An overview of the Eventuate Platform

Chris Richardson il y a 3 ans

Clean backends with NestJs

Aymene Bennour il y a 3 ans

Nestjs MasterClass Slides

Nir Kaufman il y a 4 ans

A year with event sourcing and CQRS

Steve Pember il y a 8 ans

A visual introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS

Lorenzo Nicora il y a 7 ans

Design Pattern - MVC, MVP and MVVM

Mudasir Qazi il y a 9 ans

Law of Demeter & Objective Sense of Style

Vladimir Tsukur il y a 10 ans

Clean code

Arturo Herrero il y a 13 ans

Domain Driven Design (DDD)

Tom Kocjan il y a 9 ans