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Doskočišče letalnice je bilo potrebno urediti z lopatami in številni
smučarji so ga morali poteptati, da je bilo čim bolj gladko.
The apron (the landing area) of the ski-flying hill had to be prepared
with shovels and trampled by a great number of skiers, so that the
apron was really smooth.
Teptanje naleta 120 m letalnice v Planici
je bilo izredno težko. Močno sonce marca
je lahko zelo ojužilo zalet, zato so
postavili posebno ograjo s velikimi
rjuhami iz blaga, ki so metale senco na
smučino in tudi malo zaščitile skakalca
pred stranskim vetrom.
The in-run of the 120 m (400 feet) ski-
flying hill in Planica was trampled with
extreme difficulty. The hot March
sunshine made the snow wett so a high
fence was constructed on which sheets
were tied offering shadow on the in-run
ski tracks and also protected the ski
jumpers from side winds.
Janez Polda je poletel v Planici leta 1948 120 m, vendar je pri doskoku
podrsal z roko po snegu, kar je veljalo za padec. Švicar Fritz Tschannen
je poletel kasneje istega dne prav tako daleč, novo največjo daljavo na
svetu in dejal: «Planica ni samo največja, ampak tudi najboljša in
najsigurnejša letalnica na svetu. Njena konstrukcija je idealna, most
odganja pravilno, tako da je naravnost užitek leteti v zraku«. Na sliki
Tschannen in levo med poletom njegov avtogram.
Janez Polda (from Slovenia) flew 120 m (400 feet) in Planica in 1948 but he
touched the snow with one hand which counted a fall. The Swiss Fritz
Tschannen flew the same length later in the day, a new world record; he said:
«Planica is not only the greatest ski-flying hill but the best one and the safest
one in the world. Its construction is ideal, the take-off launch correct, so it is a
great delight to fly in the air.« Tschanen is in the photograph with his signature
on the left.
Stanko Bloudek (na desni) in Švicar Fritz Tschannen, Planica,
Stanko Bloudek and the Swiss Fritz Tschannen, Planica, 1948.
»Planiški teden 1948«: 30 km proga za tek na
smučeh je bila dokaj zahtevna z vzponom iz
Rateč v Tamar z višinsko razliko 238 m v enem
vzponu. Tekme so si ogledali tudi vojaki
smučarji iz Mojstrane, ki so pomagali pri
pripravi prog in skakalnice.
»Week Planica 1948«: cross-country track
(22,5 miles) was very hard with 790 feet steady
elevation from Rateče to Tamar. The soldiers on
skis from Mojstrana watched the competition
after they had prepared the cross-country track,
giant-slalom course and the ski-flying hill.
»Planiški teden 1949«: tekma v patrolnem teku.
»Week Planica 1949«: Ski patrol competition.
»Planiški teden 1948«: veleslalom je bil v Dolini Krnice nad Kranjsko
Goro, kjer je bilo konec marca ali aprila vedno veliko snega.
»Week Planica 1948«: giant-slalom track was set in the Krnica Valley
above Kranjska Gora where a great quantity of snow was lay till the
end of March and into April.
»Planiški teden 1949«: slalom v Kranjski Gori.
»Week Planica 1948«: Slalom in Kranjska Gora.
»Planiški teden« leta 1948: poleg tekov, slaloma in poletov je bilo na
zamrznjenem tenis igrišču tekmovanje v umetnostnem drsanju.
»Week Planica 1948«: artistic skating competition was organized on the icy
tennis courts in Planica where cross-country, giant-slalom and ski-flying, also
took place.
»Planiški teden l948«: proga veleslaloma
v Krnici je potekala tik pod stenami
Julijskih Alp in tako dajala vtis
visokogorskega smučišča.
»Week Planica 1948«: giant-slalom
course was set under the walls of the
Julian Alps and the participants felt this
area as a high mountain ski resort.
Skakalci med tekmo »Planiškega tedna« 1948: videti je kot različni slogi
skakalcev, vendar je bila še vedno priljubljena tehnika kriljenja z rokami,
vendar ne več upognjenega zgornjega dela telesa sloga »Kongsberg«.
