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using Laravel
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
di kelon dulu
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Postman - REST Client
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Metode HTTP
OPTIONS Untuk mengetahui persyaratan dan atau kemampuan server dalam menerima request maupun
memberikan response
HEAD Untuk mengetahui header yang tersedia dari HTTP server
GET Hanya digunakan untuk mengambil data
POST Hanya digunakan untuk membuat data baru
PATCH Hanya digunakan untuk memperbaharui sebagian data
PUT Hanya digunakan untuk memperbaharui data secara lengkap
DELETE Hanya untuk menghapus data
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Default Response Header
Header Value
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers Origin, Accept, Content-Type, Content-MD5, Content-Range,
Content-Disposition, Authorization
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
HTTP Status
● 200 OK - Respon sukses untuk metode GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Bisa juga digunakan untuk metode POST yang
tidak berhasil membuat data baru.
● 201 Created - Respon sukses untuk metode POST
● 204 No Content - Respon sukses untuk metode DELETE
● 304 Not Modified - Digunakan berhubungan dengan metode caching via HTTP header
● 400 Bad Request - Request data tidak valid
● 401 Unauthorized - Jika client request tidak ter-otentikasi
● 403 Forbidden - Jika akses terhadap endpoint tidak diperbolehkan
● 404 Not Found - You Now What
● 405 Method Not Allowed - Jika request terhadap endpoint tidak diperbolehkan berdasarkan user yang ter-otentikasi
● 410 Gone - Jika endpoint sudah tidak tersedia
● 415 Unsupported Media Type - Jika format konten request tidak valid
● 422 Unprocessable Entity - Bisa digunakan untuk validasi form
● 429 Too Many Requests - Jika request ditolak berhubungan dengan limitasi request per periode
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
HTTP Caching
ETag & If-None-Match
ETag hash atau checksum dari konten response
If-None-Match hash atau checksum ketika melakukan request. API memberikan response 304 -
Not Modified jika ETag dari konten response cocok dengan If-None-Match
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Request Limiter
Periode dapat ditentukan bedasarkan per-jam atau per-hari.
Respon HTTP header untuk setiap request
Header Keterangan
X-Rate-Limit-Limit Total request yang diperbolehkan dalam periode sekarang
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining Total sisa request yang diperbolehkan dalam periode sekarang
X-Rate-Limit-Reset Sisa waktu periode sekarang, dalam detik
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Link: <>; rel="next", <https:
//>; rel="last"
Available “rel” : next, last, first, prev
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
biasa nya sih nyebut “Authentication”
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Aplikasi = OAuth 2
User = Basic Auth + OAuth 2 Access Token
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Otentikasi Aplikasi
read write
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Otentikasi User
Administrators Users
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Otentikasi User
user.create user.update user.viewuser.delete
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
POST /authorization
Header Content-Type: application/json
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body (raw) {"grant_type":"client_credentials","client_id":"
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
access_token: "jU5vKEBSPSVqRwEXwjIM0N1YefCG0hwqTK5i0UC3"
token_type: "bearer"
expires: 1399017374
expires_in: 3600
Otorisasi Aplikasi / Client
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
POST /api/v1/authenticate
Header Authorization: Basic bWVAc3VsYWVtYW4uY29tOndoYXQ=
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body(form-data) access_token=NMy2Q0zKwoW406DN2xEpDYUpjGX7rDAabXbadQNA
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
access_token: "qJAq492q8x2H2uZUmUN5pQPS8fOLjinDbbMCZ4DF"
token_type: "bearer"
expires: 1399027251
expires_in: 3600
refresh_token: "81pG21LwQVZVN1fcWWCzqLhGkNtcmxEcdXMoyeO9"
user: {
id: 1,
email: ""
display_name: "Sulaeman Tea"
last_login: "2014-05-02T16:40:51+07:00"
is_activated: true
registered_at: "-001-11-30T00:00:00+07:07"
updated_at: "2014-05-02T16:40:51+07:00"
groups: ["Administrators"]
Otentikasi User
POST /authorization
Header Content-Type: application/json
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body (raw) {"grant_type":"refresh_token","refresh_token":"
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
access_token: "H6MUOmYSAUG2nmOrvPXQvFWMJFXOELwP34kjPsza"
token_type: "bearer"
expires: 1399027533
expires_in: 3600
Refresh Token Aplikasi / Client
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
POST /api/v1/authenticate
Header Authorization: Basic d3JvbmdAdXNlci5jb206d2hhdA==
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body(form-data) access_token=H6MUOmYSAUG2nmOrvPXQvFWMJFXOELwP34kjPsza
Status 401 Unauthorized
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {"message":"User was not found."}
Otentikasi User
Gunakan user credential yang salah
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
agak enak baca nya? ato malah buka google translate?
