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 Introduction
 Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
 Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)
 Pericoronitis
 Abscesses of periodontium
 An acute lesion is of sudden onset and short duration
and is painful.
 They are manifested with severe pain along with
systemic manifestations
 Thus these lesions must be treated at the earliest
with a proper treatment protocol.
Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
 HSV- type 1
 Infants/ children younger than 6 yrs
 Males=females
 Primary infection asymptomatic
 The virus ascends through the sensory or autonomic
nerves and persists in the neuronal ganglia that innervate
the site as a latent HSV
 Sunlight, fever, trauma, stress , after oral surgical
Secondary manifestations
 Herpes labialis
 Herpetic stomatitis
 Herpes genitalis
 Ocular herpes
 Herpetic encephalitis
Early stage
Late stage showing brownish
crusted lesions
 Diffuse, erythematous, shiny
involvement of the gingiva and
adjacent oral mucosa
 Varying degree of edema and
gingival bleeding
 Discrete spherical grey vesicles
Primary herpetic
 Rupture of vesicles and formation of ulcers after 24 hrs
 Ulcers– small , painful, red, elevated, halo-like margin
with depressed yellowish/greyish white central portion
 Widely spread/clusters
 7-10 days
 No scarring
 Soreness, difficulty in eating and drinking
 Ruptured vesicles sensitive to touch, thermal changes,
foods such as condiments and fruit juices
 Infants show irritability and refusal to take food
 Cervical adenitis
 Fever (101ͦ -105ͦ F)
 Generalized malaise
Virus targets epithelial cells
Ballooning degeneration (acantholysis, nuclear clearing,
nuclear enlargement)
Tzanck cells
Fusing of infected cells
Formation of multinucleated cells and intercellular edema
Formation of intraepithelial vesicles
Secondary inflammatory response with fibropurulent exudate
Ulcers with central portion of acute inflammation and exudation
surrounded by zone rich in engorged blood vessels
 Early diagnosis important (reducing symptoms and
 History/clinical findings
 Virus culture
 Immunologic tests using monoclonal antibodies or DNA
hybridization techniques
Erythema multiforme:
o More extensive vesicles with pseudomembrane
formation on rupture
o Tongue more involved
o Skin lesions present
o Prolonged involvement may occur for weeks
 Stevens-Johnson syndrome: rare form of EM
characterized by hemorrhagic lesions in the oral cavity,
hemorrhagic occular lesions and bullous skin lesions
Bullous lichen plannus:
 Rare & painful condition
 Large blisters on tongue & skin- rupture
undergo ulceration
 Skin lesions + oral involvement
 Prolonged indefinite course
 Linear, grey, lacelike lesions of lichen
plannus inter-spread among bullous
Desquamative gingivitis
 Chronic condition
 Diffuse involvement of gingiva
 Varying degree of peeling of epithelium
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis
 Small well defined round shallow
ulcers, yellowish grey central
areas & red halo
 H/o previous mucosal ulcers is
dignostic, unknown etiology
 No diffuse erythematous
involvement of the gingiva, no
acute toxic symptoms
 Contagious
 Most adults develop immunity due to infection during
childhood – subclinical infection
 Hence seen in infants & children
 Recent studies have demonstrated HSV in periodontal
pockets (Slots J 2000)
Consists of early diagnosis & immediate initiation of antiviral
Antivirals :
o Acyclovir suspension 15mg/kg is given 5 times daily for 7
days (Amir et al,1997)
o It reduces days of fever, pain, lesion and virus shedding
o Acyclovir does not affect normal cells but inhibits DNA
replication in HSV infected cells
o Newer antivirals like Valacyclovir and Famicyclovir can
also be used
o <3 days– antiviral
o >3 days- (immunocompetent pt) limited value
Palliative measures:
o Removal of food debris, plaque and supra gingival
o Extensive periodontal therapy to be postponed
o Local /systemic antibiotics to prevent opportunistic
infection especially in immuno-compromised patients
o The patient must be informed that the disease is contagious,
thus precautions must be taken (vesicles –highest viral titer)
Supportive measures:
o Copious fluid intake
o Nutritional supplements
o Topical anesthetics while eating
 Infection of fingers of health professional treating
infected patients may occur and is known as Herpetic
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
 Necrotizing Gingivitis, Necrotizing Periodontitis and
Necrotizing Stomatitis are the most severe inflammatory
disorders caused by plaque bacteria
 They are rapidly destructive and debilitating
 A distinction between these diseases has not always been
made in the literature
 Microbial diseases affecting gingiva/ periodontium in the
context of an impaired host response
 Characterized by death and sloughing of tissues
 Fourth century BC, Xenophon mentioned that Greek soldiers
were affected with “sore mouth” and foul-smelling breath
 In 1778, John Hunter described the clinical findings and
differentiated ANUG from scurvy and chronic destructive
periodontal disease
 ANUG occurred in epidemic form in the French army in the
19th century
 In 1886, Hersch, a German pathologist, discussed some of
the features associated with the disease such as enlarged
lymph nodes, fever, malaise and increased salivation
 In 1890s, Plaut and Vincent described the disease and
attributed its origin to fusiform bacilli and spirochetes
 Ulceromembranous gingivitis
 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
 Trench mouth
 Vincent’s gingivostomatitis
 Phagedenic gingivitis
 Fusospirallary periodontitis
 Plaut-Vincent stomatitis
 Acute
 Subacute (Repeated remissions and exacerbations)
 Recurrent
 Single tooth, group of teeth
 Entire mouth
(long standing, severe immunosuppression)
 Punched out, craterlike depressions at the crest of the
interdental papilla
 Can extend into the marginal gingiva, attached gingiva and
oral mucosa
 Grey pseudomembranous slough
 Linear erythema
 Removing slough exposes red, hemorrhagic, shiny surface
which bleeds easily
 Fetid odor
 Metallic taste
 Increased salivation/pasty saliva
 Can be superimposed on chronic gingivitis/periodontitis
 Recession rather than pocket formation
 Constant radiating, gnawing pain that is intensified on
eating spicy and hot foods and on chewing
 Lesions extremely sensitive to touch
 Low socioeconomic groups
 Seasonal variations (Skach et al, 1970)
 Local lymphadenopathy
 Fever
 Increased pulse rate, leukocytosis, loss of apetite and
general lassitude additionally seen in severe cases
 Insomnia, constipation, GI disorders, headache and
mental depression in children
1) Fusospirochetal meningitis
2) Peritonitis
3) Pulmonary infection
4) Toxemia
5) Fatal brain abscess
6) Noma
 Stage 1 : Necrosis of tip of the interdental papilla (93%).
