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Maximizing Social Media
for Churches & Ministries.
today’s goals
1. Why your church/ministry
   should be engaging in
   social media
2. Which networks are right
   for you?
3. What kind of content
   should you post?
4. How to manage social
   media when you‟re short
   on time
5. How to integrate social
   media with your current
   website & print materials.
social media ministry

✢Finding Old Friends   ✢Powerful
✢Sharing Information   ✢Potential
✢Convenient/Easy       ✢A “Team Sport”
✢Fun                   ✢Discipleship
✢Time-Waster           ✢The Future!
why engage with social ministry?

1. Connect
2. Engage
3. Inform
4. Location, location, location!
5. It‟s Free!
social ministry usage #1: connect
Yes, we are in ministry, but networking and
communication are required!
✛ Be more easily found by people looking for
  a church
✛ Connect with volunteers
✛ Connect with other people who do what
   you do and get quick access to quality
   resources that they share on their own
   tweets, blogs, or Facebook

✛ Supporters will have a greater sense of
   being connected with you through more

(Consider using Facebook & Twitter lists to stay
social ministry usage #2: engage
You have a unique story to share, and your
voice is important!
✛ We have an opportunity to join in a
  global conversation going on all
  around us every day, and to engage
  in ministry every day.
✛ Disciple your volunteers/campers long
  after they‟ve gone home for the
  summer (consider using Facebook

  Groups to do this)

social ministry usage #3: inform
Social media provides a great platform to
quickly reach a large number of people.
✛ Sharing – Not only can you reach
  people, but by reaching your
  fans/friends/followers, you enable all
  of THEM to join the team, and to easily
  pass along invites and information to
  family & friends.
✛ This, in turn, increases awareness for

  your ministry.
social ministry usage #4: location

8 years ago, all we had were
websites. But…
✛ Websites will NEVER see the kind
  of traffic that Social Media will.
✛ Websites will never have the
  kind of personal
  investment/engagement from
  your users that Social Media will.
social ministry usage #5: cost

FREE!                            5
• Jesus was masterful at communicating spiritual
  truths in settings and with language that connected
  with his listeners.
• Paul strived to be fluent in the language of his
  culture (1 Cor. 9:22).
• When used wisely, social media is a powerful tool
  for church leaders serious about this rich legacy of
  contextualized communication.
• This is the language of our listeners!
the negatives
1.   Time Consumption
2.   Distraction
3.   Escapism
4.   Security
it’s all in how you use them…

✛These can all be helpful ministry tools
 depending on how they‟re used, and
 how you feel most comfortable

✛God will use whatever He needs to use
to accomplish his purposes.
so many choices,
           where to start?
             What social networks should
             your church/ministry be on?
which social networks should your
     church/ministry be on?

   ✛ Know your community.
   ✛ Recognize what is the best tool to communicate
     with them.
    ✛ Are you intentionally not using a specific social
      network because it‟s not the best tool for you?
    ✛ Or are you unfamiliar with it?
facebook pages
For public figures, organizations & businesses.

✛ Page Administrators (there can be more than one) can be
  private for added security or public if it makes more sense.
✛ Liking - People and other pages (churches, other ministries,
  businesses, public figures) can connect to your page by
  “liking” your page and becoming your fan.
✛ Work hard to form connections with logical ministry partners,
  and network with influencers who might extend your ministry‟s
✛ Your page‟s content is distributed virally when your audience
  responds to or shares it.
✛ You can use facebook‟s insights to track what content is most
  relevant/most viral for your audience.

(Note: See your resource guide for how to best use facebook’s
new “timeline” feature for your church.)
facebook events
• A great way to inform fans about upcoming events
• Upon creating an event, a News Feed story with event
  info will post to your Page or Profile, and your audience
  can RSVP.
• You can increase RSVPs by posting status updates
  leading up to the Event, emailing lists, and linking from
  your website/blog.
• Be careful about creating an event and people thinking
  that an RSVP there is “good enough” if you want them to
  RSVP online.

(TIP: Creatively promote your next event with more than just
a simple announcement. Maybe a video? Fun photos?)
facebook groups
Facebook Groups are a great resource for private
1. Control who sees your group (3 levels of security)
   •   Secret – only members can see the group and what members post.
   •   Closed – anyone can see the group. Only members can see the posts.
   •   Open (public) – Anyone can see the group and what members post.
2. Share with the group
   •   Post updates, questions, photos & more
   •   Chat with the group (You could have set „office hours‟ to communicate with
       the members of your group)
   •   Create shared docs
   •   Schedule group events
3. Stay in the know
   1. Get notified about new posts so you never miss an update
   2. Connect off Facebook using the group‟s shared email address.

( get started & find out more!)
what is twitter?
Twitter is a worldwide information network made of no
more than 140-charater messages.
✛ The users are generally the “influencers” of society
  (politicians, celebrities, public figures, organizations),
  although it‟s also used by many individuals.
✛ Messages are short & sweet & frequent!

