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Learning objectives
0 Anatomical language
0 The main bones of the skull
0 External and internal (sagittal) view of the brain
0 The forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain
0 The Circle of Willis
Anatomical language for the
Before we go any further however, let’s go through the
Anatomy of the brain comes with its own weird and
wonderful language. Understanding the anatomy of the
brain becomes a lot easier as soon as you understand
the language that comes with it.
Anatomical language for the
brainrostra means
beak/nose, so
Rostral means
closer to the nose
Cauda means tail
(ie cauda equina),
Caudal means
closer to the
Anatomical Language for the
brain0 The brain is folded into
Gyri and sulci
0 Gyri (singular gyrus) are
the raised bumps of the
0 Sulci (singular sulcus)
are the grooves between
the folds
0 The longitudinal fissure
(aka the median fissure)
splits the two halves of
the cerebrum
Anatomical language for the
0 Grey Matter is matter
composed of unmyelinated
neuron bodies, neurons and
glial cells
0 White matter is matter
composed of myelinated axons
and glial cells and is the lipid
content of the myelin sheaths
that makes this area appear
Anatomical language for the
There are 3 layers covering the
0 The dura mater is the outermost
layer. As its name might suggest its
very durable and coats the whole
of the brain and spinal cord in one
continuous sheath
0 The arachnoid mater is the middle
layer. All cerebral veins, arteries
and cranial nerves lie beneath this
layer in an area known as the
subarachnoid space
0 The pia mater is a vascular
membrane that intimately covers
all gyri and sulci of the brain
The Skull
A quick revision of the main bones of the skull
A brief overview of the brain
External Structures
A Brief Overview of the Brain
Internal Structures
Sagittal section of
the brain
Functional areas of the brain
The brain is grouped into 3 areas
based loosely on embryological
0 The Forebrain – cerebrum and
the diencephalon
0 The Midbrain –tegmentum and
0 The Hindbrain – cerebellum,
medulla oblongata and pons
The forebrain
The cerebrum
0 Also known as the telencephalon
0 Thought to be the seat of humanity
as its so well developed in humans
0 Composed of two hemispheres
(left and right) divided by the
median fissure
0 Commissures (tracts of axons
crossing the midline) connect
these two hemispheres, the largest
of which is the corpus callosum
0 Covered in a 2-4mm thick layer of
grey matter - the cerebral cortex
Lobes of the Cerebrum
0 The lobes of
the cerebrum
are described
in terms of the
skull bones
they lie behind
The cerebrum
Functions of the cerebral cortex include:
0 Sensory perception
0 Memory
0 Planning/execution of voluntary movement
0 Language
0 Consciousness
0 Self Awareness
0 Cognitive functions
The cerebrum
Brodmann’s map divides the cerebral cortex into 52
different functional areas that are either motor, sensory
or associational.
The forebrain
The diencephalon
Composed of the
hypothalamus, thalamus,
epithalamus and subthalamus
The hypothalamus:
0 thermoregulation and
triggering sleep
0 part of the limbic system
(generates goal directed
behaviours - eating, drinking
0 Controls many endocrine
functions via connections to
the pituitary gland
The forebrain
The diencephalon
The Epithalamus:
0 Regulates circadian rhythm
0 Contains the pineal gland
The Thalamus has multiple
0 Emotion (limbic system)
0 Memory (frontal cortex)
0 Sensory and motor
0 Pain and visual attention
0 Sleep/wakefulness and arousal
The Subthalamus is involved in
The Midbrain
The mesencephalon
2 parts:
0 Tegmentum - receives
cranial nerves III – V
and contains substantia
0 Tectum – receives
cranial nerves II and
VIII; mediates
visual/auditory reflexes
The hindbrain
The Cerebellum
Makes up ¼ brain mass and ½
the brain’s total neurons
Cortex is composed of grey
matter folded into folia
separated by transverse
White matter is called arbor
vitae “tree of life”
Concerned with high level
0 timing and execution of a
voluntary movement
0 Learning new motor skills
0 Cognition
The hindbrain
Pons and Medulla Oblongata
The centres for life support functions of the brain
0 Pons consists mainly of nerve fibres connecting the
cerebellar hemispheres, forebrain, midbrain and
spinal cord
0 Medulla consists of 2 pyramids separated by a median
0 Descending fibres cross from left to right in the
medulla, known as the decussation of the pyramids
The Circle of Willis
0 Circle of Willis is meant
to be the brain’s
insurance mechanism
against arterial
blockages which could
cause CVAs
0 If one artery is blocked
other arteries in the
circle can compensate to
continue supplying the
affected area with blood
0 In reality the circle of
Willis is often too small
to be effective and isn’t
really able to cope with
large scale CVAs
The Circle of Willis
0 The Internal Carotid
arteries and the
vertebral arteries
form the main blood
0 They meet in the
middle via the two
arteries and the
basilar artery
The basilar and
vertebral arteries
supply the brainstem
Internal Carotid arteries
Vertebral arteries
Posterior communicating artery
Basilar artery
Internal Carotid arteries
Vertebral arteries
Posterior communicating artery
Basilar artery
The Circle of Willis
The Internal carotids
branch form the anterior
cerebral arteries. these
0 the medial surface of the
frontal and parietal lobes
0 1 inch of brain either side
of the median fissure
0 Occlusion can damage
motor nuclei cranial
nerves V, VII and XII
affecting movement of
jaw, lips and tongue
The Anterior
communicating artery links
the 2 anterior cerbral
Anterior cerebral arteriesAnterior
Internal Carotid arteries
Vertebral arteries
Posterior communicating artery
Basilar artery
The Circle of Willis
0 Middle cerebral
arteries supply lateral
parts of cerebral
hemispheres except
occipital and inferior
temporal lobe
0 Anterior choroidal
arteries supply
thalamus and
hypothalamus and
various important
forebrain groups
Anterior cerebral arteryAnterior
Middle cerebral artery
Anterior choroidal artery
Internal Carotid arteries
Vertebral arteries
Posterior communicating artery
Basilar artery
The Circle of Willis
Posterior cerebral
arteries supply:
0 Occipital lobe
0 Inferior temporal lobe
0 Midbrain
Superior and inferior
cerebellar arteries
0 Pons
0 Medulla
0 Cerebellum
Pontine arteries supply
medial parts of pons
and medulla
Anterior cerebral arteryAnterior
Middle cerebral artery
Posterior cerebral artery
Superior cerebellar artery
Inferior cerebellar artery
The brain has a 3 layer covering which allows it to be
suspended in CSF
The brain is divided anatomically into many different areas.
