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  ncrease your Mo Jo-tivity

                    by Matthew McCullough of Ambient Ideas, LLC
Maven use ing
on the   sw
    v e r
   o Configuration
Default Goal

‣   Often not set.
‣   Saves typing.
‣   Communicates author’s intended goal.
‣   Only one goal or phase allowed.
mvn install


mvn install
mvn install
Super Pom
‣ Pseudo-invisible.
Super Pom
‣ Pseudo-invisible.
‣ All projects inherit it.
Super Pom
‣ Pseudo-invisible.
‣ All projects inherit it.
‣ Specifies file location defaults.
Super Pom
‣   Pseudo-invisible.
‣   All projects inherit it.
‣   Specifies file location defaults.
‣   Locks version of common plugins.
    ‣ post mvn 2.0.8.
    ‣ Increases build stability.
<!-- START SNIPPET: superpom -->
  <name>Maven Default Project</name>

Super Pom

‣ Familiarize yourself with it.
‣ View it in SVN.
Saving time with
Project via Archetype
‣ Project templates on steroids.
  ‣   Seed unit tests.
  ‣   Standardize directory structure.
  ‣   Corporate licenses, OSS licenses.
  ‣   Bundle corporate READMEs.
‣ Doesn’t mutate like a copy-n-paste template.
‣ Replaceables for classnames, company info.
$ mvn archetype:generate
Archetype via Project

‣ Uses existing project as seed.
‣ Turns it into a maven archetype.
‣ Can publish to a repo for others to use.
$ mvn archetype:create-from-project
Archetype via Archetype

‣ “Template for templates”
Archetype via Archetype

‣ “Template for templates”
‣ Can be selected from the archetype list.
Archetype via Archetype

‣ “Template for templates”
‣ Can be selected from the archetype list.
mvn archetype:generate
$ mvn archetype:generate
Dirty Tree

                           B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

             JU:JU:3.8.1               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.2

How does Maven resolve versions?
Dirty Tree

                           B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

             JU:JU:3.8.1               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.2

Dirty Tree

                           B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

             JU:JU:3.8.1               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.2

Then highest version?
Then highest version?
Then sequential first at same distance
Dirty Tree

                           B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

             JU:JU:3.8.1               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.2

Dirty Tree

                           B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

             JU:JU:3.8.1               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.2

First sequential at same level ➲

                                   [INFO]   [dependency:tree]
                                   [INFO]   root.project:ear:ear:1.0
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project:ejbs:ejb:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   | - junit:junit:jar:4.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project.servlets:servlet:war:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project:primary-source:jar:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   - root.project.projects:logging:jar:1.0:compile
First sequential at same level ➲

                                                                    4.0 is resolved
                                   [INFO]   [dependency:tree]
                                   [INFO]   root.project:ear:ear:1.0
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project:ejbs:ejb:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   | - junit:junit:jar:4.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project.servlets:servlet:war:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project:primary-source:jar:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   - root.project.projects:logging:jar:1.0:compile
First sequential at same level ➲

                                                                    4.0 is resolved
                                   [INFO]   [dependency:tree]
                                   [INFO]   root.project:ear:ear:1.0
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project:ejbs:ejb:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   | - junit:junit:jar:4.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project.servlets:servlet:war:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   +- root.project:primary-source:jar:1.0:compile
                                   [INFO]   - root.project.projects:logging:jar:1.0:compile

                                                      Even though I have 4.4 declared as
                                                       a dependency of primary-source
Resolving Tree

                               B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

                 JU:JU:3.8.2               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.1

Resolving Tree

                               B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

                 JU:JU:3.8.2               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.1
Resolving Tree

                               B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

                 JU:JU:3.8.2               B:B:2.0
Resolved Tree

                              B:B:1.0             C:C:1.0

We’ve resolved the version tree.
How about the dependency graph?
Dirty Graph

                            B:B:1.0               C:C:1.0

              JU:JU:3.8.2               B:B:2.0             JU:JU:3.8.1

Resolved Graph

                 B:B:1.0                 C:C:1.0

A dice roll
for complex graphs?
Declare desired versions
Advertise authorized versions

‣ <dependencyManagement>
 ‣ Inheritance for dependency versions.

