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                        Welfare of employee and his family members is an effective
advertisinga n d a l s o a m e t h o d o f b u y i n g t h e g r a t i t u d e a n d l o y a l t y o f e m
p l o y e e s . Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various servi
  c e s , benefits and facilities offered by the employer.The basic purpose of labour welfare is to enrich
  the life of employees andkeep them happy and contented. Welfare facilities enable workers to have
   aricher and more satisfying life. It raises the standard of living of workers byindirectly reducing the
           burden on their pocket.W elfare means im proving, faring or doing well. It is a
     comprehensiveterm, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being of an
 individual. Further, the term welfare is a relative concept, relative in timeand space. It therefore,
               varies from time to time, region to region and from country to country
        Labour welfare is an important aspect in every organization with someadded
                incentives which enable the work ers to lead a decent life. There
ares e v e r a l a g e n c i e s i n v o l v e d i n t h e l a b o u r w e l f a r e w o r k n a m e l y t h e c e n t r a l
    governm ent, em ployer’s trade union and other social service organization.Welfare
 services may broadly be classified into two categories:-1 ) I n t r a m u r a l 2 ) E x t r a m u r a l In
     order to get the best out of a work er in the matter of production,working condition is
    required to be improved to large extent. The work placeshould provide reasonable amenities for
     the worker’s essential need.Today various m edical services like hospital, clinical and
dispensaryfacilities are provided by organizations not only to the employees but also totheir family
       members. Normally welfare and recreational benefits includescanteens, housing,
transportation, education etc.Som e large organizations set up welfare organizations with a
view toprovide all types of welfare facilities at one centre and appointed welfarebenefits
                               continuously and effectively to all employees fairly.

  W . C . L . N a g p u r a r e a h a s r e c o g n i z e d t h a t w e l f a r e o f e m p l o y e e s b y improving
   their quality of life and their family’s well being in general will helpthrust to the objectives of
 W .C.L. directly and indirectly thereby increasingand improving production and productivity.
                                                   This task is carried
on ceaselesslyb y i n v o l v i n g e m p l o y e e s , w o r k e r s , r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a n d m a
  n a g e m e n t representative.W . C . L . i s s p e n d i n g l o t s o f m o n e y o n t h e e m p l o y e e
w e l f a r e . W e l f a r e facilities provided by this organization are unique for all the employees. Theonly
 difference is that the top level officers receive some additional facilitiesalong with routine one.W ith
 the help of the project an attem pt is made to study the welfaremeasures provided to
 em ployees, what is the procedure, time required forsanctioning welfare facilities and such
other basic policies of the organization.The study is based on the information collected from
             respondents through questionnaire. The data analyzed is presented in the form of
grapha n d o n t h e b a s i s o f t h a t c o n c l u s i o n s a r e m a d e . A t l a s t t
 h e r e q u i r e d suggestions are given.After analyzing the data it is found that the employees are
                 satisfied withthe welfare facilities provided to them by the area office W.C.L.

                                     INTRODUCTIONLabour welfare:-
  L a b o u r w e l f a r e w o r k a i m s a t p r o v i d i n g s u c h s e r v i c e f a c i l i t i e s a n d amenities
which enable the workers employed in an organization to performtheir work in healthy congenial
                            surrounding conductive to good health and high
 morale.Labour welfare is a comprehensive term including various services,benefits and
  facilities offered by the employer. Through such generous fringebenefits the employer m akes
   life worth living for employees. The welfareamenities are extended in additional to
         norm al wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal
     provisions.Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unionsand non-
governm ent agencies in addition to the employer. “InternationalLabour Organization efforts
 to make life worth living for workers” Accordingto the Oxford dictionary “Welfare is fundamentally an
attitude of mind on thepart of management influencing the method by which management activitiesare
                               Objectives of labour welfare activities:-
   Following are the objectives of the voluntary labour welfare services byemployer-1)To win over
 em ployees loyalty and increase their morale.2)To develop efficiency and productivity
am ong work ers.3)To reduce of threat of future governm ent intervention. 4 ) T o m a k e
         r e c r u i t m e n t m o r e e f f e c t i v e . 5)To earn goodwill and enhance public
im age.6 ) T o b u i l d u p s t a b l e l a b o u r f o r c e t o r e d u c e l a b o u r
                                        t u r n o v e r a n d absenteeism.

                                Importance of labour welfare activities:-
 Labour welfare in India has a special significance as the constitutionprovides for the
prom otion of welfare of the labour for human conditions of work and securing to all workers.The
various welfare measures provided by the em ployee will haveimmediate im pact on the
health, physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the workers
and thereby contributing to thehighest productivity.Social security measure provided by employer will
 act as a protection tothe workers. Labour welfare means activities designed for the promotion of the
 economic, social and cultural well being of the employees. Labour welfareincludes both statutory as
  well as non-statutory activities undertaken by theemployers, trade unions and both the central and
 state governments for thephysical and mental development of the workers.Labour welfare enables
 workers to have richer and more satisfying life. Itraises the standard of living of workers by indirectly
    reducing the burden ontheir pocket. Welfare measures improve the physical and physiological
  healthof the employees, which in turn enhance their efficiency and productivity.Labour welfare
         prom otes a sense of belongings am ong the work ers,preventing them from
                                             resorting to unhealthy
practices lik e absenteeism,l o b o u r u n r e s t s t r i k e , e t c . w e l f a r e w o r k i m p r o v e s t h e
      r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n employees and employers. It promotes a real change of heart and a
                       changeof outlook of the part of both the employers and employees.

                     Reasons for the labour welfare activities in India:-
                         1)Increase in efficiency of employees:
      Labour welfare activities increases in efficiency of employees to work. These facilities
help in developing the feeling of dedication amongt h e m . D u e t o t h e i n c r e a s e i
    n e f f i c i e n c y t h e p r o d u c t i o n a n d t h e productivity of the enterprise increase

              2)Helpful in reducing the state of poverty among employees:
                Most of the work ers in our country are unable in providing for
basen e c e s s i t i e s f o r t h e m s e l v e s a n d t o t h e i r f a m i l y m e m b e r s . T h i s i s
               because of the extreme poverty am ong Indian work ers. Provision
 of l a b o u r w e l f a r e a c t i v i t i e s p l a y s a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n r e d u c i n g s u c h poverty
                              and in providing essential amenities to the workers.

                        3)Establishment of Organizational peace:
Labour welfare activities help in establishing sound relations betweenem ployees and employers.
W hen the employees of the organizationfeels that they are getting all the possible facilities and
     the employersare very caring to them, then such good feeling increases enthusiasmamong
                          employees which will establish peace in the organization.
4)H elpfu l in reduci ng t he rate of ab se n teeis m
                                         a n d l a b o u r turnover:
  The rate of absenteeism and labour turnover is much higher in India asc o m p a r e d t o t h a t o f
   d e v e l o p e d c o u n t r i e s o f t h e w o r l d . P r o v i s i o n o f labour welfare activities help in
               reducing this because the workers feelthemselves well settled at one place.

                 CHAPTER- 2COMPANY PROFILEAbout Coal India Limited (CIL)
Coal India Limited (CIL) is a public sector organization. It is a centralgovernment undertaking
company. Before 1973 it was a private block andafter 1973 it was considered as a government sector
           since its initializationwas done in this year.C o a l i s t h e b a c k b o n e o f e n e r g y
   s e c u r i t y o f o u r n a t i o n a n d i t w i l l continue to occupy a dom inant position in the
     decades to come on the energy scenario of India. CIL contributes 54 percent of coal to the
  energyneeds of the nation and sky is the limit of increase in the demand of coal.Maintaining the
           highest growth in coal production CIL cross 400 m illion tones mark in 2008-
 09.C o a l p l a y s a v i t a l r o l e i n p o w e r g e n e r a t i o n , c o n s i d e r i n g t h i s a l l subsidiaries
 of CIL are taking hard efforts to produce required quantity of coal. All should untidily work to fulfill the
    demand of power. The Vidarbharegion has abundant reserves of coal that would try to fulfill the
demand.WCL depends on land to carry out its operations.CIL has 7-8 subsidiaries which are situated
in different states of India. Ithas 10 divisions which are also k nown as areas out of which 3
        areas aresituated in Madhya Pradesh and 7 in Maharashtra. All these areas
look b e h i n d m i n i n g a c t i v i t i e s . C o a l p r o d u c t i o n i s t h e i m p o r t a n t s o u r c e o f ener
           gy of this organization. Presently, there 10,122 employees working inthese 10 areas.
                       Coal India is playing a strategic role in the economy of the country
 bym a k i n g d o m e s t i c i n d u s t r y c o m p e t i t i v e a t g l o b a l l e v e l . C I L h a s b e e n providing
 50% to 60% cheaper coal in comparison to internationalm arket to power plants. Total requirem ents of
   thermal power plants aremet by three different modes - Coal India, Captive Coal Blocks and
                         Import.India stands third in the world in the production of coal.
                                Highest production of coal in India is in Jharkhand.

                             In India, Thermal Coal Sector uses the maximum coal.
 C o a l I n d i a L i m i t e d ( C I L ) h a s 8 3 % o f p a r t n e r s h i p i n w o r l d i n t h e production of
In India, Singrauli.Co.Company.Ltd (M.P) is the oldest coalp
                                          roducing Government Company.
C o a l I n d i a i t s e l f d e c i d e s t h e c o a l r a t e p r o d u c e d b y C o a l I n d i a Limited.
                         In India, 70% of electricity is produced with the help of coal.
       1 3 % o f c o a l i n t h e w o r l d i s p r o d u c e d b y t h e u n d e r g r o u n d c o a l mines.
                                         India’s oldest coal area is Raniganj

