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Title: Child Abuse

1.0.   The introduction to our project.

   Recently, cases on child abuse getting worse. According to data from the Malaysian Department of Social
Welfare, in 2008, child abuse reports rose to 2,780 from 2,279 in 2007 and 1,999 in 2006. This means, an
average of 7 children in Malaysia were reported to be victims of child abuse every single day in 2008. This
increasing pattern is very worrying. Concerning to this, we had decided to choose child abuse as our topic in
this project.

   One of the world organizations that related to this issue is World Health Organization. The World Health
Organization is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nation system. It is
responsible for providing leadership on global health matters. World Health Organization state that the
general definition of child abuse is all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect
or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child health, survival, development or
dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.

   Malaysia has much organization that involves in child abuse matters including government organization
or non-government organization. Malaysian Department of Social Welfare, The Ministry of Women, Family
and Community Development, Childline Malaysia and Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) are some examples
of organization that involve in child abuse problem. One law of Malaysia that gives protection to children is
Child Act 2001. Malaysia‟s Child Act 2001 is a Laws of Malaysia relating to the care, protection and
rehabilitation of children and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental there to.

   The objective of this project is to introduce the types of child abuse and to give knowledge about the
effect/consequences of child abuse. We also want to achieve the objective of this project which is to
compare and evaluate the data from two articles.

2.0 Types of child abuse

The first point we would like to discuss is the types of child abuse. There are 4 types of child abuse; physical
abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. These 4 types of child abuse are being differentiated by
their specific definition and example.

   The first type of child abuse is physical abuse. We known that the physical abuse is the common sign that
we can see in the abuse cases. The first aspect that will be discussed about physical abuse is the definition of
physical abuse. The definition of physical abuse in article A is described as situation in which a child
sustains injury due to willful acts of an adult. In article B, the definition of physical abuse includes any
actions that harm a person‟s body.

   Next, let‟s discuss the second aspect of physical abuse which is about the examples of physical abuse.
Article A give the examples of physical abuse by acts are hitting, biting, kicking or slapping. By the way, on
this article also have examples of physical abuse by using objects that are using belts, sticks or rods. Article
B state that the examples of physical abuse are punching, striking, kicking, shoving, slapping, burning,
pulling ears or hair, stabbing, chocking, belting or shaking.
By viewing on the aspects of the two different article we can comment of the content that the article
A state that physical abuse will happen if an adult is willing to do it means willful acts which is contra to the
article B. Article B state that a child is abuse physically from any action that could harm them; regardless the
abuser willing to do it or accidentally harm them. Other than that, both articles also have slightly different
way when listing the effects of physical abuse. The examples of physical abuse from article A is divided to
the two parts that are by acts and by objects but not for article B. On top of that, both articles give the same
examples of physical abuse.

        We believe that physical abuse is about physical aggression directed to a child by an adult. Article B
state that physical abuse includes any action that could harms a person‟s body but article A said that a
person is charged to do physical abuse only if the child sustains injury due to willful acts. From our point
view, the word “willful acts” in article A and “any action in” the article B have many effects to the

       If we refer to the article B, a person will be charged to do physical abuse if a child is harm even the
action was an accident which is not meant by the person. We believe that this is not so practical definition
compared to the definition from article A. Accurately, article A state the condition of the abuser and child.
Obviously, the child need to sustain injury and the abuser is willing to do it for a physical abuse to happen.
What if a person does not have any intention to harm the child? Does he really need to receive the same
punishment same as the real abuser? We should consider this situation so that a justice can be achieved not
only for the child but for the accidentally abuser too.

   Next, the second type of child abuse is emotional abuse. We also discuss on the two different articles and
on two aspects on the emotional abuse. The first aspect of emotional abuse is the definition of emotional
abuse. In article A, the definition of emotional abuse includes anything that is said or done to hurt a child‟s
feeling or self-esteem. For the article B said, the definition of emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill-
treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child‟s emotional

   The second aspect of emotional abuse is the examples of emotional abuse. In the article A, it states the
examples of emotional abuse are threatening a child, confining a child in a small place, severe verbal abuse
and so on. Then, in article B said the examples of emotional abuse are destruction of personal belonging,
excessive criticism, routine labeling or humiliation and others.