It is composed of three functional parts:
0 The Forebrain – higher functions and endocrine regulation
0 The Midbrain – cranial nerves and substantia nigra
0 The Hindbrain – coordination, movement and life support
The circle of Willis ensures a high arterial blood supply with
the possibility of compensatory blood supply in a CVA
Thank you for your time
0 Any questions?
Pathophysiology of a
By Tim Sale and
Nicola Tribley
• Define a stroke
• Distinguish between
• Explain what goes
A stroke is an acute neurological
deficit, lasting longer than 24 hours.
A Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
is an acute neurological deficit
lasting less than 24 hours.
3rd most common
cause of death in
developed world
More common
in men
25% of patients
More likely to
occur in the
More common
in Black
The Facts…
Types of C.V.A...
Ischaemic stroke/ Infarction – 80-90%
Small vessel
Large vessel stenosis
Haemorrhagic – 10-20%
TIA – Transient Ischaemic Attack
Large Vessel
 Also called
 Rupture of
a local
 Most
 Common
embolic source
 Atrial
 Valvular
Small Vessel Disease/
Lacunar Infarct0 25% of strokes
0 Infarcts in the deep (perforating) arteries, from
branches of the middle cerebral artery
0 Very localised, lesions (<5mm) are in the deep brain
– lots of important structures!
0 (37% putamen, 16% pons, 14% thalamus and 10%
0 Microatheroma (main cause) and Lipohyalinosis
(thickening of arteriolar wall and reduction in
lumen diameter)
• Intraparenchymal- 8-13%
of strokes
• Resulting haematoma can
damage surrounding brain
tissue due to increase in
• Hypertension damage to
vessel walls (most common)
• Anuerysm/ arteriovenous
malformation rupture
• Altered hemostasis
(coagulation disorders)
Cellular Changes
↓blood flow =↓O₂
Na˖/K˖ pump fails
(Na˖ accumulates in cell)
H₂O enters cell causing it to swell
Swelling causes ↑intracranial pressure
Further ↓bloodflow
0 High Na˖ causes cells to continually depolarise
0 ↑Ca2˖ enters cell leading to necrosis and
Inflammation (via cytokine release)
Cells with CBF <10ml/100g tissue/min will die
within minutes of a stroke - the ‘core’
Cells with CBF <25ml/100g tissue/min can
remain viable for several hours - the ‘penumbra’
Features Anatomy Prognosis
Total Anterior
Infarct (15%)
1. High cerebral
2. Hemanopia
3. Ipsilateral
Middle Cerebral Artery
High mortality
Poor outcome
Partial Anterior
Infarct (35%)
2/3 of TACI features
Middle cerebral artery/
Anterior Cerebral artery
branch occluded
High chance of recovery
Infarct (25%)
Motor/ sensory/ataxic
Occlusion of small,
deep perforating artery
Often good recovery
Infarct (25%)
1.Cranial nerve palsy
Brain stem/
cerebellum/ occipital
Good recovery
High reoccurrence
Categorizing strokes
Possible causes and differential
diagnosis of cerebro-vascular
 Zeenat Umerji
What is stroke?
A sudden attack of weakness due to an interruption to the flow
of blood to the brain. Usually affects one side of the body.
 Either:
 Ischeamic (50% cerebral hemisphere, 25%
brainstem, 25% lacunar)
 heamorrhagic
 from prolonged reduction of BP
 Varies in severity from a passing weakness/tingling in a limb
(TIA) to profound paralysis, coma or death
 Chief causes:
 Thrombosis
 Atherothromboembolism
 Heart emboli
 CNS bleed (BP increased, trauma, aneurism
 Rare causes:
 Vasculitis
 Venus sinus thrombosis
 Young patients:
 Thrombophilia
 Vasculitis subarachnoid haemorrhage
 Venus-sinus thrombosis
 Carotid artery dissection
 Cerebral hemisphere infarcts: initially flaccid then spastic
contra-lateral hemiplegia, contra-lateral sensory loss,
hemianopia, dysphasia
 Brainstem infarction: quadriplegia (paralysis affecting all four
limbs), disturbances of gaze & vision, locked-in syndrome
 Lacunar infarcts: poor motor/sensory signs, ataxia, intact
Differential diagnosis
 CNS tumour
 Subdural haemorrhage
 Seizure (Todd's palsy)
 Hypoglycaemia
 Hyperglycemia
 Drug overdose (if comatose)
 Meningitis
 Migraine
Differential diagnosis
 CNS tumour
 Subdural haemorrhage
 Seizure (Todd's palsy)
 Hypoglycaemia
 Hyperglycemia
 Drug overdose (if comatose)
 Meningitis
 Migraine
Signs of trauma
Differential diagnosis
 CNS tumour
 Subdural haemorrhage
 Seizure (Todd's palsy)
 Hypoglycaemia
 Hyperglycemia
 Drug overdose (if comatose)
 Meningitis
 Migraine
Altered consciousness
Hemiparesis (Todd's paralysis)
History of seizures
Seizure medication
Differential diagnosis
 CNS tumour
 Subdural haemorrhage
 Seizure (Todd's palsy)
 Hypoglycaemia
 Hyperglycemia
 Drug overdose (if comatose)
 Meningitis
 Migraine
When glucose is ≤50 or ≥300
Altered consciousness
Hemiparesis (Todd's paralysis)
Differential diagnosis
 CNS tumour
 Subdural haemorrhage
 Seizure (Todd's palsy)
 Hypoglycaemia
 Hyperglycemia
 Drug overdose (if comatose)
 Meningitis
 Migraine
Thank you for listening :)
Investigations for
Accident (CVA) /
By Rosie Vincent
9th Nov 2012
How would you know someone is
having a stroke?
• FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time)
What are the Signs and
• All strokes tend to be sudden onset, occasionally with
further progression over a few hours. Focal signs relate to
distribution of the affected artery, but collateral supplies
cloud the issue. You can not reliably differentiate between
ischemic and haemorrhagic strokes but some pointers are:
• Ischemic (A): Carotid bruit, AF, past TIA, IHD
• Haemorrhagic (B): Menigism, severe headache, and coma
within hours.