‣ <dependencyManagement>
 ‣ Inheritance for dependency versions.
‣ <pluginManagement>
 ‣ Inheritance for plugin versions and config.
<dependencyManagement> and <pluginManagement>
   are essentially identical
Minimizing declarations
In the base pom.xml...
              <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo>
              <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo>
              <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo>
              <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo>
In the child pom.xml...
Dependency Lists
‣ List view
  ‣ mvn dependency:resolve
‣ Tree view
  ‣ mvn dependency:tree
‣ Plugin list view
  ‣ mvn dependency:resolve-plugins
$ mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] com.ambientideas:sample13-wicket:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] +- org.apache.wicket:wicket:jar:1.3.2:compile
[INFO] | - org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.4.2:compile
[INFO] +- org.apache.wicket:wicket-extensions:jar:1.3.2:compile
[INFO] +- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1:compile
[INFO] +- org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.4.2:compile
[INFO] +- log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:compile
[INFO] +- junit:junit:jar:3.8.2:test
[INFO] +- org.mortbay.jetty:jetty:jar:6.1.4:provided
[INFO] | - org.mortbay.jetty:servlet-api-2.5:jar:6.1.4:provided
[INFO] +- org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-util:jar:6.1.4:provided
[INFO] - org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-management:jar:6.1.4:provided
[INFO] +- mx4j:mx4j:jar:3.0.1:provided
[INFO] - mx4j:mx4j-tools:jar:3.0.1:provided
Dependency Analysis

‣ Analyze to help prune unneeded.
 ‣ mvn dependency:analyze
Dependency Analysis

‣ See if overrides are colliding.
  ‣ mvn dependency:analyze-dep-mgt
$ mvn dependency:analyze

[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING] org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.4.2:compile
[WARNING] log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:compile
[WARNING] org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-management:jar:6.1.4:provided
[WARNING] org.apache.wicket:wicket-extensions:jar:1.3.2:compile
[WARNING] commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1:compile
Maven Debug Flags

‣ Output full error stacktraces.
  ‣ mvn <anygoal> -e
‣ Output debug level operational info.
  ‣ mvn <anygoal> -X
  ‣ Always use when submitting questions or bug
$ mvn <anygoal> -X

[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-
dependency-plugin:2.0:analyze' -->
[DEBUG] (f) baseDir = /Users/mccm06/Documents/Teach/
[DEBUG] (f) failOnWarning = false
[DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject:
1.0-SNAPSHOT @ /Users/mccm06/Documents/Teach/Courses/
[DEBUG] (f) scriptableFlag = $$%%%
[DEBUG] (f) scriptableOutput = false
[DEBUG] (f) verbose = false
Debug Maven

‣ Waits on socket for debugger to connect.
  ‣ mvnDebug <anygoal>
‣ Useful for debugging plugins.

‣ Can be used for unit test debugging.
  ‣ mvnDebug test -DforkMode=none
Debug Unit Tests

‣ Waits on socket for debugger to connect.

 mvn test -Dmaven.surefire.debug
Groovy Support
‣ Groovy application code compilation.
  ‣ mvn archetype:generate

‣ Groovy maven plugin authoring.
  ‣ mvn archetype:generate

‣ Joint compiler in both cases.

Grails Support
 ‣ Grails now fully supports Maven...
   ‣ Archetype
   ‣ Grails goals: create-controller, run-app, etc.
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.0-
 -DgroupId=com.ambientideas -DartifactId=sample-grails

command line
      Help !
Maven Help Plugin

mvn help:describe -Dplugin=<anygoal>

‣ Lists and describes plugin goals.
Maven Help Plugin

mvn help:system

‣ Outputs environment variables and
  system properties.
Maven Help Plugin

mvn help:active-profiles

‣ See what profiles are being
  triggered by environment, files,
Maven Help Plugin

mvn help:effective-pom

‣ Outputs the resultant pom.
‣ Includes inherited sections.
m2eclipse Plugin
‣ Advanced Eclipse GUI for Maven
  ‣ Update site:
‣ Eclipse 3.2-3.4 compatibility
  ‣ 3.5 support arrived May 09
‣ Features include:
  ‣   Exclusion/Inclusion via clicks
  ‣   Searching for artifacts
  ‣   Dependency diagrams
  ‣   Click-to-run Maven goals

