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What is Six Sigma?
• A strategy to become world-class through process

• An emphasis on better, faster, lower cost

• An evaluation of all aspects of a business

• A definition of value from the customer’s perspective

• A focus on knowledge-based decision making

• A commitment to cultural change

• A journey, not a destination

• Many people are responsible for designing, analyzing, and
  maintaining business processes.

   – Project Champions
   – Process Owners
   – Master Black Belts (MBBs)
   – Black Belts (BBs)
   – Green Belts (GBs)
• Each one of the team member plays an important role in the
  project during various phases.
Six Sigma Roles

• Six Sigma Improve projects include the following key roles.

              Black Belt            Green Belt           Master Black Belt

              Project Champion       Project Sponsor        Process Owner

         Along with Subject Matter Experts, these roles are critical to the
                        success of the Six Sigma project.
Basics of Variation

• Process improvements are driven by the understanding of

    • Is the process on target? If not, where is the process center?
    • How variable are the scores around the center?
    • What is the shape of the distribution?
    • Is it bell-shaped, skewed, symmetric?
  Over Time
    • How does the process behave over time?

                      Variation = Uncertainty
The Customer’s Perspective

•   The results of the variation show up as:

    Good or Bad?
    • The payment is applied to the right account
    • The payment is not applied to the account

    On Time or Not?
    • The payment is applied right on time
    • The payment shows up too soon/too late

•   So what are our options?
                           Variation = Uncertainty
Key Phases of the Six Sigma Methodology

•   Six Sigma methodology provides a framework to systematically improve critical processes.
    While each approach is slightly different, they draw upon the same set of tools to deliver
    results. • Six Sigma Improve

                       Define       Measure        Analyze     Improve       Control     Leverage

             • Six Sigma Design

                       Define            Measure         Analyze         Design         Execute

             • Six Sigma Process Management

                       Define           Mobilize        Measure          Identify       Manage

            • Six Sigma Management Disciplines
                       Define       Measure        Analyze     Improve        Control    Leverage
DMAICL Overview – Our Methodology

• Six Sigma Improve Measure a phased format.
                    follows           Improve                               Control         Leverage

        Define the      Measure the    Analyze the     Improve the     Control the    Share the results
        customer and    process and    data and        process with    new process    with other areas
        project scope   validate the   identify        pilot and DOE
                        measurement    solutions

        The most successful Six Sigma projects ensure key outcomes are achieved
        within each phase. However, it is not a linear process.
        You will see the phases overlap. For example, Leverage starts in early Define.

                             DMAICL – An Iterative process
Capability and DPMO
                          How good are we today?

       Process                 Defects per Million     Process
      Capability                 Opportunities          Yield

            2s                  308,537              69.1463%
            3s                   66,807              93.3193%
            4s                     6,210             99.3790%
            5s                       233             99.9767%
            6s                        3.4            99.9997%
(Includes   1.5s Mean Shift)

                   What does it mean to our customers?
Define: Process

• High level process to complete the Define Phase
                  Select        Define     Develop
    Define                                             Obtain
                Black Belt     Problem     Project
    Project                                           Approval
                and Team      Statement     Plan

  • CT Tree   • Determine    • Project    • AEPM     • Project
  • QFD         Roles          Charter                 Charter
Measure: Process

   • High level process to complete the Measure Phase

                      Collect Data &
 Establish                                           Determine the Vital few
                   determine goodness
 Baseline                                        drivers of the business problem
                     of data collected

• Capability   •   Create Data Collection Plan       • Pareto
  Analysis     •   Decide Sampling Strategy            based on
               •   Collect Data                        the 80/20
• Stability
               •   Measure System Analysis             principle
Analyze: Process

• High level process to complete the Analyze Phase
     Document        Determine               Refine
     Causes that      Failure               Sampling
                                                                  Vital X’s
    Impact the Y      Modes                   Plan

   • Fishbone      • FMEA                • Sample Guidelines   • T-Test, ANOVA
                                         • FMEA                • Test of Equal Variance
                                                               • Chi Square
                                                               • Regression
                                                               • 2 Proportions

                       Finalize            Understand               Assess
                       Vital X’s           Entitlement               Risk

                   • Subgroup the data   • Zst (shift)         • FMEA
                                         • Process Report
                                         • Product Report
Improve: Process

• High level process to complete the Improve Phase
     Plan                       Perform
  Experiment                  Experiment
                        • Fractional Factorial DOE      • Predictive Equation
                        • Full Factorial DOE            • Residual Analysis

                 Extract                     Develop                            Determine
               Predictive                  Improvement                           Improve
               Equation                      Options                             Strategy
           • Mean, Variance               • Solution Design              • Solution Design
                                            Matrix                         Matrix

    Predict                                                     Validate
                              Implement                        Improved
                               Solution                       Performance

                                                          • 2 sample T    •Test for Equal Variances
                                                          • ANOVA         •Chi Square
                                                          • Regression    •2-Proportions
Control: Process

• High level process to complete the Control Phase

         Mistake                  Develop
        Proof New                Feedback
                                                       Old Process
         Process                Mechanism

     • Fishbone               • X-Bar and R,           •Process Maps
     • FMEA                   • I&MR
     • Mistake Proofing       • P Chart
     • SOP’s                  • C Chart
                              • Trigger Points
                              • Process Control Plan
                              • Scorecard
Leverage: Process

• High level process to complete the Leverage Phase

             Determine                                  Share Best
             Translation                                  Practices
            Opportunities                                in R6/MIS

           • CT Tree                                  • R6/MIS
           • Process Maps                             • Rewards and

        By using R6/MIS from the beginning of your project, you may be
        able to find pertinent research that can be leveraged towards
        your own project.
Always begin with implementing pilot solutions
Why Pilot Solutions?
Solutions are piloted to:

• Better understand the improvement effectiveness
• Lower overall risk prior to full scale roll-out
• Predict overall cost/benefits and COPQ impact
• Justify further investments
• Identify potential new issues that may not have been considered
How To Pilot Solutions?
 When implementing solutions:

• Select a small scale roll-out of improvements in the actual process
• Choose a small segment that is in urgent need of change (test
  markets, software launches, control groups, power users)
• Walk the new process and gather data!
• Use hypothesis testing to verify results (Were the desired results
Sustaining Process Improvements
Key elements to consider in sustaining a desired state:

        • Make the PROCESS independent of the PEOPLE

        • Make the OUTCOME robust to variation from the

        • DESIGN OUT other potential sources of variation

   We need ensure your process has attained the a stabilized state
            without any external control mechanisms
Quality Improvement
Project Management Toolkit
Project Management Toolkit

•   Project Execution
•   Project Story board
•   Project scoring & GB certification
•   Governance process
     – Customer ( Status Report format )
     – FCI leadership ( Mentors )
     – FORUM ( draft enclosed )
     One day Quality training plan
Green Belt Project: Suggested Tools

     Define           Measure                    Analyze              Improve                  Control

•Project Charter   •Process Map                •FMEA( Upto RPN)   •Mistake Proofing        •SOPs/DIs
                   •Gage R&R                   •Fish Bone         •Solution Design         •FMEA
                   •Process Baseline/Sigma •T – Test                                       •3 Data Points
                                                                  •Fractional Factorial
                   •Fish Bone                  •Test for Equal                             •Fish Bone
                   •QFD                                                                    •Mistake Proofing
                                                                  •Full Factorial DOE
                   •Benchmarking                                                           •X-Bar & R Chart
                                                                  •Residual Analysis
                                               •Chi Square Test
                   •Surveys                                                                •I & MR Chart
                                                                  •Equation for Mean
                   •Regulations                                                            •P – Chart
                                                                  •Equation for Variance
                                               •2 – Proportions
                   •Run Chart                                                              •C – Chart
                                                                  •2 – Sample t – Test
                                               •Box Plot
                   •Normality Test
                   •Fulfillment Calculations
                                                                  •Test for Equal
                                               •Pareto Chart
                                               •Scatter Diagram
                                                                  •2 – Proportions
Project Name
                        Project No:
          Start Date:                 End Date:

Project Charter
Project Name
                           Project No:
             Start Date:                 End Date:

Define   Tools Used        Objective          Result   Conclusion





Project Name
                           Project No:
             Start Date:                 End Date:

Measure   Tools Used        Objective          Result   Conclusion





Project Name
                            Project No:
              Start Date:                 End Date:

Analyze    Tools Used        Objective          Result   Conclusion





Project Name
                            Project No:
              Start Date:                 End Date:

Improve    Tools Used        Objective          Result   Conclusion





Project Name
                            Project No:
              Start Date:                 End Date:

Control    Tools Used        Objective          Result   Conclusion





Project Name
                               Project No:
                 Start Date:                 End Date:

Leverage       Tools Used        Objective          Result   Conclusion






Details of tools to be stored in PACE / Shown during scoring of
Project Name
                                      Project No:
                        Start Date:                 End Date:

• Sign off by process owner on results achieved
• Sign off by PMA on Financials
Scoring Methodology

                           Tools                             Points

Project Charter                                                     5
Problem Statement                                                        1
Goal Statement                                                           1
Defect                                                                   1
Others (Project Plan , roles & resposibilities etc.)                     2

Process Map                                                         4
Level 1 to 3 or lower Provided                                          2.5
Flow (Volumes/Rates)                                                    0.5
Cycle (Rework/Delays)                                                   0.5
Value (VA / NVA)                                                        0.5

Gage R & R                                                          2
Set-up - overall approach                                               0.5
Setup - operator selection explained                                    0.5
Setup - sample size (# of attributes: 30 Discrete, 10 Continuous)       0.5
Setup - 3 operators                                                     0.5

Sigma Level                                                         1
Operational Definition Provided                                         0.5
Setup. 3 Operators                                                      0.5

Fish Bone                                                           2
6 Bones used as defined                                                 0.5
Head of the Fish is a detailed problem statement                        0.5
Ask Why at least 3 times                                                0.5
Low level bones are measurable and actionable                           0.5

Other Tools                                                         1
F M EA                                                                                             5
                  A ll lo w le ve l b o n e s in c lu d e d                                                               2
                  S o rt e d b y R P N n u m b e rs                                                                       2
                  C O P Q a s s o c ia t e d w it h e a c h lo w le ve l b o n e                                          1

                  O th e r T o o l s                                                                                 5

Im p ro v e
                  M i sta k e P ro o fi n g                                                                          3

                  R e a l i se d B e n e fi ts( 1 p e r F T E )                                                      3

                  S o l u ti o n D e si g n M a tri x                                                                2
                  D e s ig n s e le c t e d fo r im p le m e n t a t io n in c lu d e s M is t a k e P ro o fin g         1
                  D e s ig n s e le c t e d c o n s is t e n t w it h P ro je c t C h a rt e r fin a n c ia ls            1

                  O th e r T o o l s                                                                                 2

C o n tro l
                  S OP s + DI s                                                                                      4
                  F M EA                                                                                             2
                  C o n tro l C h a rt w i th 3 D a ta P o i n ts                                                    2
                  O th e r T o o l s                                                                                 2

L e v e ra g e S h a ri n g        P ro j e c t L e a rn i n g s                                                    2.5
                  I d e n ti fi c a ti o n                                                                          2.5

                  M a x i m u m P o i n ts                                                                          50

                  P o i n ts R e q u i re d fo r C e rti fi c a ti o n ( I n c a se o f m u l ti p l e
                  p ro j e c ts, th e m a x p o i n ts i n e a c h P h a se a re
                  c o n si d e re d )                                                                               35
Project Name
                                            Start Date:                    End Date:

    Define                 Measure                    Analyze                          Improve                Control

Problem Statement                                                             Key achievements:
The objective of this project is to identify solutions for                    • Potential solution for removing the
reducing the card member remittance suspension and                            root cause identified .
improving the auto-match so that card member can get
credit on the same day in Japan market                                        • List of Main root causes created

Benefit Summary ( Flexibility / Speed / Value                                 Risks/Challenges
/ Quality )
Value                     39K
ATM network in Japan
                                                                              Next Steps/Counter Measures
Tools Used
Projects Tracking Metrics

Metric No. Metric           Numerator                   Denominator POD Z M->     Jan '02   Feb '02   Mar '02
          Projects          No of Projects not        Total No. of           Z     1.71      1.71      1.82
          Registered in     registered in PACE.       Projects             DPMO   416667    416667    375000
          PACE                                        Identified for       Num      10        10         9
                                                      Registeration        Den      24        24        24
          Project Charter   No. of Registered         Total No. of           Z      2          2         6
          in PACE           Projects in which Project Projects Put in      DPMO   466667    333333       0
                            Charter not put in PACE PACE                   Num      7          5         0
                                                                           Den      15        15        15
          Fortnightly SDL   No of Projects in which     Total No. of SDL     Z      6          6         6
          Review            the fortnightly SDL         Reviews to be      DPMO   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!
                            Reviews did not happen      conducted.         Num      0          0         0
                                                                           Den      0          0         0
          Monthly BL        No of Projects in which     Total No. of BL      Z      6          6         6
          Reviews           the monthly BL Reviews      Reviews to be      DPMO   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!
                            did not happen              conducted.         Num      0          0         0
                                                                           Den      0          0         0
          Fortnightly       No of Projects in which     Total No. of         Z      6          6         6
          Project Status    the fortnightly PSR did     PSRs to be         DPMO   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!
          Report (PSR)      not reported                reported           Num      0          0         0
                                                                           Den      0          0         0
          FTEs achieved     No of FTEs not achieved     Total No. of         Z      6          6         6
          Per Plan          per plan                    FTEs Per Plan      DPMO     0          0      #DIV/0!
                                                                           Num      0          0         0
                                                                           Den      1          1         0
          Projects Closed No of Projects not closed Total No. of             Z      0          1         6
                          per plan                  Projects planned       DPMO   875000    666667    #DIV/0!
                                                    for closure            Num      7          2         0
                                                                           Den      8          3         0
          Closure Report    No of projects where       Total No of           Z      6          6         6
          in PACE           Project Closure report not Projects            DPMO     0          0      #DIV/0!
                            put in PACE                identified for      Num      0          0         0
                                                       Closure             Den      1          1         0
What Is a Metric ?

A metric is a statistic or parameter that is expressed as a number which
explains the nature of an event , process or noun. It is usually a
response to how much , how small , how big or an expression of time

a) Length of our trousers
b) Time to get to the office
c) Chest size
d) Tyre Pressure etc.
e) Marks received in school

 To Appreciate the need for Metrics Let us hear the Story Of Darji Aflatoon
Saalon Pehle Ek Darji tha
Naam tha Darji Aflatoon .         Andaza lagaya tha usne
Usko mila main aur kaha           Kahe mujhe hai Faster Trick
“Bana do mere liye, ek Patloon”   Isme lage nahin metric

“Par Tum Karna Thodi Jaldi        Kismat Thi Meri Bekaar
Kyunki parson hai meri Shaadi”    Samjha Anadi ko Hoshiyaar
Darji Aflatoon bada hoshiyaar
Kahe Sabhi Ko Baram Baaar         Aisa tha Darji Aflatoon
“Jo ayega Mere Dwar               Ban gayi Nikkar Meri Patloon.
Kar Doon uska Baeda Paar”
                                  Darkhwaast Yaaron se Karta Hoon
                                  Mat Ban na tum Aflatoon
Main abhi ispe shuru hota hoon
Parson le jana apni Patloon
                                  Isstemaal na Karna Uski Trick
Din Gaya aur Parson Aaya ,        Apne Banwao Tum Metric
Dil mera har pal muskaya,         Har Roz Bharo apne Metric
                                  Har Roz Padho Apne Metric
Gaya mein lene apni patloon
                                  Isstemaal Karo Tum Metric
Tabhi Mila Darji Aflatoon.

