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Clean Code

How to write comprehensible Code

regarding cognitive abilities of human mind

XPUG Rhein / Main
Mario Gleichmann
Mario Gleichmann

twitter:   @mariogleichmann

blog: (brain driven development)


The cost of Software Development
Intellectual Complexity

     ''Making changes is generally easy
if you exactly know what needs to be changed''
Programming is a cognitive process

Intellectually manageable programs

'existing code is much more read than new code is written'
Cognitive overload
Knowledge base
Working Memory
Program Comprehension
What's the goal ?
def find( start :Char, end :Char, pths :List[ (Char,Char) ] ) :List[ (Char,Char) ] = {

    var rout = (start,start) :: Nil
    var dends :List[(Char,Char)] = Nil

    while( !rout.isEmpty && rout.head._2 != end ){

        var conts = from( rout.head._2, pths )
                        .filter( pth => !dends.contains( pth ) && !rout.contains( pth ) )

        if( conts.isEmpty && !rout.isEmpty ) {

            dends = rout.head :: de
            rout = rout.tail
            rout = :: rte
Bottom up
Goals   &   sub-goals
Top down
Domain Model




What's the goal ?
def findRoute( start :WayPoint, target :WayPoint, map :Set[Path] ) :Sequence[Path] = {

    var route = new Stack[Path]
    var deadEnds :Set[Path] = new HashSet[Path]

    route push Path( start, start )

    while( !route.isEmpty && != target ){

        var continuingPaths = pathsFrom(, map )
                                   .without( deadEnds ).without( route )

        if( continuingPaths.isEmpty && !route.isEmpty ) {

            deadEnds += route.pop
            route push continuingPaths.first
Plans & beacons
public class PrimeGenerator {

    static int[] sieveUpTo( int maxValue ){

    if( maxValue < 2 ) return new int[0];

    boolean[] grid = new boolean[maxValue + 1];
    for( int i = 0; i <= maxValue; i++ ){
        grid[i] = true;

    grid[0] = grid[1] = false;

    for( int i = 2; i < Math.sqrt( maxValue + 1 ) + 1; i++ ){
        if( grid[i] ){
             for( int j = 2*i; j <= maxValue; j += i ){
                  grid[j] = false;
Mental Model




Store              Push

Store        'lose'   Push

    Store         'lose'   Push

Collection     Stack
     Store                 'lose'       Push

Collection              Stack

  Add        Remove           Iterate
Elements     Elements        Elements

Store              Push



Store               Push




Store               Push




     Store                    Push

Collection          Stack

       Elements   Queue
public class Folding {

    public static <T> T fold( List<T> list, Monoid<T> monoid ){

        return list.isEmpty() ?
                          monoid.unit() :
                          monoid.conjunct( head( list ), fold( tail( list ), monoid ) );

    private static <T> T head( List<T> list ){
        return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get( 0 );

    private static <T> List<T> tail( List<T> list ){
        return list.size() >= 2 ? list.subList( 1, list.size() ) : EMPTY_LIST;
public interface Monoid<T> {

    public T unit();

    public T conjunct( T t1, T t2 );
public class MonoidInstanceTest extends TestCase{

 public void testStringAsMonoid(){
      assertEquals( "helloworld", stringMonoid.conjunct( "hello", "world" ) );
      assertEquals( "hollamundo", stringMonoid.conjunct( "hola", "mundo" ) );

      assertEquals( "hola", stringMonoid.conjunct( "hola", stringMonoid.unit() ) );
      assertEquals( "hola", stringMonoid.conjunct( stringMonoid.unit(), "hola" ) );

 public void testIntegerAsMonoid(){
      assertEquals( 6, poductIntMonoid.conjunct( 2, 3 ) );
      assertEquals( 42 , productIntMonoid.conjunct( 7, 6 ) );

      assertEquals( 11, productIntMonoid.conjunct( 11, productIntMonoid.unit() ) );
      assertEquals( 11, productIntMonoid.conjunct( productIntMonoid.unit(), 11 ) );
public class MonoidTest extends TestCase{
  private static <T> void assertAssociativity( Monoid<T> monoid, T t1, T t2, T t3 ){

        assertEquals( monoid.conjunct( t1, monoid.conjunct( t2, t3 ) ),
                         monoid.conjunct( monoid.conjunct( t1, t2 ), t3 ) );

    private static <T> void assertNeutrality( Monoid<T> monoid, T value ){

        assertEquals( monoid.conjunct( value, monoid.unit() ), value );
        assertEquals( monoid.conjunct( monoid.unit(), value ), value );

    public void testMonoidInstances(){
        assertAssociativity( stringMonoid, "s1", "s2", "s3" );
        assertNeutrality( stringMonoid, "s1" );
        assertAssociativity( productSumMonoid, 1, 2, 3 );
        assertNeutrality( productSumMonoid, 1 );
public class Monoids {