Other Symptoms
• Difficulty swallowing
• Excessive drooling
• Choking
• Difficulty walking
• Change in vision (double vision/loss of vision)
• Eyes fail to move in unison
• Difficulty with balance
• Clumsiness
• Loss of coordination
• Symptoms typically occur on one side of the body
• Less common symptoms of a stroke may include:
• Altered smell sense, Headache, Dizziness, Excessive sleepiness,
Excessive salivation, Drooping eyelid, Trismus (can’t open mouth),
Vertigo, Urinary incontinence, Memory loss, Confusion, Delusions,
Coma, Impotence, Generalised weakness, Fatigue
• Needs to be prompt!
• Confirm the clinical diagnosis (exclude other causes
e.g. Tumour)
• Distinguish between haemorrhage and ischemic
• Look for underlying causes for the stoke, therefore we
can reduce risk factors and prevent further strokes
• Identify where the stroke has occurred, what has been
damaged and how it is affecting the patient- So we can
start to plan treatment/management and
Awareness and consciousness –
Glasgow coma scale/AVPU
Cranial Nerve Exam
• Cranial nerves 1 and 2 originate from the cerebrum,
whereas 3-12 originate from the brain stem. Therefore
strokes in these areas may affect the function of these
• You know what each one does so think about what
symptoms you might get e.g.
• 1 (Olfactory)= altered smell
• 2(Optic)= loss of vision (total/ partial), Pupil Un-
reactive to light
• 9(Glossopharyngeal)=?
Neurological Exams
• Motor and Sensory examination
• If the area of the brain affected contains one of the three
prominent Central nervous system pathways—the
spinothalamic tract, corticospinal tract, and dorsal column
(medial lemniscus), symptoms may include:
• hemiplegia and muscle weakness of the face
• numbness
• reduction in sensory or vibratory sensation
• In most cases the symptoms are usually on just 1 side of
the body, with the defect in the brain on the opposite side
(depends on which part of the brain is affected)
• BE CAREFUL - The symptoms do not always mean there is a
stroke- as these pathways also travel in the spinal cord and
lesions there can produce the same symptoms.
Cerebral Cortex
• If the cerebral cortex is involved the CNS pathways can again be
affected, but also can produce the following symptoms:
• Aphasia (inability to speak or understand language from involvement
of Broca's or Wernicke's area)
• Apraxia (altered voluntary movements)
• Visual field defect
• Memory deficits (involvement of temporal lobe)
• Hemineglect (involvement of parietal lobe)
• Disorganized thinking, confusion, hypersexual gestures (with
involvement of frontal lobe)
• Anosognosia (persistent denial of the existence of a, usually stroke-
related, deficit)
• If the ''cerebellum'' is involved, the patient may have the following
• trouble walking
• altered movement coordination
• vertigo and or disequilibrium
Stroke Classification
(Bamford/Oxford classification)
• Total Anterior Circulation Infarct (TACI)
• Combination of new higher cerebral dysfunction (eg,dysphasia);
homonymous visual field defect; and ipsilateral motor and/or sensory
deficit of at least two areas of face, arm and leg.
• Partial Anterior Circulation Infarct (PACI)
• Two of the three components of the TACI syndrome with higher
cerebral dysfunction alone, or with a motor/sensory deficit more
restricted than those classified as LACI
• Posterior Circulation Infarct (POCI)
• Ipsilateral cranial nerve palsy with contralateral motor and/or
sensory deficit;bilateral motor and/or sensory deficit; disorder of
conjugate eye movement; cerebellar dysfunction without ipsilateral
long tract deficits; or isolated homonymous visual field defect.
• Lacunar Infarct (LACI)
• Pure motor > 2/3 face, arm, leg Pure sensory > 2/3 face, arm, leg Pure
sensorimotor > 2/3 face, arm, leg Ataxic hemiparesis, No higher
dysphasia or visuospatial or hemianopia or vertebrobasilar problems
Investigations - Bloods
• Baselines FBC, U+E Clotting and
• Random Glucose -Do they have
hypoglycaemia or
hyperglycaemia. Diabetes??
• Lipid Profile –Do they have
• Hyperhomocysteinaemia?
• Hyperviscosity - Polycythaemia?
• Infection- Vasculitis?
• Prothrombotic States –
Thrombophilla? (Blood clotting
• Syphilis?
• Thrombocytopenia?
• Genetic Tests: Check for Fabry’s
disease and CADASIL
CT- Computerised Tomography
• CT has the advantage of being available 24 hours a day
• Non-Contrast CT is the gold standard for haemorrhage,
haemorrhage on MR images can be quite confusing.
• On CT 60% of infarcts are seen within 3-6 hours and
virtually all are seen in 24 hours.
• The overall sensitivity of CT to diagnose stroke is 64% and
the specificity is 85%.
• It may be difficult to identify early cerebral infarction
• Posterior fossa and brainstem regions may not be visible
• May not detect small infarcts
especially lacunar infarcts
• Can not differentiate between
old infarcts and old
intracerebral haemorrhages
MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• Not as easily available as takes longer to organise
• Has a specific sequence (stroke sequence) called
Diffusion-weighted imagine (DWI)- this becomes
positive within minutes-hours of stroke onset as a
white ‘light bulb’ which remains for 2-3 weeks
• DWI can detect the haemorrhage as early as CT
• Much better at visualising the posterior fossa
• More sensitive to small infarcts (95%)
• You can differentiate between
old infarcts and haemorrhages
(with MRI + gradient echo)
CT vs. MRI
In summary MRI is a lot easier to diagnose due to DWI
changes being so apparent, making the diagnosis
relatively easy for the non-specialist...
BUT CT can differentiate between infarction and
haemorrhage instantly, and is faster to carry out,
therefore it is usually the 1st line approach and is
carried out ASAP after patients admission
Investigation for Signs of
• Retinopathy- Ophthalmoscopy/Fundoscopy
• Nephropathy- U+E’s (Urea:Creatinine) Renal
ultrasound, Urinalysis
• Big heart- CXR
• Blood Pressure commonly high in early stroke but
usually do not treat! It may harm the patient and even
a 20% decrease may compromise brain perfusion as
auto regulation is impaired
Investigation for Signs of
Cardiac sources of Emboli
• 24 tape ECG – Do they have AF?