Bola Patloon hai Taiyaar
Abhi Daal Kar Dekho Yaar
Such Items ( Those That don’t have Metrics around them - Difficult to
Understand) are dealt with in a Separate Subject.

There are People who specialize in this Subject These Subjects are not
                                                dealt with in Science ,
They are known as………... Philosophers            Commerce , Medicine etc.
 So What Subjects are their pet Subjects :
•Love          Others would say that these don’t have any degree and
•Grief         hence don’t need any metric to measure .ie. You are either
•Happiness     honest or you are dishonest. There is no 80% honesty.You
•Honesty       are either in Love or you are not . It doesn’t make sense to
               say that one is 30% in Love.

 Since it cannot be checked that is why some people make a roaring
 Business out of telling people whether they are in Love or not. Some Use
 Questionnaires ; the others use ………………. Stars

However you can have metrics to measure how many persons in a
population are happy or in Love at any given time.
Why do we need metrics in business ? :

Metrics      Understanding       Control       Improvement        Survival

A business would need metrics at every level of its management hierarchy
a) Track requirements
b) Performance
c) Prevent problems
a) Number of effective Person hours available
b) % Downtime or Utilisation of a machine
c) Total Inventory of Goods
d) Amount of Work -In - Process
e) Revenue generated
f) % errors
g) Volume of Demand
h) Turnaround time
I) Absenteeism rates
j) Return On Investment etc.etc...
If we don’t measure and track these critical business metrics then :
a) no body can understand what is happening .
b) we will not be able to decide anything
c) if we decide it will be based on feelings not facts
d) if we decide we shall not know the results of a decision
e) Your colleagues can not know if your performance is good or bad
f) We will not know if we should invest , spend or save
---- in short complete chaos.
What is Six Sigma? :

Six Sigma is a customer focussed process improvement management
approach that promises near perfect quality or 3.4 defects per million
opportunities. This is a level of Perfection that all world class organisations
are aspiring to .
This management process has Six Steps :
Define, Measure , Analyze , Improve ,Control and Leverage

The Beginning of Six Sigma approach is Define which requires the
availability of Metrics. Hence Six Sigma cannot begin without Metrics.
What are Six Sigma Metrics?:
Six Sigma as a management philosophy focuses on the customer . It
focuses on what the customer ( internal or external ) expects and not on
what the current paradigms dictate as possible.

 So Who is a Customer ?
Customer is any person who is the recepient of your process
output. A colleague, Your TL, SDL, BL or any external person
who uses information etc. provided by you.

Metrics that capture key customer requirements or the ones which are
key to delivering these expectations are known as Six Sigma Metrics.

In context of American Express we need to measure those metrics that
are critical to our three constituencies viz. Customers , Employees and
QFD : Quality Function Deployment

Six Sigma methodology offers us a tool which is known as QFD or
Quality Function Deployment. This tool is used for the following
purposes :

• Capture the Voice of the Customer to establish all his needs.

• Find out the Customers’ rating of the importance of various needs.

• Transfer this importance to internal company processes.

• Develop metrics that focus on critical process performance.

• Prioritization of Metrics that need improvement . ( Projects)
When Should we use QFD ? :

We should use QFD in following cases :

a) When the Voice of the customer has not been captured and no metrics
exist to track performance.

b) Metrics have been developed , metric performance is good yet
customer satisfaction is either stagnant or deteriorating ( Customer
complaints are rising)

c) Market share is stagnant or being lost.

d) It is also used for designing of Products and Processes
QFD Detailed Methodology :
1. Define your customer and make the SIPOC diagram.
   Your Customer is the person who uses the output of your process.
   Eg. Market finance personnel or function , your TL, BL etc.

 The SIPOC Diagram : Puts into Perspective the Broad Picture of the
 Process and the end Parties involved.

   Supplier     Inputs            Process       Output        Customer

       S          I                P              O              C

  List your   List the       Name the          List the       List the
  Supplier    Inputs recd.   Process Here      Outputs        Customers
  here        From the                         provided to    here.
              supplier                         the
              here                             customer
Supplier      Inputs            Process        Output        Customer

       S           I                 P              O               C

  List your    List the       Name the           List the       List the
  Supplier     Inputs recd.   Process Here       Outputs        Customers
  here         From the                          provided to    here.
               supplier                          the
               here                              customer

Each Output may be considered as a product that you supply to the customer
or you may consider the set of outputs as a single product.

If you consider the set of Outputs as a single product then you must find out
what is the relative importance of the various outputs and its relevance to the

Select the product for which you want to develop the metrics. And then
perform the detailed QFD on the same.
2. Write down the Categories of Customer Expectation
   The World Over Customer Expectation in the service sector may be
   classified into 9 categories which are :
 1) Performance : How well does the service provider perform its stated function.
 (Adherence to SLA viz. time , Accuracy)
 2) Capacity : Does it have the capacity to handle my volumes ? Spikes
 3) Reliability: How reliable is the process ?, How often does it break down? (Exception to
 SLA , churn , control )
 4) Time to deliver : How much time does it take to install ( migrate a new process ?)? How
 much time does it take to process a special or new request ? How flexible is the process ?
 5) Ease of Use :The service is easy to use. Length or number of steps it takes a customer to
 avail of a particular process output / information .
 6) Response to Queries / complaints : How quickly and how well are the complaints or
 queries resolved?
 7) Accessible & Courteous: Is it easy to approach the service provider ? Does the service
 provider respond positively to customer opinions and needs ?
 8) Safety : How safe is the service in terms of Privacy ? BCP , Financial Exposure
 9) Aesthetics (Report Formats)
2. Put your self in the shoes of your customer and think of the specific
requirements that he / she may have in each of the categories of
Customer Expectations as shown in the figure

   S.No          Customer Expectations
     1       Performance
   1.1      Accuracy of Process
   1.2      Time taken to process
     2       Capacity
   2.1      Ability to handle Volume Spikes
     3       Reliability
   3.1      How often does it give errors beyond SLA
   3.2      How often does it exceed timelines
   3.3      How good is the control system ( Audits)
     4      Time To Deliver
    4.1   How much time does it take to deliver a new request
    4.2   Flexibility Of the Process
    4.3   Time to Migrate a new Process
     5      Ease Of Use
    5.1    No. Of Steps to avail of a Particular Information
    5.2    (----------)
    5.3    (----------)
This break down is done for each of the categories of customer expectation for
a particular process
Arrange the ratings that you gave in the left side of the Matrix as shown