                                            India’s oldest coal area is Raniganj.
                        CIL operates 86 coal mines in Central India, feeds Power
Stationsl o c a t e d i n t h e s t a t e s o f M a h a r a s h t r a , M a d h y a P r a d e s h , G u j a r a t , U t t e
         r P r a d e s h a n d H a r y a n a a p a r t f r o m m a n y o f t h e c o a l b a s e d industries.
                                                    HISTORY OF CIL:
                                          1971/73: Nationalization of coal mines
  in India.1 9 7 3 : C e n t r a l i z a t i o n o f C o a l M i n e s A u t h o r i t y L i m i t e d ( C M A L ) i n three
          divisions East, West and Central.1 9 7 4 : C e n t r a l i z a t i o n o f h o l d i n g c o m p a n y
c o a l I n d i a l i m i t e d ( C I L ) six supporting companies. In west Western coalfieldlimited (WCL) was
                     established which has its coal areas inMaharashtra, Madhya Pradesh &
                 Orissa.1 9 8 6 : R e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f c o a l c o m p a n i e s u n d e r c o a l
  I n d i a l i m i t e d . Thereafter coal mines of WCL in Madhya Pradesh (exceptChindwara and Baitul
Distt) and Orissa were considered inthe supporting company South Eastern Coalfield Limited(SECL).
       Therefore, the coal areas of WCL weredecreased and remained only in Maharashtra and in
        someparts of Madhya Pradesh.2 0 0 7 : W C L h a s i n c r e a s e d t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f
               c o a l f r o m 2 1 m i l l i o n tonnes in 1985-86 to 43.51 million tonnes in 2007-08.
2 0 0 7 : I n d i a n g o v e r n m e n t d e c l a r e d W C L a s a M I N I R A T N A Company.2 0 0 8
  : C o a l p r o d u c t i o n , o f f t a k e , p r o d u c t i v i t y , s a l e s r e a l i z a t i o n a n d turnover during
   the year reached a new peak the highestever in the history of the company.Concerted progress in
rationalizing manpower has resulted in reductionof manpower by 1439 between 2006-07 and 2007-08
       inspite of productiongrowth of 0.300 mt. during the same period.Coal India Limited TypePublic sector
          ownedF                            o                            u                          n
 d                         e                         d                             1                         9
  7                         5                         H     e        a       d      q    u       a       r   t     e    r     s
 K       o     l    k     a      t     a      ,          W       e       s      t          B       e       n    g     a     l   K
 e y         p e o p l e P a r t h a                       S         B h a t t a c h a r y y a ,                              C h
 a i r m a n I                     n          d         u           s            t        r            y         C         o
    a          l                   a          n          d                      l        i           g         n         i
                 t       e           ProductsCoal net income =▲INR 85.16 billion (2006)(USD 2.15
  billion)E           m          p          l         o           y            e         e            s          4        9
 2           0         0           0                   (          2            0         0             6         )        W
    e           b        s           i         t       e           c            o        a             l       i        n
d          i        a          .         n         i         c             .         i         n           Coal India Limite
      d ( C I L ) i s a p u b l i c s e c t o r u n d e r t a k i n g o f t h e I n d i a n Governm ent. It is the
 world's largest coal m iner [1]. It is owned entirely bythe Union Governm ent, under the
     adm inistrative control of the Ministry of Coal. It is involved in coal mining and production
industry.C o a l I n d i a L i m i t e d w a s f o r m e d i n 1 9 7 5 a s a h o l d i n g c o m p a n y
                                                 w i t h f i v e subsidiaries:
                           Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) (Dhanbad, Jharkhand)
                              Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) (Ranchi, Jharkhand)
              W estern Coalfields Limited (W CL)
                       Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) (Asansol, West Bengal)
                   Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL) (Nagpur)
Several years later, three more subsidiaries were added:
                                 Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) (Raulkela)
                              South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) (Bilaspur)
           North Eastern Coalfields Limited (NECL) (directly under control of coalIndia limited)
    Northern Coalfields Limited, Singrauli (NCL,Singrauli)Coal India Ltd (CIL) will extract coal from 18
                                                abandoned underground
mineso w n e d b y t h r e e o f i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h p r i v a t e p
l a y e r s . Underground mining would be revived in 6 abandoned mines of Eas
  t e r n Coalfields, 8 mines of Bharat Coking Coal, and 4 mines of Central Coalfields. These 18 mines
                         have an approximate reserve of 1,647 million tonnes of coal.C I L
 c o n t r i b u t e s a r o u n d 8 5 % o f c o a l p r o d u c t i o n i n I n d i a ; i t i s t h e l a r g e s t company
       in the World in terms of coal production. Employs nearly 4.25 Lakhpersons and is the largest
   corporate employer in the country. It is one of thelargest Companies in the country, turnover being
     around Rs. 386.31 billion in2007-08. It is one of the largest tax payers (Corporate Tax Rs.35.75
billion) in2007-08 and has paid Dividend of Rs17.054 Billion to the Govt. of India in2007-
                                               Mission of coal India
            “The mission of coal India limited is to produce and market, the
plannedquality of coal and coal products efficiently and economically, with
                                   d u e regard to safety, conservation and quality.”
                              ABOUT WESTERN COALFIELD LIMITED (WCL)
 Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) is one of the eight Subsidiary Companies of Coal India Lim ited
                           (CIL) which is under administrative control of Ministry
of C o a l . T h e C o m p a n y i n c o r p o r a t e d u n d e r t h e C o m p a n i e s A c t , 1 9 5 6 h a s i t s r
                             egistered office at Coal Estate, Civil Lines, Nagpur–440001.

             The Company has contributed about 9.5% of the national coal
                                productiond u r i n g 2 0 0 7 -
0 8 . I t h a s m i n i n g o p e r a t i o n s p r e a d o v e r t h e s t a t e s o f Mahara
shtra (in Nagpur, Chandrapur & Yeotmal Districts) and MadhyaP r a d
  e s h             ( i n               B e t u l                     a n d                C h h i n d
a w a r a                     D i s t r i c t s ) .                                 The Company is a major source
   of supplies of coal to the industries located inWestern India in the States of Maharashtra, Madhya
 Pradesh, Gujrat and alsoin Southern India in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka
andK e r a l a . A l a r g e n u m b e r s o f P o w e r H o u s e s u n d e r M a h a r a s h t r a , M a d h y a Pr
                 adesh, Gujrat, Karnataka, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh - Electricity Boards
 arem ajor consumers of its coal along with cement, steel, chemical, fertilizer,paper and
    brick Industries in these states.WCL as the highest corporate tax payer of Vidarbha region has
 contributed tothe state exchequer during 2008-09 approx. Rs. 897 crores by way of royaltyand taxes
  and approx. Rs. 438 crores as corporate tax.WCL a MINIRATNA Company (Government of India)
   Nagpur based subsidiaryof Navratna Public Sector Undertaking- Coal India Limited, has posted a
  heftyprofit of Rs. 516.12 crores on equity base of Rs. 297.10 crores as per auditedaccounts for the
                                                    year ended 31
March 2009.WCL has retained its flagship status among 7 coal producing subsidiaries of coal India
lim ited by recording highest percentage of achievem ent against target in OB removal, coal
                                                    off-take and 2
  highest in coal production.WCL received the award and gold medal for best corporate performance
   October 2009.WCL is one of the subsidiaries of coal India limited (CIL). Tree plantation on yearly
basis is being undertaken in and around the minesas per the availability of land and on the reclaimed
                                                  site and dead OB
dumps. T h e p l a n t a t i o n p l a y s v e r y i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n i m p r o v i n g t h e e n v i r o n m e n

  around the villages in the vicinity of m ines. Species of plants planted are teak, siwan,
                             sisoo, casia, awala, imli, jamoon etc.

                                   The pride of place Miniratna W CL
  o c c u p i e s i n c o a l I n d i a i s b e c a u s e t h i s company has the finest of workers, supervisors
   and executives ever ready torespond and race ahead of others in achieving the desired goal. No
 challengeis insurmountable and no target is too high for such a team.WCL formally launched on 24
March 2008, Forward e-Auction scheme underthe new coal distribution policy of government of India.
        The objective of thes c h e m e , i n t r o d u c e d f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e i n t h e c o u n t r y ,
 i s t o h e l p g e n u i n e industrial consumers under power and other sectors that can source a part
of their requirement through this mode.After achieving the target of 1.11million tonnes additional coal
                                           is produced int h e y e a r 2 0 0 7 -
0 8 . W i t h w o r k e r s s w e a t a n d t o i l & c o m m i t m e n t t o w a r d s progress, WCL team has to
     its credit the best ever performance in the historyof the company during this year- highest coal
 production, coal supplies to theconsumers, productivity and turnover, thereby earning estimated net
profitbefore tax of Rs.1176 crores substantially higher than the budgeted Rs.676crores and last year’s
 Rs.1054 crores. The company is the highest corporatetaxpayer in the in Vidarbha region. The future
 plan of the company is to maintain its present level of productionand increase it to 45 million tonnes
                                                    by:1 . O p e n i n g
new mines2.Mechanization, introduction of new technology suitable
 t o t h e c o n d i t i o n s t o i n c r e a s e c a p a c i t y o f e x i s t i n g , o n g o i n g a n d f u t u r e project
  s.3.Im proving efficiency of operations.In addition to 26 ongoing and future projects (22OC &
          4UG), 34 moreprojects, (24OC & 10UG) are planned to be started in coming years. Of

these 34 projects 4 are already approved, 12 have been formulated and remaining 18 are
                                  yet to be formulated.
Events celebrated:
Every year W CL’s Jankar W omen’s club celebrates International W omen’sday. On this
occasion all the members of this club help poor and needy byproviding food, clothes, fruits
                  and games & rides to small children. They alsohelp handicapped
people.Sports com petition, summer camps for children, blood donationc a m p s , h e a l t
h c h e c k u p c a m p s , s e m i n a r s o n s a f e t y , s c h o l a r s h i p s t o talented students,
 independence day, republic day, worker’s day, nurses day,environment week, mining events, Hindi
                                 rajbhasha week etc. are celebrated.
                                          WCL AT A GLANCE:
     Coal Mines (01.04.08) - 84(37OC, 42UG, 5MIXED)Coal washries - 1Manpower (01.04.08) -
               64,199Productivity (2007-08) - 43.51 million tonnesOff take (2007-08) -
      44.90 million tonnesOutput per man shift (2007-08) - 2.52 tonnesGross Turnover (business) -
                  5681 croresClear profit - 930 croresCapital investment (2007-08) -
           2846 croresRoyalty & Tax to government - 757 croresCorporate Tax Payment -
                          509 croresAnnual investment - approx. 176 crores

                                            LAST FIVE YEARS OF WCL
         Y         E         A       R       S         0         3         -       0        4         0        4      -
                    0        5       0      5          -        0        6        0         6         -
         0        7      0        7       -        0         8         0        8        -        0         9       Coal
   tones)3       9     .       5      3       4        1       .       4       1       4        3       .      2     0
     4      3      .      2      1      4        3        .       5       1       4       3       .       0      3      Off
   tones)3       9     .       2      0       4        0       .       3       2       4        1       .      7     5
4       2      .     1        7     4       4        .       9        0       4      4        .       9       8      Turnover
     crores)3        8         8        2          4          5          0         5          4          9        8
                  6         5       0          1           2         5          6         8          1
                                                       Clear profit(in
      crores)7           4            4             9               3             5             1              4
  4            7             1           0               5             4             9              3            0
                   1            0            4               7              (budgeted)Corporate tax(in
  crores)3               4              7                  4                 2                4                4
      6              1               6                 0                 8               5                 0
                                             Royalty and taxpayment(in
  crores)5               2              3                  5                 7                2                6
      2              0               6                 2                 0               7                 5
                                     ABOUT NAGPUR AREA OFFICE WCL
               Nagpur area is one of the total 10(ten) areas of WCL. WCL Nagpur Area lies
 inN a g p u r d i s t r i c t w h i c h i s l o c a t e d i n n o r t h s i d e o f N a g p u r c i t y . I t h
      a s 9 underground (UG) mines and 2 opencast (OC) mines, located in the five sub-areas i.e.
 Kamptee, Silewara, Pipla, Saoner and Gondegaon. Projects/mines of Nagpur area are located in the
      three tahsils- Kamptee, Parsconi and Saonerof Nagpur district. Area head quarter (HQ) office
    of Nagpur area is situated at Jaripatka, Nagpur.NAGPUR AREA comprises of the following projects/mines:

                                   A.ONGOING PROJECTS/MINES:
i    )       P     i     p       l  a      U    /  G   i i ) S i l e w a r a             U
                   / G       i i i ) A B    I n c l i n e     U / G Silewara Sub-
  Areai      v     ) S       a o n e r        U / G v     )    P   a   t    a    n   s
a    o           n   g         i      U  /     G   S    a   o    n   e   r         S   u
b      -     A      r     e      a            v i ) K a m p t e e U G C o n v e r s i o n to
                                             OCvii) Inder U/GKamptee Sub-
Areav        i    i    i     )          G       o       n      d      e   g    a    o     n          O     C   G   o
               n     d      e      g    a       o       n            S   u    b    -     A       r   e    a
                                                B.NEW PROJECTS:
                                            Adasa U/G of Saoner Sub-Area
                                        Bhanegaon O/C of Silewara Sub-Area
                                          Singhori O/C of Silewara Sub-Area
                             Kamptee U/G to O/C (Expansion) of Kamptee Sub-Area
                                       Inder U/G to O/C of Kamptee Sub-Area
Gondegaon O/C (Extension) of Gondegaon Sub-AreaPresently there are 250 employees working in
   Nagpur area office of WCL.In June 2007, Government has granted status of MINIRATNA to the
           companyand now the motto of the c ompany is to achieve the status of a
 NAVRATNAcompany in the days to come. In order to achieve this goal, the company hast o p u t
i n t h e i r b e s t e f f o r t s a n d w o r k a s o n e c o h e s i v e u n i t w i t h f o c u s e d attention on:-
1 ) S o u n d c o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c e 2)Tim ely completion of new projects and advance
                                          planning for openingnew mines.
  Efficient utilization of all available resources with more trust on humanresource, the most precious
          one.4)High priority to consumer satisfaction. 5 ) E c o n o m i z i n g c o s t a n d
                 M a x i m i z i n g p r o f i t a b i l i t y a s a t r u e c o m m e r c i a l organization.

6) Ac hie vin g             hi gh        s tandar ds o f s af et y of m en, m ater ial
                                            a n d v i t a l installations.
  Diversification of activities and exploring new avenues as businessstrategy in the form
 of joint ventures etc. The first quarter of 2008 had been of glorious achievementswhere targets were
 surpassed and performance of the company in terms of achievements against assigned targets was
highest among all subsidiaries of Coal India. The credit of this, undoubtedly, goes to each one in WCL
 family.(Workers, staff, officers, trade union leaders and directors) who are providingsound corporate
        governance in achieving the organizational goal. There are 11 major departments in area
         office named as:1 ) F i n a n c e d e p a r t m e n t 2 ) S a l e s a n d M a r k e t i n g
                                        department3 ) P e r s o n n e l
 d e p a r t m e n t 4 ) M i n i n g d e p a r t m e n t 5)Material management department
  6 ) E x c a v a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t 7 ) C i v i l d e p a r t m e n t 8)E & M department
                                                  (Electrical &
M e c h a n i c a l ) 9 ) P l a n n i n g d e p a r t m e n t 10)Training department11)Security depa
             rtmentOut of all these departments m ining is the m ain department of
thisorganization. Beside these there are also many m inor departments. The main and
basic facilities provided to the employees of area officeare: - medical, housing, education, community
                                           development, etc.
   The mission of the company is to become a “NAVRATNA” company byachieving its target goal.

     b) House rent allowances:The area office is providing house rent allowances to
  theem ployees who are not using the housing facility provided by the company. Such
employees stay in the house of their choice by payingrent. For that they get HR allowance depending
    on their basic. Thesepeople get some proportionate share of their basic as house
                                   rentdecided by the company.

                                        School Bus Facility:
 The children of the employees who are studying inschools andcolleges gets school bus facility so that
                               they can reach totheirDestination properly.
                                        Education facilities:
                       The talented students / children of the workingemployees
getscholarship for their performance. The company also providesloan for higher education. They also
 motivate children byconducting competitions and by distributing prizes to them.Funds are also given
        to the corporation school for the schoolbuilding and for the upliftment of the children.

 Company needs land for mines (where the coal ispresent) sothe land owners are requested to
     hand over their land togovernment and in its place company provides job to one of the
  familymember according to his/her qualification. Besides this they also getssome compensation
                                 according to the government policies.
                                 Sports and Cultural Activities:
                     Ever y year sports and other events are organized for
thee n j o y m e n t o f t h e w o r k e r a n d t h e i r f a m i l y m e m b e r s . C u l t u r a l activitie
                               s are also conducted on many occasions.
                              Funds for Community Development:

The company provides funds for the community developmentsuch as electricity, water supply, roads,
                                      street lights etc…


    A good and well maintained clean canteen facility is available atthe area office premises, for the
                                                  SC/ST PLANS:
 Organization provides scholarship to children of employees of SC/ST. The percentage to avail
 benefit is com paratively low thanthe open category. Also, the organization helps the
                                   schools andlibrary which belongs to SC/ST’s.
                                           Good working conditions:
The working conditions in the area office are excellent. Theenvironm ent is neat and clean. Lots
     of greenery is present in the office premises such pleasant environment keeps employees
 fit andfine.Besides these major facilities there are many more facilities likemini LTC and major LTC.
                          Plants are distributed to the employees inenvironm ent week ;
       Ganesh Utsav, New Year, Independence day,republic day etc are celebrated for the
                                      enjoyment of the employeeand his family.
                                               Perks and allowance:
           Common Perquisites:1 ) I n f r a s t r u c t u r e 2 ) L T C F a c i l i t y 3 ) S u b s i d i z e d
          e l e c t r i c i t y Domestic & Residential:1 ) D o m e s t i c a s s i s t a n c e 2 ) E l e c t r i c i t y
                           allowance3 ) F u e l             a l l o w a n c e Education
     Allowance:1 ) S t u d y i n s c h o o l s 2 ) S t u d y i n c o l l e g e s

            3)Study in UG/PG Professional Institution4 ) H o s t e l
                        a l l o w a n c e 5)Professional development
                       a l l o w a n c e Transportation AllowancePersonal allowance etc.
                                   Welfare programmes in Area Office WCL
                                             1)Revenue W elfare
Budget T h e b u d g e t p r o p o s a l a s p e r A c t i o n P l a n i s p r e p a r e d b y t h e
    A r e a Welfare Committees at Area Level and submitted to Welfare Deptt. fordeliberation in the
        welfare board. The welfare board then examines theproposals areawise, headwise
and recommends for approval to thechairman welfare board and Director Finance and
        CMD. Finally after approval the Rev. Welfare budget is communicated to the areas for
itsimplementations.2)Monitoring by the welfare board The welfare board visits the areas as
         per the calendar prepared tom onitor the activities of the area and see the
         im plem entation of the budget/expenditure. The welfare board interacts with the area
                                          welfarecommittees at area level.
 August Awards The welfare board distributes the awards to the awardees on this dateevery year. The
       proposals based on the norms prepared by the welfareb o a r d a r e c a l l e d f r o m t h e
                                                     areas. The
same is compiled by welfaredepartment and awardees list finalized by the
      w e l f a r e b o a r d a n d approved by the chairman welfare board and CMD and the awards
                                          ared i s t r i b u t e d o n t h e 1 5
                             August Independence day functions at W CLHead
  quarter.4)W elfare Fortnight Inspection To improve the standard of living and quality of life, of
          employees thewelfare board has formulated norms on all welfare activities for which

                                    areawise/inter area competitions are
held at company level. At thea r e a l e v e l t h e I s t p h a s e I n t e r S u b A
r e a s w e l f a r e f o r t n i g h t l y com petitions are held. The IInd phase inspection
                                                    is conducted by
thew e l f a r e b o a r d . A f t e r t h e i n s p e c t i o n t h e r e s u l t i s c o m p i l e d a n d t h e p r i z e s
 a r e d i s t r i b u t e d a t a g r a n d f u n c t i o n w h i c h i s g r a c e d b y t h e Hon’ble Coal Minister

      Areawise Union Representation (check off system every year) in the area welfare
                committee The criteria has been prepared by the welfare board. Every year
 basedo n t h e c h e c k o f f s y s t e m f i g u r e a n d t h e m a n p o w e r a s o n
   ¼ t h e calculations are work ed out on the basis of the approved criteria forwork ing
 out the union representation in the area welfare comm ittee and approved by the competent
                                          authority and circulated to areas
   forn o m i n a t i o n s o f m e m b e r s b y t h e w e l f a r e b o a r d , f o r f u n c t i o n i n g o f welfare
                            committee.6)Community & Peripheral Development
ProgrammeV a r i o u s d e v e l o p m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e c o m m u n i t y r e s i d i n g i n & a
                          round its various mining areas for the benefit of its employees,
 theirwards, and the local populace are undertaken. Such developm entalactivities are also
 undertaken in the town and villages, adjoining coalm i n i n g b e l t , g e n e r a l l y w i t h i n a r a d i u s
  o f 8 k m s . F o r t h e b e n e f i t o f general popular. For which the budgetary provision is made at
 the rateRs.1/- per tonne of coal produced during the previous year.While planning the activities, to be
     undertaken in each financial year,requests and recommendations from village Panchyat, Local
  DistrictAuthorities and Peoples Representatives are considered. Theactivities undertaken include: 1)
                                              Construction of approach
roads.2 ) T a r r i n g o f r o a d s . 3 ) D i g g i n g o f B o r e w e l s . 4 ) P r o
 v i d i n g & Installation of hand-pumps. 5) Cleaning of Wells. 6) Laying of Pipelines.7) Providing
 and Fitting Street Lights. 8) Construction/ Installation of W ater Tanks. 9) Construction
of additional rooms in existing
schoolb u i l d i n g . 1 0 ) P r o v i d i n g s c h o o l f u r n i t u r e a n d o t h e r L a b . I t e m s . 1 1 ) Provi
 ding book s, alm irah etc. for libraries. 12) Construction of check dams. 13) Construction of
                                   Community Centers. 14) Village sports. 15)