»Planiški teden« so ukinili leta 1951, ko ni bilo poletov Planici zaradi slabega
stanja lesenih delov letalnice. »Teden smučarskih poletov« je bil naslov
tekmovanja v poletih v Planici od leta 1954 naprej.
Ski jumpers at the competition »Week in Planica in 1948«: different styles of
the competitors can be recognized. Some ski-jumpers arms windmilled about
in the air but there was but no more the Kongsberg Bend Technique was not to
be seen. »Week in Planica« was cancelled from 1951 on when the competition
in ski-flying did not take place because of the bad conditions of the timbers of
the ski-flying hill.
Smučarska družina 17. 3. 1948 v Planici:
mama Božena, sin Aleš (3 leta in 4 mesece)
ter oče Svetozar Guček. Aleš je videl takrat
svetovni rekord Švicarja Tschannena (120
m), vendar si ga ni zapomnil.
A family very fond of skiing in Planica on
March 17, 1948: mother Božena, son Aleš
(3 years and 4 months) and Father Svetozar
Guček. Aleš saw Tschannen's world record
in that time but has not remembered it.
Janez Polda (na sliki leta 1947 v Planici) je imel izjemen slog skakanja in
tudi dolžine skokov.
Janez Polda at Planica in 1947 was jumping with extraordinary style and
length too.
Janez Polda je napisal leta 1949 v svoj dnevnik: „Če ima ptič krila nazaj, zakaj
ne bi imel tudi jaz roke.“ Prvi na svetu je leta 1949 v Planici skakal na ta način
z rokami nazaj.
Janez Polda wrote in his diary in 1949: „If the bird has his wing backwards,
why could not I do the same with my arms too.“ He jumped with the arms
backwards the first in the world, Planica, 1948.
Portret Janeza Polde, skakalca iz Mojstrane.
Minca Rabič, učiteljica na šoli in tekmovalka
v tekih na smučeh, je Poldi kupila leta 1936
prve skakalne smuči. Polda je bil takoj po
drugi vojni slovenski najboljši skakalec:
šestkrat je bil državni prvak, prvič leta 1948
in nazadnje leta 1955.
Portrait of Janez Polda, ski jumper from
Mojstrana. Minca Rabič, the school teacher
and excellent cross-country competitor in
ladies category, bought for Polda the first pair
of ski-jumping skis in 1936. Polda was the
best Slovenian ski jumper just after the 2nd
World War. Six times national champion, the
first time in 1948 and the last time in 1955.
Reprezentanta v skokih na smučeh Karel
Klančnik (levo) in Janez Polda, oba iz
Mojstrane, v puloverjih državne smučarske
reprezentance Jugoslavije iz leta 1948.
Members of the National Ski Jumping Team
Karel Klančnik (on the left) and Janez Polda,
both from Mojstrana, with pullovers s of the
Yugoslav Ski Team in 1948.
Odon Slabe je bil član malo znanega SK Krim iz Ljubljane, a je bil vseeno član
državne reprezentance. Slabe v Planici leta 1950.
Odon Slabe was member of the not so well known SK Krim from Ljubljana but
he was member of the National Ski Jumping Team. Slabe in Planica in 1950.
Planici niso bili le poleti vsakič tretji teden v marcu, temveč več zimsko
športnih tekem, ki so se imenovale »Planiški teden« od leta 1948 naprej:
veleslalom (enkrat slalom), teki, umetnostno drsanje, biatlon in na koncu
še vrhunec poleti na smučeh.
Competition in ski-flying was not the only ski event in Planica always
running the third week in March. Several winter sports place during
»Week Planica« from 1948 on: giant-slalom (once slalom), artistic skating,
biathlon and at the end of the week the top competition in ski-flying.
Vsi udeleženci »Planiškega tedna 1948«. Na poseben list so se
podpisali vsi skakalci na smučeh.
Signatures of all participants in ski-flying of the »Week Planica
1948« undersigned on a special paper.
