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Spring Boot Actuator 2.0 &
Toshiaki Maki (@making /
#jjug_ccc #ccc_a1
Who am I ?
Toshiaki Maki (@making)
Sr. Solutions Architect @Pivotal Japan
Spring / Cloud Foundry / Concourse / Kubernetes
" Spring Boot 2": (not free!)
Trouble in containerized applications / micro services!!
💥 Out of memory error!
💥 Performance issue!
GC log
Heap Dump
💥 Out of memory error!
💥 Performance issue!
What you will get from this session
💥 Out of memory error!
💥 Performance issue!
What you will get from this session
💥 Out of memory error!
💥 Performance issue!
What you will get from this session
💥 Out of memory error!
💥 Performance issue!
What you will get from this session
• Spring Boot Actuator 2
• Micrometer
• Micrometer
• Histograms and percentiles
• Micrometer API
• Monitoring Spring Boot apps 

on Cloud Foundry and 

Spring Boot Actuator 2
Spring Boot Actuator
Additional features to help you monitor and manage
your application in production.
Supported Endpoints
• auditevents
• beans
• conditions
• configprops
• env
• flyway
• health
• httptrace
• info
• loggers
• liquibase
• metrics
• mappings
• scheduledtasks
• sessions
• shutdown
• threaddump
• heapdump
• jolokia
• logfile
• prometheus
Technology Support
Spring Boot Actuator 1.x Spring Boot Actuator 2.x
•Spring MVC •Spring MVC
•Spring WebFlux
How to enable endpoints
Default exposed endpoints are /info and /health.
All endpoints are not secured by default.
Secure endpoints (Spring MVC)
.mvcMatchers("/actuator/health", "/actuator/info")

Secure endpoints (Spring MVC)
.mvcMatchers("/actuator/health", "/actuator/info")

Secure endpoints (Spring MVC)
.requestMatchers("health", "info"))

Secure endpoints (Spring WebFlux)
.matchers("health", "info"))

