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      Issued by:                                                                                      Tes,ted for AIDS? ,¥           N        f

      Phvsician:.                                                                  .                  Approved?·        I        Y' N

     (APPLICATION fOR A                                                                   PIEc;:.~              Of ASS] 

         Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A d d r e s s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - Age: - ­
         Phone:_(__) _ _ _ _ __
                   _               SS #:                  Hair: _ _ _ Eyes: ___      ."._
         Dentures:       Y N      Weight:.      Waist Size: been IIFixed"? Y N
                        PenislPussy Size:  Small_Medium _Large _Extra Large _Beyond Belief
                         ChestIBun Size: -Small    Medium   Large _Extra Large _Itty Bitty Titties
                                                  -            -.             ­                                                           "

                                        PERSONAL PREFERENCES 

         Do you like to: _Suck _Chew _Kiss _.Nibble _Caress _Squeeze
                                      All of the Above          None of the above         Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
      Do you like your Genitals: _Sucked _Chewed _Kissed _Caressed _Squeezed
                                   All of the Above None ofthe Above Other:_ _ _ _ _ __
      _Can you stay out: Late? Y N        All Night? Y N        Several Days? Y N
       Do you like to be Screwed? Y N       Do you like Oral Sex? Y N        Lights On? Y N
       'While Screwing do you: _Faint _Fart _Cry _Moan _Hum '_Yodel _Scream
                               _Whistle _Scratch _Just Lay There _All of the Above
       When you Come, do you: _Wiggle-Wobble _Twist _Jerk _Cry _Scream .'
     I                 _Smoke _Grunt/Groan _Fart _Start Humping Like Hell _._Call for God
     ! What kind of Screw do you like? _Slow _Fast _Super Fast _All Night              .
     I        _Two on One _On your Knees _Missionary _All of the Above Other:._ __
     . How many times daily?              How long EACH TIME? __hours? _minutes?

     DO YOU WANT TO SCREW NOW?                                                         YES            NO              MAYBE
     Where do you prefer to screw? _._Bedroom _Bathroom _Kitchen _Living Room
               _Dining Room _Den _Hot Tub _Automobile _Bench _Swimming Pool
     Do you use sexual aids?                 Y N          Do you have a 220 Volt Outlet? Y N

     If you have screwed before, give at least one reference. (Not immediate family 'or close relatives.)
     Name:                                               Address:                                  Phone{       )

     Narne:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone:..!...(---L)_ _ _ __

     If application is favorable.            what are your charges for: One Night? S
                                                                                    ---- One Hour? S---
           .~evera' Days? $                   MuffBurger SpeciaUBlow Job? $          Whips & Chains? $_ _
         ;- j, reserve Lhe riphI LO   discriminate a.f?'::lII1SL anyo11e I damn we!! lease, i Lhe do no/ meet my hi':Yh stcndcrds.
Randy Jones
                                                       402 Dean st
                                                       Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217
                                                       June 2nd, 1992
HI HO Randy,
Hey thanks for your letter sorry that the movieupset you so much, but you can
just guess how I feel about it.   The damn thing not only waS poorly done but
its leSB then 15% factual for a fact based movie.     Now its up to my attorneys
as we feel their are 19 major   ar~rs   in the movie besides anything that BraIn
fagot Dennehy had to say. Hey he waS only following the script but I never seen
anyone do such a. one demintional character as he did. I have never been a bullie I
time as I would rather make love then fight. You should knO'l what I mean.
Hey did you think that the mOVie was going to be anything but fantasy? Hell I
knew that going in and they hyped the hell out of it only to come away wi th fair
reviews. I doubt from the letter that I have gotten since the showing that any
one liked the phoney super cop garbage.

In any case we will file suit against the movie so let them make as much as they
can as we are going after 20 million So let see if they can prove this shit in
court.   What pisses me off is I am told I am a public figure and they can do
that to me.
Nothing ne<n<1s happening at this end I did the HBO interview which should be
aird this fall. thats   four hours uncut and we own the rights to it so I know
it won't be edited or censored or cut in any way_
So I see you and Gina are getting along fine     I tkink if your open and honest
with her end she is open minded she will understand where your coming from.
Just remember sex isn't everything as long as she accept you for who you are and
not what she would like to make you into.      Glad to hear you have been able to
kick the drugs and or at least have it under control • The    ma~n   thin~   is that
you know your problem and were able to do something about it and thats a positivil
way to deal with things.
Hey I had a visit from E.J. a d Peter came wlth him but he wasn't allowed in
since he opened his mouth saying he had done jail time in FA. I don't understand
them so much    about Pittsburgh as thats what stopped him from gettinl
    I did get to meet Amy and E.J. and while she stayed a short time as she didn'
want to leave Peter alone in the car.
E.J. broke up with Mtchelle so he is now living in Pittsburgh for awhile. I
guess Peter to:Jk him in wi th Amy and they had a threesome the nis:th t before they
came to visit me in the motel, or so he claims. He is not as wild as his letters
make him out to he as I played some mind games w·th him and       E.J. doesn't cut it.
Besides I don't like i       when they put down other people when they are not hear
and you can bet he wasn't the nicest talking about you. My feeling is I know you
better the   I know   ~im,   as he is known to me only through Peter.
No peter never told me about your drug problem not that it would make a differenc,
to me.   I think I told you I am non judgmental and I am no     angB~,   just that I am
not a killer.      People don't impress me when they talk about other people and
I fugured wha.t he had to say WaB self serving.
                                              hey 	guy I got to cut out as I am way
                                               behind with letter just wanted to get
                                               this one back to you.