M e d i c a l c a m p s . 1 6 ) C o n s t r u c t i o n o f C r e m a t i o n P l a c e / S h e d s . 1 7 ) Assi
 stance to various social organization/NGO’s for the development of physically/mentally handicapped
                                                       persons, cultural/sports
activities etc. T h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s o f t h e s e a c t i v i t i e s a r e m o n i t o r e d b y t h e a r e
      a welfare comm ittee at area level and welfare board at the companylevel.7)Sports
and Cultural Activities T h e w e l f a r e b o a r d m o n i t o r s t h e a c t i v i t i e s o f s p o r
   t s a n d c u l t u r a l activities of all the areas. The function of sports & cultural activities areh e l d
o n t h e b e h a l f o f t h e w e l f a r e b o a r d i n e a c h a r e a s . T h e w e l f a r e board monitors the
                                 activities of sports and cultural activities of all theareas.
                  Western Coalfield Limited Nagpur Welfare Budget(Rs. In lakhs)
      P               A           R             T             I            C               U             L          A
                                  R             S              0             4             -
                                  0             5             0             6              -
                                  0             7             0             8              -
    0               9           S                    c                   h                    o                 o
           l                                    a                   n                    d
         E                    d                  u                    c                    a                t
         i                  o                   n                   2                    7                 3
      0                   2                    2                   M                      e                 d
       i                   c                    a                    l                                     S
       e                    r                   v                    i                    c                 e
      s                   2                    7                     0                     3                  4
  5                     5                    4                    4                   R             e          s        i
    /                      W            e            l          f          a           r           e         /
 C                o        l          o            n           y                     R             o          a        d
s              1         9           5           2           0            6          4             7        2          S
p                 o          r           t              s           /             R              e         c           r
e                 a           t          i              o           n             /             C          u            l
        t             u           r            e             :             1             1             1          5
                  3          0             M                                       a
             h                                    i                                      l
           a                                                                            M
           a                                     n                                       d
            a                                    l                                       1
              1                                     1                                        O
 t                                 h                                 e                                 r
                                  E                                 x                                  p
e                                  n                                 s                                 e
s                                  5                                 6                                 1
                  5                             S                                    C
                /                                 S                                   T
                                                   P                                   l
                a                                  n                                   s
               1                                   8                                   5
               6                                   3                                   8
      W                                a                               t                             e
       r                                                            S                               u
       p                              p                               l                             y
      7                               2                              7                               0
    1                               0                              5                               C              o
          m                m                 u                n                 i                t             y
                    D             e                 v                e               l                 o             p
          m               e                 n               t                 1                 6              3
3                6                   1             S           p            e           c           i          a
l                         S          a          n            c           t           i           o           n           /
W             e             l         f         a            r          e                        B           o            a
                          r          d          7            5          2            8            -
 G                              R                     A                        N                          D
                                T                     O                        T                         A
   L                             6                     9                       0                         7
   9                             0                     1                       2                         8
                                    CHAPTER- 4RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
                                                      AN INTRODUCTION
                     :Research is the process of systematic and in-depth study or search for
  anyp a r t i c u l a r t o p i c , s u b j e c t o r a r e a o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n , b a c k e d b y c o l l e c t i o n ,

c o m p i l a t i o n , p r e s e n t a t i o n a n d i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f r e l e v a n t d e t a i l s o r d a t a . Rese
                          arch methodology is a way to systematically solve the research
problem.I t m a y b e u n d e r s t o o d a s a s c i e n c e o f s t u d y i n g h o w r e s e a r c h i
                                                     s d o n e scientifically

necessary. The information collected through research methodologymust be accurate and
                   relevant. The data collection method can be classified into two methods:-
                                                        Primary Data
                                                      Secondary Data
      Primary Data:D a t a c o l l e c t e d b y a r e s e a r c h e r i s k n o w n a s p r i m a r y d a t a .
                    I t i s collected by a person for his own use obtained from findings. This
 isc o n s i d e r e d a s f i r s t h a n d i n f o r m a t i o n . T h i s i s t h a t d a t a w h i c h i s c o l l e c t e d
   b y u s t o m e e t o u r o w n s p e c i f i c p u r p o s e . T h e d a t a i s collected by the means of
                                             questionnaire filled in by the
employeesa t d i f f e r e n t p o s t s o f N a g p u r a r e a o f f i c e . T h i s m e t h o d o f d a t
 a collection is very popular particularly in big organizations. THE RESEARCH APPROACH:Survey
                                      Method THE RESEARCH INSTRUMENT
                  Questionnaire THE RESPONDENTS: The employees of the organization.
Secondary Data:Secondary data means data that are already available ie, they referto data which
    has already been collected and analyzed by som e o n e e l s e . T h i s t y p e o f d a t a
 i n f o r m a t i o n c a n a l s o b e u s e d b y t h e researcher for his use as second hand information
sources throughwhich secondary data can be collected.Secondary data may either be published data
                              or unpublished data.Published data used here is from:-
  i     )     M       a     g     a    z    i    n   e       s  i i ) A n n u a l r e p o r t s o f
                                              t h e c o m p a n y
 Newspapers etc. The sources of unpublished data are diaries, letters, unpublished internal
                                    records made available by staff members etc.

     Thus, the primary source of data collection was the interview andquestionnaire methods. The
secondary data was collected throughmagazines, annual reports of the company, internal records of
                                         theorganization and through websites.
                                                    ANALYSIS OF DATA
 Once the collection of data is complete, it should be analyzed andprocessed through classification
          tabulation etc in accordance withthe subject matter. A careful planning of the analytical
 frameworkshould therefore be done by the researcher. Data analysis is carriedout by arranging
    the data received by the em ployees in an excelsheet. This data is then converted into
  graphical forms. Pie chartshave also been used for the tabulation and interpretation of
                                                  HYPOTHESIS TESTING
 After analyzing the data hypothesis testing is done. It will result ineither accepting the hypothesis or
                                                         rejecting it.
 A f t e r t e s t i n g t h e h y p o t h e s i s t h e r e s e a r c h e r c o m e s o u t w i t h h i s conclusions.
                 The explanation of theory ca n also be considered as interpretation.
                                           QUESTIONNAIRE PREPARATION
                      The basic requisite of any research study is the appropriate
dataw h i c h c a n b e c o l l e c t e d w i t h t h e h e l p o f a s c h e
d u l e o r a questionnaire. With the help of questionnaire it is easy to determinethe satisfaction
  level of so many employees in the organization.SAMPLING SIZE The sampling size on which the
                                                   analysis is based is 72.

          SAMPLING TECHNIQUES The sampling technique used for carrying out this study is
                                                RANDOMsampling technique.
   F i n a l l y t h e r e s e a r c h e r h a s t o p r e p a r e a f i n a l r e p o r t a l o n g w i t h conclusion and
                                        PREPARATION OF A BIBLIOGRAPHY
At the end of any research report a bibliography is generally added. This is the list of books,
       publications, periodicals, journals,reports, etc which are used by the researcher in
                                               connection withthe study

  Q.11) Kindly suggest the m ethods of improving or adding special welfare facilities?
                 17%75%8%Noimprovemeearlyactionshouldbetakeproper timeshouldbetake
Q.12) Does welfare benefits provided by the organization plays as
                                 a motivational factor?
                        53%45%2%highl y agreagreedisagree
Conclusion:- 53% employees are highly agree that the welfare benefitsprovided by the organization
                                  plays a motivational factor.
Q.13) Do you get medical reimbursement on time?
         53%30%2%15%yesandwithfreimbursemeyesbutwithreducedreimbursemeNoNot applicabl
Conclusion:- 53% employees agree that they gets full medicalreimbursement.Q.14) Briefly explain the
                    procedure of availing routine welfare facilities inpoints?
          25%70%5%makingappli,submit pr n imme sanconly applicationis required just an approac
Conclusion:- 5% employees says that just an approach is required to avail theroutine welfare facility
                         while 25% employees says that to make the
application submit the proof and the 70% employees says that onlyapplication is required
    Q.15) Briefly explain the procedure availing the special welfare facilities inpoints?
                   75%5%20%lengthyprocesnotavailedapply takeapprovalnshoproof
Conclusion:- 5% of the em ployees of organization says that they had not availed any
special welfare facility 75% says that the procedure is apply theapproval and show proof and the
                    other 20% says that the procedure is toolengthy process

                                  CHAPTER-6OBSERVATION AND CONCLUSION
                           The employees of the organization are found to be satisfied with
thefacilities provided to them by the company.They still want more focus on family welfare. They want
 that the timeperiod for sanctioning special welfare facility should be reduced.- M o r e t h a n 7 0 % o f
                            the employees agree that the welfare facilities
  a r e p r o v i d e d t o t h e m a n d t h e y a r e a v a i l i n g s p e c i a l w e l f a r e f a c i l i t i e s according
      to their need.- A n e a t , c l e a n a n d p e a c e f u l e n v i r o n m e n t o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n
     h e l p s i n maintaining satisfaction and enthusiasm to perform work among theemployees.- T h e
     e m p l o y e e s o f t h e N a g p u r A r e a O f f i c e o f W C L a r e h i g h l y s a t i s f i e d with the
                          routine welfare facilities which they are availing on a regularbasis.-
      The routine welfare facilities are availed by each employee in
t h e organization by simply filling an application, without any proof and the time required is
also nominal.- T h e t i m e r e q u i r e d f o r s a n c t i o n i n g t h e s p e c i a l w e l f a r e f a c i l i t i e s i s
      2 - 3 week.- T h e p r o c e s s o f a v a i l i n g s p e c i a l w e l f a r e f a c i l i t y i s v e r y
                       l e n g t h y a n d hence it can be availed by following simple process.

 1)Sanctioning time of special welfare facility should be reduced.2 ) N e w f a c i l i t i e s s h o u l d b e
                          a d d e d t o t h e e x i s t i n g o n e s b y e a r l y a c t i o n taken
by management.3 ) M e d i c a l r e i m b u r s e m e n t s h o u l d a l s o b e c o n t
                                       i n u e d a f t e r t h e retirement.
 1)The study does not cover the entire work for as sample size is 72.2 ) T h e s t u d y i s b a s e d o n
a p a r t i c u l a r c l a s s o f e m p l o y e e s i . e . O f f i c e r , clerk etc.3)The result depends on the
                           answers received from respondent which may be biased.