• CXR - Enlarged left atrium?
• Echocardiogram (Transoesophageal is more sensitive
than transthoracic) Looking for:
• Mural thrombus due to AF or a hypokinetic segment
of cardiac muscle post-MI
• Valvular lesions which could be due to ineffective
endocarditis or rheumatic heart disease
• Patient foramen ovale (especially in younger patient)
Signs of Carotid Artery
• Carotid Doppler Ultrasound
• CT/MRI Angiography
Assessing handicap, disability
and independence in daily life
• Two people with the same
impairment (e.g. Paralysed arm)
may have different disabilities
(One can dress and the other
• Treatments are usually aimed at
reducing disability and improving
quality of life, not curing disease.
• Usually use Barthel’s Index of
activities of daily living to establish
the patient’s degree of
independence from any help. You
score the patient on the following
aspects of daily living, and total
the scores, gaining a value from 0-
20 (20 = completely able).
• For example: Bowels
0 = incontinent (or needs to be given
1 = occasional accident (once/week)
2 = continent
• This is also carried out for:
• Bladder
• Grooming
• Toilet use
• Feeding
• Transfer
• Mobility
• Dressing
• Stairs
After carrying out these investigations and examinations on a
patient you should know:
• If they had a stroke
•What type of stroke it was
•Where the stroke occurred
•What caused the stroke
•What the stroke’s effects have been on the patient
Knowing this will now enable you to inform the patient what
has happened to them, and together you will be able to decide
on treatment/management that is best tailored to the patients
The End
Ella Ward-Baker
Case 1
• 55 year old woman presents Tuesday morning
feeling faint.
• Notable left-sided hemiparesis and dysarthria.
• Consequently unable to break her fall as she
What other relevant information might we
Onset and duration
• Came on within 5 minutes (walking from
home to the bus stop)
• Resolved after 10 minutes
• Followed by another episode that came on
within 5 minutes of arriving at hospital
Other necessary information
Prior to episode Mrs X had been getting ready
for work…
• No chance of head trauma
No history of bleeding disorders…
Past medical history of Hypertrophic
• Less likely to be haemorrhagic stroke
Other necessary information
What does the medication reveal?
• Bisoprolol 7mg/day – used to treat hypertension
• Hypertension is a risk factor for both ischaemic
and haemorrhagic stroke, exacerbated by
patient’s hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Family history?
Mother and father both died of MI
• CT scan
• Labs: U&Es, FBC, Glucose
• Carotid Doppler
• Physical examination
• CT Scan:
No sign of haemorrhage
No sign of infarction – may not appear for 6-24
hours or up to one week (if at all)
Left hypertrophic cardiomyopathy…
Don’t be misled into thinking this woman’s symptoms are because of a cardiac
emergency, however this may be another factor leading to her stroke…
• Left hypertrophic cardiomyopathy…
• Patient also known to have paroxysmal AF…
Emboli more likely to form due to impeded
passage of blood through the heart
From there, emboli may travel easily to brain,
causing stroke
Other results
• Bloods: Normal
• Carotid Doppler – no sign of stenosis
• Physical examination – no bruits, BP 148/78,
slightly tachycardic, aforementioned
neurological symptoms
• Alteplase
Tissue Plasminogen activator
Thrombolytic treatment
• Warfarin
Because of intermittent AF
Inhibits factors… II VII IX X
Criteria for Atleplase:
• Present within 3 hours of symptoms (as
infarcted tissue more prone to bleeding)
• CT rules out haemorrhage (would be bright
white bleed on CT)
• Thrombolysis must take place in specific
stroke unit (reason why there is always a bed
kept spare on the ward)
Non-Pharmacological interventions
• Physiotherapy – Important to encourage
patient to use affected limbs/relearn use…
- Even once partial use is regained, muscle
wasting from inactivity may be a problem
• Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) –
helping to prevent psychological problems
associated with inability to communicate
• Occupational Therapist – help the patient by
providing strategies and coping methods to
deal with disability
- Enables patient to begin/continue with daily
tasks/ work/ self-care etc
• Dietician – fair enough to tell a patient to ‘cut
down on salt’, but that doesn’t generally help
in itself…
• Psychological Support
Some points about this case
• Highlighted the importance of patient understanding
• On questioning, Mrs X claimed to have no medical
• On further questioning, hypertension treatment was
• Mrs X then confirmed she had high blood pressure but
that she ‘felt fine’
• She had made no connection between hypertension
and the possible risks - ‘why would that effect my
• Patient understanding…
• Patient now worried about returning home to
house where she lives alone
• Again, understanding firstly of the risks of
having another stroke, but also what and how
the medication she is on should help her
Case 2
• 62 year old man having breakfast with his wife
when he develops a severe headache and
weakness in left arm.
What other relevant information might we
Relevant information
• Pain Info
Severe pain localised to head
• Onset
Over 2 hours
• Duration
• Seizure post-admission
• Trauma?
No evidence of trauma
Other relevant information
• Past medical history:
-History of Hypertension and hyperlipidaemia
-Hip operation in past 4 weeks
-Has smoked all his life
-No previous stroke
• Medication history
Wafarin 5mg daily
• Vital signs
• CT
• FBC, Electrolytes
• Echocardiograph – to show cardiac mural
• ECG – possible AF
• Plain Chest Radiograph
• Prothrombin Time & Partial Thromboplastin Time
• Normal bloods
• Clear Echo, ECG, CXR
• Slightly prolonged PT&PTT
– Related to Warfarin
• BP 160/100
– Not severely hypertensive, so do not treat
hypertension as emergency – lack of evidence as
to whether this is helpful
Intracerebral Haemorrhage
• Anticonvulsants (Seizures most common with ICH
than other strokes)
• Maintain perfusion of the brain
- Keep hydrated (Consider saline)
- Consider intubation if airway patency becomes a
• IV vitamin K & Prothrombin complex
- Reverse anticoagulation treatment
• Send Type & Screen bloods to blood bank
Thank you

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Cerebrovascular Accidents

  • 1.
  • 2. Learning objectives 0 Anatomical language 0 The main bones of the skull 0 External and internal (sagittal) view of the brain 0 The forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain 0 The Circle of Willis
  • 3. Anatomical language for the brain Before we go any further however, let’s go through the basics… Anatomy of the brain comes with its own weird and wonderful language. Understanding the anatomy of the brain becomes a lot easier as soon as you understand the language that comes with it.