                                                          tRke care and don't beat it
                                                         too hard •••• I don't just
                                                         often. ha ha.
eg e    t'f[O

I    trust that your b8nd dste is                      com1n~     910ng Did they do               arJythin~              wi th the

name?          "Final Solution" doesn't sound all t et ba.d. ':y nephew is cnlJedBl-'ody

~,~es;:     and his        bp~d      is called the scabs. AYlot1:1ero;u7 I kno'.'.' is mn a band                                        called

Pig Pen out of New York.

Reg8rdingSilence of the Lambs Hey it waS a fair movie but I can't see all that

hype. I             agree that Jodie and Hopkins did a great job. The movie ab'Jut me is out

go t fair revi ews in Ca.-Ylada but from what I heerd its r super cop movi e                                                          1,d   th a

lot of fentasy. I know from ",hat I hAve heard there is alot of                                                     ~arbpc:"e         in it.

Like they               Fl    model of my house on the studio lot and its nothing: like the

layout of "7 h 'use.                    in the   ~ec   room the? hcl"':Te      8.    gun end tbey :If'Vler fOUYld

any guns in my house as I never owned any brck then.                                         Then it suppose to se t1:1e

last ten da.y before :r.y arrest, yet they have me going to                                        2..     hosuitel          8S       pogo the

~lown,         visj tinp; kids a0d putting hend cuf!"s on a kid in bed s<:>y'.nrr to the tvvo

cops that were wi th 1:e: " Clowns can get 2.vvPy wi th :rurCl er"                                               Helli to :nake the

wonster i:.'Jae:e more renl they hav-- Brien Dennehy playincr: me ~nd he is                                                       6' 5"
while I was 5' 8:1,." end t'.-:e cop beins                        5'7 while they got me 6' 5"                             8Jln    it 1-1as

just the opposi teo The' Lt Kozenczak vlaS 6' 4"                                    so they :r:ade it look like I

W2.S       c,"11in', him name end so:;-:e polish sleng, whsn in frct I had hi:n nick no.:ned

"asshole" and even hElve his o"m officer c.sllinij him that durino; the time they

were following me.                     E"ven that part was a joke. The times for 8 dnysthat the COpSI

were '.'ri th :TIe I          used to walk up to the:n tel                them "'lhere I           ''l,<).. S    goine;: bec2use they

ke0t       get~in~         18st followinr me. Hey I               even tock them to dinner bars                             ni~ht           spots

introduced             the~        to girls even tried to get            t~o   of them layed. Now you will never

s~e        that in the movie. but thets foctual.                         Hey I had        nothin~                 to hide so I waS

friendly with the officers.

So what was Naked Lunch about?                         I     have been   he8rin~        ebout it have                     so~neone          gettiru

::r.e the book. as I                talk ab-'ut it     111   th an ,ther ":Jerso'1      'r1:10   wri te to me.                   I    agree

"'lith YJU           "'.   S. :3urrougts is an odd or weird writer but once you have seen some

of his stuff you can understand it since he wri te like a poem.                                                      I   haven't seen
too rna: 1 y of his cut up nO'1els, so if you have SOLle                               yo~r       cone wl th I wouldn't
..                                                                                                                                  Rendy Jones
                                                                                                                                    402 Dern st
                                                                                                                                    Broo k1yn, I~ e;'; rk 11217
                                                                                                                                       teD8sr 15th, 1991

     Thanks for your letter of the 6th ·of .Sept.                                                                         I     am g               to herr your off the

                  vi t:1          .~ 6    1 en'l, but fro._                                                      told           e I
     of       r   cese. You k:no';;                       il             you s             its a fude                          of justice                           te::1        [1'1   C I happen
                                                                                                                                                                     ,                             "
     to           ree      ~lth           you. Hey ita still                           -f:t:18      bsst in th e                    vl0   rId,      e.S    ~·';:e    .:.2.~"'t6         e11       8..c.vs~s

                                the       m~vie         the only               t~inz        I       have hS9n to                            is thrt it will not                                          r

                                                    s year only in Canada.                                                     they ars            doin~            is lookin r for
                  s1"    0 ..     co       ericsls                       nJbody 8e8m to                                                     uch
                                                                               So           Is I may.not be 8ble to stop it for now

     ~·.re    hG,Ve them thin!ri!11j r.bout it. Our next move is in                                                                                  [;' :d th              8.     l:;.'.'!sul t

     bee pus e any fi leTl p:.:'o j ec t ti                                                                                                                                 from t'., 3.t

     cou try                        thr:?ts        t~leir           18.""8.

     So you ::1                   It      li~e      Philly peo                      e huh?                 Pic                  a fi'ht 1:ith t"e loc                                         S    you

     c en never 1'.'in,                    BO you "-vere sJ:e.rt to                             itT;::

     :Jut 0       f     tj';'r:   er ',·.'in?