         Viewing on the two article, we comment of the content that the article A only state the emotional
abuse will happen if a child‟s feeling or self-esteem is hurt due to anything that is said to the child. On top of
that, article B has a specific definition of emotional abuse. In article B state that the emotional abuse will
happen only if the abuser persistently abuses the child emotionally and might cause severe and persistent
effects on the child‟s emotional development.

        We believe that negative words can hurt children feelings such as telling a child he or she is „no
good‟, „worthless‟, „bad‟, or „ a mistake‟. From our point view, definition of emotional abuse from article B
is more practical than article A. the word “persistent ill-treatment” in definition of article B gives a value of
this definition.

        In addition, the definition from article B gives us guide how to diminish between emotional abuse
and others harsh things that could be said to children. A person can only being charged to doing emotional
abuse only if he or she persistently doing any emotional ill-treatment to the child and it might cause severe
effects on the child‟s emotional development. Therefore, any person is to be said doing emotional abuse if
they constantly keep repeating doing things that can cause severe effects on the child‟s emotional
development. In reality, if you‟ve been told over and over again as a child that you are stupid or no good, it
is very difficult to overcome these core feelings. You may experience them as reality and get along with it.
Adults may not strive for more education, or settle for a job that may not pay enough, because they don‟t
believe they can do it or are worth more.

    Third type of child abuse is sexual abuse. Article A state that the definition of sexual abuse is a form of
child abuse in which an adolescent abuse a child for sexual stimulation. While article B define sexual abuse
as forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is
aware of what is happening.

   Second aspect of sexual abuse that will be discussed is the examples of sexual abuse. Article A lists the
examples of sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities, indecent
exposure of the genitals to a child or displaying pornography to a child. While article B state that the
examples of sexual abuse include penetrative acts (rape or buggery) and include non-contact activities such
as involving children in looking at or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual
activities or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.

    From our point of view, the definition of sexual abuse from article B has more information than article A.
Article B state that sexual abuse will happen whether or not the child is aware of what is happening but
article A did not mention about this at all. Same goes to the way of listing the examples which article B
divide them into two parts. In article B, the examples is divided into two; penetrative acts and non-contact
activities but not in article which only listing the examples.

  We believe that, definition of sexual abuse within children is when an older child, a youth or an adult uses
a child for his or her own sexual gratification. This includes incest. Incest with children is when the child is
sexually violated by a parent, older sibling, and other relative or other significant person in the child‟s
family life.

      We can also classify this sexual abuse into two parts, which are contact sexual abuse and non-contact
sexual abuse. The examples of contact sexual abuse are the children are forced to watch sexual acts, listen to
sexual talk and look at sexual parts of the body. Meanwhile, the examples of non-contact sexual abuse are
the children being touched and fondled in sexual areas, including kissing. Besides, the children are forced to
do oral sex-oral sex is when the mouth comes in contact with the penis, or the vagina.

    The difference between both articles can be obviously seen as article B did mention about the condition
of the child itself. This little difference can cause a huge effect to this issue as this is a very serious issue
nowadays. Strongly, article B state that a person can been charged to doing sexual abuse whether the child
aware or not what happen to them. We think that this is the most appropriate definition. A child may not
aware that they are abuse sexually (unconscious due to drugs or fainted or do not have clue what happen to
them) and do not feel any pain but regardless this, it still consider as a sexual abuse.
Finally, the fourth type of child abuse which is neglect. We also discussed on two aspects which is the
definition and examples. Definition of neglect given by article A is where the responsible adult does not
provide adequately for various needs. While Article B defines neglect as the persistent failure to meet a
child‟s physical and psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child health or

   Next, we move to the second aspect discussed which is the examples of neglect. From Article A,
examples of neglect are not enrolling a child in a school, not taking the child to the doctor or not providing
nurturing or affection. While Article B state that the examples of neglect are ill and lacking essential medical
care, failing to attend school regularly and malnourished, ill-clad, dirty and without proper shelter or
sleeping arrangement.

