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Challenges in Pedestrian Flow Modelling 
Macroscopic Modeling of Crowds capturing Self-Organisation 
Serge Hoogendoorn, Winnie Daamen, Femke van Wageningen-Kessels, and others…
Societal Urgency 
Examples showing increasing importance of crowd modeling & management 
Religious or social gathersings, events, (re-)urbanisaiton, increase use of transit and rail… 
• Situations where large crowds gather are 
frequent (sports events, religious events, 
festivals, etc.); occurrence of 
‘spontaneous events’ due to social media 
• Transit (in particular train) is becoming 
more important leading to overcrowding 
of train stations under normal and 
exceptional situations (e.g. renovation of 
Utrecht Central Station) 
• Walking (and cycling) are becoming 
more important due to (re-)urbanisation 
(strong reduction car-mobility in Dutch 
• When things go wrong, societal impacts 
are huge!
How can models be used to 
support planning, organisation, 
design, and control? 
• Testing (new) designs of stations, 
buildings, stadions, etc. 
• Testing evacuation plans for buildings 
• Testing crowd management and 
control measures and strategies 
• Training of crowd managers 
• On-line crowd management systems 
as part of state estimation and 
Development of valid models 
requires good data!!! 
Courtesy of Prof. H. Mahmassani 
Engineering challenges 
Societal urgencies leads to demand for engineering solutions 
Importance of Theory and Models for Pedestrian and Crowd Dynamics
Understanding Pedestrian Flows 
Field observations, controlled experiments, virtual laboratories 
Data collection remains a challenge, but many new opportunities arise!
Empirical characteristics and relations 
• Experimental research capacity values: 
• Strong influence of composition of flow 
• Importance of geometric factors 
Fundamental diagram pedestrian flows 
• Relation between density and flow / speed 
• Big influence of context! 
• Example shows regular FD and FD 
determined from Jamarat Bridge 
Traffic flow characteristics for pedestrians… 
Capacity, fundamental diagram, and influence of context
Phenomena in pedestrian flow operations 
Fascinating world of pedestrian flow dynamics! 
Examples self-organisation 
• Self-organisation of dynamic lanes in 
bi-directional flow 
• Formation of diagonal stripes in 
crossing flows 
• Viscous fingering in multi-directional 
• Self-organisation yields moderate 
reduction of flow efficiency 
• Chaotic features, e.g. multiple 
‘stable’ patterns may result 
• Limits of self-organisation
Limits to efficient self-organisation 
Overloading causes phase transitions 
Examples failing self-organisation 
• When conditions become too crowded 
efficient self-organisation ‘breaks 
• Flow performance (effective 
capacity) decreases substantially, 
causing cascade effect as demand 
stays at same level 
• New phases make occur: start-stop 
waves, turbulence 
Network level characteristics 
• Generalised network fundamental 
diagram can be sensibly defined for 
pedestrian flows!
The Modelling Challenge 
Reproducing key phenomena in pedestrian dynamics 
Towards useful pedestrian flow models… 
Challenge is to come up with a model that 
can reproduce or predict pedestrian flow 
dynamics under a variety of circumstances 
and conditions 
Inductive approach: when designing a model, 
consider the following: 
• Which are the key phenomena / characteristics 
you need to represent? 
• Which theories could be used to represent these 
• Which mathematical constructs are applicable 
and useful? 
• Which representation levels are appropriate 
• How to tackle calibration and validation?
Pedestrian modelling approaches 
Representation and behaviour roles 
Examples of micro, meso, and macroscopic pedestrian modelling approaches 
Behavioural rules: 
Individual particles Continuum 
Individual behaviour 
Microscopic simulation 
models (social forces, 
CA, NOMAD, etc.) 
Gas-kinetic models 
(Hoogendoorn, Helbing) 
Aggregate behaviour 
Particle discretisation 
models (SimPed) 
Macroscopic continuum 
models (Hughes, 
Columbo, Hoogendoorn) 
Research emphasis on microscopic simulation models and on walking behaviour
1. Introduction 
Example: NOMAD Game Theoretical Model 
Interaction modelling by using differential game theory 
Or: Pedestrian Economicus as main theoretical assumption… 
This memo aims at connecting the microscopic modelling principles underlying the 
social-forces model to identify a macroscopic flow model capturing interactions amongst 
pedestrians. To this end, we use the anisotropic version of the social-forces model pre-sented 
by Helbing to derive equilibrium relations for the speed and the direction, given 
the desired walking speed and direction, and the speed and direction changes due to 
Application of differential game theory: 
• Pedestrians minimise predicted walking cost, due 
to straying from intended path, being too close to 
others / obstacles and effort, yielding ai(t): 
Level of anisotropy 
reflected by this 
2. Microscopic foundations 
We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of 
pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: 
(1) ~ai = 
i ~vi 
⌧i  Ai 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
• Simplified model is similar to Social Forces model of Helbing 
Face validity? 
• Model results in reasonable fundamental diagrams 
• What about self-organisation? 
1 + cos $ij 
where Rij denotes the distance between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing 
from pedestrian i to j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction of i and the postion 
of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, ~vi 
that ~ai 
be introduced later. 
In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction 
for which this occurs is given by: 
(2) ~vi = ~v0 
i  ⌧iAi 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
1 + cos $ij 
Let us now make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x)
Example: NOMAD Game Theoretical Model 
Interaction modelling by using differential game theory 
Or: Pedestrian Economicus as main theoretical assumption… 
Example shows lane formation process for 
homogeneous groups... 
NOMAD model (like social forces model) captures lane formation 
Heterogeneity yields 
less efficient lane formation (freezing by heating)
Example: NOMAD Game Theoretical Model 
Interaction modelling by using differential game theory 
Or: Pedestrian Economicus as main theoretical assumption… 
Is NOMAD able to reproduce breakdown in case of oversaturation? 