     I       h::t.vsn f t heard fro                            ,J. in e.                   ')' tLne I                                                f    t ''-:em t to

     besi         cS     I haTP:             :J    ··8.'Y I                                                                              i''1~'   to cut             SO" 6             0   ff tho t


     -:ey H                     belated                             ay        80    now you at                                  8   30 t s. I-I

                      e bL:              five-      ~          But I e,              -:::lad        '"OU         h        ,0   £3000 one.                                                         OF   you

     lil{s-d. 3t                  en               , vIhile I                  8.V·611.'   t h            01"0       fro:":1

     7J:le.ts t i 8 S'10 th er                                 t     for you, even                         ':;it~       getting t:'le vmr2e of it it S:]C'lc<s

                                e ]'Ju in                                 t    suck~r ~unch.                          Hell

                                                                                                 her, jLlst 80 he                           ~:ouldn't               .. e    CJ1.1             s

                                                    t    e,G              1 do it ii:'                      ur          70in"                                                      r it, ri                   t?
     I l-:il1 try to {dvE: you                                 f3    ce.l: d                ~.       the 1re                   if I CDn sst                t~e             phone.
p      e   tV10

                                                                             at    ~!--   e           sex, h         1
                                                                                                                     _     '.p
                                                                                                                           l.l.    t!~& ts           V!}1E. t    you     C fIn

                                                                                                                                         e Dr t ten YEnrs.
                      a~e     it still                C.J   83        once in 3. 1::h116, but once i t s                                      c':s


                       I'O        i   8      S       :e     en cell,s            wera ere Sin            e     t~o

                                                                                                                                                                 h sve

    l:t it.

    I,?U2S            :ro~)   :C)uld c               ., i t 8        e sex, I;louL              t'.:in:;: ::Hlt
                                                                                                                     C.t     you
                                                 s          c2J.'1~:i 'Ie   you.          I   don't    eVED

                              S       O'~1

                                                     hc)l1cJ., 8.nd         30       u still can             ~et     it off f)ur tisGS                             2 day

    so                                                                                                                                 your west! : you

                         u hes.r?e                    Vee Perr?l8.n fir

                                          If.         "'"'hen you ::r;ye Jeffery Deh:l1er

    i t3                 tc) cost h12 2n                     nr~      n( leg.

                                                                                                fo r no':r,

                                                                                                                           1., ':I a   "" ,          ; ; ; /./

                                                                                                                                        i./     John

Hi Ho REndy,
                                               • It,'                         Randy Jones
                                                                              402 Dean 3t.
                                                                              3rooklyn, ~Tew' York 11217
                                                                               July 7th,     91

      eived your letter on the 3rd, I trust that you had a good holid

So you got to see                hO~'r    the justice system "lorks, "nile I                              am not sure you vote

you can ')l,?m.e it on the blind public. In a.,.'1.y case :)8fore it Gets 1;etter

now     t~~<?t      3ush haS got the TJ.3. Supreme court to So 8.11 the vlay to the

right.       8 ..nd    soon you will             e livinp; in      f?    police ste.te. Yet the dumb fuck

people think 8,11 these 181," just effect prisoner. You reI?                                                 ze since Reagan
then -:Ccsh heve be n in office they elected five justices to the court end.

every leo"t one of them conservBtives.                                  Think I   an kidding, in the                              fe'iT

years tte fo11oVIinS has been past. Illegally ohtei:1ed evidence c"'n be used

     ainst you. Fo'''ced Confession can                      ~,e   used           nst you p People cen he

he.rassed wi thout justifi                       Ie ce.. use. And people can be detained ""'i thout
charc::;e.          as '1ell   8.8    other ruling 1/rhich )'leaken individu                               rip:ht~J       in fevor

of the police /state.                          Now they just ruled that victim impact evidence

c an be us ed in dea,th pen                      ty cases.         Th 8. t meB..nS they c en s                      e.nythins
in           court room 1tli thout even pro'lin!"" it, kind of like actin.f!.

Go get them if you think your right                                Ise e.rrest is serious I heve 100

million dollrr sui t for De ae;c:dnst ivron,ccful conviction And to dF.te I heve

846        Ilion                                                                     Ilion in                "ro::l,~ful     de::'th

e.ctions at:;:'1.inst 'Cle.            YOi-!   if my cese get re'Jersed all these eui t ar:.!"                                    st n6

f     1 and :nine et                  pending.      1;ut its a fucked up syste:r:, as I                             8':1    not

in terf' S ted 1n the :non ey as m..;ch as                  freed,01:1.'~ut       they              ~dll    d ~ t:"pi r'::: st to

bloc:{ the.t           DB   1 t 1'liJuld me'1n they r,re 8.11                1 ty in illy actions, so its 'Jetter'

to ki:l one             perso~        then to admit they did not do th                               r   jo~s    ~roDerly.

So           t 1:1e you think you, 'Jave 1 t to ':<J:h jus t                  thl::1~l{         of

                             market has b en 'bet .. er f'or you nO'H                     I:'    d?ys I         p.8su:r:e r'JnY     J
1s    ~)ette:."'"     then none et              1. Hey its too o:<d you cen'''' cook eS the e is

ah.rays a ne                for them
page tl;m

I see you finally got your                                   nd on another and yO'-lr goine: to let                 ':~·tef   go.

I v.,rould say your doing the right thing as there too m[my ot:lers out

there. so fuck it like you seide

:':e;:r your not e.lone I have not heard from Pete ei tlJ6r end COLl'                                             care leGS

if I do not heBr from                         hi~       ain.     t~ere       are to

so I am conc erne:~ 1'7i th peopl e like thC't. I am sure yo u heven' t 10 s t eUy

sleep over him.                 e guy has plo t goi ~.r:' fo r him cua c nl1 t t hcndle it. You

would think he ',,,ould have le8rned to st"y a'Ilf.:W fro::!                                      pt b1 tch 1'ho p"ot him

all these pro''Jlems end find :mother. Of coo.rse I think ?clot                                            hilS   to do 1'ri th

hi~     7rowins up        ~n~     actln~ responsi~le                        too don't you think?