                                v.s.p rao – human resource
                  k ashwathappa- human resource & personnel mngt
                                    company magazine
rAnnual Reports of Organization

Internal Records of Organization

     PLEASE TICK 1)How m any facilities provided by the com pany to you? Canteen
              HousingEducation Medical2)How m any special facilities have you
    availed?2 to 5 5 to 6 6 and above3)How m any facilities are you availing on routine
  basis?1 to 5 5 to 10 10 and above4)How m any facilities are provided for education of
children toemployees?Bus FacilitiesSchool FacilitiesEducational loan facilities 5)Are you getting
wages as per basic m inim um criteria allotted by Government?Yes No No Suggestions6)How
 much time it will take for sanctioning special welfare facility?1-2 week 2-3 week 3-4 week7) Is there
        suitable ventilation and good environment in the work place?Yes No No Suggestions
8)Is the work place regularly cleaned? Yes No9)How m uch are you satisfied by the
    procedure of availing ro utinewelfare facilities?Highly satisfiedSatisfiedPartly satisfiedNot
satisfied10) How much are you satisfied by the procedure of availingSpecial welfare facilities?Highly
       satisfiedSatisfiedPartly satisfiedNot satisfied 11)Kindly suggest the methods of improving or adding
specialWelfare facilities?No improvementEarly action should be takenProper time should be taken 12)
        Does welfare benefits provided by the organization plays as aMotivational factor?Highly
agreeAgreeDo not agree 13) Do you get medical reimbursement on time?Yes and with full reimbursement

 Yes but with reduced reimbursementNo reimbursementNot applicable14) Briefly explain the procedure of
    availing routine welfare facilities inpoints.Making an application, submit proof and immediate
 sanction.Only application is required.Just an approach.15) Briefly explain the procedure availing the
special welfare facilities inpoints.Lengthy processNot availedApply take approval and show proof. 16)
                                              Your comment
and suggestion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Contenu connexe


