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Trends in Employee Engagement
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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What is Employee Engagement?
TalentMap definesengagementasthe extenttowhichemployeesconnect,
of commitmentanddiscretionaryeffort –and ultimatelyleadingtobetter
employeeperformance andpositive businessoutcomes.
Positive businessoutcomesare the mandate foreverymarket,butespecially
ina volatile market–andno marketismore volatile thanthe current
Financial Services market,CreditUnionsincluded - engagingemployeeshas
become seriousbusiness.
Employee engagementhasbeenidentifiedasone of the top three concerns
for the war on talent,the single biggestchallengefor CreditUnions –
especiallycompetingagainstthe largerbankswithsomewhatdeeperpockets
for compensatingemployees.
Engagementcanbe seenas the connectionbetweenanindividual’s“head”,
“heart” and“hands”
Engagementresearchconsistentlylinksemployee engagementtopositive
businessoutcomes. A recentmeta-analysisof 58 independentstudiesfound
compellingandoverwhelmingevidence thatemployeeattitudesand
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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behaviourshave strongcorrelationswithcustomersatisfactionandindirect
relationshipswithfinancial performance1
Basedon currentliterature,countlessstudies, andTalentMap’sresearch,as
illustratedinthe diagramsbelow, we establishadirectcorrelation between
levelsof employee engagement,productivityand membersatisfaction. Our
TalentGage surveyquestionnaire isacomprehensiveinstrumentbasedupon
engagementandcorporate culture.
TalentMap’s Engagement Model
Why It Matters
• Organizationswithhighlevelsof engagement(65% orgreater) continue to
outperformthe total stockmarketindex andpostedtotal shareholderreturns22%
higherthanaverage in 2010. On the otherhand,companieswithlow engagement
(45% or less) hada total shareholderreturnthatwas28% lowerthanthe average.
(TrendsinGlobal Employee Engagement,AonHewitt,2011)
• Business/workunitsscoringinthe tophalf onemployee engagementdoubletheir
oddsof successincomparisontothose in the bottomhalf.Those at the 99th
1 Y.Hong, H Lio, J, Hu,K, Jiang, “Missing Linkin the ServiceProfit Chain:AMeta-AnalyticReview oftheAntecedents,
Consequences andModerators ofServiceClimate,” Journal ofApplied Psychology, 98/2,237-267(2013)
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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percentile have nearlyfivetimesthe successrate asthose at the 1st percentile.
Mediandifferencesbetweentop-quartile andbottom-quartile unitswere:
Q12® Meta-Analysis: The Relationship Between Engagementat Work andOrganizational Outcomes,Gallup,2009
(examinationof199research studies across 152 organizations in 44industries and 26countries.)
• Organizationswithhighemployee engagementhada19% increase inoperating
income andnearly28% growthin earningspershare (EPS).Conversely,companies
withlowlevelsof engagementsaw operatingincomedropmore than32% andEPS
decline 11%. (How Employee Engagement Drives Business Success, Mosley, Eric, 2011, citing
Towers Watsonstudyof 50 companies over a one-year period)
• Increasinganindividual’slevel of engagementcanimprove theirperformancebyup
to 20% andreduce the probabilitythattheywill leave by87%. (Institute for
Employment Studies(IES) 2008 publication, Going the Extra Mile)
The Current Picture for Credit Unions – The Challenges are
While Canadahas beenthe darlingof the financial world,andrankedbythe
World EconomicForumas the most soundbankingsysteminthe world6
yearsin a row,the industry as a whole isfacingcontinuouschallenges ina
tumultuous businessclimate. Canadaisnot immune tothese challenges.
Amongthe key issues - increasedcompetition,evolving andcomplex
regulatoryreform,convergence of industriesandconsolidation,responding
to global competition,needforinnovationinproducts/processes,evolving
customerservice expectations,andof course, attractingandretainingtalent.
More and more executivesare comingtotermswiththe concept of
employeeengagement. Theyrealizethattheirpeopleare theirbiggestasset,
and theirpeople will drivetheirultimate success. Thatrealizationbrings
home the pointthat theyneedtomake theirorganizationsareallygreat
place to work,and that thatwill ultimatelyleadtotheirsuccess.