mvn eclipse:eclipse
    File > Import > Existing
➊   Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse Classpath
    Variable M2_REPO
mvn eclipse:eclipse
    File > Import > Existing
➊   Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse Classpath
    Variable M2_REPO
mvn eclipse:eclipse

                    te d
    File > Import > Existing
➊             tdClasspath
    Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse
    Variable M2_REPO
mvn eclipse:eclipse

                    te d
    File > Import > Existing
➊             tdClasspath
    Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse
    Variable M2_REPO

    mvn eclipse:m2eclipse

➋   File > Import > Existing
    Projects into Workspace
mvn eclipse:eclipse

                    te d
    File > Import > Existing
➊             tdClasspath
    Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse
    Variable M2_REPO

    mvn eclipse:m2eclipse

➋   File > Import > Existing
    Projects into Workspace
mvn eclipse:eclipse

                    te d
    File > Import > Existing
➊             tdClasspath
    Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse
    Variable M2_REPO

                      sa   ry
  mvn eclipse:m2eclipse

➋ File > Importc> Existing
       nn   e Workspace
  Projects into
mvn eclipse:eclipse

                    te d
    File > Import > Existing
➊             tdClasspath
    Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse
    Variable M2_REPO

                      sa   ry
  mvn eclipse:m2eclipse

➋ File > Importc> Existing
       nn   e Workspace
  Projects into

➌   File > Import > Maven
mvn eclipse:eclipse

                    te d
    File > Import > Existing
➊             tdClasspath
    Projects into Workspace
    Set up Eclipse
    Variable M2_REPO

                      sa   ry
  mvn eclipse:m2eclipse

➋ File > Importc> Existing
       nn   e Workspace
  Projects into

➌   File > Import > Maven
Dependency Graph
Eclipse command line Compiler
Source Code Control
Maven SCM Support
‣ Seamlessly integrates Maven
  processes with your SCM repo.
 ‣ mvn scm:diff
  ‣ Creates UNIX diff file
 ‣ mvn scm:tag
 ‣ mvn scm:status
Maven SCM Support

‣ Dozens of SCM systems supported.
 ‣ CVS
 ‣ Subversion
 ‣ Git
Maven SCM Support

mvn release:prepare

‣ Increments all pom.xml version tags.
Reactor Plugin

  ‣   Spawns a new nested Maven build.
  ‣   Restart where a long-running build failed.
  ‣   Selective build based on dependency.
  ‣   Selective build based on scm-noticed changes.
Reactor Plugin
 In Use
  ‣ Resume multi-module build starting with this

$ mvn reactor:resume -Dfrom=mymodule
Reactor Plugin
  In Use
    ‣ Build all modules that are dependents of mine.
       ‣ Essentially, selective children.
       ‣ I just made a change.
       ‣ Want to ensure I didn’t break anything below me.

$ mvn reactor:make-dependents -Dmake.folders=mid1
$ mvn reactor:make-dependents -Dmake.projects=com.ambientideas:mid1
Reactor Plugin

  In Use
   ‣ Build all modules that this module depends on
      ‣ Essentially, selective parents.
      ‣ Teammate informed me.
      ‣ Wants to make sure I test his changes.

$ mvn reactor:make -Dmake.folders=mid1
$ mvn reactor:make -Dmake.projects=com.ambientideas:mid1
Reactor Plugin

In Use
‣ Build all modules that scm says had changed.
  ‣ Essentially, build “dirty”.