Rudi Finžgar je bil najbolj pogumni slovenski skakalec takoj po drugi
vojni, saj je skakal zelo daleč, a s slabšim slogom in večinoma brez
doskoka v telemark. Finžgar je prvi Slovenec, ki je skočil preko 100
m (Planica 1947, 102 m). Na sliki: Finžgar med skokom leta 1947 na
90 m skakalnici v Planici in v ozadju skakalnica 120 m.
Rudi Finžgar was one of the bravest Slovenian ski jumpers just after
the 2nd
World War because he reached the longest jumps but not in a
perfect style and his landings were without telemark position of the
skis. Finžgar was the first Slovenian who jumped over 100 m (333
feet) in Planica in 1947, exactly 102 m (340 feet). Here Rudi Finžgar
jumping on the 90 m (300 feet) ski-jumping hill in Planica in 1947.
120 m (400 feet) ski-flying hill is seen behind.
Po smrti Janeza Polde leta 1964 je bila od leta 1965 v Planici mednarodna
tekma v skokih za »Poldov memorial« na 90 m skakalnici. Poldov
prijatelj in skakalec Rudi Finžgar je vedno ponesel venec iz Planice na
Poldov grob v Dovje nad Mojstrano.
»International Polda's Memorial« was organized for the first time in 1965
just one year after his death in 1965. Polda's friend Rudi Finžgar always
carried the wreath from Planica to Polda's grave in Dovje above
»Planiški teden« leta 1948: veliko tekmovalcev in tudi odbornikov
so izkoristili teden bivanja v Planici in odšli v bližnjo Kranjsko
Goro, kjer so smučali ob vlečnici.
»Week Planica 1948«: many competitors and members of the
Organizing Committee in Planica enjoying to go to Kranjska Gora
where they skied at the T-bar lift.
»Planiški teden«: tekme v smučanju so se končale z izletom v Opatijo
na Hrvaško na Jadranskem morju, kjer so najbolj pogumni Finci celo
skočili v mrzlo vodo okoli 13o
C in plavali.
»Week Planica«: when the competitions in Planica were over the
participants travelled to Opatija on the Adriatic Sea (Croatia) where
the Finns jumped and even swam in 13o
C cold water.
Zaletišče nove 125 m letalnice v Planici leta 1954.
Run-in of the new 375 feet ski-fyling hill in
Planica in 1954.
Nova 125 m letalnica v Planici z betonsko konstrukcijo, ki je nadomestila
leta 1951 podirajočo se leseno iz leta 1935-36. Posebnost je bil nov stolp
ob skakalnici, ki je bil postavljen na dveh vitkih betonskih stebrih. Vrh
stolpa se je v vetru majal.
The timber constructed Planica ski-flying hill was demolished in 1951, and
replaced by a partly-concrete 417 feet ski-flying hill, ready for the 1953-54
season. The new tower was built on two slim concrete columns. It swayed
at the top when it was windy.
Lesena konstrukcija Bloudkove
letalnice v Planici leta 1935.
Konstrukcija se je zrušila leta 1951.
Timber construction of the Bloudek's
ski-fliyng hill built in Planica in 1935.
Construction was destroyed in 1951.
Elegantna nova konstrukcija letalnice v
Planici, ki jo je zasnoval v betonu in lesu
inž. Svetko Lapajne, nečak inž. Stanka
Bloudka, odličen konstruktor zahtevnih
objektov doma in v tujini, mostov in
viaduktov, tovarniških konstrukcij. Bil je
profesor na Fakulteti za arhitekturo v
New elegant construction of the ski-flying
hill was designed in concrete by Stanko
Bloudek's nephew Svetko Lapajne, an
excellent construction enginner and
designer of buildings at home and abroad
like bridges, viaducts, factories and special
constructions. He was later professor in the
Faculty for Architecture in Ljubljana.
Nova 120 m letalnica na prvi tekmi v Planici leta 1954.
New 360 feet ski-flying hill at the first competition in Planica in 1954.
Mednarodni FIS sodniki v Planici leta 1954. Na skrajni levi je Slovenec
Milan Fajdiga.
International FIS referees in Planica in 1954. On the left is Slovenian,
Milan Fajdiga.