The guy8rian Hunter has the bc.Ild Pig Pen I                                      think End fj,ny';e.y "'e t'::ink ':e

is hot shit coming from Indiana. Hey I treated him like                                             fR~ily             of CDurse:

helped him         o~t    even                :{ew' York '-[here I got so:r:.eone of my ·.)eo                    e to Get him

8..   job '::1 th TUrner subscriptions, as room J.:ena.ger, no'.,-' I heer he is

fuckinG that up too.                           en he want          to run Hi th Joel Coleman, }Terle Allin,

8,nd hopefully G.G.               Allin no'.'; thst he is out of prison think they will cut

a record a           he l..-ill               ake    ":;L~    tLr:e. Only t::-ouhle is he fucks over people

'r11"':1 you help hiEl end is '" nell'"' dropper. I have nothinc;                                       einst :·j.m just

f,:; el one   0   f thes e dey s he is goin,;" t::> burn tt e                         "rron~     'frio ~e and set fucked.

I     think he is his 01'1"n ,.vorse enemy. I am sure you kno                                     the type or have run

into them.          His vrord means nothing                        ?S       he doesn't keep it.

~ey     I dontt claim to                 ~e     perfect, but I know I                 a~   not   ~uilty    of whFt I was

chEr ed with, and I know                            bein~      this f nt?sy inf mous celebrity, I have to

watch for people using me. Eut so f8r I                                       have been fair at          ~ickin~     people

to ',,:ri te too'ut every once in a. 1:1h1le I run into the sleazey one '1:1:;ch I

guess co es vri th          ':::9~      ng 30 w.Bll known even if i:'8 '!ibc.t 9:et De hot

is when they 0:0 public ','ri th hue                            ahi t Bno a.ttorney tell me I can't cO::1e ')1?ck

1?t th.em becrmse I             8.:'1    8.   public figure                      ate bullshit. Hey I never asked

for it nor               I f1;iye intervie,,{s, T:lJT f'L-;ht is ';-'ith the                      18<:     systS:12,
there I C:hJ doine;: fine. Now I he1"Y' SQ::!e j erIc is '1:e'dng s 210vi e 8":10. I '-11 to sue the:n to stop i t.   t8~{e cer" for nO',1 'rri te l·:hen you C'3n.
Randy Jones
                                                                    402 DeanSt.
                                                                     Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217
                                                                     August,9th, 1992

 Greetings Randy,
Hey guy whats goin~ on, thanks for your letter hope things are                        goin~     well for
you.   So you liked the photo, thats good as there are not many around as I don I.

give them out to many people. By the way yes          th~lts       gray at my ap:e, hey what do
you expect I have aged 25 yepy>s in the last 12. I /'lm certa.1n you would too
if you had to deal wi th the frustration that I have hed too.
So yes its gray and now its short as well e.S I         ~ave        taken most of it off so
it shows Ie s brown now.        But don1t ever think just because their is snow on
the roof that the fire is out in this old man, as I could still show anyone
a good time. ha ha
Hey your the best judge as to who should see the photo I                 ~ave        it to you.
the people who took it have it copyrighted like just about anything on me.
See thats   w'~at   I mean about feelin;:r more like a product then a person at times.
1..fost people around me are in it for the money       a;~d       being involved.
Sorry to hear of your 108s to the AIDS thing. and I agree wi th you about the
way our governement handled it scsring people into thinking that it NaS just
a guy pro lem when it never was, and even if it were who care, they should have
aidresses it like any other.         But that the     would be 10:JkinQ: at a caring type·
of people and this society is not they are all judgemental asshole who think                               I!
if your li:::."'estyl:e is not like t hey want it to me then its not natural. hey
fuck them. people should learn to live their o·'.u Ilves,Fno               ,>,'6    a1 ~   V'oul,~   he
better off.    Thats the trouble t:1ey worry more about putting IpbellJ and fi ttin~
you into groups so they can feel better about themselves.                           I better drop the
subject as you don't want to get me started on these                  fucking assholes.
I just hope George Bush is in the unemployment linr-s come November.
Tims for a change and Clinton and Gore anrl others li"re hi:n cen do it. Hey its
time w" started thinldng American and not selling us out to the                         forei~n

t:1)overnmen ts. weunder Geek Bush   ~'rorry   more about     0   thers who are homel ess and
not eati':1g before we are conc erned about our own.              My way of thinking un til
page two
every person in this country is fed a,,:d under roaf, end a.ll w;rking t at "rant to
be "lve have no business R:oing outside thpse shores. Hey let them find out what
Republicen trickle dOlffi economic is. Hell thats what they hAve dane to this
country, rich get richer and the poor or               workin~    class are homeliesB.
Hey Protective custody,things still happen and               th~y    hav"'- f.1;sng members in there
as well. 1vhat you still have to do is tP!3ffi up '.'<!ith someone and take care of
each others needs. i ts         go~ng     to happen so you might as 1-lell pick someone out
you can get alonG; with.              there is no such thing as doing y::)Ur own time as they
wan It 1 et you.
You call it repe,its either th2t or consent to stay a ive unless you                      t""1[6

enough money. this is jungle la.w and the strong make the rules.
Hey your 1 ving a quiet type life just the 1:ray I am for now.I keep up doing
most   o~   "iat you mention and takE c"re of myT.m needs               iv~en   it cames 'Jp.      h~   ha.
Yes I did get a letter from E.J. since he WaS hear just wrote him bael{ about a '
..,.,e k ago he didn It much to say just that he waS backing a"l"8Y from everyone
and justbdoing his music "I",i h his band and waS goin 7 to be go inn; :ut of state
doing so gi<zs.     Still wai tin:! for him to fill out the new bio sheet. most who
don I t or won I t well I am just wri ting them off              as who needs them.
I am a sharing ;;erson and if they ,.,ant to be just one vray then fuck them I still
':'lave meny others who share in their letters wi th me and no sub,j"?ct is off lim1 t&
to me jus t as long       s   tl~.   at Jerson 1 s willing to be the Same '''ay. Hey what I
know is private     80   its not as if e.ny.:ms is going to find out vlh?t anyone says
to :nee I hear all kinds of things and share in the Brme we.y when people are
open and h:JnAst     end you know I am not judge':1ental of anything.                I dislike
phoney people who can I t be h:mest 1,,,1 th t':1emselves or they com"'- across wi th this

