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A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012
Preface / Introduction

A great series of articles on marketing and the lessons so far we have learned in the past few years
that continue to build my list and create residual income! Feel free to comment: For more
information on how I can help you create your own custom ebooks skype me Howard Martell at
The Next 7 people that Call me now for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. $100 value. Let
an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. Call
me -- Howard Martell-- now, (757) 962-2482.Or Skype me homeprofitcoach LIVE 24/7/365. Your
success guaranteed. I'm waiting for your call RIGHT NOW!
Table of Contents
1. Insights into champions... why they win. What you must do to join them... and one woman's
inspiring story.
2. Planning on making money online this year? Unless you avoid these lethal mistakes you haven't
got a prayer.
3. The best marketing training on Earth -- and, astonishingly, it's free. The Worldprofit Junior
Monitor program.. . now available to you.
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

Insights into champions... why they win. What you must do
to join them... and one woman's inspiring story.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. It was the work of an instant to select the music to accompany this article. It
had to be Rocky Balboa's theme song, "Gonna Fly Now" (released 1977). It's perfect for people who
must work, really work, to grab victory. Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone's alter ego, was that kind
of person. His life was a mess... and what he knew about winning wouldn't even fill a thimble. He
had to learn it, commit to it, do it... through every body-stretching, painful movement. But he wanted
victory, he needed victory, he had to know what being a champion was all about... and so he did
what he had to do, the more so on the many days he felt like throwing in the towel, giving up,
because giving up was so easy to do.
And, therefore, completely unacceptable.
He ran and he ran, up the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art... he ran.... he stumbled...
he sweated like a horse... and he fell. And that's when a remarkable thing happened...
First one person jumped to his feet in the cinema and pounded the air with his clenched first... Rocky
was running for this boy now... and the boy knew it... and shouted...
And then there was growing pandemonium in the theatre, as whole rows of people, men and
women, old age pensioners now and even hitherto demur women of a certain age... graduate
students, physicians, kids from the neighborhood and retired has-beens with no lifetime victories at
all... we were all on our feet, screaming for Rocky.... because we knew what he was going through...
and we wanted to help him... and re-ignite our own lives.
It was primal.... it was cathartic... it was magnificent.
Go now then to any search engine and find this music. Play it loud, proud, often... it is the theme
song for people who have known only too well what being an underdog is all about... and what
sweet victory demands of them... and their willingness to do whatever is necessary to get it... because
this kind of victory demands the best of you, everything of you and will never accept less.
Have you ever given all of yourself in this way, to show the world -- and yourself -- just what you're
made of? Because you will never understand the pure exhilaration that life can be until you have put
yourself, every particle of yourself on the line, victory or death, torpedoes be damned, full speed
Well, meet one woman who has... a grandmother from California. Her name is Linda Elze, and she
is a champ of champs.
And it is my great privilege to introduce her to you, her and the mindset and the unrelenting
determination that has turned her into a role model, an inspiration, a champion.
Champs know only one direction: up; know only one position: first!
I have known many champions in my almost 65 years... and one thing they all share is an adamant
commitment to reaching the top. They know that that is where their true fulfillment is to be found...
and that fulfillment is worth every obstacle, every impediment, every challenge and every crushing
set-back... for make no mistake about it: there has never been, nor will there ever be, a champion
who has not been mangled, crushed, cast down.... Overcoming such situations is not only necessary
to becoming a champion... but it is because such situations have been overcome that gives victory its                          Copyright Howard Martell - 2012             4 of 10
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

unique savor and bliss.
Champions commit, without any guarantees.
What does life offer each of us? Some wag said, "just death and taxes"; but champions can add pain
to that, with absolutely no assurance of victory. Thus they face the certainty of work... of pain... of
obstacles... without the smallest guarantee that they'll achieve their objective.