   public static Monoid<String> stringMonoid = new Monoid<String>(){

         public String unit() { return ""; }

         public String conjunct(String t1, String t2) { return t1 + t2; }

   public static Monoid<Integer> productIntMonoid = new Monoid<Integer>(){

         public Integer unit() { return 1; }

         public Integer conjunct(Integer t1, Integer t2) { return t1 * t2; }

public class Monoids {


   public static Monoid<Integer> sumIntMonoid = new Monoid<Integer>(){

         public Integer unit() { return 0; }

         public Integer conjunct(Integer t1, Integer t2) { return t1 + t2; }

public class FoldTest extends TestCase{

      public void testStringConcat(){

          assertEquals(     "Hello world !!!",
                           fold( asList( "Hello", " ", "world" + " " + "!!!" ), stringMonoid ) );

      public void testSum(){

          assertEquals( 15, fold( asList( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), sumIntMonoid ).intValue() );

      public void testProduct(){

          assertEquals( 120, fold( asList( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), productIntMonoid ).intValue() );

public reorderBook( String isbn ){

    if( isbn.substring( 0, 2 ).equals( ''978'' ){

          pubNr = isbn.substring( 6, 10 );

          pubNr = isbn.substring( 8, 12 );
public reorderBook( String isbn ){

    if( isbn.substring( 0, 2 ).equals( ''978'' ){

          pubNr = isbn.substring( 6, 10 );

          pubNr = isbn.substring( 8, 12 );
                          ISBN is NOT a String !!!
public interface Isbn {
      public Region getRegion(){ ... }
      public Integer getPublisherNumber(){ ... }
      public Integer getTitelNumber(){ ... }
      public Integer getChecksum(){ ... }
      public boolean isValid(){ ... }

        ISBN is a concept in its own right !!!

    public reorderBook( Isbn isbn ){
          &   Boundary
public boolean isValidLaufzeit( Vertrag vertrag ){

     GregorianCalendar start = vertrag.getStart();
     GregorianCalendar end = vertrag.getEnd();

     int tagesdifferenz = 0;
     if (start != null && end != null) {
           int startJahr = start.get(Calendar.YEAR);
           int endJahr = end.get(Calendar.YEAR);
           int tageImStartJahr = start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
           int tageImEndJahr = end.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
           int aktuellesJahr = startJahr;

          while (aktuellesJahr <= endJahr) {
              if (aktuellesJahr == startJahr) {
                    if (aktuellesJahr == endJahr) {
                          tagesdifferenz += tageImEndJahr - tageImStartJahr;
                    } else {
                          tagesdifferenz += start.isLeapYear(startJahr) ?
                                (366 - tageImStartJahr) : (365 - tageImStartJahr);
              } else if (aktuellesJahr == endJahr) {
                    tagesdifferenz += tageImEndJahr;
              } else {
                    tagesdifferenz += start.isLeapYear(aktuellesJahr) ? 366 : 365;
     return tagesdifferenz > 365 && tagesdifferenz < 999;
public void createOrder( int itemId, Date shippingDate ){

    Date today = new Date();

    long start = today.getTime();
    long end = shippingDate.getTime();

    BigDecimal diff = new BigDecimal( start - end );

    int days = diff.divideToIntegralValue(
                        new BigDecimal( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ).intValue();

    if( days > 14 ) rejectOrder();

    // ...
Don't repeat yourself
Single Source of Truth
public boolean isValidLaufzeit( Vertrag vertrag ){

    TimeInterval interval = vertrag.getLaufzeit();

        interval.toDuration().inYears() > ONE_YEAR
        interval.toDuration().inYears() < THREE_YEARS;
public void createOrder( int ItemId, Date shippingDate ){

    Duration duration = new Duration( today(), shippingDate );

    if( duration.inDays() > 14 ) rejectOrder();

    // ...
Tell ! Don't ask
String separator ='' '';
String query = ''select '';
if( ... ) query += '' name '';
if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', '';
query += '' from person '';
if( existFilter ){
      query += '' where ''
      if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and '';
           query += '' stadt in ( '';
          for( String stadt : staedte )
             query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', '';
          query += '' ); separator = '' and ''
String separator ='' '';
String query = ''select '';
if( ... ) query += '' name '';
if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', '';
query += '' from person '';
                                      Do you see the core idea ?
if( existFilter ){
                                     (Hint: it's NOT about String Handling)
      query += '' where ''
      if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and '';
           query += '' stadt in ( '';
          for( String stadt : staedte )
             query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', '';
          query += '' ); separator = '' and ''
String separator ='' '';
String query = ''select '';
if( ... ) query += '' name '';
if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', '';
query += '' from person '';
                                      Building SQL-Statements ...
if( existFilter ){
                                        … is NOT about String Handling
      query += '' where ''
      if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and '';
           query += '' stadt in ( '';
          for( String stadt : staedte )
             query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', '';
          query += '' ); separator = '' and ''
Query personQuery = Query.onTable( ''Person'' ) ''name'' ) ''alter '' )

personQuery.add( criteria( ''stadt'' ).equals( stadt ) );

personQuery.add( criteria( ''stadt'' ).in( staedte ) );