 Stage 2 : Necrosis of entire papilla (19%)
 Stage 3 : Necrosis extending to gingival margin (21%)
 Stage 4 : Necrosis extending to attached gingiva (1%)
 Stage 5 : Necrosis extending to buccal / labial mucosa (6%)
 Stage 6 : Necrosis exposing alveolar bone (1%)
 Stage 7 : Necrosis perforating skin and check (0%)
 Stage 1: Erosion of only tip of interdental papilla
 Stage 2: Lesion extending to marginal gingiva and causing
potentially a complete loss of papilla
 Stage 3: Involving attached gingiva
 Stage 4: Exposure of bone
 Microscopically the lesion is acute necrotizing inflammation of
the gingiva, involving both the stratified squamous epithelium
and the underlying connective tissue
 Epithelium destroyed and replaced by meshwork of fibrin,
necrotic epithelial cells and PMN’s and various types of
microorganisms (surface pseudomembrane)
 Border: Epithelium edematous and individual cells exhibit
varying degree of hydropic degeneration along with infilteration
of PMN’s in the intercellular spaces
 Underlying connective tissue: hyperemic with numerous
engorged capillaries and dense infiltration by PMN’s (linear
 Plasma cells at the periphery(underlying chronic condition)
 Epithelium and CT alterations decrease with increase in distance
from the necrotic area and gradually blends with the uninvolved
Listgarten – described four zones that blend with each other
 ZONE I - BACTERIAL ZONE- The Most superficial
Consists of varied bacteria, including a few spirochetes
of small, medium and large type.
numerous leukocytes, predominantly neutrophils, with
bacteria, including many spirochetes of various types,
between the leukocytes
 ZONE III – NECROTIC ZONE- Consists of disintegrated
tissue cells, fibrillar material, remnants of collagen fibers and
numerous spirochetes of the medium and large types, with
few other organisms
Consists of well preserved tissue infiltrated with medium and
large spirochetes without other organisms.
Spirochetes have been found as deep as 300 microns from the
Role of bacteria
o Plaut and Vincent in 1894 and 1896, respectively
introduced the concept NUG is caused by specific
bacteria – namely a fusiform bacillus and a spirochetal
o Fusiform bacilli and a spirochetal organism are always
found in the disease.
 Rosebury and coworkers described a fusospirochetal
complex consisting of T. marcodentium, intermediate
spirochetes, vibrios, fusiform bacilli and filamentous
organisms in addition to several Borrelia species
 More recently Loesche and colleagues described a constant
flora and a variable flora
Constant flora :- Fusospirochetal organisms, P.
intermedia, A. odontolyticus and
various spirilla like Selenomonas
Variable flora :- Heterogenous array of bacterial
 Bacteriologic findings have been supported by
immunological data presented by Chung et al who
reported increased IgG and IgM antibodies to
intermediate spirochetes, P. intermedia in NUG patients
as compared to those with chronic gingivitis and healthy
 Metronidazole effective
Role of host response
 Presence of organisms insufficient to cause disease
 NUG is not produced experimentally in humans and
animals by inoculation of bacterial exudates from the
 Characteristic lesions occurs in animals when they are
under immunosupression
 Not found in well nourished individuals with fully
functional immune system
 Immunosupression essential- NUG patients displayed
depression in leukocyte chemotaxis and phagocytosis
(Cogen et al, 1983)
 Nutritional deficiency, fatigue caused by chronic sleep
deprivation, alcohol/drug abuse, psychological factors,
systemic disease
 It is hence concluded that -
The specific cause of NUG has not been established & it is
produced by a complex of bacterial organisms but requires
underlying tissue changes to facilitate the pathogenic activity
of the bacteria.
 Pre-existing gingivitis
 Injury to the gingiva (eg: malocclusion)
 Smoking
 98% pts with NUG were smokers & frequency of the disease
increases with increasing exposure to tobacco smoke
(Pindborg et al, 1951)
 Preexisting chronic periodontitis, pericoronal flaps (favourable
environment for anaerobic fusiform bacilli and spirochetes)
Nutritional deficiency
 Produced in animals by giving them nutritionally deficient
 Nutritional deficiencies diminishes immune responses and
alteres the periodontal structures, making them more
Debilitating disease
 Chronic diseases( syphilis, cancer)
 Severe gastrointestinal disorders (ulcerative colitis)
 Blood dyscrasias( anemia, leukemia)
Psychosomatic factors
 Disease often occurs in association with stressful situations
(induction into the armed forces, school examinations)
 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation resulting in
cortisol secretion and decrease in immune response
 Increase in the levels of cortisol and catecholamines
leads to reduced gingival microcirculation and salivary
flow which enhances nutrition to P.intermedia
 Depression in neutrophil and lymphocyte function leads
to bacterial invasion and tissue damage.
(Johnson and Engel 1986)
 Clinical findings (gingival pain,ulceration and bleeding)
 Bacterial smear not definitive
 Microscopic examination of biopsy specimen (TB,
neoplastic disease)
By Genco, Goldman and Cohen:
 Interproximal necrosis and ulceration (punched-out papillae)
 Painful gingiva
 Bleeding (spontaneous or on slight provocation)
 Pseudomembrane (fibrin, debris)
 Fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy
 “Fetor Oris”
 Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
 Chronic Periodontitis
 Desquamative Gingivitis
 Streptococcal Gingivostomatitis
 Apthous Stomatitis
 Diptheric And Syphilitic Lesions
 Tuberculous Gingival Lesion
 Candidiasis
 Agranulocytosis
 Dermatoses (Pemphigus, Erythema Multiforme ,Lichen
 Treatment differs
 Herpes/NUG
 Characterized by diffuse erythema of the gingiva and other
areas of the oral mucosa
 Necrosis of the gingival margin – not a feature of this
 No fetid odor
 Bacterial smears– streptococcal forms
 Streptococcus viridans , groupA ß-hemolytic streptococcus
 Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Mucosa is covered with a grayish membrane that sloughs
off in areas to expose an underlying raw bleeding surface
 Most common in new born due to transmission through
maternal passages
 Characterized by marked decrease in number of circulating
 Lesions similar to NUG
 No marked inflammation due to diminished defense mechanism
 Blood studies can be used to differentiate between NUG and
 Fusospirochetal infection of oropharynx and throat,
distinguished from NUG, which affects marginal gingiva.
May extend to the larynx and the middle ear
NUG in Leukemia
 Not produced by leukemia per se , but due to reduced
host defense mechanism
 NUG may superimpose on gingival tissue alteration
caused by leukemia
 Same clinical features
 Extremely destructive course leading to NUP
 Presenting symptom for HIV
 Not contageous
 Study by King
 Kitchen facilities (controlled conditions, anaerobic
environment, do not survive on utensils)
 Occurrence in epidemic like outbreaks– due to common
predisposing factors
 Immunosupression+bacteria
 Extension of NUG or different disease entity
 No evidence
 Clinical similarities
 Until distinction can be proved/disproved, classified together
 Classification first adopted in world workshop in clinical
periodontics in 1989
 Deep interdental osseous craters
 Recession
 HIV positive patients
 Strongly associated
 Marker of immune supression and diagnosis of AIDS
 Aggressive form of chronic periodontitis
 Alleviation of the acute symptoms by reducing microbial load
and removal of necrotic tissue
 Treatment of chronic disease either underlying the acute
involvement or elsewhere in the oral cavity
 Alleviation of the generalized symptoms such as fever
and malaise
 Correction of the systemic conditions that contribute to
the initiation or progression of gingival changes.
