Rails Engine Patterns

Andy Maleh il y a 12 ans

Practical Machine Learning and Rails Part2

ryanstout il y a 12 ans

Practical Machine Learning and Rails Part1

ryanstout il y a 12 ans

Rails and the Apache SOLR Search Engine

David Keener il y a 12 ans

Enhancing Free PBX with Adhearsion at Fosdem 2012

Luca Pradovera il y a 12 ans

Ruby on Big Data (Cassandra + Hadoop)

Brian O'Neill il y a 12 ans

Node.JS and WebSockets with Faye

Matjaž Lipuš il y a 13 ans

Secrets of the asset pipeline

Ken Collins il y a 12 ans

Ruby and Rails Packaging to Production

Fabio Kung il y a 12 ans

Railsconf2011 deployment tips_for_slideshare

tomcopeland il y a 12 ans

MacRuby for Fun and Profit

Joshua Ballanco il y a 12 ans

Design for developers

Johan Ronsse il y a 12 ans

MongoDB and Ruby on Rails

rfischer20 il y a 12 ans

Ruby - Design patterns tdc2011

Rafael Felix da Silva il y a 12 ans

Look ma! No images!

Lennart Schoors il y a 12 ans

On Becoming a Technical Lead

Buu Nguyen il y a 12 ans

Intro to Cassandra and CassandraObject

Michael Koziarski il y a 13 ans