• Testing NOMAD / Social Forces model using different demand patterns to 
investigate if and under which conditions breakdown occurs 
• Large impact of population heterogeneity (‘freezing by heating’) + reaction time 
Heterogeneity yields 
less efficient lane formation (freezing by heating) 
*) Work by Xiaoxia Yang, Winnie Daamen, Serge Paul Hoogendoorn, Yao Chen, Hairong Dong 
•M ic ro s c o p ic m o de l s h ave b e e n 
re l a t i v e l y s uc c e s s f u l , a l t h o u g h 
s e ve r a l is s ue s a re s t i l l t o be 
t ac k l e d 
• Ca l i b ra t i o n a n d v a l i d a t i o n a re 
c r i t ic a l i s s ue s t o t a c k le 
• I n c l us io n o f c u l t u ra l 
d i f fe re n c e s, i m p ac t s o f 
wa l k i ng p u r p o s e 
•R o u te c h o ic e i n ge ne r a l 
re q u i re s m o re at te n t io n !
44 48 
0 20 40 60 80 
x1-axis (m) 
x2-axis (m) 
28 28 
Dynamic programming 
• NOMAD route choice: 
• Let W(t,x) denote minimum 
expected cost (travel time) 
from (t,x) to destination(s) 
• W(t,x) satisfies HJB equation: 
= L(t, 
v0 )+ 
0 = 
v0∇W + 
0 ⋅V0 
σ 2 
0 = −∇W/ ||∇W || 
• Optimal direction 
perpendicular to iso-cost curves 
• Efficient numerical solution 
approaches available… 
Completing the Model 
Route choice modelling by Stochastic Optimal Control 
Optimal routing in continuous time and space…
Continuum modelling 
Dynamic assignment in continuous time and space 
Macroscopic traffic flow modelling… 
Multi-class macroscopic model of Hoogendoorn and Bovy (2004) 
• Kinematic wave model for pedestrian flow for each destination d 
qd = 
qd = r − s with 
d !γ 
d ⋅ρd ⋅V(ρ1,...,ρD ) 
d ⋅V(ρ1,...,ρD ) 
• Here V is the (multi-class) equilibrium speed; the optimal direction: 
d (t, 
x) = − 
∇Wd (t, 
||∇Wd (t, 
x) || 
• Stems from minimum cost Wd(t,x) for each (set of) destination(s) d 
• Is this a reasonable model? 
• No, since there is only pre-determined (global) route choice, the model will have 
unrealistic features
Continuum modelling 
Dynamic assignment in continuous time and space 
Macroscopic traffic flow modelling… 
Fig. 1. Considered walking area ⌦ 
Fig. 2. Numerical experiment showing the impact of only considering global route choice on flow conditions. 
Solution? Include a term describing local route / direction choice…
social-forces model to identify a macroscopic flow model capturing interactions amongst 
pedestrians. To this end, we 2. use Microscopic the anisotropic foundations 
version of the social-forces model pre-sented 
We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of 
Continuum modelling - part 2 
Computationally efficient modelling 
Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… 
by Helbing to derive equilibrium relations for the speed and the direction, given 
pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: 
We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
the desired walking ~v0 
i ~speed vi 
and direction, and the speed and direction changes due to 
pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: 
⌧i  Ai 
2. Microscopic foundations 
(1) ~ai = 
1 + cos $ij 
where Rij denotes the distance between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing 
from pedestrian i to j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction of i and the postion 
of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, that will 
be introduced later. 
We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of 
• NOMAD / Social-forces model as starting point: 
pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: 
In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction 
(1) ~ai = 
i ~vi 
⌧i  Ai 
for which this occurs is given by: 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
• Equilibrium relation stemming from model (ai = 0): 
1 + cos $ij 
1 + cos $ij 
where (2) Rij denotes ~vi = ~v0 
the  ⌧distance iAi 
between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing 
from pedestrian i to i j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction 2 
of i and the postion 
of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, that will 
be Let introduced us now later. 
make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x) 
denote the density, to be interpreted as the probability that a pedestrian is present on 
location ~x at time instant t. Let us assume that all parameters are the same for all 
pedestrian in the flow, e.g. ⌧i = ⌧ . We then get: 
~v = ~v0(~x)  ⌧A 
In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction 
• Interpret density as the ‘probability’ of a pedestrian being present, which gives a 
for macroscopic which this occurs equilibrium is given relation by: 
(expected velocity), which equals: 
(2) ~vi = ~v0 
||~y  ~x|| 
i  ⌧iAi 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
1 + cos $ij 
~y  ~x 
||~y  ~x|| 
# + (1  #) 
1 + cos $xy(~v) 
⇢(t, ~y)d~y 
Let us now make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x) 
denote Here, ⌦(~the x) density, denotes to the be area interpreted around the as considered the probability point that ~x for a which pedestrian we determine is present the 
location interactions. ~x at Note time that: 
instant t. Let us assume that all parameters are the same for all 
pedestrian in the flow, e.g. ⌧i = ⌧ . We then get: 
4) cos $xy(~v) = 
• Combine with conservation of pedestrian equation yields complete model, but 
numerical integration is computationally very intensive 
||~v|| · 
~y  ~x 
||~y  ~x|| ✓ 
(1) ~ai = 
i ~vi 
⌧i  Ai 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
1 + cos $ij 
where Rij denotes the distance between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing 
from pedestrian i to j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction of i and the postion 
of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, that will 
be introduced later. 