  • 4. Anatomical language for the brainrostra means beak/nose, so Rostral means closer to the nose Cauda means tail (ie cauda equina), so Caudal means closer to the spine
  • 5. Anatomical Language for the brain0 The brain is folded into Gyri and sulci 0 Gyri (singular gyrus) are the raised bumps of the folds 0 Sulci (singular sulcus) are the grooves between the folds 0 The longitudinal fissure (aka the median fissure) splits the two halves of the cerebrum
  • 6. Anatomical language for the brain 0 Grey Matter is matter composed of unmyelinated neuron bodies, neurons and glial cells 0 White matter is matter composed of myelinated axons and glial cells and is the lipid content of the myelin sheaths that makes this area appear white
  • 7. Anatomical language for the brain There are 3 layers covering the brain: 0 The dura mater is the outermost layer. As its name might suggest its very durable and coats the whole of the brain and spinal cord in one continuous sheath 0 The arachnoid mater is the middle layer. All cerebral veins, arteries and cranial nerves lie beneath this layer in an area known as the subarachnoid space 0 The pia mater is a vascular membrane that intimately covers all gyri and sulci of the brain
  • 8. The Skull A quick revision of the main bones of the skull
  • 9. A brief overview of the brain External Structures Cerebrum Cerebellum brainstem Pons Medulla
  • 10. A Brief Overview of the Brain Internal Structures Sagittal section of the brain
  • 11. Functional areas of the brain The brain is grouped into 3 areas based loosely on embryological formation: 0 The Forebrain – cerebrum and the diencephalon 0 The Midbrain –tegmentum and tectum 0 The Hindbrain – cerebellum, medulla oblongata and pons
  • 12. The forebrain The cerebrum 0 Also known as the telencephalon 0 Thought to be the seat of humanity as its so well developed in humans 0 Composed of two hemispheres (left and right) divided by the median fissure 0 Commissures (tracts of axons crossing the midline) connect these two hemispheres, the largest of which is the corpus callosum 0 Covered in a 2-4mm thick layer of grey matter - the cerebral cortex
  • 13. Lobes of the Cerebrum 0 The lobes of the cerebrum are described in terms of the skull bones they lie behind
  • 14. The cerebrum Functions of the cerebral cortex include: 0 Sensory perception 0 Memory 0 Planning/execution of voluntary movement 0 Language 0 Consciousness 0 Self Awareness 0 Cognitive functions
  • 15. The cerebrum Brodmann’s map divides the cerebral cortex into 52 different functional areas that are either motor, sensory or associational.
  • 16. The forebrain The diencephalon Composed of the hypothalamus, thalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus The hypothalamus: 0 thermoregulation and triggering sleep 0 part of the limbic system (generates goal directed behaviours - eating, drinking etc.) 0 Controls many endocrine functions via connections to the pituitary gland
  • 17. The forebrain The diencephalon The Epithalamus: 0 Regulates circadian rhythm 0 Contains the pineal gland The Thalamus has multiple functions: 0 Emotion (limbic system) 0 Memory (frontal cortex) 0 Sensory and motor 0 Pain and visual attention 0 Sleep/wakefulness and arousal The Subthalamus is involved in movement
  • 18. The Midbrain The mesencephalon 2 parts: 0 Tegmentum - receives cranial nerves III – V and contains substantia nigra 0 Tectum – receives cranial nerves II and VIII; mediates visual/auditory reflexes
  • 19. The hindbrain The Cerebellum Makes up ¼ brain mass and ½ the brain’s total neurons Cortex is composed of grey matter folded into folia separated by transverse fissures White matter is called arbor vitae “tree of life” Concerned with high level functions: 0 timing and execution of a voluntary movement 0 Learning new motor skills 0 Cognition
  • 20. The hindbrain Pons and Medulla Oblongata The centres for life support functions of the brain 0 Pons consists mainly of nerve fibres connecting the cerebellar hemispheres, forebrain, midbrain and spinal cord 0 Medulla consists of 2 pyramids separated by a median fissure 0 Descending fibres cross from left to right in the medulla, known as the decussation of the pyramids
  • 21. The Circle of Willis 0 Circle of Willis is meant to be the brain’s insurance mechanism against arterial blockages which could cause CVAs 0 If one artery is blocked other arteries in the circle can compensate to continue supplying the affected area with blood 0 In reality the circle of Willis is often too small to be effective and isn’t really able to cope with large scale CVAs
  • 22. The Circle of Willis 0 The Internal Carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries form the main blood supply 0 They meet in the middle via the two posterior communicating arteries and the basilar artery The basilar and vertebral arteries supply the brainstem Internal Carotid arteries Vertebral arteries Posterior communicating artery Basilar artery
  • 23. Internal Carotid arteries Vertebral arteries Posterior communicating artery Basilar artery The Circle of Willis The Internal carotids branch form the anterior cerebral arteries. these supply: 0 the medial surface of the frontal and parietal lobes 0 1 inch of brain either side of the median fissure 0 Occlusion can damage motor nuclei cranial nerves V, VII and XII affecting movement of jaw, lips and tongue respectively The Anterior communicating artery links the 2 anterior cerbral arteries Anterior cerebral arteriesAnterior communicating artery
  • 24. Internal Carotid arteries Vertebral arteries Posterior communicating artery Basilar artery The Circle of Willis 0 Middle cerebral arteries supply lateral parts of cerebral hemispheres except occipital and inferior temporal lobe 0 Anterior choroidal arteries supply thalamus and hypothalamus and various important forebrain groups Anterior cerebral arteryAnterior communicating artery Middle cerebral artery Anterior choroidal artery
  • 25. Internal Carotid arteries Vertebral arteries Posterior communicating artery Basilar artery The Circle of Willis Posterior cerebral arteries supply: 0 Occipital lobe 0 Inferior temporal lobe 0 Midbrain Superior and inferior cerebellar arteries supply: 0 Pons 0 Medulla 0 Cerebellum Pontine arteries supply medial parts of pons and medulla Anterior cerebral arteryAnterior communicating artery Middle cerebral artery Posterior cerebral artery Superior cerebellar artery Inferior cerebellar artery Pontine arteries
  • 26. Summary The brain has a 3 layer covering which allows it to be suspended in CSF The brain is divided anatomically into many different areas. It is composed of three functional parts: 0 The Forebrain – higher functions and endocrine regulation 0 The Midbrain – cranial nerves and substantia nigra 0 The Hindbrain – coordination, movement and life support functions The circle of Willis ensures a high arterial blood supply with the possibility of compensatory blood supply in a CVA
  • 27. Thank you for your time 0 Any questions?