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Employee welfare

  • 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Welfare of employee and his family members is an effective advertisinga n d a l s o a m e t h o d o f b u y i n g t h e g r a t i t u d e a n d l o y a l t y o f e m p l o y e e s . Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various servi c e s , benefits and facilities offered by the employer.The basic purpose of labour welfare is to enrich the life of employees andkeep them happy and contented. Welfare facilities enable workers to have aricher and more satisfying life. It raises the standard of living of workers byindirectly reducing the burden on their pocket.W elfare means im proving, faring or doing well. It is a comprehensiveterm, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being of an individual. Further, the term welfare is a relative concept, relative in timeand space. It therefore, varies from time to time, region to region and from country to country Labour welfare is an important aspect in every organization with someadded incentives which enable the work ers to lead a decent life. There ares e v e r a l a g e n c i e s i n v o l v e d i n t h e l a b o u r w e l f a r e w o r k n a m e l y t h e c e n t r a l governm ent, em ployer’s trade union and other social service organization.Welfare services may broadly be classified into two categories:-1 ) I n t r a m u r a l 2 ) E x t r a m u r a l In order to get the best out of a work er in the matter of production,working condition is required to be improved to large extent. The work placeshould provide reasonable amenities for the worker’s essential need.Today various m edical services like hospital, clinical and dispensaryfacilities are provided by organizations not only to the employees but also totheir family members. Normally welfare and recreational benefits includescanteens, housing, transportation, education etc.Som e large organizations set up welfare organizations with a view toprovide all types of welfare facilities at one centre and appointed welfarebenefits continuously and effectively to all employees fairly. W . C . L . N a g p u r a r e a h a s r e c o g n i z e d t h a t w e l f a r e o f e m p l o y e e s b y improving their quality of life and their family’s well being in general will helpthrust to the objectives of W .C.L. directly and indirectly thereby increasingand improving production and productivity. This task is carried on ceaselesslyb y i n v o l v i n g e m p l o y e e s , w o r k e r s , r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a n d m a n a g e m e n t representative.W . C . L . i s s p e n d i n g l o t s o f m o n e y o n t h e e m p l o y e e w e l f a r e . W e l f a r e facilities provided by this organization are unique for all the employees. Theonly difference is that the top level officers receive some additional facilitiesalong with routine one.W ith the help of the project an attem pt is made to study the welfaremeasures provided to em ployees, what is the procedure, time required forsanctioning welfare facilities and such other basic policies of the organization.The study is based on the information collected from respondents through questionnaire. The data analyzed is presented in the form of grapha n d o n t h e b a s i s o f t h a t c o n c l u s i o n s a r e m a d e . A t l a s t t h e r e q u i r e d suggestions are given.After analyzing the data it is found that the employees are satisfied withthe welfare facilities provided to them by the area office W.C.L. INTRODUCTIONLabour welfare:- L a b o u r w e l f a r e w o r k a i m s a t p r o v i d i n g s u c h s e r v i c e f a c i l i t i e s a n d amenities which enable the workers employed in an organization to performtheir work in healthy congenial surrounding conductive to good health and high morale.Labour welfare is a comprehensive term including various services,benefits and facilities offered by the employer. Through such generous fringebenefits the employer m akes life worth living for employees. The welfareamenities are extended in additional to norm al wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal provisions.Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unionsand non- governm ent agencies in addition to the employer. “InternationalLabour Organization efforts to make life worth living for workers” Accordingto the Oxford dictionary “Welfare is fundamentally an attitude of mind on thepart of management influencing the method by which management activitiesare undertaken. Objectives of labour welfare activities:- Following are the objectives of the voluntary labour welfare services byemployer-1)To win over em ployees loyalty and increase their morale.2)To develop efficiency and productivity
  • 2. am ong work ers.3)To reduce of threat of future governm ent intervention. 4 ) T o m a k e r e c r u i t m e n t m o r e e f f e c t i v e . 5)To earn goodwill and enhance public im age.6 ) T o b u i l d u p s t a b l e l a b o u r f o r c e t o r e d u c e l a b o u r t u r n o v e r a n d absenteeism. Importance of labour welfare activities:- Labour welfare in India has a special significance as the constitutionprovides for the prom otion of welfare of the labour for human conditions of work and securing to all workers.The various welfare measures provided by the em ployee will haveimmediate im pact on the health, physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the workers and thereby contributing to thehighest productivity.Social security measure provided by employer will act as a protection tothe workers. Labour welfare means activities designed for the promotion of the economic, social and cultural well being of the employees. Labour welfareincludes both statutory as well as non-statutory activities undertaken by theemployers, trade unions and both the central and state governments for thephysical and mental development of the workers.Labour welfare enables workers to have richer and more satisfying life. Itraises the standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden ontheir pocket. Welfare measures improve the physical and physiological healthof the employees, which in turn enhance their efficiency and productivity.Labour welfare prom otes a sense of belongings am ong the work ers,preventing them from resorting to unhealthy practices lik e absenteeism,l o b o u r u n r e s t s t r i k e , e t c . w e l f a r e w o r k i m p r o v e s t h e r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n employees and employers. It promotes a real change of heart and a changeof outlook of the part of both the employers and employees. Reasons for the labour welfare activities in India:- 1)Increase in efficiency of employees: Labour welfare activities increases in efficiency of employees to work. These facilities help in developing the feeling of dedication amongt h e m . D u e t o t h e i n c r e a s e i n e f f i c i e n c y t h e p r o d u c t i o n a n d t h e productivity of the enterprise increase considerably. 4 2)Helpful in reducing the state of poverty among employees: Most of the work ers in our country are unable in providing for basen e c e s s i t i e s f o r t h e m s e l v e s a n d t o t h e i r f a m i l y m e m b e r s . T h i s i s because of the extreme poverty am ong Indian work ers. Provision of l a b o u r w e l f a r e a c t i v i t i e s p l a y s a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n r e d u c i n g s u c h poverty and in providing essential amenities to the workers. 3)Establishment of Organizational peace: Labour welfare activities help in establishing sound relations betweenem ployees and employers. W hen the employees of the organizationfeels that they are getting all the possible facilities and the employersare very caring to them, then such good feeling increases enthusiasmamong employees which will establish peace in the organization. 4)H elpfu l in reduci ng t he rate of ab se n teeis m a n d l a b o u r turnover: The rate of absenteeism and labour turnover is much higher in India asc o m p a r e d t o t h a t o f d e v e l o p e d c o u n t r i e s o f t h e w o r l d . P r o v i s i o n o f labour welfare activities help in reducing this because the workers feelthemselves well settled at one place. CHAPTER- 2COMPANY PROFILEAbout Coal India Limited (CIL)
  • 3. Coal India Limited (CIL) is a public sector organization. It is a centralgovernment undertaking company. Before 1973 it was a private block andafter 1973 it was considered as a government sector since its initializationwas done in this year.C o a l i s t h e b a c k b o n e o f e n e r g y s e c u r i t y o f o u r n a t i o n a n d i t w i l l continue to occupy a dom inant position in the decades to come on the energy scenario of India. CIL contributes 54 percent of coal to the energyneeds of the nation and sky is the limit of increase in the demand of coal.Maintaining the highest growth in coal production CIL cross 400 m illion tones mark in 2008- 09.C o a l p l a y s a v i t a l r o l e i n p o w e r g e n e r a t i o n , c o n s i d e r i n g t h i s a l l subsidiaries of CIL are taking hard efforts to produce required quantity of coal. All should untidily work to fulfill the demand of power. The Vidarbharegion has abundant reserves of coal that would try to fulfill the demand.WCL depends on land to carry out its operations.CIL has 7-8 subsidiaries which are situated in different states of India. Ithas 10 divisions which are also k nown as areas out of which 3 areas aresituated in Madhya Pradesh and 7 in Maharashtra. All these areas look b e h i n d m i n i n g a c t i v i t i e s . C o a l p r o d u c t i o n i s t h e i m p o r t a n t s o u r c e o f ener gy of this organization. Presently, there 10,122 employees working inthese 10 areas. Coal India is playing a strategic role in the economy of the country bym a k i n g d o m e s t i c i n d u s t r y c o m p e t i t i v e a t g l o b a l l e v e l . C I L h a s b e e n providing 50% to 60% cheaper coal in comparison to internationalm arket to power plants. Total requirem ents of thermal power plants aremet by three different modes - Coal India, Captive Coal Blocks and Import.India stands third in the world in the production of coal. • Highest production of coal in India is in Jharkhand. 6 • In India, Thermal Coal Sector uses the maximum coal. • C o a l I n d i a L i m i t e d ( C I L ) h a s 8 3 % o f p a r t n e r s h i p i n w o r l d i n t h e production of coal. • In India, Singrauli.Co.Company.Ltd (M.P) is the oldest coalp roducing Government Company. • C o a l I n d i a i t s e l f d e c i d e s t h e c o a l r a t e p r o d u c e d b y C o a l I n d i a Limited. • In India, 70% of electricity is produced with the help of coal. • 1 3 % o f c o a l i n t h e w o r l d i s p r o d u c e d b y t h e u n d e r g r o u n d c o a l mines. • India’s oldest coal area is Raniganj India’s oldest coal area is Raniganj. • CIL operates 86 coal mines in Central India, feeds Power Stationsl o c a t e d i n t h e s t a t e s o f M a h a r a s h t r a , M a d h y a P r a d e s h , G u j a r a t , U t t e r P r a d e s h a n d H a r y a n a a p a r t f r o m m a n y o f t h e c o a l b a s e d industries. HISTORY OF CIL: 1971/73: Nationalization of coal mines in India.1 9 7 3 : C e n t r a l i z a t i o n o f C o a l M i n e s A u t h o r i t y L i m i t e d ( C M A L ) i n three divisions East, West and Central.1 9 7 4 : C e n t r a l i z a t i o n o f h o l d i n g c o m p a n y c o a l I n d i a l i m i t e d ( C I L ) six supporting companies. In west Western coalfieldlimited (WCL) was established which has its coal areas inMaharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Orissa.1 9 8 6 : R e o r g a n i z a t i o n o f c o a l c o m p a n i e s u n d e r c o a l I n d i a l i m i t e d . Thereafter coal mines of WCL in Madhya Pradesh (exceptChindwara and Baitul Distt) and Orissa were considered inthe supporting company South Eastern Coalfield Limited(SECL). Therefore, the coal areas of WCL weredecreased and remained only in Maharashtra and in someparts of Madhya Pradesh.2 0 0 7 : W C L h a s i n c r e a s e d t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f c o a l f r o m 2 1 m i l l i o n tonnes in 1985-86 to 43.51 million tonnes in 2007-08.
  • 4. 2 0 0 7 : I n d i a n g o v e r n m e n t d e c l a r e d W C L a s a M I N I R A T N A Company.2 0 0 8 : C o a l p r o d u c t i o n , o f f t a k e , p r o d u c t i v i t y , s a l e s r e a l i z a t i o n a n d turnover during the year reached a new peak the highestever in the history of the company.Concerted progress in rationalizing manpower has resulted in reductionof manpower by 1439 between 2006-07 and 2007-08 inspite of productiongrowth of 0.300 mt. during the same period.Coal India Limited TypePublic sector undertakingGovernment- ownedF o u n d e d 1 9 7 5 H e a d q u a r t e r s K o l k a t a , W e s t B e n g a l K e y p e o p l e P a r t h a S B h a t t a c h a r y y a , C h a i r m a n I n d u s t r y C o a l a n d l i g n i t e ProductsCoal net income =▲INR 85.16 billion (2006)(USD 2.15 billion)E m p l o y e e s 4 9 2 0 0 0 ( 2 0 0 6 ) W e b s i t e c o a l i n d i a . n i c . i n Coal India Limite d ( C I L ) i s a p u b l i c s e c t o r u n d e r t a k i n g o f t h e I n d i a n Governm ent. It is the world's largest coal m iner [1]. It is owned entirely bythe Union Governm ent, under the adm inistrative control of the Ministry of Coal. It is involved in coal mining and production industry.C o a l I n d i a L i m i t e d w a s f o r m e d i n 1 9 7 5 a s a h o l d i n g c o m p a n y w i t h f i v e subsidiaries:  Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) (Dhanbad, Jharkhand)  Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) (Ranchi, Jharkhand)  W estern Coalfields Limited (W CL) Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) (Asansol, West Bengal)  Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL) (Nagpur) 8