  $ mvn reactor:make-scm-changes
Exec Plugin

‣ Run any Java main class or external tool.
Exec Plugin

‣ Run any Java main class or external tool.
‣ Builds classpath from pom dependencies.
Exec Plugin

‣ Run any Java main class or external tool.
‣ Builds classpath from pom dependencies.
‣ Primarily for testing.
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=quot;;
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=quot;;

$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=quot;;

$ mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable=quot;winzip.exequot;
Ant Build Generation

‣ Dead simple.
‣ Great for backport/legacy situations.
$ cd mymavenproj
$ cd mymavenproj
$ mvn ant:ant
$ cd mymavenproj
                    , th at’s
$ mvn ant:ant   Yes

$ ls
AntRun Plugin

‣   Run any Ant task.
‣   Leverage legacy in-house plugins.
‣   Great way to copy arbitrary files.
‣   Useful for echoing status or properties.
             <echo>BuildDir: ${}</echo>
             <copy todir=quot;${myspecialfolder}quot;>
               <fileset dir=quot;${myfiles}quot;/>
Site Generation
‣ Professional project web site
Site Generation
‣ Professional project web site
‣ Templatizable
Site Generation
‣ Professional project web site
‣ Templatizable
‣ Contributors
Site Generation
‣   Professional project web site
‣   Templatizable
‣   Contributors
‣   Licenses
Site Generation
‣   Professional project web site
‣   Templatizable
‣   Contributors
‣   Licenses
‣   Hyperlinked source ref
Site Generation
‣   Professional project web site
‣   Templatizable
‣   Contributors
‣   Licenses
‣   Hyperlinked source ref
‣   Defect tracking
Site Generation
‣   Professional project web site
‣   Templatizable
‣   Contributors
‣   Licenses
‣   Hyperlinked source ref
‣   Defect tracking
‣   Dependencies
Site Generation
‣   Professional project web site
‣   Templatizable
‣   Contributors
‣   Licenses
‣   Hyperlinked source ref
‣   Defect tracking
‣   Dependencies
‣   Plugins
Project Info
Report Generation

‣   Unit test reports
‣   Test coverage reports
‣   Checkstyle and PMD
‣   Javadocs
‣   Tag list (TODO)
What’s New?
Maven 2.0.10
‣ Stability.
‣ Unit and integration tests.
‣ End of the line for 2.0.X.
Maven 2.1
‣ Parallel downloads (Don Brown)
‣ Encrypted passwords
‣ Drop in replacement
What’s Next?
Maven 3.0
‣ Encrypted passwords (from 2.1)
‣ Mercury engine
  ‣ Parallel downloads (determinate)
  ‣ New resolver
‣ Tyco OSGi bundle builder
Build Nirvana
 @matthewmccull             Matthew
         sidebar has all my social media links

Maven Homepage

Maven Sonatype eBook

Matthew’s Maven Bookmarks

GMaven Plugin
Maven Superpom

Sonatype Central Repo Repo

Archetype Mini-Guide
GMaven Plugin

Grails Maven Integration

m2eclipse Plugin Homepage

m2eclipse Eclipse Update Site

m2eclipse Documentation
Archetype Guide

Sonatype eBook Archetype Chapter

Archetype create-from-project Mojo

JavaWorld Reporting Article
Maven Dependency Plugin

Maven AntRun Plugin

Maven Exec Plugin

SuperPOM in SVN
Image Credits


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Mastering Maven 2.0 In 1 Hour V1.3

