gapa news econchart markus gaertner gaertners blog wall street china fed usa eurozone us blog-parade germany europe asia s&p 500 rezession ezb inflation dow jones index dollar euro gaertner´s blog new york apple bernanke deutschland japan greenback hong kong beijing qe3 gold konjunktur nasdaq blick log blogoscoop blogtraffic spanien renminbi spain shanghai italien bureau of labor statistics ecb deflation econcharts recession crash aktien börse bonds anleihen rendite ifo facebook kollaps markit pmi volksrepublik sentiment die fed hat keine freunde xtranews datensicherheit wahrheiten newdoo lupe kfzticker aktuelle nachrichten niederlande cds credit default swaps cma eu 27 pimco industrial production china bank lending double dip statistisches bundesamt german exports surprise on the downside german exports unextectedly decline german exports fail expectations imf griechenland quarterly banking profile fdic real capital analytics france stimulus greece italy norwegen grobritannien schweiz frankreich iata africa world bank eu google microsoft exporte singapore internet treasuries commercial real estate ben bernanke 2010 qe federal reserve taper kehrtwende s&p janet yellen mario draghi cpi einkaufsmanager-index hard landing margin debt blase kredite interest rates rates applications mortgages u.s. ausfallrisiko dollar index federal reserve board rally goldmarkt preise bären anleger abfluss von mitteln fonds stocks caterpillar qe2 qe1 gevestor umsatz intel iphone 5 ipo yields bondmarkt fiscal cliff institute for supply management us-industrie ism index unemployment arbeitslosigkeit kupfer dow outlook firmenchef ceo zew spanien-bailout 10jährige anleihe anleihe euro stoxx banken renditen 10-year government bond us treasury yiel geschäftsklima konjunkturtest infarkt kreditvergabe krise index währung auto harte landung peking boom stoxx banken financials sell in may Öl energie dow jones ltro draghi marge tim cook iphone gewinn ipad produktion reich der mitte asien industrie presentation prsentation unsere grafiken dow schmiert 2011 erneut ab der dow jones index in 2011 das karussell der narren qeii was fr ein g20-treffen the dollar continues its slide after the g20 meeti der dollar sinkt nach dem g20-treffen in sdkorea w existing home sales usa bestnde nehmen zu fed dallas richard fisher stall speed wie bmw werbung auf gaertners blog zu viele malls usa us-konsumenten schwacher konsum baby boomer die aufwertung des euro die chinesische karte im euro-poker der euro wird immer strker ata truck tonnage index plunged 27 percent in augu usa trucker-index fllt stark lkw-tonnage stark rcklufig conference b zwei indizes obama puscht den mittelstand ariely norton klaffende einkommensschere in den usa harvard duke tagesbilanz am 2192010 wer sagt ausgaben von anleihen gewinnerwartungen der banken zurck geschraubt handel mit aktien an der nyse der motor der banken stottert ausstehende kredite aktien-emissionen weizen hafer die getreide-rally top-performer mais reis long-term unemployment dauer der arbeitslosigkeit in den usa world intellectual property gallup mehr us-konsumenten frchten konjunkturschwc us consumers gold rekordpreis eu industrieproduktion stagniert european industrial production eurozone kommission reviving export demand 16 euro nations analysten liegen daneben reuters china output tops forecast china industrieproduktion china manufacturing output kapitalerhhung deutsche bank banken stresstest j yuan chinas usa problembanken problem banks housing market us immobilienmarkt neuer stresstest fr die banken meredith whitney top 10 finanzblogs asia growth singapore gd western auch reiche investoren verzagen us existing home sales hausverkufe usa gapa news econcharts deutscher auenhandel mit aktiend us-arbeitsmar milton friedman mo glo hhepunkt des m&a-rausches blogmarkusgaertnercom m&a m&a-karussell kanada bhp billiton angebot potash corp bernahmefieber canada die grten v chinas magisches vierec rohstoff-cra food inflation fa woche an den r the sky is high the emperor is far tian gao huangdi yuan hinterland china implosion trouble in the periphery us fiscal crisis eurodebt endgame real estate crash euro und deutsche exporte rangliste der besten politik- und wirtschafts-blog ranking blog-hits article top ten business blogs ge debt situation gross debt g20 toronto summit net debt of gdp summit in toronto g20 priorities for the toronto summit 2010 o crb f top ten financ t china hot propert dow jo indien going-international trkei country desk sterreich rumnien sparkassen finanzgruppe mittelstndler beim schritt ins ausland lnderrating polen top ten finance blo deutsche export illustrated by gapa news netzwertig brsennotizbuch