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Ethical Dilemmas
Introduction: Over the course of my lifetime, I have faced numerous ethical dilemmas. The way
that I have handled these situations defined my personal beliefs currently and how I will behave in
the future. Within this paper, I aim to provide real life examples and everyday situations where I
have been confronted with decisions that determine how ethically sound I am. I will explore my
perspective on ethics and how vital a role they play in my decision making process. Overall, I hope
to demonstrate how considerably evident ethics are throughout my personal, career, and societal
experiences. Personal: Ethics refers to the guidelines based on a moral system that everyone uses to
make decisions. While it is extremely more content...
There is agreement among many ethical issues as to what is legal or illegal given our judicial
system. It is very vital that we hold everyone to similar guidelines so that each and every human
is given fair treatment and equal opportunities. While I believe that society does a good job
making us act in an ethical manner, there occasions where certain decisions have had unethical
aspects and consequences even if some people saw it for the better. For instance, 5 years ago
when I visited my home country, India, I saw living standards that I thought I would never see. I
was fortunate enough to be able to stay in my father's clean, renovated house when I was there.
When walking through Mumbai, there was a lot more poverty stricken citizens than on streets of
American cities. The economic growth was also no where near developed countries. However,
just this past year when my dad visited to sell his house, he said that the sustainability and living
conditions had improved way better than before. While the economy is nowhere near desirable, it
is most certainly better and it is evident that efforts were being made to provide for India's citizens.
In other words, it is clear that society is working towards improving quality of life and economic
levels of
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Essay on Moral Dilemma
Moral Dilemma
Everyday we are tested as individuals to make the right choice. How we view ourselves as
individuals and how others view us are directly correlated to our moral decision–making. But morals
are somewhat misleading. What might be a wrong decision for one person might be a solution to
another. So how do we define morals? Do we follow Gods' moral rules because to do so would
increase out likelihood of obtaining salvation in the afterlife? Or is it simpler than that. Is God
going to deny our entrance into heaven because we have run a stop sign here and there? No. I
believe our moral values are much simpler than that. I believe that our moral decision–making comes
from our upbringing of what is right or wrong. Our parents more content...
It was about 13 degrees out and the sun had just started to peek over the mountains behind our
house. It was a magnificent morning. It was one of those crisp, cold mornings with no wind and I
could hear for miles and miles. I remember hearing my neighbor's dog, Orvis, barking two miles
away. I kept walking for about a quarter mile until I came upon a field that was always a hot spot
for deer in the morning. It was an exciting feeling to be out in the woods with the deer, yet at the
same time, a terrifying feeling. Was I going to fail yet another year of not bagging my buck? I was
anxious as to what my family and friends would think of me. I needed to get a deer in the worst way.
As the morning wore on I began to get anxious and fidgety feeling that no deer were going to
come. As I was contemplating whether to leave my stand in the field, I recognized two deer
grazing peacefully in the middle of the field. I quickly pulled up and looked through my scope
and saw nothing but green fuzz. I was so nervous that I had forgotten to readjust the focus on my
scope. As I did, the deer saw me move and began to trot away from me and into the protection of
the forest. I managed to get my scope in focus in time to see that there was a buck and a doe. My
chance had finally come. I was going to get my first Vermont buck. I immediately stood up from
my stand and jogged over to where they had entered the woods. Once in the woods, I evaluated the
surroundings and had a good
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Solving Ethical Dilemmas Essay
An ethical dilemma is defined as a complex situation that will often involve an apparent mental
conflict between moral imperatives in which to obey one would result in transgressing another .
When individuals are faced with an ethical question, we tend to search for a "correct answer" when
responding. However, these types of questions do not always seem to have a straightforward
answer. The arguments which may arise from an ethical dilemma question are typically examined in
two ways: whether people are being consistent in their judgment and whether the alleged facts on
which those judgments are based are truth. In this essay, the ethical dilemma being presented is as
followed: A man cheats on his wife early in their marriage. Twenty more content...