Health Check
when authorized
Cloud Foundry Support
Move to Micrometer
Think SLF4J, but for Metrics
Instrument without vendor lock-in:
• Prometheus
• Netflix Atlas
• Datadog
• InfluxDB
• ...
Multi-dementional metrics
Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical
"": 100,
"": 3,
"": 25,
"counter.200.baz": 50
Status URI
Hierarchical (Spring Boot 1.x)
Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical
"": 100,
"": 3,
"": 25,
"counter.200.baz": 50
Status URI Method...? 😨
Hierarchical (Spring Boot 1.x)
Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical
"names": "counter",
"tags": [
{"tag": "uri",
["foo", "bar", "baz"]},
{"tag": "status",
"values": [200, 400]},
{"tag": "method",
"values": ["GET"]}
Multi-dimensional (Spring Boot 2.0)
Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical
"names": "counter",
"tags": [
{"tag": "uri",
["foo", "bar", "baz"]},
{"tag": "status",
"values": [200, 400]},
{"tag": "method",
"values": ["GET"]}
Multi-dimensional (Spring Boot 2.0)
"names": "counter",
"statistic": "COUNT",
"value": 100
Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical
"names": "counter",
"tags": [
{"tag": "uri",
["foo", "bar", "baz"]},
{"tag": "status",
"values": [200, 400]},
{"tag": "method",
"values": ["GET", "POST"]}
Multi-dimensional (Spring Boot 2.0)
"names": "counter",
"statistic": "COUNT",
"value": 100
"values":["GET", "POST"]}
Supported monitoring systems
Server polls Client pushes
Atlas, Datadog, Datadog StatsD,
Influx, SignalFx, Telegraf StatsD,
Wavefront, New Relic
Graphite, Ganglia, JMX, Etsy StatsD,
PCF Metrics 1.4
monitoring system and time series database.
Prometheus ServerExporter
pull metrics
- job_name: foo
- targets:
metrics_path: /metrics
system_cpu_count 4.0
system_load_average_1m 1.64
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Eden Space",}
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Survivor Space",}
jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Old Gen",} 3.00941312E8
,status="200",uri="/hello",} 4469.0
tatus="200",uri="/hello",} 297.942920787
tatus="200",uri="/hello",} 0.401581731
Prometheus ServerExporter
pull metrics
- job_name: my-boot-app
- targets:
- localhost:8080
metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus
Supported Metrics
• JVM Metrics
• Memory, Buffer pools
• GC
• Thread
• Classes
• File Descriptors
• Logback
• Uptime
• Tomcat
• Spring MVC
• Spring WebFlux
• RestTemplate
• Cache
• DataSource
• RabbitMQ
PCF Metrics
Bind Metrics Forwarder Service Use Metric Writer 2.4.0+ which comes with JBP 4.10+
Also work with Spring Boot 1
Histograms and percentiles
Histogram in Prometheus
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.061516456",} 15646.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.067108864",} 15657.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.089478485",} 15679.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.111848106",} 15679.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.134217727",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.156587348",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.178956969",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.20132659",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.223696211",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.246065832",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.268435456",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.357913941",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.447392426",} 16475.0
The number of requests that took less than 0.447392426 sec.
Query percentiles in Prometheus
}[5m])) by (app, uri, le))
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
100ms, 200ms, 400ms
SLA in Prometheus
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.061516456",} 15646.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.067108864",} 15657.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.089478485",} 15679.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.1",} 15679.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.111848106",} 15679.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.134217727",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.156587348",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.178956969",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.2",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.20132659",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.223696211",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.246065832",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.268435456",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.357913941",} 15680.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.4",} 15687.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.447392426",} 16475.0
Client-side Percentile
equests=0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999
http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.5",} 0.050855935
http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.9",} 0.051380223
http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.95",} 0.40265318
http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.99",} 0.40265318
http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.999",} 0.40265318
Micrometer API
Meter (Timer, Counter, Gauge, ...)
Timer, Counter, Gauge, DistributionSummary, LongTaskTimer, FunctionCounte
r, FunctionTimer, and TimeGauge
public class FooService {
final Counter counter;
public FooService(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.counter = Counter.builder("received.messages")
public void handleMessage() {
Meter (Timer, Counter, Gauge, ...)
public class FooService {
final Timer timer;
public FooService(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.timer = Timer.builder("foo").register(registry);
public String foo() {
return this.timer.record(() -> {
// ...
Timer, Counter, Gauge, DistributionSummary, LongTaskTimer, FunctionCounte
r, FunctionTimer, and TimeGauge
public class FooService {
public String foo() {
// ...
public TimedAspect timedAspect(MeterRegistry registry) {
return new TimedAspect(meterRegistry);
} // Not auto-configured in Spring Boot 2.0
public class TweetCounter {
final MeterRegistry registry;
public FooService(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.counter = registry;
public void countTweet(String name, String hashTag) {
"screen_name", name,
"hash_tag", hashTag)
public MeterFilter meterFilter() {
return MeterFilter.deny(id -> {
String uri = id.getTag("uri");
return id != null && uri.startsWith("/actuator");
Exclude metrics against Actuator endpoints
Add MeterBinders
public HystrixMetricsBinder hystrixMetricsBinder() {
return new HystrixMetricsBinder();
public HibernateMetrics hibernateMetrics() {
return new HibernateMetrics(...);
Check io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder package
Some binders are auto-configured
Monitoring Spring Boot Apps
on Cloud Foundry and
On Cloud Foundry
App (instance 0)
App (instance 1)
Load Balanced... 🤔
- job_name: example
- targets:
metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus
On Cloud Foundry
public MeterRegistryCustomizer meterRegistryCustomizer(
@Value("${vcap.application.instance_id:}") String id) {
return registry -> registry.config()
.commonTags("cf_app_instance_id", id);
On Cloud Foundry
} 4.0
system_load_average_1m{cf_app_instance_id="31388366-...",} 1.64
p",id="PS Eden Space",} 1.05906176E8
p",id="PS Survivor Space",} 2.1495808E7
p",id="PS Old Gen",} 3.00941312E8
On Cloud Foundry
App (instance 0)
App (instance 1)
- job_name: example
- names:
- example.apps.internal
type: A
port: 8080
metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus
Another solution - Promregater
On Kubernetes
Pod (instance 0)
Pod (instance 1)
- job_name: k8s-pods
- role: pod
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
action: keep
regex: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
action: replace
target_label: __metrics_path__
regex: (.+)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
action: replace
target_label: __address__
regex: ([^:]+)(?::d+)?;(d+)
replacement: $1:$2
On Kubernetes
On Kubernetes
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
annotations: "true" "8080" /actuator/prometheus

