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Animal Form and
         Chapter 33 Invertebrates
                  Part 1
Aim: What are characteristics of

Do Now: What characteristics are unique to
You Must Know…
• The traits from Figure 7.11 which are used
  to divide the animals into groups
• Examples of unique traits for each phylum
• The evolution of systems for gas
  exchange, respiration, excretion,
  circulation and nervous control
32.1 Kingdom Animalia
Animals have the following characteristics:
1. They are multicellular heterotrophs
2. Most have muscles and nervous tissue
3. Most reproduce sexually, with a flagellated
   sperm and a large egg uniting to form a
   DIPLOID zygote.
4. The diploid stage dominates its life cycle
5. Have Hox genes
• Homeotic genes are genes in animals
  that determine which parts of the body
  form what body parts.
  – Hox genes, a family of genes that play
    important roles in development
    • segmentation
• Highly conserved
  – Similar sequence in all animals
    • Small differences in DNA sequences, lead to large
      differences in body plan
Invertebrate Terms:
•   Appendages: Any part of the animal coming from the main body or
    trunk- arms, legs, antennae, etc.
•   Asymmetry- no symmetrical
•   Bilateral symmetry- mirror images when cut from head to anus
•   Radial symmetry- mirror images when cut through the central axis
•   Dorsoventrally- running from back to front
•   Exoskeleton- an external skeleton, shell
•   Endoskeleton- an internal skeleton
•   Alimentary canal- tube running from mouth to anus, including all of the
    organs the food passes through
•   Digestive system- the alimentary canal plus accessory organs (liver,
Invertebrate Terms
• Segmented: the division of the body into similar parts
• Sessile- is not motile; anchored to a substrate
• Filter-feeder- collects particles as water flows through
• Gastrovascular cavity- sac-like digestive structure with
  one opening that serves as the mouth and anus
• Gut openings: 0, 1 (same mouth/anus) or 2 (separate
  mouth and anus)
• Cnidocytes/nematocyst- stinging structure
• Cephalization- sense organs at anterior (head) end
• Open circulatory system- blood is not contained entirely
  in vessels
•   Metazoa: multicellular
•   Parazoa: lacking true tissues
•   Eumetazoa: True tissue
•   Radiata: Radial Symmetry
•   Bilateria: Bilateral Symmetry
•   Deuterostomes: deuterostome development
•   Protostomes: protostome development:
•   Acoelomate: no cavity
•   Coelomate: True body cavity
•   Pseudocoelomate: body cavity from mesoderm and
Animal Form and
         Chapter 33 Invertebrates

Aim: What are characteristics of

Do Now: What do you know about
invertebrates? Give several examples.
Invertebrate Phyla Characteristics
• Observe one representative organism
  from each invertebrate phyla
• Write the characteristics that you observe
  for each invertebrate phyla in the
  phylogenetic tree
• Use the “invertebrate terms” notes in your
  notebook for help with identifying
  characteristics for each phyla
Animal Phylogeny
•   Animals that lack backbones
•   Domain Eukarya
•   Kingdom Animalia
•   Invertebrates are classified under many phyla
    – There is not “Invertebrate Phylum”
• Branch “metazoa”- multicellular
• Order of invertebrates is in order of evolution-
  see a pattern of simple to complex in body plan
Animal Phylogeny
1. Subkingdom Parazoa: Sponges

Subkingdom Parazoatrue tissues)
          (lacking (sponges)
• aka Phylum Porifera
Characteristics of Sponges:
• Sessile (anchored to a substrate)
  – But embryo is mobile
• Lack symmetry
• Lack true tissues- Simple!
  – NO nerves or muscles (= no organs)
  – No nervous, digestive, or circulatory
1.   Subkingdom Parazoa: Sponges
             (lacking true tissues)
• Use water currents to obtain food, oxygen
  and remove wastes (“filter feeders”)
  – life processes are accomplished via CELLS (as
    opposed to tissues or organ systems)
  – Cells must be in contact with environment for
    exchange of food, gas and wastes
• No gut opening
  – *Intracellular digestion: cells engulf food
    particles by phagocyotosis; vacuoles fuse with
    lyosomes for digestion
• Body looks like a sac with pores (Porifera) in it
  – their body contains only 2 layers of cells so they
    can complete all life functions!!