In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction 
for which this occurs is given by: 
(2) ~vi = ~v0 
i  ⌧iAi 
· ~nij · 
#i + (1  #i) 
1 + cos $ij 
Let us now make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x) 
denote the density, to be interpreted as the probability that a pedestrian is present on 
location ~x at time instant t. Let us assume that all parameters are the same for all 
pedestrian in the flow, e.g. ⌧i = ⌧ . We then get: 
~v = ~v0(~x)  ⌧A 
||~y  ~x|| 
# + (1  #) 
1 + cos $xy(~v) 
~y  ~x 
||~y  ~x|| 
⇢(t, ~y)d~y 
Here, ⌦(~x) denotes the area around the considered point ~x for which we determine the 
interactions. Note that:
Continuum modelling - part 2 
Computationally efficient modelling 
Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… 
From this expression, we can find both the equilibrium speed and the equilibrium direc-tion, 
which in turn can be used in the macroscopic model. 
We can think of approximating this expression, by using the following linear approx-imation 
• of Taylor the (10) series density approximation: 
around ~x: 
~↵(~v) = ↵~↵(~· 
v) ~v 
= ↵0 0 · 
expressions (14) and ⇢((t, 15) ~y) describing = ⇢(t, ~x) + the (~y equilibrium 
− ~x) · r⇢(||~t, v|| 
~x) + O(||~||~v|| 
y − ~x||2) 
(Can we determine this directly from the integrals?) 
Using that we determine yields the this direction expression a From closed-this Eq. does form directly into (not 6), 4.1. expression Eq. with depend Analysis from (~v 3) = yields: 
for on ~e the of ↵the V 0, model integrals?) 
we which 
equilibrium can properties 
velocity , which is 
From Eq. given (6), by the with equilibrium ~v = ~e · V speed we can and · derive: 
the density (itself 11) has no ~v e↵= ect, ~v0(~x) and − that ~↵(~v)⇢(only V t, = ~x) ||~the 
v0 − − $(~#v)t, ~x) 
0 · r⇢(r⇢|| − ↵0⇢ 
influence the and 
direction. We will now discuss some 
Note that in case of homogeneous conditions, i.e. r⇢ = ~0, Eq. 290 Let us first take a look at expressions (14) and (15) describing V = ||~v0 − #0 · r⇢|| − ↵0⇢ 
speed and direction. Notice first that the direction does not depend implies that the magnitude of the density itself has no e↵ect, gradient of the density does influence the direction. We will other properties, first by considering a homogeneous flow (r⇢ 295 ↵(~v) and $(~v) defined respectively by: 
considering a homogeneous flow (r⇢ = ~0), and then 
(12) ~e = 
~↵(~v) = ⌧A 
($ = 1) and an anisotropic flow ($ = 0). 
−||~y − ~x|| 
~v0 − #0 · r⇢ 
V + ↵0⇢ 
~v0 B 
− #0 · r⇢ 
V + ↵0⇢ 
 + (1 − ) 
~v0 − #0 · r⇢ 
||~v0 − #0 · r⇢|| 
1 + cos 'xy(~v) 
~v0 − #0 · r⇢ 
||~v0 − #0 · r⇢|| 
~y − ~x 
||~y − ~x|| 
~e = 
Note that the direction does not depend on ↵0, which implies that the magnitude the density itself has no e↵ect on the direction, while the gradient of the density influence the direction. 
α =πτ AB2 (1−λ ) and β= 2πτ AB3(1+λ ) 
0 0 ||~v0|| − 0 − • with: 
• Check behaviour of model by looking at isotropic flow ( ) and homogeneous 
flow conditions ( ) 
• Multi-class generalisation + Godunov scheme numerical approximation 
that the direction does not depend on ↵0, which implies that the magnitude density $(~v) itself = ⌧A 
has no e↵ect on the direction, while the gradient of the density influence the direction. 
by considering an isotropic flow ($ = 1) and an anisotropic flow 4.1.1. Homogeneous flow conditions 
homogeneous conditions, i.e. r⇢ = ~0, Eq. (14) simplifies 
2.1. Homogeneous flow conditions. Note that in case of homogeneous conditions, 
i.e. r⇢ = ~0, Eq. (11) simplifies to 
−||~y − ~x|| 
 + (1 − ) 
1 + cos 'xy(~v) 
||~y − ~x||d~y 
To investigate the behaviour of these integrals, we have numerically approximated 
Homogeneous flow conditions. Note that in case of homogeneous conditions, 
v0|| − ↵0⇢ = V 0 − ↵0⇢ (16) 
v = ! 
e ⋅V
~qd = ~#d(⇢1, ..., ⇢D, r⇢1, ..., r⇢D) · ⇢d · U(⇢1, ..., ⇢D) 5.1. Introducing the base model and the scenarios 
Our base model is defined by using a simple linear speed-density relation U(⇢) = v0 ·(1⇢/⇢jam) = 1.34·(1We will use ! = ⌘ = 1 for  = d and ! = ⌘ = 4 otherwise, meaning that the impact of the densities of groups are substantially higher. Finally, in the base model we will only consider the impact of the crowdedness i.e. ↵d = 0. 
To test the base model, and the di↵erent variants on it, we will use three scenarios: 
1. Unidirectional flow scenario, mostly used to show flow dispersion compared to the example presented in 3.2. In this scenario, pedestrians enter on the left side of the forty by forty meter area and walk towards 2. Continuum modelling - part 2 
Computationally efficient modelling 
Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… 
Crossing flow scenario, where the first group of pedestrians is generated on the left, and walks to the right, the second group is generated at the bottom of the area, and moves up. 
3. Bi-directional flow scenario, where two groups of pedestrians are generated at respectively the left and side of the forty by forty meter area. 
In all scenarios, pedestrians are generated on the edges of the area between -5 and 5. 
5.2. Impact of local route choice of flow dispersion 
Let us first revisit the example presented in section 3.2, shown in Fig. 1. The example considered a uni-directional 
pedestrian flow with fixed (global) route choice. The resulting flow operations showed no lateral dispersion which appears not realistic since it caused big di↵erences in speeds and travel times for pedestrians spatially very close. 
