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Seminar on Surgical infections
Prepared By: Dr. Atinkut Abesha
Moderator: Dr. Tilahun (G.Surgeon)
Date: 19/11/2014 E.C
1 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Host defence mechanisms
Definition of Surgical Infections
Etiologies of Surgical infections
Classification of surgical infections
Surgical Site infections
Factors affecting SSIs
Clinical features of SSIs
Surgical infections other than SSIs
Prevention and treatments of surgical infections
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
To know the defensive mechanisms of our body
to infections
To define what surgical infections mean
To describe different surgical infections
To know different factors affecting surgical
To know how to prevent and treat surgical
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections: Prepared By:
Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Introduction
Host Defense Mechanisms
The host possesses several layers of endogenous
defense mechanisms that serve to prevent
microbial invasion, limit proliferation of microbes
within the host, and contain or eradicate invading
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Introduction
Host Defense Mechanisms:
Integumentary barrier
Mucosal surfaces (respiratory, gut, and
Colonization resistance
Defenses (phagocytosis, fibrinogen, iron
Components that freely circulate throughout
the body
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Introduction
Host Defense Mechanisms:
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Introduction
Host Defense Mechanisms:
The magnitude of the response and eventual outcome
is generally related to several factors:
The initial number of microbes,
The rate of microbial proliferation
Microbial virulence
The potency of host defenses
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Definition
Definition of Surgical Infections:
Infection: The presence of microorganisms in host
tissue or the bloodstream
Surgical infections:
 Infections that develop following surgery or
traumatic injury
 Infections that require surgical treatment for their
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Etiologies
9 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Etiologies
10 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Surgical Infections… Route of infection
Route of infection:
Direct inoculation
Airborne contamination
Haematogenous/lymphatic seeding
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
infections other
than SSIs
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections
Infections of the tissues, organs, or spaces
exposed by surgeons during performance of an
invasive procedure
Time of infection:
Within 30 days of surgery with out implant
Within one year of surgery with implant
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical wound…Classification
Based on the presumed magnitude of the
bacterial load at the time of surgery:
Clean wounds (class I)
Clean/contaminated wounds (class II)
Contaminated wounds (class III)
Dirty wounds (class IV)
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical wound…Classification
15 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical wound…Classification
Wound class Rate of infection
with prophylaxis
Infection rate with
prophylaxis (%)
Clean (no viscus opened) 1-2 1-2
Clean contaminated (viscus
opened, minimal spillage )
3 6-9
Contaminated (open viscus
with spillage or
inflammatory disease )
6 13-20
Dirty (pus or perforation,
or incision through an
7 40
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification
Classification of Surgical Site infections: based on
depth/involved organ
Incisional (superficial, Deep)
Organ/space infections
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification
18 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Classification of Surgical Site infections:
I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification
Classification of Surgical Site infections:
I. Major SSI;
Significant quantities of pus spontaneously
Needs procedure to drain it
Patients are systemically ill
Delayed return to home
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification
Classification of Surgical Site infections:
II. Minor SSI
May discharge pus or infected serous fluid
But, are not associated with excessive discomfort,
systemic signs or delay in return to home
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors
Risk factors for development of surgical site
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
factors Local factors