Sponge Anatomy
• Closest
  relative of

1. Describe how sponges feed
2. Explain how changes in water currents
   can affect sponge reproduction
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues)
• Subkingdom Eumetazoa (true tissue)
   – All animals, except for sponges (Parazoa)
A. Phylum Cnidaria (hyrdrozoans, jellies, sea anemone, coral)
      • Radial symmetry
      • Few cell layers
          – Have tissues, but no organs
      • Central digestive compartment known as the gastrovascular
          – One opening for mouth and anus
              » Digestion, distribution of nutrients, elimination of
              » Food gets digested in the cavity, then diffuses into
                cells, wasted diffuses out of cells and leaves through
                the cavity.
              » Extracellular digestion- food breaks down in cavity,
                not in cells
          – Nerve net: Decentralized (little or no sense organs), no
            brain, stimulus felt in entire organism
Phylum Cnidaria: Polyp (sea anemone) and
        Medusa (jellyfish) forms
1. Compare and contrast the polyp and
  medusa forms of cnidarians.
Chapter 33 continued
Aim: What are characteristics of
Do now: Describe distinguishing
characteristics of the following phyla:
Porifora and Cnidaria
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa
         (animals with true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
1. Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
     • Examples: Planaria, tapeworms, flukes
     • Flattened bodies with NO segmentation
     • Cephalization
        – Ganglia- clusters of nerves near anterior end (head) to detect
     • Excretion (removal of waste) by flame bulbs (with
       flagella) and protonephridia (neph= kidney)
     • no specialized organs for circulation or gas exchange
        – Simple diffusion because body is so flat
     • Gastrovascular cavity with a single opening
     • aquatic
Platyhelminthes: Planaria
Platyhelminthes: Tapeworm
        • Internal parasites
        • Live in the digestive tract
          of vertebrates
        • No digestive tract
          – Absorb predigested food
            around them
1. Explain how tapeworms can survive
  without a coelum, a mouth, a digestive
  system or an excretory system.
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals
         with true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
2. Phylum   Nematoda (roundworms)
  – Examples: pinworms, hookworms
  – Cylindrical body with a tough cuticle
  – Complete digestive tract (mouth and anus)
  – No circulatory system
     • Fluids circulate (diffusion)
  – Bodies not segmented
  – Decomposers in the soil
Animal Form and
          Chapter 33 Invertebrates
                   Part 1
Aim: What are characteristics of bilateria?

Do Now: Describe distinguishing characteristics
of the following phyla: Porifora, Cnidaria,
Platyhelminthes, and Nematoda
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa
         (animals with true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
3. Phylum Mollusca
   – Soft-bodies animals
   – Examples: slugs, bivalves (clams, etc), snails,
      squid, and octopuses
   – Characteristics:
   1. Muscular foot for movement
   2. Visceral mass containing most of the organs
   3. Mantle- secretes a shell
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa
       (animals with true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
3. Phylum Mollusca
   – *Open circulatory system
     • The fluid (hemolymph) is not always contained
       within vessels but sometimes circulates through
       body sinuses called hemocoel (cavity)
  – Complete digestive tract (mouth and anus)
  – Excretion through nephridia (neph=kidney)
Mollusca: Classes
• Gastropoda:
   – snails and slugs
• Bivalvia
   – clams and oysters
   – Shell in two parts
• Cephalopoda
   –   *Cephalization- brain
   –   Closed circulatory system- blood contained in vessels
   –   Squid- shell is reduced and internal
   –   Octopus and squid
Closed vs. Open Circulatory
• Closed: All blood is   • Open: Some vessels;
  contained within         organs bathe in
  vessels                  hemolymph (blood)
  – Under pressure         – Not under pressure
Mollusca Body Plan
Phylum Mollucsa: Class
Phylum Mollucsa: Class Bivalvia
Phylum Mollucsa: Class Cephalopoda
1. How have bivalves diverged from the
   basic molluscan body plan?