 Complete evaluation
 Comprehensive medical history with special attention to recent
illness, living conditions, dietary backgrounds, type of
employment, hours of rest, cigarette smoking, stress levels, HIV
 Examination should include general appearance, presence of
halitosis, skin lesions, vital signs, lymph nodes
o Characteristic lesions
o Oral hygiene (Pericoronal flap Pockets Local irritants)
o Only acutely involved areas
o Isolated with cotton rolls and dried
o Topical anesthetic
 Area swabbed to remove pseudo membrane with moistened
cotton pellet after 2-3 min
 Cleanse area with warm water
 Superficial calculus removed (ultrasonic scalers)
 Subgingival scaling and curettage – contraindicated
(bacteremia, extend infection to deeper tissues)
 Surgical procedures other than emergencies postponed
until pt is symptom free for 4 weeks
 Antibiotic regimen (amoxicillin 500 mg orally every 6 hrs
for 10 days) in moderate to severe cases
 Metronidazole (500mg BID 7 days)
 Emergency procedures along with systemic antibiotics
 Patient told to rinse every two hours – glass full of equal
mixture of warm water and 3 % Hydrogen peroxide and /
or twice daily with 0.12%chlorhexidine
 Adequate rest
 Confine toothbrushing to removal of surface debris,
ultrasoft brush, bland dentrifice
 Analgesics
 Avoid tobacco, alcohol, condiments
 Report back in 1-2 days
 Motivation
 Patient condition – usually improved. Pain is diminished
or no longer present.
 Areas still erythematous but without pseudomembrane
 Shrinkage of gingiva – expose calculus which is then
gently removed.
 Instruction same as previous visit
 5 days after 2nd visit
 Patient should be symptom free
 Repeat scaling and root planing
 Discontinue hydrogen peroxide mouthwash but continue CHX
 Patient instructed in plaque control procedures
 Councelling on nutrition, habits
 Tooth surfaces in the involved areas are scaled.
 Plaque control is checked and corrected if required.
 Patient should now be scheduled for treatment of chronic
 Removal of pseudo membrane – exposes red crater like
hemorrhagic depression.(loss of normal barrier function
of epithelium)
 Next day: Bulk and redness of crater margins reduced –
but surface shiny.(reduction in inflammation and
 Early signs of restoration of normal gingival contour and
color. (further reduction in inflammation, reestablishment of
normal barrier function including keratinization)
 Final stage- Normal gingival contour, colour, consistency are
restored. Portions of roots exposed are covered by healthy
Countouring of gingiva as adjunctive procedure
 Shelf like margin
 Unesthetic, favours plaque retention
Systemic antibiotics/topical antimicrobials
 Only in pts with systemic complications and local adenopathy
 Drug therapy—adjunctive to local debridement
Supportive systemic treatment
 Copious fluid consumption
 Administration of analgesics
 Bed rest
Nutritional supplements
 Lesions similar to NUG have been produced in animals –
with certain nutritional deficiencies
 Difficulty in chewing raw fruits and vegetables may lead
to selection of diet deficient in Vit B and C.
 Fewer recurrences – local treatment of NUG is
supplemented by Vit B or C.
 Supplements may be discontinued after two months
 Reassessment of differential diagnosis to rule out
diseases that resemble NUG
 Underlying systemic disease causing immunosupression
 Inadequate local therapy (mandibular anterior area due to
pericoronal infection)
 Inadequate compliance
 Pericoronitis
 Abscesses of the periodontium
 Introduction
 Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
 Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis/ periodontitis (NUG)
 Pericoronitis
 Abscesses of periodontium
 Conclusion
 References
 Inflammation of the gingiva in relation to the crown of
an incompletely erupted tooth
 Mandibular third molar area
 Space- ideal area for
accumulation of food debris and
bacterial growth
fluid and
Increase in
bulk of the
Interferes with
closure of
jaws or can be
traumatized by
contact with
opposing jaw
of the
Chronic – no clinical signs or symptoms (chronic
inflammation and ulceration on inner surface)
Acute (trauma, occlusion, foreign body impaction)
Inflammatory involvement +systemic complications
 Red swollen suppurating lesion
 Tender
 Radiating pain to ear, throat, floor of mouth
 Foul taste
 Inability to close jaws
 Swelling of cheek, lymphadenitis, trismus
 Fever, leukocytosis, malaise
 Localized- pericoronal abscess
 Spread- submaxillary, posterior cervical, deep cervical
and retropharyngeal lymph nodes
 Peritonsillar abscess, cellulitis, Ludwig’s angina
Pericoronal abscess Peri-tonsillar abscess Ludwig’s angina
Severity of inflammation
involved tooth
Chronic pericoronitis
 Removal as a preventive measure
Acute pericoronitis
 Flushing area with warm water to remove debris and
 Swabbing with antiseptic after elevating the flap gently
 Occlusal adjustment
 Abscess drainage
 Antibiotics
 Decision to retain or extract the tooth after acute
symptoms subside
 Decision governed by likelihood of further eruption into
good functional position, bone loss distal to second
 Extraction- Early extraction before root formation is
 Retaining tooth- removal of pericoronal flap using
periodontal knives or electrosurgery
healed site
Surgical procedure to remove operculum
Abscesses of the
Periodontal abscess is defined as a lesion with expressed
periodontal breakdown occuring during a limited period
of time and with easily detectable clinical symptoms, and
localized accumulation of pus within the gingival wall of
the periodontal pocket (Hafstrom et al, 1994)
 Independent disease entity (AAP world workshop, 1999)
 Represents period of active tissue breakdown due to
extension of infection into intact periodontal tissues
According to location (Meng et al, 1999)
 Gingival abscess
 Periodontal abscess
 Pericoronal abscess
According to clinical signs and symptoms
 Acute abscess
 Chronic abscess
According to number
 Single
 Multiple (diabetes, immunosupression)
Localized periodontal abscess in pt with
poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus
According to aetiology
A) Periodontitis related abscess
1) Exacerbation of chronic lesion
2) Post therapy periodontal abscess
a) Post scaling periodontal abscess (Dello Russo, 1985)—
calculus impaction or obstruction
b) Post surgery periodontal abscess (Garrett et al, 1997)–
foreign body reaction, incomplete removal of calculus
c) Post antibiotic periodontal abscess (no mechanical therapy,
Post scaling abscess
B) Non periodontitis related abscess
1) Impaction of foreign body in gingival sulcus
2) Root morphology alterations– invaginated root, fissured
root, external root resorption, root tears, iatrogenic
endodontic perforations
 Localized acute inflammatory lesion
that may arise from a variety of
sources such as microbial plaque
infection, trauma and foreign body
 Red, smooth, fluctuant, painful
 Marginal gingiva/interdental papilla
o Associated with
operculum of partially
erupted tooth
o Mandibular 3rd molars
most frequently affected
 A localized purulent infection within the tissues adjacent to
the periodontal pocket that may lead to the destruction of
periodontal ligament and alveolar bone
 In patients with untreated periodontitis
 Moderate to deep pockets
 Acute exacerbation of chronic condition
 Incomplete calculus removal, antibiotic therapy,
periodontal surgery
 Occlusion due to deep tortuous pocket, tooth
morphology, debris, closely adapted pocket epithelium
 Exacerbation of chronic condition due to increase in number or
virulence of bacteria combined with lowered tissue resistance
and lack of spontaneous drainage
 Exudation
 Sensitivity to percussion
 Pain, Mobility
 Tooth elevation in socket
 Systemic involvement
 Forms when spreading infection has been controlled by
spontaneous drainage, host response or therapy
 No/dull pain
 Fewer/no symptoms
 Fistulous tract
 No systemic involvement
Periodontal Vs. Periapical Abscess
Periapical Abscess
•Non-vital tooth
• Caries, restoration
• No pocket
• Apical radiolucency
• No or minimal mobility
• Percussion sensitivity
• Sinus tract opens via
alveolar mucosa
•Severe, diffuse pain
Periodontal Abscess
•Vital tooth
• No caries
• Pocket, bone loss
• Lateral radiolucency
• Mobility
• Percussion sensitivity variable
• Sinus tract opens via
keratinized gingiva
•Dull localized pain