trend gedanken leoben prompt eghhats blog leser in der woche bis 11 april duckhome top ten wirtschafts-blogs 7 tage bis 11 april 2010 sideeffects carta die 10 meistbesuchten blogs wirtschaft und politik top ten wirtschafts- und politik-blogs vom 11 apri leser am 11 april leser am 11 april 2010 top ten wirtschafts-blogs die 10 besten wirtschafts-blogs gefahr eines ausfalls schweden finnland 10 sichersten lnder laut cma sovereign risk report australien dnemark credit default risk anleihen zum schladen irak pakistan lettland anleihen fr albtrume risikolnder dubai ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit riskantesten lnder laut cma ukraine venezuela argentinien island gypten bring back debtgdp ratio to pre-crisis levels the future of public debt italy primary balance in 2011 actual balance acerage primary balance bis working papers bis uk malaysia jumping above the pre-crisis level indonesia vietnam philippines asia recovery korea thailand emerging stronger slideshare id3653957&doceconchartpimcofavors060420 slideshare id3653933&doceconchartpimcofavors060420 brazil real advanced against the greenback loonie aussie dollar commodity currencies canadian dollar real letzte 30 tage top ten wirtschafts-blogs englischsprachig am 4 ap unique monthly visitors blogrank top ten wirtschafts-blogs am 4 april 2010 top ten wirtschafts- und finanzblogs am 4 april 20 bls us unemployment nearly half of unemployed workforce out of work fo 000 new jobs unemployment situation largest rise in three years labor market 162 unfair trade with china industry lobbyists nobel laureate paul krugman us protectionists pulling guns on china us china trade and job displacement eu 16 european unemployment rate workers aged 16 to 24 left the labor force recession squeezes out generation of young workers hungary sweden us real estate market still struggling us new-home sales lowest of record all-time low existing home sales asian companies are better networkers global 100 companies with blogs top global 100 companies asia-pacific burson-marsteller blogs are more popular in asia social media platform 33 run their own blog using all four platforms united states gold prices all-time high gold and dollar bullish on the dollar rate expectations gold correction anleger glauben dieser rally nicht morningstar stock fund flows markus gaertner net outflow five out of last six m weak regulators lack of reforms us equity fund outflow individual investores are boycotting this rally dow up from march lows crashes trading volume down europes coming interest rate shock debt-related sovereign vulnerabilities eurozone at risk of sovereign debt explosion gross medium and ling-term commercial borrowing s&p expects lndern und gemeinden in deutschland auf rekordhhe markus gaertner das gelbe forum schulden von bund china fixed-asset investment china retail sales china still accelerating china national bureau of statistics china retail spending china is still on the gas pedal china turbo-charged china exports higher than at their peak in 2007 china new loans china economic flash chinas economy remains breathless in 70 large cities property prices china property prices federal statistics agency biggest decline in a year weak exports stalling german economy export juggernaut deutsche exporte schwach weak exports are stalling germanys recovery schwerer rckschlag exportschwche stoppt aufschwung january exports plummeting trade morocco tunisia slowing remittances maghreb south africa sub-sahara africas economic transformation obama administration small business economic confidence flat in februar tax credit hiring or laying off workers us smes deep concern increase or decrease business spending smes see no recovery yet federal stimulus has no effect on their business discover small business watch brsenrally bundesbank statistik der kreditinfarkt hlt an seit mrz 2009 firmeninvestitionen kurzfristige kredite an privatpersonen und unterne properties restructured lender reo global troubled assets in real estate distressed commercial property current distress resolved troubled assets gewerbesteuer steuereinnahmen in bayern brechen ein kommunen im freistaat mit rckgngen bei kommunalen grundsteuer a und b einkommensteuer to the us chinas exports to the eu national peoples congress toyota passenger car production in the eu eu economic report massive quality problems exhausted supplier base vehicle recall years of cost cutting gm million passenger cars scotia economics auto industry demographics registrations in the eu new commercial vehicles network solutions survey of small business recession and innovation december 2009 survey robert h smith school of business state of