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  • 9. Several years later, three more subsidiaries were added:  Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) (Raulkela)  South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) (Bilaspur)  North Eastern Coalfields Limited (NECL) (directly under control of coalIndia limited)  Northern Coalfields Limited, Singrauli (NCL,Singrauli)Coal India Ltd (CIL) will extract coal from 18 abandoned underground mineso w n e d b y t h r e e o f i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h p r i v a t e p l a y e r s . Underground mining would be revived in 6 abandoned mines of Eas t e r n Coalfields, 8 mines of Bharat Coking Coal, and 4 mines of Central Coalfields. These 18 mines have an approximate reserve of 1,647 million tonnes of coal.C I L c o n t r i b u t e s a r o u n d 8 5 % o f c o a l p r o d u c t i o n i n I n d i a ; i t i s t h e l a r g e s t company in the World in terms of coal production. Employs nearly 4.25 Lakhpersons and is the largest corporate employer in the country. It is one of thelargest Companies in the country, turnover being around Rs. 386.31 billion in2007-08. It is one of the largest tax payers (Corporate Tax Rs.35.75 billion) in2007-08 and has paid Dividend of Rs17.054 Billion to the Govt. of India in2007- 08. Mission of coal India “The mission of coal India limited is to produce and market, the plannedquality of coal and coal products efficiently and economically, with d u e regard to safety, conservation and quality.” ABOUT WESTERN COALFIELD LIMITED (WCL) Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) is one of the eight Subsidiary Companies of Coal India Lim ited (CIL) which is under administrative control of Ministry of C o a l . T h e C o m p a n y i n c o r p o r a t e d u n d e r t h e C o m p a n i e s A c t , 1 9 5 6 h a s i t s r egistered office at Coal Estate, Civil Lines, Nagpur–440001. The Company has contributed about 9.5% of the national coal productiond u r i n g 2 0 0 7 - 0 8 . I t h a s m i n i n g o p e r a t i o n s p r e a d o v e r t h e s t a t e s o f Mahara
  • 10. shtra (in Nagpur, Chandrapur & Yeotmal Districts) and MadhyaP r a d e s h ( i n B e t u l a n d C h h i n d a w a r a D i s t r i c t s ) . The Company is a major source of supplies of coal to the industries located inWestern India in the States of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat and alsoin Southern India in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka andK e r a l a . A l a r g e n u m b e r s o f P o w e r H o u s e s u n d e r M a h a r a s h t r a , M a d h y a Pr adesh, Gujrat, Karnataka, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh - Electricity Boards arem ajor consumers of its coal along with cement, steel, chemical, fertilizer,paper and brick Industries in these states.WCL as the highest corporate tax payer of Vidarbha region has contributed tothe state exchequer during 2008-09 approx. Rs. 897 crores by way of royaltyand taxes and approx. Rs. 438 crores as corporate tax.WCL a MINIRATNA Company (Government of India) Nagpur based subsidiaryof Navratna Public Sector Undertaking- Coal India Limited, has posted a heftyprofit of Rs. 516.12 crores on equity base of Rs. 297.10 crores as per auditedaccounts for the year ended 31 st March 2009.WCL has retained its flagship status among 7 coal producing subsidiaries of coal India lim ited by recording highest percentage of achievem ent against target in OB removal, coal off-take and 2 nd highest in coal production.WCL received the award and gold medal for best corporate performance on8 th October 2009.WCL is one of the subsidiaries of coal India limited (CIL). Tree plantation on yearly basis is being undertaken in and around the minesas per the availability of land and on the reclaimed site and dead OB dumps. T h e p l a n t a t i o n p l a y s v e r y i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n i m p r o v i n g t h e e n v i r o n m e n t 10 around the villages in the vicinity of m ines. Species of plants planted are teak, siwan, sisoo, casia, awala, imli, jamoon etc. The pride of place Miniratna W CL o c c u p i e s i n c o a l I n d i a i s b e c a u s e t h i s company has the finest of workers, supervisors and executives ever ready torespond and race ahead of others in achieving the desired goal. No challengeis insurmountable and no target is too high for such a team.WCL formally launched on 24 th March 2008, Forward e-Auction scheme underthe new coal distribution policy of government of India. The objective of thes c h e m e , i n t r o d u c e d f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e i n t h e c o u n t r y , i s t o h e l p g e n u i n e industrial consumers under power and other sectors that can source a part of their requirement through this mode.After achieving the target of 1.11million tonnes additional coal is produced int h e y e a r 2 0 0 7 - 0 8 . W i t h w o r k e r s s w e a t a n d t o i l & c o m m i t m e n t t o w a r d s progress, WCL team has to its credit the best ever performance in the historyof the company during this year- highest coal production, coal supplies to theconsumers, productivity and turnover, thereby earning estimated net profitbefore tax of Rs.1176 crores substantially higher than the budgeted Rs.676crores and last year’s Rs.1054 crores. The company is the highest corporatetaxpayer in the in Vidarbha region. The future plan of the company is to maintain its present level of productionand increase it to 45 million tonnes by:1 . O p e n i n g new mines2.Mechanization, introduction of new technology suitable t o t h e c o n d i t i o n s t o i n c r e a s e c a p a c i t y o f e x i s t i n g , o n g o i n g a n d f u t u r e project s.3.Im proving efficiency of operations.In addition to 26 ongoing and future projects (22OC & 4UG), 34 moreprojects, (24OC & 10UG) are planned to be started in coming years. Of 11 these 34 projects 4 are already approved, 12 have been formulated and remaining 18 are yet to be formulated.
  • 11. Events celebrated: Every year W CL’s Jankar W omen’s club celebrates International W omen’sday. On this occasion all the members of this club help poor and needy byproviding food, clothes, fruits and games & rides to small children. They alsohelp handicapped people.Sports com petition, summer camps for children, blood donationc a m p s , h e a l t h c h e c k u p c a m p s , s e m i n a r s o n s a f e t y , s c h o l a r s h i p s t o talented students, independence day, republic day, worker’s day, nurses day,environment week, mining events, Hindi rajbhasha week etc. are celebrated. WCL AT A GLANCE: Coal Mines (01.04.08) - 84(37OC, 42UG, 5MIXED)Coal washries - 1Manpower (01.04.08) - 64,199Productivity (2007-08) - 43.51 million tonnesOff take (2007-08) - 44.90 million tonnesOutput per man shift (2007-08) - 2.52 tonnesGross Turnover (business) - 5681 croresClear profit - 930 croresCapital investment (2007-08) - 2846 croresRoyalty & Tax to government - 757 croresCorporate Tax Payment - 509 croresAnnual investment - approx. 176 crores 12 LAST FIVE YEARS OF WCL Y E A R S 0 3 - 0 4 0 4 - 0 5 0 5 - 0 6 0 6 - 0 7 0 7 - 0 8 0 8 - 0 9 Coal Production(million tones)3 9 . 5 3 4 1 . 4 1 4 3 . 2 0 4 3 . 2 1 4 3 . 5 1 4 3 . 0 3 Off take(million tones)3 9 . 2 0 4 0 . 3 2 4 1 . 7 5 4 2 . 1 7 4 4 . 9 0 4 4 . 9 8 Turnover business(in crores)3 8 8 2 4 5 0 5 4 9 8 6 5 0 1 2 5 6 8 1 - Clear profit(in crores)7 4 4 9 3 5 1 4 4 7 1 0 5 4 9 3 0 1 0 4 7 (budgeted)Corporate tax(in crores)3 4 7 4 2 4 4 6 1 6 0 8 5 0 9 - Royalty and taxpayment(in crores)5 2 3 5 7 2 6 2 0 6 2 0 7 5 8 - ABOUT NAGPUR AREA OFFICE WCL Nagpur area is one of the total 10(ten) areas of WCL. WCL Nagpur Area lies inN a g p u r d i s t r i c t w h i c h i s l o c a t e d i n n o r t h s i d e o f N a g p u r c i t y . I t h a s 9 underground (UG) mines and 2 opencast (OC) mines, located in the five sub-areas i.e. Kamptee, Silewara, Pipla, Saoner and Gondegaon. Projects/mines of Nagpur area are located in the three tahsils- Kamptee, Parsconi and Saonerof Nagpur district. Area head quarter (HQ) office of Nagpur area is situated at Jaripatka, Nagpur.NAGPUR AREA comprises of the following projects/mines: A.ONGOING PROJECTS/MINES: i ) P i p l a U / G i i ) S i l e w a r a U / G i i i ) A B I n c l i n e U / G Silewara Sub- Areai v ) S a o n e r U / G v ) P a t a n s a o n g i U / G S a o n e r S u
  • 12. b - A r e a v i ) K a m p t e e U G C o n v e r s i o n to OCvii) Inder U/GKamptee Sub- Areav i i i ) G o n d e g a o n O C G o n d e g a o n S u b - A r e a B.NEW PROJECTS: i) Adasa U/G of Saoner Sub-Area ii) Bhanegaon O/C of Silewara Sub-Area iii) Singhori O/C of Silewara Sub-Area iv) Kamptee U/G to O/C (Expansion) of Kamptee Sub-Area v) Inder U/G to O/C of Kamptee Sub-Area vi) Gondegaon O/C (Extension) of Gondegaon Sub-AreaPresently there are 250 employees working in Nagpur area office of WCL.In June 2007, Government has granted status of MINIRATNA to the companyand now the motto of the c ompany is to achieve the status of a NAVRATNAcompany in the days to come. In order to achieve this goal, the company hast o p u t i n t h e i r b e s t e f f o r t s a n d w o r k a s o n e c o h e s i v e u n i t w i t h f o c u s e d attention on:- 1 ) S o u n d c o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c e 2)Tim ely completion of new projects and advance planning for openingnew mines. 3) Efficient utilization of all available resources with more trust on humanresource, the most precious one.4)High priority to consumer satisfaction. 5 ) E c o n o m i z i n g c o s t a n d M a x i m i z i n g p r o f i t a b i l i t y a s a t r u e c o m m e r c i a l organization. 14 6) Ac hie vin g hi gh s tandar ds o f s af et y of m en, m ater ial a n d v i t a l installations. 7) Diversification of activities and exploring new avenues as businessstrategy in the form of joint ventures etc. The first quarter of 2008 had been of glorious achievementswhere targets were surpassed and performance of the company in terms of achievements against assigned targets was highest among all subsidiaries of Coal India. The credit of this, undoubtedly, goes to each one in WCL family.(Workers, staff, officers, trade union leaders and directors) who are providingsound corporate governance in achieving the organizational goal. There are 11 major departments in area office named as:1 ) F i n a n c e d e p a r t m e n t 2 ) S a l e s a n d M a r k e t i n g department3 ) P e r s o n n e l d e p a r t m e n t 4 ) M i n i n g d e p a r t m e n t 5)Material management department 6 ) E x c a v a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t 7 ) C i v i l d e p a r t m e n t 8)E & M department (Electrical & M e c h a n i c a l ) 9 ) P l a n n i n g d e p a r t m e n t 10)Training department11)Security depa rtmentOut of all these departments m ining is the m ain department of
  • 13. thisorganization. Beside these there are also many m inor departments. The main and basic facilities provided to the employees of area officeare: - medical, housing, education, community development, etc. MISSION The mission of the company is to become a “NAVRATNA” company byachieving its target goal. b) House rent allowances:The area office is providing house rent allowances to theem ployees who are not using the housing facility provided by the company. Such employees stay in the house of their choice by payingrent. For that they get HR allowance depending on their basic. Thesepeople get some proportionate share of their basic as house rentdecided by the company. School Bus Facility: The children of the employees who are studying inschools andcolleges gets school bus facility so that they can reach totheirDestination properly. Education facilities: The talented students / children of the workingemployees getscholarship for their performance. The company also providesloan for higher education. They also motivate children byconducting competitions and by distributing prizes to them.Funds are also given to the corporation school for the schoolbuilding and for the upliftment of the children. Rehabilitation: Company needs land for mines (where the coal ispresent) sothe land owners are requested to hand over their land togovernment and in its place company provides job to one of the familymember according to his/her qualification. Besides this they also getssome compensation according to the government policies. Sports and Cultural Activities: Ever y year sports and other events are organized for thee n j o y m e n t o f t h e w o r k e r a n d t h e i r f a m i l y m e m b e r s . C u l t u r a l activitie s are also conducted on many occasions. Funds for Community Development: 20 The company provides funds for the community developmentsuch as electricity, water supply, roads, street lights etc… Canteen: A good and well maintained clean canteen facility is available atthe area office premises, for the employees. SC/ST PLANS: Organization provides scholarship to children of employees of SC/ST. The percentage to avail benefit is com paratively low thanthe open category. Also, the organization helps the schools andlibrary which belongs to SC/ST’s. Good working conditions: The working conditions in the area office are excellent. Theenvironm ent is neat and clean. Lots of greenery is present in the office premises such pleasant environment keeps employees fit andfine.Besides these major facilities there are many more facilities likemini LTC and major LTC. Plants are distributed to the employees inenvironm ent week ; Ganesh Utsav, New Year, Independence day,republic day etc are celebrated for the enjoyment of the employeeand his family. Perks and allowance: Common Perquisites:1 ) I n f r a s t r u c t u r e 2 ) L T C F a c i l i t y 3 ) S u b s i d i z e d e l e c t r i c i t y Domestic & Residential:1 ) D o m e s t i c a s s i s t a n c e 2 ) E l e c t r i c i t y allowance3 ) F u e l a l l o w a n c e Education Allowance:1 ) S t u d y i n s c h o o l s 2 ) S t u d y i n c o l l e g e s