Furthermore, it is most similar to what Aristotle would resolve because neither extreme–the marriage
completely ending or the man continuing to keep the secret–is being chosen. Instead, a balance
between the two extremes has been found. This balance would be the couple receiving counseling
and the man being relieved of his guilt. Philosopher Spinoza's ethics are slightly different from those
of Aristotle. Much like the stoics–individuals who believed that destructive emotions resulted from
errors in judgment, and that a sage person of "moral and intellectual perfection," would not suffer
such emotions –Spinoza believed all things are logically determined. To clarify further, since each
man's particular essence is directly tied to his fate–the time and place of his existence–ethical
standards cannot be absolute. Rather, they are relative to the individual's mind and body or his/her
culture. In addition to those, Spinoza thought that happiness comes from understanding limits and
accepting a determined fate within a universal scheme. Spinoza's philosophies are similar to the
modern beliefs held by many societies today. Based on Spinoza's viewpoint of ethic relativity, his
answer to the above moral dilemma would be that the men not tell his wife. The infidelity occurred
twenty years before, which means the man's values towards the importance of marriage and honesty
were almost non–existent
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What Is Ethical Dilemma?
Ethical defined as pertaining with the principles of morality and to pertaining to right and wrong in
behavior. Ethical is we act according to the rules and standards without condemning all illegal
activities. Dilemma is situation in which it must be a difficult choice between two or more
alternatives, particularly those that are also to be avoided. For instant, a person is obliged to choose
between two or more alternatives that are not adversely. An ethical dilemma is a problem, to the
situation or opportunity, requires that the person, group or organization to choose between wrong or
unethical actions (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2010). Ethical dilemma have identified to the three
categories coercion and control, conflict of more content...
It is in an ethical way is in the framework of the social responsibility of companies, which depends on
the philosophy that the organizations should on the impact of the society, in addition to the
objective of extensive relocation of the usual profits. An organization always encounter ethical
dilemmas, they must go to the welfare of society and the interests of their organization to do
judgment. For example, they face the staff working conditions, product safety, degree of pollution
and transparency of organization operating, they must be moral to solve these problems, and their
decisions will affect the entire community. They ethical way to do it, they might bring durability for
the company. If there are no ethical products, it may result in greatly reduced sales, the company's
reputation is also impaired, and the company can't continue operating. The morale of the spring each
decision–making practical and the stability and the survival of the organization depends on the
uniformity of the quality of the ethical decision of the manager. The manager of are concerned and
encourages the commitment of the organization's performance and of the society as a whole, to
support and the support of the society of the ethics soaked culture has given, or the interest of the is
the whole world from Oladunni, 2000 ( as cited in JOSEPH, K. O.
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Ethical Dilemmas
I am a CNA and I am currently working for a Home Health Care Agency. It is my job as a
caregiver to keep my clients healthy and active. I do everything from making doctors
appointments, give medications, prepare healthy meals and observe and report any signs and
symptoms to the family, nurse, or physician. One of the most important parts of my job is in
make sure they are staying active. There is a popular quote "if you don't use it, you lose it" this is
very true when it comes to the elderly. Most of my clients are not very active. The most walking
they do is to the bathroom and down to the dining hall, even then most of them take their scooters to
the dining room. So it is very important to encourage them to do Many kinds of students study
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Essay on Ethical Dilemma
The case study presents a moral dilemma based on potential harm to innocent people. By using
Kohlberg's moral development model and by examining major ethical systems, namely deontology
and utilitarianism, a clear understanding of the factors influencing this type of decision–making can
be gained. Specifically, utilitarianism, Kant's categorical imperative and the doctrine of double
effect address the decision from differing viewpoints, providing the decision maker with compelling
evidence to support both angles of the ethical and moral dilemma presented in the decision at hand.
A decision can then be made if it is considered morally justified, depending on the model used to
make the decision. Often the solution of an ethical dilemma more content...