   From our point of view, definition of neglect from article B is more detailed than article A. Article B
stressed that neglect will only happen if an adult persistently fail to meet a child‟s needs while article A only
state that neglect can happen if an adult does not provide adequately for various needs to a children. The
word persistent in the definition from article B means that neglect will only happen if an adult fail to meet a
child‟s needs more than one time and this failure keep repeating

   We believe that definition from article B is more acceptable than article A. Once again, the word
„persistent‟ give a huge difference between these two definitions. Other than that, the practicalities of the
definition from article B can be clearly seen as it mention the condition of the child. The child needs to be in
serious impairment of the child health or development.

   There exist many situations that can be considered as neglect. Neglect occurs when a parent or other
primary caretaker chooses not to fulfill their obligations to care for, provide for, or adequately supervise and
monitor the activities of their child. Parental and caregiving obligations include the physical, emotional and
educational well-being of the child. Thus, neglect can also occur when the parent or caretaker does not seek
adequate medical or dental care for their child. Another definition of neglect is when the parent does not
provide sufficient food, clothing, or shelter.

          Parents are also expected to provide for the emotional needs of the child. Thus, neglect can occur
when parent abandon the child, or simply have no time to spend with the child, in essence leaving the child
to raise himself. If the child is actually left without supervision, this certainly constitutes neglect as well.

         The final feature of neglect includes educational neglect, which often occurs when one child is
responsible for other children in the family. Shifting the responsibility of caring for younger children to
another child in the family prevents the caregiving from participating in age-appropriate activities for
themselves, such as attending school. This is a relatively common situation that makes it difficult for the
oldest-and perhaps all of the children attending school.
3.0 The consequences / Effect of child abuse

The impact of child abuse is, of course, far greater than its immediate, visible effects. It is associated with
short-term and long-term consequences that may include brain damage, developmental delays, learning
disorders, problems forming relationships, aggressive behaviour, and depression. Additionally, child abuse
can lead to death. Unfortunately, we‟ve all come across reports on children dying from the injuries sustained
from being abused.

Even is a child survives the abuse and neglect, he or she may be at greater risk for problems later in life such
as low academic achievement, drug use, teen pregnancy, and criminal behaviour. Later on, this affects not
just the child and family, but society as a whole.

First of all, as mention earlier we can classify the effect of child abuse into two which is physical and
emotional/psychological effect. If a child is being abused physically, we can notice the sign of abuse on the
child‟s body. However, if a child not being abused physically, it is very hard to find the proof either they
experience an abuse or not. On top of that, a child that being abused emotionally might show us some signs
that they are being abused.

   a) Effect on a physical of a child.

  Before we take a deep looking on the effect of a child abuse physically, let revise about the type of child
abuse and some examples that might cause a child injured physically. From 4 types of child abuse discussed
earlier; physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect mostly will showed some physical effect on the child.

   Article A state that the effects on physical of the child are likely to receive bone fractures, particularly rib
fractures, may have a higher risk of developing cancer, can be relatively minor (bruises or
cuts),severe(broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death),shaken baby syndrome and impaired brain
development. On the other hand, Article B only stated that the effects on physical of the child are death,
behavioral problems and drug taking.

   From our point of view, Article A explains the effect of child abuse on physical of the child by listing
diseases that might receive by an abused child. Article A explain to us how child abuse may cause cancer,
hemorrhage, shaken baby syndrome, impaired brain development and even death. While article B only state
that child abuse may cause death, behavioral problems and drug taking.

   The way we see these both articles is article A was elaborate clinically while article B explain the effect
of child abuse generally based on what public generally know. This may due to the effect of the background
of the author for these both articles. Article A was written by three authors which have a very wide
experience in health issue (Dr. Segal, Joanna Saisan and Melinda smith) while article B which is written by
two expertises in psychological and social issues (Beth M. Schwartz-Kenney, Michelle McCauley). Those
authors might have different way of thinking as they were in two different fields which are medical and

    From our view, all these effects may not be seen just like that. Sometimes, a child has been told or
frightened by the abuser to not tell anyone else about what happen to them. As the effect is physically, we
could see some signs on the child that indicate that the child is being abused. Some signs that we can
observe are frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts, injuries appear to have a pattern such as
marks from a hand or belt, shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go
home, wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot days, Hygiene is
consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odour), untreated illnesses and
physical injuries, trouble walking or sitting.
b) Effect on the emotional/psychological of a child

  All types of child abuse and neglect leave lasting scars. Some of these scars might be physical, but
emotional scarring has long lasting effects throughout life, damaging a child‟s sense of self, ability to have
healthy relationships, and ability to function at home, at work and at school.