  S.No         Customer Voice                                   Rating
    1       Performance
  1.1      Accuracy of Process should be High                    5
  1.2      Time taken to process should be low                   3
    2       Capacity
  2.1      Ability to handle Volume Spikes should be high         1
    3       Reliability
  3.1    How often does it give errors beyond SLA                 5
  3.2    How often does it exceed timelines                       5
  3.3    There should be no surprises to the customer             4
    4      Time To Deliver
  4.1    New requests should be processed quickly                 4
  4.2    Processes should be flexible                             3
  4.3    Time to customize for a new feature / reqmt. Is less     2
    5      Ease Of Use
   5.1    No. Of Steps to avail of a Particular Information       3
   5.2    (----------)
   5.3    (----------)
4. Approach the Customers you defined in the 1st Step and request them
to check the requirements you put in and the ratings you gave on behalf of
the customers and record their feed back as shown.
Customers' Rating
           er Need    C1       C2       C3      C4       C5    Average
              1.1      5        4        5       3        4      4.20
              1.2      4        3        5       4        5      4.20
              2.1      4        5        4       5        4      4.40
              3.1      5        5        5       5        5      5.00
              3.2      2        1        1       2        2      1.60
              3.3      1        1        2       2        1      1.40
              4.1      4        5        4       5        3      4.20
              4.2      3        2        1       2        3      2.20
              4.3      2        2        2       2        2      2.00
              5.1      5        4        5       5        4      4.60
              5.2      4        3        5       4        5      4.20
              5.3      2        1        1       1        2      1.40
              5.4      1        2        2       1        1      1.40
              6.1      3        2        2       4        3      2.80
              6.2      3        4        2       3        3      3.00
              7.1      5        5        4       5        4      4.60
              7.2      4        4        5       3        4      4.00

5.Transfer this average rating to your QFD matrix on the left side as shown
Company / Process

S.N                              C.Ratin
      Customer Voice
o                                g
      Accuracy of reports
1.1                               4.20
      should be high
      Time to Process should
1.2                               4.20
      be low
      Ability to Handle Volume
2.1                               3.60
      30% spikes effectively
      Freq. Of errors beyond
3.1                               4.40
      Freq of exceeding
3.2                               5.00
      Good Controls ( Audits /
3.3                               1.60
      Quick Delivery of new
4.1                               1.40
       Process should be
4.2                               4.20
      Time to customise for a
4.3                               2.20
      new process
      Steps to avail
5.1                               2.00
6. Now Brainstorm what company metric would reflects and what
company metric is related to the customer need and write these in the
Top Row of the QFD matrix as shown.

                                                                                                                                                   process till customer
                                                                                     Rework Time PPM

                                                                                                                             Time to incorporate

                                                                                                                                                                                              No . Of Exceptions
                                                                                                       Time to deliver spl

                                                                                                                                                    No Of Steps in the
                                               Errors per Report

                                                                                                                                                                           No Of Complaints
                                                                   Turnaround Time
         Company / Process


        S.No   Custom er Voice

               Accuracy of
         1.1   reports should be       4.20
               Time to Process
         1.2                           4.20
               should be low
               Ability to Handle
         2.1   Volume 30%              3.60
               spikes ef f ectively
               Freq. Of errors
         3.1                           4.40
               beyond SLA
               Freq of exceeding
         3.2                           5.00
               Good Controls (
         3.3   Audits /                1.60
               Quick Delivery of
         4.1                           1.40
               new requests
                Process should be
         4.2                           4.20
               f lexible
               Time to customise
         4.3                           2.20
               f or a new process
               Steps to avail
         5.1                           2.00
               Inf romation
7. Input the relationship strength in the cells as relevant and as
shown.Those company Metrics that have a strong relation to the
Customer Voice are given 9 , Those with Medium relation are given 3 and
the ones which have a weak relation are given 1.

                                                                                                                                          process till customer
                                                                            Rework Time PPM

                                                                                                                    Time to incorporate

                                                                                                                                                                                     No . Of Exceptions
                                                                                              Time to deliver spl

                                                                                                                                           No Of Steps in the
                                      Errors per Report

                                                                                                                                                                  No Of Complaints
                                                          Turnaround Time
 Company / Process


S.No    Custom er Voice

        Accuracy of
  1.1   reports should be     4.20     9                                                                                                                           3                  9                   Strong : 9
        Time to Process
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Medium : 3
  1.2                         4.20                         9                 3                                                                    1                                                       Weak :1
        should be low
        Ability to Handle
  2.1   Volume 30%            3.60                         9                 3                                                                    9                3                  3
        spikes effectively
        Freq. Of errors
  3.1                         4.40     3                                                                                                                           9
        beyond SLA
        Freq of exceeding
  3.2                         5.00                                           3                                                                                                        9
8.Now Multiply the relationship index with the weights given by the
customer and add to get the weighted importance of the company
metrics as shown.

                                                                                                                                            process till customer
                                                                              Rework Time PPM

                                                                                                                      Time to incorporate

                                                                                                                                                                                       No . Of Exceptions
                                                                                                Time to deliver spl

                                                                                                                                             No Of Steps in the
                                        Errors per Report

                                                                                                                                                                    No Of Complaints
                                                            Turnaround Time
     Company /

     Process Metric
   S.No   Custom er Voice

          Accuracy of
    1.1   reports should be     4.20     9                                                                                                                           3                  9
          Time to Process
    1.2                         4.20                         9                 3                                                                    1
          should be low
          Ability to Handle
    2.1   Volume 30%            3.60                         9                 3                                                                    9                3                  3
          spikes effectively
          Freq. Of errors
    3.1                         4.40     3                                                                                                                           9
          beyond SLA
          Freq of exceeding
    3.2                         5.00                                           3                                                                                                        9
                               Total    33.4                70.2              38.4                               0                     0          36.6                          63     93.6

The Highest Values indicate which metric is the most important from the
customers perspective.
This Completes QFD-I
9. QFD -II QFD - II is similar to QFD - I . The only difference is that the
           Process Metrics which were on the top row in QFD - I are
           transposed to the left most coloumn of the Matrix as shown along
           with the weighted ratings.

     Process Metric

     Turnaround Time     70.20

     No. Of Complaints   63.00
     No.Of Exceptions    93.60
10.   Now list the process activities , that result or contribute to the metrics
      listed on the left , on the Top of the Matrix as shown

                                                                                                                      Time per Transaction
                                                         No Of Errors in Input

                                                                                                No of Process Steps

                                                                                                                                             Throughput Time
                                       Uptime of Milli

                                                                                 Total Rework
          Process Metric

           Turnaround Time    70.20

          No. Of Complaints   63.00
          No.Of Exceptions    93.60
11. Now again input the relationship between Metrics on the Left viz.. the
Metrics on the top .

                                                                                                                  Time per Transaction
                                                     No Of Errors in Input

                                                                                            No of Process Steps

                                                                                                                                                           %age adherence to
                                                                                                                                         Throughput Time

                                                                                                                                                            escalation Norm
                                   Uptime of Milli

                                                                             Total Rework
      Process Metric

      Turnaround Time     70.20     9                 3                          3           9                     9                      9

      No. Of Complaints   63.00   3    9                           9
      No.Of Exceptions     93.60  1    3    9     3                9
                          Total 914.4 1058 1053 912.6 631.8 631.8 1409

  The metrics that have the max . Points become the CTx’ Metrics
So Finally what are the Metrics that I should Develop

As we have seen the QFD is a tool to capture the VOC and leverage that
VOC to extract and establish during its two phases the following :

QFD- I : The most important process Metrics relevant to the Customer
QFD -II: The most important activity Metrics that are critical to Customer

                                          Monitoring / Managing Frequency

                                               Once or Twice an Year

                         QFD- I Process Metric         Weekly or Monthly

                                  Activity Metric             Daily or Weekly
                   QFD- II         (Input or Driver)
Beware Of Pitfall

QFD is a tool. Remember that all tools are meant to assist Human thinking /
Working ; if the result is against your strongest rationale then you must check the
process again.
QFD is meant to help you manage better your customer & shareholder expectation
and thus helps to increase your effectiveness.

