
皓仁 柯 il y a 9 ans

The Impact of Innovation

Paul Papadimitriou il y a 10 ans

When the Web of Linked Data Arrives

Richard Wallis il y a 10 ans

ORCID Member Site Integration: Using the API

ORCID, Inc il y a 11 ans

ORCID Resources

ORCID, Inc il y a 11 ans

Viaf and isni ifla 2013 08-16

Janifer Gatenby il y a 10 ans

NISO Webinar: Identify This! Identify That! New Identifiers and New Uses

National Information Standards Organization (NISO) il y a 12 ans


ORCID, Inc il y a 10 ans


皓仁 柯 il y a 10 ans

NISO DCMI Webinar bibframe-20130123

National Information Standards Organization (NISO) il y a 11 ans


皓仁 柯 il y a 10 ans


Ted Lin (林泰宏) il y a 10 ans

Linked Open Data for Libraries

Lukas Koster il y a 12 ans

Njla2013 frankenlibraries

Stephen Abram il y a 10 ans