I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors
Patient factors
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Older age
Diabetes mellitus
Renal failure
Peripheral vascular
Chronic skin disease
Carrier state
Recent operation
I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors
Local factors
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical
Open compared to laparoscopic surgery
Poor skin preparation
Contamination of instruments
Inadequate antibiotic prophylaxis
Prolonged procedure
Local tissue necrosis
Blood transfusion
Hypoxia, hypothermia
I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical
Microbial factors
Prolonged hospitalization (leading to
nosocomial organisms)
Toxin secretion
Resistance to clearance (e.g., capsule
I. Surgical Site Infections…C/F
Clinical features of Surgical infections:
Localized swelling
Purulent discharge
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Diagnosis
Purulent drainage
Isolation of organisms
Any one of sign and symptoms of infection
Diagnosed by operating surgeon/ found on
Spontaneously dehisced fascia with at least one S
& S of inflammation
An abscess or other evidence of infection involving
the organ/space
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment
SSI treatment:
I. Treatments of Incisional SSIs:
Incision and drainage without the additional use of
Antibiotic therapy is reserved for patients in whom
evidence of significant cellulitis is present
The open wound often is allowed to heal by
secondary intention
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment
SSI treatment:
II. Treatments of Organ/space SSIs:
Source control to resect or repair the diseased organ
Debridement of necrotic, infected tissue and debris
Administration of antimicrobial agents directed
against aerobes and anaerobes
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment
SSI treatment:
II. Treatments of Organ/space SSIs:
If Patients in whom the above standard therapy
fails, typically develop one or more of the
Intra-abdominal abscess
Leakage from a gastrointestinal anastomosis
leading to postoperative persistent peritonitis
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment
SSI treatment:
II. Treatments of Organ/space SSIs:
For Intra abdominal abscess:
Drained percutaneously
Surgical intervention is reserved for;
 Those individuals who harbour multiple abscesses
 Those with abscesses in proximity to vital structures
 Those in whom an ongoing source of contamination
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Prevention
SSI prevention: In general, control the risk factors
Preoperative measures:
Short preoperative hospital stay
Preoperative showering
Treat remote site infections
Optimize nutrition status
Optimize the glucose level
Stop smoking
Prophylactic antibiotic
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Prevention
SSI prevention:
Intraoperative measures:
Follow aseptic technique
Avoid spillage
Complete debridement
Appropriate Surgical technique
Limit use of sutures/foreign bodies
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
I. Surgical Site Infections…Prevention
SSI prevention:
Postoperative measures:
Protect incision for 48-72 hours
Remove drains as soon as possible
Wearing protective sterile gloves during
Early enteral nutrition
Tight glucose control
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
Infections that require surgical treatment for their
 Cellulitis
 Erysipelas
 Abscess
 Pyomyositis
 Necrotizing fasciitis
 Ludwig’s Angina
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
1. Cellulitis 2. Erysipelas
Skin and subcutaneous
Streptococcus and
Usually unilateral
Anything that causes break
in the skin
Inflammatory skin
Skin (upper dermis) and
superficial lymphatic
Streptococcus and
Usually unilateral
Anything that causes break
in the skin
Inflammatory skin condition
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
1. Cellulitis 2. Erysipelas
Edema from CVI/impared
lymphatic drainage
Indolent onset
Erythematous, edematous,
Hot skin
No clear demarcated
Edema from
CVI/impared lymphatic
Acute in onset
edematous, Hot skin
Clear demarcated
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
 Bed rest with legs elevated
Appropriate antibiotics
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
Necrotising fasciitis
Toxaemia and septicaemia
Precipitate ketoacidosis in a patient who has
diabetes mellitus
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
3. Abscess:
 Localised collection of pus (dead and dying
neutrophils plus proteinaceous exudate).
