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Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
cOutput += "Accept Connection" + nl
oTcpClient {
cStr ="Hello from server to client!"+char(13)+char(10)
The application during the runtime
59.52 Dynamic Objects
We may create objects in the runtime and add them to windows.
load "guilib.ring"
oFormDesigner = new FormDesigner { start("oFormDesigner") }
Class FormDesigner
winToolBox winForm
aObjects = []
func start cObjectName
oApp = new qApp
winToolBox = new qWidget()
59.52. Dynamic Objects 682
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
btn = new qPushButton(winToolBox)
btn.setText("Create Button")
winForm = new qWidget() {
setWindowTitle("Form Designer")
func pCreateButton
nCount = len(aObjects)
aObjects + new MyButton(winForm)
nIndex = nCount + 1
setText("Button"+ nIndex)
Class MyButton from qPushButton
nIndex = 0
59.53 Weight History Application
The next sample help in recording (Date, Time and Weight).
Load "guilib.ring"
MyApp = new qApp
$ApplicationObject = "oApp" # To be used when calling events
oApp = new App
class App
cDir = currentdir() + "/"
59.53. Weight History Application 683
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
aIDs = []
win1 = new qWidget()
setWindowTitle("Weight History")
layoutButtons = new qhboxlayout()
label1 = new qLabel(win1) { setText("Weight") }
text1 = new qlineedit(win1)
btnAdd = new qpushbutton(win1) {
btnDelete = new qpushbutton(win1) {
layoutData = new qhboxlayout()
Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) {
setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QTableWidgetItem("Date"))
setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, new QTableWidgetItem("Time"))
setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, new QTableWidgetItem("Weight"))
horizontalHeader().setStyleSheet("color: blue")
verticalHeader().setStyleSheet("color: red")
layoutClose = new qhboxlayout()
btnclose = new qpushbutton(win1) {
layoutMain = new qvboxlayout()
59.53. Weight History Application 684
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
Func OpenDatabase
lCreate = False
if not fexists(cDir + "weighthistory.db")
lCreate = True
new QSqlDatabase() {
this.oCon = addDatabase("QSQLITE") {
if lCreate
new QSqlQuery( ) {
exec("create table weighthistory (id integer primary key,"+
" f_date varchar(10),"+
" f_time varchar(8), f_weight varchar(8) );")
Func CloseDatabase
Func AddWeight
cWeight = text1.text()
Func DeleteWeight
Table1 {
nRow = CurrentRow()
if nRow >= 0
nID = this.aIDs[nROW+1]
new QSqlQuery( ) {
exec("delete from weighthistory where id = " + nID )
Func AddRecord cWeight
new QSqlQuery( ) {
cStr = "insert into weighthistory (f_date,f_time,f_weight) values"+
" ('%f1','%f2','%f3')"
cDate = Date()
cTime = Time()
cStr = substr(cStr,"%f1",cDate)
cStr = substr(cStr,"%f2",cTime)
cStr = substr(cStr,"%f3",cWeight)
59.53. Weight History Application 685
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
Func ShowRecords
aIDs = []
query = new QSqlQuery() {
exec("select * from weighthistory")
nRows = 0
while movenext()
this.table1 {
this.aIDs + query.value(0).tostring()
for x = 1 to 3
cStr = query.value(x).tostring()
item = new qTableWidgetItem(cStr)
Func ItemChanged
nRow = table1.currentrow()
if nRow >= 0
myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),0)
cDate = myitem.text()
myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),1)
cTime = myitem.text()
myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),2)
cWeight = myitem.text()
new QSqlQuery( ) {
cStr = "update weighthistory set f_date ='%f1' , f_time = '%f2' , "+
"f_weight ='%f3' where id = " + this.aIDs[nROW+1]
cStr = substr(cStr,"%f1",cDate)
cStr = substr(cStr,"%f2",cTime)
cStr = substr(cStr,"%f3",cWeight)
The next screen shot for the application during the runtime
59.53. Weight History Application 686
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
59.54 Notepad Application
In the next example we will see simple Notepad developed using the RingQt
Load "guilib.ring"
cActiveFileName = ""
aTextColor = [0,0,0]
aBackColor = [255,255,255]
cFont = "MS Shell Dlg 2,14,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0"
cWebsite = ""
59.54. Notepad Application 687
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
oSearch = NULL
oSearchValue = NULL
oSearchCase = NULL
oSearchFilter = NULL
oReplaceValue = NULL
lAskToSave = false
MyApp = New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("Ring Notepad")
aBtns = [
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("New File")
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("Open File")
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("Save As")
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("Text Color")
59.54. Notepad Application 688
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("Find and Replace")
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("Debug (Run then wait!)")