  • 1. Mastering Maven ncrease your Mo Jo-tivity I by Matthew McCullough of Ambient Ideas, LLC
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8. Maven use ing up on the sw
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Convention v e r o Configuration
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Default Goal
  • 16. Default Goal ‣ Often not set. ‣ Saves typing. ‣ Communicates author’s intended goal. ‣ Only one goal or phase allowed.
  • 18. <project> <groupId>com.ambientideas</groupId> <artifactId>sample-defaultgoal</artifactId> [...] <build> <defaultGoal>install</defaultGoal> </build> [...] </project>
  • 21. mvn
  • 22. Super Pom
  • 24. Super Pom ‣ Pseudo-invisible. ‣ All projects inherit it.
  • 25. Super Pom ‣ Pseudo-invisible. ‣ All projects inherit it. ‣ Specifies file location defaults.
  • 26. Super Pom ‣ Pseudo-invisible. ‣ All projects inherit it. ‣ Specifies file location defaults. ‣ Locks version of common plugins. ‣ post mvn 2.0.8. ‣ Increases build stability.
  • 27. <!-- START SNIPPET: superpom --> <project> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <name>Maven Default Project</name> <build> <directory>target</directory> <outputDirectory>target/classes</outputDirectory> <finalName>${project.artifactId}-${project.version}</finalName> [...] <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </plugin> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.0.2</version> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement> </build> </project>
  • 28. Super Pom ‣ Familiarize yourself with it. ‣ View it in SVN.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 33. Project via Archetype ‣ Project templates on steroids. ‣ Seed unit tests. ‣ Standardize directory structure. ‣ Corporate licenses, OSS licenses. ‣ Bundle corporate READMEs. ‣ Doesn’t mutate like a copy-n-paste template. ‣ Replaceables for classnames, company info.
  • 35. Archetype via Project ‣ Uses existing project as seed. ‣ Turns it into a maven archetype. ‣ Can publish to a repo for others to use.
  • 37.
  • 38. Archetype via Archetype ‣ “Template for templates”
  • 39. Archetype via Archetype ‣ “Template for templates” ‣ Can be selected from the archetype list.
  • 40. Archetype via Archetype ‣ “Template for templates” ‣ Can be selected from the archetype list. mvn archetype:generate
  • 41. $ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=quot;org.apache.maven.archetypesquot; -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DgroupId=com.ambientideas -DartifactId=mysamplearchetype
  • 43. Dirty Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 44. How does Maven resolve versions?
  • 46. Dirty Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 47. Dirty Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 50. Then sequential first at same distance
  • 51. Dirty Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 52. Dirty Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 53. First sequential at same level ➲ [INFO] [dependency:tree] [INFO] root.project:ear:ear:1.0 [INFO] +- root.project:ejbs:ejb:1.0:compile [INFO] | - junit:junit:jar:4.0:compile [INFO] +- root.project.servlets:servlet:war:1.0:compile [INFO] +- root.project:primary-source:jar:1.0:compile [INFO] - root.project.projects:logging:jar:1.0:compile
  • 54. First sequential at same level ➲ 4.0 is resolved [INFO] [dependency:tree] [INFO] root.project:ear:ear:1.0 [INFO] +- root.project:ejbs:ejb:1.0:compile [INFO] | - junit:junit:jar:4.0:compile [INFO] +- root.project.servlets:servlet:war:1.0:compile [INFO] +- root.project:primary-source:jar:1.0:compile [INFO] - root.project.projects:logging:jar:1.0:compile
  • 55. First sequential at same level ➲ 4.0 is resolved [INFO] [dependency:tree] [INFO] root.project:ear:ear:1.0 [INFO] +- root.project:ejbs:ejb:1.0:compile [INFO] | - junit:junit:jar:4.0:compile [INFO] +- root.project.servlets:servlet:war:1.0:compile [INFO] +- root.project:primary-source:jar:1.0:compile [INFO] - root.project.projects:logging:jar:1.0:compile Even though I have 4.4 declared as a dependency of primary-source
  • 56. Resolving Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 57. Resolving Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.1
  • 58. Resolving Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 B:B:2.0
  • 59. Resolved Tree A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 60. We’ve resolved the version tree.