PIE Principle
SEP Principle
String separator ='' '';                          … by the way ...
String query = ''select '';
if( ... ) query += '' name '';
if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', '';
query += '' from person '';
if( existFilter ){
      query += '' where ''
      if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and '';
           query += '' stadt in ( '';
          for( String stadt : staedte )
             query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', '';
          query += '' ); separator = '' and ''
String separator ='' '';                    … anybody missed that ?
String query = ''select '';
if( ... ){ query += '' name ''; separator = '', ''; }
if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', '';
query += '' from person '';
if( existFilter ){
      query += '' where ''
      if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and '';
           query += '' stadt in ( '';
          for( String stadt : staedte )
             query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', '';
          query += '' ); separator = '' and ''
''Look, a Composite ...'

                    Directory              ''delete'

   File              File                         Directory          ''delete'

''delete'          ''delete'

                                  File                           File

                               ''delete'                      ''delete'
''Look, another Composite ...''

              UI Panel             ''draw'

UI Text      UI Input                  UI Panel         ''draw'

''draw'       ''draw'

                        UI Text              UI Selection
                         ''draw'                  ''draw'

         add( Composite)
         remove( Composite )
         childs() : List<Comp.>

  Node                    Composite

operation()          operation()
                     add( Composite)
                     remove( Composite )
                     childs() : List<Comp.>
Is this a Composite ?

                     AtLeastOneAuthProvider            ''authenticate'

LdapAuthProvider           DatabaseAuth.           UnanimousAuthProvider
   ''authenticate'            ''authenticate'

                                  CertificateAuth.              AccessAuth.
                                     ''authenticate'             ''authenticate'
... and this ?

             CEO               ''salary'

Employee     Employee                      CIO

''salary'    ''salary'

                    Employee               Employee
                   ''salary'               ''salary'


                                List       Set   Bag

Queue                           Stack
         < discrimination >

   FIFO                  LIFO
public static Integer sum( Stack<Integer> vals ){
    int sum = 0;
    for( int val : vals ) sum += val;
    return sum;
public static Integer sum( Stack<Integer> vals ){
    int sum = 0;
    for( int val : vals ) sum += val;
    return sum;

sum( new Stack<Integer>(){{ push(1); push(2); push(3); }};

sum( new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};
public static Integer sum( List<Integer> vals ){
    int sum = 0;
    for( int val : vals ) sum += val;
    return sum;

sum( new Stack<Integer>(){{ push(1); push(2); push(3); }};

sum( new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};

sum( new HashSet<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};
public static Integer sum( Collection<Integer> vals ){
    int sum = 0;
    for( int val : vals ) sum += val;
    return sum;

sum( new Stack<Integer>(){{ push(1); push(2); push(3); }};

sum( new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};

sum( new HashSet<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};
public class QueueTest extends TestCase {

    private Queue<Integer> queue = null;
    public void setUp() throws Exception{
        queue = new ...
        queue.add( 10 );
        queue.add( 3 );
        queue.add( 7 );
        queue.add( 5 );

    public testQueuePolling{
        assertEquals(   ? , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   ?? , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   ??? , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   ???? , queue.poll() );
public class QueueTest extends TestCase {

    private Queue<Integer> queue = null;
    public void setUp() throws Exception{
        queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>();
        queue.add( 10 );
        queue.add( 3 );
        queue.add( 7 );
        queue.add( 5 );

    public testQueuePolling{
        assertEquals(   10 , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   3 , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   7 , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   5 , queue.poll() );
public class QueueTest extends TestCase {

    private Queue<Integer> queue = null;
    public void setUp() throws Exception{
        queue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
        queue.add( 10 );
        queue.add( 3 );
        queue.add( 7 );
        queue.add( 5 );

    public testQueuePolling{
        assertEquals(   3 , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   5 , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   7 , queue.poll() );
        assertEquals(   10 , queue.poll() );


                                   List       Set   Bag



PriorityQueue          ArrayQueue

HPFO       < discrimination >
public static List<Integer> multiplesOf( int factor, int limit ){

    List<Integer> collect = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){
        collect.add( i * factor );
    return collect;

public static Set<Integer> multiplesOf( int factor, int limit ){

    Set<Integer> collect = new HashSet<Integer>();

    for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){
        collect.add( i * factor );
    return collect;
public static List<Integer> multiplesOf( int[] factors, int limit ){

    List<Integer> collect = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    for( int factor : factors ){

       for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){

           collect.add( i * factor );
    return collect;
public static Set<Integer> multiplesOf( int[] factors, int limit ){