Including the local choice term 'd causes dispersion in a lateral sense: since pedestrians avoid high density densities will disperse and smooth over the area, see Fig. 3. The resulting flow conditions appear much more that the situation that occurred in case the local route choice model was not included. 
• Uni-directional flow situation 
• Picture shows differences 
between situation without 
and with local route choice 
for two time instances 
• Model introduces ‘lateral 
diffusion’ since pedestrians 
will look for lower density 
areas actively 
• Diffusion can be controlled by 
choosing parameters 
• Model shows plausible 
Fig. 1. Considered walking area ⌦ 
Fig. 2. Numerical experiment showing the impact of only considering global route choice on flow conditions. 
To remedy these issues, in this paper we put forward a dynamic route choice model, that takes care of the the global route choice behaviour is determined pre-trip and does not include the impact of changing flow conditions 
that may result in additional costs. To this end, we introduce a local route choice component that reflects additional 
local cost 'd (e.g. extra delays, discomfort) caused by the prevailing flow conditions. We assume that these dependent on the (spatial changes in the) class-specific densities. 
In the remainder, we will assume that the local route cost function 'd can be expressed as a function of the densities and density gradients. By di↵erentiating between the classes, we can distinguish between local costs incurred by interacting with pedestrians in the same class (walking into the same direction), and between interactions. As a result, we have for the flow vector the following expression: 
Fig. 3. Numerical experiment showing the impact of only considering global route choice on flow conditions. For the simulations, we linear fundamental diagram U(⇢) = v0  ↵0⇢. The simulations where performed using a newly developed Godunov scheme for two dimensional
Continuum modelling - part 2 
Computationally efficient modelling 
Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… 
• Simulation results 
also show formation 
of diagonal stripes… 
• Patterns which are 
formed depend on 
parameters of models 
• In particular, non-equal 
impact of own 
class and other 
classes on diversion 
behaviour appears 
demand is very small. The reason is that we considered the average outflow for the entire the start-up period where (0.1 P/m/the s), no outflow self-organised is patterns still zero. 
occur: the resulting densities are suciently low implying that there Continuum modelling room to simply pass trough the other flow without the need to form structures to increase ecient interaction. 
The figure shows clearly For higher how demands, self-- we organisation part see self-organised 2 
and patterns. the failing thereof impacts Until a demand of say 0.18 P/m/the s, we efficiency see diagonal moment Computationally that the demand formation. efficient exceeds However, modelling 
0.18 if the P/demand m/s, becomes the outflow too large, / the demand neat self-organisation ratio decreases seen at lower strongly demand seems to fail. We still see forms of self-organisation, where pedestrians walking into a certain direction Also note that between in homogeneous 0.22 P/m/groups s ad that 0.38 move as P/a m/block s, though the demand the other classes. - outflow If the demand relation increases appears further, Connecting microscopic stagnates to macroscopic completely and a full models… 
still some self-organised patterns occur that gridlock sometimes results. 
leads to (temporary) reasonable 0.38 P/m/s onward, the outflow completely stagnates and a grid-lock situation occurs. 
• Whether self-organisation 
occurs depends on 
demand level 
• Low demand levels, no 
• Self-organisation fails for 
high demands and results 
in complete grid-lock (no 
• Macroscopic model 
appears able to 
qualitatively reproduce 
crowd characteristics! 
Demand = 0.15 P/m/s 
Demand = 0.10 P/m/s 
Demand = 0.18 P/m/s Demand = 0.25 P/m/s 
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 
Fig. 6. Density contour plot (left) and scaled outflow rate (right). 
outflow / demand 
left to right 
down to up 
Failing self-organisation 
Fig. 7. Density contour plot (left) and scaled outflow rate (right).
Continuum modelling - part 2 
Computationally efficient modelling 
Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… 
• Model seems to reproduce self-organised patterns (e.g. example below shows 
lane formation for bi-directional flows)
Use of macroscopic flow model in optimisation 
• Work presented at TRB 2013 proposes optimisation technique to minimise 
evacuation times 
• Bi-level approach combining optimal routing (HJB equation) and continuum flow 
model (presented here) 
• Preliminary results are very promising 
No redistribution of 5 
queues (initial iteration) 
x−axis (m) 
y−axis (m) 
Densities at t = 25.1 s 
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
x−axis (m) 
y−axis (m) 
Densities at t = 125.1 s 
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
45 50 
x−axis (m) 
y−axis (m) 
Densities at t = 125.1 s 
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
Distribution of queues 
considering reduced speeds
Want to know more? Stay in touch! 
• Validation and calibration is a major challenge: need 
methodologies, data and information extraction methods 
• Specialised models may be needed e.g. for train stations, for 
evacuations and for areas where pedestrians interact with vehicles 
• Differences between cultures, genders, ages, climates should be 
• Route choice models are even less developed than flow models 
and therefore also need more attention 
• Operations are strongly context dependent as so should the 
models! No ‘one size fits all’! 
• Professionals should also be considered in our efforts and be 
educated n how to use our tools and models and what they can 
expect from them and what not

Contenu connexe


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Aanzet onderzoeksprogramma Wetenschappelijke Raad Veilig OntruimenSerge Hoogendoorn
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Building trip matrices from mobile phone data
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En vedette (20)

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Differential game theory for Traffic Flow Modelling
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Alan Robinson
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Aanzet onderzoeksprogramma Wetenschappelijke Raad Veilig Ontruimen
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A modeller’s dilemma: overfitting or underperforming
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Similaire à Pedestrian modelling

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A Dynamic Cellular Automaton Model for Large-Scale Pedestrian Evacuation
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Similaire à Pedestrian modelling (20)

ITS for Crowds
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Study And Modeling of Pedestrian Walk With Regard to The Improvement of Stabi...