macho bullshi t as if I         .~ive    a fuck. like they are better then you. Hey fuckem.
At least I     am honest '.. . ith myself and I try to surround myself with people 'iho
ar' the same 'day willing to sha e whatever they want and are not ashamed of who
they are or what they have done. know what I mean?
Hey I got two Bukowski books now, Told you I had a frie!1d who would send them
pge three
oneS call ed "Women" and the other is call ed   tf   Notes of a dirty old man."
Hey you think he was trying to tell me something?           Women i9 the one we talked
about some time ago.     Hey I 8eem to have lost your phone number, but not sure
if you would want to h ar from me anyway as I know its a cost factor. But I
sure "lould like to talk to you some time, but I will      lea~re   that up to you if
your going to 8 end it again or if you want to talk.
Let you go for now, t8,ke ca"'e for now let me know what your up too and whats
been going on.
                 catch you later,


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  • 1. c ,. Issued by: Tes,ted for AIDS? ,¥ N f Phvsician:. . Approved?· I Y' N (APPLICATION fOR A PIEc;:.~ Of ASS] PERSONAL DATA: Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A d d r e s s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - Age: - ­ Phone:_(__) _ _ _ _ __ _ SS #: Hair: _ _ _ Eyes: ___ ."._ -------- Dentures: Y N Weight:. Waist Size: been IIFixed"? Y N PenislPussy Size: Small_Medium _Large _Extra Large _Beyond Belief ChestIBun Size: -Small Medium Large _Extra Large _Itty Bitty Titties - -. ­ " PERSONAL PREFERENCES Do you like to: _Suck _Chew _Kiss _.Nibble _Caress _Squeeze All of the Above None of the above Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Do you like your Genitals: _Sucked _Chewed _Kissed _Caressed _Squeezed All of the Above None ofthe Above Other:_ _ _ _ _ __ _Can you stay out: Late? Y N All Night? Y N Several Days? Y N Do you like to be Screwed? Y N Do you like Oral Sex? Y N Lights On? Y N 'While Screwing do you: _Faint _Fart _Cry _Moan _Hum '_Yodel _Scream _Whistle _Scratch _Just Lay There _All of the Above When you Come, do you: _Wiggle-Wobble _Twist _Jerk _Cry _Scream .' I _Smoke _Grunt/Groan _Fart _Start Humping Like Hell _._Call for God ! What kind of Screw do you like? _Slow _Fast _Super Fast _All Night . I _Two on One _On your Knees _Missionary _All of the Above Other:._ __ . How many times daily? How long EACH TIME? __hours? _minutes? DO YOU WANT TO SCREW NOW? YES NO MAYBE Where do you prefer to screw? _._Bedroom _Bathroom _Kitchen _Living Room _Dining Room _Den _Hot Tub _Automobile _Bench _Swimming Pool Do you use sexual aids? Y N Do you have a 220 Volt Outlet? Y N If you have screwed before, give at least one reference. (Not immediate family 'or close relatives.) Name: Address: Phone{ ) .~....!------ Narne:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone:..!...(---L)_ _ _ __ If application is favorable. what are your charges for: One Night? S ---- One Hour? S--- .~evera' Days? $ MuffBurger SpeciaUBlow Job? $ Whips & Chains? $_ _ JI ;- j, reserve Lhe riphI LO discriminate a.f?'::lII1SL anyo11e I damn we!! lease, i Lhe do no/ meet my hi':Yh stcndcrds.
  • 2. Randy Jones 402 Dean st Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217 June 2nd, 1992 HI HO Randy, Hey thanks for your letter sorry that the movieupset you so much, but you can just guess how I feel about it. The damn thing not only waS poorly done but its leSB then 15% factual for a fact based movie. Now its up to my attorneys as we feel their are 19 major ar~rs in the movie besides anything that BraIn fagot Dennehy had to say. Hey he waS only following the script but I never seen anyone do such a. one demintional character as he did. I have never been a bullie I time as I would rather make love then fight. You should knO'l what I mean. Hey did you think that the mOVie was going to be anything but fantasy? Hell I knew that going in and they hyped the hell out of it only to come away wi th fair reviews. I doubt from the letter that I have gotten since the showing that any one liked the phoney super cop garbage. In any case we will file suit against the movie so let them make as much as they can as we are going after 20 million So let see if they can prove this shit in court. What pisses me off is I am told I am a public figure and they can do that to me. Nothing ne<n<1s happening at this end I did the HBO interview which should be aird this fall. thats four hours uncut and we own the rights to it so I know it won't be edited or censored or cut in any way_ So I see you and Gina are getting along fine I tkink if your open and honest with her end she is open minded she will understand where your coming from. Just remember sex isn't everything as long as she accept you for who you are and not what she would like to make you into. Glad to hear you have been able to kick the drugs and or at least have it under control • The ma~n thin~ is that you know your problem and were able to do something about it and thats a positivil way to deal with things. Hey I had a visit from E.J. a d Peter came wlth him but he wasn't allowed in since he opened his mouth saying he had done jail time in FA. I don't understand