    Set<Integer> collect = new HashSet<Integer>();

    for( int factor : factors ){

       for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){

           collect.add( i * factor );
    return collect;
Re - Cognition

public boolean isGoodDeal(     BigDecimal initialCosts,
                               BigDecimal runCosts ){

    BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost );

    BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) );

    BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN );

    return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1;

public boolean isGoodDeal(     BigDecimal initialCosts,
                               BigDecimal runCosts ){

    BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost );

    BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) );
                                        BigDecimal as Money
    BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN );

    return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1;

public boolean isGoodDeal(     BigDecimal initialCosts,
                               BigDecimal runCosts ){
                                      BigDecimal as Percent
    BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost );

    BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) );

    BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN );

    return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1;

public boolean isGoodDeal(     BigDecimal initialCosts,
                               BigDecimal runCosts ){

    BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost );

    BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) );

    BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN );

    return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1;

                          What's the result 'type' of
                       combining 'Money' with 'Percent'

public boolean isGoodDeal(     BigDecimal initialCosts,
                               BigDecimal runCosts ){

    BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost );

    BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) );

    BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN );

    return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1;

                      Which combinations are allowed -
                               which not ?
LiM Principle

public boolean isGoodDeal( Money initialCosts, Money runCosts ){

    Money totalCost = initialCosts.sum( runCosts );

    Percent proportionRunCosts = totalCost.proportionOf( runCost )

    return proportionRunCosts.isGreaterThan( Percent.FIFTY )
Single Responsibility Principle
Mental Distance
  Mental Distance
... do you recognize the underlying concept ?

         interface Stepper<T>{

             public boolean isExhausted();

             public void step();

             public T getCurrent()
... do you recognize the underlying concept ?

         interface ElementSupplier<T>{

             public boolean hasMoreElements();

             T nextElement();
... do you recognize the underlying concept ?

       interface ElementConsumer{

           public void observe( BigElement e );

           public void calculate( AnotherElement e );

           public void extract( YetAnotherElement );
... do you recognize the underlying concept ?

       interface ElementInspector{

           public void inspect( BigElement e );

           public void inspect( AnotherElement e );

           public void inspect( YetAnotherElement );
... do you recognize the underlying concept ?

       interface ElementVisitor{

           public void visit( BigElement e );

           public void visit( AnotherElement e );

           public void visit( YetAnotherElement );

       date.compareTo( otherDate ) < 0


           date.isBefore( otherDate )
Verifiable Specifications
Stack stack = is(
             new DescriptionOf <Stack>(){
                 public Stack isDescribedAs(){
                      Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();
                      stack.push( foo );
                      stack.push( bar );
                      return stack; } } );

       it( "should contain foo" );
       state( stack ).should( contain( foo ) );

       it( "should contain bar" );
       state( stack ).should( contain( bar ) );

       it( "should return bar when calling pop the first time" );
       state( stack.pop() ).should( returning( bar ) );

       it( "should return foo when calling pop the second time" );
       state( stack.pop() ).should( returning( foo ) );

       it( "should be empty after popping the two elements" );
       state( stack ).should( be ( empty() ) );
Design by Contract
@Invariant( "this.size >= 0 and this.size <= this.capazity" )
public interface Stack { ... }
    @Postcondition( "return > 0" )
    public int getCapacity();

    public int getSize();

    @Precondition( "elem not null and this.size < this.capacity" )
    @Postcondition( "elem == and this.size == old:this.size + 1" )
    public void push( Object elem );

    @Postcondition( " == ) " )
    public Object getTop();

     "(old:this.size>0) ==> (return == and this.size == old:this.size - 1)")
    public Object pop();

Liskovsubtype of T, then objects of type T in a
  ''if S is a
              Substitution Principle
   program may be replaced with objects of type S
   without altering any of the desirable properties''
Open Closed Principle
Principle of least astonishment
Symmetry & balance

void writeToFile( Output outout ){


      writeToFile( output );

void process{



One level of abstraction
Dependency Inversion Principle
    Intention Revealing Interfaces              imperative

                                     Functional Programming
   Yagni                   Immutability
                                         side effects


                                 Domain Driven Design
If there are three things to keep in mind ...
… it's not only ''developers! developers! developers!'' ...
… but



Now stop hacking code
          for machines

 start writing programs
              for humans

… and the rest will follow ...
Empathic Programming - How to write comprehensible code

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Similaire à Empathic Programming - How to write comprehensible code

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Empathic Programming - How to write comprehensible code