  • 29. Aims: • Define a stroke • Distinguish between types • Explain what goes wrong
  • 30. A stroke is an acute neurological deficit, lasting longer than 24 hours. A Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) is an acute neurological deficit lasting less than 24 hours. Definitions:
  • 31. 3rd most common cause of death in developed world More common in men 25% of patients die More likely to occur in the morning More common in Black Africans The Facts…
  • 32. Types of C.V.A... Ischaemic stroke/ Infarction – 80-90% Small vessel Large vessel stenosis Cardio-embolic Haemorrhagic – 10-20% TIA – Transient Ischaemic Attack
  • 33. Large Vessel Disease  Also called Large vessel stenosis  Rupture of a local plaque  Most common type
  • 34. Cardio-embolic Stroke  Common embolic source  Atrial fibrillation  Valvular changes
  • 35. Small Vessel Disease/ Lacunar Infarct0 25% of strokes 0 Infarcts in the deep (perforating) arteries, from branches of the middle cerebral artery 0 Very localised, lesions (<5mm) are in the deep brain – lots of important structures! 0 (37% putamen, 16% pons, 14% thalamus and 10% caudate) 0 Microatheroma (main cause) and Lipohyalinosis (thickening of arteriolar wall and reduction in lumen diameter)
  • 36. Haemorrhagic • Intraparenchymal- 8-13% of strokes • Resulting haematoma can damage surrounding brain tissue due to increase in pressure • Hypertension damage to vessel walls (most common) • Anuerysm/ arteriovenous malformation rupture • Altered hemostasis (coagulation disorders)
  • 37. Cellular Changes ↓blood flow =↓O₂ Na˖/K˖ pump fails (Na˖ accumulates in cell) H₂O enters cell causing it to swell Swelling causes ↑intracranial pressure Further ↓bloodflow
  • 38. Also… 0 High Na˖ causes cells to continually depolarise =EXCITOTOXICITY 0 ↑Ca2˖ enters cell leading to necrosis and Inflammation (via cytokine release) Cells with CBF <10ml/100g tissue/min will die within minutes of a stroke - the ‘core’ Cells with CBF <25ml/100g tissue/min can remain viable for several hours - the ‘penumbra’
  • 39.
  • 43. Features Anatomy Prognosis Total Anterior Circulation Infarct (15%) TACI 1. High cerebral dysfunction 2. Hemanopia 3. Ipsilateral motor/sensory deficit Middle Cerebral Artery occluded High mortality Poor outcome Partial Anterior Circulation Infarct (35%) PACI 2/3 of TACI features Middle cerebral artery/ Anterior Cerebral artery branch occluded Fair High chance of recovery Lacunar Circulation Infarct (25%) LaCI Motor/ sensory/ataxic hemipareisis Occlusion of small, deep perforating artery Often good recovery Posterior Circulation Infarct (25%) PoCI 1.Cranial nerve palsy 2.Contralateral motor/sensory deficit/cerebral deficit/hemanopia Brain stem/ cerebellum/ occipital lobe Good recovery High reoccurrence Categorizing strokes
  • 44. Possible causes and differential diagnosis of cerebro-vascular accidents  Zeenat Umerji
  • 45. What is stroke? A sudden attack of weakness due to an interruption to the flow of blood to the brain. Usually affects one side of the body.  Either:  Ischeamic (50% cerebral hemisphere, 25% brainstem, 25% lacunar)  heamorrhagic  from prolonged reduction of BP  Varies in severity from a passing weakness/tingling in a limb (TIA) to profound paralysis, coma or death
  • 46. Causes  Chief causes:  Thrombosis  Atherothromboembolism  Heart emboli  CNS bleed (BP increased, trauma, aneurism rupture)
  • 47. Causes  Rare causes:  Vasculitis  Venus sinus thrombosis  Young patients:  Thrombophilia  Vasculitis subarachnoid haemorrhage  Venus-sinus thrombosis  Carotid artery dissection
  • 48. Presentations  Cerebral hemisphere infarcts: initially flaccid then spastic contra-lateral hemiplegia, contra-lateral sensory loss, hemianopia, dysphasia  Brainstem infarction: quadriplegia (paralysis affecting all four limbs), disturbances of gaze & vision, locked-in syndrome  Lacunar infarcts: poor motor/sensory signs, ataxia, intact cognition/consciousness
  • 49. Differential diagnosis  CNS tumour  Subdural haemorrhage  Seizure (Todd's palsy)  Hypoglycaemia  Hyperglycemia  Drug overdose (if comatose)  Meningitis  Migraine
  • 50. Differential diagnosis  CNS tumour  Subdural haemorrhage  Seizure (Todd's palsy)  Hypoglycaemia  Hyperglycemia  Drug overdose (if comatose)  Meningitis  Migraine Altered consciousness Hemiparesis Signs of trauma
  • 51. Differential diagnosis  CNS tumour  Subdural haemorrhage  Seizure (Todd's palsy)  Hypoglycaemia  Hyperglycemia  Drug overdose (if comatose)  Meningitis  Migraine Altered consciousness Hemiparesis (Todd's paralysis) History of seizures Seizure medication
  • 52. Differential diagnosis  CNS tumour  Subdural haemorrhage  Seizure (Todd's palsy)  Hypoglycaemia  Hyperglycemia  Drug overdose (if comatose)  Meningitis  Migraine When glucose is ≤50 or ≥300 Altered consciousness Hemiparesis (Todd's paralysis)
  • 53. Differential diagnosis  CNS tumour  Subdural haemorrhage  Seizure (Todd's palsy)  Hypoglycaemia  Hyperglycemia  Drug overdose (if comatose)  Meningitis  Migraine
  • 54. Questions? Thank you for listening :)
  • 55. Investigations for Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) / Stroke By Rosie Vincent 9th Nov 2012
  • 56. How would you know someone is having a stroke? • FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time)
  • 57. What are the Signs and Symptoms? • All strokes tend to be sudden onset, occasionally with further progression over a few hours. Focal signs relate to distribution of the affected artery, but collateral supplies cloud the issue. You can not reliably differentiate between ischemic and haemorrhagic strokes but some pointers are: • Ischemic (A): Carotid bruit, AF, past TIA, IHD • Haemorrhagic (B): Menigism, severe headache, and coma within hours.