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Za zapečkom, 15. del

  • 1. Doskočišče letalnice je bilo potrebno urediti z lopatami in številni smučarji so ga morali poteptati, da je bilo čim bolj gladko. The apron (the landing area) of the ski-flying hill had to be prepared with shovels and trampled by a great number of skiers, so that the apron was really smooth.
  • 2. Teptanje naleta 120 m letalnice v Planici je bilo izredno težko. Močno sonce marca je lahko zelo ojužilo zalet, zato so postavili posebno ograjo s velikimi rjuhami iz blaga, ki so metale senco na smučino in tudi malo zaščitile skakalca pred stranskim vetrom. The in-run of the 120 m (400 feet) ski- flying hill in Planica was trampled with extreme difficulty. The hot March sunshine made the snow wett so a high fence was constructed on which sheets were tied offering shadow on the in-run ski tracks and also protected the ski jumpers from side winds.
  • 3. Janez Polda je poletel v Planici leta 1948 120 m, vendar je pri doskoku podrsal z roko po snegu, kar je veljalo za padec. Švicar Fritz Tschannen je poletel kasneje istega dne prav tako daleč, novo največjo daljavo na svetu in dejal: «Planica ni samo največja, ampak tudi najboljša in najsigurnejša letalnica na svetu. Njena konstrukcija je idealna, most odganja pravilno, tako da je naravnost užitek leteti v zraku«. Na sliki Tschannen in levo med poletom njegov avtogram.
  • 4. Janez Polda (from Slovenia) flew 120 m (400 feet) in Planica in 1948 but he touched the snow with one hand which counted a fall. The Swiss Fritz Tschannen flew the same length later in the day, a new world record; he said: «Planica is not only the greatest ski-flying hill but the best one and the safest one in the world. Its construction is ideal, the take-off launch correct, so it is a great delight to fly in the air.« Tschanen is in the photograph with his signature on the left.
  • 5. Stanko Bloudek (na desni) in Švicar Fritz Tschannen, Planica, 1948. Stanko Bloudek and the Swiss Fritz Tschannen, Planica, 1948.
  • 6. »Planiški teden 1948«: 30 km proga za tek na smučeh je bila dokaj zahtevna z vzponom iz Rateč v Tamar z višinsko razliko 238 m v enem vzponu. Tekme so si ogledali tudi vojaki smučarji iz Mojstrane, ki so pomagali pri pripravi prog in skakalnice. »Week Planica 1948«: cross-country track (22,5 miles) was very hard with 790 feet steady elevation from Rateče to Tamar. The soldiers on skis from Mojstrana watched the competition after they had prepared the cross-country track, giant-slalom course and the ski-flying hill.
  • 7. »Planiški teden 1949«: tekma v patrolnem teku. »Week Planica 1949«: Ski patrol competition.
  • 8. »Planiški teden 1948«: veleslalom je bil v Dolini Krnice nad Kranjsko Goro, kjer je bilo konec marca ali aprila vedno veliko snega. »Week Planica 1948«: giant-slalom track was set in the Krnica Valley above Kranjska Gora where a great quantity of snow was lay till the end of March and into April.
  • 9. »Planiški teden 1949«: slalom v Kranjski Gori. »Week Planica 1948«: Slalom in Kranjska Gora.
  • 10. »Planiški teden« leta 1948: poleg tekov, slaloma in poletov je bilo na zamrznjenem tenis igrišču tekmovanje v umetnostnem drsanju. »Week Planica 1948«: artistic skating competition was organized on the icy tennis courts in Planica where cross-country, giant-slalom and ski-flying, also took place.
  • 11. »Planiški teden l948«: proga veleslaloma v Krnici je potekala tik pod stenami Julijskih Alp in tako dajala vtis visokogorskega smučišča. »Week Planica 1948«: giant-slalom course was set under the walls of the Julian Alps and the participants felt this area as a high mountain ski resort.