  • 1. Clean Code How to write comprehensible Code regarding cognitive abilities of human mind 01.03.2011 XPUG Rhein / Main Mario Gleichmann
  • 2. Mario Gleichmann twitter: @mariogleichmann blog: (brain driven development) site: mail:
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. The cost of Software Development
  • 6. Intellectual Complexity ''Making changes is generally easy if you exactly know what needs to be changed''
  • 7. Programming is a cognitive process
  • 10. Communication 'existing code is much more read than new code is written'
  • 11. Fear
  • 14.
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  • 42. What's the goal ? def find( start :Char, end :Char, pths :List[ (Char,Char) ] ) :List[ (Char,Char) ] = { var rout = (start,start) :: Nil var dends :List[(Char,Char)] = Nil while( !rout.isEmpty && rout.head._2 != end ){ var conts = from( rout.head._2, pths ) .filter( pth => !dends.contains( pth ) && !rout.contains( pth ) ) if( conts.isEmpty && !rout.isEmpty ) { dends = rout.head :: de rout = rout.tail } else{ rout = :: rte } } rout.reverse.tail }
  • 45. Goals & sub-goals
  • 48. 'G' 'F' 'I' 'B' 'C' 'A' 'H' 'D' 'G' 'E'
  • 49. What's the goal ? def findRoute( start :WayPoint, target :WayPoint, map :Set[Path] ) :Sequence[Path] = { var route = new Stack[Path] var deadEnds :Set[Path] = new HashSet[Path] route push Path( start, start ) while( !route.isEmpty && != target ){ var continuingPaths = pathsFrom(, map ) .without( deadEnds ).without( route ) if( continuingPaths.isEmpty && !route.isEmpty ) { deadEnds += route.pop } else{ route push continuingPaths.first } } route.reverse }
  • 50. Hypothesis & Verification
  • 52. public class PrimeGenerator { static int[] sieveUpTo( int maxValue ){ if( maxValue < 2 ) return new int[0]; boolean[] grid = new boolean[maxValue + 1]; for( int i = 0; i <= maxValue; i++ ){ grid[i] = true; } grid[0] = grid[1] = false; for( int i = 2; i < Math.sqrt( maxValue + 1 ) + 1; i++ ){ if( grid[i] ){ for( int j = 2*i; j <= maxValue; j += i ){ grid[j] = false; } } } … }
  • 56. Concepts Push Pop Stack
  • 57. Concepts Store Push Pop Stack
  • 58. Concepts Not Store 'lose' Push Elements Pop Stack
  • 59. Concepts Not Store 'lose' Push Elements Pop Collection Stack
  • 60. Concepts Not Store 'lose' Push Elements Pop Collection Stack Add Remove Iterate Elements Elements Elements
  • 61. Concepts Store Push Pop Stack LIFO
  • 62. Concepts Store Push Pop Stack LIFO FIFO
  • 63. Concepts Store Push Pop Stack LIFO Queue FIFO FIFO
  • 64. Concepts Store Push Pop Collection Stack LIFO AddAddAdd Elements Elements Elements Queue FIFO FIFO
  • 66. public class Folding { public static <T> T fold( List<T> list, Monoid<T> monoid ){ return list.isEmpty() ? monoid.unit() : monoid.conjunct( head( list ), fold( tail( list ), monoid ) ); } private static <T> T head( List<T> list ){ return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get( 0 ); } private static <T> List<T> tail( List<T> list ){ return list.size() >= 2 ? list.subList( 1, list.size() ) : EMPTY_LIST; } }
  • 67. public interface Monoid<T> { public T unit(); public T conjunct( T t1, T t2 ); }
  • 68. public class MonoidInstanceTest extends TestCase{ ... public void testStringAsMonoid(){ assertEquals( "helloworld", stringMonoid.conjunct( "hello", "world" ) ); assertEquals( "hollamundo", stringMonoid.conjunct( "hola", "mundo" ) ); assertEquals( "hola", stringMonoid.conjunct( "hola", stringMonoid.unit() ) ); assertEquals( "hola", stringMonoid.conjunct( stringMonoid.unit(), "hola" ) ); } public void testIntegerAsMonoid(){ assertEquals( 6, poductIntMonoid.conjunct( 2, 3 ) ); assertEquals( 42 , productIntMonoid.conjunct( 7, 6 ) ); assertEquals( 11, productIntMonoid.conjunct( 11, productIntMonoid.unit() ) ); assertEquals( 11, productIntMonoid.conjunct( productIntMonoid.unit(), 11 ) ); } ... }
  • 69. public class MonoidTest extends TestCase{ ... private static <T> void assertAssociativity( Monoid<T> monoid, T t1, T t2, T t3 ){ assertEquals( monoid.conjunct( t1, monoid.conjunct( t2, t3 ) ), monoid.conjunct( monoid.conjunct( t1, t2 ), t3 ) ); } private static <T> void assertNeutrality( Monoid<T> monoid, T value ){ assertEquals( monoid.conjunct( value, monoid.unit() ), value ); assertEquals( monoid.conjunct( monoid.unit(), value ), value ); } public void testMonoidInstances(){ assertAssociativity( stringMonoid, "s1", "s2", "s3" ); assertNeutrality( stringMonoid, "s1" ); ... assertAssociativity( productSumMonoid, 1, 2, 3 ); assertNeutrality( productSumMonoid, 1 ); } }
  • 70. public class Monoids { public static Monoid<String> stringMonoid = new Monoid<String>(){ public String unit() { return ""; } public String conjunct(String t1, String t2) { return t1 + t2; } }; public static Monoid<Integer> productIntMonoid = new Monoid<Integer>(){ public Integer unit() { return 1; } public Integer conjunct(Integer t1, Integer t2) { return t1 * t2; } }; ...
  • 71. public class Monoids { ... public static Monoid<Integer> sumIntMonoid = new Monoid<Integer>(){ public Integer unit() { return 0; } public Integer conjunct(Integer t1, Integer t2) { return t1 + t2; } }; ...