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settooltip("Run the program")
} ,
new qpushbutton(win1) {
tool1 = addtoolbar("files") {
for x in aBtns addwidget(x) addseparator() next
menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) {
sub1 = addmenu("File")
sub2 = addmenu("Edit")
sub3 = addmenu("View")
sub4 = addmenu("Help")
sub1 {
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+n"))
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+o"))
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+s"))
59.54. Notepad Application 689
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+e"))
settext("Save As")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+p"))
settext("Print to PDF")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+d"))
settext("Debug (Run then wait!)")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+r"))
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+F5"))
settext("Run GUI Application (No Console)")
oAction = new qaction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+q"))
sub2 {
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+x"))
59.54. Notepad Application 690
Ring Documentation, Release 1.7
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+c"))
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+v"))
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+i"))
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+t"))
settext("Text Color")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+b"))
settext("Back Color")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+g"))
settext("Go to line")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+f"))
settext("Find and Replace")
sub3 {
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+p"))
59.54. Notepad Application 691

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 203 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 203 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 202 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 201 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 200 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 199 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 199 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 199 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 199 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 198 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 197 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 197 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 197 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 197 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 196 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 196 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 195 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 194 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 193 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 193 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 193 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 193 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212
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The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 72 of 196

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 cOutput += "Accept Connection" + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) oTcpClient { cStr ="Hello from server to client!"+char(13)+char(10) write(cStr,len(cStr)) flush() waitforbyteswritten(300000) close() } The application during the runtime 59.52 Dynamic Objects We may create objects in the runtime and add them to windows. Example: load "guilib.ring" oFormDesigner = new FormDesigner { start("oFormDesigner") } Class FormDesigner winToolBox winForm aObjects = [] func start cObjectName oApp = new qApp winToolBox = new qWidget() winToolBox.setWindowTitle("ToolBox") 59.52. Dynamic Objects 682
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 winToolBox.move(10,10) winToolBox.resize(300,600) btn = new qPushButton(winToolBox) btn.resize(300,30) btn.setText("Create Button") btn.setClickEvent(cObjectName+".pCreateButton()") winForm = new qWidget() { move(400,50) setWindowTitle("Form Designer") resize(600,600) show() } oApp.exec() func pCreateButton nCount = len(aObjects) aObjects + new MyButton(winForm) { nIndex = nCount + 1 setText("Button"+ nIndex) Move(30*nIndex,30*nIndex) resize(100,30) show() } Class MyButton from qPushButton nIndex = 0 59.53 Weight History Application The next sample help in recording (Date, Time and Weight). Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = new qApp { $ApplicationObject = "oApp" # To be used when calling events oApp = new App exec() oApp.CloseDatabase() } class App cDir = currentdir() + "/" oCon 59.53. Weight History Application 683
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 aIDs = [] win1 = new qWidget() { setWindowTitle("Weight History") resize(600,600) layoutButtons = new qhboxlayout() { label1 = new qLabel(win1) { setText("Weight") } text1 = new qlineedit(win1) btnAdd = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Add") setClickEvent($ApplicationObject+".AddWeight()") } btnDelete = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Delete") setClickEvent($ApplicationObject+".Deleteweight()") } addwidget(label1) addwidget(text1) addwidget(btnAdd) addwidget(btnDelete) } layoutData = new qhboxlayout() { Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) { setrowcount(0) setcolumncount(3) setselectionbehavior(QAbstractItemView_SelectRows) setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QTableWidgetItem("Date")) setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, new QTableWidgetItem("Time")) setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, new QTableWidgetItem("Weight")) setitemChangedEvent($ApplicationObject+".ItemChanged()") setAlternatingRowColors(true) horizontalHeader().setStyleSheet("color: blue") verticalHeader().setStyleSheet("color: red") } addWidget(Table1) } layoutClose = new qhboxlayout() { btnclose = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Close") setClickEvent("MyApp.Quit()") } addwidget(btnClose) } layoutMain = new qvboxlayout() { addlayout(layoutButtons) addLayout(LayoutData) addLayout(layoutClose) } setlayout(layoutMain) self.OpenDatabase() self.ShowRecords() show() } 59.53. Weight History Application 684
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 Func OpenDatabase lCreate = False if not fexists(cDir + "weighthistory.db") lCreate = True ok new QSqlDatabase() { this.oCon = addDatabase("QSQLITE") { setDatabaseName("weighthistory.db") Open() } } if lCreate new QSqlQuery( ) { exec("create table weighthistory (id integer primary key,"+ " f_date varchar(10),"+ " f_time varchar(8), f_weight varchar(8) );") delete() } ok Func CloseDatabase oCon.Close() Func AddWeight cWeight = text1.text() AddRecord(cWeight) Func DeleteWeight Table1 { nRow = CurrentRow() if nRow >= 0 nID = this.aIDs[nROW+1] new QSqlQuery( ) { exec("delete from weighthistory where id = " + nID ) } Del(this.aIDs,nRow+1) removerow(nRow) selectrow(nRow) ok } Func AddRecord cWeight new QSqlQuery( ) { cStr = "insert into weighthistory (f_date,f_time,f_weight) values"+ " ('%f1','%f2','%f3')" cDate = Date() cTime = Time() cStr = substr(cStr,"%f1",cDate) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f2",cTime) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f3",cWeight) exec(cStr) delete() } ShowRecords() Table1.selectrow(table1.rowcount()-1) 59.53. Weight History Application 685