100% work.... 0% guarantee of victory. This is the formula every champion lives by... and from this
they must draw everything they'll need for victory... and they must do this most of all on days when
every sinew of their bodies is asking for, no demanding, rest... comfort... release; the very thing
champions, of all people, must use spariingly, for these are the impediments to victory.
Champions face -- then grapple with and overcome -- their imperfections.
One thing you can bet on with champions is this: each and every one of them was born imperfect.
Each champion had, at one time or several, to face this reality with complete honesty and candor.
Integrity begins with a knowledge of just who you are, and most particularly what imperfections you
have. Then having perceived and enumerated them... you must work to overcome them. For
perfection can only be achieved through the stark recognition and assiduous overcoming of
Champions maintain an acute realization of time... and learn how to use this perishable commodity
to maximum effect.
Benjamin Franklin told us that time is money... but even more than that, time is the process that
defines and limits us. No know knows better than an aspiring champion just how finite and
intractable time really it... and therefore approaches each and every day with humility, respect, and
total commitment, no excuses, no hesitations, and no regrets... because regrets imply that you didn't
do enough or in the right way. However, champions retire each day comforted by the knowledge,
the certainty that they did what was necessary -- everything that was necessary -- to make this day
the best it could be.
Out of surfeit, generosity.
And one more thing. Champions give. Because they have, because they can, because they must. All
champions are defined by their generosity... they have so much by virtue of their victories... and
each desires to share it.
.... and of such givers Linda Elze is the queen, as people worldwide can attest; good people
becoming even better from the infusions of this single woman; often tired, sometimes ill, yet never
without a smile, a kind word, a tip, a helping hand.
And so today, we do not just salute and acknowledge the champion... but the woman who became
the champion, and who has given so much to launch and assist others so they become champions,
This is her hour, her day, not an end, but a new beginning. For she has so many victories to come, so
many to help, and each gives her what champions need most of all, and grateful, love. It is our
privilege to give... her privilege to take. God speed, Linda Elze, on your triumphant way. We are all
so very proud of you, not just for your victories, but for your heart and the love that defines you.
** We invite you to submit your comments below.                         Copyright Howard Martell - 2012              5 of 10
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

Planning on making money online this year? Unless you
avoid these lethal mistakes you haven't got a prayer.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. Like ABBA? I do. I think they produced some of the most clever, stylish
and sophisticated dance music and rhythms ever. Like their mega-hit "Money, Money, Money"
(released in 1976). It's not only one of the best jump-up songs ever, but it's got a message you may
have to take to heart if you're still trying (but consistently failing) to make money online.
It's this: "If I got me a wealthy man..." That's right, it may be time (and is probably way past time) to
use your wiles and charm to snag a rich mate... because you're just wasting your time online...
... unless....
you take heed to the irrefutable verities about what you must know and do... and so finally turn the
Internet into the cash hose it's long been for people like me, who make money online daily, while
you can't even figure out who's on first.
Must avoid mistake #1.
Don't work alone. Working online all by your lonesome is just plain nuts. I credit my awesome
success online to a crucial decision I made nearly 20 years ago: the overwhelming majority of online
entrepreneurs need more skills -- technical, marketing, people -- than they've got. For such people
(and I very much include myself) success is unlikely, even impossible if you try to go it alone.
You're going to need cutting-edge tech experts; Internet marketing experts, and yes personnel to
make sales and bring in the bucks 24/7/365. Have you got this team in place? Well you'd better get
it together before you waste any more time and money.
Must avoid mistake #2.
STOP thinking, STOP believing you can built a profitable online business off free stuff. You can't.
Say that again: YOU CAN'T! Bite this bullet here and now, once for all. It's going to cost you
money to create a successful online business; just like it costs money to establish a successful offline
If you've been trying and trying and trying to succeed online without investing you're probably
beyond hope. But let's assume you've still got some of your little grey cells in place and functional.
Use some of them to get the money you need to create a profitable online business. There's no way
around it: it takes money to make money, and personally I won't even talk to the steady stream of
folks who approach me without investment dollars in hand. That's the "bad" news; the good news is
that it's still ridiculously cheap to start a profit-making online business that can net you the minimum
6-figure income it takes to live well these days.