  • 72. public class FoldTest extends TestCase{ public void testStringConcat(){ assertEquals( "Hello world !!!", fold( asList( "Hello", " ", "world" + " " + "!!!" ), stringMonoid ) ); } public void testSum(){ assertEquals( 15, fold( asList( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), sumIntMonoid ).intValue() ); } public void testProduct(){ assertEquals( 120, fold( asList( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), productIntMonoid ).intValue() ); } ...
  • 73.
  • 74. public reorderBook( String isbn ){ ... if( isbn.substring( 0, 2 ).equals( ''978'' ){ pubNr = isbn.substring( 6, 10 ); } else{ pubNr = isbn.substring( 8, 12 ); } ... }
  • 75. public reorderBook( String isbn ){ ... if( isbn.substring( 0, 2 ).equals( ''978'' ){ pubNr = isbn.substring( 6, 10 ); } else{ pubNr = isbn.substring( 8, 12 ); } ... } ISBN is NOT a String !!!
  • 76. public interface Isbn { public Region getRegion(){ ... } public Integer getPublisherNumber(){ ... } public Integer getTitelNumber(){ ... } public Integer getChecksum(){ ... } public boolean isValid(){ ... } } ISBN is a concept in its own right !!! public reorderBook( Isbn isbn ){ ... isbn.getPublisherNumber(); ... }
  • 77. Conture & Boundary
  • 78. public boolean isValidLaufzeit( Vertrag vertrag ){ GregorianCalendar start = vertrag.getStart(); GregorianCalendar end = vertrag.getEnd(); int tagesdifferenz = 0; if (start != null && end != null) { int startJahr = start.get(Calendar.YEAR); int endJahr = end.get(Calendar.YEAR); int tageImStartJahr = start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int tageImEndJahr = end.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int aktuellesJahr = startJahr; while (aktuellesJahr <= endJahr) { if (aktuellesJahr == startJahr) { if (aktuellesJahr == endJahr) { tagesdifferenz += tageImEndJahr - tageImStartJahr; } else { tagesdifferenz += start.isLeapYear(startJahr) ? (366 - tageImStartJahr) : (365 - tageImStartJahr); } } else if (aktuellesJahr == endJahr) { tagesdifferenz += tageImEndJahr; } else { tagesdifferenz += start.isLeapYear(aktuellesJahr) ? 366 : 365; } aktuellesJahr++; } } return tagesdifferenz > 365 && tagesdifferenz < 999; }
  • 79. public void createOrder( int itemId, Date shippingDate ){ Date today = new Date(); long start = today.getTime(); long end = shippingDate.getTime(); BigDecimal diff = new BigDecimal( start - end ); int days = diff.divideToIntegralValue( new BigDecimal( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ).intValue(); if( days > 14 ) rejectOrder(); // ... }
  • 82. public boolean isValidLaufzeit( Vertrag vertrag ){ TimeInterval interval = vertrag.getLaufzeit(); return interval.toDuration().inYears() > ONE_YEAR && interval.toDuration().inYears() < THREE_YEARS; }
  • 83. public void createOrder( int ItemId, Date shippingDate ){ Duration duration = new Duration( today(), shippingDate ); if( duration.inDays() > 14 ) rejectOrder(); // ... }
  • 85. String separator ='' ''; String query = ''select ''; if( ... ) query += '' name ''; if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', ''; query += '' from person ''; if( existFilter ){ query += '' where '' if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and ''; else{ query += '' stadt in ( ''; for( String stadt : staedte ) query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', ''; query += '' ); separator = '' and '' } ...
  • 86. String separator ='' ''; String query = ''select ''; if( ... ) query += '' name ''; if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', ''; query += '' from person ''; Do you see the core idea ? if( existFilter ){ (Hint: it's NOT about String Handling) query += '' where '' if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and ''; else{ query += '' stadt in ( ''; for( String stadt : staedte ) query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', ''; query += '' ); separator = '' and '' } ...
  • 87. String separator ='' ''; String query = ''select ''; if( ... ) query += '' name ''; if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', ''; query += '' from person ''; Building SQL-Statements ... if( existFilter ){ … is NOT about String Handling query += '' where '' if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and ''; else{ query += '' stadt in ( ''; for( String stadt : staedte ) query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', ''; query += '' ); separator = '' and '' } ...
  • 89. Query personQuery = Query.onTable( ''Person'' ) ''name'' ) ''alter '' ) personQuery.add( criteria( ''stadt'' ).equals( stadt ) ); personQuery.add( criteria( ''stadt'' ).in( staedte ) ); ...
  • 92. String separator ='' ''; … by the way ... String query = ''select ''; if( ... ) query += '' name ''; if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', ''; query += '' from person ''; if( existFilter ){ query += '' where '' if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and ''; else{ query += '' stadt in ( ''; for( String stadt : staedte ) query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', ''; query += '' ); separator = '' and '' } ...