The logical reasoning at the Level III, Stage 6 would allow the acting CO to absorb outside
influences yet still conclude that the decision to close the hatch is the best. He would no doubt meet
resistance from the other submariners regarding his decision. By closing the hatch you save the
majority of the remaining men and the submarine. There is the personal ethical dilemma where as A
/CO, you are consciously aware that you will cause the men to die inside the engineering
compartment. The ethical dilemma between closing the hatch or to keep attempting to try to rescue
the men at all costs requires further analysis using teleological ethics. Teleological systems are based
on person's acts therefore the result of the act is more important than the nature of the act (Pojman
& Fieser, 2009). Utilitarianism is defined as a universal system that calls for the maximization of
the goodness in society and is considered the dominant version of teleological systems. Pojman and
Feiser (2009) describe two main features of utilitarianism; the consequentialist principle and the
utility principle. The consequentialist principle is where the moral rightness or wrongness of the act
is determined by the consequences of the act, not the act itself. As A/CO, the act of closing the
hatch will result in presumably saving the lives of other submariners (or at least a better chance of
survival). But it also causes the death of three men. Therefore, according to the
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Ethical Dilemmas
The issue of ethical choices as assessed from the perspective of the modern population may appear
easier than it might seem at the time when the decision was made. In the situation of the Founding
Fathers and the choice that they made with respect to establishing the state in the form that was
discussed during the closed seating, could be justified by the result they achieved. For utilitarian
ethics and the ethics of virtue, their activities should have been justified and supported. Still, it may
also be questioned if there was the need to complete the procedure covered. The major principle of
the ethical approach is that "when faced with an ethical dilemma, one should pursue the course of
action that brings the greater good for the benefit go the majority" (Odom 28). In this light, due to
the understanding that not committing the respective actions would lead to the fall of the idea of
great america, the Founding Fathers intended at the higher benefits for the whole society. They acted
following the principle of saving the state and keeping it in the form that would enable its
flourishing. Among the factors, Shay's rebellion and the a skirmish by revolutionary war vets proved
the ineffectiveness of government and provided an additional ground for the Philadelphia
Conventional it was held ( more content...
While instead of just revising the principles they created entirely new ones, they may be said to have
violated laws. Still, their intentions behind the implication of the principles and the background on
which they were accepted contribute to justifying the founding fathers actions. At the same time,
they justified the necessity to draft the constitution based based on the need to separate from the
British crown, which was viewed as their natural light since the British have violated the rights of the
colonists (Pattaro And Rovers
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Ethical Dilemmas
Name: Ethical DilemmasInstructions: In groups, discuss each scenario. Identify the values that
come in to play and the different effects on behavior when considering each dilemma. You are
grounded. Your parents are away for the evening. Friends drop by and want you to go out with
them to get something to eat. You know that it's going to be at least two hours before your parents
come home. Then you remember that the punishment your parents gave you was not at all fair. At
lunch you realize you haven't done your Spanish homework. It's long and will take you all lunch
but you're starving and the line is long. If you do your Spanish homework you won't have enough
time to eat. Then, a friend offers to let you copy his homework. The
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Essay on Ethical Dilemma
Ethical Dilemma During the first week of February it was discovered that one of the youth on
probation and his family was no longer living at their given address. I, along with my supervisor,
made several trips to the house to verify. The house was soon boarded up and the youth could not
be located. There was no attempt by the youth to contact probation and he soon became out of
contact, a clear violation of his probation contract. An arrest and detain (A&D) warrant was issued
for the youth because of his probation violation. The youth was unable to be located by the Juvenile
Crime Apprehension Team (JCAT) and no one in his family could be found by probation staff. The
youth was also no longer attending school. The seriousness more content...
