LinkedIn In Depth

Anthony Juliano, MA, MBA il y a 14 ans

LinkedIn Communication Architecture

LinkedIn il y a 16 ans

온라인 중개 비즈니스 모델 분석

SooHyuk Ahn il y a 14 ans

2 Day Workshop on Business Model Design

Alexander Osterwalder il y a 17 ans

Presentation Lessons from MEGAMIND!

Saad Ahmed Shaikh il y a 13 ans

Taking your small business to the next level

Adele Barlow il y a 14 ans

How to write a business plan

Tony Osime il y a 17 ans

What the F**k is Social Media NOW?

Martafy! il y a 13 ans

Social Media for Business

Presentation Advisors il y a 13 ans

Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu

Bryan Rieger il y a 13 ans


Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee il y a 13 ans

SlideShare Zeitgeist 2010

Rashmi Sinha il y a 13 ans

행복을 부르는 청소의 힘

Jinho Jung il y a 14 ans