? ‣ How many unique queries, how many unique users? ‣ What is their geographic distribution?
  • 43. Correlating Big Data ‣ probabilities, covariance, influence ‣ How does usage differ for mobile users? ‣ How about for users with 3rd party desktop clients? ‣ Cohort analyses ‣ Site problems: what goes wrong at the same time? ‣ Which features get users hooked? ‣ Which features do successful users use often? ‣ Search corrections, search suggestions ‣ A/B testing
  • 44. Research on Big Data ‣ prediction, graph analysis, natural language ‣ What can we tell about a user from their tweets? ‣ From the tweets of those they follow? ‣ From the tweets of their followers? ‣ From the ratio of followers/following? ‣ What graph structures lead to successful networks? ‣ User reputation
  • 45. Research on Big Data ‣ prediction, graph analysis, natural language ‣ Sentiment analysis ‣ What features get a tweet retweeted? ‣ How deep is the corresponding retweet tree? ‣ Long-term duplicate detection ‣ Machine learning ‣ Language detection ‣ ... the list goes on.
  • 46. Outline ‣ Problem Statement ‣ CSV? XML? JSON? Regex? ‣ Protocol Buffers ‣ Codegen, Hadoop and You ‣ Applications ‣ Conclusions and Next Steps
  • 47. Resolution ‣ All we do now is write IDL for the data schema ‣ Get efficient, forward/backwards compatible, splittable data structures automatically generated for us ‣ Get loaders, input formats, output formats, writables, and schemas automatically generated for us ‣ Helps the Twitter analytics team stay agile ‣ Can handle new, complex data without the need for new code, new tests, new bugs ‣ Focus on the analysis, not data formats
  • 48. Twitter Open Source ‣ Coming soon! (1-2 weeks) ‣ All base classes for InputFormats, OutputFormats, Writables, Pig Loaders, etc ‣ For new and deprecated MapReduce API ‣ With and without LZO compression (see kevinweil/hadoop-lzo) ‣ Protobuf reflection helpers ‣ Serialized block storage format for HDFS
  • 49. Questions? Follow me at ‣ If this sounded interesting to you -- that’s because it is. And we’re hiring. TM