12% in customer ratings 49% in safety incidents
16% in profitability 37% in absenteeism
18% in productivity 41% in patient safety incidents
25% in turnover (high-turnover orgs.) 60% in quality (defects)
49% in turnover (low-turnover orgs.)
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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The CanadianFinancial Servicesindustryemploys4% of the Canadian
workforce – 783,000 employees. InToronto,the Financial ServicesIndustry
employsawhopping8% of its population,the mostFinancial Services
workerspercapita inNorthAmerica. Andtheyare a talentedbunch.
The CanadianFinancial ServicesIndustryhiresbetterqualitystaffthanany
otherindustryinCanada. There is a disproportionateamountof university
level graduates inthe industry –57% whichis20% higherthanindustry
average. Many employees holdmultiple professional designations.
No industryhasa largerimpacton the workforce. Andas such,no industry
has a greaterneedtolookat the threatsto itsworkforce.
Beinga smallerfishinabig sea,suchis the case forCreditUnions,only
The War to Develop and Retain Talent – Top 3 Concerns
Deloitte andTouche’sstudy onGlobal HumanCapital Trendsfor2013
indicatedthatthe war to developandretaintalentisthe singlebiggestissue
facingthe financial servicesindustry. The studyindicatedthatthe topthree
pressingHRand talentconcernsfacingthe Financial ServicesIndustryare
 Developingleadersandsuccessionplanning,
 Sustainingemployee engagementandmorale,and
 Creatingcareerpathsand challengingjobopportunitiesforemployees.
So How Does a Credit Union Sustain Employee Engagement?
You may be interestedtohearthatoverall engagementinFinancial Services
ishigher– by more than 5% - than the average engagementscoresacrossall
othermarkets. That said,engagementscoresinFinancialServices
organizationshave dropped2% overthe pastthree years. What doesthis
mean?Thistranslatesinto higherexpectationsfromFinancial Services
employeesandachallenge toFinancial ServicesemployersintheirHR
strategiestoattract and retaintoptalent.
CreditUnionsneedtobe that much more strategicto achieve asimilar
To sustain,maintain,andgrow employee engagement,youhave toknow
whatdrivesemployee engagement. Tomeasure whatdrivesemployee
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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approach. Engagementneedstobe measuredregularly, actionplansneedto
be developedandimplemented,anditisimportantthatthese are regularly
assessedforeffectivenessandchange inthe environment.
While itistrue thatthere are some basicand commontruthsabout engaging
TalentMaphas interviewedthousandsof employeeswithinthe Financial
 ProfessionalGrowth
 Organizational Vision
 Teamwork
These driversare entirelyconsistentwithCreditUnions.
In additiontothese drivers,therehasalsobeenforwardmotioninthe areas
of Innovation,SeniorLeadershipandCompensation. These itemsare picking
up more and more influenceonemployee engagement inthe industry.
So if the challenge isengagingemployeesandwe know exactlywhat the driversof
engagementare forthisindustry,maybe we needalittle more insightintowhatis
goingon inFinancial Servicesthatisprecipitatingthesetrends.
Professional Growth
ProfessionalGrowthis consistently the numberone driverof engagementforall
employeesacrossall organizations, acrossall vertical markets. Thisistrue regardless
of the size of the organizationorthe type of industry. All industry-relatedresearch
supportsthis withoutexception. Growthandcareer development isnotonly the
numberone driverof employeeengagementinCanada,butinNorth America, as well
as internationally,includingAsiaPacificandEurope.
What isthe researchtryingtotell us?
In general,people are notsatisfiedwithstatusquo. Itishumannature to wantto
continue togrow,achieve,andfeel thatsense of personal accomplishment.
We wantto keeppace withcurrentstandards. We wantto stay relevant,andup-to-
date. The pace of change isfasterthan it’severbeenanda feature of the normal we
live andworkin. If youstand still,youwill be leftbehindandthe currencyof your
knowledge andskillsbecomeoutdated quickly.