  • 61. How about the dependency graph?
  • 62. Dirty Graph A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.2 B:B:2.0 JU:JU:3.8.1 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 63. Resolved Graph A:A:1.0 B:B:1.0 C:C:1.0 JU:JU:3.8.2
  • 64. A dice roll for complex graphs?
  • 67. <*Management> ‣ <dependencyManagement> ‣ Inheritance for dependency versions.
  • 68. <*Management> ‣ <dependencyManagement> ‣ Inheritance for dependency versions. ‣ <pluginManagement> ‣ Inheritance for plugin versions and config.
  • 70. Minimizing declarations with <*Management>
  • 71. In the base pom.xml...
  • 72. <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> <executions> <execution> <id>echodir</id> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <phase>install</phase> <configuration> <tasks> <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement>
  • 73. <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> <executions> <execution> <id>echodir</id> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <phase>install</phase> <configuration> <tasks> <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement>
  • 74. <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> <executions> <execution> <id>echodir</id> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <phase>install</phase> <configuration> <tasks> <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement>
  • 75. <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> <executions> <execution> <id>echodir</id> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <phase>install</phase> <configuration> <tasks> <echo>Build Dir: ${}</echo> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement>
  • 76. In the child pom.xml...
  • 77. <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> </plugins>
  • 78. Dependency Lists ‣ List view ‣ mvn dependency:resolve ‣ Tree view ‣ mvn dependency:tree ‣ Plugin list view ‣ mvn dependency:resolve-plugins
  • 79. $ mvn dependency:tree [INFO] com.ambientideas:sample13-wicket:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] +- org.apache.wicket:wicket:jar:1.3.2:compile [INFO] | - org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.4.2:compile [INFO] +- org.apache.wicket:wicket-extensions:jar:1.3.2:compile [INFO] +- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1:compile [INFO] +- org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.4.2:compile [INFO] +- log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:compile [INFO] +- junit:junit:jar:3.8.2:test [INFO] +- org.mortbay.jetty:jetty:jar:6.1.4:provided [INFO] | - org.mortbay.jetty:servlet-api-2.5:jar:6.1.4:provided [INFO] +- org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-util:jar:6.1.4:provided [INFO] - org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-management:jar:6.1.4:provided [INFO] +- mx4j:mx4j:jar:3.0.1:provided [INFO] - mx4j:mx4j-tools:jar:3.0.1:provided
  • 80. Dependency Analysis ‣ Analyze to help prune unneeded. ‣ mvn dependency:analyze
  • 81. Dependency Analysis ‣ See if overrides are colliding. ‣ mvn dependency:analyze-dep-mgt
  • 82. $ mvn dependency:analyze [WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found: [WARNING] org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.4.2:compile [WARNING] log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:compile [WARNING] org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-management:jar:6.1.4:provided [WARNING] org.apache.wicket:wicket-extensions:jar:1.3.2:compile [WARNING] commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1:compile
  • 83.
  • 85. Maven Debug Flags ‣ Output full error stacktraces. ‣ mvn <anygoal> -e ‣ Output debug level operational info. ‣ mvn <anygoal> -X ‣ Always use when submitting questions or bug reports.
  • 86. $ mvn <anygoal> -X [DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven- dependency-plugin:2.0:analyze' --> [DEBUG] (f) baseDir = /Users/mccm06/Documents/Teach/ Courses/Mastering-Maven-1Hour/examples/maven-training.git/ sample13-wicket-withdependencies [DEBUG] (f) failOnWarning = false [DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject: com.ambientideas:sample13-wicket-withunneededdependencies: 1.0-SNAPSHOT @ /Users/mccm06/Documents/Teach/Courses/ Mastering-Maven-1Hour/examples/maven-training.git/sample13- wicket-withunneededdependencies/pom.xml [DEBUG] (f) scriptableFlag = $$%%% [DEBUG] (f) scriptableOutput = false [DEBUG] (f) verbose = false