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
POST /api/v1/users Membuat / Mendaftarkan User
Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM
Content-Type: application/json
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body (raw) {"email":"","password":"abcabc","group":"Users","activated":
Status 201 Created
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
id: 2,
email: ""
first_name: "Neneng"
last_name: ""
display_name: "Neneng"
last_login: null
is_activated: true
registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
groups: ["Users"]
GET /api/v1/users/:id Mengambil User
REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
id: 2,
email: ""
first_name: "Neneng"
last_name: ""
display_name: "Neneng"
last_login: null
is_activated: true
registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
groups: ["Users"]
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
PATCH /api/v1/users/:id Memperbaharui Data User (sebagian)
Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM
Content-Type: application/json
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body (raw) {"first_name":"Neneng","last_name":"Caur"}
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
id: 2,
email: ""
first_name: "Neneng"
last_name: "Caur"
display_name: "Neneng Caur"
last_login: null
is_activated: true
registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
groups: ["Users"]
PUT /api/v1/users/:id Memperbaharui Data User
Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM
Content-Type: application/json
Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret)
Body (raw) {"email":"","password":"abcabc","group":"Users","activated":
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body {
id: 2,
email: ""
first_name: "Neneng"
last_name: "Caur"
display_name: "Neneng Caur"
last_login: null
is_activated: false
registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00"
groups: ["Users"]
DELETE /api/v1/users/:id Menghapus Data User
REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM
Status 204 No Content
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
GET /api/v1/users Mengambil Daftar User
Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM
Param offset=1&limit=1
Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600
Body [
id: 1
email: ""
first_name: "Neneng"
last_name: ""
display_name: "Neneng"
last_login: null
is_activated: true
registered_at: "2014-05-03T12:07:50+07:00"
updated_at: "2014-05-03T12:07:50+07:00"
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Apache Web Server
HTTP Basic Auth
Server variable PHP_AUTH_USER dan PHP_AUTH_PW nyasar entah kemana :P
# Fix the HTTP basic auth
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Nginx Web Server
HTTP “Authorization” header
Server variable HTTP_AUTHORIZATION nyasar entah kemana :P
Konfigurasi Nginx server
ignore_invalid_headers off;
@sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
Terima Kasih

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Your rest api using laravel

  • 1. Your REST API using Laravel @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 2.
  • 4. Postman - REST Client @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 5. Metode HTTP OPTIONS Untuk mengetahui persyaratan dan atau kemampuan server dalam menerima request maupun memberikan response HEAD Untuk mengetahui header yang tersedia dari HTTP server GET Hanya digunakan untuk mengambil data POST Hanya digunakan untuk membuat data baru PATCH Hanya digunakan untuk memperbaharui sebagian data PUT Hanya digunakan untuk memperbaharui data secara lengkap DELETE Hanya untuk menghapus data @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 6. Default Response Header Header Value Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true Access-Control-Allow-Origin * Access-Control-Allow-Methods OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE Access-Control-Allow-Headers Origin, Accept, Content-Type, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Disposition, Authorization @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 7. HTTP Status ● 200 OK - Respon sukses untuk metode GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Bisa juga digunakan untuk metode POST yang tidak berhasil membuat data baru. ● 201 Created - Respon sukses untuk metode POST ● 204 No Content - Respon sukses untuk metode DELETE ● 304 Not Modified - Digunakan berhubungan dengan metode caching via HTTP header ● 400 Bad Request - Request data tidak valid ● 401 Unauthorized - Jika client request tidak ter-otentikasi ● 403 Forbidden - Jika akses terhadap endpoint tidak diperbolehkan ● 404 Not Found - You Now What ● 405 Method Not Allowed - Jika request terhadap endpoint tidak diperbolehkan berdasarkan user yang ter-otentikasi ● 410 Gone - Jika endpoint sudah tidak tersedia ● 415 Unsupported Media Type - Jika format konten request tidak valid ● 422 Unprocessable Entity - Bisa digunakan untuk validasi form ● 429 Too Many Requests - Jika request ditolak berhubungan dengan limitasi request per periode @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 8. HTTP Caching ETag & If-None-Match ETag hash atau checksum dari konten response If-None-Match hash atau checksum ketika melakukan request. API memberikan response 304 - Not Modified jika ETag dari konten response cocok dengan If-None-Match @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 9. Request Limiter Periode dapat ditentukan bedasarkan per-jam atau per-hari. Respon HTTP header untuk setiap request Header Keterangan X-Rate-Limit-Limit Total request yang diperbolehkan dalam periode sekarang X-Rate-Limit-Remaining Total sisa request yang diperbolehkan dalam periode sekarang X-Rate-Limit-Reset Sisa waktu periode sekarang, dalam detik @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 11. Pagination Link: <>; rel="next", <https: //>; rel="last" Available “rel” : next, last, first, prev @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 12. Otentikasi biasa nya sih nyebut “Authentication” @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 13. Otentikasi Aplikasi = OAuth 2 User = Basic Auth + OAuth 2 Access Token @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 16. Otentikasi User Permissions user.create user.update user.viewuser.delete @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 17. POST /authorization REQUEST Header Content-Type: application/json Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body (raw) {"grant_type":"client_credentials","client_id":" JXSb6nEzpQ0e3WAWjsSsZurCaLy0knDjzkwxRlJs","client_secret":" C4vpZLRI2kncfXJQZ9l0hdnaTCTupyqF1deCVEPf","scope":"read,write"} RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { access_token: "jU5vKEBSPSVqRwEXwjIM0N1YefCG0hwqTK5i0UC3" token_type: "bearer" expires: 1399017374 expires_in: 3600 } Otorisasi Aplikasi / Client @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 18. POST /api/v1/authenticate REQUEST Header Authorization: Basic bWVAc3VsYWVtYW4uY29tOndoYXQ= Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body(form-data) access_token=NMy2Q0zKwoW406DN2xEpDYUpjGX7rDAabXbadQNA RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { access_token: "qJAq492q8x2H2uZUmUN5pQPS8fOLjinDbbMCZ4DF" token_type: "bearer" expires: 1399027251 expires_in: 3600 refresh_token: "81pG21LwQVZVN1fcWWCzqLhGkNtcmxEcdXMoyeO9" user: { id: 1, email: "" display_name: "Sulaeman Tea" last_login: "2014-05-02T16:40:51+07:00" is_activated: true registered_at: "-001-11-30T00:00:00+07:07" updated_at: "2014-05-02T16:40:51+07:00" groups: ["Administrators"] } Otentikasi User
  • 19. POST /authorization REQUEST Header Content-Type: application/json Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body (raw) {"grant_type":"refresh_token","refresh_token":" 81pG21LwQVZVN1fcWWCzqLhGkNtcmxEcdXMoyeO9","client_id":" JXSb6nEzpQ0e3WAWjsSsZurCaLy0knDjzkwxRlJs","client_secret":" C4vpZLRI2kncfXJQZ9l0hdnaTCTupyqF1deCVEPf","state":3438732984782937489} RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { access_token: "H6MUOmYSAUG2nmOrvPXQvFWMJFXOELwP34kjPsza" token_type: "bearer" expires: 1399027533 expires_in: 3600 } Refresh Token Aplikasi / Client @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 20. POST /api/v1/authenticate REQUEST Header Authorization: Basic d3JvbmdAdXNlci5jb206d2hhdA== Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body(form-data) access_token=H6MUOmYSAUG2nmOrvPXQvFWMJFXOELwP34kjPsza RESPONSE Status 401 Unauthorized Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body {"message":"User was not found."} Otentikasi User Gunakan user credential yang salah @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 21. Resources agak enak baca nya? ato malah buka google translate? @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 22. POST /api/v1/users Membuat / Mendaftarkan User REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM Content-Type: application/json Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body (raw) {"email":"","password":"abcabc","group":"Users","activated": true,"first_name":"Neneng","last_name":""} RESPONSE Status 201 Created Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { id: 2, email: "" first_name: "Neneng" last_name: "" display_name: "Neneng" last_login: null is_activated: true registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" groups: ["Users"]
  • 23. GET /api/v1/users/:id Mengambil User REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { id: 2, email: "" first_name: "Neneng" last_name: "" display_name: "Neneng" last_login: null is_activated: true registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" groups: ["Users"] } @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 24. PATCH /api/v1/users/:id Memperbaharui Data User (sebagian) REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM Content-Type: application/json Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body (raw) {"first_name":"Neneng","last_name":"Caur"} RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { id: 2, email: "" first_name: "Neneng" last_name: "Caur" display_name: "Neneng Caur" last_login: null is_activated: true registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" groups: ["Users"] }
  • 25. PUT /api/v1/users/:id Memperbaharui Data User REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM Content-Type: application/json Content-MD5: md5($stringRequestBody.$clientSecret) Body (raw) {"email":"","password":"abcabc","group":"Users","activated": false,"first_name":"Neneng","last_name":"Caur"} RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body { id: 2, email: "" first_name: "Neneng" last_name: "Caur" display_name: "Neneng Caur" last_login: null is_activated: false registered_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" updated_at: "2014-05-03T04:29:34+07:00" groups: ["Users"] }
  • 26. DELETE /api/v1/users/:id Menghapus Data User REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM RESPONSE Status 204 No Content Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 27. GET /api/v1/users Mengambil Daftar User REQUEST Header Authorization: Bearer 7E81Ojh0pSLgqtbHAHfYRrcfJ2HWNNYrNL4CqjEM Param offset=1&limit=1 RESPONSE Header X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 5000 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 4999 X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 3600 Body [ { id: 1 email: "" first_name: "Neneng" last_name: "" display_name: "Neneng" last_login: null is_activated: true registered_at: "2014-05-03T12:07:50+07:00" updated_at: "2014-05-03T12:07:50+07:00" } ] @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 29. Apache Web Server CGI/Fast CGI HTTP Basic Auth Server variable PHP_AUTH_USER dan PHP_AUTH_PW nyasar entah kemana :P SOLUSI .htaccess # Fix the HTTP basic auth RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman
  • 30. Nginx Web Server HTTP “Authorization” header Server variable HTTP_AUTHORIZATION nyasar entah kemana :P SOLUSI Konfigurasi Nginx server ignore_invalid_headers off; @sulaeman2014 by Sulaeman