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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Professionalgrowthisaboutbecomingmore effective inthe workplace,advancingin
your careerand movingintopositionswhere youcanlead,manage,influence,coach,
and mentorothers.
It keepsyouinterestedandinteresting. Itincreasesconfidence,andhelpsyousustain
your career,notbecomingirrelevant.
Andif you work as part of a CreditUnion,thisjustbecame amplifiedbecausechange in
the industryisrapidand employeesinthissectorare educated,whichmeanstheywill
wantthis evenmore. Andwiththe upand cominggeneration,thisisonlygoingtobe
Employersinthissectorhave theirworkcut outfor themand as such itis importantto
findoutspecificallywhatyouremployeesare lookingfor,whatyouare doingwell in
your organization,keepingthe dialogue open,andbe innovativeandintentionalin
professionaldevelopmentstrategies. Whatsetspeople apartinthisindustryis
Developmentisnotalways“traditional”. Itcan include alateral move. Itisabout
performersopportunities. Developmentcaninclude role-rotationassignments,special
Organizational Vision
Companiesthatenjoylong-termsuccesshave core valuesandpurpose thatremain
fixedwhile theirbusinessstrategiesandpractices mustconstantly adapttothe world
Trulygreat companiesunderstandthe difference betweenwhatisgenuinelysacred
and shouldn’tchange andwhatisnot and needstoadapt.Thisabilitytomanage
continuityandchange iswhatbuilds a strongand compellingVision.
The Visionprovidesguidance abouttopreserve andwhat toadapt inorderto progress
forward. A strong Visionisarticulate andcoherent. Itdefineswhatanorganization
standsfor and why they exist. The envisionedfuture iswhat acompany aspiresto
become, andto achieve -somethingthatwill require significantchange andprogressto
attain. In short,it’sa roadmap andif done well,it’spowerful.
How well the Visionisshared,communicatedandescalateddownandthroughthe
organizationis a measure of anorganization’scommitmenttothe Vision and
ultimatelywill determinethe successof the Vision,andassuch,the company.
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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Employeesthatcanget behindcompanyVisionanditscore valuesunderstandwhat
needstobe done for the companyto succeedlongterm, andtheyconnectthe work
theydo to it. These bydefinition are engagedemployees.
AndwhenOrganizational Visionisthe number2driverof employee engagement–as is
the case withCreditUnions,itbecomesaparamountmeasure thatneedsclose
How can youmeasure if youremployeesare buyingintothe Vision? Employeeswho
are engagedandrespondtothe visionexhibitthe followingcharacteristics:
 Theycan see what the organizationaspirestobe like inthe future
 The understandwhatneedstobe done to succeedinthe longrun
 Theysee the organization’slong-termpurpose anddirection
 The feel theirleadershave paintedacompellingvision
Therefore,itimportantfororganizationstofindwaystofrequentlymeasure howtheir
employeesare connectingtotheirVision,andtodevelopactionplanstocontinuously
monitor,improve andadapttheirstrategiestoensure thisconnectionisthere,while
stayingontop of the continuallychangingmarketplace andadaptingthe strategies
that will staytrue to the core valuesandpurpose of the organization.
It isinterestingtonote thatTeamwork isa driverthat isunique to thissector
withthisitemrarelycomingupas engagementdriversinotherindustries.
So,why teamwork?
Teamsare formedwhenindividualswithacommontaste,preference,liking,
and attitude come andworktogetherfora commongoal.Teamsplaya very
importantrole inorganizationsaswell asourpersonal lives.
“Comingtogetherisa beginning.Keepingtogetherisprogress.Working
Thisproverbby HenryFord highlights the importance of workingtogetherin
Everyemployee isdependentonhisfellow employeestoworktogetherand
contribute efficientlytothe organization.
But Financial Servicesfirms,CreditUnionsincluded,have longbeenknownto
workin silos. The conceptof being connectedtoyourcolleagues hasbeen all
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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but foreign. The workersare highly educated andhighlyindependentand
that has beenthe culture.