Hence if you believe that a metric that does not come out as a CTx is crucial , please
do monitor the same.

We must manage the Input or driver Metrics as they dictate our
performance and also monitor the Output Metrics as that is the result
of our management.
Project Management Analogy
                        E=8                      H=2

   A=1           B=4             F=6             G=1                   I=6


 Look at the above project activity diagram. The project timelines depend on
 the the path of the highlighted activities. which is known as the critical path.
 However it means that we need to give greater focus to the highlighted
 activities and must manage it very closely.
 This does not mean that the other activities do not need any management.
 If the other activities such as BFGC are not managed then there is a
 possibility that the critical path may itself shift.
 Hence if we meet daily to monitor the critical activities , then we must meet
 once a week to monitor the general activities lest they become critical.

 Remember the white house game analogy : To manage effectively we
 need metrics .This is where CSA is important to manage other activities
 or requirements.
The Panoramic View Of Metrics


            Critical            Process Metric
            Health                                 Six Sigma Metrics
                               Activity Metric

                                                         CSA Metrics
                       General Health Parameters
Six Sigma Metrics Review Mechanism
                               (key controls+
                      WCP                           Below POD
                             +exceptional driver)
                                                         > 50 %
            WCP-1                  BL                    Below Set Targets
                      (customer + exceptional drivers
        Review          based on defined threshold)        Hierarchy
                                SDL                               All Below
    WCP-1           (customer + exceptional drivers               Set Targets
                      based on defined threshold)
WCP-2                                                                   All
Finally :

• An error occurs due to two reasons only
      • Laziness
      • Ignorance
• Most Persons are not lazy
• Six Sigma is for helping the individual work smartly.
• Use those metrics that help you in managing your process and your
• Six Sigma Metrics will help you in managing your processes better but
only if you use it
• Six Sigma is recognized world wide as a Smart Approach to
• Six Sigma depends on Measurements.Infact it is a pre-condition for Six
Sigma to succeed
• Measurement seems a waste of Time initially
• If you choose your measure well you will manage well.
• If you manage well You will Succeed
• If you succeed your Company will Succeed
Zero defect