  • 87. Debug Maven ‣ Waits on socket for debugger to connect. ‣ mvnDebug <anygoal> ‣ Useful for debugging plugins. ‣ Can be used for unit test debugging. ‣ mvnDebug test -DforkMode=none
  • 88. Debug Unit Tests ‣ Waits on socket for debugger to connect. mvn test -Dmaven.surefire.debug
  • 90. Groovy Support ‣ Groovy application code compilation. ‣ mvn archetype:generate ...gmaven-archetype-basic ‣ Groovy maven plugin authoring. ‣ mvn archetype:generate ...gmaven-archetype-mojo ‣ Joint compiler in both cases. +
  • 91. Grails Support ‣ Grails now fully supports Maven... ‣ Archetype ‣ Grails goals: create-controller, run-app, etc. mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.0- alpha-4:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.grails -DarchetypeArtifactId=grails-maven-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeRepository= -DgroupId=com.ambientideas -DartifactId=sample-grails +
  • 92. command line Help !
  • 93. Maven Help Plugin mvn help:describe -Dplugin=<anygoal> ‣ Lists and describes plugin goals.
  • 94. Maven Help Plugin mvn help:system ‣ Outputs environment variables and system properties.
  • 95. Maven Help Plugin mvn help:active-profiles ‣ See what profiles are being triggered by environment, files, params.
  • 96. Maven Help Plugin mvn help:effective-pom ‣ Outputs the resultant pom. ‣ Includes inherited sections.
  • 98. m2eclipse Plugin ‣ Advanced Eclipse GUI for Maven ‣ Update site: ‣ Eclipse 3.2-3.4 compatibility ‣ 3.5 support arrived May 09 ‣ Features include: ‣ Exclusion/Inclusion via clicks ‣ Searching for artifacts ‣ Dependency diagrams ‣ Click-to-run Maven goals +
  • 99. mvn eclipse:eclipse File > Import > Existing ➊ Projects into Workspace Set up Eclipse Classpath Variable M2_REPO
  • 100. mvn eclipse:eclipse File > Import > Existing ➊ Projects into Workspace Set up Eclipse Classpath Variable M2_REPO
  • 101. mvn eclipse:eclipse te d File > Import > Existing a ➊ tdClasspath Projects into Workspace u O Set up Eclipse Variable M2_REPO
  • 102. mvn eclipse:eclipse te d File > Import > Existing a ➊ tdClasspath Projects into Workspace u O Set up Eclipse Variable M2_REPO mvn eclipse:m2eclipse ➋ File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace
  • 103. mvn eclipse:eclipse te d File > Import > Existing a ➊ tdClasspath Projects into Workspace u O Set up Eclipse Variable M2_REPO mvn eclipse:m2eclipse ➋ File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace
  • 104. mvn eclipse:eclipse te d File > Import > Existing a ➊ tdClasspath Projects into Workspace u O Set up Eclipse Variable M2_REPO sa ry es mvn eclipse:m2eclipse ➋ File > Importc> Existing nn e Workspace U Projects into
  • 105. mvn eclipse:eclipse te d File > Import > Existing a ➊ tdClasspath Projects into Workspace u O Set up Eclipse Variable M2_REPO sa ry es mvn eclipse:m2eclipse ➋ File > Importc> Existing nn e Workspace U Projects into ➌ File > Import > Maven Projects
  • 106. mvn eclipse:eclipse te d File > Import > Existing a ➊ tdClasspath Projects into Workspace u O Set up Eclipse Variable M2_REPO sa ry es mvn eclipse:m2eclipse ➋ File > Importc> Existing nn e Workspace U Projects into ➌ File > Import > Maven Projects
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 111.
  • 112. Eclipse command line Compiler <plugin>      <artifactId>maven‐compiler‐plugin</artifactId>      <configuration>          <compilerId>eclipse</compilerId>          <source>1.5</source>          <target>1.6</target>      </configuration>      <dependencies>         <dependency>            <groupId>org.codehaus.plexus</groupId>            <artifactId>plexus‐compiler‐eclipse</artifactId>            <version>1.5.1</version>         </dependency>      </dependencies> </plugin>
  • 113. Source Code Control Integration
  • 114. Maven SCM Support ‣ Seamlessly integrates Maven processes with your SCM repo. ‣ mvn scm:diff ‣ Creates UNIX diff file ‣ mvn scm:tag ‣ mvn scm:status
  • 115. Maven SCM Support ‣ Dozens of SCM systems supported. ‣ CVS ‣ Subversion ‣ Git
  • 117. Maven SCM Support mvn release:prepare ‣ Increments all pom.xml version tags.
  • 118.
  • 119. Reactor Plugin
  • 120. Reactor Plugin Purposes ‣ Spawns a new nested Maven build. ‣ Restart where a long-running build failed. ‣ Selective build based on dependency. ‣ Selective build based on scm-noticed changes.