Must avoid mistake #3.
Get educated about what you need to establish a money-making business online. Stop trying to
"teach" yourself. If you knew how to make money online, I imagine you'd be making money, right?
But you don't. And you will never know if you have yourself as your prime expert and instructor.
Bluntly, you know and can do too little to justify that.
There are many fine online business-building instructors. I swear by mine: George Kosch. He's been
instructing me for almost 20 years now. He's smart about what you've got to do in the constantly                         Copyright Howard Martell - 2012              6 of 10
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

changing 'net environment, a superb trainer and communicator.... good looking, too. I've made out
like a bandit by putting my ego where it belongs (in some closet) and LEARNING from a man who
guarantees you'll make money if you follow his proven system. I did... and I have.
Must avoid mistake #4.
You don't know how to generate unlimited traffic to your site...and until you do, YOU'RE DOA.
That why you must become a traffic expert immediately, if not sooner.
If you launch your online business without knowing precisely where your absolutely essential traffic
will be coming from, you deserve what you get: Nada! Nothing! Zip! Yet to my utter consternation
and astonishment, not a day goes by when some knucklehead tells me he hasn't got guaranteed
traffic, doesn't know how to get it, but is a "survivor" who'll figure it out as he does. OMG! Such
people probably believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. They are casualties just waiting to
Here again I want to pat George Kosch on the back. The guy is a walking encyclopedia of each and
every way that exists to generate online traffic... and trains lucky folks like me to use these every
single day. He does it in an amazing program called "Home Business Boot Camp"... and he guides
you (with skill and patience) to get the traffic you must have... starting today! He's got a worldwide
following who swear by his methods.... as I most assuredly do myself. Do you have a George Kosch
in your life? No? Then book your space in the lifeboat today... you'll need it!
Must avoid mistake #5.
It happened again just yesterday. I was counseling a gent who told me he'd bought some traffic; sent
it to his home page... and didn't get a single response! What did he do wrong? Just everything...
The first rule of successful traffic and crucial list building is to direct ALL traffic to a landing page.
Why? Because that's the proven way to get traffic, traffic, traffic and build the prospect lists that are
crucial to online success. So, ask yourself this: do you know how to create and use landing pages?
And be honest, totally honest with yourself, because if you get it wrong you're toast... (By the way,
you won't be surprised to learn George Kosch -- there he is again -- writes my landing pages... and
they're gold mines.)
Well, I've run out of space, with lots more to tell you, but that'll have to wait for another day. Now,
I'm heading over to my favorite search engine where that fabulous dance number by ABBA is
waiting for me (and you). As I listen to "Money, Money, Money" I'll know I'm the rich guy you're
looking for, the guy who can give you that cushy life you'd like. But why would I want an Internet
loser in my life? After all, it's a rich man's world...
## What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.                         Copyright Howard Martell - 2012              7 of 10
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

The best marketing training on Earth -- and, astonishingly,
it's free. The Worldprofit Junior Monitor program.. . now
available to you.
The best marketing training on Earth -- and, astonishingly, it's free. The Worldprofit Junior Monitor
program.. . now available to you. A very special letter from Worldprofit's three Co-Founders, Chief
Technical Officer George Kosch; President and Director of Website Development Sandi Hunter,
and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Friend, you are about to receive an invitation to join the most exciting marketing program on this
planet, a unique program you have never seen before for the simple reason that it is available only
from Worldprofit at
We are talking about the Worldprofit Monitor Program.
You have already been the beneficiary of this program, for you've seen the Monitors at work in the
Live Business Center and no doubt received their attention and assistance at the time you acquired
your Silver Package and became a Member. (If you do not have a Silver Package yet, log in at and ask the Monitor on duty to assist you.)