  Article A state that the effects on emotional/psychological of a child are at risk of developing psychiatric
problems and post-traumatic disorder (PTSD and health inequality). While Article B state that the effects of
emotional/psychological of a child are fearfulness, depression, aggression, low self-esteem and psychiatric

We can see that Article A explain the effect of child abuse emotionally by divide it to two main effects.
Article A state that two main effects of child abuse emotionally is psychiatric problems and post-traumatic
disorder compare to article B which only lists the effects. Article B state that the effects of child abuse
emotionally are fearfulness, depression, aggression, low self-esteem and psychiatric problems.

   From our point of view, once again the backgrounds of the authors give the effect to the both
explanations on the effects on emotional. Authors of article A which come from medical background
comfortably listing the effect with scientific medical-terms. On the other hand, the authors for article B
explain the effects of child abuse on emotional of a child by using general terms which can be generally
known by the public. Although medical and psychological fields are quite same but they have different

  We believe that child abuse is not always obvious especially if it is an emotional abuse. It‟s important to
dig deeper, looking for a pattern of abusive behaviour and warning signs, if you notice something off. Some
of the signs are excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong. An abused child
might shows extremes in behaviour (extremely compliant or extremely demanding; extremely passive or
extremely aggressive) or doesn‟t seem to be attached to the parent or caregiver.

   In our opinion, the effect of child abuse should include the long-term effect. A children not only suffer
from the physical and mental cruelty of child abuse, they also endure many long-term consequences. One
can never imagine what it is really like for the child, who is at risk to many behavioural and emotional
problems. Emotional consequences may include apathy, depression, hostility or stress, lack of
concentration, eating disorders, self-harm, feeling powerless, betrayed and stigmatised.

  An abused victim would feel uncared for, confused, rejected, deserted. They are also more likely to
become abusers and have mental difficulties, which could lead to violent criminal activity in the future.

   Finally, child abuse did cause many bad effects to the child. Whether it is physical, emotional, sexual or
neglect abuse; the effects are very bad.The UN Secretary General‟s Study reveals that the physical,
emotional and psychological scars of violence can have severe implications for a child‟s development,
health and ability to learn. Findings from the Study indicate that experiencing violence in childhood is
strongly associated with health risk behaviours later in life such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse,
physical inactivity and obesity. In turn, these behaviours contribute to some of the leading causes of disease
and death, including cancers, depression, suicide and cardiovascular disorders.
4.0 The conclusion for our project.

   Our project paper already covers on the definition of child abuse, types of child abuse and the
effects/consequences of child abuse. The definition of child abuse is extract from the World Health
Organization (WHO) and Laws of Malaysia (Child Act 2001). There are 4 types of child abuse; physical
abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. All 4 types of child abuse have their specific definition
and examples. Child abuse affected a child by two ways. A child may affect physically and

   There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect
on the child. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their parents
are looking out for their safety. Abused children cannot predict how their parents will act. Their world is an
unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Whether the abuse is a slap, a harsh comment, stony silence,
or not knowing if there will be dinner on the table tonight, the end result is a child that feel unsafe, uncared
for, and alone.

  From our point of view, this cruel act is an unusual human behavior. People who physically abuse
another person may have serious problem such as mental illness or overstress. Other than that, sexual
abuse is the most destructive acts to a child. Children that have sexual abuse history will live in this black
memory for the whole of their life.

   We believe that emotional abuse is also one of the destructive abuses that should not experience by any
child in this world. This is because it negatively changes how a child feels about himself/herself, since it is
related to psychiatric problems. This negative thinking will affect them until they grown up.