 8-14% among all dental conditions
needing emergency treatment (Ahl et
al, 1986)
 Positively correlated with pocket depth
 High prevalence in molars- 50%
(Smith and Davies, 1986)
 3rd most frequent dental emergency
 Contains bacteria, bacterial products, inflammatory cells,
tissue breakdown products and serum
 Occlusion of pocket lumen, extension of infection into
soft tissues
 Entry of bacteria into soft tissue pocket wall
 Accumulation of leukocytes,
connective tissue destruction,
bacterial encapsulation,
formation of pus
 Central area
 Rate of tissue destruction
depends on– growth and
virulence of bacteria, Ph
 Polymicrobial, mainly caused by endogenous bacteria
(Tabaqhali, 1988)
 Similar to flora of chronic periodontitis
 Domination by gram negative, non-motile, strict
anaerobic, rod-shaped species
 Pg
 Pi, Tf, Fn, spirochetes (anaerobic species)
 Bifidobacterium spp, Actinomyces spp (gram positive,
strict anaerobic)
 Aa, Capnocytophaga spp, Campylobacter spp (gram
negative, facultative anaerobic)
 Clinical signs and radiological signs
 Ovoid elevation on lateral side of root
 Fistula, suppuration
 Pain, tenderness, swelling
 Sensitivitry to percussion
 Mobility, tooth elevation, pocket
 Bone loss
 Systemic effects
 Use of dark field microscopy ( Trope et al, 1988)
 PET (Liu, 1996)
 Periapical abscess
 Lateral periapical cyst
 Vertical root fractures
 Endo-perio abscesses
 Parrish et al (1989)- 3 cases of osteomyelitis
1) Resolving acute lesion
2) Management of the resulting chronic condition
 Drainage through pocket retraction or incision
 Scaling/ root planing
 Periodontal surgery
 Short term high dose adjunctive systemic antibiotics
 Tooth removal
 Avoid aggressive mechanical instrumentation in initial stage
 Reduce exertion
 Fluid intake
 Chlorhexidine mouthwash
 Warm saline gargles
 Analgesics/antibiotics
Chronic abscess
 SPT, surgery/ antibiotics
Gingival abscess
 Scaling/ root planing
 Drainage
 Removal of cause
 Warm saline gargles
Pericoronal abscess
 Drainage
 Irrigation to remove debris
 Warm saline gargles, antibiotics
 Analgesics
 Operculectomy/ extraction
A) Tooth loss
B) Dissemination of infection
1) Dissemination of bacteria inside the tissues during
2) Bacterial dissemination through blood stream due to
bacteriema from an untreated abscess
 Pulmonary actinomycosis
 Brain abscess
 Cellulitis
 Cervical necrotizing fasciitis
 Necrotizing cavernositis
 Acute gingival infections lead to severe discomfort and
may lead to life-threatening complications, and therefore
they need to be treated promptly
 Adequate patient education and motivation is necessary
as patients do not complete the treatment once the acute
phase has subsided
o Newman, Takei, Klokkevold, Carranza: Carrazanza’s Clinical
Periodontology, Saunders, 10th edition.
o Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: risk factors involving
host defense mechanisms.-- Yoji, Hidemi, Atsushi:
Periodontology 2000, Vol. 6, 1994, 116-124.
o Burkitt – Textbook of oral medicine
o Shafer –Textbook of oral pathology
o Lindhe, Lang, Karring: Clinical Periodontology and Implant
Dentistry. Blackwell Munksgaard, 5th edition.
o The Periodontal abscess– A Review: Herrera et al, JCP 2000;
27: 377-386
 acute gingival infections

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En vedette

Acute periodontal conditions
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Acute periodontal conditionsChia Kadir
Acute gingival infrections
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Acute gingival infrectionsSaeed Bajafar
Periodontal bone defects
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Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis
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Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitisshabeel pn
Chronic periodontitis
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Abscesos Periodontales
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Chronic Periodontitis2-MCarlton
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Chronic periodontitis
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Chronic periodontitisNeveen Fuad
Acute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan Patwal
Acute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan PatwalAcute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan Patwal
Acute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan PatwalDr Harshavardhan Patwal
classification of periodontal diseases
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classification of periodontal diseasesfiza shameem
classification of periodontal diseases
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classification of periodontal diseasesneeti shinde
chronic periodontitis
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chronic periodontitisMehul Shinde
Aggressive periodontitis
Aggressive periodontitisAggressive periodontitis
Aggressive periodontitisshaista173
Classification of periodontal diseases
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Classification of periodontal diseasesParth Thakkar
Periodontal disease: diagnosis, prevention, treatment
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Periodontal disease: diagnosis, prevention, treatmentDr. Eirini Georgiou
Periodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosis
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Periodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosisSaeed Bajafar
Aphthous Ulcer
Aphthous UlcerAphthous Ulcer
Aphthous Ulcerdentist

En vedette (20)

Acute periodontal conditions
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Acute periodontal conditions
Acute gingival infrections
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Acute gingival infrections
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Periodontal bone defects
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Periodontal bone defects
Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis
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Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis
Chronic periodontitis
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Chronic periodontitis
Abscesos Periodontales
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Abscesos Periodontales
Chronic Periodontitis2-MCarlton
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Chronic periodontitis
Acute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan Patwal
Acute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan PatwalAcute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan Patwal
Acute gingival infections- Dr Harshavardhan Patwal
classification of periodontal diseases
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classification of periodontal diseases
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chronic periodontitis
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chronic periodontitis
Aggressive periodontitis
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Aggressive periodontitis
Classification of periodontal diseases
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Classification of periodontal diseases
Periodontal disease: diagnosis, prevention, treatment
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Periodontal disease: diagnosis, prevention, treatment
Periodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosis
Periodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosisPeriodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosis
Periodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosis
Aphthous Ulcer
Aphthous UlcerAphthous Ulcer
Aphthous Ulcer
Periodontal disease
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Periodontal disease

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Plus de neeti shinde

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acute gingival infections

  • 2. CONTENTS  Introduction  Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis  Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)  Pericoronitis  Abscesses of periodontium
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  An acute lesion is of sudden onset and short duration and is painful.  They are manifested with severe pain along with systemic manifestations  Thus these lesions must be treated at the earliest with a proper treatment protocol.