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Markovian Modeling of Urban Traffic Flows in Coexistence With Urban Data Streams
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Simulation analysis Halmstad University 2013_project
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Plus de Serge Hoogendoorn

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Plus de Serge Hoogendoorn (18)

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Pedestrian modelling

  • 1. Challenges in Pedestrian Flow Modelling Macroscopic Modeling of Crowds capturing Self-Organisation Serge Hoogendoorn, Winnie Daamen, Femke van Wageningen-Kessels, and others…
  • 2. Societal Urgency Examples showing increasing importance of crowd modeling & management Religious or social gathersings, events, (re-)urbanisaiton, increase use of transit and rail… • Situations where large crowds gather are frequent (sports events, religious events, festivals, etc.); occurrence of ‘spontaneous events’ due to social media • Transit (in particular train) is becoming more important leading to overcrowding of train stations under normal and exceptional situations (e.g. renovation of Utrecht Central Station) • Walking (and cycling) are becoming more important due to (re-)urbanisation (strong reduction car-mobility in Dutch cities) • When things go wrong, societal impacts are huge!
  • 3. How can models be used to support planning, organisation, design, and control? • Testing (new) designs of stations, buildings, stadions, etc. • Testing evacuation plans for buildings • Testing crowd management and control measures and strategies • Training of crowd managers • On-line crowd management systems as part of state estimation and prediction Development of valid models requires good data!!! Courtesy of Prof. H. Mahmassani Engineering challenges Societal urgencies leads to demand for engineering solutions Importance of Theory and Models for Pedestrian and Crowd Dynamics
  • 4. Understanding Pedestrian Flows Field observations, controlled experiments, virtual laboratories Data collection remains a challenge, but many new opportunities arise!
  • 5. Empirical characteristics and relations • Experimental research capacity values: • Strong influence of composition of flow • Importance of geometric factors Fundamental diagram pedestrian flows • Relation between density and flow / speed • Big influence of context! • Example shows regular FD and FD determined from Jamarat Bridge Traffic flow characteristics for pedestrians… Capacity, fundamental diagram, and influence of context
  • 6. Phenomena in pedestrian flow operations Fascinating world of pedestrian flow dynamics! Examples self-organisation • Self-organisation of dynamic lanes in bi-directional flow • Formation of diagonal stripes in crossing flows • Viscous fingering in multi-directional flows Characteristics: • Self-organisation yields moderate reduction of flow efficiency • Chaotic features, e.g. multiple ‘stable’ patterns may result • Limits of self-organisation
  • 7. Limits to efficient self-organisation Overloading causes phase transitions Examples failing self-organisation • When conditions become too crowded efficient self-organisation ‘breaks down’ • Flow performance (effective capacity) decreases substantially, causing cascade effect as demand stays at same level • New phases make occur: start-stop waves, turbulence Network level characteristics • Generalised network fundamental diagram can be sensibly defined for pedestrian flows!
  • 8. The Modelling Challenge Reproducing key phenomena in pedestrian dynamics Towards useful pedestrian flow models… Challenge is to come up with a model that can reproduce or predict pedestrian flow dynamics under a variety of circumstances and conditions Inductive approach: when designing a model, consider the following: • Which are the key phenomena / characteristics you need to represent? • Which theories could be used to represent these phenomena? • Which mathematical constructs are applicable and useful? • Which representation levels are appropriate • How to tackle calibration and validation?
  • 9. Pedestrian modelling approaches Representation and behaviour roles Examples of micro, meso, and macroscopic pedestrian modelling approaches Representation: Behavioural rules: Individual particles Continuum Individual behaviour (predictive) Microscopic simulation models (social forces, CA, NOMAD, etc.) Gas-kinetic models (Hoogendoorn, Helbing) Aggregate behaviour (descriptive) Particle discretisation models (SimPed) Macroscopic continuum models (Hughes, Columbo, Hoogendoorn) Research emphasis on microscopic simulation models and on walking behaviour
  • 10. 1. Introduction Example: NOMAD Game Theoretical Model Interaction modelling by using differential game theory Or: Pedestrian Economicus as main theoretical assumption… This memo aims at connecting the microscopic modelling principles underlying the social-forces model to identify a macroscopic flow model capturing interactions amongst pedestrians. To this end, we use the anisotropic version of the social-forces model pre-sented by Helbing to derive equilibrium relations for the speed and the direction, given the desired walking speed and direction, and the speed and direction changes due to interactions. Application of differential game theory: • Pedestrians minimise predicted walking cost, due to straying from intended path, being too close to others / obstacles and effort, yielding ai(t): Level of anisotropy reflected by this parameter 2. Microscopic foundations We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: (1) ~ai = ~v0 i ~vi ⌧i Ai X j exp  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) • Simplified model is similar to Social Forces model of Helbing Face validity? • Model results in reasonable fundamental diagrams • What about self-organisation? 1 + cos $ij 2 ◆ where Rij denotes the distance between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing from pedestrian i to j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction of i and the postion of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, ~vi that ~ai will be introduced later. ~xi In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction for which this occurs is given by: (2) ~vi = ~v0 i ⌧iAi X j exp  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) ~v0 i 1 + cos $ij 2 ◆ ~nij ~xj Let us now make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x)
  • 11. Example: NOMAD Game Theoretical Model Interaction modelling by using differential game theory Or: Pedestrian Economicus as main theoretical assumption… Example shows lane formation process for homogeneous groups... NOMAD model (like social forces model) captures lane formation • Heterogeneity yields less efficient lane formation (freezing by heating)
  • 12. Example: NOMAD Game Theoretical Model Interaction modelling by using differential game theory Or: Pedestrian Economicus as main theoretical assumption… Is NOMAD able to reproduce breakdown in case of oversaturation? • Testing NOMAD / Social Forces model using different demand patterns to investigate if and under which conditions breakdown occurs • Large impact of population heterogeneity (‘freezing by heating’) + reaction time Heterogeneity yields less efficient lane formation (freezing by heating) *) Work by Xiaoxia Yang, Winnie Daamen, Serge Paul Hoogendoorn, Yao Chen, Hairong Dong •M ic ro s c o p ic m o de l s h ave b e e n re l a t i v e l y s uc c e s s f u l , a l t h o u g h s e ve r a l is s ue s a re s t i l l t o be t ac k l e d • Ca l i b ra t i o n a n d v a l i d a t i o n a re c r i t ic a l i s s ue s t o t a c k le • I n c l us io n o f c u l t u ra l d i f fe re n c e s, i m p ac t s o f wa l k i ng p u r p o s e •R o u te c h o ic e i n ge ne r a l re q u i re s m o re at te n t io n !