Animal Form and Function
           Chapter 33 Invertebrates
Aim: What are characteristics of invertebrates?

Do Now: Describe distinguishing characteristics of the
following phyla: Porifora, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes,
Nematoda, and Mollusca
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals
           with true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
3. Phylum Annelida (segmented or ringed worms)
     • Ex: earthworms, leeches
     • Internal and external segmentation (with repeating
     • Excretion by metanephridia in each segment
     • Closed digestive system w/ specialized regions (crop,
       gizzard, esophagus, intestine)
        – 2 openings (mouth and anus)
     • Brain-like central ganglia with ventral nerve cord
     • hydrostatic skeleton (tube within a tube)
        – No bones!
     • Respire through skin by diffusion
     • Decomposers (recycle nutrients)
• Annelid anatomy can be described as a
  “tube within a tube.” Explain
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with
             true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
3. Phylum Arthropoda (jointed-legged animals)
   – Ex: lobsters, shrimp, spiders, scorpions, insects,
     milipedes and centipedes
   – 1. Segmented with a hard 2. exoskeleton (chitin)
     and 3. jointed appendages
   – To grow, they molt or shed their exoskeleton and
     secrete another one
   – Well-developed nervous system (sense organs)
   – open circulatory system-
   – Various organs for gas exchange: gills, book
     lungs, tracheal systems
Arthropod Adaptations for Land
• Exoskeleton:
  – Protection
  – Anchor for muscles
  – Locomotion
  – Protection from desiccation (drying out)
    • Problem or any organisms living on land
• Developed sense organs
  – Simple eye, smell, taste, touch
Phylum: Arthropoda Class:
Phylum: Arthropoda Class:

    Spider Anatomy
Phylum Arthropod
Class Hexapoda (insects)
Arthropod: Insects (hexapoda)
• Wings:
  – Escape predators
  – Find food
  – Find a mate
• Excretory system- malpighian tubules
  – Release solid nitrogenous waste called uric
     • Conserves water
• Respiration- tracheal system with
  – Moist tubes for gas exchange
1. How do nematode and annelid body
   plans differ?
2. Describe two adaptations that have
   allowed insects to thrive on land.
Animal Phylogeny
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with
            true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
4. Phylum Echinodermata (echinoderms)
    – Spiny-skinned animals
    – Examples: sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars
    – Larvae have bilateral symmetry; adults have radial symmetry
       • Closest relative of vertebrate chordates
   – Have thin skin covering an endoskeleton (calcium
   – Complete digestive tract
   – Water vascular system (network of internal canals that
     branch into tube feet used for moving, feeding and gas
   – Reproduce sexually or asexually
Sea Star Anatomy
Echinoderm Adaptations
• Spines
  – Protection
• Skin gills
  – Respiration
• Central nerve ring- nervous system
• Eyespot at the end of each arm
  – Light sensitive
• NO respiratory system, excretory system
  or circulatory system
  – Water vascular system
2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with
            true tissues)
B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals
4. Phylum Chordata
   – Includes two groups of chordates
     1. Invertebrate chordates
        – Lancelets and tunicates
     1. Vertebrate chordates
        – Characterized by vertebrae (backbone) that
          encloses the spinal cord
        – Sharks, fish, amphibians, reptiles birds and
Invertebrate Chordata
Lancelet                   Tunicate
• Few cm long and narrow   • Sessile- live on ocean
• Water                      floor
• Retain chordate          • Bilaterally symmetrical
  characteristics as an      larva
1. Describe how sea star tube feet attach to
Animal Phylogeny
Animal Phylogeny
March Through the Kingdoms
• Fill out the chart for the plant groups and
  the invertebrate phyla
• Classify the list of organisms
• Graphic organizer- use your notes to write
  distinguishing characteristics of each
  phyla and class
Invertebrate Dichotomous Key
• Observe characteristics of each organism
• Classify each invertebrate using the
  dichotomous key
• Use the key terms on the back to help with
  distinguishing the characteristics of each
• Write the answers in your notebook
Invertebrate Activity
1. Classify the organisms
2. Use the concept map to check your
3. Write characteristics (using the worksheet
   and your notes) next to each organism
4. Fill in each branch of the phylogenetic tree
   (on the back of the animal development
   picture) with the correct characteristic
5. Create a dichotomous key for all of the
   invertebrate pictures- use vocabulary from
   the sheet provided

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  • 1. Animal Form and Function Chapter 33 Invertebrates Part 1 Aim: What are characteristics of invertebrates? Do Now: What characteristics are unique to animals?