  • 58. Other Symptoms • Difficulty swallowing • Excessive drooling • Choking • Difficulty walking • Change in vision (double vision/loss of vision) • Eyes fail to move in unison • Difficulty with balance • Clumsiness • Loss of coordination • Symptoms typically occur on one side of the body • Less common symptoms of a stroke may include: • Altered smell sense, Headache, Dizziness, Excessive sleepiness, Excessive salivation, Drooping eyelid, Trismus (can’t open mouth), Vertigo, Urinary incontinence, Memory loss, Confusion, Delusions, Coma, Impotence, Generalised weakness, Fatigue
  • 59. Investigation/Examination • Needs to be prompt! • Confirm the clinical diagnosis (exclude other causes e.g. Tumour) • Distinguish between haemorrhage and ischemic infarction • Look for underlying causes for the stoke, therefore we can reduce risk factors and prevent further strokes • Identify where the stroke has occurred, what has been damaged and how it is affecting the patient- So we can start to plan treatment/management and rehabilitation.
  • 60. Awareness and consciousness – Glasgow coma scale/AVPU
  • 61. Cranial Nerve Exam • Cranial nerves 1 and 2 originate from the cerebrum, whereas 3-12 originate from the brain stem. Therefore strokes in these areas may affect the function of these nerves. • You know what each one does so think about what symptoms you might get e.g. • 1 (Olfactory)= altered smell • 2(Optic)= loss of vision (total/ partial), Pupil Un- reactive to light • 9(Glossopharyngeal)=?
  • 62. Neurological Exams • Motor and Sensory examination • If the area of the brain affected contains one of the three prominent Central nervous system pathways—the spinothalamic tract, corticospinal tract, and dorsal column (medial lemniscus), symptoms may include: • hemiplegia and muscle weakness of the face • numbness • reduction in sensory or vibratory sensation • In most cases the symptoms are usually on just 1 side of the body, with the defect in the brain on the opposite side (depends on which part of the brain is affected) • BE CAREFUL - The symptoms do not always mean there is a stroke- as these pathways also travel in the spinal cord and lesions there can produce the same symptoms.
  • 63. Cerebral Cortex • If the cerebral cortex is involved the CNS pathways can again be affected, but also can produce the following symptoms: • Aphasia (inability to speak or understand language from involvement of Broca's or Wernicke's area) • Apraxia (altered voluntary movements) • Visual field defect • Memory deficits (involvement of temporal lobe) • Hemineglect (involvement of parietal lobe) • Disorganized thinking, confusion, hypersexual gestures (with involvement of frontal lobe) • Anosognosia (persistent denial of the existence of a, usually stroke- related, deficit) • If the ''cerebellum'' is involved, the patient may have the following symptoms: • trouble walking • altered movement coordination • vertigo and or disequilibrium
  • 64. Stroke Classification (Bamford/Oxford classification) • Total Anterior Circulation Infarct (TACI) • Combination of new higher cerebral dysfunction (eg,dysphasia); homonymous visual field defect; and ipsilateral motor and/or sensory deficit of at least two areas of face, arm and leg. • Partial Anterior Circulation Infarct (PACI) • Two of the three components of the TACI syndrome with higher cerebral dysfunction alone, or with a motor/sensory deficit more restricted than those classified as LACI • Posterior Circulation Infarct (POCI) • Ipsilateral cranial nerve palsy with contralateral motor and/or sensory deficit;bilateral motor and/or sensory deficit; disorder of conjugate eye movement; cerebellar dysfunction without ipsilateral long tract deficits; or isolated homonymous visual field defect. • Lacunar Infarct (LACI) • Pure motor > 2/3 face, arm, leg Pure sensory > 2/3 face, arm, leg Pure sensorimotor > 2/3 face, arm, leg Ataxic hemiparesis, No higher dysphasia or visuospatial or hemianopia or vertebrobasilar problems
  • 65. Investigations - Bloods • Baselines FBC, U+E Clotting and ESR • Random Glucose -Do they have hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia. Diabetes?? • Lipid Profile –Do they have hyperlipidaemia • Hyperhomocysteinaemia? • Hyperviscosity - Polycythaemia? • Infection- Vasculitis? • Prothrombotic States – Thrombophilla? (Blood clotting disorders) • Syphilis? • Thrombocytopenia? • Genetic Tests: Check for Fabry’s disease and CADASIL
  • 66. CT- Computerised Tomography • CT has the advantage of being available 24 hours a day • Non-Contrast CT is the gold standard for haemorrhage, haemorrhage on MR images can be quite confusing. • On CT 60% of infarcts are seen within 3-6 hours and virtually all are seen in 24 hours. • The overall sensitivity of CT to diagnose stroke is 64% and the specificity is 85%. • It may be difficult to identify early cerebral infarction • Posterior fossa and brainstem regions may not be visible • May not detect small infarcts especially lacunar infarcts • Can not differentiate between old infarcts and old intracerebral haemorrhages
  • 67. MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Not as easily available as takes longer to organise • Has a specific sequence (stroke sequence) called Diffusion-weighted imagine (DWI)- this becomes positive within minutes-hours of stroke onset as a white ‘light bulb’ which remains for 2-3 weeks • DWI can detect the haemorrhage as early as CT • Much better at visualising the posterior fossa • More sensitive to small infarcts (95%) • You can differentiate between old infarcts and haemorrhages (with MRI + gradient echo)
  • 68. CT vs. MRI In summary MRI is a lot easier to diagnose due to DWI changes being so apparent, making the diagnosis relatively easy for the non-specialist... BUT CT can differentiate between infarction and haemorrhage instantly, and is faster to carry out, therefore it is usually the 1st line approach and is carried out ASAP after patients admission CT MRI
  • 69. Investigation for Signs of Hypertension • Retinopathy- Ophthalmoscopy/Fundoscopy • Nephropathy- U+E’s (Urea:Creatinine) Renal ultrasound, Urinalysis • Big heart- CXR • Blood Pressure commonly high in early stroke but usually do not treat! It may harm the patient and even a 20% decrease may compromise brain perfusion as auto regulation is impaired
  • 70. Investigation for Signs of Cardiac sources of Emboli • 24 tape ECG – Do they have AF? • CXR - Enlarged left atrium? • Echocardiogram (Transoesophageal is more sensitive than transthoracic) Looking for: • Mural thrombus due to AF or a hypokinetic segment of cardiac muscle post-MI • Valvular lesions which could be due to ineffective endocarditis or rheumatic heart disease • Patient foramen ovale (especially in younger patient)
  • 71. Signs of Carotid Artery Stenosis • Carotid Doppler Ultrasound • CT/MRI Angiography
  • 72. Assessing handicap, disability and independence in daily life • Two people with the same impairment (e.g. Paralysed arm) may have different disabilities (One can dress and the other cannot) • Treatments are usually aimed at reducing disability and improving quality of life, not curing disease. • Usually use Barthel’s Index of activities of daily living to establish the patient’s degree of independence from any help. You score the patient on the following aspects of daily living, and total the scores, gaining a value from 0- 20 (20 = completely able). • For example: Bowels 0 = incontinent (or needs to be given enema) 1 = occasional accident (once/week) 2 = continent • This is also carried out for: • Bladder • Grooming • Toilet use • Feeding • Transfer • Mobility • Dressing • Stairs
  • 73. Summary After carrying out these investigations and examinations on a patient you should know: • If they had a stroke •What type of stroke it was •Where the stroke occurred •What caused the stroke •What the stroke’s effects have been on the patient Knowing this will now enable you to inform the patient what has happened to them, and together you will be able to decide on treatment/management that is best tailored to the patients needs.