# ...
Related Links
Thank you for your attention!
• (CF env)
• (Local &k8s env)
Related Talks
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• More Observability? => 14:30-15:15 @Room I

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Spring Boot Actuator 2.0 & Micrometer #jjug_ccc #ccc_a1

  • 1. !1 Spring Boot Actuator 2.0 & Micrometer 2018-05-26 Toshiaki Maki (@making / #jjug_ccc #ccc_a1
  • 2. Who am I ? 2 Toshiaki Maki (@making) Sr. Solutions Architect @Pivotal Japan Spring / Cloud Foundry / Concourse / Kubernetes " Spring Boot 2": (not free!)
  • 3. Trouble in containerized applications / micro services!! !3 💥 Out of memory error! 💥 Performance issue! 🤔 GC log Heap Dump Thread Dump Method Profiling
  • 4. 💥 Out of memory error! 💥 Performance issue! What you will get from this session !4
  • 5. 💥 Out of memory error! 💥 Performance issue! What you will get from this session !4
  • 6. 💥 Out of memory error! 💥 Performance issue! What you will get from this session !4
  • 7. 💥 Out of memory error! 💥 Performance issue! What you will get from this session !4 😎
  • 8. Agenda !5 • Spring Boot Actuator 2 • Micrometer • Micrometer • Histograms and percentiles • Micrometer API • Monitoring Spring Boot apps 
 on Cloud Foundry and 
  • 10. Spring Boot Actuator !7 Additional features to help you monitor and manage your application in production. <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> </dependency>
  • 11. Supported Endpoints !8 • auditevents • beans • conditions • configprops • env • flyway • health • httptrace • info • loggers • liquibase • metrics • mappings • scheduledtasks • sessions • shutdown • threaddump • heapdump • jolokia • logfile • prometheus /actuator/* •renamed •added
  • 12. Technology Support !9 Spring Boot Actuator 1.x Spring Boot Actuator 2.x •Spring MVC •Spring MVC •Spring WebFlux •Jersey
  • 13. How to enable endpoints !10 Default exposed endpoints are /info and /health. management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=info,health,env All endpoints are not secured by default.
  • 14. Secure endpoints (Spring MVC) !11 http.authorizeRequests() .mvcMatchers("/actuator/health", "/actuator/info") .permitAll() .mvcMatchers("/actuator/**")
 .hasRole("ACTUATOR") .anyRequest() .permitAll() .and() .httpBasic() .and()...
  • 15. Secure endpoints (Spring MVC) !11 http.authorizeRequests() .mvcMatchers("/actuator/health", "/actuator/info") .permitAll() .mvcMatchers("/actuator/**")
 .hasRole("ACTUATOR") .anyRequest() .permitAll() .and() .httpBasic() .and()...
  • 16. Secure endpoints (Spring MVC) !12 http.authorizeRequests() .requestMatchers("health", "info")) .permitAll() .requestMatchers(EndpointRequest.toAnyEndpoint())
 .hasRole("ACTUATOR") .anyRequest() .permitAll() .and() .httpBasic() .and()...
  • 17. Secure endpoints (Spring WebFlux) !13 http.authorizeExchange() .matchers("health", "info")) .permitAll() .matchers(EndpointRequest.toAnyEndpoint())
 .hasRole("ACTUATOR") .anyExchange() .permitAll() .and() .httpBasic() .and()...
  • 19. Cloud Foundry Support !15
  • 21. Micrometer !17 Move to Micrometer Think SLF4J, but for Metrics Instrument without vendor lock-in: • Prometheus • Netflix Atlas • Datadog • InfluxDB • ... Multi-dementional metrics
  • 22. Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical !18 { "": 100, "": 3, "": 25, "counter.200.baz": 50 } Status URI Hierarchical (Spring Boot 1.x)
  • 23. Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical !18 { "": 100, "": 3, "": 25, "counter.200.baz": 50 } Status URI Method...? 😨 Hierarchical (Spring Boot 1.x)
  • 24. Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical !19 { "names": "counter", "tags": [ {"tag": "uri", "values": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}, {"tag": "status", "values": [200, 400]}, {"tag": "method", "values": ["GET"]} ] } Multi-dimensional (Spring Boot 2.0)
  • 25. Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical !20 { "names": "counter", "tags": [ {"tag": "uri", "values": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}, {"tag": "status", "values": [200, 400]}, {"tag": "method", "values": ["GET"]} ] } Multi-dimensional (Spring Boot 2.0) counter?tag=uri:foo&tag=status:200 { "names": "counter", "measurements":[ { "statistic": "COUNT", "value": 100 } } }
  • 26. Multi-dimensional VS Hierarchical !21 { "names": "counter", "tags": [ {"tag": "uri", "values": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}, {"tag": "status", "values": [200, 400]}, {"tag": "method", "values": ["GET", "POST"]} ] } Multi-dimensional (Spring Boot 2.0) { "names": "counter", "measurements":[ { "statistic": "COUNT", "value": 100 }, "availableTags":[ {"tag":"method", "values":["GET", "POST"]} ]]} counter?tag=uri:foo&tag=status:200