You may have wondered about who these Monitors are... and how they came to be present in the
video boxes you see on screen. Not merely present, but (at any hour of the day or night) friendly,
pleasant, helpful, anxious to assist you and resoundingly able to do so.
At that moment you may have wondered how YOU could join the ranks of these good people... and
so we're here to let you know.
A bit of history.
In 2006, master inventor George Kosch did what he does so well and with such astonishing
celerity... he created the device we now call the Live Business Center, a place where entrepreneurs
(particularly of the home-based variety) could gather to receive all the help they needed to profit
Once the software was created, it was time to staff it with people we call Monitors, that is people
who are Members of the Worldprofit Community and who generously give of their time, expertise,
and, yes, kindness to assist you profit online... something you, like most people on the 'net, have
been trying to do but without knowing how or with any success whatsoever.
Meet the first Monitor and Director of the Monitor Program, Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Known to millions worldwide because of his 18 business books, thousands of practical articles and
daily appearances online and off, Harvard-educated Dr. Lant was the obvious choice to head the
brand-new Monitor Program in 2006. A trained educator who used to teach at Harvard (from which
he holds two degrees), he was at once a magnetic instructor with an often electrifying delivery... and
an experienced marketer who knows what it takes to get the business results you desire.
And so in December, 2006, Dr. Lant presented himself in the Live Business Center as Worldprofit's
first -- and only -- Monitor, starting the process that has produced a full complement of the best and
most generous marketers on Earth... and is now ready to welcome... YOU.
Unbeatable benefits.
The benefits of serving the Worldprofit Community as a Monitor are many and varied, tangible and                         Copyright Howard Martell - 2012              8 of 10
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

intangible... but always substantial.
First, learning from the best how to become a qualified Internet marketer. Are you at the point in
your online career when you understand that you cannot master the Internet alone and do not have
the necessary marketing skills and expertise to succeed? If so, you're ready for the best and most
thorough marketing training anywhere.
Our program is based on the Master-Apprentice model, whereby you are literally taken in hand and
learn precisely what to do to make sale after sale. What's so tremendous about our program of
proven success is that it's 100% reality based. It's the kind of training business schools should have
to teach real-world marketing and salesmanship... but never do. That's why we say that our
renowned and always practical training is superior to the instruction you find in traditional business
Now hear this: even if you have never had any sales and marketing experience or success, that
doesn't matter... you start from the beginning and learn accordingly; this, therefore, is marketing and
sales training you can use at once... and use forever.
This unexampled training is given by Dr. Lant and by the Senior Monitors 24/7/365. If a Senior
Monitor is serving alone and has an available video box, you may ask to come up for training at
ANY hour of the day. When you do Senior Monitors will give you the benefit of their considerable,
seasoned experience and erudition.
Immediate Benefits.
In short order, you'll be ready to take the helm as a Senior Monitor yourself, a proud member of our
unique team. As such you will be the "captain" of the ship during your scheduled service, as little as
two hours per week; more if you like.
During the time you are Senior Monitor all associates who enter without sponsors are automatically
assigned to your account; this can number 5, 10 or more associates assigned to you per shift. In
addition you receive thousands of valuable safe list profit credits for sales made during your shift.
These benefits are deposited at once in your account and may be used to promote whatever you like.
Service to the Worldprofit Community.
In addition to the very tangible benefits you gather in each shift, you also benefit from the joy and
honor of helping people worldwide get the assistance they require for online success, success they
have long desired but have never had before. You will feel proud of this work, a service unique to
our great Community and its Monitors, for you are truly making the world a better place and
improving lives with every contact.
To get started.
You will need a webcam and headset, which you can easily purchase at Wal-Mart, Target, Radio
Shack, etc for about $20.
Don't wait a single minute to start your training and so become an experienced marketer, with the
awesome benefits that come to such Masters. Act now. Space in the Monitor Program is always
limited... after reading this you understand why. That's why you must contact Dr. Lant now and
begin the best marketing and sales training on Earth, becoming a valued Member of our superb
Monitor Team.                         Copyright Howard Martell - 2012              9 of 10
A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide
range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business
training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting,
hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online
Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today.