The first standard being challenged is 1.01: Commitment to Clients. The standard sates "In
general, clients' interests are primary. However, social workers' responsibility to the larger
society or specific legal obligations may on limited occasions supersede the loyalty owed to
clients, and clients should be so advised" (NASW; 7). The ethical dilemma relating to this ethic is
who are we more responsible to in this situation, the client or society? The client was out of
contact, but by making contact he was now in compliance with probation. However, we are
obligated to protect public safety at all times and his violation of probation does warrant a court
hearing. It brings into question what is in the youth's best interest, to not be held accountable for
his actions or to be placed in a locked facility for a period of time. This ethic also creates a dilemma
in itself, who are we more responsible to; the client or society? Standard 3.09 of the NASW ethics,
commitment to employers, is also challenged by this dilemma. Specifically section A of standard
3.09 comes into consideration, "Social workers generally should adhere to commitments made to
employers and employing organizations" (NASW; 21). A probation officer's job is to hold youth
accountable for their actions and to help enforce the orders of the court. The youth violated one of
these orders by being out of
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Ethical Dilemma Essay

  • 1. Ethical Dilemmas Introduction: Over the course of my lifetime, I have faced numerous ethical dilemmas. The way that I have handled these situations defined my personal beliefs currently and how I will behave in the future. Within this paper, I aim to provide real life examples and everyday situations where I have been confronted with decisions that determine how ethically sound I am. I will explore my perspective on ethics and how vital a role they play in my decision making process. Overall, I hope to demonstrate how considerably evident ethics are throughout my personal, career, and societal experiences. Personal: Ethics refers to the guidelines based on a moral system that everyone uses to make decisions. While it is extremely more content... There is agreement among many ethical issues as to what is legal or illegal given our judicial system. It is very vital that we hold everyone to similar guidelines so that each and every human is given fair treatment and equal opportunities. While I believe that society does a good job making us act in an ethical manner, there occasions where certain decisions have had unethical aspects and consequences even if some people saw it for the better. For instance, 5 years ago when I visited my home country, India, I saw living standards that I thought I would never see. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay in my father's clean, renovated house when I was there. When walking through Mumbai, there was a lot more poverty stricken citizens than on streets of American cities. The economic growth was also no where near developed countries. However, just this past year when my dad visited to sell his house, he said that the sustainability and living conditions had improved way better than before. While the economy is nowhere near desirable, it is most certainly better and it is evident that efforts were being made to provide for India's citizens. In other words, it is clear that society is working towards improving quality of life and economic levels of Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Moral Dilemma Moral Dilemma Everyday we are tested as individuals to make the right choice. How we view ourselves as individuals and how others view us are directly correlated to our moral decision–making. But morals are somewhat misleading. What might be a wrong decision for one person might be a solution to another. So how do we define morals? Do we follow Gods' moral rules because to do so would increase out likelihood of obtaining salvation in the afterlife? Or is it simpler than that. Is God going to deny our entrance into heaven because we have run a stop sign here and there? No. I believe our moral values are much simpler than that. I believe that our moral decision–making comes from our upbringing of what is right or wrong. Our parents more content... It was about 13 degrees out and the sun had just started to peek over the mountains behind our house. It was a magnificent morning. It was one of those crisp, cold mornings with no wind and I could hear for miles and miles. I remember hearing my neighbor's dog, Orvis, barking two miles away. I kept walking for about a quarter mile until I came upon a field that was always a hot spot for deer in the morning. It was an exciting feeling to be out in the woods with the deer, yet at the same time, a terrifying feeling. Was I going to fail yet another year of not bagging my buck? I was anxious as to what my family and friends would think of me. I needed to get a deer in the worst way. As the morning wore on I began to get anxious and fidgety feeling that no deer were going to come. As I was contemplating whether to leave my stand in the field, I recognized two deer grazing peacefully in the middle of the field. I quickly pulled up and looked through my scope and saw nothing but green fuzz. I was so nervous that I had forgotten to readjust the focus on my scope. As I did, the deer saw me move and began to trot away from me and into the protection of the forest. I managed to get my scope in focus in time to see that there was a buck and a doe. My chance had finally come. I was going to get my first Vermont buck. I immediately stood up from my stand and jogged over to where they had entered the woods. Once in the woods, I evaluated the surroundings and had a good Get more content on