Trauma, Immunocompromised conditions, IV drug
abusers are often affected
Pyogenic abscess
Pyaemic abscess
Cold abscess
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
I. Pyogenic abscess:
Intense inflammation that tend to stimulate acute
inflammation which is caused by bacteria
Staphylococcal infections
 Route of infections;
External wound
Previous untreated cellulitis
Encircled by fibrin products
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
I. Pyogenic abscess:
Loss of function
Throbbing pain
Fluctuant mass
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
I. Pyogenic abscess
Incision and drainage
Then, appropriate antibiotics for 5-7 days
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
I. Pyogenic abscess
Localised area of suppuration within striated
Quadriceps, gluteus, shoulder and upper arm
muscle are affected
Pain over the part oedema, fever, tenderness,
induration and spasm of the affected muscle
Renal failure follows soon
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
I. Pyogenic abscess
Pyomyositis: Stages
 Stage of cellulitis
Stage of Abscess
Stage of sepsis
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
I. Pyogenic abscess
Pyomyositis treatment
 Early diagnosis and early aggressive treatment
Exploration-for diagnosis and as a treatment
Wide excision of muscles and compartmental
excision till viable tissues are visible
Surgical Infections: Prepared By:
Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
II. Pyaemic abscess:
Occurs due to circulation of pyaemic emboli in
the blood
Due to pus-producing organisms in the
Commonly occurs in diabetics and patients
receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Characterised by following features; multiple,
deep-seated, minimal tenderness, Local rise of
temperature is not present
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
II. Pyaemic abscess:
Multiple incisions over the abscess site and
Then, appropriate antibiotics for 5-7 days
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
III. Cold abscess:
Lacks the intense inflammation usually associated
with infection that do not tend to stimulate acute
Has no signs of inflammation
Causes are TB, Leprosy, Actinomycosis
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
III. Cold abscess:
Anti tuberculosis regimen/leprosy
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
4. Necrotizing fasciitis
It is a spreading, destructive, invasive infection of
skin and soft tissues including deep fascia with
relative sparing of muscle
Common sites: lower extremities, genitalia, groin,
lower abdomen
Risk factors: DM, Malnutrition, obesity,
immunosuppression conditions
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
4. Necrotizing fasciitis
Type I necrotising fasciitis: Polymicrobial
Type II necrotising fasciitis: Monomicrobial
Surgical Infections: Prepared By:
Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
4. Necrotizing fasciitis
Clinical Features:
Sudden pain in the affected area
Gross swelling of the limbs
Skin necrosis and ulceration
High degree fever, jaundice, renal failure can
occur soon in untreated cases
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
4. Necrotizing fasciitis
Early, aggressive treatment includes supportive
and surgical treatment
Adequate hydration
broad spectrum antibiotics
wide excision, generous debridement followed by
skin grafting, a few days or weeks later
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
5. Ludwig’s Angina
Cellulitis of submental and submandibular regions
combined with inflammatory edema of the mouth.
Causative agents: streptococcal and anerobic
Risk factors: Caries tooth, Cancer of the oral
cavity, Calculi in the submandibular gland,
Chemotherapy, Cachexia and Chronic disease (6
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
5. Ludwig’s Angina
Clinical Features:
Diffuse swelling in the submandibular and
submental region
Edema of the floor of the mouth
High grade fever with toxicity
Putrid halitosis
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
5. Ludwig’s Angina
Compromise airway
Surgical Infections: Prepared By:
Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs
5. Ludwig’s Angina
Appropriate antibiotics
IV fluids to correct dehydration
Tube feeding
Surgical intervention
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery 11th edition
Bailey & Loves Short Practice of Surgery 27th
Manipal Manual Of Surgery 4th Edition
Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
59 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)

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Surgical Infections slide share ppt

  • 1. Seminar on Surgical infections Prepared By: Dr. Atinkut Abesha Moderator: Dr. Tilahun (G.Surgeon) Date: 19/11/2014 E.C 1 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 2. Outlines 2 Host defence mechanisms Definition of Surgical Infections Etiologies of Surgical infections Classification of surgical infections Surgical Site infections Factors affecting SSIs Clinical features of SSIs Surgical infections other than SSIs Prevention and treatments of surgical infections Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 3. Objectives 3 To know the defensive mechanisms of our body to infections To define what surgical infections mean To describe different surgical infections To know different factors affecting surgical infections To know how to prevent and treat surgical infections Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 4. Surgical Infections… Introduction 4 Host Defense Mechanisms The host possesses several layers of endogenous defense mechanisms that serve to prevent microbial invasion, limit proliferation of microbes within the host, and contain or eradicate invading microbes. Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 5. Surgical Infections… Introduction 5 Host Defense Mechanisms: Integumentary barrier Mucosal surfaces (respiratory, gut, and urogenital) Colonization resistance Defenses (phagocytosis, fibrinogen, iron sequestration,) Components that freely circulate throughout the body Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 6. Surgical Infections… Introduction 6 Host Defense Mechanisms: Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 7. Surgical Infections… Introduction 7 Host Defense Mechanisms: The magnitude of the response and eventual outcome is generally related to several factors: The initial number of microbes, The rate of microbial proliferation Microbial virulence The potency of host defenses Outcomes Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) eradicati on containm ent Regional infection Systemi c infection
  • 8. Surgical Infections… Definition 8 Definition of Surgical Infections: Infection: The presence of microorganisms in host tissue or the bloodstream Surgical infections:  Infections that develop following surgery or traumatic injury  Infections that require surgical treatment for their cure Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 9. Surgical Infections… Etiologies 9 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 10. Surgical Infections… Etiologies 10 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 11. Surgical Infections… Route of infection 11 Route of infection: Direct inoculation Airborne contamination Haematogenous/lymphatic seeding Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 12. 12 Surgical infections other than SSIs Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 13. I. Surgical Site Infections 13 Infections of the tissues, organs, or spaces exposed by surgeons during performance of an invasive procedure Time of infection: Within 30 days of surgery with out implant Within one year of surgery with implant Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 14. I. Surgical wound…Classification 14 Based on the presumed magnitude of the bacterial load at the time of surgery: Clean wounds (class I) Clean/contaminated wounds (class II) Contaminated wounds (class III) Dirty wounds (class IV) Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 15. I. Surgical wound…Classification 15 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 16. I. Surgical wound…Classification 16 Wound class Rate of infection with prophylaxis (%) Infection rate with prophylaxis (%) Clean (no viscus opened) 1-2 1-2 Clean contaminated (viscus opened, minimal spillage ) 3 6-9 Contaminated (open viscus with spillage or inflammatory disease ) 6 13-20 Dirty (pus or perforation, or incision through an abscess) 7 40 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 17. I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification 17 Classification of Surgical Site infections: based on depth/involved organ Incisional (superficial, Deep) Organ/space infections Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 18. I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification 18 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) Classification of Surgical Site infections:
  • 19. I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification 19 Classification of Surgical Site infections: I. Major SSI; Significant quantities of pus spontaneously Needs procedure to drain it Patients are systemically ill Delayed return to home Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 20. I. Surgical Site Infections…Classification 20 Classification of Surgical Site infections: II. Minor SSI May discharge pus or infected serous fluid But, are not associated with excessive discomfort, systemic signs or delay in return to home Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 21. I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors 21 Risk factors for development of surgical site infections: Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) Microbial factors Local factors
  • 22. I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors Patient factors Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) 22 Older age Immunosuppression Obesity Diabetes mellitus Chronic inflammatory process Malnutrition Smoking Renal failure Peripheral vascular disease Anemia Radiation Chronic skin disease Carrier state Recent operation
  • 23. I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors Local factors Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) 23 Open compared to laparoscopic surgery Poor skin preparation Contamination of instruments Inadequate antibiotic prophylaxis Prolonged procedure Local tissue necrosis Blood transfusion Hypoxia, hypothermia
  • 24. I. Surgical Site Infections…Risk factors Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern) 24 Microbial factors Prolonged hospitalization (leading to nosocomial organisms) Toxin secretion Resistance to clearance (e.g., capsule formation)
