ibaframe organisatieverandering business transformation organisational change top it new governance outsourcing it-project project management verandermanagement projectmanagement regie business technology top-mix it-modernisering change management technology veranderresultaat veranderkracht human rights artificial intelligence management itil strategy leadership development project agile it value speed netwerkorganisatie cgi it-outsourcing organizational change governance waarde van it overheid it governance it outsourcing sturing management of change information technology transformationeel competentiemodel management of technology ict veranderen technologie vri knvi vrije universiteit piek vossen large language model deep learning research chatgpt social ethics leadership software development dynamic value of it legal obligation accessibility apps and websites design approach humanity by design grondrechten digitalisering publieke waarden digitization business intelligence big data ai shared service center cobit it-beheer human resources veranderdoel veranderaanpak it-servicemanagement large companies resilience life span product management holland management review holacracy lean exponentieel social design fast growing digital transformation service integration multimodal it digital strategy startups semler portfoliomanagement information economics sociomateriality impact of technology techno-economic techno-socio relationship entanglement emergence bureaucratisering it-uitbesteding explotation exploration performanceverbetering business process outsourcing onderzoek configuratie legacy netwerk traagheid bestuurlijke vernieuwing it uitbesteding change control it-auditing ict-ranglijst falen it project resultaat waardecreatie waardecategorie week van de inspiratie belastingdienst informatie technologie complexity tu delft van it-projecten prestaties bedrijf privaat publiek innovation people it control it supply it strategy it supplier relation it demand outsourcing construction strategic outsourcing outsourcing governance strategic sourcing complexiteit "business innovation" "corporate change power" "organisational change" inno personen it management organisatie leergang opleiding steering change approach modern manager transformational comptence model technology change transformational competence model regie voeren revolutie vijfde revolotie voeren transformationele competenties leon dohmen
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