The Rules
✛ 140 character Max
✛ You can‟t tweet too often!
facebook vs. twitter
             FACEBOOK                                  TWITTER
✛ Facebook is for good for               ✛ Twitter is good for
  connecting with people                   connecting with people
                                           who share common
  that you already know.                   interests
✛ Local news/events                      ✛ Breaking news
✛ Help on an issue                       ✛ New learning & discovery
✛ 500 million total users                ✛ 106 million total users
                                            •   48% men, 52% women
    •   46% men, 54% women                  •   60% located outside the US
    •   70% located outside the US          •   52% update status daily
    •   41% login every day                 •   87% of people in the world are
                                                aware of Twitter
    •   88% of people in the world are
        aware of Facebook                ✛ 22 million daily unique
✛ 310 million daily unique
                                         ✛ 600 million searches
  visitors                                 daily**
so….who’s on twitter?
✛ Twitter has the largest division of users with a
  secondary education
✛ 37% have at least a bachelor‟s degree.
✛ Twitter has the largest division of wealthy users with
  27% earning 75k or more
the twittonary
✛Tweet - the message itself
✛Tweeting – the act of posting a
 message to twitter
✛Followers – your “friends” or
 subscribers on Twitter
✛Follow – to subscribe to their
 Tweets and updates on the site
the twittonary
✛@ (Mention) - the @ sign is used to call out
 usernames in Tweets, like this: Loved hearing
 from @socialministry1 @wheatonbible
 today…wow, #SocialMedia is awesome! When
 a username is preceded by an @ sign, it
 becomes a link to a Twitter profile. This is also
 called a “mention.”

✛DM (Direct Message) – These tweets are
 private between only the sender and the
 recipient. Regular tweets become DMs when
 they begin with d Username (like d
 lizcarverdesign) to specify who the message is
the twittonary
✛ReTweet – The act of forwarding another user‟s
 tweet to all of your followers. Often used to
 spread news or share valuable findings on
 Twitter. Often abbreviated by RT.

✛# (Hashtag) – Hashtags are used to categorize
 your tweet and tag it in a global tweet

(Example: So excited for what God is doing in
Spain #Larcada #CCISpain)
how to get started on twitter…
1. Find people you know & follow them.
2. Find like-minded users.
3. Find people in your area.
4. Get a desktop or mobile client (TweetDeck or
5. Start tweeting!
           1 in 4 Americans watches a
              video online each day
✛ Over 3 billion video views per day
✛ Over 35 hours of video uploaded per minute
✛ More video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than
  the 3 major US networks created in 60 years
✛ YouTube‟s demographic is broad: 18-54 years old
✛ Nearly 17 million people have connected their YouTube
  account to at least one social service (Facebook, Twitter,
  Orkut, Buzz, etc.)
✛ There are more than 500 tweets pre minute containing a
  YouTube link
✛ Millions of subscriptions happen each day.

A great example of a successful youtube channel is World
✛ Sharp quality
✛ Most popular with artists and businesses who want to
  show their rich and digital media savvy
✛ The first (2007) consumer-accessible video hosting site to
  offer high definition playback
✛ For businesses – Vimeo Plus…this is where Vimeo
  TROUNCES YouTube. It allows businesses to put their own
  logo on embedded players, gives clients analytics tools
  that rival those provided by Google for web pages, and
  even allows clients to create custom portfolio websites
  to represent their products and values.

Check out World Relief
blogging & rss
Blog (a blend of the term web log) – can be a noun or
a verb.
✛ A blog is a type of website or a part of a website
  supposed to be updated with new content from
  time to time.
✛ Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with
  regular entries of commentary, descriptions of
  events, or other material such as graphics or video.
✛ Entries are displayed in reverse-chronological order.
✛ Good quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors
  to leave comments. This interactivity distinguishes
  them from other static websites.
types of blogs

Although most blogs are textual, some focus on different
✛ Art (art blog)
✛ Sketches (sketchblog)
✛ Links (linklog)
✛ Photographs (photoblog)
✛ Videos (vlogging or video blogging)
✛ Music (mp3 blog)
✛ Audio (podcasting)
✛ Spam (splog)
✛ Microblogging – very short posts
✛ Mixed media types (tumblelog)
blogging platforms

Which platform is right for me? (all free, of course!)
✛ Wordpress - a free hosting solution that has the
  powerful wordpress software behind it.
✛ Blogger - The features of WordPress but with more
  control over design.
✛ Tumblr (a tumblelog platform) - A hybrid between
  Twitter‟s micro-blogging sensibilities combined with
  the full, entry-based approach of a traditional blog.
  No expertise needed!
how to get started blogging
1. Choose your platform!
2. Name your blog & determine your “voice”
3. Connect it with other social networks (send your
   posts to facebook, tweet your posts, and feed your
   tweets to your blog)
4. Tell the world about your blog!
5. Get writing. Integrate it into your daily routine.
6. Subscribe to other relevant blogs, and share
   content readily.
               Sharing, Storage & More!
Flickr is an image hosting (and video hosting) website and
online community
✛ Widely used by bloggers to host images that they
   embed in blogs & social media
✛ 51 million register members
✛ Hosts more than 6 billion images
✛ The Flickr social shareability includes an RSS feed and API
   enables independent programmers to expand its
✛ Works as the primary storage site for many organziations.

World Relief’s Flickr STREAM:
“Fast, beautiful photo sharing for your iPhone”
Includes photo taking, photo editing, and photo
sharing – all in one! (27 million users to date)

Each photo is shared to Instagram & can be shared to
other social networks as well:
✛ Facebook
✛ Twitter
✛ Foursquare
✛ Tumblr
✛ Flickr
streaming content
                     LiveStream, Ustream,
                         we all Stream!
which stream to choose?
             USTREAM.TV          LIVESTREAM.COM
✛ Ustream allows you to      ✛ Livestream limits the
  stream anything live         viewer limit to 50
  over the internet.         ✛ Basically the same as
✛ Free to sign up for          Ustream!
✛ Over 2,000,000
  registered users who
  generate 1.5+ million
  hours of live streamed
  content per month.
              The “Where‟s Waldo?” of
                 Social Networking
location-based networking
✛ Location based services allow users to connect with
  others based on their current locations.