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 Func ShowRecords table1.setitemChangedEvent("") aIDs = [] query = new QSqlQuery() { exec("select * from weighthistory") nRows = 0 this.Table1.setrowcount(0) while movenext() this.table1 { insertRow(nRows) this.aIDs + query.value(0).tostring() for x = 1 to 3 cStr = query.value(x).tostring() item = new qTableWidgetItem(cStr) setItem(nRows,x-1,item) next } nRows++ end delete() } table1.setitemChangedEvent($ApplicationObject+".ItemChanged()") Func ItemChanged nRow = table1.currentrow() if nRow >= 0 myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),0) cDate = myitem.text() myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),1) cTime = myitem.text() myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),2) cWeight = myitem.text() new QSqlQuery( ) { cStr = "update weighthistory set f_date ='%f1' , f_time = '%f2' , "+ "f_weight ='%f3' where id = " + this.aIDs[nROW+1] cStr = substr(cStr,"%f1",cDate) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f2",cTime) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f3",cWeight) exec(cStr) delete() } ok The next screen shot for the application during the runtime 59.53. Weight History Application 686
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 59.54 Notepad Application In the next example we will see simple Notepad developed using the RingQt Load "guilib.ring" cActiveFileName = "" aTextColor = [0,0,0] aBackColor = [255,255,255] cFont = "MS Shell Dlg 2,14,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" cWebsite = "" 59.54. Notepad Application 687
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 oSearch = NULL oSearchValue = NULL oSearchCase = NULL oSearchFilter = NULL oReplaceValue = NULL lAskToSave = false MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Ring Notepad") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) aBtns = [ new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/new.png") setclickevent("pNew()") settooltip("New File") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/open.png") setclickevent("pOpen()") settooltip("Open File") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/save.png") setclickevent("pSave()") settooltip("Save") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/saveas.png") setclickevent("pSaveAs()") settooltip("Save As") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/cut.png") setclickevent("pCut()") settooltip("Cut") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/copy.png") setclickevent("pCopy()") settooltip("Copy") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/paste.png") setclickevent("pPaste()") settooltip("Paste") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/font.png") setclickevent("pFont()") settooltip("Font") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/colors.jpg") setclickevent("pColor()") settooltip("Text Color") 59.54. Notepad Application 688
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/search.png") setclickevent("pFind()") settooltip("Find and Replace") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/print.png") setclickevent("pPrint()") settooltip("Print") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/debug.png") setclickevent("pDebug()") settooltip("Debug (Run then wait!)") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/run.png") setclickevent("pRun()") settooltip("Run the program") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/close.png") setclickevent("pQuit()") settooltip("Quit") } ] tool1 = addtoolbar("files") { for x in aBtns addwidget(x) addseparator() next } menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) { sub1 = addmenu("File") sub2 = addmenu("Edit") sub3 = addmenu("View") sub4 = addmenu("Help") sub1 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+n")) setbtnimage(self,"image/new.png") settext("New") setclickevent("pNew()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+o")) setbtnimage(self,"image/open.png") settext("Open") setclickevent("pOpen()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+s")) setbtnimage(self,"image/save.png") settext("Save") setclickevent("pSave()") 59.54. Notepad Application 689
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+e")) setbtnimage(self,"image/saveas.png") settext("Save As") setclickevent("pSaveAs()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+p")) setbtnimage(self,"image/print.png") settext("Print to PDF") setclickevent("pPrint()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+d")) setbtnimage(self,"image/debug.png") settext("Debug (Run then wait!)") setclickevent("pDebug()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+r")) setbtnimage(self,"image/run.png") settext("Run") setclickevent("pRun()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+F5")) setbtnimage(self,"image/run.png") settext("Run GUI Application (No Console)") setclickevent("pRunNoConsole()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qaction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+q")) setbtnimage(self,"image/close.png") settext("Exit") setstatustip("Exit") setclickevent("pQuit()") } addaction(oAction) } sub2 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+x")) setbtnimage(self,"image/cut.png") settext("Cut") setclickevent("pCut()") 59.54. Notepad Application 690
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.7 } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+c")) setbtnimage(self,"image/copy.png") settext("Copy") setclickevent("pCopy()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+v")) setbtnimage(self,"image/paste.png") settext("Paste") setclickevent("pPaste()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+i")) setbtnimage(self,"image/font.png") settext("Font") setclickevent("pFont()") } addseparator() addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+t")) setbtnimage(self,"image/colors.jpg") settext("Text Color") setclickevent("pColor()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+b")) setbtnimage(self,"image/colors.jpg") settext("Back Color") setclickevent("pColor2()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+g")) settext("Go to line") setclickevent("pGoto()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+f")) setbtnimage(self,"image/search.png") settext("Find and Replace") setclickevent("pFind()") } addaction(oAction) } sub3 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+p")) setbtnimage(self,"image/project.png") 59.54. Notepad Application 691