  • 5.  HSV- type 1  Infants/ children younger than 6 yrs  Males=females  Primary infection asymptomatic  The virus ascends through the sensory or autonomic nerves and persists in the neuronal ganglia that innervate the site as a latent HSV  Sunlight, fever, trauma, stress , after oral surgical procedures
  • 6. Secondary manifestations  Herpes labialis  Herpetic stomatitis  Herpes genitalis  Ocular herpes  Herpetic encephalitis
  • 7. Early stage Late stage showing brownish crusted lesions
  • 8. CLINICAL FEATURES Intra-oral  Diffuse, erythematous, shiny involvement of the gingiva and adjacent oral mucosa  Varying degree of edema and gingival bleeding  Discrete spherical grey vesicles Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
  • 9.  Rupture of vesicles and formation of ulcers after 24 hrs  Ulcers– small , painful, red, elevated, halo-like margin with depressed yellowish/greyish white central portion  Widely spread/clusters  7-10 days  No scarring
  • 10.  Soreness, difficulty in eating and drinking  Ruptured vesicles sensitive to touch, thermal changes, foods such as condiments and fruit juices  Infants show irritability and refusal to take food
  • 11. Extra-oral  Cervical adenitis  Fever (101ͦ -105ͦ F)  Generalized malaise
  • 12. HISTOPATHOLOGY Virus targets epithelial cells Ballooning degeneration (acantholysis, nuclear clearing, nuclear enlargement) Tzanck cells
  • 13. Fusing of infected cells Formation of multinucleated cells and intercellular edema Formation of intraepithelial vesicles Rupture Secondary inflammatory response with fibropurulent exudate Ulcers with central portion of acute inflammation and exudation surrounded by zone rich in engorged blood vessels
  • 14. DIAGNOSIS  Early diagnosis important (reducing symptoms and recurrences)  History/clinical findings  Virus culture  Immunologic tests using monoclonal antibodies or DNA hybridization techniques
  • 16. Erythema multiforme: o More extensive vesicles with pseudomembrane formation on rupture o Tongue more involved o Skin lesions present o Prolonged involvement may occur for weeks
  • 17.  Stevens-Johnson syndrome: rare form of EM characterized by hemorrhagic lesions in the oral cavity, hemorrhagic occular lesions and bullous skin lesions
  • 18. Bullous lichen plannus:  Rare & painful condition  Large blisters on tongue & skin- rupture undergo ulceration  Skin lesions + oral involvement  Prolonged indefinite course  Linear, grey, lacelike lesions of lichen plannus inter-spread among bullous eruptions
  • 19. Desquamative gingivitis  Chronic condition  Diffuse involvement of gingiva  Varying degree of peeling of epithelium
  • 20. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis  Small well defined round shallow ulcers, yellowish grey central areas & red halo  H/o previous mucosal ulcers is dignostic, unknown etiology  No diffuse erythematous involvement of the gingiva, no acute toxic symptoms
  • 21. COMMUNICABILITY  Contagious  Most adults develop immunity due to infection during childhood – subclinical infection  Hence seen in infants & children  Recent studies have demonstrated HSV in periodontal pockets (Slots J 2000)
  • 22. TREATMENT Consists of early diagnosis & immediate initiation of antiviral therapy. Antivirals : o Acyclovir suspension 15mg/kg is given 5 times daily for 7 days (Amir et al,1997) o It reduces days of fever, pain, lesion and virus shedding
  • 23. o Acyclovir does not affect normal cells but inhibits DNA replication in HSV infected cells o Newer antivirals like Valacyclovir and Famicyclovir can also be used o <3 days– antiviral o >3 days- (immunocompetent pt) limited value
  • 24. Palliative measures: o Removal of food debris, plaque and supra gingival calculus o NSAID (FEVER AND PAIN) o Extensive periodontal therapy to be postponed o Local /systemic antibiotics to prevent opportunistic infection especially in immuno-compromised patients
  • 25. o The patient must be informed that the disease is contagious, thus precautions must be taken (vesicles –highest viral titer) Supportive measures: o Copious fluid intake o Nutritional supplements o Topical anesthetics while eating
  • 26.  Infection of fingers of health professional treating infected patients may occur and is known as Herpetic Whitlows
  • 28.  Necrotizing Gingivitis, Necrotizing Periodontitis and Necrotizing Stomatitis are the most severe inflammatory disorders caused by plaque bacteria  They are rapidly destructive and debilitating  A distinction between these diseases has not always been made in the literature
  • 29.  Microbial diseases affecting gingiva/ periodontium in the context of an impaired host response  Characterized by death and sloughing of tissues
  • 30. HISTORY  Fourth century BC, Xenophon mentioned that Greek soldiers were affected with “sore mouth” and foul-smelling breath  In 1778, John Hunter described the clinical findings and differentiated ANUG from scurvy and chronic destructive periodontal disease  ANUG occurred in epidemic form in the French army in the 19th century
  • 31.  In 1886, Hersch, a German pathologist, discussed some of the features associated with the disease such as enlarged lymph nodes, fever, malaise and increased salivation  In 1890s, Plaut and Vincent described the disease and attributed its origin to fusiform bacilli and spirochetes
  • 32. NOMENCLATURE  Ulceromembranous gingivitis  Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis  Trench mouth  Vincent’s gingivostomatitis  Phagedenic gingivitis  Fusospirallary periodontitis  Plaut-Vincent stomatitis
  • 33. CLINICAL FEATURES Classification  Acute  Subacute (Repeated remissions and exacerbations)  Recurrent  Single tooth, group of teeth  Entire mouth
  • 34. NUP (long standing, severe immunosuppression) NUS Noma
  • 35. ORAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS  Punched out, craterlike depressions at the crest of the interdental papilla  Can extend into the marginal gingiva, attached gingiva and oral mucosa  Grey pseudomembranous slough  Linear erythema  Removing slough exposes red, hemorrhagic, shiny surface which bleeds easily
  • 36.  Fetid odor  Metallic taste  Increased salivation/pasty saliva  Can be superimposed on chronic gingivitis/periodontitis  Recession rather than pocket formation
  • 37.  Constant radiating, gnawing pain that is intensified on eating spicy and hot foods and on chewing  Lesions extremely sensitive to touch  Low socioeconomic groups  Seasonal variations (Skach et al, 1970)
  • 38. EXTRAORAL AND SYSTEMIC SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS  Local lymphadenopathy  Fever  Increased pulse rate, leukocytosis, loss of apetite and general lassitude additionally seen in severe cases  Insomnia, constipation, GI disorders, headache and mental depression in children
  • 39. OTHER SEVERE SEQUELAE 1) Fusospirochetal meningitis 2) Peritonitis 3) Pulmonary infection 4) Toxemia 5) Fatal brain abscess 6) Noma
  • 40. CLINICAL COURSE ACCORDING TO HORNING AND COHEN:  Stage 1 : Necrosis of tip of the interdental papilla (93%).  Stage 2 : Necrosis of entire papilla (19%)  Stage 3 : Necrosis extending to gingival margin (21%)  Stage 4 : Necrosis extending to attached gingiva (1%)  Stage 5 : Necrosis extending to buccal / labial mucosa (6%)  Stage 6 : Necrosis exposing alveolar bone (1%)  Stage 7 : Necrosis perforating skin and check (0%)
  • 41. ACCORDING TO PINDBORG:  Stage 1: Erosion of only tip of interdental papilla  Stage 2: Lesion extending to marginal gingiva and causing potentially a complete loss of papilla  Stage 3: Involving attached gingiva  Stage 4: Exposure of bone