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  • 2. What is Six Sigma?
  • 3. • A strategy to become world-class through process improvement • An emphasis on better, faster, lower cost • An evaluation of all aspects of a business • A definition of value from the customer’s perspective • A focus on knowledge-based decision making • A commitment to cultural change • A journey, not a destination
  • 4. Process • Many people are responsible for designing, analyzing, and maintaining business processes. – Project Champions – Process Owners – Master Black Belts (MBBs) – Black Belts (BBs) – Green Belts (GBs) • Each one of the team member plays an important role in the project during various phases.
  • 5. Six Sigma Roles • Six Sigma Improve projects include the following key roles. Black Belt Green Belt Master Black Belt Project Champion Project Sponsor Process Owner Along with Subject Matter Experts, these roles are critical to the success of the Six Sigma project.
  • 6. Basics of Variation • Process improvements are driven by the understanding of variation. Center • Is the process on target? If not, where is the process center? Spread • How variable are the scores around the center? Shape • What is the shape of the distribution? • Is it bell-shaped, skewed, symmetric? Over Time • How does the process behave over time? Variation = Uncertainty
  • 7. The Customer’s Perspective • The results of the variation show up as: Good or Bad? • The payment is applied to the right account • The payment is not applied to the account On Time or Not? • The payment is applied right on time • The payment shows up too soon/too late • So what are our options? Variation = Uncertainty
  • 8. Key Phases of the Six Sigma Methodology • Six Sigma methodology provides a framework to systematically improve critical processes. While each approach is slightly different, they draw upon the same set of tools to deliver results. • Six Sigma Improve Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Leverage • Six Sigma Design Define Measure Analyze Design Execute • Six Sigma Process Management Define Mobilize Measure Identify Manage • Six Sigma Management Disciplines Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Leverage
  • 9. DMAICL Overview – Our Methodology • Six Sigma Improve Measure a phased format. Define follows Improve Control Leverage Analyze Define the Measure the Analyze the Improve the Control the Share the results customer and process and data and process with new process with other areas project scope validate the identify pilot and DOE measurement solutions system The most successful Six Sigma projects ensure key outcomes are achieved within each phase. However, it is not a linear process. You will see the phases overlap. For example, Leverage starts in early Define. DMAICL – An Iterative process
  • 10. Capability and DPMO How good are we today? Process Defects per Million Process Capability Opportunities Yield 2s 308,537 69.1463% 3s 66,807 93.3193% 4s 6,210 99.3790% 5s 233 99.9767% 6s 3.4 99.9997% (Includes 1.5s Mean Shift) What does it mean to our customers?
  • 11. Define: Process • High level process to complete the Define Phase Select Define Develop Define Obtain Black Belt Problem Project Project Approval and Team Statement Plan • CT Tree • Determine • Project • AEPM • Project • QFD Roles Charter Charter
  • 12. Measure: Process • High level process to complete the Measure Phase Collect Data & Establish Determine the Vital few determine goodness Baseline drivers of the business problem of data collected • Capability • Create Data Collection Plan • Pareto Analysis • Decide Sampling Strategy based on • Collect Data the 80/20 • Stability • Measure System Analysis principle Analysis
  • 13. Analyze: Process • High level process to complete the Analyze Phase Document Determine Refine Determine Causes that Failure Sampling Vital X’s Impact the Y Modes Plan • Fishbone • FMEA • Sample Guidelines • T-Test, ANOVA • FMEA • Test of Equal Variance • Chi Square • Regression • 2 Proportions Collect Finalize Understand Assess Additional Vital X’s Entitlement Risk Data • Subgroup the data • Zst (shift) • FMEA • Process Report • Product Report
  • 14. Improve: Process • High level process to complete the Improve Phase Determine Plan Perform Variable Experiment Experiment Relationships • Fractional Factorial DOE • Predictive Equation • Full Factorial DOE • Residual Analysis Extract Develop Determine Predictive Improvement Improve Equation Options Strategy • Mean, Variance • Solution Design • Solution Design Matrix Matrix Predict Validate Implement Improved Future Solution Performance Performance • 2 sample T •Test for Equal Variances • ANOVA •Chi Square • Regression •2-Proportions
  • 15. Control: Process • High level process to complete the Control Phase Mistake Develop Dismantle Proof New Feedback Old Process Process Mechanism • Fishbone • X-Bar and R, •Process Maps • FMEA • I&MR • Mistake Proofing • P Chart • SOP’s • C Chart • Trigger Points • Process Control Plan • Scorecard
  • 16. Leverage: Process • High level process to complete the Leverage Phase Determine Share Best Translate Translation Practices Improvements Opportunities in R6/MIS • CT Tree • R6/MIS • Process Maps • Rewards and Recognition By using R6/MIS from the beginning of your project, you may be able to find pertinent research that can be leveraged towards your own project.
  • 17. Always begin with implementing pilot solutions
  • 18. Why Pilot Solutions? Solutions are piloted to: • Better understand the improvement effectiveness • Lower overall risk prior to full scale roll-out • Predict overall cost/benefits and COPQ impact • Justify further investments • Identify potential new issues that may not have been considered
  • 19. How To Pilot Solutions? When implementing solutions: • Select a small scale roll-out of improvements in the actual process • Choose a small segment that is in urgent need of change (test markets, software launches, control groups, power users) • Walk the new process and gather data! • Use hypothesis testing to verify results (Were the desired results achieved?)
  • 20. Sustaining Process Improvements Key elements to consider in sustaining a desired state: • Make the PROCESS independent of the PEOPLE • Make the OUTCOME robust to variation from the INPUTS • DESIGN OUT other potential sources of variation We need ensure your process has attained the a stabilized state without any external control mechanisms
  • 23. Project Management Toolkit • Project Execution • Project Story board • Project scoring & GB certification • Governance process – Customer ( Status Report format ) – FCI leadership ( Mentors ) – FORUM ( draft enclosed ) One day Quality training plan
  • 24. Green Belt Project: Suggested Tools Define Measure Analyze Improve Control •Project Charter •Process Map •FMEA( Upto RPN) •Mistake Proofing •SOPs/DIs •Gage R&R •Fish Bone •Solution Design •FMEA Matrix •Process Baseline/Sigma •T – Test •3 Data Points •Fractional Factorial •Fish Bone •Test for Equal •Fish Bone DOE Variances •QFD •Mistake Proofing •Full Factorial DOE •ANOVA •Benchmarking •X-Bar & R Chart •Residual Analysis •Chi Square Test •Surveys •I & MR Chart •Equation for Mean •Regression •Regulations •P – Chart •Equation for Variance •2 – Proportions •Run Chart •C – Chart •2 – Sample t – Test •Box Plot •Normality Test •ANOVA •Histogram •Fulfillment Calculations •Test for Equal •Pareto Chart Variances •Scatter Diagram •2 – Proportions
  • 25. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Project Charter
  • 26. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Define Tools Used Objective Result Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 27. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Measure Tools Used Objective Result Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 28. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Analyze Tools Used Objective Result Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 29. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Improve Tools Used Objective Result Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 30. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Control Tools Used Objective Result Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 31. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: Leverage Tools Used Objective Result Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of tools to be stored in PACE / Shown during scoring of projects
  • 32. Project Name Project No: Start Date: End Date: • Sign off by process owner on results achieved • Sign off by PMA on Financials
  • 33. Scoring Methodology Tools Points Project Charter 5 Problem Statement 1 Goal Statement 1 Defect 1 Others (Project Plan , roles & resposibilities etc.) 2 Process Map 4 Level 1 to 3 or lower Provided 2.5 Flow (Volumes/Rates) 0.5 Cycle (Rework/Delays) 0.5 Value (VA / NVA) 0.5 Gage R & R 2 Set-up - overall approach 0.5 Setup - operator selection explained 0.5 Setup - sample size (# of attributes: 30 Discrete, 10 Continuous) 0.5 Setup - 3 operators 0.5 Sigma Level 1 Operational Definition Provided 0.5 Setup. 3 Operators 0.5 Fish Bone 2 6 Bones used as defined 0.5 Head of the Fish is a detailed problem statement 0.5 Ask Why at least 3 times 0.5 Low level bones are measurable and actionable 0.5 Other Tools 1
  • 34. F M EA 5 A ll lo w le ve l b o n e s in c lu d e d 2 S o rt e d b y R P N n u m b e rs 2 C O P Q a s s o c ia t e d w it h e a c h lo w le ve l b o n e 1 O th e r T o o l s 5 Im p ro v e M i sta k e P ro o fi n g 3 R e a l i se d B e n e fi ts( 1 p e r F T E ) 3 S o l u ti o n D e si g n M a tri x 2 D e s ig n s e le c t e d fo r im p le m e n t a t io n in c lu d e s M is t a k e P ro o fin g 1 D e s ig n s e le c t e d c o n s is t e n t w it h P ro je c t C h a rt e r fin a n c ia ls 1 O th e r T o o l s 2 C o n tro l S OP s + DI s 4 F M EA 2 C o n tro l C h a rt w i th 3 D a ta P o i n ts 2 O th e r T o o l s 2 L e v e ra g e S h a ri n g P ro j e c t L e a rn i n g s 2.5 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n 2.5 M a x i m u m P o i n ts 50 P o i n ts R e q u i re d fo r C e rti fi c a ti o n ( I n c a se o f m u l ti p l e p ro j e c ts, th e m a x p o i n ts i n e a c h P h a se a re c o n si d e re d ) 35