   In our opinion, people should open their eyes and take seriously this issue. Child abuse is a very serious
issue as it can cause severely injured or even killed. We can‟t consider this as family problem anymore. We
should consider this as a national problem that should be taken seriously by everyone in every country in the

    We should find a way that can prevent this issue to become worse. World should unite and together
find a solution to this problem. Do a campaign, post as many as possible of commercial advertisement so
that our community will be more aware on this issue.

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  • 1. Title: Child Abuse 1.0. The introduction to our project. Recently, cases on child abuse getting worse. According to data from the Malaysian Department of Social Welfare, in 2008, child abuse reports rose to 2,780 from 2,279 in 2007 and 1,999 in 2006. This means, an average of 7 children in Malaysia were reported to be victims of child abuse every single day in 2008. This increasing pattern is very worrying. Concerning to this, we had decided to choose child abuse as our topic in this project. One of the world organizations that related to this issue is World Health Organization. The World Health Organization is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nation system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters. World Health Organization state that the general definition of child abuse is all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Malaysia has much organization that involves in child abuse matters including government organization or non-government organization. Malaysian Department of Social Welfare, The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Childline Malaysia and Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) are some examples of organization that involve in child abuse problem. One law of Malaysia that gives protection to children is Child Act 2001. Malaysia‟s Child Act 2001 is a Laws of Malaysia relating to the care, protection and rehabilitation of children and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental there to. The objective of this project is to introduce the types of child abuse and to give knowledge about the effect/consequences of child abuse. We also want to achieve the objective of this project which is to compare and evaluate the data from two articles. 2.0 Types of child abuse The first point we would like to discuss is the types of child abuse. There are 4 types of child abuse; physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. These 4 types of child abuse are being differentiated by their specific definition and example. The first type of child abuse is physical abuse. We known that the physical abuse is the common sign that we can see in the abuse cases. The first aspect that will be discussed about physical abuse is the definition of physical abuse. The definition of physical abuse in article A is described as situation in which a child sustains injury due to willful acts of an adult. In article B, the definition of physical abuse includes any actions that harm a person‟s body. Next, let‟s discuss the second aspect of physical abuse which is about the examples of physical abuse. Article A give the examples of physical abuse by acts are hitting, biting, kicking or slapping. By the way, on this article also have examples of physical abuse by using objects that are using belts, sticks or rods. Article B state that the examples of physical abuse are punching, striking, kicking, shoving, slapping, burning, pulling ears or hair, stabbing, chocking, belting or shaking.
  • 2. By viewing on the aspects of the two different article we can comment of the content that the article A state that physical abuse will happen if an adult is willing to do it means willful acts which is contra to the article B. Article B state that a child is abuse physically from any action that could harm them; regardless the abuser willing to do it or accidentally harm them. Other than that, both articles also have slightly different way when listing the effects of physical abuse. The examples of physical abuse from article A is divided to the two parts that are by acts and by objects but not for article B. On top of that, both articles give the same examples of physical abuse. We believe that physical abuse is about physical aggression directed to a child by an adult. Article B state that physical abuse includes any action that could harms a person‟s body but article A said that a person is charged to do physical abuse only if the child sustains injury due to willful acts. From our point view, the word “willful acts” in article A and “any action in” the article B have many effects to the definition. If we refer to the article B, a person will be charged to do physical abuse if a child is harm even the action was an accident which is not meant by the person. We believe that this is not so practical definition compared to the definition from article A. Accurately, article A state the condition of the abuser and child. Obviously, the child need to sustain injury and the abuser is willing to do it for a physical abuse to happen. What if a person does not have any intention to harm the child? Does he really need to receive the same punishment same as the real abuser? We should consider this situation so that a justice can be achieved not only for the child but for the accidentally abuser too. Next, the second type of child abuse is emotional abuse. We also discuss on the two different articles and on two aspects on the emotional abuse. The first aspect of emotional abuse is the definition of emotional abuse. In article A, the definition of emotional abuse includes anything that is said or done to hurt a child‟s feeling or self-esteem. For the article B said, the definition of emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill- treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child‟s emotional development. The second aspect of emotional abuse is the examples of emotional abuse. In the article A, it states the examples of emotional abuse are threatening a child, confining a child in a small place, severe verbal abuse and so on. Then, in article B said the examples of emotional abuse are destruction of personal belonging, excessive criticism, routine labeling or humiliation and others. Viewing on the two article, we comment of the content that the article A only state the emotional abuse will happen if a child‟s feeling or self-esteem is hurt due to anything that is said to the child. On top of that, article B has a specific definition of emotional abuse. In article B state that the emotional abuse will happen only if the abuser persistently abuses the child emotionally and might cause severe and persistent effects on the child‟s emotional development. We believe that negative words can hurt children feelings such as telling a child he or she is „no good‟, „worthless‟, „bad‟, or „ a mistake‟. From our point view, definition of emotional abuse from article B is more practical than article A. the word “persistent ill-treatment” in definition of article B gives a value of this definition. In addition, the definition from article B gives us guide how to diminish between emotional abuse and others harsh things that could be said to children. A person can only being charged to doing emotional abuse only if he or she persistently doing any emotional ill-treatment to the child and it might cause severe effects on the child‟s emotional development. Therefore, any person is to be said doing emotional abuse if
  • 3. they constantly keep repeating doing things that can cause severe effects on the child‟s emotional development. In reality, if you‟ve been told over and over again as a child that you are stupid or no good, it is very difficult to overcome these core feelings. You may experience them as reality and get along with it. Adults may not strive for more education, or settle for a job that may not pay enough, because they don‟t believe they can do it or are worth more. Third type of child abuse is sexual abuse. Article A state that the definition of sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adolescent abuse a child for sexual stimulation. While article B define sexual abuse as forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. Second aspect of sexual abuse that will be discussed is the examples of sexual abuse. Article A lists the examples of sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities, indecent exposure of the genitals to a child or displaying pornography to a child. While article B state that the examples of sexual abuse include penetrative acts (rape or buggery) and include non-contact activities such as involving children in looking at or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. From our point of view, the definition of sexual abuse from article B has more information than article A. Article B state that sexual abuse will happen whether or not the child is aware of what is happening but article A did not mention about this at all. Same goes to the way of listing the examples which article B divide them into two parts. In article B, the examples is divided into two; penetrative acts and non-contact activities but not in article which only listing the examples. We believe that, definition of sexual abuse within children is when an older child, a youth or an adult uses a child for his or her own sexual gratification. This includes incest. Incest with children is when the child is sexually violated by a parent, older sibling, and other relative or other significant person in the child‟s family life. We can also classify this sexual abuse into two parts, which are contact sexual abuse and non-contact sexual abuse. The examples of contact sexual abuse are the children are forced to watch sexual acts, listen to sexual talk and look at sexual parts of the body. Meanwhile, the examples of non-contact sexual abuse are the children being touched and fondled in sexual areas, including kissing. Besides, the children are forced to do oral sex-oral sex is when the mouth comes in contact with the penis, or the vagina. The difference between both articles can be obviously seen as article B did mention about the condition of the child itself. This little difference can cause a huge effect to this issue as this is a very serious issue nowadays. Strongly, article B state that a person can been charged to doing sexual abuse whether the child aware or not what happen to them. We think that this is the most appropriate definition. A child may not aware that they are abuse sexually (unconscious due to drugs or fainted or do not have clue what happen to them) and do not feel any pain but regardless this, it still consider as a sexual abuse.
  • 4. Finally, the fourth type of child abuse which is neglect. We also discussed on two aspects which is the definition and examples. Definition of neglect given by article A is where the responsible adult does not provide adequately for various needs. While Article B defines neglect as the persistent failure to meet a child‟s physical and psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child health or development. Next, we move to the second aspect discussed which is the examples of neglect. From Article A, examples of neglect are not enrolling a child in a school, not taking the child to the doctor or not providing nurturing or affection. While Article B state that the examples of neglect are ill and lacking essential medical care, failing to attend school regularly and malnourished, ill-clad, dirty and without proper shelter or sleeping arrangement. From our point of view, definition of neglect from article B is more detailed