  • 12. Skakalci med tekmo »Planiškega tedna« 1948: videti je kot različni slogi skakalcev, vendar je bila še vedno priljubljena tehnika kriljenja z rokami, vendar ne več upognjenega zgornjega dela telesa sloga »Kongsberg«. »Planiški teden« so ukinili leta 1951, ko ni bilo poletov Planici zaradi slabega stanja lesenih delov letalnice. »Teden smučarskih poletov« je bil naslov tekmovanja v poletih v Planici od leta 1954 naprej. Ski jumpers at the competition »Week in Planica in 1948«: different styles of the competitors can be recognized. Some ski-jumpers arms windmilled about in the air but there was but no more the Kongsberg Bend Technique was not to be seen. »Week in Planica« was cancelled from 1951 on when the competition in ski-flying did not take place because of the bad conditions of the timbers of the ski-flying hill.
  • 13. Smučarska družina 17. 3. 1948 v Planici: mama Božena, sin Aleš (3 leta in 4 mesece) ter oče Svetozar Guček. Aleš je videl takrat svetovni rekord Švicarja Tschannena (120 m), vendar si ga ni zapomnil. A family very fond of skiing in Planica on March 17, 1948: mother Božena, son Aleš (3 years and 4 months) and Father Svetozar Guček. Aleš saw Tschannen's world record in that time but has not remembered it.
  • 14. Janez Polda (na sliki leta 1947 v Planici) je imel izjemen slog skakanja in tudi dolžine skokov. Janez Polda at Planica in 1947 was jumping with extraordinary style and length too.
  • 15. Janez Polda je napisal leta 1949 v svoj dnevnik: „Če ima ptič krila nazaj, zakaj ne bi imel tudi jaz roke.“ Prvi na svetu je leta 1949 v Planici skakal na ta način z rokami nazaj. Janez Polda wrote in his diary in 1949: „If the bird has his wing backwards, why could not I do the same with my arms too.“ He jumped with the arms backwards the first in the world, Planica, 1948.
  • 16. Portret Janeza Polde, skakalca iz Mojstrane. Minca Rabič, učiteljica na šoli in tekmovalka v tekih na smučeh, je Poldi kupila leta 1936 prve skakalne smuči. Polda je bil takoj po drugi vojni slovenski najboljši skakalec: šestkrat je bil državni prvak, prvič leta 1948 in nazadnje leta 1955. Portrait of Janez Polda, ski jumper from Mojstrana. Minca Rabič, the school teacher and excellent cross-country competitor in ladies category, bought for Polda the first pair of ski-jumping skis in 1936. Polda was the best Slovenian ski jumper just after the 2nd World War. Six times national champion, the first time in 1948 and the last time in 1955.
  • 17. Reprezentanta v skokih na smučeh Karel Klančnik (levo) in Janez Polda, oba iz Mojstrane, v puloverjih državne smučarske reprezentance Jugoslavije iz leta 1948. Members of the National Ski Jumping Team Karel Klančnik (on the left) and Janez Polda, both from Mojstrana, with pullovers s of the Yugoslav Ski Team in 1948.
  • 18. Odon Slabe je bil član malo znanega SK Krim iz Ljubljane, a je bil vseeno član državne reprezentance. Slabe v Planici leta 1950. Odon Slabe was member of the not so well known SK Krim from Ljubljana but he was member of the National Ski Jumping Team. Slabe in Planica in 1950.
  • 19. Planici niso bili le poleti vsakič tretji teden v marcu, temveč več zimsko športnih tekem, ki so se imenovale »Planiški teden« od leta 1948 naprej: veleslalom (enkrat slalom), teki, umetnostno drsanje, biatlon in na koncu še vrhunec poleti na smučeh. Competition in ski-flying was not the only ski event in Planica always running the third week in March. Several winter sports place during »Week Planica« from 1948 on: giant-slalom (once slalom), artistic skating, biathlon and at the end of the week the top competition in ski-flying.
  • 20. Vsi udeleženci »Planiškega tedna 1948«. Na poseben list so se podpisali vsi skakalci na smučeh. Signatures of all participants in ski-flying of the »Week Planica 1948« undersigned on a special paper.