Republished with author's permission by Howard Martell                       Copyright Howard Martell - 2012               10 of 10

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A tribute to george kosch by dr. jeffrey lant master marketer and also collector of fine art nov 19, 2012

  • 1. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012
  • 2. Preface / Introduction A great series of articles on marketing and the lessons so far we have learned in the past few years that continue to build my list and create residual income! Feel free to comment: For more information on how I can help you create your own custom ebooks skype me Howard Martell at homeprofitcoach The Next 7 people that Call me now for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. $100 value. Let an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. Call me -- Howard Martell-- now, (757) 962-2482.Or Skype me homeprofitcoach LIVE 24/7/365. Your success guaranteed. I'm waiting for your call RIGHT NOW!
  • 3. Table of Contents 1. Insights into champions... why they win. What you must do to join them... and one woman's inspiring story. 2. Planning on making money online this year? Unless you avoid these lethal mistakes you haven't got a prayer. 3. The best marketing training on Earth -- and, astonishingly, it's free. The Worldprofit Junior Monitor program.. . now available to you.
  • 4. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 Insights into champions... why they win. What you must do to join them... and one woman's inspiring story. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. It was the work of an instant to select the music to accompany this article. It had to be Rocky Balboa's theme song, "Gonna Fly Now" (released 1977). It's perfect for people who must work, really work, to grab victory. Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone's alter ego, was that kind of person. His life was a mess... and what he knew about winning wouldn't even fill a thimble. He had to learn it, commit to it, do it... through every body-stretching, painful movement. But he wanted victory, he needed victory, he had to know what being a champion was all about... and so he did what he had to do, the more so on the many days he felt like throwing in the towel, giving up, because giving up was so easy to do. And, therefore, completely unacceptable. He ran and he ran, up the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art... he ran.... he stumbled... he sweated like a horse... and he fell. And that's when a remarkable thing happened... First one person jumped to his feet in the cinema and pounded the air with his clenched first... Rocky was running for this boy now... and the boy knew it... and shouted... And then there was growing pandemonium in the theatre, as whole rows of people, men and women, old age pensioners now and even hitherto demur women of a certain age... graduate students, physicians, kids from the neighborhood and retired has-beens with no lifetime victories at all... we were all on our feet, screaming for Rocky.... because we knew what he was going through... and we wanted to help him... and re-ignite our own lives. It was primal.... it was cathartic... it was magnificent. Go now then to any search engine and find this music. Play it loud, proud, often... it is the theme song for people who have known only too well what being an underdog is all about... and what sweet victory demands of them... and their willingness to do whatever is necessary to get it... because this kind of victory demands the best of you, everything of you and will never accept less. Have you ever given all of yourself in this way, to show the world -- and yourself -- just what you're made of? Because you will never understand the pure exhilaration that life can be until you have put yourself, every particle of yourself on the line, victory or death, torpedoes be damned, full speed ahead. Well, meet one woman who has... a grandmother from California. Her name is Linda Elze, and she is a champ of champs. And it is my great privilege to introduce her to you, her and the mindset and the unrelenting determination that has turned her into a role model, an inspiration, a champion. Champs know only one direction: up; know only one position: first! I have known many champions in my almost 65 years... and one thing they all share is an adamant commitment to reaching the top. They know that that is where their true fulfillment is to be found... and that fulfillment is worth every obstacle, every impediment, every challenge and every crushing set-back... for make no mistake about it: there has never been, nor will there ever be, a champion who has not been mangled, crushed, cast down.... Overcoming such situations is not only necessary to becoming a champion... but it is because such situations have been overcome that gives victory its Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 4 of 10