  • 121. Reactor Plugin In Use ‣ Resume multi-module build starting with this module. $ mvn reactor:resume -Dfrom=mymodule
  • 122. Reactor Plugin In Use ‣ Build all modules that are dependents of mine. ‣ Essentially, selective children. ‣ I just made a change. ‣ Want to ensure I didn’t break anything below me. $ mvn reactor:make-dependents -Dmake.folders=mid1 or $ mvn reactor:make-dependents -Dmake.projects=com.ambientideas:mid1
  • 123. Reactor Plugin In Use ‣ Build all modules that this module depends on ‣ Essentially, selective parents. ‣ Teammate informed me. ‣ Wants to make sure I test his changes. $ mvn reactor:make -Dmake.folders=mid1 or $ mvn reactor:make -Dmake.projects=com.ambientideas:mid1
  • 124. Reactor Plugin In Use ‣ Build all modules that scm says had changed. ‣ Essentially, build “dirty”. $ mvn reactor:make-scm-changes
  • 125. Running Apps
  • 126. Exec Plugin ‣ Run any Java main class or external tool.
  • 127. Exec Plugin ‣ Run any Java main class or external tool. ‣ Builds classpath from pom dependencies.
  • 128. Exec Plugin ‣ Run any Java main class or external tool. ‣ Builds classpath from pom dependencies. ‣ Primarily for testing.
  • 129. $ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=quot;;
  • 130. $ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=quot;; or
  • 131. $ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=quot;; or $ mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable=quot;winzip.exequot; -Dexec.args=quot;myfile.txtquot;
  • 133. Ant Build Generation Why? ‣ Dead simple. ‣ Great for backport/legacy situations.
  • 134.
  • 136. $ cd mymavenproj $ mvn ant:ant
  • 137. $ cd mymavenproj it! , th at’s $ mvn ant:ant Yes $ ls build.xml maven-build.xml
  • 138. AntRun Plugin ‣ Run any Ant task. ‣ Leverage legacy in-house plugins. ‣ Great way to copy arbitrary files. ‣ Useful for echoing status or properties.
  • 139. <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <id>echodir</id> <goals> <goal>run</goal> </goals> <phase>package</phase> <configuration> <tasks> <echo>BuildDir: ${}</echo> <copy todir=quot;${myspecialfolder}quot;> <fileset dir=quot;${myfiles}quot;/> </copy> </tasks> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins>
  • 141. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site
  • 142. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable
  • 143. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable ‣ Contributors
  • 144. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable ‣ Contributors ‣ Licenses
  • 145. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable ‣ Contributors ‣ Licenses ‣ Hyperlinked source ref
  • 146. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable ‣ Contributors ‣ Licenses ‣ Hyperlinked source ref ‣ Defect tracking
  • 147. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable ‣ Contributors ‣ Licenses ‣ Hyperlinked source ref ‣ Defect tracking ‣ Dependencies
  • 148. Site Generation ‣ Professional project web site ‣ Templatizable ‣ Contributors ‣ Licenses ‣ Hyperlinked source ref ‣ Defect tracking ‣ Dependencies ‣ Plugins
  • 150. Report Generation ‣ Unit test reports ‣ Test coverage reports ‣ Checkstyle and PMD ‣ Javadocs ‣ Tag list (TODO)
  • 151. Report
  • 153. Maven 2.0.10 ‣ Stability. ‣ Unit and integration tests. ‣ End of the line for 2.0.X.
  • 154. Maven 2.1 ‣ Parallel downloads (Don Brown) ‣ Encrypted passwords ‣ Drop in replacement
  • 156. Maven 3.0 ‣ Encrypted passwords (from 2.1) ‣ Mercury engine ‣ Parallel downloads (determinate) ‣ New resolver ‣ Tyco OSGi bundle builder
  • 158.
  • 159. Twitter @matthewmccull Matthew Blog sidebar has all my social media links Email GitHub
  • 160. Resources Maven Homepage Maven Sonatype eBook Matthew’s Maven Bookmarks GMaven Plugin
  • 161. Resources Maven Superpom Sonatype Central Repo Repo Archetype Mini-Guide
  • 162. Resources GMaven Plugin Grails Maven Integration m2eclipse Plugin Homepage m2eclipse Eclipse Update Site m2eclipse Documentation
  • 163. Resources Archetype Guide Sonatype eBook Archetype Chapter Archetype create-from-project Mojo mojo.html JavaWorld Reporting Article
  • 164. Resources Maven Dependency Plugin Maven AntRun Plugin Maven Exec Plugin SuperPOM in SVN src/main/resources/org/apache/maven/project/pom-4.0.0.xml?view=markup
  • 165. Image Credits ‣ ‣ ‣