  • 3. them so much about Pittsburgh as thats what stopped him from gettinl I did get to meet Amy and E.J. and while she stayed a short time as she didn' want to leave Peter alone in the car. E.J. broke up with Mtchelle so he is now living in Pittsburgh for awhile. I guess Peter to:Jk him in wi th Amy and they had a threesome the nis:th t before they came to visit me in the motel, or so he claims. He is not as wild as his letters make him out to he as I played some mind games w·th him and E.J. doesn't cut it. Besides I don't like i when they put down other people when they are not hear and you can bet he wasn't the nicest talking about you. My feeling is I know you better the I know ~im, as he is known to me only through Peter. No peter never told me about your drug problem not that it would make a differenc, to me. I think I told you I am non judgmental and I am no angB~, just that I am not a killer. People don't impress me when they talk about other people and I fugured wha.t he had to say WaB self serving. hey guy I got to cut out as I am way behind with letter just wanted to get this one back to you. tRke care and don't beat it too hard •••• I don't just often. ha ha.
  • 4. eg e t'f[O I trust that your b8nd dste is com1n~ 910ng Did they do arJythin~ wi th the name? "Final Solution" doesn't sound all t et ba.d. ':y nephew is cnlJedBl-'ody ~,~es;: and his bp~d is called the scabs. AYlot1:1ero;u7 I kno'.'.' is mn a band called Pig Pen out of New York. Reg8rdingSilence of the Lambs Hey it waS a fair movie but I can't see all that hype. I agree that Jodie and Hopkins did a great job. The movie ab'Jut me is out go t fair revi ews in Ca.-Ylada but from what I heerd its r super cop movi e 1,d th a lot of fentasy. I know from ",hat I hAve heard there is alot of ~arbpc:"e in it. Like they Fl model of my house on the studio lot and its nothing: like the layout of "7 h 'use. in the ~ec room the? hcl"':Te 8. gun end tbey :If'Vler fOUYld any guns in my house as I never owned any brck then. Then it suppose to se t1:1e last ten da.y before :r.y arrest, yet they have me going to 2.. hosuitel 8S pogo the ~lown, visj tinp; kids a0d putting hend cuf!"s on a kid in bed s<:>y'.nrr to the tvvo cops that were wi th 1:e: " Clowns can get 2.vvPy wi th :rurCl er" Helli to :nake the wonster i:.'Jae:e more renl they hav-- Brien Dennehy playincr: me ~nd he is 6' 5" while I was 5' 8:1,." end t'.-:e cop beins 5'7 while they got me 6' 5" 8Jln it 1-1as just the opposi teo The' Lt Kozenczak vlaS 6' 4" so they :r:ade it look like I W2.S c,"11in', him name end so:;-:e polish sleng, whsn in frct I had hi:n nick no.:ned "asshole" and even hElve his o"m officer c.sllinij him that durino; the time they were following me. E"ven that part was a joke. The times for 8 dnysthat the COpSI were '.'ri th :TIe I used to walk up to the:n tel them "'lhere I ''l,<).. S goine;: bec2use they ke0t get~in~ 18st followinr me. Hey I even tock them to dinner bars ni~ht spots introduced the~ to girls even tried to get t~o of them layed. Now you will never s~e that in the movie. but thets foctual. Hey I had nothin~ to hide so I waS friendly with the officers. So what was Naked Lunch about? I have been he8rin~ ebout it have so~neone gettiru ::r.e the book. as I talk ab-'ut it 111 th an ,ther ":Jerso'1 'r1:10 wri te to me. I agree "'lith YJU "'. S. :3urrougts is an odd or weird writer but once you have seen some of his stuff you can understand it since he wri te like a poem. I haven't seen too rna: 1 y of his cut up nO'1els, so if you have SOLle yo~r cone wl th I wouldn't
  • 5. .. Rendy Jones 402 Dern st Broo k1yn, I~ e;'; rk 11217 teD8sr 15th, 1991 Thanks for your letter of the 6th ·of .Sept. I am g to herr your off the vi t:1 .~ 6 1 en'l, but fro._ told e I of r cese. You k:no';; il you s its a fude of justice te::1 [1'1 C I happen , " to ree ~lth you. Hey ita still -f:t:18 bsst in th e vl0 rId, e.S ~·';:e .:.2.~"'t6 e11 8..c.vs~s Ju,S the m~vie the only t~inz I have hS9n to is thrt it will not r s year only in Canada. they ars doin~ is lookin r for s1" 0 .. co ericsls nJbody 8e8m to uch So Is I may.not be 8ble to stop it for now ~·.re hG,Ve them thin!ri!11j r.bout it. Our next move is in [;' :d th 8. l:;.'.'!sul t bee pus e any fi leTl p:.:'o j ec t ti from t'., 3.t cou try thr:?ts t~leir 18.""8. So you ::1 It li~e Philly peo e huh? Pic a fi'ht 1:ith t"e loc S you c en never 1'.'in, BO you "-vere sJ:e.rt to itT;:: :Jut 0 f tj';'r: er ',·.'in? I h::t.vsn f t heard fro ,J. in e. ')' tLne I f t ''-:em t to besi cS I haTP: :J ··8.'Y I i''1~' to cut SO" 6 0 ff tho t -:ey H belated ay 80 now you at 8 30 t s. I-I e bL: five- ~ But I e, -:::lad '"OU h ,0 £3000 one. OF you lil{s-d. 3t en , vIhile I 8.V·611.' t h 01"0 fro:":1 7J:le.ts t i 8 S'10 th er t for you, even ':;it~ getting t:'le vmr2e of it it S:]C'lc<s e ]'Ju in t suck~r ~unch. Hell her, jLlst 80 he ~:ouldn't .. e CJ1.1 s t e,G 1 do it ii:' ur 70in" r it, ri t? I l-:il1 try to {dvE: you f3 ce.l: d ~. the 1re if I CDn sst t~e phone.