than article A. Article B stressed that neglect will only happen if an adult persistently fail to meet a child‟s needs while article A only state that neglect can happen if an adult does not provide adequately for various needs to a children. The word persistent in the definition from article B means that neglect will only happen if an adult fail to meet a child‟s needs more than one time and this failure keep repeating We believe that definition from article B is more acceptable than article A. Once again, the word „persistent‟ give a huge difference between these two definitions. Other than that, the practicalities of the definition from article B can be clearly seen as it mention the condition of the child. The child needs to be in serious impairment of the child health or development. There exist many situations that can be considered as neglect. Neglect occurs when a parent or other primary caretaker chooses not to fulfill their obligations to care for, provide for, or adequately supervise and monitor the activities of their child. Parental and caregiving obligations include the physical, emotional and educational well-being of the child. Thus, neglect can also occur when the parent or caretaker does not seek adequate medical or dental care for their child. Another definition of neglect is when the parent does not provide sufficient food, clothing, or shelter. Parents are also expected to provide for the emotional needs of the child. Thus, neglect can occur when parent abandon the child, or simply have no time to spend with the child, in essence leaving the child to raise himself. If the child is actually left without supervision, this certainly constitutes neglect as well. The final feature of neglect includes educational neglect, which often occurs when one child is responsible for other children in the family. Shifting the responsibility of caring for younger children to another child in the family prevents the caregiving from participating in age-appropriate activities for themselves, such as attending school. This is a relatively common situation that makes it difficult for the oldest-and perhaps all of the children attending school.
  • 5. 3.0 The consequences / Effect of child abuse The impact of child abuse is, of course, far greater than its immediate, visible effects. It is associated with short-term and long-term consequences that may include brain damage, developmental delays, learning disorders, problems forming relationships, aggressive behaviour, and depression. Additionally, child abuse can lead to death. Unfortunately, we‟ve all come across reports on children dying from the injuries sustained from being abused. Even is a child survives the abuse and neglect, he or she may be at greater risk for problems later in life such as low academic achievement, drug use, teen pregnancy, and criminal behaviour. Later on, this affects not just the child and family, but society as a whole. First of all, as mention earlier we can classify the effect of child abuse into two which is physical and emotional/psychological effect. If a child is being abused physically, we can notice the sign of abuse on the child‟s body. However, if a child not being abused physically, it is very hard to find the proof either they experience an abuse or not. On top of that, a child that being abused emotionally might show us some signs that they are being abused. a) Effect on a physical of a child. Before we take a deep looking on the effect of a child abuse physically, let revise about the type of child abuse and some examples that might cause a child injured physically. From 4 types of child abuse discussed earlier; physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect mostly will showed some physical effect on the child. Article A state that the effects on physical of the child are likely to receive bone fractures, particularly rib fractures, may have a higher risk of developing cancer, can be relatively minor (bruises or cuts),severe(broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death),shaken baby syndrome and impaired brain development. On the other hand, Article B only stated that the effects on physical of the child are death, behavioral problems and drug taking. From our point of view, Article A explains the effect of child abuse on physical of the child by listing diseases that might receive by an abused child. Article A explain to us how child abuse may cause cancer, hemorrhage, shaken baby syndrome, impaired brain development and even death. While article B only state that child abuse may cause death, behavioral problems and drug taking. The way we see these both articles is article A was elaborate clinically while article B explain the effect of child abuse generally based on what public generally know. This may due to the effect of the background of the author for these both articles. Article A was written by three authors which have a very wide experience in health issue (Dr. Segal, Joanna Saisan and Melinda smith) while article B which is written by two expertises in psychological and social issues (Beth M. Schwartz-Kenney, Michelle McCauley). Those authors might have different way of thinking as they were in two different fields which are medical and psychological. From our view, all these effects may not be seen just like that. Sometimes, a child has been told or frightened by the abuser to not tell anyone else about what happen to them. As the effect is physically, we could see some signs on the child that indicate that the child is being abused. Some signs that we can observe are frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts, injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from a hand or belt, shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home, wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot days, Hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odour), untreated illnesses and physical injuries, trouble walking or sitting.