  • 2. You Must Know… • The traits from Figure 7.11 which are used to divide the animals into groups • Examples of unique traits for each phylum discussed • The evolution of systems for gas exchange, respiration, excretion, circulation and nervous control
  • 3. 32.1 Kingdom Animalia Animals have the following characteristics: 1. They are multicellular heterotrophs 2. Most have muscles and nervous tissue 3. Most reproduce sexually, with a flagellated sperm and a large egg uniting to form a DIPLOID zygote. 4. The diploid stage dominates its life cycle 5. Have Hox genes
  • 4. • Homeotic genes are genes in animals that determine which parts of the body form what body parts. – Hox genes, a family of genes that play important roles in development • segmentation • Highly conserved – Similar sequence in all animals • Small differences in DNA sequences, lead to large differences in body plan
  • 5. Invertebrate Terms: • Appendages: Any part of the animal coming from the main body or trunk- arms, legs, antennae, etc. • Asymmetry- no symmetrical • Bilateral symmetry- mirror images when cut from head to anus • Radial symmetry- mirror images when cut through the central axis • Dorsoventrally- running from back to front • Exoskeleton- an external skeleton, shell • Endoskeleton- an internal skeleton • Alimentary canal- tube running from mouth to anus, including all of the organs the food passes through • Digestive system- the alimentary canal plus accessory organs (liver, pancreas)
  • 6. Invertebrate Terms • Segmented: the division of the body into similar parts • Sessile- is not motile; anchored to a substrate • Filter-feeder- collects particles as water flows through them • Gastrovascular cavity- sac-like digestive structure with one opening that serves as the mouth and anus • Gut openings: 0, 1 (same mouth/anus) or 2 (separate mouth and anus) • Cnidocytes/nematocyst- stinging structure • Cephalization- sense organs at anterior (head) end • Open circulatory system- blood is not contained entirely in vessels
  • 7. InvertebrateTerms • Metazoa: multicellular • Parazoa: lacking true tissues • Eumetazoa: True tissue • Radiata: Radial Symmetry • Bilateria: Bilateral Symmetry • Deuterostomes: deuterostome development • Protostomes: protostome development: • Acoelomate: no cavity • Coelomate: True body cavity • Pseudocoelomate: body cavity from mesoderm and endoderm
  • 8. Animal Form and Function Chapter 33 Invertebrates Aim: What are characteristics of invertebrates? Do Now: What do you know about invertebrates? Give several examples.
  • 9. Invertebrate Phyla Characteristics • Observe one representative organism from each invertebrate phyla • Write the characteristics that you observe for each invertebrate phyla in the phylogenetic tree • Use the “invertebrate terms” notes in your notebook for help with identifying characteristics for each phyla
  • 11. Invertebrates • Animals that lack backbones • Domain Eukarya • Kingdom Animalia • Invertebrates are classified under many phyla – There is not “Invertebrate Phylum” • Branch “metazoa”- multicellular • Order of invertebrates is in order of evolution- see a pattern of simple to complex in body plan
  • 13. 1. Subkingdom Parazoa: Sponges Subkingdom Parazoatrue tissues) (lacking (sponges) • aka Phylum Porifera Characteristics of Sponges: • Sessile (anchored to a substrate) – But embryo is mobile • Lack symmetry • Lack true tissues- Simple! – NO nerves or muscles (= no organs) – No nervous, digestive, or circulatory system
  • 14. 1. Subkingdom Parazoa: Sponges (lacking true tissues) • Use water currents to obtain food, oxygen and remove wastes (“filter feeders”) – life processes are accomplished via CELLS (as opposed to tissues or organ systems) – Cells must be in contact with environment for exchange of food, gas and wastes • No gut opening – *Intracellular digestion: cells engulf food particles by phagocyotosis; vacuoles fuse with lyosomes for digestion • Body looks like a sac with pores (Porifera) in it – their body contains only 2 layers of cells so they can complete all life functions!!
