devops open source linux automation rpm continuous delivery conferences continuous integration continuous deployment cloud agile software development disaster recovery gitops cloud computing configuration management governance agile it strategy compliance enterprise python automated compliance automation automated governance deutsche bahn it compliance kubernetes strategy it aws culture vmware scrum kanban web operations rear bare metal it governance developer experience analogy security corporate conference best practice test driven development test driven sponsoring yum packages business continuity suse linux enterprise server booting pxe relax and recover operations digitalization digital strategy services pipelining devsecops information technology kubecon cloud native computing foundation agile transformation measurement kpi definition elevator pitch normal db policy contribution change management trust pod container mindset change root g suite google apps cloud office future of work microsoft office workplace internal osdc amazon web services amazon devops log level server operations developers infrastructure introduction lessons learned gnu general public license modularized yaml gpl unit test system test network boot continous integration teamcity icinga nagios graphite spec testing sudo management german deployment silicon berlin enterprise desktop ubuntu desktop vmware vsphere r relax and recovey novell enterprise linux linux disaster recovery multipath io servers storage area network government agencies subversion dhcp perl conferencean configuration file success story consulting
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