  • 27. Supported monitoring systems !22 Server polls Client pushes Prometheus Atlas, Datadog, Datadog StatsD, Influx, SignalFx, Telegraf StatsD, Wavefront, New Relic Dimensional Graphite, Ganglia, JMX, Etsy StatsD, PCF Metrics 1.4 Hierarchical push poll
  • 28. Prometheus !23 monitoring system and time series database.
  • 29. Prometheus !24 Prometheus ServerExporter pull metrics scrape_configs: - job_name: foo static_configs: - targets: - metrics_path: /metrics
  • 31. /actuator/prometheus !26 system_cpu_count 4.0 system_load_average_1m 1.64 jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Eden Space",} 1.05906176E8 jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Survivor Space",} 2.1495808E7 jvm_memory_max_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Old Gen",} 3.00941312E8 http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="None",method="GET" ,status="200",uri="/hello",} 4469.0 http_server_requests_seconds_sum{exception="None",method="GET",s tatus="200",uri="/hello",} 297.942920787 http_server_requests_seconds_max{exception="None",method="GET",s tatus="200",uri="/hello",} 0.401581731 metrics-meter
  • 32. Prometheus !27 Prometheus ServerExporter pull metrics scrape_configs: - job_name: my-boot-app static_configs: - targets: - localhost:8080 metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus
  • 33. Supported Metrics !28 • JVM Metrics • Memory, Buffer pools • GC • Thread • Classes • CPU • File Descriptors • Logback • Uptime • Tomcat • Spring MVC • Spring WebFlux • RestTemplate • Cache • DataSource • RabbitMQ
  • 38. PCF Metrics !33 Bind Metrics Forwarder Service Use Metric Writer 2.4.0+ which comes with JBP 4.10+
  • 39. Also work with Spring Boot 1 !34 <dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-spring-legacy</artifactId> <version>${micrometer.version}</version> </dependency>
  • 42. Histogram in Prometheus !37 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.061516456",} 15646.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.067108864",} 15657.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.089478485",} 15679.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.111848106",} 15679.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.134217727",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.156587348",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.178956969",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.20132659",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.223696211",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.246065832",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.268435456",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.357913941",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.447392426",} 16475.0 The number of requests that took less than 0.447392426 sec.
  • 43. Query percentiles in Prometheus !38 histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{status="200" }[5m])) by (app, uri, le))
  • 44. SLA (Service Level Agreement) !39 management.metrics.distribution.sla.http.server.requests= 100ms, 200ms, 400ms
  • 45. SLA in Prometheus !40 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.061516456",} 15646.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.067108864",} 15657.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.089478485",} 15679.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.1",} 15679.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.111848106",} 15679.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.134217727",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.156587348",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.178956969",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.2",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.20132659",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.223696211",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.246065832",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.268435456",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.357913941",} 15680.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.4",} 15687.0 http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{...,uri="/hello",le="0.447392426",} 16475.0