  • 5. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 unique savor and bliss. Champions commit, without any guarantees. What does life offer each of us? Some wag said, "just death and taxes"; but champions can add pain to that, with absolutely no assurance of victory. Thus they face the certainty of work... of pain... of obstacles... without the smallest guarantee that they'll achieve their objective. 100% work.... 0% guarantee of victory. This is the formula every champion lives by... and from this they must draw everything they'll need for victory... and they must do this most of all on days when every sinew of their bodies is asking for, no demanding, rest... comfort... release; the very thing champions, of all people, must use spariingly, for these are the impediments to victory. Champions face -- then grapple with and overcome -- their imperfections. One thing you can bet on with champions is this: each and every one of them was born imperfect. Each champion had, at one time or several, to face this reality with complete honesty and candor. Integrity begins with a knowledge of just who you are, and most particularly what imperfections you have. Then having perceived and enumerated them... you must work to overcome them. For perfection can only be achieved through the stark recognition and assiduous overcoming of imperfection. Champions maintain an acute realization of time... and learn how to use this perishable commodity to maximum effect. Benjamin Franklin told us that time is money... but even more than that, time is the process that defines and limits us. No know knows better than an aspiring champion just how finite and intractable time really it... and therefore approaches each and every day with humility, respect, and total commitment, no excuses, no hesitations, and no regrets... because regrets imply that you didn't do enough or in the right way. However, champions retire each day comforted by the knowledge, the certainty that they did what was necessary -- everything that was necessary -- to make this day the best it could be. Out of surfeit, generosity. And one more thing. Champions give. Because they have, because they can, because they must. All champions are defined by their generosity... they have so much by virtue of their victories... and each desires to share it. .... and of such givers Linda Elze is the queen, as people worldwide can attest; good people becoming even better from the infusions of this single woman; often tired, sometimes ill, yet never without a smile, a kind word, a tip, a helping hand. And so today, we do not just salute and acknowledge the champion... but the woman who became the champion, and who has given so much to launch and assist others so they become champions, too. This is her hour, her day, not an end, but a new beginning. For she has so many victories to come, so many to help, and each gives her what champions need most of all, and grateful, love. It is our privilege to give... her privilege to take. God speed, Linda Elze, on your triumphant way. We are all so very proud of you, not just for your victories, but for your heart and the love that defines you. ** We invite you to submit your comments below. Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 5 of 10
  • 6. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 Planning on making money online this year? Unless you avoid these lethal mistakes you haven't got a prayer. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Like ABBA? I do. I think they produced some of the most clever, stylish and sophisticated dance music and rhythms ever. Like their mega-hit "Money, Money, Money" (released in 1976). It's not only one of the best jump-up songs ever, but it's got a message you may have to take to heart if you're still trying (but consistently failing) to make money online. It's this: "If I got me a wealthy man..." That's right, it may be time (and is probably way past time) to use your wiles and charm to snag a rich mate... because you're just wasting your time online... ... unless.... you take heed to the irrefutable verities about what you must know and do... and so finally turn the Internet into the cash hose it's long been for people like me, who make money online daily, while you can't even figure out who's on first. Must avoid mistake #1. Don't work alone. Working online all by your lonesome is just plain nuts. I credit my awesome success online to a crucial decision I made nearly 20 years ago: the overwhelming majority of online entrepreneurs need more skills -- technical, marketing, people -- than they've got. For such people (and I very much include myself) success is unlikely, even impossible if you try to go it alone. Don't. You're going to need cutting-edge tech experts; Internet marketing experts, and yes personnel to make sales and bring in the bucks 24/7/365. Have you got this team in place? Well you'd better get it together before you waste any more time and money. Must avoid mistake #2. STOP thinking, STOP believing you can built a profitable online business off free stuff. You can't. Say that again: YOU CAN'T! Bite this bullet here and now, once for all. It's going to cost you money to create a successful online business; just like it costs money to establish a successful offline business. If you've been trying and trying and trying to succeed online without investing you're probably beyond hope. But let's assume you've still got some of your little grey cells in place and functional. Use some of them to get the money you need to create a profitable online business. There's no way around it: it takes money to make