  • 93. String separator ='' ''; … anybody missed that ? String query = ''select ''; if( ... ){ query += '' name ''; separator = '', ''; } if( ... ) query = query + separator + '' alter '', separator = '', ''; query += '' from person ''; if( existFilter ){ query += '' where '' if( ... ) query += '' stadt = '' + stadt; separator = '' and ''; else{ query += '' stadt in ( ''; for( String stadt : staedte ) query += stadt + inSeparator; inSeparator = '', ''; query += '' ); separator = '' and '' } ...
  • 95. ''Look, a Composite ...' Directory ''delete' File File Directory ''delete' ''delete' ''delete' File File ''delete' ''delete'
  • 96. ''Look, another Composite ...'' UI Panel ''draw' UI Text UI Input UI Panel ''draw' ''draw' ''draw' UI Text UI Selection ''draw' ''draw'
  • 97. AbstractComposite operation() add( Composite) remove( Composite ) childs() : List<Comp.> Node Composite operation() operation() add( Composite) remove( Composite ) childs() : List<Comp.>
  • 98. Is this a Composite ? AtLeastOneAuthProvider ''authenticate' LdapAuthProvider DatabaseAuth. UnanimousAuthProvider ''authenticate' ''authenticate' CertificateAuth. AccessAuth. ''authenticate' ''authenticate'
  • 99. ... and this ? CEO ''salary' Employee Employee CIO ''salary' ''salary' Employee Employee ''salary' ''salary'
  • 100.
  • 101. Collection generalization List Set Bag Queue Stack < discrimination > FIFO LIFO
  • 102. public static Integer sum( Stack<Integer> vals ){ int sum = 0; for( int val : vals ) sum += val; return sum; }
  • 103. public static Integer sum( Stack<Integer> vals ){ int sum = 0; for( int val : vals ) sum += val; return sum; } sum( new Stack<Integer>(){{ push(1); push(2); push(3); }}; sum( new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};
  • 104. public static Integer sum( List<Integer> vals ){ int sum = 0; for( int val : vals ) sum += val; return sum; } sum( new Stack<Integer>(){{ push(1); push(2); push(3); }}; sum( new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }}; sum( new HashSet<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};
  • 105. public static Integer sum( Collection<Integer> vals ){ int sum = 0; for( int val : vals ) sum += val; return sum; } sum( new Stack<Integer>(){{ push(1); push(2); push(3); }}; sum( new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }}; sum( new HashSet<Integer>(){{ add(1); add(2); add(3) }};
  • 107. public class QueueTest extends TestCase { private Queue<Integer> queue = null; public void setUp() throws Exception{ queue = new ... queue.add( 10 ); queue.add( 3 ); queue.add( 7 ); queue.add( 5 ); } public testQueuePolling{ assertEquals( ? , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( ?? , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( ??? , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( ???? , queue.poll() ); } }
  • 108. public class QueueTest extends TestCase { private Queue<Integer> queue = null; public void setUp() throws Exception{ queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(); queue.add( 10 ); queue.add( 3 ); queue.add( 7 ); queue.add( 5 ); } public testQueuePolling{ assertEquals( 10 , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( 3 , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( 7 , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( 5 , queue.poll() ); } }
  • 109. public class QueueTest extends TestCase { private Queue<Integer> queue = null; public void setUp() throws Exception{ queue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(); queue.add( 10 ); queue.add( 3 ); queue.add( 7 ); queue.add( 5 ); } public testQueuePolling{ assertEquals( 3 , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( 5 , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( 7 , queue.poll() ); assertEquals( 10 , queue.poll() ); } }
  • 111. Collection generalization List Set Bag Queue Stack PriorityQueue ArrayQueue HPFO < discrimination > FIFO
  • 113. public static List<Integer> multiplesOf( int factor, int limit ){ List<Integer> collect = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){ collect.add( i * factor ); } return collect; } vs. public static Set<Integer> multiplesOf( int factor, int limit ){ Set<Integer> collect = new HashSet<Integer>(); for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){ collect.add( i * factor ); } return collect; }
  • 114. public static List<Integer> multiplesOf( int[] factors, int limit ){ List<Integer> collect = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for( int factor : factors ){ for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){ collect.add( i * factor ); } } return collect; }
  • 115. public static Set<Integer> multiplesOf( int[] factors, int limit ){ Set<Integer> collect = new HashSet<Integer>(); for( int factor : factors ){ for( int i = 1; i * factor <= limit; i++ ){ collect.add( i * factor ); } } return collect; }