  • 3. Solving Ethical Dilemmas Essay An ethical dilemma is defined as a complex situation that will often involve an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives in which to obey one would result in transgressing another . When individuals are faced with an ethical question, we tend to search for a "correct answer" when responding. However, these types of questions do not always seem to have a straightforward answer. The arguments which may arise from an ethical dilemma question are typically examined in two ways: whether people are being consistent in their judgment and whether the alleged facts on which those judgments are based are truth. In this essay, the ethical dilemma being presented is as followed: A man cheats on his wife early in their marriage. Twenty more content... Furthermore, it is most similar to what Aristotle would resolve because neither extreme–the marriage completely ending or the man continuing to keep the secret–is being chosen. Instead, a balance between the two extremes has been found. This balance would be the couple receiving counseling and the man being relieved of his guilt. Philosopher Spinoza's ethics are slightly different from those of Aristotle. Much like the stoics–individuals who believed that destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment, and that a sage person of "moral and intellectual perfection," would not suffer such emotions –Spinoza believed all things are logically determined. To clarify further, since each man's particular essence is directly tied to his fate–the time and place of his existence–ethical standards cannot be absolute. Rather, they are relative to the individual's mind and body or his/her culture. In addition to those, Spinoza thought that happiness comes from understanding limits and accepting a determined fate within a universal scheme. Spinoza's philosophies are similar to the modern beliefs held by many societies today. Based on Spinoza's viewpoint of ethic relativity, his answer to the above moral dilemma would be that the men not tell his wife. The infidelity occurred twenty years before, which means the man's values towards the importance of marriage and honesty were almost non–existent Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Ethical Dilemma? Ethical defined as pertaining with the principles of morality and to pertaining to right and wrong in behavior. Ethical is we act according to the rules and standards without condemning all illegal activities. Dilemma is situation in which it must be a difficult choice between two or more alternatives, particularly those that are also to be avoided. For instant, a person is obliged to choose between two or more alternatives that are not adversely. An ethical dilemma is a problem, to the situation or opportunity, requires that the person, group or organization to choose between wrong or unethical actions (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2010). Ethical dilemma have identified to the three categories coercion and control, conflict of more content... It is in an ethical way is in the framework of the social responsibility of companies, which depends on the philosophy that the organizations should on the impact of the society, in addition to the objective of extensive relocation of the usual profits. An organization always encounter ethical dilemmas, they must go to the welfare of society and the interests of their organization to do judgment. For example, they face the staff working conditions, product safety, degree of pollution and transparency of organization operating, they must be moral to solve these problems, and their decisions will affect the entire community. They ethical way to do it, they might bring durability for the company. If there are no ethical products, it may result in greatly reduced sales, the company's reputation is also impaired, and the company can't continue operating. The morale of the spring each decision–making practical and the stability and the survival of the organization depends on the uniformity of the quality of the ethical decision of the manager. The manager of are concerned and encourages the commitment of the organization's performance and of the society as a whole, to support and the support of the society of the ethics soaked culture has given, or the interest of the is the whole world from Oladunni, 2000 ( as cited in JOSEPH, K. O. Get more content on
  • 5. Ethical Dilemmas I am a CNA and I am currently working for a Home Health Care Agency. It is my job as a caregiver to keep my clients healthy and active. I do everything from making doctors appointments, give medications, prepare healthy meals and observe and report any signs and symptoms to the family, nurse, or physician. One of the most important parts of my job is in make sure they are staying active. There is a popular quote "if you don't use it, you lose it" this is very true when it comes to the elderly. Most of my clients are not very active. The most walking they do is to the bathroom and down to the dining hall, even then most of them take their scooters to the dining room. So it is very important to encourage them to do Many kinds of students study Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Ethical Dilemma The case study presents a moral dilemma based on potential harm to innocent people. By using Kohlberg's moral development model and by examining major ethical systems, namely deontology and utilitarianism, a clear understanding of the factors influencing this type of decision–making can be gained. Specifically, utilitarianism, Kant's categorical imperative and the doctrine of double effect address the decision from differing viewpoints, providing the decision maker with compelling evidence to support both angles of the ethical and moral dilemma presented in the decision at hand. A decision can then be made if it is considered morally justified, depending on the model used to make the decision. Often the solution of an ethical dilemma more content... The logical reasoning at the Level III, Stage 6 would allow the acting CO to absorb outside influences yet still conclude that the decision to close the hatch is the best. He would no doubt meet resistance from the other submariners regarding his decision. By closing the hatch you save the majority