  • 6. p e tV10 at ~!-- e sex, h 1 _ '.p l.l. t!~& ts V!}1E. t you C fIn e Dr t ten YEnrs. a~e it still C.J 83 once in 3. 1::h116, but once i t s c':s en I'O i 8 S :e en cell,s wera ere Sin e t~o h sve l:t it. I,?U2S :ro~) :C)uld c ., i t 8 e sex, I;louL t'.:in:;: ::Hlt C.t you s c2J.'1~:i 'Ie you. I don't eVED S O'~1 hc)l1cJ., 8.nd 30 u still can ~et it off f)ur tisGS 2 day so your west! : you u hes.r?e Vee Perr?l8.n fir If. "'"'hen you ::r;ye Jeffery Deh:l1er i t3 tc) cost h12 2n nr~ n( leg. fo r no':r, 1., ':I a "" , ; ; ; /./ -"'."~ i./ John I
  • 7. Hi Ho REndy, • It,' Randy Jones 402 Dean 3t. 3rooklyn, ~Tew' York 11217 July 7th, 91 eived your letter on the 3rd, I trust that you had a good holid So you got to see hO~'r the justice system "lorks, "nile I am not sure you vote you can ')l,?m.e it on the blind public. In a.,.'1.y case :)8fore it Gets 1;etter now t~~<?t 3ush haS got the TJ.3. Supreme court to So 8.11 the vlay to the right. 8 ..nd soon you will e livinp; in f? police ste.te. Yet the dumb fuck people think 8,11 these 181," just effect prisoner. You reI? ze since Reagan then -:Ccsh heve be n in office they elected five justices to the court end. every leo"t one of them conservBtives. Think I an kidding, in the fe'iT years tte fo11oVIinS has been past. Illegally ohtei:1ed evidence c"'n be used ainst you. Fo'''ced Confession can ~,e used nst you p People cen he he.rassed wi thout justifi Ie ce.. use. And people can be detained ""'i thout charc::;e. as '1ell 8.8 other ruling 1/rhich )'leaken individu rip:ht~J in fevor of the police /state. Now they just ruled that victim impact evidence c an be us ed in dea,th pen ty cases. Th 8. t meB..nS they c en s e.nythins in court room 1tli thout even pro'lin!"" it, kind of like actin.f!. Go get them if you think your right Ise e.rrest is serious I heve 100 million dollrr sui t for De ae;c:dnst ivron,ccful conviction And to dF.te I heve 846 Ilion Ilion in "ro::l,~ful de::'th e.ctions at:;:'1.inst 'Cle. YOi-! if my cese get re'Jersed all these eui t ar:.!" st n6 f 1 and :nine et pending. 1;ut its a fucked up syste:r:, as I 8':1 not in terf' S ted 1n the :non ey as m..;ch as freed,01:1.'~ut they ~dll d ~ t:"pi r'::: st to bloc:{ the.t DB 1 t 1'liJuld me'1n they r,re 8.11 1 ty in illy actions, so its 'Jetter' to ki:l one perso~ then to admit they did not do th r jo~s ~roDerly. So t 1:1e you think you, 'Jave 1 t to ':<J:h jus t thl::1~l{ of market has b en 'bet .. er f'or you nO'H I:' d?ys I p.8su:r:e r'JnY J 1s ~)ette:."'" then none et 1. Hey its too o:<d you cen'''' cook eS the e is ah.rays a ne for them
  • 8. page tl;m I see you finally got your nd on another and yO'-lr goine: to let ':~·tef go. I v.,rould say your doing the right thing as there too m[my ot:lers out there. so fuck it like you seide :':e;:r your not e.lone I have not heard from Pete ei tlJ6r end COLl' care leGS if I do not heBr from hi~ ain. t~ere are to so I am conc erne:~ 1'7i th peopl e like thC't. I am sure yo u heven' t 10 s t eUy sleep over him. e guy has plo t goi ~.r:' fo r him cua c nl1 t t hcndle it. You would think he ',,,ould have le8rned to st"y a'Ilf.:W fro::! pt b1 tch 1'ho p"ot him all these pro''Jlems end find :mother. Of coo.rse I think ?clot hilS to do 1'ri th hi~ 7rowins up ~n~ actln~ responsi~le too don't you think? The guy8rian Hunter has the bc.Ild Pig Pen I think End fj,ny';e.y "'e t'::ink ':e is hot shit coming from Indiana. Hey I treated him like fR~ily of CDurse: helped him o~t even :{ew' York '-[here I got so:r:.eone of my ·.)eo e to Get him 8.. job '::1 th TUrner subscriptions, as room J.:ena.ger, no'.,-' I heer he is fuckinG that up too. en he want to run Hi th Joel Coleman, }Terle Allin, 8,nd hopefully G.G. Allin no'.'; thst he is out of prison think they will cut a record a he l..-ill ake ":;L~ tLr:e. Only t::-ouhle is he fucks over people 'r11"':1 you help hiEl end is '" nell'"' dropper. I have nothinc; einst :·j.m just f,:; el one 0 f thes e dey s he is goin,;" t::> burn tt e "rron~ 'frio ~e and set fucked. I think he is his 01'1"n ,.vorse enemy. I am sure you kno the type or have run into them. His vrord means nothing ?S he doesn't keep it. ~ey I dontt claim to ~e perfect, but I know I a~ not ~uilty of whFt I was chEr ed with, and I know bein~ this f nt?sy inf mous celebrity, I have to 0 watch for people using me. Eut so f8r I have been fair at ~ickin~ people to ',,:ri te too'ut every once in a. 1:1h1le I run into the sleazey one '1:1:;ch I guess co es vri th ':::9~ ng 30 w.Bll known even if i:'8 '!ibc.t 9:et De hot is when they 0:0 public ','ri th hue ahi t Bno a.ttorney tell me I can't cO::1e ')1?ck 1?t th.em becrmse I 8.:'1 8. public figure ate bullshit. Hey I never asked for it nor I f1;iye intervie,,{s, T:lJT f'L-;ht is ';-'ith the 18<: systS:12, there I C:hJ doine;: fine. Now I he1"Y' SQ::!e j erIc is '1:e'dng s 210vi e 8":10. I '-11 to sue the:n to stop i t. t8~{e cer" for nO',1 'rri te l·:hen you C'3n.