  • 42. HISTOPATHOLOGY  Microscopically the lesion is acute necrotizing inflammation of the gingiva, involving both the stratified squamous epithelium and the underlying connective tissue  Epithelium destroyed and replaced by meshwork of fibrin, necrotic epithelial cells and PMN’s and various types of microorganisms (surface pseudomembrane)  Border: Epithelium edematous and individual cells exhibit varying degree of hydropic degeneration along with infilteration of PMN’s in the intercellular spaces
  • 43.  Underlying connective tissue: hyperemic with numerous engorged capillaries and dense infiltration by PMN’s (linear erythema)  Plasma cells at the periphery(underlying chronic condition)  Epithelium and CT alterations decrease with increase in distance from the necrotic area and gradually blends with the uninvolved area
  • 44. Listgarten – described four zones that blend with each other  ZONE I - BACTERIAL ZONE- The Most superficial zone Consists of varied bacteria, including a few spirochetes of small, medium and large type.  ZONE II – NEUTROPHIL RICH ZONE - Contains numerous leukocytes, predominantly neutrophils, with bacteria, including many spirochetes of various types, between the leukocytes
  • 45.  ZONE III – NECROTIC ZONE- Consists of disintegrated tissue cells, fibrillar material, remnants of collagen fibers and numerous spirochetes of the medium and large types, with few other organisms  ZONE IV – SPIROCHETAL INFILTRATION ZONE- Consists of well preserved tissue infiltrated with medium and large spirochetes without other organisms. Spirochetes have been found as deep as 300 microns from the surface
  • 46. ETIOLOGY Role of bacteria o Plaut and Vincent in 1894 and 1896, respectively introduced the concept NUG is caused by specific bacteria – namely a fusiform bacillus and a spirochetal organism. o Fusiform bacilli and a spirochetal organism are always found in the disease.
  • 47.  Rosebury and coworkers described a fusospirochetal complex consisting of T. marcodentium, intermediate spirochetes, vibrios, fusiform bacilli and filamentous organisms in addition to several Borrelia species
  • 48.  More recently Loesche and colleagues described a constant flora and a variable flora Constant flora :- Fusospirochetal organisms, P. intermedia, A. odontolyticus and various spirilla like Selenomonas species. Variable flora :- Heterogenous array of bacterial types
  • 49.  Bacteriologic findings have been supported by immunological data presented by Chung et al who reported increased IgG and IgM antibodies to intermediate spirochetes, P. intermedia in NUG patients as compared to those with chronic gingivitis and healthy controls  Metronidazole effective
  • 50. Role of host response  Presence of organisms insufficient to cause disease  NUG is not produced experimentally in humans and animals by inoculation of bacterial exudates from the lesion  Characteristic lesions occurs in animals when they are under immunosupression  Not found in well nourished individuals with fully functional immune system
  • 51.  Immunosupression essential- NUG patients displayed depression in leukocyte chemotaxis and phagocytosis (Cogen et al, 1983)  Nutritional deficiency, fatigue caused by chronic sleep deprivation, alcohol/drug abuse, psychological factors, systemic disease  It is hence concluded that - The specific cause of NUG has not been established & it is produced by a complex of bacterial organisms but requires underlying tissue changes to facilitate the pathogenic activity of the bacteria.  HIV
  • 52. LOCAL PREDISPOSING FACTORS  Pre-existing gingivitis  Injury to the gingiva (eg: malocclusion)  Smoking  98% pts with NUG were smokers & frequency of the disease increases with increasing exposure to tobacco smoke (Pindborg et al, 1951)  Preexisting chronic periodontitis, pericoronal flaps (favourable environment for anaerobic fusiform bacilli and spirochetes)
  • 53. SYSTEMIC PREDISPOSING FACTORS Nutritional deficiency  Produced in animals by giving them nutritionally deficient diet  Nutritional deficiencies diminishes immune responses and alteres the periodontal structures, making them more susceptible
  • 54. Debilitating disease  Chronic diseases( syphilis, cancer)  Severe gastrointestinal disorders (ulcerative colitis)  Blood dyscrasias( anemia, leukemia)  AIDS
  • 55. Psychosomatic factors  Disease often occurs in association with stressful situations (induction into the armed forces, school examinations)  Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation resulting in cortisol secretion and decrease in immune response
  • 56.  Increase in the levels of cortisol and catecholamines leads to reduced gingival microcirculation and salivary flow which enhances nutrition to P.intermedia  Depression in neutrophil and lymphocyte function leads to bacterial invasion and tissue damage. (Johnson and Engel 1986)
  • 57. DIAGNOSIS  Clinical findings (gingival pain,ulceration and bleeding)  Bacterial smear not definitive  Microscopic examination of biopsy specimen (TB, neoplastic disease)
  • 58. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA By Genco, Goldman and Cohen:  Interproximal necrosis and ulceration (punched-out papillae)  Painful gingiva  Bleeding (spontaneous or on slight provocation)  Pseudomembrane (fibrin, debris)  Fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy  “Fetor Oris”
  • 59.  Herpetic Gingivostomatitis  Chronic Periodontitis  Desquamative Gingivitis  Streptococcal Gingivostomatitis  Apthous Stomatitis  Diptheric And Syphilitic Lesions  Tuberculous Gingival Lesion  Candidiasis  Agranulocytosis  Dermatoses (Pemphigus, Erythema Multiforme ,Lichen Planus)
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  • 63. STREPTOCOCCAL GINGIVOSTOMATITIS  Characterized by diffuse erythema of the gingiva and other areas of the oral mucosa  Necrosis of the gingival margin – not a feature of this disease.  No fetid odor  Bacterial smears– streptococcal forms  Streptococcus viridans , groupA ß-hemolytic streptococcus
  • 64. GONOCOCCAL STOMATITIS  Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae  Mucosa is covered with a grayish membrane that sloughs off in areas to expose an underlying raw bleeding surface  Most common in new born due to transmission through maternal passages
  • 65. AGRANULOCYTOSIS  Characterized by marked decrease in number of circulating PMN’s  Lesions similar to NUG  No marked inflammation due to diminished defense mechanism  Blood studies can be used to differentiate between NUG and agranulocytosis
  • 66. VINCENT’S ANGINA  Fusospirochetal infection of oropharynx and throat, distinguished from NUG, which affects marginal gingiva. May extend to the larynx and the middle ear
  • 67. NUG in Leukemia  Not produced by leukemia per se , but due to reduced host defense mechanism  NUG may superimpose on gingival tissue alteration caused by leukemia
  • 68. NUG IN HIV PATIENTS  Same clinical features  Extremely destructive course leading to NUP  Presenting symptom for HIV
  • 69. COMMUNICABILITY  Not contageous  Study by King  Kitchen facilities (controlled conditions, anaerobic environment, do not survive on utensils)  Occurrence in epidemic like outbreaks– due to common predisposing factors  Immunosupression+bacteria
  • 70. NUP  Extension of NUG or different disease entity  No evidence  Clinical similarities  Until distinction can be proved/disproved, classified together  Classification first adopted in world workshop in clinical periodontics in 1989
  • 71.  Deep interdental osseous craters  Recession  HIV positive patients  Strongly associated  Marker of immune supression and diagnosis of AIDS  HIV-P  Aggressive form of chronic periodontitis
  • 72. TREATMENT  Alleviation of the acute symptoms by reducing microbial load and removal of necrotic tissue  Treatment of chronic disease either underlying the acute involvement or elsewhere in the oral cavity
  • 73.  Alleviation of the generalized symptoms such as fever and malaise  Correction of the systemic conditions that contribute to the initiation or progression of gingival changes.
