research education education technology digital learning resources technology acceptance mobile learning technologies university of malta mark camilleri digital hospitality mobile learning digital games technology acceptance model mark anthony camilleri technology case study digital media educational technology technology adoption remote learning technologies elearning hotels marketing educational apps games mgovernment egovernment university higher education institution higher education corporate communications tam business corporate social responsibility tourism csr shared value online customer services customer services dialogue systems interactive technology service technology chatbots synchronous technology interactivity functionality partial least squares smart pls video conferencing educational leadership service performance service quality government digital services government electronic services public services government mgov egov m-gov mobile government e-gov electronic government utaut conferencing technologies remote learning learning conference facilitating conditions mobile social media upscale hotels luxury hotels loyal customers repeat customers brand loyalty consumer commitment consumer trust consumer satisfaction brand relationships customer brand identification consumer brand identification brand branding mobile apps icett blended learning ubiquitous technologies school r travel qualitative study technologies perceived ease of use of games perceived usefulness of games learning games students perceptions on games digital game based learning serious games game based learning academia online services online theory of planned behavior unified theory of acceptance and use of technology strategic management strategic planning strategy balanced scorecard approach performance appraisal performance management strategic human resources management human resources management human resources esg reporting csr reporting integrated reporting non financial reporting european union corporations corporate governance reporting corporate governance communications aom 2018 aom2018 academy of management small business management aom qualitative study; travel; tourism; hospitality; r sustainability corporate responsibility; sustainability reports; employee engagement industrial relations employment
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