  • 21. Rudi Finžgar je bil najbolj pogumni slovenski skakalec takoj po drugi vojni, saj je skakal zelo daleč, a s slabšim slogom in večinoma brez doskoka v telemark. Finžgar je prvi Slovenec, ki je skočil preko 100 m (Planica 1947, 102 m). Na sliki: Finžgar med skokom leta 1947 na 90 m skakalnici v Planici in v ozadju skakalnica 120 m. Rudi Finžgar was one of the bravest Slovenian ski jumpers just after the 2nd World War because he reached the longest jumps but not in a perfect style and his landings were without telemark position of the skis. Finžgar was the first Slovenian who jumped over 100 m (333 feet) in Planica in 1947, exactly 102 m (340 feet). Here Rudi Finžgar jumping on the 90 m (300 feet) ski-jumping hill in Planica in 1947. 120 m (400 feet) ski-flying hill is seen behind.
  • 22. Po smrti Janeza Polde leta 1964 je bila od leta 1965 v Planici mednarodna tekma v skokih za »Poldov memorial« na 90 m skakalnici. Poldov prijatelj in skakalec Rudi Finžgar je vedno ponesel venec iz Planice na Poldov grob v Dovje nad Mojstrano. »International Polda's Memorial« was organized for the first time in 1965 just one year after his death in 1965. Polda's friend Rudi Finžgar always carried the wreath from Planica to Polda's grave in Dovje above Mojstrana.
  • 23. »Planiški teden« leta 1948: veliko tekmovalcev in tudi odbornikov so izkoristili teden bivanja v Planici in odšli v bližnjo Kranjsko Goro, kjer so smučali ob vlečnici. »Week Planica 1948«: many competitors and members of the Organizing Committee in Planica enjoying to go to Kranjska Gora where they skied at the T-bar lift.
  • 24. »Planiški teden«: tekme v smučanju so se končale z izletom v Opatijo na Hrvaško na Jadranskem morju, kjer so najbolj pogumni Finci celo skočili v mrzlo vodo okoli 13o C in plavali. »Week Planica«: when the competitions in Planica were over the participants travelled to Opatija on the Adriatic Sea (Croatia) where the Finns jumped and even swam in 13o C cold water.
  • 25. Zaletišče nove 125 m letalnice v Planici leta 1954. Run-in of the new 375 feet ski-fyling hill in Planica in 1954.
  • 26. Nova 125 m letalnica v Planici z betonsko konstrukcijo, ki je nadomestila leta 1951 podirajočo se leseno iz leta 1935-36. Posebnost je bil nov stolp ob skakalnici, ki je bil postavljen na dveh vitkih betonskih stebrih. Vrh stolpa se je v vetru majal. The timber constructed Planica ski-flying hill was demolished in 1951, and replaced by a partly-concrete 417 feet ski-flying hill, ready for the 1953-54 season. The new tower was built on two slim concrete columns. It swayed at the top when it was windy.
  • 27. Lesena konstrukcija Bloudkove letalnice v Planici leta 1935. Konstrukcija se je zrušila leta 1951. Timber construction of the Bloudek's ski-fliyng hill built in Planica in 1935. Construction was destroyed in 1951.
  • 28. Elegantna nova konstrukcija letalnice v Planici, ki jo je zasnoval v betonu in lesu inž. Svetko Lapajne, nečak inž. Stanka Bloudka, odličen konstruktor zahtevnih objektov doma in v tujini, mostov in viaduktov, tovarniških konstrukcij. Bil je profesor na Fakulteti za arhitekturo v Ljubljani. New elegant construction of the ski-flying hill was designed in concrete by Stanko Bloudek's nephew Svetko Lapajne, an excellent construction enginner and designer of buildings at home and abroad like bridges, viaducts, factories and special constructions. He was later professor in the Faculty for Architecture in Ljubljana.
  • 29. Nova 120 m letalnica na prvi tekmi v Planici leta 1954. New 360 feet ski-flying hill at the first competition in Planica in 1954.
  • 30. Mednarodni FIS sodniki v Planici leta 1954. Na skrajni levi je Slovenec Milan Fajdiga. International FIS referees in Planica in 1954. On the left is Slovenian, Milan Fajdiga.