✛ In most cases, people use their smartphones
  (iPhone, Android, Blackberry), to “check-in” to
  businesses like restaurants, bars and stores they visit.

✛ These locations are then broadcasted to their
  online friends.
why location-based
        networking is important!
1. Free word of mouth (if users see their friends check
   in to a location, they may be more likely to visit)
2. Reviews (most location-based tools allow users to
   write review of the places they frequent. These
   reviews are then shared with other users who check
   in to those locations.
3. Specials – sites allow businesses to unlock special
   deals by checking in. These specials encourage
   frequency, first-time visits, and competition among
Users “check-in” at venues using a mobile website, text
messaging, or an app. Location is based on GPS hardware in the
mobile device.
 Mayorship – if a user has checked-in to a venue on more days
  than anyone else in the past 60 days, they will be crowned the
  “mayor” of that venue.
 Badges – badges are earned by checking into various venues.
  (On October 22, 2010, astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock
  unlocked the NASA Explorer badge by checking into
  foursquare from the International Space Station.)
 Superuser status – There are 3 levels of superuser status,
  selected by foursquare staff for their helpful contributions to
  the community.
 Google+ integrates social services such as Google
  Profiles and Google Buzz, organizes people into
  Circles, creates group video chat spots called
  Hangouts, and Sparks.
 Sparks allow users to identify topics they might be
  interested in sharing with others.
 Now integrates Picnik (online photo editor) and
 Google Pages opened on November 7, which
  allows users to set up profiles and the syndication of
  posts relating to organizations.
what should i say?
             What kind of content should
               you be posting online?
facebook post ideas:
1.   Share an interesting article or video & ask for comments.
2.   Encourage people to share prayer requests or stories of
     answered prayers.
3.   Post written or video stories from people at your church.
4.   Ask people questions that allow them to quickly share something
     about themselves (What was your favorite Easter memory? What
     are you doing for Christmas? What made you laugh the hardest
     this week?)
5.   Use facebook/twitter to ask questions or generate conversation
     around sermon topics.
6.   Ask people to share a photo. Create a “caption contest”
7.   Post photos from every event! Have them ready by the time
     attendees get online. BE THE FIRST – AND DO IT BEST!
8.   Remember – don’t just start the conversation and run. Engaging
     with people means respond to comments.
twitter do’s and don’ts
1. Do have a plan – spend time wisely by setting aside a
   specific time in the morning and late afternoon to use
   Twitter for ministry purposes, sharing content and
   engaging with other users during that time.
2. Don’t over-promote – Use the 80/20 rule of marketing.
   Spend 80 percent of your Twitter time on activities that
   are NOT self-promotional. Offer diverse tweets in your
3. Do integrate Twitter with other marketing initiatives –
   cross-promote your marketing initiatives in every way you
   can. (Follow me icon on website/blog/facebook, link in
   email signature and brand your Twitter profile)
4. Don’t get too personal or negative – Google indexes
   tweets and the Library of Congress archives them.
5. Do engage & interact – it‟s not all about you!
the next level of twitter…
      Let‟s Get Creative!
the uniqueness of twitter: instant
✛ Gather real-time feedback. People can send questions
  and input to a twitter feed, which end up projected right
  there during lectures. Study other peoples‟ insights.
✛ Answer Questions – streamline the process by allowing
  people to answer questions via Twitter rather than raising

Mars Hill – At the end of sermons, Mark Driscoll answers
questions that are submitted via Twitter during his message.
The questions are real. The answers are raw. And it adds an
element to the conversation that can‟t be achieved
the uniqueness of twitter: pitch an idea
the uniqueness of twitter – research
get creative in 140 characters

✛ A two-minute testimony?
✛ How about a 140-character testimony?
✛ Play a fun story-go-round
✛ Set up a poll
✛ _______ of the day
✛ Keep up with current events
✛ Host a Twitter scavenger hunt
✛ Fun with bible figures – The Bronx Zoo Cobra
going viral…
“Viral marketing is basically anything that encourages
people to pass on a message to others, thus creating the
possibility for rapid growth in both it’s exposure &
• In order to create a “virus”, you need to have “carriers”
• The virus being your message, post, event, video, etc.
• The carriers are Facebook friends & fans who after they
   either become your “friend” or “like” your fan page will
   receive all your future updates through the News Feed.
• Friends like Friends like Friends like Friends.

SO, what are the steps to going viral?
going viral:
            increase social connections
 Increasing fans improves visibility.
 Increasing fans builds credibility.
 Increasing fans spreads your information, and
  therefore brand to a much wider audience
going viral:
             have content that’s worthy
✛Articles & Blog Posts       ✛Hilarious
✛Interactive content         ✛Incredible/Unbelievable
(games, widgets, quizzes)    ✛Deeply Emotional
✛Video & Audio               ✛Agrees with our
(vlogs/podcasts)             Worldview
                             ✛Makes us Stop & Think
                             ✛Isn‟t covered by
                             Mainstream Media
                             ✛It will make someone
                             ✛It is dramatic.
going viral:
✛ ENABLE & ENCOURAGE SHARING: Include easy-to-use
  buttons for all major sharing sites on your blog/website,
  embed codes for images to encourage sharing, and use
  incentives for sharing (if we get to 1000 shares, we do X)
✛ TEAM PLAYERS: Team players share content on their own
  wall, on the walls of friends/family who would be
  interested, and engage in discussions.
✛ SPEND TIME WISELY: Worthwhile places to spend time:

     ✛ The places where the “connectors” hang out – Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon,
     ✛ Twitter – having a person of influence tweet something puts
       it in front of a lot of people at the same time.
     ✛ Blogs – By finding bloggers of authority who are willing to post
       your content, you can increase your awareness
viral marketing wrapup
1. Increase Social Connections
2. Have content that is worthy of sharing
3. Promote

So…ask yourself…
rss feeds explained
What is RSS?
✛ RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering
  regularly changing web content.
✛ Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online
  publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to
  whoever wants it.
Why RSS?
✛ You save time by not needing to visit each site
✛ You ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each
  site's email newsletter.
What do I need to do to read an RSS Feed?
✛ RSS Feed Readers and News Aggregators
✛ Feed Reader or News Aggregator software allow you to
  grab the RSS feeds from various sites and display them
  for you to read and use.
…but i have no time!
          How to maximize social media
           with just a few minutes a day
be like goldilocks
Start with what you can,
✛ Make Social Media a
  part of your daily or
  weekly routine, just as
  you check emails, do
  weekly chores.
✛ Remember not to start
  the conversation and
  walk away!
consider connecting
           facebook & twitter
Send Twitter Tweets to Facebook.

Send Facebook profile posts or page posts to
use hootsuite
Scheduling Programs like HootSuite and TweetDeck allow you
         to write your updates for a week in one sitting.
where does
   print/website fit in?
           Integrate social media into your
            current communication pieces
in print, use qr codes
✛ Quick Response codes
  are visual links to
  websites/any online
✛ Can be created easily
  by using a QR Code
✛ Can be printed in
  bulletins, on signs, can
  replace printed
  content for those who
  use smartphones.
online, use pinterest
• A visual board-styled social photo sharing website and
  app where users create and manage theme-based
  image collections.
• Mission statement: to connect everyone in the world
  through shared tastes and the “things” they find
• Users label and create theme-based image boards.
  Users can populate their own boards with media found
• Pins may be divided into pictures, videos, discussion &

✛Beautiful, addicting, and fun!
✛Great for christmas gifts, creating visual bulletin boards,
creating recipe books, etc.
The End.
Where to find me:
✛ Liz Carver
  Communication Manger/Web & Digital Media
  Wheaton Bible Church
✛ Social Ministry on Twitter @socialministry1
✛ Social Ministry blog:
✛ Social Ministry on Facebook
✛ Social Media Powerpoints are available on

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Social Ministry

  • 1. Maximizing Social Media for Churches & Ministries.
  • 2. today’s goals 1. Why your church/ministry should be engaging in social media 2. Which networks are right for you? 3. What kind of content should you post? 4. How to manage social media when you‟re short on time 5. How to integrate social media with your current website & print materials.
  • 3. social media ministry
  • 4. social media ministry SOCIAL MEDIA SOCIAL MINISTRY ✢Finding Old Friends ✢Powerful ✢Sharing Information ✢Potential ✢Convenient/Easy ✢A “Team Sport” ✢Fun ✢Discipleship ✢Time-Waster ✢The Future!
  • 5. why engage with social ministry? 1. Connect 2. Engage 3. Inform 4. Location, location, location! 5. It‟s Free!
  • 6. social ministry usage #1: connect Yes, we are in ministry, but networking and communication are required! ✛ Be more easily found by people looking for a church ✛ Connect with volunteers ✛ Connect with other people who do what you do and get quick access to quality resources that they share on their own tweets, blogs, or Facebook 1 ✛ Supporters will have a greater sense of being connected with you through more communication. (Consider using Facebook & Twitter lists to stay organized)
  • 7. social ministry usage #2: engage You have a unique story to share, and your voice is important! ✛ We have an opportunity to join in a global conversation going on all around us every day, and to engage in ministry every day. ✛ Disciple your volunteers/campers long after they‟ve gone home for the summer (consider using Facebook 2 Groups to do this) (??)
  • 8. social ministry usage #3: inform Social media provides a great platform to quickly reach a large number of people. ✛ Sharing – Not only can you reach people, but by reaching your fans/friends/followers, you enable all of THEM to join the team, and to easily pass along invites and information to family & friends. ✛ This, in turn, increases awareness for 3 your ministry.
  • 9. social ministry usage #4: location EVERYONE IS ALREADY THERE! 8 years ago, all we had were websites. But… ✛ Websites will NEVER see the kind of traffic that Social Media will. ✛ Websites will never have the kind of personal investment/engagement from your users that Social Media will. 4
  • 10. social ministry usage #5: cost It‟s FREE! 5
  • 11. also… • Jesus was masterful at communicating spiritual truths in settings and with language that connected with his listeners. • Paul strived to be fluent in the language of his culture (1 Cor. 9:22). • When used wisely, social media is a powerful tool for church leaders serious about this rich legacy of contextualized communication. • This is the language of our listeners!
  • 12. the negatives 1. Time Consumption 2. Distraction 3. Escapism 4. Security
  • 13. it’s all in how you use them… ✛These can all be helpful ministry tools depending on how they‟re used, and how you feel most comfortable communicating. ✛God will use whatever He needs to use to accomplish his purposes.
  • 14. so many choices, where to start? What social networks should your church/ministry be on?
  • 15. which social networks should your church/ministry be on? 1. WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE/COMMUNITY ✛ Know your community. ✛ Recognize what is the best tool to communicate with them. 2. CHOOSE BOTH FOR AND AGAINST… ✛ Are you intentionally not using a specific social network because it‟s not the best tool for you? ✛ Or are you unfamiliar with it?
  • 16.
  • 18. facebook pages For public figures, organizations & businesses. ✛ Page Administrators (there can be more than one) can be private for added security or public if it makes more sense. ✛ Liking - People and other pages (churches, other ministries, businesses, public figures) can connect to your page by “liking” your page and becoming your fan. ✛ Work hard to form connections with logical ministry partners, and network with influencers who might extend your ministry‟s reach. ✛ Your page‟s content is distributed virally when your audience responds to or shares it. ✛ You can use facebook‟s insights to track what content is most relevant/most viral for your audience. (Note: See your resource guide for how to best use facebook’s new “timeline” feature for your church.)
  • 21. facebook events • A great way to inform fans about upcoming events • Upon creating an event, a News Feed story with event info will post to your Page or Profile, and your audience can RSVP. • You can increase RSVPs by posting status updates leading up to the Event, emailing lists, and linking from your website/blog. • Be careful about creating an event and people thinking that an RSVP there is “good enough” if you want them to RSVP online. (TIP: Creatively promote your next event with more than just a simple announcement. Maybe a video? Fun photos?)
  • 22. facebook groups Facebook Groups are a great resource for private communication. 1. Control who sees your group (3 levels of security) • Secret – only members can see the group and what members post. • Closed – anyone can see the group. Only members can see the posts. • Open (public) – Anyone can see the group and what members post. 2. Share with the group • Post updates, questions, photos & more • Chat with the group (You could have set „office hours‟ to communicate with the members of your group) • Create shared docs • Schedule group events 3. Stay in the know 1. Get notified about new posts so you never miss an update 2. Connect off Facebook using the group‟s shared email address. ( get started & find out more!)
  • 24. what is twitter? Twitter is a worldwide information network made of no more than 140-charater messages. ✛ The users are generally the “influencers” of society (politicians, celebrities, public figures, organizations), although it‟s also used by many individuals. ✛ Messages are short & sweet & frequent! The Rules ✛ 140 character Max ✛ You can‟t tweet too often!
  • 25.
  • 26. facebook vs. twitter FACEBOOK TWITTER ✛ Facebook is for good for ✛ Twitter is good for connecting with people connecting with people who share common that you already know. interests ✛ Local news/events ✛ Breaking news ✛ Help on an issue ✛ New learning & discovery ✛ 500 million total users ✛ 106 million total users • 48% men, 52% women • 46% men, 54% women • 60% located outside the US • 70% located outside the US • 52% update status daily • 41% login every day • 87% of people in the world are aware of Twitter • 88% of people in the world are aware of Facebook ✛ 22 million daily unique visitors ✛ 310 million daily unique ✛ 600 million searches visitors daily**
  • 27. so….who’s on twitter? ✛ Twitter has the largest division of users with a secondary education ✛ 37% have at least a bachelor‟s degree. ✛ Twitter has the largest division of wealthy users with 27% earning 75k or more
  • 28. the twittonary ✛Tweet - the message itself ✛Tweeting – the act of posting a message to twitter ✛Followers – your “friends” or subscribers on Twitter ✛Follow – to subscribe to their Tweets and updates on the site
  • 29. the twittonary ✛@ (Mention) - the @ sign is used to call out usernames in Tweets, like this: Loved hearing from @socialministry1 @wheatonbible today…wow, #SocialMedia is awesome! When a username is preceded by an @ sign, it becomes a link to a Twitter profile. This is also called a “mention.” ✛DM (Direct Message) – These tweets are private between only the sender and the recipient. Regular tweets become DMs when they begin with d Username (like d lizcarverdesign) to specify who the message is for
  • 30. the twittonary ✛ReTweet – The act of forwarding another user‟s tweet to all of your followers. Often used to spread news or share valuable findings on Twitter. Often abbreviated by RT. ✛# (Hashtag) – Hashtags are used to categorize your tweet and tag it in a global tweet “cloud.” (Example: So excited for what God is doing in Spain #Larcada #CCISpain)
  • 31. how to get started on twitter… 1. Find people you know & follow them. 2. Find like-minded users. 3. Find people in your area. 4. Get a desktop or mobile client (TweetDeck or HootSuite) 5. Start tweeting!
  • 32. video 1 in 4 Americans watches a video online each day
  • 33. youtube ✛ Over 3 billion video views per day ✛ Over 35 hours of video uploaded per minute ✛ More video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years ✛ YouTube‟s demographic is broad: 18-54 years old ✛ Nearly 17 million people have connected their YouTube account to at least one social service (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Buzz, etc.) ✛ There are more than 500 tweets pre minute containing a YouTube link ✛ Millions of subscriptions happen each day. A great example of a successful youtube channel is World Relief:
  • 34. vimeo ✛ Sharp quality ✛ Most popular with artists and businesses who want to show their rich and digital media savvy ✛ The first (2007) consumer-accessible video hosting site to offer high definition playback ✛ For businesses – Vimeo Plus…this is where Vimeo TROUNCES YouTube. It allows businesses to put their own logo on embedded players, gives clients analytics tools that rival those provided by Google for web pages, and even allows clients to create custom portfolio websites to represent their products and values. Check out World Relief
  • 36. blogging Blog (a blend of the term web log) – can be a noun or a verb. ✛ A blog is a type of website or a part of a website supposed to be updated with new content from time to time. ✛ Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. ✛ Entries are displayed in reverse-chronological order. ✛ Good quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments. This interactivity distinguishes them from other static websites.
  • 37. types of blogs Although most blogs are textual, some focus on different topics: ✛ Art (art blog) ✛ Sketches (sketchblog) ✛ Links (linklog) ✛ Photographs (photoblog) ✛ Videos (vlogging or video blogging) ✛ Music (mp3 blog) ✛ Audio (podcasting) ✛ Spam (splog) ✛ Microblogging – very short posts ✛ Mixed media types (tumblelog)
  • 38. blogging platforms Which platform is right for me? (all free, of course!) ✛ Wordpress - a free hosting solution that has the powerful wordpress software behind it. ( ✛ Blogger - The features of WordPress but with more control over design. ✛ Tumblr (a tumblelog platform) - A hybrid between Twitter‟s micro-blogging sensibilities combined with the full, entry-based approach of a traditional blog. No expertise needed! (
  • 39. how to get started blogging 1. Choose your platform! 2. Name your blog & determine your “voice” 3. Connect it with other social networks (send your posts to facebook, tweet your posts, and feed your tweets to your blog) 4. Tell the world about your blog! 5. Get writing. Integrate it into your daily routine. 6. Subscribe to other relevant blogs, and share content readily.
  • 40. photo Sharing, Storage & More!
  • 41. flickr Flickr is an image hosting (and video hosting) website and online community ✛ Widely used by bloggers to host images that they embed in blogs & social media ✛ 51 million register members ✛ Hosts more than 6 billion images ✛ The Flickr social shareability includes an RSS feed and API enables independent programmers to expand its services. ✛ Works as the primary storage site for many organziations. World Relief’s Flickr STREAM:
  • 42. “Fast, beautiful photo sharing for your iPhone” Includes photo taking, photo editing, and photo sharing – all in one! (27 million users to date) Each photo is shared to Instagram & can be shared to other social networks as well: ✛ Facebook ✛ Twitter ✛ Foursquare ✛ Tumblr ✛ Flickr
  • 43. streaming content LiveStream, Ustream, we all Stream!
  • 44. which stream to choose? USTREAM.TV LIVESTREAM.COM ✛ Ustream allows you to ✛ Livestream limits the stream anything live viewer limit to 50 over the internet. ✛ Basically the same as ✛ Free to sign up for Ustream! ✛ Over 2,000,000 registered users who generate 1.5+ million hours of live streamed content per month.
  • 45. location-based networks The “Where‟s Waldo?” of Social Networking
  • 46. location-based networking ✛ Location based services allow users to connect with others based on their current locations. ✛ In most cases, people use their smartphones (iPhone, Android, Blackberry), to “check-in” to businesses like restaurants, bars and stores they visit. ✛ These locations are then broadcasted to their online friends.
  • 47. why location-based networking is important! 1. Free word of mouth (if users see their friends check in to a location, they may be more likely to visit) 2. Reviews (most location-based tools allow users to write review of the places they frequent. These reviews are then shared with other users who check in to those locations. 3. Specials – sites allow businesses to unlock special deals by checking in. These specials encourage frequency, first-time visits, and competition among customers.
  • 48. foursquare Users “check-in” at venues using a mobile website, text messaging, or an app. Location is based on GPS hardware in the mobile device.  Mayorship – if a user has checked-in to a venue on more days than anyone else in the past 60 days, they will be crowned the “mayor” of that venue.  Badges – badges are earned by checking into various venues. (On October 22, 2010, astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock unlocked the NASA Explorer badge by checking into foursquare from the International Space Station.)  Superuser status – There are 3 levels of superuser status, selected by foursquare staff for their helpful contributions to the community.
  • 49. google+  Google+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, organizes people into Circles, creates group video chat spots called Hangouts, and Sparks.  Sparks allow users to identify topics they might be interested in sharing with others.  Now integrates Picnik (online photo editor) and Picasa.  Google Pages opened on November 7, which allows users to set up profiles and the syndication of posts relating to organizations.
  • 50. what should i say? What kind of content should you be posting online?
  • 51. facebook post ideas: 1. Share an interesting article or video & ask for comments. 2. Encourage people to share prayer requests or stories of answered prayers. 3. Post written or video stories from people at your church. 4. Ask people questions that allow them to quickly share something about themselves (What was your favorite Easter memory? What are you doing for Christmas? What made you laugh the hardest this week?) 5. Use facebook/twitter to ask questions or generate conversation around sermon topics. 6. Ask people to share a photo. Create a “caption contest” 7. Post photos from every event! Have them ready by the time attendees get online. BE THE FIRST – AND DO IT BEST! 8. Remember – don’t just start the conversation and run. Engaging with people means respond to comments.
  • 52. twitter do’s and don’ts 1. Do have a plan – spend time wisely by setting aside a specific time in the morning and late afternoon to use Twitter for ministry purposes, sharing content and engaging with other users during that time. 2. Don’t over-promote – Use the 80/20 rule of marketing. Spend 80 percent of your Twitter time on activities that are NOT self-promotional. Offer diverse tweets in your stream. 3. Do integrate Twitter with other marketing initiatives – cross-promote your marketing initiatives in every way you can. (Follow me icon on website/blog/facebook, link in email signature and brand your Twitter profile) 4. Don’t get too personal or negative – Google indexes tweets and the Library of Congress archives them. 5. Do engage & interact – it‟s not all about you!
  • 53. the next level of twitter… Let‟s Get Creative!
  • 54. the uniqueness of twitter: instant feedback ✛ Gather real-time feedback. People can send questions and input to a twitter feed, which end up projected right there during lectures. Study other peoples‟ insights. ✛ Answer Questions – streamline the process by allowing people to answer questions via Twitter rather than raising hands. Mars Hill – At the end of sermons, Mark Driscoll answers questions that are submitted via Twitter during his message. The questions are real. The answers are raw. And it adds an element to the conversation that can‟t be achieved otherwise.
  • 55. the uniqueness of twitter: pitch an idea
  • 56. the uniqueness of twitter – research
  • 57. get creative in 140 characters ✛ A two-minute testimony? ✛ How about a 140-character testimony? ✛ Play a fun story-go-round ✛ Set up a poll ✛ _______ of the day ✛ Keep up with current events ✛ Host a Twitter scavenger hunt ✛ Fun with bible figures – The Bronx Zoo Cobra
  • 58. going viral… “Viral marketing is basically anything that encourages people to pass on a message to others, thus creating the possibility for rapid growth in both it’s exposure & influence.” • In order to create a “virus”, you need to have “carriers” • The virus being your message, post, event, video, etc. • The carriers are Facebook friends & fans who after they either become your “friend” or “like” your fan page will receive all your future updates through the News Feed. • Friends like Friends like Friends like Friends. SO, what are the steps to going viral?
  • 59. going viral: increase social connections  Increasing fans improves visibility.  Increasing fans builds credibility.  Increasing fans spreads your information, and therefore brand to a much wider audience 1
  • 60. going viral: have content that’s worthy KINDS OF CONTENT: PEOPLE WILL SHARE IF IT IS… ✛Articles & Blog Posts ✛Hilarious ✛Interactive content ✛Incredible/Unbelievable (games, widgets, quizzes) ✛Deeply Emotional ✛Video & Audio ✛Agrees with our (vlogs/podcasts) Worldview ✛Makes us Stop & Think ✛Infographics ✛Isn‟t covered by Mainstream Media ✛It will make someone smile. ✛It is dramatic. 2
  • 61. going viral: promotion ✛ ENABLE & ENCOURAGE SHARING: Include easy-to-use buttons for all major sharing sites on your blog/website, embed codes for images to encourage sharing, and use incentives for sharing (if we get to 1000 shares, we do X) ✛ TEAM PLAYERS: Team players share content on their own wall, on the walls of friends/family who would be interested, and engage in discussions. ✛ SPEND TIME WISELY: Worthwhile places to spend time: 3 ✛ The places where the “connectors” hang out – Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious ✛ Twitter – having a person of influence tweet something puts it in front of a lot of people at the same time. ✛ Blogs – By finding bloggers of authority who are willing to post your content, you can increase your awareness
  • 62. viral marketing wrapup 1. Increase Social Connections 2. Have content that is worthy of sharing 3. Promote So…ask yourself… ✛ WHAT CAN YOU DO TO INCREASE THE SOCIAL REACH OF YOUR CHURCH? ✛ WHAT SORT OF CONTENT DO YOU HAVE ALREADY THAT IS WORTHY OF SHARING? ✛ HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED INDIVIDUALLY IN SHARING? ✛ WHO CAN YOU GET ON YOUR „TEAM‟?
  • 63. rss feeds explained What is RSS? ✛ RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. ✛ Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it. Why RSS? ✛ You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. ✛ You ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each site's email newsletter. What do I need to do to read an RSS Feed? ✛ RSS Feed Readers and News Aggregators ✛ Feed Reader or News Aggregator software allow you to grab the RSS feeds from various sites and display them for you to read and use.
  • 64. …but i have no time! How to maximize social media with just a few minutes a day
  • 65. be like goldilocks Start with what you can, and STAY ACTIVE! ✛ Make Social Media a part of your daily or weekly routine, just as you check emails, do weekly chores. ✛ Remember not to start the conversation and walk away!
  • 66. consider connecting facebook & twitter Send Twitter Tweets to Facebook. ok Send Facebook profile posts or page posts to Twitter.
  • 67. use hootsuite Scheduling Programs like HootSuite and TweetDeck allow you to write your updates for a week in one sitting.
  • 68. where does print/website fit in? Integrate social media into your current communication pieces
  • 69. in print, use qr codes ✛ Quick Response codes are visual links to websites/any online content. ✛ Can be created easily by using a QR Code Generator. ✛ Can be printed in bulletins, on signs, can replace printed content for those who use smartphones.
  • 70. online, use pinterest • A visual board-styled social photo sharing website and app where users create and manage theme-based image collections. • Mission statement: to connect everyone in the world through shared tastes and the “things” they find interesting. • Users label and create theme-based image boards. Users can populate their own boards with media found online. • Pins may be divided into pictures, videos, discussion & gifts. ✛Beautiful, addicting, and fun! ✛Great for christmas gifts, creating visual bulletin boards, creating recipe books, etc.
  • 72. Where to find me: ✛ Liz Carver Communication Manger/Web & Digital Media Wheaton Bible Church ✛ Social Ministry on Twitter @socialministry1 ✛ Social Ministry blog: ✛ Social Ministry on Facebook ✛ Social Media Powerpoints are available on SlideShare:

Editor's Notes

  1. Thank everyone for coming, intro the day – what we hope to accomplish together, pray.Then – INTRODUCE MYSELF!
  2. Facebook and Twitter can be useful ministry tools but they won’t necessarily be helpful to everyone in every situation. Or you may find that while Facebook is right up your alley, Twitter doesn’t work with your communication/lifestyle … or that Flickr is really where it’s at for you!Bottom Line: Facebook, Twitter & other forms of SM can be helpful ministry tools depending on how they’re used, and how you feel most comfortable communicating. Some missionaries may find them to be great, and others find them to be a waste of time! And that’s okay.Are you intentionally not using Facebook because it’s not the best tool for you? Or are you just unfamiliar with it and don’t want to learn more about it?
  3. Today we are here to talk, not about social media, but social ministry…about using social media in creative ways to further and build on the ministry work we are all doing.
  4. So…Social Media is huge and powerful. The conversation is going on right now!Go through points…
  5. By following-up with connections on FB/Twitter, you can connect with people you’ve met (on furlough, etc.) and you give them a convenient way to connect with you. (consider using Facebook Lists for easy organization)Supporters will have a greater sense of being connected with you through more frequent communication than a weekly prayer letter. At the very least, an update in a Facebook News Feed from L’Arcada is a great reminder to your supporters that you still exist! Organize volunteers (email?)Connect with other leaders and get quick access to quality resources that they share through their own tweets, blog, or Facebook.
  6. We can’t force people to come to our events, but we can make sure the know about it. Facebook and Twitter are great, quick ways to reach people with the added bonus of enabling people to easily pass along invites and information to family and friends.
  7. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.
  8. Be intentional about knowing your congregation and community and recognize what is the best tool to communicate with them.My students – ineffective with emailEqually as important as deciding which communications tool you’re using is also asking why you’re not using something else. Are you intentionally not using Facebook because it’s not the best tool for you?Or are you unfamiliar with it and don’t want to learn more about it?Same thing with Twitter, etc.
  9. Be intentional about knowing your congregation and community and recognize what is the best tool to communicate with them.My students – ineffective with emailEqually as important as deciding which communications tool you’re using is also asking why you’re not using something else. Are you intentionally not using Facebook because it’s not the best tool for you?Or are you unfamiliar with it and don’t want to learn more about it?Same thing with Twitter, etc.
  10. Fun FactsTwitter has the largest division of users with a secondary education, 37% have at least a bachelor’s degreeFacebook has the largest division of older users with 37% being 45 years or olderTwitter has the largest division of wealthy users with 27% earning 75k or more.Twitter has 105,779,710 registered usersTwitter receives 180 million unique visitors a month600 million Twitter search queries a dayFacebook is available in more than 70 different languagesTop websites by traffic: Google, Facebook, You Tube (Twitter is #11)Average # of Facebook friends: 130Facebook has become so popular, psychologists identified a new mental health disorder, Facebook Addiction Disorder1 in 4 Americans watches a video on YouTube every day.Chicago is the fastest growing city on Facebook in terms of usage in 201049% of Twitter users either never or rarely check Twitter
  11. Your church MUST be on facebook as a page.
  12. Today, we will not be talking about facebook profiles (those are for people to use), today we’ll be focusing on facebook pages. Your church NEEDS to have a facebook page, administered by people who you want to post on it.
  13. Create Events on your page or profile or group to share relevant conferences, prayer needs, events, with supporters. Upon creating an event, a News Feed story with event info will post to your Page (profile or group), and your audience can RSVP. You can increase RSVPs by posting status updates leading up to the Event, emailing lists, and linking from your website/blog.
  14. FB Groups are a great resource for secure missionaries who desire to communicate in a private environment. Within a FB group, the members can post the same content they might on a page or profile, but with the addition of being able to post documents. FB groups are also set up with a group email address that will contact all members of the group.
  15. Today, we will not be talking about facebook profiles (those are for people to use), today we’ll be focusing on facebook pages. Your church NEEDS to have a facebook page, administered by people who you want to post on it.
  16. YouTube has been kind enough to create a web page for the stats that they have to share:
  17. YouTube has been kind enough to create a web page for the stats that they have to share:
  18. The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. The earliest blogs were from 1994, although the term wasn’t coined until 1999.
  19. The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. The earliest blogs were from 1994, although the term wasn’t coined until 1999.
  20. The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. The earliest blogs were from 1994, although the term wasn’t coined until 1999.
  21. Those of you who are interested in blogging, check out my longer ppt online.
  22. YouTube has been kind enough to create a web page for the stats that they have to share:
  23. YouTube has been kind enough to create a web page for the stats that they have to share:
  24. Thank everyone for coming, intro the day – what we hope to accomplish together, pray.Then – INTRODUCE MYSELF!
  25. Gather real-time feedback. People can send questions and input to a twitter feed, which end up projected right there during lectures. Study other peoples’ insights.
  26. You could steal from the Dew’s strategy and find a way to give your biggest brand advocates creative control over your next event, campaign or company initiative. Spend the time internally to craft a few solid ideas and then pitch them to your followers. This should be much more than a poll or vote, and instead more akin to empowering your Twitter influencers as project stakeholders.
  27. Invest several hours in building a few solid lists that you can easily track every day. Make sure that you track down innovators, influencers, those that break news in your space. Competitors and those that your competitors follow — both companies and individuals alike — are also key. Then remember to add to each list moving forward as you find more relevant names.If you really want to use Twitter for market research, create a list of your biggest brand advocates and loudest brand naysayers and hang on their every word — even if that means reading up on their weekend activities. If you can get into the minds and lives of the people you’re trying to serve, you’ll have a better idea of what your customer wants.
  28. The whole principle & structure of Facebook with it’s member profiles, friends & fans so intricately linked together is the perfect place to get your fan page, product or site seen by huge amounts of people within a short space of time.
  29. Be like Goldilocks…don’t do too much, or too little…do just enough!What do you enjoy doing? How are you currently communicating? How can you supplement or replace what you’re currently doing/how you’re currently communicating with social media?How can you utilize a Scheduling program like Hoot Suite or Tweet Deck to best use your time?
  30. Thank everyone for coming, intro the day – what we hope to accomplish together, pray.Then – INTRODUCE MYSELF!