  • 9. Randy Jones 402 DeanSt. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217 August,9th, 1992 Greetings Randy, Hey guy whats goin~ on, thanks for your letter hope things are goin~ well for you. So you liked the photo, thats good as there are not many around as I don I. give them out to many people. By the way yes th~lts gray at my ap:e, hey what do you expect I have aged 25 yepy>s in the last 12. I /'lm certa.1n you would too if you had to deal wi th the frustration that I have hed too. So yes its gray and now its short as well e.S I ~ave taken most of it off so it shows Ie s brown now. But don1t ever think just because their is snow on the roof that the fire is out in this old man, as I could still show anyone a good time. ha ha Hey your the best judge as to who should see the photo I ~ave it to you. the people who took it have it copyrighted like just about anything on me. See thats w'~at I mean about feelin;:r more like a product then a person at times. 1..fost people around me are in it for the money a;~d being involved. Sorry to hear of your 108s to the AIDS thing. and I agree wi th you about the way our governement handled it scsring people into thinking that it NaS just a guy pro lem when it never was, and even if it were who care, they should have aidresses it like any other. But that the would be 10:JkinQ: at a caring type· of people and this society is not they are all judgemental asshole who think I! if your li:::."'estyl:e is not like t hey want it to me then its not natural. hey fuck them. people should learn to live their o·'.u Ilves,Fno ,>,'6 a1 ~ V'oul,~ he better off. Thats the trouble t:1ey worry more about putting IpbellJ and fi ttin~ you into groups so they can feel better about themselves. I better drop the subject as you don't want to get me started on these fucking assholes. I just hope George Bush is in the unemployment linr-s come November. Tims for a change and Clinton and Gore anrl others li"re hi:n cen do it. Hey its time w" started thinldng American and not selling us out to the forei~n t:1)overnmen ts. weunder Geek Bush ~'rorry more about 0 thers who are homel ess and not eati':1g before we are conc erned about our own. My way of thinking un til
  • 10. page two every person in this country is fed a,,:d under roaf, end a.ll w;rking t at "rant to be "lve have no business R:oing outside thpse shores. Hey let them find out what Republicen trickle dOlffi economic is. Hell thats what they hAve dane to this country, rich get richer and the poor or workin~ class are homeliesB. Hey Protective custody,things still happen and th~y hav"'- f.1;sng members in there as well. 1vhat you still have to do is tP!3ffi up '.'<!ith someone and take care of each others needs. i ts go~ng to happen so you might as 1-lell pick someone out you can get alonG; with. there is no such thing as doing y::)Ur own time as they wan It 1 et you. You call it repe,its either th2t or consent to stay a ive unless you t""1[6 enough money. this is jungle la.w and the strong make the rules. Hey your 1 ving a quiet type life just the 1:ray I am for now.I keep up doing most o~ "iat you mention and takE c"re of myT.m needs iv~en it cames 'Jp. h~ ha. Yes I did get a letter from E.J. since he WaS hear just wrote him bael{ about a ' ..,.,e k ago he didn It much to say just that he waS backing a"l"8Y from everyone and justbdoing his music "I",i h his band and waS goin 7 to be go inn; :ut of state doing so gi<zs. Still wai tin:! for him to fill out the new bio sheet. most who don I t or won I t well I am just wri ting them off as who needs them. I am a sharing ;;erson and if they ,.,ant to be just one vray then fuck them I still ':'lave meny others who share in their letters wi th me and no sub,j"?ct is off lim1 t& to me jus t as long s tl~. at Jerson 1 s willing to be the Same '''ay. Hey what I know is private 80 its not as if e.ny.:ms is going to find out vlh?t anyone says to :nee I hear all kinds of things and share in the Brme we.y when people are open and h:JnAst end you know I am not judge':1ental of anything. I dislike phoney people who can I t be h:mest 1,,,1 th t':1emselves or they com"'- across wi th this macho bullshi t as if I .~ive a fuck. like they are better then you. Hey fuckem. At least I am honest '.. . ith myself and I try to surround myself with people 'iho ar' the same 'day willing to sha e whatever they want and are not ashamed of who they are or what they have done. know what I mean? Hey I got two Bukowski books now, Told you I had a frie!1d who would send them
  • 11. pge three oneS call ed "Women" and the other is call ed tf Notes of a dirty old man." Hey you think he was trying to tell me something? Women i9 the one we talked about some time ago. Hey I 8eem to have lost your phone number, but not sure if you would want to h ar from me anyway as I know its a cost factor. But I sure "lould like to talk to you some time, but I will lea~re that up to you if your going to 8 end it again or if you want to talk. Let you go for now, t8,ke ca"'e for now let me know what your up too and whats been going on. catch you later, John