  • 13. 60 40 20 48 28 44 48 0 20 40 60 80 x1-axis (m) 0 x2-axis (m) 16 20 24 28 28 28 32 32 32 36 40 40 44 48 52 52 52 56 56 60 64 72 Dynamic programming • NOMAD route choice: • Let W(t,x) denote minimum expected cost (travel time) from (t,x) to destination(s) • W(t,x) satisfies HJB equation: − ∂W ∂t = L(t, ! x, ! v0 )+ ! vi 0 = !γ ! v0∇W + 0 ⋅V0 σ 2 2 ΔW where !γ 0 = −∇W/ ||∇W || !γ 0 • Optimal direction perpendicular to iso-cost curves • Efficient numerical solution approaches available… Completing the Model Route choice modelling by Stochastic Optimal Control Optimal routing in continuous time and space…
  • 14. Continuum modelling Dynamic assignment in continuous time and space Macroscopic traffic flow modelling… Multi-class macroscopic model of Hoogendoorn and Bovy (2004) • Kinematic wave model for pedestrian flow for each destination d ∂ρd ∂t +∇⋅ ! qd = ! qd = r − s with d !γ !γ d ⋅ρd ⋅V(ρ1,...,ρD ) d ⋅V(ρ1,...,ρD ) • Here V is the (multi-class) equilibrium speed; the optimal direction: !γ d (t, ! x) = − ∇Wd (t, ! x) ||∇Wd (t, ! x) || • Stems from minimum cost Wd(t,x) for each (set of) destination(s) d • Is this a reasonable model? • No, since there is only pre-determined (global) route choice, the model will have unrealistic features
  • 15. Ω Continuum modelling Dynamic assignment in continuous time and space Macroscopic traffic flow modelling… Fig. 1. Considered walking area ⌦ Fig. 2. Numerical experiment showing the impact of only considering global route choice on flow conditions. Solution? Include a term describing local route / direction choice…
  • 16. social-forces model to identify a macroscopic flow model capturing interactions amongst pedestrians. To this end, we 2. use Microscopic the anisotropic foundations version of the social-forces model pre-sented We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of Continuum modelling - part 2 Computationally efficient modelling Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… by Helbing to derive equilibrium relations for the speed and the direction, given pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of X  # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) ◆ the desired walking ~v0 i ~speed vi and direction, and the speed and direction changes due to interactions. Rij Bi pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: ⌧i Ai j exp 2. Microscopic foundations (1) ~ai = 1 + cos $ij 2 where Rij denotes the distance between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing from pedestrian i to j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction of i and the postion of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, that will be introduced later. We start with the anisotropic model of Helbing that describes the acceleration of • NOMAD / Social-forces model as starting point: pedestrian i as influence by opponents j: In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction (1) ~ai = ~v0 i ~vi ⌧i Ai X for which this occurs is given by: j exp  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) X  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) • Equilibrium relation stemming from model (ai = 0): 1 + cos $ij 2 ◆ 1 + cos $ij ◆ where (2) Rij denotes ~vi = ~v0 the ⌧distance iAi exp between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing from pedestrian i to i j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction 2 of i and the postion j of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, that will be Let introduced us now later. make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x) denote the density, to be interpreted as the probability that a pedestrian is present on location ~x at time instant t. Let us assume that all parameters are the same for all pedestrian in the flow, e.g. ⌧i = ⌧ . We then get: (3) ~v = ~v0(~x) ⌧A In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction • Interpret density as the ‘probability’ of a pedestrian being present, which gives a for macroscopic which this occurs equilibrium is given relation by: (expected velocity), which equals: ZZ (2) ~vi = ~v0 ✓ ||~y ~x|| i ⌧iAi X j exp  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) 1 + cos $ij ◆ ~y ~x ||~y ~x|| 2 ◆ exp B ◆✓ # + (1 #) 1 + cos $xy(~v) 2 ⇢(t, ~y)d~y Let us now make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x) ~y2⌦(~x) denote Here, ⌦(~the x) density, denotes to the be area interpreted around the as considered the probability point that ~x for a which pedestrian we determine is present the on location interactions. ~x at Note time that: instant t. Let us assume that all parameters are the same for all pedestrian in the flow, e.g. ⌧i = ⌧ . We then get: ((3) 4) cos $xy(~v) = • Combine with conservation of pedestrian equation yields complete model, but numerical integration is computationally very intensive ZZ ~v ||~v|| · ~y ~x ||~y ~x|| ✓ ◆✓ ◆ (1) ~ai = ~v0 i ~vi ⌧i Ai X j exp  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) 1 + cos $ij 2 ◆ where Rij denotes the distance between pedestrians i and j, ~nij the unit vector pointing from pedestrian i to j; $ij denotes the angle between the direction of i and the postion of j; ~vi denotes the velocity. The other terms are all parameters of the model, that will be introduced later. In assuming equilibrium conditions, we generally have ~ai = 0. The speed / direction for which this occurs is given by: (2) ~vi = ~v0 i ⌧iAi X j exp  Rij Bi # · ~nij · ✓ #i + (1 #i) 1 + cos $ij 2 ◆ Let us now make the transition to macroscopic interaction modelling. Let ⇢(t, ~x) denote the density, to be interpreted as the probability that a pedestrian is present on location ~x at time instant t. Let us assume that all parameters are the same for all pedestrian in the flow, e.g. ⌧i = ⌧ . We then get: (3) ZZ ~v = ~v0(~x) ⌧A ~y2⌦(~x) exp ✓ ||~y ~x|| B ◆✓ # + (1 #) 1 + cos $xy(~v) 2 ◆ ~y ~x ||~y ~x|| ⇢(t, ~y)d~y Here, ⌦(~x) denotes the area around the considered point ~x for which we determine the interactions. Note that:
  • 17. Continuum modelling - part 2 Computationally efficient modelling Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… SERGE P. HOOGENDOORN FROM MICROSCOPIC TO MACROSCOPIC INTERACTION MODELING Furthermore, we see that for ~↵, we find: From this expression, we can find both the equilibrium speed and the equilibrium direc-tion, FROM MICROSCOPIC TO MACROSCOPIC INTERACTION MODELING Furthermore, we see that for ~↵, we find: which in turn can be used in the macroscopic model. We can think of approximating this expression, by using the following linear approx-imation properties • of Taylor the (10) series density approximation: around ~x: ~v ~↵(~v) = ↵~↵(~· v) ~v = ↵0 0 · expressions (14) and ⇢((t, 15) ~y) describing = ⇢(t, ~x) + the (~y equilibrium − ~x) · r⇢(||~t, v|| ~x) + O(||~||~v|| y − ~x||2) (Can we determine this directly from the integrals?) Using that we determine yields the this direction expression a From closed-this Eq. does form directly into (not 6), 4.1. expression Eq. with depend Analysis from (~v 3) = yields: for on ~e the of ↵the V 0, model integrals?) we which equilibrium can properties derive: velocity , which is From Eq. given (6), by the with equilibrium ~v = ~e · V speed we can and · derive: direction: the density (itself 11) has no ~v e↵= ect, ~v0(~x) and − that ~↵(~v)⇢(only V t, = ~x) ||~the v0 − − $(~#v)t, ~x) 0 · r⇢(r⇢|| − ↵0⇢ influence the and direction. We will now discuss some Note that in case of homogeneous conditions, i.e. r⇢ = ~0, Eq. 290 Let us first take a look at expressions (14) and (15) describing V = ||~v0 − #0 · r⇢|| − ↵0⇢ speed and direction. Notice first that the direction does not depend implies that the magnitude of the density itself has no e↵ect, gradient of the density does influence the direction. We will other properties, first by considering a homogeneous flow (r⇢ 295 ↵(~v) and $(~v) defined respectively by: considering a homogeneous flow (r⇢ = ~0), and then (12) ~e = ~↵(~v) = ⌧A ZZ ($ = 1) and an anisotropic flow ($ = 0). ~y2⌦(~x) exp ✓ −||~y − ~x|| ~v0 − #0 · r⇢ V + ↵0⇢ ~v0 B − #0 · r⇢ V + ↵0⇢ ◆✓ = + (1 − ) ~v0 − #0 · r⇢ ||~v0 − #0 · r⇢|| 1 + cos 'xy(~v) ~v0 − #0 · r⇢ 2 ||~v0 − #0 · r⇢|| ◆ ~y − ~x ||~y − ~x|| d~y ~e = = Note that the direction does not depend on ↵0, which implies that the magnitude the density itself has no e↵ect on the direction, while the gradient of the density influence the direction. α =πτ AB2 (1−λ ) and β= 2πτ AB3(1+λ ) 0 0 ||~v0|| − 0 − • with: • Check behaviour of model by looking at isotropic flow ( ) and homogeneous flow conditions ( ) • Multi-class generalisation + Godunov scheme numerical approximation conditions that the direction does not depend on ↵0, which implies that the magnitude density $(~v) itself = ⌧A has no e↵ect on the direction, while the gradient of the density influence the direction. ZZ by considering an isotropic flow ($ = 1) and an anisotropic flow 4.1.1. Homogeneous flow conditions homogeneous conditions, i.e. r⇢ = ~0, Eq. (14) simplifies 2.1. Homogeneous flow conditions. Note that in case of homogeneous conditions, ~y2⌦(~x) i.e. r⇢ = ~0, Eq. (11) simplifies to exp ✓ −||~y − ~x|| B ◆✓ + (1 − ) 1 + cos 'xy(~v) 2 ◆ ||~y − ~x||d~y To investigate the behaviour of these integrals, we have numerically approximated Homogeneous flow conditions. Note that in case of homogeneous conditions, v0|| − ↵0⇢ = V 0 − ↵0⇢ (16) ! v = ! e ⋅V
  • 18. ~qd = ~#d(⇢1, ..., ⇢D, r⇢1, ..., r⇢D) · ⇢d · U(⇢1, ..., ⇢D) 5.1. Introducing the base model and the scenarios Our base model is defined by using a simple linear speed-density relation U(⇢) = v0 ·(1⇢/⇢jam) = 1.34·(1We will use ! = ⌘ = 1 for = d and ! = ⌘ = 4 otherwise, meaning that the impact of the densities of groups are substantially higher. Finally, in the base model we will only consider the impact of the crowdedness i.e. ↵d = 0. To test the base model, and the di↵erent variants on it, we will use three scenarios: 1. Unidirectional flow scenario, mostly used to show flow dispersion compared to the example presented in 3.2. In this scenario, pedestrians enter on the left side of the forty by forty meter area and walk towards 2. Continuum modelling - part 2 Computationally efficient modelling Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… Crossing flow scenario, where the first group of pedestrians is generated on the left, and walks to the right, the second group is generated at the bottom of the area, and moves up. 3. Bi-directional flow scenario, where two groups of pedestrians are generated at respectively the left and side of the forty by forty meter area. In all scenarios, pedestrians are generated on the edges of the area between -5 and 5. 5.2. Impact of local route choice of flow dispersion Let us first revisit the example presented in section 3.2, shown in Fig. 1. The example considered a uni-directional pedestrian flow with fixed (global) route choice. The resulting flow operations showed no lateral dispersion which appears not realistic since it caused big di↵erences in speeds and travel times for pedestrians spatially very close. Including the local choice term 'd causes dispersion in a lateral sense: since pedestrians avoid high density densities will disperse and smooth over the area, see Fig. 3. The resulting flow conditions appear much more that the situation that occurred in case the local route choice model was not included. • Uni-directional flow situation • Picture shows differences between situation without and with local route choice for two time instances • Model introduces ‘lateral diffusion’ since