  • 16. Choanoflagellate • Closest living relative of animals
  • 17. Checkpoint 1. Describe how sponges feed 2. Explain how changes in water currents can affect sponge reproduction
  • 19. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) • Subkingdom Eumetazoa (true tissue) – All animals, except for sponges (Parazoa) A. Phylum Cnidaria (hyrdrozoans, jellies, sea anemone, coral) • Radial symmetry • Few cell layers – Have tissues, but no organs • Central digestive compartment known as the gastrovascular cavity – One opening for mouth and anus » Digestion, distribution of nutrients, elimination of wastes » Food gets digested in the cavity, then diffuses into cells, wasted diffuses out of cells and leaves through the cavity. » Extracellular digestion- food breaks down in cavity, not in cells – Nerve net: Decentralized (little or no sense organs), no brain, stimulus felt in entire organism
  • 20. Phylum Cnidaria: Polyp (sea anemone) and Medusa (jellyfish) forms
  • 21. Checkpoint 1. Compare and contrast the polyp and medusa forms of cnidarians.
  • 22. Chapter 33 continued Aim: What are characteristics of eumetazoa? Do now: Describe distinguishing characteristics of the following phyla: Porifora and Cnidaria
  • 24. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 1. Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) • Examples: Planaria, tapeworms, flukes • Flattened bodies with NO segmentation • Cephalization – Ganglia- clusters of nerves near anterior end (head) to detect light • Excretion (removal of waste) by flame bulbs (with flagella) and protonephridia (neph= kidney) • no specialized organs for circulation or gas exchange – Simple diffusion because body is so flat • Gastrovascular cavity with a single opening • aquatic
  • 26. Platyhelminthes: Tapeworm • Internal parasites • Live in the digestive tract of vertebrates • No digestive tract – Absorb predigested food around them
  • 27. Checkpoint 1. Explain how tapeworms can survive without a coelum, a mouth, a digestive system or an excretory system.
  • 29. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 2. Phylum Nematoda (roundworms) – Examples: pinworms, hookworms – Cylindrical body with a tough cuticle – Complete digestive tract (mouth and anus) – No circulatory system • Fluids circulate (diffusion) – Bodies not segmented – Decomposers in the soil
  • 30. Animal Form and Function Chapter 33 Invertebrates Part 1 Aim: What are characteristics of bilateria? Do Now: Describe distinguishing characteristics of the following phyla: Porifora, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, and Nematoda
  • 32. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 3. Phylum Mollusca – Soft-bodies animals – Examples: slugs, bivalves (clams, etc), snails, squid, and octopuses – Characteristics: 1. Muscular foot for movement 2. Visceral mass containing most of the organs 3. Mantle- secretes a shell
  • 33. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 3. Phylum Mollusca – *Open circulatory system • The fluid (hemolymph) is not always contained within vessels but sometimes circulates through body sinuses called hemocoel (cavity) – Complete digestive tract (mouth and anus) – Excretion through nephridia (neph=kidney)
  • 34. Mollusca: Classes • Gastropoda: – snails and slugs • Bivalvia – clams and oysters – Shell in two parts • Cephalopoda – *Cephalization- brain – Closed circulatory system- blood contained in vessels – Squid- shell is reduced and internal – Octopus and squid
  • 35. Closed vs. Open Circulatory System • Closed: All blood is • Open: Some vessels; contained within organs bathe in vessels hemolymph (blood) – Under pressure – Not under pressure
  • 39. Phylum Mollucsa: Class Cephalopoda
  • 40. Checkpoint 1. How have bivalves diverged from the basic molluscan body plan?