  • 76. Case 1 • 55 year old woman presents Tuesday morning feeling faint. • Notable left-sided hemiparesis and dysarthria. • Consequently unable to break her fall as she fell What other relevant information might we need?
  • 77. Onset and duration • Came on within 5 minutes (walking from home to the bus stop) • Resolved after 10 minutes • Followed by another episode that came on within 5 minutes of arriving at hospital
  • 78. Other necessary information Prior to episode Mrs X had been getting ready for work… • No chance of head trauma No history of bleeding disorders… Past medical history of Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy • Less likely to be haemorrhagic stroke
  • 79. Other necessary information What does the medication reveal? • Bisoprolol 7mg/day – used to treat hypertension • Hypertension is a risk factor for both ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke, exacerbated by patient’s hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Family history? Mother and father both died of MI
  • 80. Investigations • CT scan • Labs: U&Es, FBC, Glucose • ECG • Carotid Doppler • Physical examination
  • 81.
  • 82. • CT Scan: No sign of haemorrhage No sign of infarction – may not appear for 6-24 hours or up to one week (if at all) Investigations
  • 83. Left hypertrophic cardiomyopathy… Don’t be misled into thinking this woman’s symptoms are because of a cardiac emergency, however this may be another factor leading to her stroke…
  • 84. ECG • Left hypertrophic cardiomyopathy… • Patient also known to have paroxysmal AF… Emboli more likely to form due to impeded passage of blood through the heart From there, emboli may travel easily to brain, causing stroke
  • 85. Other results • Bloods: Normal • Carotid Doppler – no sign of stenosis • Physical examination – no bruits, BP 148/78, slightly tachycardic, aforementioned neurological symptoms
  • 86. Management • Alteplase Tissue Plasminogen activator Thrombolytic treatment • Warfarin Because of intermittent AF Inhibits factors… II VII IX X
  • 87. Criteria for Atleplase: • Present within 3 hours of symptoms (as infarcted tissue more prone to bleeding) • CT rules out haemorrhage (would be bright white bleed on CT) • Thrombolysis must take place in specific stroke unit (reason why there is always a bed kept spare on the ward)
  • 88. Non-Pharmacological interventions (MDT) • Physiotherapy – Important to encourage patient to use affected limbs/relearn use… - Even once partial use is regained, muscle wasting from inactivity may be a problem • Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) – helping to prevent psychological problems associated with inability to communicate
  • 89. … • Occupational Therapist – help the patient by providing strategies and coping methods to deal with disability - Enables patient to begin/continue with daily tasks/ work/ self-care etc • Dietician – fair enough to tell a patient to ‘cut down on salt’, but that doesn’t generally help in itself… • Psychological Support
  • 90. Some points about this case • Highlighted the importance of patient understanding • On questioning, Mrs X claimed to have no medical conditions • On further questioning, hypertension treatment was mentioned… • Mrs X then confirmed she had high blood pressure but that she ‘felt fine’ • She had made no connection between hypertension and the possible risks - ‘why would that effect my brain?’ • Patient understanding…
  • 91. • Patient now worried about returning home to house where she lives alone • Again, understanding firstly of the risks of having another stroke, but also what and how the medication she is on should help her
  • 92. Case 2 • 62 year old man having breakfast with his wife when he develops a severe headache and weakness in left arm. What other relevant information might we need?
  • 93. Relevant information • Pain Info Severe pain localised to head • Onset Over 2 hours • Duration Ongoing • Seizure post-admission • Trauma? No evidence of trauma
  • 94. Other relevant information • Past medical history: -History of Hypertension and hyperlipidaemia -Hip operation in past 4 weeks -Has smoked all his life -No previous stroke • Medication history Wafarin 5mg daily
  • 95. Investigations • Vital signs • CT • FBC, Electrolytes • Echocardiograph – to show cardiac mural thrombus • ECG – possible AF • Plain Chest Radiograph • Prothrombin Time & Partial Thromboplastin Time
  • 96. • Normal bloods • Clear Echo, ECG, CXR • Slightly prolonged PT&PTT – Related to Warfarin • BP 160/100 – Not severely hypertensive, so do not treat hypertension as emergency – lack of evidence as to whether this is helpful Results
  • 97. CT
  • 99. Management • Anticonvulsants (Seizures most common with ICH than other strokes) • Maintain perfusion of the brain - Keep hydrated (Consider saline) - Consider intubation if airway patency becomes a problem • IV vitamin K & Prothrombin complex - Reverse anticoagulation treatment • Send Type & Screen bloods to blood bank • MDT