  • 14. 21 3)Study in UG/PG Professional Institution4 ) H o s t e l a l l o w a n c e 5)Professional development a l l o w a n c e Transportation AllowancePersonal allowance etc. Welfare programmes in Area Office WCL 1)Revenue W elfare Budget T h e b u d g e t p r o p o s a l a s p e r A c t i o n P l a n i s p r e p a r e d b y t h e A r e a Welfare Committees at Area Level and submitted to Welfare Deptt. fordeliberation in the welfare board. The welfare board then examines theproposals areawise, headwise and recommends for approval to thechairman welfare board and Director Finance and CMD. Finally after approval the Rev. Welfare budget is communicated to the areas for itsimplementations.2)Monitoring by the welfare board The welfare board visits the areas as per the calendar prepared tom onitor the activities of the area and see the im plem entation of the budget/expenditure. The welfare board interacts with the area welfarecommittees at area level. 3) 15 th August Awards The welfare board distributes the awards to the awardees on this dateevery year. The proposals based on the norms prepared by the welfareb o a r d a r e c a l l e d f r o m t h e areas. The same is compiled by welfaredepartment and awardees list finalized by the w e l f a r e b o a r d a n d approved by the chairman welfare board and CMD and the awards ared i s t r i b u t e d o n t h e 1 5 th August Independence day functions at W CLHead quarter.4)W elfare Fortnight Inspection To improve the standard of living and quality of life, of employees thewelfare board has formulated norms on all welfare activities for which 22 areawise/inter area competitions are held at company level. At thea r e a l e v e l t h e I s t p h a s e I n t e r S u b A r e a s w e l f a r e f o r t n i g h t l y com petitions are held. The IInd phase inspection is conducted by thew e l f a r e b o a r d . A f t e r t h e i n s p e c t i o n t h e r e s u l t i s c o m p i l e d a n d t h e p r i z e s a r e d i s t r i b u t e d a t a g r a n d f u n c t i o n w h i c h i s g r a c e d b y t h e Hon’ble Coal Minister 5) Areawise Union Representation (check off system every year) in the area welfare committee The criteria has been prepared by the welfare board. Every year basedo n t h e c h e c k o f f s y s t e m f i g u r e a n d t h e m a n p o w e r a s o n ¼ t h e calculations are work ed out on the basis of the approved criteria forwork ing out the union representation in the area welfare comm ittee and approved by the competent authority and circulated to areas forn o m i n a t i o n s o f m e m b e r s b y t h e w e l f a r e b o a r d , f o r f u n c t i o n i n g o f welfare committee.6)Community & Peripheral Development ProgrammeV a r i o u s d e v e l o p m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e c o m m u n i t y r e s i d i n g i n & a round its various mining areas for the benefit of its employees, theirwards, and the local populace are undertaken. Such developm entalactivities are also undertaken in the town and villages, adjoining coalm i n i n g b e l t , g e n e r a l l y w i t h i n a r a d i u s o f 8 k m s . F o r t h e b e n e f i t o f general popular. For which the budgetary provision is made at the rateRs.1/- per tonne of coal produced during the previous year.While planning the activities, to be undertaken in each financial year,requests and recommendations from village Panchyat, Local DistrictAuthorities and Peoples Representatives are considered. Theactivities undertaken include: 1) Construction of approach roads.2 ) T a r r i n g o f r o a d s . 3 ) D i g g i n g o f B o r e w e l s . 4 ) P r o v i d i n g & Installation of hand-pumps. 5) Cleaning of Wells. 6) Laying of Pipelines.7) Providing and Fitting Street Lights. 8) Construction/ Installation of W ater Tanks. 9) Construction
  • 15. of additional rooms in existing schoolb u i l d i n g . 1 0 ) P r o v i d i n g s c h o o l f u r n i t u r e a n d o t h e r L a b . I t e m s . 1 1 ) Provi ding book s, alm irah etc. for libraries. 12) Construction of check dams. 13) Construction of Community Centers. 14) Village sports. 15) 23 M e d i c a l c a m p s . 1 6 ) C o n s t r u c t i o n o f C r e m a t i o n P l a c e / S h e d s . 1 7 ) Assi stance to various social organization/NGO’s for the development of physically/mentally handicapped persons, cultural/sports activities etc. T h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s o f t h e s e a c t i v i t i e s a r e m o n i t o r e d b y t h e a r e a welfare comm ittee at area level and welfare board at the companylevel.7)Sports and Cultural Activities T h e w e l f a r e b o a r d m o n i t o r s t h e a c t i v i t i e s o f s p o r t s a n d c u l t u r a l activities of all the areas. The function of sports & cultural activities areh e l d o n t h e b e h a l f o f t h e w e l f a r e b o a r d i n e a c h a r e a s . T h e w e l f a r e board monitors the activities of sports and cultural activities of all theareas. Western Coalfield Limited Nagpur Welfare Budget(Rs. In lakhs) P A R T I C U L A R S 0 4 - 0 5 0 6 - 0 7 0 8 - 0 9 S c h o o l a n d E d u c a t i o n 2 7 3 0 2 2 M e d i c a l S e r v i c e s 2 7 0 3 4 5 5 4 4 R e s i / W e l f a r e / C o l o n y R o a d s 1 9 5 2 0 6 4 7 2 S p o r t s / R e c r e a t i o n / C u l t u r e : 1 1 1 5 3 0 M a h i l a M a n d a l 1 1 1 O t h e r E x p e n s e s 5 6 1 5 S C / S T P l a n s 1 8 5 6 3 8 W a t e r S u p p l y 7 2 7 0 1 0 5 C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t 1 6 3
  • 16. 3 6 1 S p e c i a l S a n c t i o n / W e l f a r e B o a r d 7 5 2 8 - G R A N D T O T A L 6 9 0 7 9 0 1 2 8 8 CHAPTER- 4RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AN INTRODUCTION :Research is the process of systematic and in-depth study or search for anyp a r t i c u l a r t o p i c , s u b j e c t o r a r e a o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n , b a c k e d b y c o l l e c t i o n , 24 c o m p i l a t i o n , p r e s e n t a t i o n a n d i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f r e l e v a n t d e t a i l s o r d a t a . Rese arch methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.I t m a y b e u n d e r s t o o d a s a s c i e n c e o f s t u d y i n g h o w r e s e a r c h i s d o n e scientifically necessary. The information collected through research methodologymust be accurate and relevant. The data collection method can be classified into two methods:- - Primary Data - Secondary Data - Primary Data:D a t a c o l l e c t e d b y a r e s e a r c h e r i s k n o w n a s p r i m a r y d a t a . I t i s collected by a person for his own use obtained from findings. This isc o n s i d e r e d a s f i r s t h a n d i n f o r m a t i o n . T h i s i s t h a t d a t a w h i c h i s c o l l e c t e d b y u s t o m e e t o u r o w n s p e c i f i c p u r p o s e . T h e d a t a i s collected by the means of questionnaire filled in by the employeesa t d i f f e r e n t p o s t s o f N a g p u r a r e a o f f i c e . T h i s m e t h o d o f d a t a collection is very popular particularly in big organizations. THE RESEARCH APPROACH:Survey Method THE RESEARCH INSTRUMENT : Questionnaire THE RESPONDENTS: The employees of the organization. -
  • 17. Secondary Data:Secondary data means data that are already available ie, they referto data which has already been collected and analyzed by som e o n e e l s e . T h i s t y p e o f d a t a i n f o r m a t i o n c a n a l s o b e u s e d b y t h e researcher for his use as second hand information sources throughwhich secondary data can be collected.Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data.Published data used here is from:- i ) M a g a z i n e s i i ) A n n u a l r e p o r t s o f t h e c o m p a n y iii) Newspapers etc. The sources of unpublished data are diaries, letters, unpublished internal records made available by staff members etc. 29 Thus, the primary source of data collection was the interview andquestionnaire methods. The secondary data was collected throughmagazines, annual reports of the company, internal records of theorganization and through websites. ANALYSIS OF DATA Once the collection of data is complete, it should be analyzed andprocessed through classification tabulation etc in accordance withthe subject matter. A careful planning of the analytical frameworkshould therefore be done by the researcher. Data analysis is carriedout by arranging the data received by the em ployees in an excelsheet. This data is then converted into graphical forms. Pie chartshave also been used for the tabulation and interpretation of datacollected. HYPOTHESIS TESTING After analyzing the data hypothesis testing is done. It will result ineither accepting the hypothesis or rejecting it. INTERPRETATION A f t e r t e s t i n g t h e h y p o t h e s i s t h e r e s e a r c h e r c o m e s o u t w i t h h i s conclusions. The explanation of theory ca n also be considered as interpretation. QUESTIONNAIRE PREPARATION The basic requisite of any research study is the appropriate dataw h i c h c a n b e c o l l e c t e d w i t h t h e h e l p o f a s c h e d u l e o r a questionnaire. With the help of questionnaire it is easy to determinethe satisfaction level of so many employees in the organization.SAMPLING SIZE The sampling size on which the analysis is based is 72. 30 SAMPLING TECHNIQUES The sampling technique used for carrying out this study is RANDOMsampling technique. P R E P A R A T I O N O F R E P O R T A N D P R E S E N T A T I O N O F REPOR T F i n a l l y t h e r e s e a r c h e r h a s t o p r e p a r e a f i n a l r e p o r t a l o n g w i t h conclusion and suggestions. PREPARATION OF A BIBLIOGRAPHY At the end of any research report a bibliography is generally added. This is the list of books, publications, periodicals, journals,reports, etc which are used by the researcher in connection withthe study Q.11) Kindly suggest the m ethods of improving or adding special welfare facilities? 17%75%8%Noimprovemeearlyactionshouldbetakeproper timeshouldbetake Q.12) Does welfare benefits provided by the organization plays as a motivational factor? 53%45%2%highl y agreagreedisagree
  • 18. Conclusion:- 53% employees are highly agree that the welfare benefitsprovided by the organization plays a motivational factor. 37
  • 19.
  • 20. Q.13) Do you get medical reimbursement on time? 53%30%2%15%yesandwithfreimbursemeyesbutwithreducedreimbursemeNoNot applicabl Conclusion:- 53% employees agree that they gets full medicalreimbursement.Q.14) Briefly explain the procedure of availing routine welfare facilities inpoints? 25%70%5%makingappli,submit pr n imme sanconly applicationis required just an approac Conclusion:- 5% employees says that just an approach is required to avail theroutine welfare facility while 25% employees says that to make the 38
  • 21.
  • 22. application submit the proof and the 70% employees says that onlyapplication is required . Q.15) Briefly explain the procedure availing the special welfare facilities inpoints? 75%5%20%lengthyprocesnotavailedapply takeapprovalnshoproof
  • 23. Conclusion:- 5% of the em ployees of organization says that they had not availed any special welfare facility 75% says that the procedure is apply theapproval and show proof and the other 20% says that the procedure is toolengthy process CHAPTER-6OBSERVATION AND CONCLUSION The employees of the organization are found to be satisfied with thefacilities provided to them by the company.They still want more focus on family welfare. They want that the timeperiod for sanctioning special welfare facility should be reduced.- M o r e t h a n 7 0 % o f the employees agree that the welfare facilities a r e p r o v i d e d t o t h e m a n d t h e y a r e a v a i l i n g s p e c i a l w e l f a r e f a c i l i t i e s according to their need.- A n e a t , c l e a n a n d p e a c e f u l e n v i r o n m e n t o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n h e l p s i n maintaining satisfaction and enthusiasm to perform work among theemployees.- T h e e m p l o y e e s o f t h e N a g p u r A r e a O f f i c e o f W C L a r e h i g h l y s a t i s f i e d with the routine welfare facilities which they are availing on a regularbasis.- The routine welfare facilities are availed by each employee in t h e organization by simply filling an application, without any proof and the time required is also nominal.- T h e t i m e r e q u i r e d f o r s a n c t i o n i n g t h e s p e c i a l w e l f a r e f a c i l i t i e s i s 2 - 3 week.- T h e p r o c e s s o f a v a i l i n g s p e c i a l w e l f a r e f a c i l i t y i s v e r y l e n g t h y a n d hence it can be availed by following simple process. 40 CHAPTER- 7SUGGESTIONS AND LIMITATIONSSUGGESTIONS 1)Sanctioning time of special welfare facility should be reduced.2 ) N e w f a c i l i t i e s s h o u l d b e a d d e d t o t h e e x i s t i n g o n e s b y e a r l y a c t i o n taken by management.3 ) M e d i c a l r e i m b u r s e m e n t s h o u l d a l s o b e c o n t i n u e d a f t e r t h e retirement. LIMITATIONS 1)The study does not cover the entire work for as sample size is 72.2 ) T h e s t u d y i s b a s e d o n a p a r t i c u l a r c l a s s o f e m p l o y e e s i . e . O f f i c e r , clerk etc.3)The result depends on the answers received from respondent which may be biased. 41 BIBLIOGRAPHY v.s.p rao – human resource k ashwathappa- human resource & personnel mngt company magazine rAnnual Reports of Organization Internal Records of Organization QUESTIONNAIRE PLEASE TICK 1)How m any facilities provided by the com pany to you? Canteen HousingEducation Medical2)How m any special facilities have you availed?2 to 5 5 to 6 6 and above3)How m any facilities are you availing on routine basis?1 to 5 5 to 10 10 and above4)How m any facilities are provided for education of children toemployees?Bus FacilitiesSchool FacilitiesEducational loan facilities 5)Are you getting wages as per basic m inim um criteria allotted by Government?Yes No No Suggestions6)How much time it will take for sanctioning special welfare facility?1-2 week 2-3 week 3-4 week7) Is there suitable ventilation and good environment in the work place?Yes No No Suggestions 43
  • 24. 8)Is the work place regularly cleaned? Yes No9)How m uch are you satisfied by the procedure of availing ro utinewelfare facilities?Highly satisfiedSatisfiedPartly satisfiedNot satisfied10) How much are you satisfied by the procedure of availingSpecial welfare facilities?Highly satisfiedSatisfiedPartly satisfiedNot satisfied 11)Kindly suggest the methods of improving or adding specialWelfare facilities?No improvementEarly action should be takenProper time should be taken 12) Does welfare benefits provided by the organization plays as aMotivational factor?Highly agreeAgreeDo not agree 13) Do you get medical reimbursement on time?Yes and with full reimbursement 44 Yes but with reduced reimbursementNo reimbursementNot applicable14) Briefly explain the procedure of availing routine welfare facilities inpoints.Making an application, submit proof and immediate sanction.Only application is required.Just an approach.15) Briefly explain the procedure availing the special welfare facilities inpoints.Lengthy processNot availedApply take approval and show proof. 16) Your comment and suggestion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …