csr in india csr future leaders management case study case studies csr strategy strategy csr current trends csr csr trends case studies of major csr initiatives review of successful corporate initiatives & chall csr as a strategic business tool for sustainable d current trends and opportunities in csr understanding roles and responsibilities of corpor national voluntary guidelines by govt. of india global compact self assessment tool contemporary issues in csr & mdgs role of nonprofit & local self governance in imple voluntary responsible action of corporations role of public sector in corporate government prog identifying key stakeholders of csr & their roles csr stakeholders performance in major business and programs the regulatory environment in india counter trends four faces of social responsibility changing expectations of social responsibility the drivers of csr in india appointment of independent directors on the board scope for csr activities under schedule vii section 135 of companies act 2013 csr-legislation in india & the world legal csr csr legislation ilo tri-partite declaration of principles on multi oecd csr policy tool un guiding principles on business and human rights united nations (un) global compact 2011 relationship between csr and mdgs sdg mdg international framework for corporate social respo five types of managers management and social theories framework of social orientations green finance sustainable businesses environmental aspect of csr stakeholder management corporate social responsibility enterprise social responsibility triple bottom line benefits of csr motives of csr evolution of csr history of csr csr defined sutainability teaching-learning standard accreditation naac leadership development leadership professor incharde coordinator hod principal headofthedepartment eduleadership educational edu education and training higher education education webinar keywords video search image search search results effective search information search google search google business administration mba presentation university nagpur nagpur university rtm nagpur university variables hypothesis deductive reasoning inductive reasoning verifying theory nature of proposition scientific method theory building research ppt copyrights intellectual property ipr copyright e-learning mooc swayam distance learning bpr_benchmarking bpr_techniques bpr_quality bpr_process_analysis bpr_trends bpr_motivation bpr_incentives
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