But the climate haschanged and iscontinuingtoevolve. Productsare
changing,there iscross-bundling,integrationof services,optimization,anda
needforstrongerfocuson the member.
Employeesinthisindustryare recognizingthe importance of teamwork more
and more and showingadesire tomove awayfromthe silo mentality and
tradingit in for the spiritof collaboration. We are not onlyseeingitinthe
raw data and statistical analysis,butinthe openendedcommentswhere
employeesare encouragedtoexpandontheirthoughts.
What are theysaying?
 Remove barriers
 We operate insilos
 Needmore interaction,more collaboration
 More sharingof ideas
 Less“us” vs. “them”
 Let’sworktowardsa commongoal
 People are notwillingtogive upinformation
 People are seekingownself interest
 Needtobe more cohesive
 Less“everymanfor himself”
No employee can workalone;he hasto take the helpof his colleaguesto
accomplishthe tasksefficiently.Ithasbeenobservedthatthe outcome
comesout to be far betterwhenemployeesworkinateam ratherthan
individuallyaseveryindividual cancontribute inhisbestpossible way.In
togetherona commonplatformand forma team.
So whatis an organization thathastraditionallyworkedinsilos dotomove
towardsa more collaborativeenvironment?
Understandthat the problemisthere. Then breakthe silostofix the system.
It’sa bitof a philosophical shiftforthe industry,butthe research indicatestousthatit
istime to addressthe shift.
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But What About the Member?
We have discussedwhatdrivesengagementforemployees of CreditUnions.
What isperhapsevenmore interestingiswhatdoesnotseemtodrive
engagement. Couldthisbe anindicatorof a largerproblem?
MemberFocus– an area of pivotal concernforthe CreditUnions – hasranked
nearthe bottomof areas that drive employee engagementforthe pastfour
years. In othermarkets,thisdimensiontendstorankhigher.
While MemberFocusmaynot be affectingemployeeengagement,itis
stronglyaffectingmembers,andassuchthe industryasa whole. Of
paramountconcernto rebuildingtrustand memberconfidence inboththe
brand andreputationof eachfirm. There is a burdenof responsibilityon
organizationsinthe industrytofix the negative marketperception.
The needto developbetterprocessestodrive performanceandimprove the
memberexperience will be paramountinitssuccess. The wordof the day is
“optimization”. Understandingthe memberandtheiruniqueneeds,cross
bundlingproducts,creatingone pointof contact,improvingloyalty
programs,and cross-sellingisthe wayof the future andshouldbe driving
How does a CreditUnion getitsemployeesinvestedinfocusingonthe
There isa needtofocuson humancapital strategiestostaycompetitive
PerhapstyingMemberFocusintothe Organization’sStrategyisthe key. We
knowthat employeesgetengagedthroughVision,andtheygetengaged
throughDevelopmentopportunities. Perhapsthe answeristotie the
memberintobothinan obviousway. If your people believethatthe
memberisthe keyto professional growthandstayinginnovative,theymay
see a much clearerlinkbetweenthe organization’sobjectivesandtheirrole
Trends inEmployee Engagement
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CreditUnionsas a whole have challengesforitinthe yearsahead. The opportunities
are exponential forthose whocapitalize onthem. Organizationsthatoptimize their
talentandunderstandwhatittakesto engage them, will findthemselvesinaposition
of power– bothto attract andretainthe top talent.