  • 117. Distinction public boolean isGoodDeal( BigDecimal initialCosts, BigDecimal runCosts ){ BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost ); BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) ); BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN ); return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1; }
  • 118. Distinction public boolean isGoodDeal( BigDecimal initialCosts, BigDecimal runCosts ){ BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost ); BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) ); BigDecimal as Money BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN ); return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1; }
  • 119. Distinction public boolean isGoodDeal( BigDecimal initialCosts, BigDecimal runCosts ){ BigDecimal as Percent BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost ); BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) ); BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN ); return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1; }
  • 120. Distinction public boolean isGoodDeal( BigDecimal initialCosts, BigDecimal runCosts ){ BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost ); BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) ); BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN ); return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1; } What's the result 'type' of combining 'Money' with 'Percent'
  • 121. Distinction public boolean isGoodDeal( BigDecimal initialCosts, BigDecimal runCosts ){ BigDecimal totalCost = initialCost.add( runCost ); BigDecimal oneP = totalCost.divide( new BigDecimal( 100 ) ); BigDecimal propRunCosts = wk.divide( oneP, 2, DOWN ); return ! propRunCosts.compareTo( new BigDecimal( 50 ) ) > 1; } Which combinations are allowed - which not ?
  • 123. Distinction public boolean isGoodDeal( Money initialCosts, Money runCosts ){ Money totalCost = initialCosts.sum( runCosts ); Percent proportionRunCosts = totalCost.proportionOf( runCost ) return proportionRunCosts.isGreaterThan( Percent.FIFTY ) }
  • 125.
  • 126. Mental Distance Mental Distance
  • 127. ... do you recognize the underlying concept ? interface Stepper<T>{ public boolean isExhausted(); public void step(); public T getCurrent() }
  • 128. ... do you recognize the underlying concept ? interface ElementSupplier<T>{ public boolean hasMoreElements(); T nextElement(); }
  • 129. ... do you recognize the underlying concept ? interface ElementConsumer{ public void observe( BigElement e ); public void calculate( AnotherElement e ); public void extract( YetAnotherElement ); }
  • 130. ... do you recognize the underlying concept ? interface ElementInspector{ public void inspect( BigElement e ); public void inspect( AnotherElement e ); public void inspect( YetAnotherElement ); }
  • 131. ... do you recognize the underlying concept ? interface ElementVisitor{ public void visit( BigElement e ); public void visit( AnotherElement e ); public void visit( YetAnotherElement ); }
  • 132. Language date.compareTo( otherDate ) < 0 vs. date.isBefore( otherDate )
  • 135. Trust
  • 136. Verifiable Specifications Stack stack = is( new DescriptionOf <Stack>(){ public Stack isDescribedAs(){ Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>(); stack.push( foo ); stack.push( bar ); return stack; } } ); it( "should contain foo" ); state( stack ).should( contain( foo ) ); it( "should contain bar" ); state( stack ).should( contain( bar ) ); it( "should return bar when calling pop the first time" ); state( stack.pop() ).should( returning( bar ) ); it( "should return foo when calling pop the second time" ); stack.pop(); state( stack.pop() ).should( returning( foo ) ); it( "should be empty after popping the two elements" ); stack.pop(); stack.pop(); state( stack ).should( be ( empty() ) );
  • 137. Design by Contract @Invariant( "this.size >= 0 and this.size <= this.capazity" ) public interface Stack { ... } @Postcondition( "return > 0" ) public int getCapacity(); public int getSize(); @Precondition( "elem not null and this.size < this.capacity" ) @Postcondition( "elem == and this.size == old:this.size + 1" ) public void push( Object elem ); @Postcondition( " == ) " ) public Object getTop(); @Postcondition( "(old:this.size>0) ==> (return == and this.size == old:this.size - 1)") public Object pop(); ... }
  • 138. Liskovsubtype of T, then objects of type T in a ''if S is a Substitution Principle program may be replaced with objects of type S without altering any of the desirable properties''
  • 140. Principle of least astonishment
  • 142. ... void writeToFile( Output outout ){ openFile(); writeToFile( output ); }
  • 143. void process{ input(); count++; output(); }
  • 144. One level of abstraction
  • 145. Dependency Inversion Principle declarative vs Intention Revealing Interfaces imperative Functional Programming Yagni Immutability side effects Expressiveness Domain Driven Design Consistence
  • 146. If there are three things to keep in mind ...
  • 147. … it's not only ''developers! developers! developers!'' ...
  • 148. … but Empathy! Empathy! Empathy!
  • 149. Now stop hacking code for machines start writing programs for humans … and the rest will follow ...