pedestrians will look for lower density areas actively • Diffusion can be controlled by choosing parameters differently • Model shows plausible behaviour Ω y y′ Fig. 1. Considered walking area ⌦ Fig. 2. Numerical experiment showing the impact of only considering global route choice on flow conditions. To remedy these issues, in this paper we put forward a dynamic route choice model, that takes care of the the global route choice behaviour is determined pre-trip and does not include the impact of changing flow conditions that may result in additional costs. To this end, we introduce a local route choice component that reflects additional local cost 'd (e.g. extra delays, discomfort) caused by the prevailing flow conditions. We assume that these dependent on the (spatial changes in the) class-specific densities. In the remainder, we will assume that the local route cost function 'd can be expressed as a function of the densities and density gradients. By di↵erentiating between the classes, we can distinguish between local costs incurred by interacting with pedestrians in the same class (walking into the same direction), and between interactions. As a result, we have for the flow vector the following expression: Fig. 3. Numerical experiment showing the impact of only considering global route choice on flow conditions. For the simulations, we linear fundamental diagram U(⇢) = v0 ↵0⇢. The simulations where performed using a newly developed Godunov scheme for two dimensional
  • 19. Continuum modelling - part 2 Computationally efficient modelling Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… • Simulation results also show formation of diagonal stripes… • Patterns which are formed depend on parameters of models • In particular, non-equal impact of own class and other classes on diversion behaviour appears important
  • 20. demand is very small. The reason is that we considered the average outflow for the entire the start-up period where (0.1 P/m/the s), no outflow self-organised is patterns still zero. occur: the resulting densities are suciently low implying that there Continuum modelling room to simply pass trough the other flow without the need to form structures to increase ecient interaction. The figure shows clearly For higher how demands, self-- we organisation part see self-organised 2 and patterns. the failing thereof impacts Until a demand of say 0.18 P/m/the s, we efficiency see diagonal moment Computationally that the demand formation. efficient exceeds However, modelling 0.18 if the P/demand m/s, becomes the outflow too large, / the demand neat self-organisation ratio decreases seen at lower strongly demand seems to fail. We still see forms of self-organisation, where pedestrians walking into a certain direction Also note that between in homogeneous 0.22 P/m/groups s ad that 0.38 move as P/a m/block s, though the demand the other classes. - outflow If the demand relation increases appears further, Connecting microscopic stagnates to macroscopic completely and a full models… still some self-organised patterns occur that gridlock sometimes results. leads to (temporary) reasonable 0.38 P/m/s onward, the outflow completely stagnates and a grid-lock situation occurs. • Whether self-organisation occurs depends on demand level • Low demand levels, no self-organisation • Self-organisation fails for high demands and results in complete grid-lock (no outflow) • Macroscopic model appears able to qualitatively reproduce crowd characteristics! Demand = 0.15 P/m/s Demand = 0.10 P/m/s 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Demand = 0.18 P/m/s Demand = 0.25 P/m/s 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fig. 6. Density contour plot (left) and scaled outflow rate (right). 0 demand outflow / demand left to right down to up Failing self-organisation Grid-lock Fig. 7. Density contour plot (left) and scaled outflow rate (right).
  • 21. Continuum modelling - part 2 Computationally efficient modelling Connecting microscopic to macroscopic models… • Model seems to reproduce self-organised patterns (e.g. example below shows lane formation for bi-directional flows)
  • 22. Applications? Use of macroscopic flow model in optimisation • Work presented at TRB 2013 proposes optimisation technique to minimise evacuation times • Bi-level approach combining optimal routing (HJB equation) and continuum flow model (presented here) • Preliminary results are very promising No redistribution of 5 queues (initial iteration) x−axis (m) 50 45 40 35 30 y−axis (m) Densities at t = 25.1 s 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 50 45 40 35 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 4.5 4.5 4 3.5 4 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 x−axis (m) y−axis (m) Densities at t = 125.1 s 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 45 50 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 x−axis (m) y−axis (m) Densities at t = 125.1 s 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 0 Distribution of queues considering reduced speeds
  • 23. Want to know more? Stay in touch! • Validation and calibration is a major challenge: need methodologies, data and information extraction methods • Specialised models may be needed e.g. for train stations, for evacuations and for areas where pedestrians interact with vehicles • Differences between cultures, genders, ages, climates should be considered • Route choice models are even less developed than flow models and therefore also need more attention • Operations are strongly context dependent as so should the models! No ‘one size fits all’! • Professionals should also be considered in our efforts and be educated n how to use our tools and models and what they can expect from them and what not