Continuousmonitoringof employee engagementandwhatdrivesengagementbothin
the industryas a whole andat an organizational levelwillhelpkeepthesefirms
competitivewhere theyneedtobe. Byimplementingstrategiestoaddressthe
emergingHRtrendsin the market, like the onesidentified, firmsinthe industrywill be
able to winat leasta few battlesinthe warfor talent,andas a result, attract and
retaintopperformingstaff who continuously contribute totheirpositive business

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Credit Unions Employee Engagement Trends

  • 1. CREDIT UNIONS Trends in Employee Engagement
  • 2. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 2 | P a g e What is Employee Engagement? TalentMap definesengagementasthe extenttowhichemployeesconnect, bothlogicallyandemotionally,totheirorganization,resultinginhighlevels of commitmentanddiscretionaryeffort –and ultimatelyleadingtobetter employeeperformance andpositive businessoutcomes. Positive businessoutcomesare the mandate foreverymarket,butespecially ina volatile market–andno marketismore volatile thanthe current Financial Services market,CreditUnionsincluded - engagingemployeeshas become seriousbusiness. Employee engagementhasbeenidentifiedasone of the top three concerns for the war on talent,the single biggestchallengefor CreditUnions – especiallycompetingagainstthe largerbankswithsomewhatdeeperpockets for compensatingemployees. Engagementcanbe seenas the connectionbetweenanindividual’s“head”, “heart” and“hands” Engagementresearchconsistentlylinksemployee engagementtopositive businessoutcomes. A recentmeta-analysisof 58 independentstudiesfound compellingandoverwhelmingevidence thatemployeeattitudesand
  • 3. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 3 | P a g e behaviourshave strongcorrelationswithcustomersatisfactionandindirect relationshipswithfinancial performance1 . Basedon currentliterature,countlessstudies, andTalentMap’sresearch,as illustratedinthe diagramsbelow, we establishadirectcorrelation between levelsof employee engagement,productivityand membersatisfaction. Our TalentGage surveyquestionnaire isacomprehensiveinstrumentbasedupon engagementandcorporate culture. TalentMap’s Engagement Model Why It Matters • Organizationswithhighlevelsof engagement(65% orgreater) continue to outperformthe total stockmarketindex andpostedtotal shareholderreturns22% higherthanaverage in 2010. On the otherhand,companieswithlow engagement (45% or less) hada total shareholderreturnthatwas28% lowerthanthe average. (TrendsinGlobal Employee Engagement,AonHewitt,2011) • Business/workunitsscoringinthe tophalf onemployee engagementdoubletheir oddsof successincomparisontothose in the bottomhalf.Those at the 99th 1 Y.Hong, H Lio, J, Hu,K, Jiang, “Missing Linkin the ServiceProfit Chain:AMeta-AnalyticReview oftheAntecedents, Consequences andModerators ofServiceClimate,” Journal ofApplied Psychology, 98/2,237-267(2013)
  • 4. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 4 | P a g e percentile have nearlyfivetimesthe successrate asthose at the 1st percentile. Mediandifferencesbetweentop-quartile andbottom-quartile unitswere: Q12® Meta-Analysis: The Relationship Between Engagementat Work andOrganizational Outcomes,Gallup,2009 (examinationof199research studies across 152 organizations in 44industries and 26countries.) • Organizationswithhighemployee engagementhada19% increase inoperating income andnearly28% growthin earningspershare (EPS).Conversely,companies withlowlevelsof engagementsaw operatingincomedropmore than32% andEPS decline 11%. (How Employee Engagement Drives Business Success, Mosley, Eric, 2011, citing Towers Watsonstudyof 50 companies over a one-year period) • Increasinganindividual’slevel of engagementcanimprove theirperformancebyup to 20% andreduce the probabilitythattheywill leave by87%. (Institute for Employment Studies(IES) 2008 publication, Going the Extra Mile) The Current Picture for Credit Unions – The Challenges are Real While Canadahas beenthe darlingof the financial world,andrankedbythe World EconomicForumas the most soundbankingsysteminthe world6 yearsin a row,the industry as a whole isfacingcontinuouschallenges ina tumultuous businessclimate. Canadaisnot immune tothese challenges. Amongthe key issues - increasedcompetition,evolving andcomplex regulatoryreform,convergence of industriesandconsolidation,responding to global competition,needforinnovationinproducts/processes,evolving customerservice expectations,andof course, attractingandretainingtalent. More and more executivesare comingtotermswiththe concept of employeeengagement. Theyrealizethattheirpeopleare theirbiggestasset, and theirpeople will drivetheirultimate success. Thatrealizationbrings home the pointthat theyneedtomake theirorganizationsareallygreat place to work,and that thatwill ultimatelyleadtotheirsuccess. 12% in customer ratings 49% in safety incidents 16% in profitability 37% in absenteeism 18% in productivity 41% in patient safety incidents 25% in turnover (high-turnover orgs.) 60% in quality (defects) 49% in turnover (low-turnover orgs.)