money, and personally I won't even talk to the steady stream of folks who approach me without investment dollars in hand. That's the "bad" news; the good news is that it's still ridiculously cheap to start a profit-making online business that can net you the minimum 6-figure income it takes to live well these days. Must avoid mistake #3. Get educated about what you need to establish a money-making business online. Stop trying to "teach" yourself. If you knew how to make money online, I imagine you'd be making money, right? But you don't. And you will never know if you have yourself as your prime expert and instructor. Bluntly, you know and can do too little to justify that. There are many fine online business-building instructors. I swear by mine: George Kosch. He's been instructing me for almost 20 years now. He's smart about what you've got to do in the constantly Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 6 of 10
  • 7. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 changing 'net environment, a superb trainer and communicator.... good looking, too. I've made out like a bandit by putting my ego where it belongs (in some closet) and LEARNING from a man who guarantees you'll make money if you follow his proven system. I did... and I have. Must avoid mistake #4. You don't know how to generate unlimited traffic to your site...and until you do, YOU'RE DOA. That why you must become a traffic expert immediately, if not sooner. If you launch your online business without knowing precisely where your absolutely essential traffic will be coming from, you deserve what you get: Nada! Nothing! Zip! Yet to my utter consternation and astonishment, not a day goes by when some knucklehead tells me he hasn't got guaranteed traffic, doesn't know how to get it, but is a "survivor" who'll figure it out as he does. OMG! Such people probably believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. They are casualties just waiting to happen. Here again I want to pat George Kosch on the back. The guy is a walking encyclopedia of each and every way that exists to generate online traffic... and trains lucky folks like me to use these every single day. He does it in an amazing program called "Home Business Boot Camp"... and he guides you (with skill and patience) to get the traffic you must have... starting today! He's got a worldwide following who swear by his methods.... as I most assuredly do myself. Do you have a George Kosch in your life? No? Then book your space in the lifeboat today... you'll need it! Must avoid mistake #5. It happened again just yesterday. I was counseling a gent who told me he'd bought some traffic; sent it to his home page... and didn't get a single response! What did he do wrong? Just everything... The first rule of successful traffic and crucial list building is to direct ALL traffic to a landing page. Why? Because that's the proven way to get traffic, traffic, traffic and build the prospect lists that are crucial to online success. So, ask yourself this: do you know how to create and use landing pages? And be honest, totally honest with yourself, because if you get it wrong you're toast... (By the way, you won't be surprised to learn George Kosch -- there he is again -- writes my landing pages... and they're gold mines.) Well, I've run out of space, with lots more to tell you, but that'll have to wait for another day. Now, I'm heading over to my favorite search engine where that fabulous dance number by ABBA is waiting for me (and you). As I listen to "Money, Money, Money" I'll know I'm the rich guy you're looking for, the guy who can give you that cushy life you'd like. But why would I want an Internet loser in my life? After all, it's a rich man's world... ## What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below. Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 7 of 10
  • 8. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 The best marketing training on Earth -- and, astonishingly, it's free. The Worldprofit Junior Monitor program.. . now available to you. The best marketing training on Earth -- and, astonishingly, it's free. The Worldprofit Junior Monitor program.. . now available to you. A very special letter from Worldprofit's three Co-Founders, Chief Technical Officer George Kosch; President and Director of Website Development Sandi Hunter, and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Friend, you are about to receive an invitation to join the most exciting marketing program on this planet, a unique program you have never seen before for the simple reason that it is available only from Worldprofit at We are talking about the Worldprofit Monitor Program. You have already been the beneficiary of this program, for you've seen the Monitors at work in the Live Business Center and no doubt received their attention and assistance at the time you acquired your Silver Package and became a Member. (If you do not have a Silver Package yet, log in at and ask the Monitor on duty to assist you.) You may have wondered about who these Monitors are... and how they came to be present in the video boxes you see on screen. Not merely present, but (at any hour of the day or night) friendly, pleasant, helpful, anxious to assist you and resoundingly able to do so. At that