  • 6. b) Effect on the emotional/psychological of a child All types of child abuse and neglect leave lasting scars. Some of these scars might be physical, but emotional scarring has long lasting effects throughout life, damaging a child‟s sense of self, ability to have healthy relationships, and ability to function at home, at work and at school. Article A state that the effects on emotional/psychological of a child are at risk of developing psychiatric problems and post-traumatic disorder (PTSD and health inequality). While Article B state that the effects of emotional/psychological of a child are fearfulness, depression, aggression, low self-esteem and psychiatric problems. We can see that Article A explain the effect of child abuse emotionally by divide it to two main effects. Article A state that two main effects of child abuse emotionally is psychiatric problems and post-traumatic disorder compare to article B which only lists the effects. Article B state that the effects of child abuse emotionally are fearfulness, depression, aggression, low self-esteem and psychiatric problems. From our point of view, once again the backgrounds of the authors give the effect to the both explanations on the effects on emotional. Authors of article A which come from medical background comfortably listing the effect with scientific medical-terms. On the other hand, the authors for article B explain the effects of child abuse on emotional of a child by using general terms which can be generally known by the public. Although medical and psychological fields are quite same but they have different views. We believe that child abuse is not always obvious especially if it is an emotional abuse. It‟s important to dig deeper, looking for a pattern of abusive behaviour and warning signs, if you notice something off. Some of the signs are excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong. An abused child might shows extremes in behaviour (extremely compliant or extremely demanding; extremely passive or extremely aggressive) or doesn‟t seem to be attached to the parent or caregiver. In our opinion, the effect of child abuse should include the long-term effect. A children not only suffer from the physical and mental cruelty of child abuse, they also endure many long-term consequences. One can never imagine what it is really like for the child, who is at risk to many behavioural and emotional problems. Emotional consequences may include apathy, depression, hostility or stress, lack of concentration, eating disorders, self-harm, feeling powerless, betrayed and stigmatised. An abused victim would feel uncared for, confused, rejected, deserted. They are also more likely to become abusers and have mental difficulties, which could lead to violent criminal activity in the future. Finally, child abuse did cause many bad effects to the child. Whether it is physical, emotional, sexual or neglect abuse; the effects are very bad.The UN Secretary General‟s Study reveals that the physical, emotional and psychological scars of violence can have severe implications for a child‟s development, health and ability to learn. Findings from the Study indicate that experiencing violence in childhood is strongly associated with health risk behaviours later in life such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, physical inactivity and obesity. In turn, these behaviours contribute to some of the leading causes of disease and death, including cancers, depression, suicide and cardiovascular disorders.
  • 7. 4.0 The conclusion for our project. Our project paper already covers on the definition of child abuse, types of child abuse and the effects/consequences of child abuse. The definition of child abuse is extract from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Laws of Malaysia (Child Act 2001). There are 4 types of child abuse; physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. All 4 types of child abuse have their specific definition and examples. Child abuse affected a child by two ways. A child may affect physically and emotionally/psychologically. There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect on the child. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their parents are looking out for their safety. Abused children cannot predict how their parents will act. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Whether the abuse is a slap, a harsh comment, stony silence, or not knowing if there will be dinner on the table tonight, the end result is a child that feel unsafe, uncared for, and alone. From our point of view, this cruel act is an unusual human behavior. People who physically abuse another person may have serious problem such as mental illness or overstress. Other than that, sexual abuse is the most destructive acts to a child. Children that have sexual abuse history will live in this black memory for the whole of their life. We believe that emotional abuse is also one of the destructive abuses that should not experience by any child in this world. This is because it negatively changes how a child feels about himself/herself, since it is related to psychiatric problems. This negative thinking will affect them until they grown up. In our opinion, people should open their eyes and take seriously this issue. Child abuse is a very serious issue as it can cause severely injured or even killed. We can‟t consider this as family problem anymore. We should consider this as a national problem that should be taken seriously by everyone in every country in the world. We should find a way that can prevent this issue to become worse. World should unite and together find a solution to this problem. Do a campaign, post as many as possible of commercial advertisement so that our community will be more aware on this issue.