Address/Thread/Memory Sanitizer

Platonov Sergey il y a 9 ans

Data processing at spotify using scio

Julien Tournay il y a 4 ans

Examples of working with streaming data

Yi-Shin Chen il y a 6 ans

Event-sourced architectures with Akka

Sander Mak (@Sander_Mak) il y a 9 ans


Shigekazu Takei il y a 9 ans

Logging in Scala

John Nestor il y a 7 ans

TaxiGo LINE Chatbot 開發歷程

LINE Corporation il y a 5 ans

Oscon keynote: Working hard to keep it simple

Martin Odersky il y a 12 ans

Modern Data Architecture

Alexey Grishchenko il y a 8 ans

Compression Options in Hadoop - A Tale of Tradeoffs

DataWorks Summit il y a 10 ans