  • 35. Project Name FRCE-02-GA-001 Start Date: End Date: Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Problem Statement Key achievements: The objective of this project is to identify solutions for • Potential solution for removing the reducing the card member remittance suspension and root cause identified . improving the auto-match so that card member can get credit on the same day in Japan market • List of Main root causes created Benefit Summary ( Flexibility / Speed / Value Risks/Challenges / Quality ) Value 39K Defect ATM network in Japan Next Steps/Counter Measures Tools Used FMEA, ANOVA
  • 36. Projects Tracking Metrics Metric No. Metric Numerator Denominator POD Z M-> Jan '02 Feb '02 Mar '02 Projects No of Projects not Total No. of Z 1.71 1.71 1.82 Registered in registered in PACE. Projects DPMO 416667 416667 375000 1 PACE Identified for Num 10 10 9 Registeration Den 24 24 24 Project Charter No. of Registered Total No. of Z 2 2 6 in PACE Projects in which Project Projects Put in DPMO 466667 333333 0 2 Charter not put in PACE PACE Num 7 5 0 Den 15 15 15 Fortnightly SDL No of Projects in which Total No. of SDL Z 6 6 6 Review the fortnightly SDL Reviews to be DPMO #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 3 Reviews did not happen conducted. Num 0 0 0 Den 0 0 0 Monthly BL No of Projects in which Total No. of BL Z 6 6 6 Reviews the monthly BL Reviews Reviews to be DPMO #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4 did not happen conducted. Num 0 0 0 Den 0 0 0 Fortnightly No of Projects in which Total No. of Z 6 6 6 Project Status the fortnightly PSR did PSRs to be DPMO #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 5 Report (PSR) not reported reported Num 0 0 0 Den 0 0 0 FTEs achieved No of FTEs not achieved Total No. of Z 6 6 6 Per Plan per plan FTEs Per Plan DPMO 0 0 #DIV/0! 6 Num 0 0 0 Den 1 1 0 Projects Closed No of Projects not closed Total No. of Z 0 1 6 per plan Projects planned DPMO 875000 666667 #DIV/0! 7 for closure Num 7 2 0 Den 8 3 0 Closure Report No of projects where Total No of Z 6 6 6 in PACE Project Closure report not Projects DPMO 0 0 #DIV/0! 8 put in PACE identified for Num 0 0 0 Closure Den 1 1 0
  • 37.
  • 38. What Is a Metric ? A metric is a statistic or parameter that is expressed as a number which explains the nature of an event , process or noun. It is usually a response to how much , how small , how big or an expression of time elapsed. a) Length of our trousers b) Time to get to the office c) Chest size d) Tyre Pressure etc. e) Marks received in school To Appreciate the need for Metrics Let us hear the Story Of Darji Aflatoon
  • 39. Saalon Pehle Ek Darji tha Naam tha Darji Aflatoon . Andaza lagaya tha usne Usko mila main aur kaha Kahe mujhe hai Faster Trick “Bana do mere liye, ek Patloon” Isme lage nahin metric “Par Tum Karna Thodi Jaldi Kismat Thi Meri Bekaar Kyunki parson hai meri Shaadi” Samjha Anadi ko Hoshiyaar Darji Aflatoon bada hoshiyaar Kahe Sabhi Ko Baram Baaar Aisa tha Darji Aflatoon “Jo ayega Mere Dwar Ban gayi Nikkar Meri Patloon. Kar Doon uska Baeda Paar” Darkhwaast Yaaron se Karta Hoon Mat Ban na tum Aflatoon Main abhi ispe shuru hota hoon Parson le jana apni Patloon Isstemaal na Karna Uski Trick Din Gaya aur Parson Aaya , Apne Banwao Tum Metric Dil mera har pal muskaya, Har Roz Bharo apne Metric Har Roz Padho Apne Metric Gaya mein lene apni patloon Isstemaal Karo Tum Metric Tabhi Mila Darji Aflatoon. Bola Patloon hai Taiyaar Abhi Daal Kar Dekho Yaar
  • 40. Such Items ( Those That don’t have Metrics around them - Difficult to Understand) are dealt with in a Separate Subject. There are People who specialize in this Subject These Subjects are not dealt with in Science , They are known as………... Philosophers Commerce , Medicine etc. So What Subjects are their pet Subjects : •Love Others would say that these don’t have any degree and •Grief hence don’t need any metric to measure .ie. You are either •Happiness honest or you are dishonest. There is no 80% honesty.You •Honesty are either in Love or you are not . It doesn’t make sense to say that one is 30% in Love. Since it cannot be checked that is why some people make a roaring Business out of telling people whether they are in Love or not. Some Use Questionnaires ; the others use ………………. Stars However you can have metrics to measure how many persons in a population are happy or in Love at any given time.
  • 41. Why do we need metrics in business ? : Metrics Understanding Control Improvement Survival A business would need metrics at every level of its management hierarchy to a) Track requirements b) Performance c) Prevent problems eg: a) Number of effective Person hours available b) % Downtime or Utilisation of a machine c) Total Inventory of Goods d) Amount of Work -In - Process e) Revenue generated f) % errors g) Volume of Demand h) Turnaround time I) Absenteeism rates j) Return On Investment etc.etc...
  • 42. If we don’t measure and track these critical business metrics then : a) no body can understand what is happening . b) we will not be able to decide anything c) if we decide it will be based on feelings not facts d) if we decide we shall not know the results of a decision e) Your colleagues can not know if your performance is good or bad f) We will not know if we should invest , spend or save ---- in short complete chaos.
  • 43. What is Six Sigma? : Six Sigma is a customer focussed process improvement management approach that promises near perfect quality or 3.4 defects per million opportunities. This is a level of Perfection that all world class organisations are aspiring to . This management process has Six Steps : Define, Measure , Analyze , Improve ,Control and Leverage The Beginning of Six Sigma approach is Define which requires the availability of Metrics. Hence Six Sigma cannot begin without Metrics.
  • 44. What are Six Sigma Metrics?: Six Sigma as a management philosophy focuses on the customer . It focuses on what the customer ( internal or external ) expects and not on what the current paradigms dictate as possible. So Who is a Customer ? Customer is any person who is the recepient of your process output. A colleague, Your TL, SDL, BL or any external person who uses information etc. provided by you. Metrics that capture key customer requirements or the ones which are key to delivering these expectations are known as Six Sigma Metrics. In context of American Express we need to measure those metrics that are critical to our three constituencies viz. Customers , Employees and Shareholders.
  • 45. QFD : Quality Function Deployment Six Sigma methodology offers us a tool which is known as QFD or Quality Function Deployment. This tool is used for the following purposes : • Capture the Voice of the Customer to establish all his needs. • Find out the Customers’ rating of the importance of various needs. • Transfer this importance to internal company processes. • Develop metrics that focus on critical process performance. • Prioritization of Metrics that need improvement . ( Projects)
  • 46. When Should we use QFD ? : We should use QFD in following cases : a) When the Voice of the customer has not been captured and no metrics exist to track performance. b) Metrics have been developed , metric performance is good yet customer satisfaction is either stagnant or deteriorating ( Customer complaints are rising) c) Market share is stagnant or being lost. d) It is also used for designing of Products and Processes
  • 47. QFD Detailed Methodology : 1. Define your customer and make the SIPOC diagram. Your Customer is the person who uses the output of your process. Eg. Market finance personnel or function , your TL, BL etc. The SIPOC Diagram : Puts into Perspective the Broad Picture of the Process and the end Parties involved. Supplier Inputs Process Output Customer S I P O C List your List the Name the List the List the Supplier Inputs recd. Process Here Outputs Customers here From the provided to here. supplier the here customer
  • 48. Supplier Inputs Process Output Customer S I P O C List your List the Name the List the List the Supplier Inputs recd. Process Here Outputs Customers here From the provided to here. supplier the here customer Each Output may be considered as a product that you supply to the customer or you may consider the set of outputs as a single product. If you consider the set of Outputs as a single product then you must find out what is the relative importance of the various outputs and its relevance to the customer. Select the product for which you want to develop the metrics. And then perform the detailed QFD on the same.
  • 49. 2. Write down the Categories of Customer Expectation The World Over Customer Expectation in the service sector may be classified into 9 categories which are : 1) Performance : How well does the service provider perform its stated function. (Adherence to SLA viz. time , Accuracy) 2) Capacity : Does it have the capacity to handle my volumes ? Spikes 3) Reliability: How reliable is the process ?, How often does it break down? (Exception to SLA , churn , control ) 4) Time to deliver : How much time does it take to install ( migrate a new process ?)? How much time does it take to process a special or new request ? How flexible is the process ? 5) Ease of Use :The service is easy to use. Length or number of steps it takes a customer to avail of a particular process output / information . 6) Response to Queries / complaints : How quickly and how well are the complaints or queries resolved? 7) Accessible & Courteous: Is it easy to approach the service provider ? Does the service provider respond positively to customer opinions and needs ? 8) Safety : How safe is the service in terms of Privacy ? BCP , Financial Exposure 9) Aesthetics (Report Formats)