  • 74. SEQUENCE OF TREATMENT FIRST VISIT  Complete evaluation  Comprehensive medical history with special attention to recent illness, living conditions, dietary backgrounds, type of employment, hours of rest, cigarette smoking, stress levels, HIV  Examination should include general appearance, presence of halitosis, skin lesions, vital signs, lymph nodes
  • 75. o Characteristic lesions o Oral hygiene (Pericoronal flap Pockets Local irritants) o Only acutely involved areas o Isolated with cotton rolls and dried o Topical anesthetic
  • 76.  Area swabbed to remove pseudo membrane with moistened cotton pellet after 2-3 min  Cleanse area with warm water  Superficial calculus removed (ultrasonic scalers)  Subgingival scaling and curettage – contraindicated (bacteremia, extend infection to deeper tissues)
  • 77.  Surgical procedures other than emergencies postponed until pt is symptom free for 4 weeks  Antibiotic regimen (amoxicillin 500 mg orally every 6 hrs for 10 days) in moderate to severe cases  Metronidazole (500mg BID 7 days)  Emergency procedures along with systemic antibiotics
  • 78. PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS  Patient told to rinse every two hours – glass full of equal mixture of warm water and 3 % Hydrogen peroxide and / or twice daily with 0.12%chlorhexidine  Adequate rest  Confine toothbrushing to removal of surface debris, ultrasoft brush, bland dentrifice
  • 79.  Analgesics  Avoid tobacco, alcohol, condiments  Report back in 1-2 days  Motivation
  • 80. SECOND VISIT  Patient condition – usually improved. Pain is diminished or no longer present.  Areas still erythematous but without pseudomembrane  Shrinkage of gingiva – expose calculus which is then gently removed.  Instruction same as previous visit
  • 81. THIRD VISIT  5 days after 2nd visit  Patient should be symptom free  Repeat scaling and root planing  Discontinue hydrogen peroxide mouthwash but continue CHX mouthwash  Patient instructed in plaque control procedures  Councelling on nutrition, habits
  • 82. SUBSEQUENT VISITS  Tooth surfaces in the involved areas are scaled.  Plaque control is checked and corrected if required.  Patient should now be scheduled for treatment of chronic disease.
  • 83. GINGIVAL CHANGES WITH HEALING  Removal of pseudo membrane – exposes red crater like hemorrhagic depression.(loss of normal barrier function of epithelium)  Next day: Bulk and redness of crater margins reduced – but surface shiny.(reduction in inflammation and reepithelization)
  • 84.  Early signs of restoration of normal gingival contour and color. (further reduction in inflammation, reestablishment of normal barrier function including keratinization)  Final stage- Normal gingival contour, colour, consistency are restored. Portions of roots exposed are covered by healthy gingiva
  • 85. ADDITIONAL TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS Countouring of gingiva as adjunctive procedure  Shelf like margin  Unesthetic, favours plaque retention Systemic antibiotics/topical antimicrobials  Only in pts with systemic complications and local adenopathy  Drug therapy—adjunctive to local debridement
  • 86. Supportive systemic treatment  Copious fluid consumption  Administration of analgesics  Bed rest
  • 87. Nutritional supplements RATIONALE  Lesions similar to NUG have been produced in animals – with certain nutritional deficiencies  Difficulty in chewing raw fruits and vegetables may lead to selection of diet deficient in Vit B and C.  Fewer recurrences – local treatment of NUG is supplemented by Vit B or C.  Supplements may be discontinued after two months
  • 88. PERSISTANT OR RECURRENT CASES  Reassessment of differential diagnosis to rule out diseases that resemble NUG  Underlying systemic disease causing immunosupression (HIV)  Inadequate local therapy (mandibular anterior area due to pericoronal infection)  Inadequate compliance
  • 89.  Pericoronitis  Abscesses of the periodontium
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  • 93. CONTENTS  Introduction  Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis  Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis/ periodontitis (NUG)  Pericoronitis  Abscesses of periodontium  Conclusion  References
  • 95.  Inflammation of the gingiva in relation to the crown of an incompletely erupted tooth  Mandibular third molar area
  • 97. PATHOGENESIS  Space- ideal area for accumulation of food debris and bacterial growth
  • 98. Inflammatory fluid and cellular exudate Increase in bulk of the flap Interferes with complete closure of jaws or can be traumatized by contact with opposing jaw Aggrevation of the inflammatory involvement
  • 99. CLINICAL FEATURES Chronic – no clinical signs or symptoms (chronic inflammation and ulceration on inner surface) Acute (trauma, occlusion, foreign body impaction) Inflammatory involvement +systemic complications
  • 100.  Red swollen suppurating lesion  Tender  Radiating pain to ear, throat, floor of mouth  Foul taste  Inability to close jaws  Swelling of cheek, lymphadenitis, trismus  Fever, leukocytosis, malaise
  • 101. COMPLICATIONS  Localized- pericoronal abscess  Spread- submaxillary, posterior cervical, deep cervical and retropharyngeal lymph nodes  Peritonsillar abscess, cellulitis, Ludwig’s angina Pericoronal abscess Peri-tonsillar abscess Ludwig’s angina
  • 103. Chronic pericoronitis  Removal as a preventive measure Acute pericoronitis  Flushing area with warm water to remove debris and exudate  Swabbing with antiseptic after elevating the flap gently  Occlusal adjustment
  • 104.  Abscess drainage  Antibiotics  Decision to retain or extract the tooth after acute symptoms subside
  • 105.  Decision governed by likelihood of further eruption into good functional position, bone loss distal to second molars  Extraction- Early extraction before root formation is completed
  • 106.  Retaining tooth- removal of pericoronal flap using periodontal knives or electrosurgery
  • 109. DEFINITION Periodontal abscess is defined as a lesion with expressed periodontal breakdown occuring during a limited period of time and with easily detectable clinical symptoms, and localized accumulation of pus within the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket (Hafstrom et al, 1994)
  • 110.  Independent disease entity (AAP world workshop, 1999)  Represents period of active tissue breakdown due to extension of infection into intact periodontal tissues