  • 41. Animal Form and Function Chapter 33 Invertebrates Aim: What are characteristics of invertebrates? Do Now: Describe distinguishing characteristics of the following phyla: Porifora, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, and Mollusca
  • 43. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 3. Phylum Annelida (segmented or ringed worms) • Ex: earthworms, leeches • Internal and external segmentation (with repeating organs) • Excretion by metanephridia in each segment • Closed digestive system w/ specialized regions (crop, gizzard, esophagus, intestine) – 2 openings (mouth and anus) • Brain-like central ganglia with ventral nerve cord • hydrostatic skeleton (tube within a tube) – No bones! • Respire through skin by diffusion • Decomposers (recycle nutrients)
  • 44.
  • 46. Checkpoint • Annelid anatomy can be described as a “tube within a tube.” Explain
  • 48. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 3. Phylum Arthropoda (jointed-legged animals) – Ex: lobsters, shrimp, spiders, scorpions, insects, milipedes and centipedes – 1. Segmented with a hard 2. exoskeleton (chitin) and 3. jointed appendages – To grow, they molt or shed their exoskeleton and secrete another one – Well-developed nervous system (sense organs) – open circulatory system- – Various organs for gas exchange: gills, book lungs, tracheal systems
  • 49. Arthropod Adaptations for Land • Exoskeleton: – Protection – Anchor for muscles – Locomotion – Protection from desiccation (drying out) • Problem or any organisms living on land • Developed sense organs – Simple eye, smell, taste, touch
  • 51. Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Cheliceroforms Spider Anatomy
  • 53. Arthropod: Insects (hexapoda) • Wings: – Escape predators – Find food – Find a mate • Excretory system- malpighian tubules – Release solid nitrogenous waste called uric acid • Conserves water • Respiration- tracheal system with spiracles – Moist tubes for gas exchange
  • 54. Checkpoint 1. How do nematode and annelid body plans differ? 2. Describe two adaptations that have allowed insects to thrive on land.
  • 56. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 4. Phylum Echinodermata (echinoderms) – Spiny-skinned animals – Examples: sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars – Larvae have bilateral symmetry; adults have radial symmetry • Closest relative of vertebrate chordates – Have thin skin covering an endoskeleton (calcium carbonate) – Complete digestive tract – Water vascular system (network of internal canals that branch into tube feet used for moving, feeding and gas exchange) – Reproduce sexually or asexually
  • 58. Echinoderm Adaptations • Spines – Protection • Skin gills – Respiration • Central nerve ring- nervous system • Eyespot at the end of each arm – Light sensitive • NO respiratory system, excretory system or circulatory system – Water vascular system
  • 59. 2. Subkingdom Eumetazoa (animals with true tissues) B. Bilaterally Symmetrical Animals 4. Phylum Chordata – Includes two groups of chordates 1. Invertebrate chordates – Lancelets and tunicates 1. Vertebrate chordates – Characterized by vertebrae (backbone) that encloses the spinal cord – Sharks, fish, amphibians, reptiles birds and mammals
  • 60. Invertebrate Chordata Lancelet Tunicate • Few cm long and narrow • Sessile- live on ocean • Water floor • Retain chordate • Bilaterally symmetrical characteristics as an larva adult
  • 61. Checkpoint 1. Describe how sea star tube feet attach to substrates.
  • 62.
  • 65. March Through the Kingdoms • Fill out the chart for the plant groups and the invertebrate phyla • Classify the list of organisms • Graphic organizer- use your notes to write distinguishing characteristics of each phyla and class • INVERTEBRATE Quiz TOMORROW
  • 66. Invertebrate Dichotomous Key • Observe characteristics of each organism • Classify each invertebrate using the dichotomous key • Use the key terms on the back to help with distinguishing the characteristics of each organism • Write the answers in your notebook
  • 67. Invertebrate Activity 1. Classify the organisms 2. Use the concept map to check your answers 3. Write characteristics (using the worksheet and your notes) next to each organism 4. Fill in each branch of the phylogenetic tree (on the back of the animal development picture) with the correct characteristic 5. Create a dichotomous key for all of the invertebrate pictures- use vocabulary from the sheet provided