  • 5. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 5 | P a g e The CanadianFinancial Servicesindustryemploys4% of the Canadian workforce – 783,000 employees. InToronto,the Financial ServicesIndustry employsawhopping8% of its population,the mostFinancial Services workerspercapita inNorthAmerica. Andtheyare a talentedbunch. The CanadianFinancial ServicesIndustryhiresbetterqualitystaffthanany otherindustryinCanada. There is a disproportionateamountof university level graduates inthe industry –57% whichis20% higherthanindustry average. Many employees holdmultiple professional designations. No industryhasa largerimpacton the workforce. Andas such,no industry has a greaterneedtolookat the threatsto itsworkforce. Beinga smallerfishinabig sea,suchis the case forCreditUnions,only servestoamplifythischallenge. The War to Develop and Retain Talent – Top 3 Concerns Deloitte andTouche’sstudy onGlobal HumanCapital Trendsfor2013 indicatedthatthe war to developandretaintalentisthe singlebiggestissue facingthe financial servicesindustry. The studyindicatedthatthe topthree pressingHRand talentconcernsfacingthe Financial ServicesIndustryare  Developingleadersandsuccessionplanning,  Sustainingemployee engagementandmorale,and  Creatingcareerpathsand challengingjobopportunitiesforemployees. So How Does a Credit Union Sustain Employee Engagement? You may be interestedtohearthatoverall engagementinFinancial Services ishigher– by more than 5% - than the average engagementscoresacrossall othermarkets. That said,engagementscoresinFinancialServices organizationshave dropped2% overthe pastthree years. What doesthis mean?Thistranslatesinto higherexpectationsfromFinancial Services employeesandachallenge toFinancial ServicesemployersintheirHR strategiestoattract and retaintoptalent. CreditUnionsneedtobe that much more strategicto achieve asimilar result. To sustain,maintain,andgrow employee engagement,youhave toknow whatdrivesemployee engagement. Tomeasure whatdrivesemployee
  • 6. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 6 | P a g e engagementrequiresastrategic,research-based,statisticallysound,proven approach. Engagementneedstobe measuredregularly, actionplansneedto be developedandimplemented,anditisimportantthatthese are regularly assessedforeffectivenessandchange inthe environment. While itistrue thatthere are some basicand commontruthsabout engaging employees,everymarket,andeveryorganizationwithinthatmarket,hasits ownchallengesandidiosyncrasies. TalentMaphas interviewedthousandsof employeeswithinthe Financial ServicesIndustryandhasfoundthatengagementinthissectorisdrivenby  ProfessionalGrowth  Organizational Vision  Teamwork These driversare entirelyconsistentwithCreditUnions. In additiontothese drivers,therehasalsobeenforwardmotioninthe areas of Innovation,SeniorLeadershipandCompensation. These itemsare picking up more and more influenceonemployee engagement inthe industry. So if the challenge isengagingemployeesandwe know exactlywhat the driversof engagementare forthisindustry,maybe we needalittle more insightintowhatis goingon inFinancial Servicesthatisprecipitatingthesetrends. Professional Growth ProfessionalGrowthis consistently the numberone driverof engagementforall employeesacrossall organizations, acrossall vertical markets. Thisistrue regardless of the size of the organizationorthe type of industry. All industry-relatedresearch supportsthis withoutexception. Growthandcareer development isnotonly the numberone driverof employeeengagementinCanada,butinNorth America, as well as internationally,includingAsiaPacificandEurope. What isthe researchtryingtotell us? In general,people are notsatisfiedwithstatusquo. Itishumannature to wantto continue togrow,achieve,andfeel thatsense of personal accomplishment. We wantto keeppace withcurrentstandards. We wantto stay relevant,andup-to- date. The pace of change isfasterthan it’severbeenanda feature of the normal we live andworkin. If youstand still,youwill be leftbehindandthe currencyof your knowledge andskillsbecomeoutdated quickly.