  • 25. I. Surgical Site Infections…C/F 25 Clinical features of Surgical infections: Pain Tenderness Localized swelling Redness Hotness Purulent discharge Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 26. I. Surgical Site Infections…Diagnosis 26 Diagnosis: Purulent drainage Isolation of organisms Any one of sign and symptoms of infection Diagnosed by operating surgeon/ found on reoperation Spontaneously dehisced fascia with at least one S & S of inflammation An abscess or other evidence of infection involving the organ/space Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 27. I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment 27 SSI treatment: I. Treatments of Incisional SSIs: Incision and drainage without the additional use of antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy is reserved for patients in whom evidence of significant cellulitis is present The open wound often is allowed to heal by secondary intention Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 28. I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment 28 SSI treatment: II. Treatments of Organ/space SSIs: Source control to resect or repair the diseased organ Debridement of necrotic, infected tissue and debris Administration of antimicrobial agents directed against aerobes and anaerobes Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 29. I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment 29 SSI treatment: II. Treatments of Organ/space SSIs: If Patients in whom the above standard therapy fails, typically develop one or more of the following; Intra-abdominal abscess Leakage from a gastrointestinal anastomosis leading to postoperative persistent peritonitis Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 30. I. Surgical Site Infections…Treatment 30 SSI treatment: II. Treatments of Organ/space SSIs: For Intra abdominal abscess: Drained percutaneously Surgical intervention is reserved for;  Those individuals who harbour multiple abscesses  Those with abscesses in proximity to vital structures  Those in whom an ongoing source of contamination Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 31. I. Surgical Site Infections…Prevention 31 SSI prevention: In general, control the risk factors Preoperative measures: Short preoperative hospital stay Preoperative showering Treat remote site infections Optimize nutrition status Optimize the glucose level Stop smoking Prophylactic antibiotic Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 32. I. Surgical Site Infections…Prevention 32 SSI prevention: Intraoperative measures: Follow aseptic technique Avoid spillage Complete debridement Appropriate Surgical technique Limit use of sutures/foreign bodies Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 33. I. Surgical Site Infections…Prevention 33 SSI prevention: Postoperative measures: Protect incision for 48-72 hours Remove drains as soon as possible Wearing protective sterile gloves during examination Early enteral nutrition Tight glucose control Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 34. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 34 Infections that require surgical treatment for their cure  Cellulitis  Erysipelas  Abscess  Pyomyositis  Necrotizing fasciitis  Ludwig’s Angina Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 35. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 1. Cellulitis 2. Erysipelas 35 Skin and subcutaneous infections Streptococcus and staphylococcus Usually unilateral R/F; Anything that causes break in the skin Inflammatory skin condition Skin (upper dermis) and superficial lymphatic infections Streptococcus and staphylococcus Usually unilateral R/F; Anything that causes break in the skin Inflammatory skin condition Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 36. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 1. Cellulitis 2. Erysipelas 36 Edema from CVI/impared lymphatic drainage Immunosuppression Indolent onset Erythematous, edematous, Hot skin No clear demarcated boarder Edema from CVI/impared lymphatic drainage Immunosuppression Acute in onset Erythematous, edematous, Hot skin Clear demarcated boarder Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 37. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 37 Cellulitis/Erysipelas: Treatment  Bed rest with legs elevated Appropriate antibiotics Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 38. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 38 Cellulitis/Erysipelas: Complications Abscess Necrotising fasciitis Toxaemia and septicaemia Precipitate ketoacidosis in a patient who has diabetes mellitus Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 39. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 39 3. Abscess:  Localised collection of pus (dead and dying neutrophils plus proteinaceous exudate). Trauma, Immunocompromised conditions, IV drug abusers are often affected Pyogenic abscess Pyaemic abscess Cold abscess Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 40. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 40 I. Pyogenic abscess: Intense inflammation that tend to stimulate acute inflammation which is caused by bacteria Staphylococcal infections  Route of infections; External wound Haematogenous Previous untreated cellulitis Encircled by fibrin products Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 41. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 41 I. Pyogenic abscess: C/F: Hotness Redness Swelling Loss of function Throbbing pain Fluctuant mass Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 42. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 42 I. Pyogenic abscess Treatments: Incision and drainage Then, appropriate antibiotics for 5-7 days Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 43. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 43 I. Pyogenic abscess Pyomyositis: Localised area of suppuration within striated muscle Quadriceps, gluteus, shoulder and upper arm muscle are affected Pain over the part oedema, fever, tenderness, induration and spasm of the affected muscle Renal failure follows soon Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 44. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 44 I. Pyogenic abscess Pyomyositis: Stages  Stage of cellulitis Stage of Abscess Stage of sepsis Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 45. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 45 I. Pyogenic abscess Pyomyositis treatment  Early diagnosis and early aggressive treatment Antibiotics Exploration-for diagnosis and as a treatment Wide excision of muscles and compartmental excision till viable tissues are visible Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 46. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 46 II. Pyaemic abscess: Occurs due to circulation of pyaemic emboli in the blood Due to pus-producing organisms in the circulation Commonly occurs in diabetics and patients receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy Characterised by following features; multiple, deep-seated, minimal tenderness, Local rise of temperature is not present Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 47. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 47 II. Pyaemic abscess: Treatments: Multiple incisions over the abscess site and drainage Then, appropriate antibiotics for 5-7 days Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 48. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 48 III. Cold abscess: Lacks the intense inflammation usually associated with infection that do not tend to stimulate acute inflammation Has no signs of inflammation Causes are TB, Leprosy, Actinomycosis Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 49. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 49 III. Cold abscess: Treatments Anti tuberculosis regimen/leprosy Excision Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 50. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 50 4. Necrotizing fasciitis It is a spreading, destructive, invasive infection of skin and soft tissues including deep fascia with relative sparing of muscle Common sites: lower extremities, genitalia, groin, lower abdomen Risk factors: DM, Malnutrition, obesity, immunosuppression conditions Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 51. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 51 4. Necrotizing fasciitis Type I necrotising fasciitis: Polymicrobial Type II necrotising fasciitis: Monomicrobial Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 52. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 52 4. Necrotizing fasciitis Clinical Features: Sudden pain in the affected area Gross swelling of the limbs Redness erythematous Skin necrosis and ulceration High degree fever, jaundice, renal failure can occur soon in untreated cases Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 53. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 53 4. Necrotizing fasciitis Treatments: Early, aggressive treatment includes supportive and surgical treatment Hospitalisation Adequate hydration broad spectrum antibiotics wide excision, generous debridement followed by skin grafting, a few days or weeks later Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 54. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 54 5. Ludwig’s Angina Cellulitis of submental and submandibular regions combined with inflammatory edema of the mouth. Causative agents: streptococcal and anerobic microbes Risk factors: Caries tooth, Cancer of the oral cavity, Calculi in the submandibular gland, Chemotherapy, Cachexia and Chronic disease (6 Cs) Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 55. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 55 5. Ludwig’s Angina Clinical Features: Diffuse swelling in the submandibular and submental region Edema of the floor of the mouth High grade fever with toxicity Putrid halitosis Dysphagia/odynophagia/drooling Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 56. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 56 5. Ludwig’s Angina Complication Compromise airway Septicemia Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 57. II. Surgical Infections other than SSIs 57 5. Ludwig’s Angina Treatments: Rest Hospitalisation Appropriate antibiotics IV fluids to correct dehydration Tube feeding Surgical intervention Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 58. References 58 Schwartz's Principles of Surgery 11th edition Bailey & Loves Short Practice of Surgery 27th edition Manipal Manual Of Surgery 4th Edition Uptodate Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)
  • 59. 59 Surgical Infections: Prepared By: Atinkut A. (Medical Intern)

Editor's Notes

  1. Site-specific defenses that function at the tissue level, as well as components that freely circulate throughout the body in both blood and lymph
  2. Host barrier cells may secrete substances that limit microbial proliferation or prevent invasion
  3. Patient factors
  4. or who concurrently manifest a SIRS.
  5. Effective source control and antibiotic therapy is associated with low failure rates and a mortality rate of approximately 5% to 6%; inability to control the source of infection is associated with mortality greater than 40%.
  6. The necessity of antimicrobial agent therapy and precise guidelines that dictate duration of catheter drainage have not been established. A short course (3 to 5 days) of antibiotics that possess aerobic and anaerobic activity seems reasonable so long as the patient has good clinical response to therapy, and most practitioners leave the drainage catheter in situ until it is clear that cavity collapse has occurred, output is less than 10 to 20 mL/d, no evidence of an ongoing source of contamination is present, and the patient’s clinical condition has improved
  7. Repeat only during long operations or if there is excessive blood loss
  8. Lymphangitis
  9. due to group A /3-haemolytic Streptococcii SPECIFIC FEATURES OF TYPE II NECROTISING FASCIITIS • Caused by Streptococcus pyogenes • Occur in young healthy people • Minor abrasions, laceration may be a precipitating factor • Severe systemic illness with multiorgan failureStreptococcal toxic shock syndrome NECROTISING FASCIITIS I-RISK FACTORS • Diabetes mellitus, malnutrition • Obesity, corticosteroids • Immune deficiency
  10. Skip lesions of
  11. Ryle's