of the remaining men and the submarine. There is the personal ethical dilemma where as A /CO, you are consciously aware that you will cause the men to die inside the engineering compartment. The ethical dilemma between closing the hatch or to keep attempting to try to rescue the men at all costs requires further analysis using teleological ethics. Teleological systems are based on person's acts therefore the result of the act is more important than the nature of the act (Pojman & Fieser, 2009). Utilitarianism is defined as a universal system that calls for the maximization of the goodness in society and is considered the dominant version of teleological systems. Pojman and Feiser (2009) describe two main features of utilitarianism; the consequentialist principle and the utility principle. The consequentialist principle is where the moral rightness or wrongness of the act is determined by the consequences of the act, not the act itself. As A/CO, the act of closing the hatch will result in presumably saving the lives of other submariners (or at least a better chance of survival). But it also causes the death of three men. Therefore, according to the Get more content on
  • 7. Ethical Dilemmas The issue of ethical choices as assessed from the perspective of the modern population may appear easier than it might seem at the time when the decision was made. In the situation of the Founding Fathers and the choice that they made with respect to establishing the state in the form that was discussed during the closed seating, could be justified by the result they achieved. For utilitarian ethics and the ethics of virtue, their activities should have been justified and supported. Still, it may also be questioned if there was the need to complete the procedure covered. The major principle of the ethical approach is that "when faced with an ethical dilemma, one should pursue the course of action that brings the greater good for the benefit go the majority" (Odom 28). In this light, due to the understanding that not committing the respective actions would lead to the fall of the idea of great america, the Founding Fathers intended at the higher benefits for the whole society. They acted following the principle of saving the state and keeping it in the form that would enable its flourishing. Among the factors, Shay's rebellion and the a skirmish by revolutionary war vets proved the ineffectiveness of government and provided an additional ground for the Philadelphia Conventional it was held ( more content... While instead of just revising the principles they created entirely new ones, they may be said to have violated laws. Still, their intentions behind the implication of the principles and the background on which they were accepted contribute to justifying the founding fathers actions. At the same time, they justified the necessity to draft the constitution based based on the need to separate from the British crown, which was viewed as their natural light since the British have violated the rights of the colonists (Pattaro And Rovers Get more content on
  • 8. Ethical Dilemmas Name: Ethical DilemmasInstructions: In groups, discuss each scenario. Identify the values that come in to play and the different effects on behavior when considering each dilemma. You are grounded. Your parents are away for the evening. Friends drop by and want you to go out with them to get something to eat. You know that it's going to be at least two hours before your parents come home. Then you remember that the punishment your parents gave you was not at all fair. At lunch you realize you haven't done your Spanish homework. It's long and will take you all lunch but you're starving and the line is long. If you do your Spanish homework you won't have enough time to eat. Then, a friend offers to let you copy his homework. The Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Ethical Dilemma Ethical Dilemma During the first week of February it was discovered that one of the youth on probation and his family was no longer living at their given address. I, along with my supervisor, made several trips to the house to verify. The house was soon boarded up and the youth could not be located. There was no attempt by the youth to contact probation and he soon became out of contact, a clear violation of his probation contract. An arrest and detain (A&D) warrant was issued for the youth because of his probation violation. The youth was unable to be located by the Juvenile Crime Apprehension Team (JCAT) and no one in his family could be found by probation staff. The youth was also no longer attending school. The seriousness more content... The first standard being challenged is 1.01: Commitment to Clients. The standard sates "In general, clients' interests are primary. However, social workers' responsibility to the larger society or specific legal obligations may on limited occasions supersede the loyalty owed to clients, and clients should be so advised" (NASW; 7). The ethical dilemma relating to this ethic is who are we more responsible to in this situation, the client or society? The client was out of contact, but by making contact he was now in compliance with probation. However, we are obligated to protect public safety at all times and his violation of probation does warrant a court hearing. It brings into question what is in the youth's best interest, to not be held accountable for his actions or to be placed in a locked facility for a period of time. This ethic also creates a dilemma in itself, who are we more responsible to; the client or society? Standard 3.09 of the NASW ethics, commitment to employers, is also challenged by this dilemma. Specifically section A of standard 3.09 comes into consideration, "Social workers generally should adhere to commitments made to employers and employing organizations" (NASW; 21). A probation officer's job is to hold youth accountable for their actions and to help enforce the orders of the court. The youth violated one of these orders by being out of Get more content on