small business small and medium enterprises 4 quartal bip mervyn king auftragseingnge governeur der bank of england einkommen ifo geschftsklima konsum in frankreich europe stalling europas erholung europa droht der double dip michael rogoff carmen reinhart restructuring 1800-2006 sovereign debt serial default on external debt is the norm us new home sales at record low sales declined for three straight months heavy government support major setback to us housing market commerce department lowest level in nearly a half century charge-offs loan balances asset quality loan losses rise for the twelfth consecutive quart loss provisions earnings are slightly above break-even net income us banks contracted at the fastest rate in recorded histroy the flow is ebbing us bank credit commercial banks in the us fed is withdrawing stimulus too early transaction seoul huge property rally cushman wakefield credit growth hangzhou tokyo london most active global real estate markets real estate global recession parís suzhou china housing property bubble capital is diverted investment accounts biggest holders of us government debt brother can you spare billion mutual funds retirement pension state and local governments intergovernmental us debt savings bonds dalai lama taiwan treasury debt luxembourg russia united kingdom arms sales to taiwan oil exporters brazil dollars future us china relations caribbean auto sales government subsidies peoples republic passenger car sales car sales boosting chinas car market year of the tiger manmohan singh reserve bank of india first growth acceleration since 2007 india inflation portugal ireland eu debt spiraling out of control finance ministers debt-to-gdp ratio annual tightening g7 primary deficit iqaluit budget crisis danske research bulls have to wait in the tiger year golden tiger credit lyonnais securities asia feng shui index stock exchange chinese year of the tiger clsa europa eigenkapital unternehmens-insolvenzen verarbeitendes gewerbe creditreform insolvenzen wirtschaftsforschung handel skandinavien dienstleistungen insolvenzrisiko eu-15 bau sorry we are closed myteris real disposable income konsum sparquote real consumption national economic trends verfgbares einkommen personal savings rate fed st louis middle east north america december traffic freight volume passenger traffic asia pacific latin america capitalism goods-producing jobs government jobs civil servants us payroll uncle sam crisis households government eurostat net savings adding inventory layoffs justin lin capacity utilisation leading economies deflatio spiral restocking inventories capacity use cape town quick search regular unleaded money creation discount prices google trends home depot cutting jobs next round of cost cutting employment to population ratio aol verizon time warner wal-mart ups slashing jobs advanced technologies national science foundation trade gap high tech products global exports alan tonelson nar december existing home sales gapa news econchart horrid housing numbers diagnose mittelstand umsatzrendite sparkassen- und giroverband world oil demand great oil disconnect gas bill can oil prices kill the recovery barrel per day 20 dollar extra for gas every week lame duck president cadbury takeover massachusetts health care reform obama scott brown dji big pharma bank of america citigroup treasury wells fargo american express pnc capital one banks small business lending jp morgan chase regions biggest us banks mortgage rates purchases of mortgage-backed securities nahb housing starts david drummond neelie kroes google vs china censorship northrop adobe juniper cyberattack top internet countries symantec state department withdrawal chinese internet forex reserves david roche europe better growth strategy yen euros share in global reserves pound worlds reserve currency exports chinas boom v-shaped recovery wto researchers per million inhabitants asia outstripping europe r&d worlds researchers unesco asia surpasses europe world share china storming ahead americas market cap congressional banking industry consolidation meltdown 2008 financial crisis inquiry commission tarp banking crisis consumer confidence communist party gapa nrews private consumption india content creation gutenberg trendstream video online one billion publishers photo upload social network profile web 20 blog lightspeed research grosvenor cap rates vacancies rising spreads underwater inc 500 twitter social media university of massachusetts blogging social networking online video social platforms podcasting dot-com time magazine fed chairman black monday greenspan person of the year
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