moment you may have wondered how YOU could join the ranks of these good people... and so we're here to let you know. A bit of history. In 2006, master inventor George Kosch did what he does so well and with such astonishing celerity... he created the device we now call the Live Business Center, a place where entrepreneurs (particularly of the home-based variety) could gather to receive all the help they needed to profit online. Once the software was created, it was time to staff it with people we call Monitors, that is people who are Members of the Worldprofit Community and who generously give of their time, expertise, and, yes, kindness to assist you profit online... something you, like most people on the 'net, have been trying to do but without knowing how or with any success whatsoever. Meet the first Monitor and Director of the Monitor Program, Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Known to millions worldwide because of his 18 business books, thousands of practical articles and daily appearances online and off, Harvard-educated Dr. Lant was the obvious choice to head the brand-new Monitor Program in 2006. A trained educator who used to teach at Harvard (from which he holds two degrees), he was at once a magnetic instructor with an often electrifying delivery... and an experienced marketer who knows what it takes to get the business results you desire. And so in December, 2006, Dr. Lant presented himself in the Live Business Center as Worldprofit's first -- and only -- Monitor, starting the process that has produced a full complement of the best and most generous marketers on Earth... and is now ready to welcome... YOU. Unbeatable benefits. The benefits of serving the Worldprofit Community as a Monitor are many and varied, tangible and Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 8 of 10
  • 9. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 intangible... but always substantial. First, learning from the best how to become a qualified Internet marketer. Are you at the point in your online career when you understand that you cannot master the Internet alone and do not have the necessary marketing skills and expertise to succeed? If so, you're ready for the best and most thorough marketing training anywhere. Our program is based on the Master-Apprentice model, whereby you are literally taken in hand and learn precisely what to do to make sale after sale. What's so tremendous about our program of proven success is that it's 100% reality based. It's the kind of training business schools should have to teach real-world marketing and salesmanship... but never do. That's why we say that our renowned and always practical training is superior to the instruction you find in traditional business classes. Now hear this: even if you have never had any sales and marketing experience or success, that doesn't matter... you start from the beginning and learn accordingly; this, therefore, is marketing and sales training you can use at once... and use forever. This unexampled training is given by Dr. Lant and by the Senior Monitors 24/7/365. If a Senior Monitor is serving alone and has an available video box, you may ask to come up for training at ANY hour of the day. When you do Senior Monitors will give you the benefit of their considerable, seasoned experience and erudition. Immediate Benefits. In short order, you'll be ready to take the helm as a Senior Monitor yourself, a proud member of our unique team. As such you will be the "captain" of the ship during your scheduled service, as little as two hours per week; more if you like. During the time you are Senior Monitor all associates who enter without sponsors are automatically assigned to your account; this can number 5, 10 or more associates assigned to you per shift. In addition you receive thousands of valuable safe list profit credits for sales made during your shift. These benefits are deposited at once in your account and may be used to promote whatever you like. Tremendous! Service to the Worldprofit Community. In addition to the very tangible benefits you gather in each shift, you also benefit from the joy and honor of helping people worldwide get the assistance they require for online success, success they have long desired but have never had before. You will feel proud of this work, a service unique to our great Community and its Monitors, for you are truly making the world a better place and improving lives with every contact. To get started. You will need a webcam and headset, which you can easily purchase at Wal-Mart, Target, Radio Shack, etc for about $20. Don't wait a single minute to start your training and so become an experienced marketer, with the awesome benefits that come to such Masters. Act now. Space in the Monitor Program is always limited... after reading this you understand why. That's why you must contact Dr. Lant now and begin the best marketing and sales training on Earth, becoming a valued Member of our superb Monitor Team. Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 9 of 10
  • 10. A tribute to George Kosch by Dr. Jeffrey Lant master marketer and also collector of fine art Nov 19, 2012 Resource About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Howard Martell Copyright Howard Martell - 2012 10 of 10