  • 50. 2. Put your self in the shoes of your customer and think of the specific requirements that he / she may have in each of the categories of Customer Expectations as shown in the figure S.No Customer Expectations 1 Performance 1.1 Accuracy of Process 1.2 Time taken to process 2 Capacity 2.1 Ability to handle Volume Spikes 3 Reliability 3.1 How often does it give errors beyond SLA 3.2 How often does it exceed timelines 3.3 How good is the control system ( Audits) 4 Time To Deliver 4.1 How much time does it take to deliver a new request 4.2 Flexibility Of the Process 4.3 Time to Migrate a new Process 5 Ease Of Use 5.1 No. Of Steps to avail of a Particular Information 5.2 (----------) 5.3 (----------) This break down is done for each of the categories of customer expectation for a particular process
  • 51. Arrange the ratings that you gave in the left side of the Matrix as shown S.No Customer Voice Rating 1 Performance 1.1 Accuracy of Process should be High 5 1.2 Time taken to process should be low 3 2 Capacity 2.1 Ability to handle Volume Spikes should be high 1 3 Reliability 3.1 How often does it give errors beyond SLA 5 3.2 How often does it exceed timelines 5 3.3 There should be no surprises to the customer 4 4 Time To Deliver 4.1 New requests should be processed quickly 4 4.2 Processes should be flexible 3 4.3 Time to customize for a new feature / reqmt. Is less 2 5 Ease Of Use 5.1 No. Of Steps to avail of a Particular Information 3 5.2 (----------) 5.3 (----------) 4. Approach the Customers you defined in the 1st Step and request them to check the requirements you put in and the ratings you gave on behalf of the customers and record their feed back as shown.
  • 52. Customers' Rating Custom er Need C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Average No. 1.1 5 4 5 3 4 4.20 1.2 4 3 5 4 5 4.20 2.1 4 5 4 5 4 4.40 3.1 5 5 5 5 5 5.00 3.2 2 1 1 2 2 1.60 3.3 1 1 2 2 1 1.40 4.1 4 5 4 5 3 4.20 4.2 3 2 1 2 3 2.20 4.3 2 2 2 2 2 2.00 5.1 5 4 5 5 4 4.60 5.2 4 3 5 4 5 4.20 5.3 2 1 1 1 2 1.40 5.4 1 2 2 1 1 1.40 6.1 3 2 2 4 3 2.80 6.2 3 4 2 3 3 3.00 7.1 5 5 4 5 4 4.60 7.2 4 4 5 3 4 4.00 5.Transfer this average rating to your QFD matrix on the left side as shown
  • 53. Company / Process Metric S.N C.Ratin Customer Voice o g Accuracy of reports 1.1 4.20 should be high Time to Process should 1.2 4.20 be low Ability to Handle Volume 2.1 3.60 30% spikes effectively Freq. Of errors beyond 3.1 4.40 SLA Freq of exceeding 3.2 5.00 Timelines Good Controls ( Audits / 3.3 1.60 Surprises) Quick Delivery of new 4.1 1.40 requests Process should be 4.2 4.20 flexible Time to customise for a 4.3 2.20 new process Steps to avail 5.1 2.00 Infromation
  • 54. 6. Now Brainstorm what company metric would reflects and what company metric is related to the customer need and write these in the Top Row of the QFD matrix as shown. process till customer Rework Time PPM Time to incorporate No . Of Exceptions Time to deliver spl No Of Steps in the Errors per Report No Of Complaints Turnaround Time Company / Process utilisation Metric change request C.Rati S.No Custom er Voice ng Accuracy of 1.1 reports should be 4.20 high Time to Process 1.2 4.20 should be low Ability to Handle 2.1 Volume 30% 3.60 spikes ef f ectively Freq. Of errors 3.1 4.40 beyond SLA Freq of exceeding 3.2 5.00 Timelines Good Controls ( 3.3 Audits / 1.60 Surprises) Quick Delivery of 4.1 1.40 new requests Process should be 4.2 4.20 f lexible Time to customise 4.3 2.20 f or a new process Steps to avail 5.1 2.00 Inf romation
  • 55. 7. Input the relationship strength in the cells as relevant and as shown.Those company Metrics that have a strong relation to the Customer Voice are given 9 , Those with Medium relation are given 3 and the ones which have a weak relation are given 1. process till customer Rework Time PPM Time to incorporate No . Of Exceptions Time to deliver spl No Of Steps in the Errors per Report No Of Complaints Turnaround Time Company / Process utilisation Metric change request C.Rati S.No Custom er Voice ng Accuracy of 1.1 reports should be 4.20 9 3 9 Strong : 9 high Time to Process Medium : 3 1.2 4.20 9 3 1 Weak :1 should be low Ability to Handle 2.1 Volume 30% 3.60 9 3 9 3 3 spikes effectively Freq. Of errors 3.1 4.40 3 9 beyond SLA Freq of exceeding 3.2 5.00 3 9 Timelines
  • 56. 8.Now Multiply the relationship index with the weights given by the customer and add to get the weighted importance of the company metrics as shown. process till customer Rework Time PPM Time to incorporate No . Of Exceptions Time to deliver spl No Of Steps in the Errors per Report No Of Complaints Turnaround Time Company / utilisation change request Process Metric C.Rati S.No Custom er Voice ng Accuracy of 1.1 reports should be 4.20 9 3 9 high Time to Process 1.2 4.20 9 3 1 should be low Ability to Handle 2.1 Volume 30% 3.60 9 3 9 3 3 spikes effectively Freq. Of errors 3.1 4.40 3 9 beyond SLA Freq of exceeding 3.2 5.00 3 9 Timelines Total 33.4 70.2 38.4 0 0 36.6 63 93.6 The Highest Values indicate which metric is the most important from the customers perspective. This Completes QFD-I
  • 57. 9. QFD -II QFD - II is similar to QFD - I . The only difference is that the Process Metrics which were on the top row in QFD - I are transposed to the left most coloumn of the Matrix as shown along with the weighted ratings. C.Rati Process Metric ng Turnaround Time 70.20 No. Of Complaints 63.00 No.Of Exceptions 93.60 Total
  • 58. 10. Now list the process activities , that result or contribute to the metrics listed on the left , on the Top of the Matrix as shown Time per Transaction No Of Errors in Input No of Process Steps Throughput Time Uptime of Milli Total Rework Proportion C.Rati Process Metric ng Turnaround Time 70.20 No. Of Complaints 63.00 No.Of Exceptions 93.60 Total
  • 59. 11. Now again input the relationship between Metrics on the Left viz.. the Metrics on the top . Time per Transaction No Of Errors in Input No of Process Steps %age adherence to Throughput Time escalation Norm Uptime of Milli Total Rework Proportion C.Rati Process Metric ng Turnaround Time 70.20 9 3 3 9 9 9 No. Of Complaints 63.00 3 9 9 No.Of Exceptions 93.60 1 3 9 3 9 Total 914.4 1058 1053 912.6 631.8 631.8 1409 The metrics that have the max . Points become the CTx’ Metrics
  • 60. So Finally what are the Metrics that I should Develop As we have seen the QFD is a tool to capture the VOC and leverage that VOC to extract and establish during its two phases the following : QFD- I : The most important process Metrics relevant to the Customer QFD -II: The most important activity Metrics that are critical to Customer Expectation Monitoring / Managing Frequency Once or Twice an Year VOC QFD- I Process Metric Weekly or Monthly (Output) Activity Metric Daily or Weekly QFD- II (Input or Driver)
  • 61. Beware Of Pitfall QFD is a tool. Remember that all tools are meant to assist Human thinking / Working ; if the result is against your strongest rationale then you must check the process again. QFD is meant to help you manage better your customer & shareholder expectation and thus helps to increase your effectiveness. Hence if you believe that a metric that does not come out as a CTx is crucial , please do monitor the same. We must manage the Input or driver Metrics as they dictate our performance and also monitor the Output Metrics as that is the result of our management.
  • 62. Project Management Analogy E=8 H=2 D=3 A=1 B=4 F=6 G=1 I=6 C=1 Look at the above project activity diagram. The project timelines depend on the the path of the highlighted activities. which is known as the critical path. However it means that we need to give greater focus to the highlighted activities and must manage it very closely. This does not mean that the other activities do not need any management. If the other activities such as BFGC are not managed then there is a possibility that the critical path may itself shift. Hence if we meet daily to monitor the critical activities , then we must meet once a week to monitor the general activities lest they become critical. Remember the white house game analogy : To manage effectively we need metrics .This is where CSA is important to manage other activities or requirements.
  • 63. The Panoramic View Of Metrics Customer Experience Customer Scorecard Critical Process Metric Health Six Sigma Metrics Activity Metric CSA Metrics General Health Parameters
  • 64. Six Sigma Metrics Review Mechanism `` EXEC (key controls+ WCP Below POD customer +exceptional driver) > 50 % WCP-1 BL Below Set Targets (customer + exceptional drivers Review based on defined threshold) Hierarchy SDL All Below WCP-1 (customer + exceptional drivers Set Targets based on defined threshold) WCP-2 All
  • 65. Finally : • An error occurs due to two reasons only • Laziness • Ignorance • Most Persons are not lazy • Six Sigma is for helping the individual work smartly. • Use those metrics that help you in managing your process and your customer. • Six Sigma Metrics will help you in managing your processes better but only if you use it • Six Sigma is recognized world wide as a Smart Approach to management • Six Sigma depends on Measurements.Infact it is a pre-condition for Six Sigma to succeed • Measurement seems a waste of Time initially • If you choose your measure well you will manage well. • If you manage well You will Succeed • If you succeed your Company will Succeed