  • 7. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 7 | P a g e Professionalgrowthisaboutbecomingmore effective inthe workplace,advancingin your careerand movingintopositionswhere youcanlead,manage,influence,coach, and mentorothers. It keepsyouinterestedandinteresting. Itincreasesconfidence,andhelpsyousustain your career,notbecomingirrelevant. Andif you work as part of a CreditUnion,thisjustbecame amplifiedbecausechange in the industryisrapidand employeesinthissectorare educated,whichmeanstheywill wantthis evenmore. Andwiththe upand cominggeneration,thisisonlygoingtobe magnified. Employersinthissectorhave theirworkcut outfor themand as such itis importantto findoutspecificallywhatyouremployeesare lookingfor,whatyouare doingwell in your organization,keepingthe dialogue open,andbe innovativeandintentionalin professionaldevelopmentstrategies. Whatsetspeople apartinthisindustryis versatility. Developmentisnotalways“traditional”. Itcan include alateral move. Itisabout listeningtoyouremployees,understandingtheirstrengths,andgivingstrong performersopportunities. Developmentcaninclude role-rotationassignments,special projects,on-the-jobtraining,jobshadowing,mentoringopportunities,etc. Organizational Vision Companiesthatenjoylong-termsuccesshave core valuesandpurpose thatremain fixedwhile theirbusinessstrategiesandpractices mustconstantly adapttothe world aroundthem. Trulygreat companiesunderstandthe difference betweenwhatisgenuinelysacred and shouldn’tchange andwhatisnot and needstoadapt.Thisabilitytomanage continuityandchange iswhatbuilds a strongand compellingVision. The Visionprovidesguidance abouttopreserve andwhat toadapt inorderto progress forward. A strong Visionisarticulate andcoherent. Itdefineswhatanorganization standsfor and why they exist. The envisionedfuture iswhat acompany aspiresto become, andto achieve -somethingthatwill require significantchange andprogressto attain. In short,it’sa roadmap andif done well,it’spowerful. How well the Visionisshared,communicatedandescalateddownandthroughthe organizationis a measure of anorganization’scommitmenttothe Vision and ultimatelywill determinethe successof the Vision,andassuch,the company.
  • 8. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 8 | P a g e Employeesthatcanget behindcompanyVisionanditscore valuesunderstandwhat needstobe done for the companyto succeedlongterm, andtheyconnectthe work theydo to it. These bydefinition are engagedemployees. AndwhenOrganizational Visionisthe number2driverof employee engagement–as is the case withCreditUnions,itbecomesaparamountmeasure thatneedsclose monitoring,refining,andadaptation. How can youmeasure if youremployeesare buyingintothe Vision? Employeeswho are engagedandrespondtothe visionexhibitthe followingcharacteristics:  Theycan see what the organizationaspirestobe like inthe future  The understandwhatneedstobe done to succeedinthe longrun  Theysee the organization’slong-termpurpose anddirection  The feel theirleadershave paintedacompellingvision Therefore,itimportantfororganizationstofindwaystofrequentlymeasure howtheir employeesare connectingtotheirVision,andtodevelopactionplanstocontinuously monitor,improve andadapttheirstrategiestoensure thisconnectionisthere,while stayingontop of the continuallychangingmarketplace andadaptingthe strategies that will staytrue to the core valuesandpurpose of the organization. Teamwork It isinterestingtonote thatTeamwork isa driverthat isunique to thissector withthisitemrarelycomingupas engagementdriversinotherindustries. So,why teamwork? Teamsare formedwhenindividualswithacommontaste,preference,liking, and attitude come andworktogetherfora commongoal.Teamsplaya very importantrole inorganizationsaswell asourpersonal lives. “Comingtogetherisa beginning.Keepingtogetherisprogress.Working togetherissuccess”-HenryFord. Thisproverbby HenryFord highlights the importance of workingtogetherin teams. Everyemployee isdependentonhisfellow employeestoworktogetherand contribute efficientlytothe organization. But Financial Servicesfirms,CreditUnionsincluded,have longbeenknownto workin silos. The conceptof being connectedtoyourcolleagues hasbeen all
  • 9. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 9 | P a g e but foreign. The workersare highly educated andhighlyindependentand that has beenthe culture. But the climate haschanged and iscontinuingtoevolve. Productsare changing,there iscross-bundling,integrationof services,optimization,anda needforstrongerfocuson the member. Employeesinthisindustryare recognizingthe importance of teamwork more and more and showingadesire tomove awayfromthe silo mentality and tradingit in for the spiritof collaboration. We are not onlyseeingitinthe raw data and statistical analysis,butinthe openendedcommentswhere employeesare encouragedtoexpandontheirthoughts. What are theysaying?  Remove barriers  We operate insilos  Needmore interaction,more collaboration  More sharingof ideas  Less“us” vs. “them”  Let’sworktowardsa commongoal  People are notwillingtogive upinformation  People are seekingownself interest  Needtobe more cohesive  Less“everymanfor himself” No employee can workalone;he hasto take the helpof his colleaguesto accomplishthe tasksefficiently.Ithasbeenobservedthatthe outcome comesout to be far betterwhenemployeesworkinateam ratherthan individuallyaseveryindividual cancontribute inhisbestpossible way.In organizations,individualshavingasimilarinterestandspecializationscome togetherona commonplatformand forma team. So whatis an organization thathastraditionallyworkedinsilos dotomove towardsa more collaborativeenvironment? Understandthat the problemisthere. Then breakthe silostofix the system. It’sa bitof a philosophical shiftforthe industry,butthe research indicatestousthatit istime to addressthe shift.
  • 10. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 10 | P a g e But What About the Member? We have discussedwhatdrivesengagementforemployees of CreditUnions. What isperhapsevenmore interestingiswhatdoesnotseemtodrive engagement. Couldthisbe anindicatorof a largerproblem? MemberFocus– an area of pivotal concernforthe CreditUnions – hasranked nearthe bottomof areas that drive employee engagementforthe pastfour years. In othermarkets,thisdimensiontendstorankhigher. While MemberFocusmaynot be affectingemployeeengagement,itis stronglyaffectingmembers,andassuchthe industryasa whole. Of paramountconcernto rebuildingtrustand memberconfidence inboththe brand andreputationof eachfirm. There is a burdenof responsibilityon organizationsinthe industrytofix the negative marketperception. The needto developbetterprocessestodrive performanceandimprove the memberexperience will be paramountinitssuccess. The wordof the day is “optimization”. Understandingthe memberandtheiruniqueneeds,cross bundlingproducts,creatingone pointof contact,improvingloyalty programs,and cross-sellingisthe wayof the future andshouldbe driving businessstrategiesinthissector. How does a CreditUnion getitsemployeesinvestedinfocusingonthe member? There isa needtofocuson humancapital strategiestostaycompetitive PerhapstyingMemberFocusintothe Organization’sStrategyisthe key. We knowthat employeesgetengagedthroughVision,andtheygetengaged throughDevelopmentopportunities. Perhapsthe answeristotie the memberintobothinan obviousway. If your people believethatthe memberisthe keyto professional growthandstayinginnovative,theymay see a much clearerlinkbetweenthe organization’sobjectivesandtheirrole inachievingthem.
  • 11. CreditUnions Trends inEmployee Engagement 11 | P a g e Conclusion CreditUnionsas a whole have challengesforitinthe yearsahead. The opportunities are exponential forthose whocapitalize onthem. Organizationsthatoptimize their talentandunderstandwhatittakesto engage them, will findthemselvesinaposition of power– bothto attract andretainthe top talent. Continuousmonitoringof employee engagementandwhatdrivesengagementbothin the industryas a whole andat an organizational levelwillhelpkeepthesefirms competitivewhere theyneedtobe. Byimplementingstrategiestoaddressthe emergingHRtrendsin the market, like the onesidentified, firmsinthe industrywill be able to winat leasta few battlesinthe warfor talent,andas a result, attract and retaintopperformingstaff who continuously contribute totheirpositive business outcomes.