  • 111. CLASSIFICATION According to location (Meng et al, 1999)  Gingival abscess  Periodontal abscess  Pericoronal abscess According to clinical signs and symptoms  Acute abscess  Chronic abscess
  • 112. According to number  Single  Multiple (diabetes, immunosupression) Localized periodontal abscess in pt with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • 113. According to aetiology A) Periodontitis related abscess 1) Exacerbation of chronic lesion 2) Post therapy periodontal abscess a) Post scaling periodontal abscess (Dello Russo, 1985)— calculus impaction or obstruction b) Post surgery periodontal abscess (Garrett et al, 1997)– foreign body reaction, incomplete removal of calculus c) Post antibiotic periodontal abscess (no mechanical therapy, superinfection) Post scaling abscess
  • 114. B) Non periodontitis related abscess 1) Impaction of foreign body in gingival sulcus 2) Root morphology alterations– invaginated root, fissured root, external root resorption, root tears, iatrogenic endodontic perforations
  • 115. GINGIVAL ABSCESS  Localized acute inflammatory lesion that may arise from a variety of sources such as microbial plaque infection, trauma and foreign body impaction  Red, smooth, fluctuant, painful  Marginal gingiva/interdental papilla
  • 116. PERICORONAL ABSCESS o Associated with operculum of partially erupted tooth o Mandibular 3rd molars most frequently affected
  • 117. PERIODONTAL ABSCESS  A localized purulent infection within the tissues adjacent to the periodontal pocket that may lead to the destruction of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone  In patients with untreated periodontitis  Moderate to deep pockets
  • 118.  Acute exacerbation of chronic condition  Incomplete calculus removal, antibiotic therapy, periodontal surgery  Occlusion due to deep tortuous pocket, tooth morphology, debris, closely adapted pocket epithelium
  • 119. ACUTE ABSCESS  Exacerbation of chronic condition due to increase in number or virulence of bacteria combined with lowered tissue resistance and lack of spontaneous drainage  Exudation  Sensitivity to percussion  Pain, Mobility  Tooth elevation in socket  Systemic involvement
  • 120. CHRONIC ABSCESS  Forms when spreading infection has been controlled by spontaneous drainage, host response or therapy  No/dull pain  Fewer/no symptoms  Fistulous tract  No systemic involvement
  • 121. Periodontal Vs. Periapical Abscess Periapical Abscess •Non-vital tooth • Caries, restoration • No pocket • Apical radiolucency • No or minimal mobility • Percussion sensitivity • Sinus tract opens via alveolar mucosa •Severe, diffuse pain Periodontal Abscess •Vital tooth • No caries • Pocket, bone loss • Lateral radiolucency • Mobility • Percussion sensitivity variable • Sinus tract opens via keratinized gingiva •Dull localized pain
  • 122. PREVALENCE  8-14% among all dental conditions needing emergency treatment (Ahl et al, 1986)  Positively correlated with pocket depth  High prevalence in molars- 50% (Smith and Davies, 1986)  3rd most frequent dental emergency
  • 123. PATHOGENESIS AND HISTOPATHOLOGY  Contains bacteria, bacterial products, inflammatory cells, tissue breakdown products and serum  Occlusion of pocket lumen, extension of infection into soft tissues  Entry of bacteria into soft tissue pocket wall
  • 124.  Accumulation of leukocytes, connective tissue destruction, bacterial encapsulation, formation of pus  Central area  Rate of tissue destruction depends on– growth and virulence of bacteria, Ph
  • 125. MICROBIOLOGY  Polymicrobial, mainly caused by endogenous bacteria (Tabaqhali, 1988)  Similar to flora of chronic periodontitis  Domination by gram negative, non-motile, strict anaerobic, rod-shaped species  Pg
  • 126.  Pi, Tf, Fn, spirochetes (anaerobic species)  Bifidobacterium spp, Actinomyces spp (gram positive, strict anaerobic)  Aa, Capnocytophaga spp, Campylobacter spp (gram negative, facultative anaerobic)
  • 127. DIAGNOSIS  Clinical signs and radiological signs  Ovoid elevation on lateral side of root  Fistula, suppuration  Pain, tenderness, swelling  Sensitivitry to percussion
  • 128.  Mobility, tooth elevation, pocket  Bone loss  Systemic effects  Use of dark field microscopy ( Trope et al, 1988)  PET (Liu, 1996)
  • 129. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS  Periapical abscess  Lateral periapical cyst  Vertical root fractures  Endo-perio abscesses  Parrish et al (1989)- 3 cases of osteomyelitis
  • 130. TREATMENT 1) Resolving acute lesion 2) Management of the resulting chronic condition
  • 131. ACUTE ABSCESS  Drainage through pocket retraction or incision  Scaling/ root planing  Periodontal surgery  Short term high dose adjunctive systemic antibiotics  Tooth removal  Avoid aggressive mechanical instrumentation in initial stage
  • 132.  Reduce exertion  Fluid intake  Chlorhexidine mouthwash  Warm saline gargles  Analgesics/antibiotics
  • 133. Chronic abscess  SPT, surgery/ antibiotics Gingival abscess  Scaling/ root planing  Drainage  Removal of cause  Warm saline gargles
  • 134. Pericoronal abscess  Drainage  Irrigation to remove debris  Warm saline gargles, antibiotics  Analgesics  Operculectomy/ extraction
  • 135.
  • 136. COMPLICATIONS A) Tooth loss B) Dissemination of infection 1) Dissemination of bacteria inside the tissues during therapy 2) Bacterial dissemination through blood stream due to bacteriema from an untreated abscess
  • 137.  Pulmonary actinomycosis  Brain abscess  Cellulitis  Cervical necrotizing fasciitis  Necrotizing cavernositis
  • 138. CONCLUSION  Acute gingival infections lead to severe discomfort and may lead to life-threatening complications, and therefore they need to be treated promptly  Adequate patient education and motivation is necessary as patients do not complete the treatment once the acute phase has subsided
  • 139. REFERENCES o Newman, Takei, Klokkevold, Carranza: Carrazanza’s Clinical Periodontology, Saunders, 10th edition. o Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: risk factors involving host defense mechanisms.-- Yoji, Hidemi, Atsushi: Periodontology 2000, Vol. 6, 1994, 116-124. o Burkitt – Textbook of oral medicine o Shafer –Textbook of oral pathology
  • 140. o Lindhe, Lang, Karring: Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Blackwell Munksgaard, 5th edition. o The Periodontal abscess– A Review: Herrera et al, JCP 2000; 27: 377-386

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. primary