  • 46. Client-side Percentile !41 management.metrics.distribution.percentiles.http.server.r equests=0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999 http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.5",} 0.050855935 http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.9",} 0.051380223 http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.95",} 0.40265318 http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.99",} 0.40265318 http_server_requests_seconds{...,uri="/hello",quantile="0.999",} 0.40265318
  • 48. Meter (Timer, Counter, Gauge, ...) !43 Timer, Counter, Gauge, DistributionSummary, LongTaskTimer, FunctionCounte r, FunctionTimer, and TimeGauge @Component public class FooService { final Counter counter; public FooService(MeterRegistry registry) { this.counter = Counter.builder("received.messages") .register(registry); } public void handleMessage() { this.counter.increment(); } }
  • 49. Meter (Timer, Counter, Gauge, ...) !44 @Component public class FooService { final Timer timer; public FooService(MeterRegistry registry) { this.timer = Timer.builder("foo").register(registry); } public String foo() { return this.timer.record(() -> { // ... }); } } Timer, Counter, Gauge, DistributionSummary, LongTaskTimer, FunctionCounte r, FunctionTimer, and TimeGauge
  • 50. @Timed !45 @Component public class FooService { @Timed("foo") public String foo() { // ... } } @Bean public TimedAspect timedAspect(MeterRegistry registry) { return new TimedAspect(meterRegistry); } // Not auto-configured in Spring Boot 2.0
  • 51. Tag !46 @Component public class TweetCounter { final MeterRegistry registry; public FooService(MeterRegistry registry) { this.counter = registry; } public void countTweet(String name, String hashTag) { this.registry.counter("tweet", "screen_name", name, "hash_tag", hashTag) .increment(); } }
  • 52. MeterFilter !47 @Bean public MeterFilter meterFilter() { return MeterFilter.deny(id -> { String uri = id.getTag("uri"); return id != null && uri.startsWith("/actuator"); } ); } Exclude metrics against Actuator endpoints
  • 53. Add MeterBinders !48 @Bean public HystrixMetricsBinder hystrixMetricsBinder() { return new HystrixMetricsBinder(); } @Bean public HibernateMetrics hibernateMetrics() { return new HibernateMetrics(...); } Check io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder package Some binders are auto-configured metrics.html#production-ready-metrics-meter
  • 54. Monitoring Spring Boot Apps on Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes
  • 55. On Cloud Foundry !50 App (instance 0) App (instance 1) GoRouter Load Balanced... 🤔 scrape_configs: - job_name: example static_configs: - targets: - metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus prometheus.yml scrape
  • 56. On Cloud Foundry !51 @Bean public MeterRegistryCustomizer meterRegistryCustomizer( @Value("${vcap.application.instance_id:}") String id) { return registry -> registry.config() .commonTags("cf_app_instance_id", id); }
  • 57. On Cloud Foundry !52 system_cpu_count{cf_app_instance_id="31388366-...",} } 4.0 system_load_average_1m{cf_app_instance_id="31388366-...",} 1.64 jvm_memory_max_bytes{cf_app_instance_id="31388366-...",area="hea p",id="PS Eden Space",} 1.05906176E8 jvm_memory_max_bytes{cf_app_instance_id="31388366-...",area="hea p",id="PS Survivor Space",} 2.1495808E7 jvm_memory_max_bytes{cf_app_instance_id="31388366-...",area="hea p",id="PS Old Gen",} 3.00941312E8
  • 58. On Cloud Foundry !53 App (instance 0) App (instance 1) GoRouter Prometheus scrape_configs: - job_name: example dns_configs: - names: - example.apps.internal type: A port: 8080 metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus http://demo.apps.inetrnal:8080/actuator/prometheus
  • 59. Another solution - Promregater !54
  • 60. On Kubernetes !55 Pod (instance 0) Pod (instance 1) Prometheus http://xxx.yyy.zzz:8080/actuator/prometheus
  • 61. !56 scrape_configs: - job_name: k8s-pods kubernetes_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape] action: keep regex: true - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __metrics_path__ regex: (.+) - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path] action: replace target_label: __address__ regex: ([^:]+)(?::d+)?;(d+) replacement: $1:$2 On Kubernetes
  • 62. On Kubernetes !57 apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment spec: template: metadata: annotations: "true" "8080" /actuator/prometheus
 # ...
  • 63. Related Links !58 Thank you for your attention! • ready.html • • metrics.html • • • (CF env) • (Local &k8s env)
  • 64. Related Talks !59 • More Spring Boot 2? => 13:30-14:15 @Room E+F
 Pivotal Reactive Spring 5 & Spring Boot 2 • More Observability? => 14:30-15:15 @Room I
 How to Properly Blame Things for Causing Latency: An Introduction to Distributed Tracing and Zipkin