Patent Analytics and Life Cycle

Chun Yi Wu il y a 4 ans

Game of Thrones: Immersive experience and audience engagement

Transmedia Storyteller Ltd il y a 9 ans

數位轉型與產業 AI 化

Liang-Bin Hsueh il y a 3 ans

PrimeHub by InfuseAI: product overview (Nov 2020)

Liang-Bin Hsueh il y a 3 ans


Koong Lin il y a 4 ans

Learning to Sense and Respond - the Fujitsu Service Case

Lean Enterprise Academy il y a 10 ans

Insights from our Workplace Learning Report

LinkedIn Learning Solutions il y a 7 ans

You are a Healthcare Designer

Joyce Lee il y a 7 ans

Design for community care

designforcare il y a 10 ans

Service Design Awards 2015

Service Design Network il y a 8 ans

Game Analytics: Opening the Black Box

Anders Drachen il y a 10 ans

The Game Life Cycle & Game Analytics: What metrics matter when?

HoneyTracks analytics for apps and games il y a 12 ans

Why everything is an A/B Test at Pinterest

Krishna Gade il y a 8 ans


Taitung County Government il y a 8 ans

從餐桌到你的胃 | 台東網路農場

Taitung County Government il y a 8 ans

Scenario Design Process

NTUST il y a 16 ans

Creative Thinking

Fabio Arangio il y a 8 ans